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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, February 18, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 285 new cases, five deaths (media)
  • Lajcak:Dialogue to continue immediately after the formation of the government (Lajmi)
  • EU’s message is clear: New government of Kosovo to continue dialogue with Serbia (Express)
  • Redzepi: Vucic elected Bosnian MPs in Kosovo (media)
  • Kosnett urges Kosovo winning parties to form a government quickly (Express)
  • Orlando encourages Kurti to form new government as soon as possible (Koha)
  • Kosovo hit hard by COVID-19 pandemic as economy contracts by 6%, IMF report (Express)
  • Diaspora vote counting goes on (media)
  • PDK’s Lladrovci demands in an open letter mass resignation in party structures (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • 42 new cases of Covid-19, three deaths registered in Serbian areas in Kosovo (KoSSev)
  • Gracanica: The number of Covid-19 cases growing; The Crisis Staff calls for strict compliance with the measures (Kontakt plus radio, KiM radio)
  • Media: If Pristina makes a move, five countries are ready for de-recognition (B92)
  • Selakovic: Serbia doesn’t violate Washington agreement, but is not “silent observer” either (Kosovo-online)
  • Kurti for Vreme weekly: To overcome formulas such as historical dialogue and reconciliation (media)
  • Parties in Kosovo fined with more than EUR 120.000 over election irregularities (Radio KIM)
  • The RTS crew cannot enter Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio)
  • Pavicevic: Journalists have no obligation to announce the crossing (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, UNS)
  • Serbian List: Freedom of media and right to hear truth - essentials need of all societies striving for democracy (Radio kontakt plus)
  • "A good strategic move by the Serbian List, but only if they use it" (KiM radio)


  • EU and US so far show no interest in renewed threats to unify Albania and Kosovo (


  • Kosovo snap election: A chance for action (


  • Serbia vaccinated more than a million people (B92)



Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 285 new cases, five deaths (media)

Kosovo has recorded 297 new cases of COVID-19 and five deaths in the last 24 hours. 319 persons have recovered from the virus during this time, while the number of active cases is 6,818.

Lajcak:Dialogue to continue immediately after the formation of the government (Lajmi)

EU Special Envoy for Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak reiterated his call for the resumption of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, shortly after the formation of the new government.

"We managed to agree with both parties to reach a legally binding agreement which will provide a solution to all issues. We have reached consent on the first agreements in this process, so the situation with COVID-19 was not an obstacle for dialogue either," Lajcak told TVCG.

He said that although the process was interrupted, it was managed to get it back on track. In this context, Lajcak said that he expects the dialogue to continue after the formation of the new government in Kosovo.

EU’s message is clear: New government of Kosovo to continue dialogue with Serbia (Express)

The Office of the EU High Representative, Josep Borrell, told Gazeta Express that the EU was very clear in the joint statement issued Monday by Borrell and Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi urging Kosovo to continue dialogue on normalization of relations with Serbia.

The European Union and United States are urging Kosovo to resume the dialogue with Serbia once the new government is formed. But the Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti whose party the Vetevendosje marked a landslide victory on 14 February parliamentary election, in an interview with the Swiss newspaper Le Temps said the citizens of Kosovo see the dialogue with Serbia as sixth or seventh of the top priorities the new government should deal with.  But the EU and US representatives expect the next government which will be established by the Vetevnedosje to sit and negotiate with Serbia.

Peter Stano, lead Spokesperson for EU’s Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has reiterated the position of the EU High Representative Borrell stating that the EU was very clear in the joint statement issued on Monday urging the new government to continue the dialogue.

“The EU was very clear in the joint statement issued on Monday by HRVP Borrell and Commissioner Varhelyi, that we are looking forward to the formation of the new government and among other things also expect the new authorities in Pristina to engage constructively with a view to a continuation of the meetings of the EU-facilitated Dialogue and seize the opportunity in front of them to reach a comprehensive agreement. You will find more on this here,” Stano said.

Redzepi: Vucic elected Bosnian MPs in Kosovo (media)

Emilia Redzepi, chairwoman of the New Democratic Party in Kosovo, which represents the Bosniak community, gave an interview to the newspaper of Bosnia and Herzegovina, "Politicki".

Redzepi said that Vucic, with his influence, elected Bosniak MPs in Kosovo in the February 14 elections.

"According to the information we possess from the CEC, the mandates were won by Adrijana Hodzic and the Vakat coalition. This was a plan of the Serbian List through Adriana Hodzic, who has been in agreement with them for 20 years and with Rasim Demiri of Vakat, who was removed from the list of candidates due to the decision of the Constitutional Court.

“Their plan was to win our three seats and this can be seen as their votes come only from the Serb municipalities in Kosovo. We do not sell our national identity to anyone and we have constantly, in a dignified and honest manner, fought for our rights, asserting ourselves through the institutions of Kosovo, protecting the rights of the Bosnian people that the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo guarantees. And we will continue with our same strategy and vision, not allowing any influence from other countries," Redzepi said.

Redzhepi, told the Bosnian newspaper, that she expects to cooperate with Vetevendosje again, as her party was the only one from the minorities that had not voted for the overthrow of the Kurti government.

Kosnett urges Kosovo winning parties to form a government quickly (Express)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Philip Kosnett, urged winners of the 14 February election to form a government quickly and efficiently.

Kosovo held on 14 February early general election and according to the preliminary results the Vetevendosje led by Albin Kurti won 47.8 percent of votes.

Speaking at the Justice Academy judicial induction ceremony, Kosnett congratulated the people of Kosovo for the recent successful and peaceful election. “The people once again have spoken. I urge the winning parties to form a government quickly and efficiently. There is no time for delays when the new government faces so many challenges. Kosovo citizens deserve an effective government that fulfils its full mandate,” Kosnett said.

According to Kosnett, like elections, an independent judiciary, enshrined in both the U.S. and Kosovo Constitutions, is a key pillar of democracy. “An independent judiciary, a judiciary that does not cower to political pressure, is essential to upholding the rule of law. You, as judges, are vested with the power to enforce and adjudicate, but this must be rooted in evidence and the law itself. In your work, you must set aside anything that could distract or detract from the pursuit of justice and ensure a fair system for the people of Kosovo,” the US Ambassador said.

Orlando encourages Kurti to form the new government as soon as possible (Koha)

Italian Ambassador to Kosovo Nicola Orlando met today with the Vetevendosje Movement candidate for Prime Minister, Albin Kurti.

"In a friendly meeting, I congratulated Albin Kurti on the victory of the Vetevendosje Movement in the elections. We discussed the next steps and I encouraged him to form the new Government. I assured Kurti that Italy will continue to support Kosovo in reforms, dialogue and Euro-Atlantic integration," Orlando wrote on his Twitter account.

Kosovo hit hard by COVID-19 pandemic as economy contracts by 6%, IMF report (Express)

The Kosovo economy contracted by 6 per cent in 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). 

The Executive Board of the IMF announced to have concluded annual consultation with Kosovo and in its summarized views of Executive Directors of IMF published Wednesday concludes that Kosovo has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Despite policy support, economic activity is estimated to have fallen 6 percent in 2020 on account of the combined effect of strict domestic containment measures and international travel restrictions,” the IMF says.

According to the report the fiscal deficit increased to 7.7 percent of GDP, given the large fall in tax revenues and the implementation of mitigation and recovery measures of 4.2 percent of GDP. The current account deficit is estimated to have increased to 7.5 percent of GDP mainly due to a large decline in diaspora-related inflows, most notably in tourism.

Gross international reserves declined but remain adequate in part due to the purchase under the IMF’s Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) in April 2020 and the use of other external financing. Banks have weathered the recession well to date, and the high pre-COVID19 liquidity levels and ample capital buffers bode well for the system’s stability.

According to the report the executive directors commended the Kosovo authorities’ swift and comprehensive policy response, which has helped mitigate the health, social, and economic impact of the pandemic. Directors considered that policies should remain broadly supportive and flexible given downside risks and uncertainty. Noting that the crisis compounded pre-existing vulnerabilities, Directors emphasized the importance of reinvigorating structural reforms to promote stronger, more inclusive growth.

Diaspora vote counting goes on (media)

In the Center for Counting and Results, the process of verification for the votes coming from outside of Kosovo from 2-12 February, is still underway.

“This process aims to verify if the boxes in question were sent from registered voters that live abroad and if they fulfill all the legal criteria. At the end of this verification process which will take several days we will know the exact number of ballots coming in from abroad,” said Valmir Elezi, spokesman for the Central Elections Commission

It is estimated that from February 2- 12, around 43 thousand ballot packages came from the Kosovar diaspora, where on package could contain more than one ballot. As of now, after the legal material was recognized by all balloting stations, the CEC has compiled a report regarding the situation.

“Out of 2 thousand and 382 balloting stations, a very small number, around 80 of them weren’t able to be processed, for various reasons: inconsistencies with signatures or result forms that weren’t signed by Members of the Balloting Station Council. These balloting stations will be seen more closely in order to identify the specific problems, which will later be compiled in a report with recommendation for CEC,” said Elezi.  

During the February 14 elections, 1.8 million people had the right to vote and the political party with the highest percentage based on preliminary results was LVV (Self-Determination Movement).

PDK’s Lladrovci demands in an open letter mass resignation in party structures (Koha)

The Mayor of Drenas, Ramiz Lladrovci, through an open letter has asked the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) to remove the persons he considers responsible for the result of the February 14 elections.

He wrote in a Facebook post that the contraction of the PDK reached an alarming point, for many reasons, and made further several demands, including resignation of each chairman of the branch where PDK has suffered loss of electorate or significant weakening; dismissal of each PDK leadership member ‘who in the public opinion has had and still has mortgages for dishonesty, criminal offenses or charges’; immediate reorganization at the branch level; dismissal of incompetent, servile and wrongdoing staff; substantial reorganization of internal elections; Internal debate on major issues and goals; change of statute and program as well as  changing the triumphalist course to the real opposition course.



Serbian Language Media


42 new cases of Covid-19, three deaths registered in Serbian areas in Kosovo (KoSSev)

Out of 124 testes samples over the last 24 hours, 42 were positive on Covid-19, while three persons passed away in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo, Crisis Committee of Mitrovica North announced today, KoSSev portal reports.

Out of 42 new cases, 29 were registered in northern Kosovo, and 13 in central Kosovo.

The breakdown of new cases is as follows: 12 in Mitrovica North, ten in Zvecan, five each in Gnjilane and Strpce, four in Leposavic, three in Zubin Potok, two in Gracanica and one in Kamenica.

Also, three persons have passed away due to Covid-19 related complications bringing the total number of deaths in the Serbian areas in Kosovo to 107.

Meanwhile, 15 persons have completed a two-week isolation period. The total number of active cases of Covid-19 in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo is 320. 

Gracanica: The number of Covid-19 cases growing; The Crisis Staff calls for strict compliance with the measures (Kontakt plus radio, KiM radio)

In the municipality of Gracanica, 24 hours only, Covid-19 was confirmed in 14 more patients. The number of hospitalized is also increasing, the Crisis Staff of the Municipality of Gracanica announced.

At the infectious department in Laplje Selo, 28 patients were taken care of, said the announcement.

Since the beginning of this week, the number of positive patients is 27, and almost 10 patients more in hospital treatment compared to the previous week, read the announcement.

As announced, due to the increase in the number of infected, the control of the inspection bodies of the municipality of Gracanica will be strengthened, which, in cooperation with the police, will punish any non-compliance with the measures in the coming days.

The Crisis Staff of the Municipality of Gracanica reminds that in addition to the obligatory wearing of masks and keeping a social distance, strict anti-measures are in force, even though this municipality is in the green zone.

"We appeal to the citizens to reduce their social activities to a minimum, especially when it comes to family celebrations and gatherings. We also remind all institutions, economic and business entities, especially caterers, to adjust their work to the conditions of the pandemic and adhere to the prescribed measures in order to preserve public health. Any non-compliance with the measures will be punished. All positive cases, as well as members of their families, were ordered to be strictly isolated. Violation of this decision will also be severely punished," warn the Crisis Staff.

Doctors of the Clinical Hospital Center and health centers appeal to the citizens to respect the measures, and thus to show responsibility for their own and the health of their loved ones in order to prevent the spread of the infection.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, on the territory of the municipality of Gracanica, 418 patients have been infected with Covid-19.

Media: If Pristina makes a move, five countries are ready for de-recognition (B92)

Serbia has firm guarantees from five countries that they are ready to withdraw the recognition of Kosovo independence, Belgrade media write.

If Pristina violates the agreement according to which it should refrain from applying for admission to international organizations, Belgrade will ask those countries to activate the process of withdrawing recognition, Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti daily reported, citing sources in the Government of Serbia.

The paper recalled that with the Washington agreement from September last year, Belgrade and Pristina committed themselves to a one-year moratorium on the de-recognition campaign, i.e. on submitting a request for admission to one of the international organizations.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said earlier that he "has information" that Albanians want to join Kosovo in the Conference of International Courts, stating that if that happens, Serbia will be "forced to respond in the way that a serious and responsible state does."

"And they will not like the answer at all. I do not believe that they will be happy with the new withdrawals of recognition, and I can now tell them that there will be de-recognitions", Vucic said.

See at:

Selakovic: Serbia doesn’t violate Washington agreement, but is not “silent observer” either (Kosovo-online)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Nikola Selakovic said today Serbia honors its obligations deriving from the Washington agreement, however, as he emphasized, if others do not honor their obligations, Serbia will not act as a “voodoo-doll” and “silent observer”.

Selakovic made these remarks, following the meeting with his North Macedonian counterpart Bujar Osmani, commenting on the media allegations that five countries in the world were ready to revoke recognition of Kosovo.

Asked if this means that Belgrade continues its de-recognition of Kosovo campaign, since Pristina continues its lobbying activities to become a member of international organizations, something not in line with the Washington agreement as it obliged Pristina to a moratorium, Selakovic said Serbia acts as a credible partner and a credible state, and respects what was agreed with the other side, meaning “Serbia is not the one violating the agreements”.

“We honor our obligations from the Washington agreement, however, if others do not respect their obligations, they should not expect Serbia to act as a “voodoo-doll” or silent observer”, Selakovic said.

He added, Serbia gives advantage to the dialogue as a way to resolve all open issues, both internal and regional issues of the interest of Serbia.

Kurti for Vreme weekly: To overcome formulas such as historical dialogue and reconciliation (media)

The leader of the Self-Determination movement and the most serious candidate for the new Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, assessed that it is necessary to overcome formulas such as "dialogue and reconciliation" or "historical dialogue" regarding the normalization of relations with Serbia, reported Serbian media, quoting Belgrade based weekly Vreme. 

Kurti stated for the new issue of the weekly Vreme that the dialogue on the normalization of relations with Serbia cannot be the "number one" priority because, as he said, all public opinion polls in Kosovo "show that it is not a priority".

"In the desire for compromise, the dialogue on the normalization of relations with Serbia can be number three or four in the order of priority. I want to engage in social dialogue for development with Serbs in Kosovo. The beneficiaries of the dialogue should be citizens and not politicians who are looking at how to sell the outcome to public opinion," Kurti said.

He assessed that Serbian and Albanian farmers should be gathered and discuss "about seeds, machines, production, fuel subsidies...".

"We have to think outside the register of identities, because whenever there is development, there is also integration, people talk. Look at the example of the fight against mini hydro power plants in which Albanians and Serbs participate together," said the leader of Self-Determination.

Parties in Kosovo fined with more than EUR 120.000 over election irregularities (Radio KIM)

Six political entities have been fined with more than EUR 120.000 over violation of pre-election silence and irregularities recorded on election day, February 14, Radio KIM reports. Among them is Serbian List as well, which is fined with EUR 1.000, Election Complaints and Appeals Panel said.

This panel held three sessions over the previous days and made decisions on 134 complaints relating to the violation of the election process it has received.

The panel found 117 complaints as grounded, seven were rejected as ungrounded, 11 were found inadmissible, two rejected as untimely, and one has been withdrawn.

Following deliberation, the panel issued fines in a total amount of EUR 121.250. PDK was fined with EUR 42.500, LVV - EUR 37.500, LDK – EUR 22.000, AAK – EUR 16.250, NISMA – EUR 2000, and Serbian List – EUR 1000.

The complaints related to the violation of Election Day silence, e.g. calls to vote for a particular political entity, urging candidates to vote though the portals, distribution or publishing photos relating to the election acclivities on social media such as Facebook.

The parties were also fined for running campaigns 100 meters away from the polling stations, sending text messages relating to the voting, placing posters with photos of the candidates nearby schools, placing posters of the candidates in a yard of a polling center, ruining campaigns on election day and so on. 

The RTS crew cannot enter Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio)

After four days of waiting at the Jarinje crossing, the RTS crew was officially informed that it could not enter Kosovo, because it allegedly did not submit a request to the liaison officer Dejan Pavicevic, reported Kontakt plus radio.

Editor Svetlana Vukmirovic stated that was a ridiculous excuse, since the rule on announcements of entering Kosovo 72 hours earlier applies to statesmen, and not to media workers

She said that the explanation of Pristina was unfounded and frivolous, because they were in constant contact with the liaison officer since Monday.

The RTS crew is returning to Belgrade, reported the radio.

Pavicevic: Journalists have no obligation to announce the crossing (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, UNS)

The liaison officer of the Government of Serbia with Pristina, Dejan Pavicevic, stated today that journalists have no obligation to announce their entry into Kosovo, as well as that he was in contact with the RTS team which the Kosovo police has not allowed to cross the Jarinje administrative crossing for four days, reported portal Kosovo Online. 

The explanation given to the RTS crew was that they did not announce it to the liaison officer, reported the portal, quoting Tanjug agency. 

Pavicevic told the Association of Journalists of Serbia that according to the Brussels Agreement, the crossing of journalists "absolutely has never been announced".

"This applies only to the highest state officials. I have been in contact with the RTS crew from the beginning, all parties have been informed about this case immediately. We will now ask Brussels to take concrete steps, because this is a flagrant violation of the Agreement, freedom of movement and rights of the journalists to freedom of reporting. This is an anti-civilization act and we will seek for it to be stopped," Pavicevic said, according to UNS.

Serbian List: Freedom of media and right to hear truth - essentials need of all societies striving for democracy (Radio kontakt plus)

Serbian List (SL) in strongest terms condemned today behavior of Kosovo police, which in the previous few days prevented three journalist teams - RTV Pink, RTV Kraljevo and RTS - from entering Kosovo, Radio kontakt plus reports.  

As pointed out in the communiqué, by such behavior, Pristina violates the right of journalists to freedom of movement, but also the right to work and freedom of reporting.

“It is absolutely no coincidence that the RTS team, which produces ‘Right to Tomorrow’ show, is banned from entering, which in a very responsible and professional way documents the illegal behavior of Kosovo institutions,  which are obviously bothered by having the truth presented to the public about institutional pressure on Serbs in this area”, the SL said.

It urged representatives of the international community, but also on the associations of journalists, to react most urgently.

"A good strategic move by the Serbian List, but only if they use it" (KiM radio)

The Serbian list made a good strategic move by "helping" the representatives of the Bosniak, Roma and Gorani initiatives to get a sufficient number of votes to enter the Assembly of Kosovo, said Dejan Radivojevic, Dusan Radakovic and Darko Dimitrijevic at the debate "Post-election expectations of the Serb community in Kosovo", reported KiM radio.  

Radivojevic said that "this opens the possibility for better political moves and positioning of the Serbian List, regardless of whether it will be in the ruling coalition or not."

The election result of the Serbian List was completely expected, considering that "this party has absolutely all the mechanisms, both within Kosovo and within the Serbian system", says journalist Darko Dimitrijevic. Speaking about collective voting as a model that the Serbian List has been applying in the last few election processes, the editor-in-chief of Radio Gorazdevac points out that it is not a reflection of democracy and free opinion.

"Exactly that collective voting testifies that mobbing is open on the political scene, and I am sorry that there are no organizations that want to say that openly. That is what we have had all these years when it comes to the election process. This time we didn't have videos like the video against Oliver Ivanovic, the atmosphere was much better. But I must also say that we have an increasingly passive voting body that votes by default, as projected by the ruling majority."

"Pre-coalition agreements and deals are a reality" 

Dusan Radakovic, who followed the election process in front of "Democracy in Action", is not surprised by the large number of votes for Adriana Hodzic's list in four municipalities in northern Kosovo, since, as he said, she did a lot for North Mitrovica during the municipal formation period.

"It was not easy to install Kosovo institutions in the north. I know a lot of people who voted for her because she personally did a lot as far as the municipalities in the north are concerned. Many things go through the institutions in Kosovo because of Adriana Hodzic, because of her good relations with the central level," Radakovic said.

When asked to comment on certain allegations that the Serbian List ordered its voters to vote for Gazmen Salijevic's Roma Initiative and the "United Together" list led by Adrijana Hodzic, Radivojevic said:

"What has been ordered, what has not been ordered ... We live in a democratic society. Pre-coalition agreements and deals have become a reality of today's society, let's not lie about it. It is insane to me to say, "Why a Serb should vote for Adriana Hodzic?". And why not? Why do I have to vote only for the Serbian party?” Radakovic asked. 

However, Dejan Radivojevic of the Forum for Development and Multiethnic Cooperation (FDMC) says he is surprised by the great support for the Roma Initiative in Gracanica. However, he is happy that, as he says, this initiative will have its deputies in the Assembly of Kosovo.

"It's a novelty and it's good. Strategically speaking, the Serbian List with its satellites wants to secure that double two-thirds majority, to have those 14 deputies from minority ranks in order to possibly have some influence, which is good, if used the right way, and that is legitimate. It is a par excellence move, if that happens," says Radivojevic, emphasizing that the Serbian List would have a great influence in passing the law in that case.

"If they have those 14 (in the Assembly), no serious law, and above all we are talking about the Constitution of Kosovo, can be changed if those 14 people from other communities do not vote. It is a huge negotiating body, and a blackmail policy that can enable many things. This is a seriously good move, no matter what anyone thinks about it. If used properly. We will see how much that will be reflected on the citizens," says Dusan Radakovic.

Darko Dimitrijevic hopes that the citizens, not only the Serb, but also the Bosniak, Roma and Gorani communities will benefit the most from that.

"Those other communities, except the Serbian one, are somehow used to following the majority parties and adjusting to the political conditions that the majority community dictates. This can change that situation and that was legitimate in my opinion. Independence cannot be eaten. You don't live from it and that is the essence of the whole story, to live with dignity, to respect the rights, to respect all laws. This is not only a problem of the Serbian community. When it comes to jobs, representation in institutions, in that sense, in my opinion, this is a good move. I am just afraid that they will not play too much, in that political enthusiasm, thus forgetting about an ordinary man," says Dimitrijevic.






EU and US so far show no interest in renewed threats to unify Albania and Kosovo (

The EU and U.S. seem oblivious to threats made last week by Kosovan political opposition leader Ramush Haradinaj to unite Kosovo with Albania if Serbia does not recognize Pristina’s self-proclaimed independence.

This is mostly because the West are not united on the Kosovo issue.

The EU attributes the threat to unify the breakaway Serbian province with Albania to the election campaign that was underway in Kosovo, but that is not a reason for Brussels to stay silent.

The EU did not react strongly against these statements by Kosovo’s political leaders because it is convinced that it is only pre-election populist rhetoric that will quickly dissipate.

An EU spokesman did comment on the statements, but it was more tokenistic and appeared to be a forced effort.

See more at:





Kosovo snap election: A chance for action (

The results of this week’s election could be transformative for Kosovo – but the challenges facing its new leaders are daunting

Today marks 13 years since Kosovo’s declaration of independence. But this year’s anniversary differs considerably from its predecessors, as the country looks out on a transformed political landscape. The youngest European state held yet another snap election last Sunday, the sixth such poll since 2010 – only this time the results point to drastic changes unique not only for Kosovo but also within the Western Balkans. The clear winner is a left-wing party headed by a former student revolutionary leader, Albin Kurti, who is popular among urbanites and young people. Kurti’s party, Vetevendosje, formed a pre-election coalition with a centre-right list led by Vjosa Osmani, the acting president of Kosovo. Can they meet the enormous socio-economic challenges and the sky-high expectations of a population still suffering from the pandemic?   

See more at:

Serbian Church Picks Patriarch, Politics in Play (Balkan Insight)

Aleksandar Vucic will have his favourites in the race to head the powerful Serbian Orthodox Church, but his influence is limited.

Mindful of events in neighbouring Montenegro and the pressure of negotiations on Kosovo, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has a lot riding on Thursday’s selection of a new patriarch at the helm of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Bishops will choose the 46th patriarch following three months of whisperings and intrigue since the death of 90 year-old Patriarch Irinej from COVID-19.

Politicians in Serbia have long sought to sway the process of selecting a new patriarch, given the influence and popularity the Church enjoys in Serbian society and its readiness to speak out on the issue of Kosovo, Serbia’s former southern province.

See more at:





Serbia vaccinated more than a million people (B92)

According to the latest data from the Government sources, 1.018.937 vaccinations against coronavirus were performed in Serbia.

According to the number of vaccinated per million inhabitants, Serbia is second in Europe, after Great Britain.

In the world, Serbia ranks 6th in the number of vaccinations per million inhabitants, after Israel, the Seychelles, the United Arab Emirates, Great Britain and the United States.

On the other hand, day by day, the communal militia discovers “corona parties”, while epidemiologists warn this was unacceptable and that because of that, but also in the previous holidays during which all capacities in the mountains were filled, Serbian is threatened by a significant increase in the number of new patients.