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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 4, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: Kosovo has demonstrated its will for de-escalation (media)
  • Kurti: Allowing Basic Agreement to go without signatures, a big mistake (Koha)
  • Kosovo leaders’ messages on July 4 (media)
  • Kurti confirms meeting with Lajcak today (Nacionale)
  • Albanian PM Rama to stay in Pristina and Belgrade this week (Kosovapress)
  • Stoltenberg’s term as NATO SG extended until October 2024 (media)
  • Krasniqi meets Rasic: Four Serbs become part of Lulzim Hetemi’s office (Albanian Post)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Dacic on the Serbian List appeal: A political message demanding the reaction of the state of Serbia (Beta, Kontakt plus radio, B92)
  • Ambassador Tolkach: Ukraine will not change stance on Kosovo (Tanjug)
  • Lawyer files appeal for protection of legality to Supreme Court in case of Dalibor Spasic (Kosovo Online)
  • Brnabic met PMs of Netherlands, Luxembourg (Tanjug, media)
  • Petkovic: Rada Trajkovic attacking Serbs with same forcefulness as her boss Kurti (Kosovo Online)
  • Rada Trajkovic: Kurti in a conflict with the EU and USA (KiM radio, N1)
  • Brnabic, Michel discuss in Brussels stability in W. Balkans, EU integration (Tanjug)
  • EC launches new Western Balkans investment package (FoNet, N1)
  • Stano: Lajcak arrives to finally achieve de-escalation (Beta, Danas)



Albanian Language Media  


Osmani: Kosovo has demonstrated its will for de-escalation (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said today that “Kosovo has demonstrated the will for de-escalation, by offering to organise new elections in the north of the country and that the establishment of law and order is in line with the investment over the years of the EU states in order to promote and protect the rule of law throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.”

Osmani made these remarks during a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, and the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel. The trilateral meeting focused on the current political and security situation in the country, strengthening of trilateral relations, fostering cooperation and discussing key areas of common interest.

Osmani thanked both the Netherlands and Luxembourg for their support in the visa liberalisation process for Kosovo and underlined the common values and goals that bind the three European countries together.

Osmani said that Kosovo’s application for membership in the Council of Europe and the EU are a strategic orientation and stated the need for support and acceleration of Kosovo’s membership in these two organisations.

A press release issued by Osmani’s office notes that “part of the discussion with the two prime ministers focused on the current security situation in the north of the country. At the meeting, President Osmani expressed the commitment of Kosovo’s institutions to overcome challenges together with partners and allies. In this context, President Osmani emphasised that the attacks on Kosovo Police, EULEX, KFOR, citizens and journalists by illegal and criminal structures in the north of the country should not go unpunished.”

On the dialogue process with Serbia, Osmani said that Kosovo continues to be a constructive party while Serbia refuses to implement the agreements reached and contravenes the last Brussels agreement reached in Ohrid.

“Osmani and Prime Ministers Rutte and Bettel also discussed the possibilities of increasing bilateral cooperation in various areas of common interest. President Osmani’s meeting with Prime Ministers Rutte and Bettel concluded with the reconfirmation of the joint commitment to the advancement of cooperation and promotion of peace and stability in the region and beyond,” the press release notes.

Kurti: Allowing Basic Agreement to go without signatures, a big mistake (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said today that allowing the Basic Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia reached in Brussels on February 27 to go without signatures from the two parties was a big mistake. He argued that this made way for violations and the non-implementation of the agreement.

At a joint press conference with his counterparts from the Netherlands and Luxembourg, Mark Rutte and Xavier Bettel, Kurti said that the Basic Agreement helped achieve something that had not been imaginable before. “The good news is that we have an agreement and this needs to be appreciated because it was made possible by the European Union, under the patronage and mediation of the EU, the European Commission, we reached an agreement that was unimaginable two years ago,” he said.

According to Kurti, the agreement contains the de-faction recognition of Kosovo by Serbia. “Anyone who reads the 11 points of the Basic Agreement will reach the conclusion that is de-facto recognition. Certainly, the difficulties that we face is the lack of implementation and this started by allowing the process to go without securing signatures from both parties. This was a big mistake, because the fact that the agreement was not signed, opened the door to its violation or non-implementation,” he argued.

On the dialogue for the normalisation of relations with Serbia, Kurti said that Kosovo remains committed to good neighbourly relations. “We want European solutions and for this we have the basic agreement of February 27 and the implementation annex of March 17, and we want these to be implemented in their entirety without delays and without conditions,” he said.

“Democracies show solidarity with one another when faced with autocracies. Therefore, the democratic progress of Kosovo is an opportunity not only for our state and society but also for the European Union to push forward reforms and the transformation of the Western Balkans”.

Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, commenting on the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, said that there will be no winners in the end if there is conflict. He said that Luxembourg wants to listen and help the parties and that open dialogue is needed between Kosovo and Serbia.

Bettel said that stability is important for all and that the parties need to implement the EU roadmap. “When these visits were planned, we didn’t know that there would be tensions. We try to build bridges. We were in Belgrade yesterday, and today we are in Pristina. It is important for us to know that there is a roadmap for the dialogue. We need to avoid any possibility of a potential crisis which mostly affects the people. You can count on us. For us it is important to believe in the work of EU facilitators. It is good to have open dialogue. We will also be meeting NGOs here,” he said.

Bettel also said that Kosovo is part of the European family and at the end of his address said that “as politicians, we make the decisions, but the people live with the consequences”.

Radio Free Europe quotes the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, as saying that the best way to de-escalate the situation is for the parties to meet the conditions set forth by the European Union. “Today we expressed our concerns about the growing tensions between Kosovo and Serbia, and the Netherlands and Luxembourg try through dialogue to lower tensions and to normalise relations between the two countries. This is important not only for peace and stability in the region, but also for prosperity and integration in the European Union,” he said.

Stano: Lajcak in Pristina, to find definite path for de-escalation (Kosovapress)

Spokesperson for the European Union, Peter Stano, said today that de-escalation must happen immediately. He said that the EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, is staying in Kosovo to find a definite path for de-escalation and to return to talks for normalisation.

Stano said Lajcak often travels to the region also in the spirit of discussions at the EU Council. “High Representative, Josep Borrell, has asked the EU Special Representative, Lajcak, to travel to both Pristina and Belgrade to push forward issues in order to find a definite path for de-escalation so that we don’t have more escalation, so that we don’t become witness of continued tensions but to de-escalate and return to the talks for normalisation within the dialogue,” he said.

Stano recalled that leaders of 27 EU member states have called on both parties for de-escalation. He said that currently there are on conditions for a new meeting in the dialogue. 

Kurti confirms meeting with Lajcak today (Nacionale)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti confirmed that he will be meeting with the EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, today. “Yes, I will meet with the European envoy, Miroslav Lajcak, today. On Sunday I had a half hour telephone conversation with chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, and as a continuation of this, we will be meeting this afternoon,” Kurti told reporters.

Kosovo leaders’ messages on July 4 (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, on the occasion of July 4, writes in a Twitter post: “Happy Fourth of July to President of the United States Biden and our American friends and allies! Today, we join you in celebrating your great nation and the ideals & values that the heart of every American and every Kosovar beats to. May our steadfast partnership continue to grow stronger”.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti writes in a Twitter post: “The United States Declaration of Independence contains one of the most powerful visions of freedom & equality known to the world. That vision—and the shared values it expresses—form the bedrock of our nations' alliance. As that vision is eternal, so also is the alliance. Happy 4th of July!”

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader, Memli Krasniqi, said that the efforts of the people of Kosovo “for liberation and independence were successfully finalised with the unreserved help and support of the United States. With committed diplomacy, determined politics and continuous engagement, the United States of America became the voice of justice for the people of Kosovo. Before, during and after the war for freedom. Even to this day! PDK remains highly committed to safeguarding and strengthening the friendship and holy alliance between our peoples and countries. Happy 4th July”.

Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader, Ramush Haradinaj, in his message on July 4, said the United States are always an inspiration for Kosovo and that it “would be in Kosovo’s honour to declare July 4 a state holiday”.

Albanian PM Rama to stay in Pristina and Belgrade this week (Kosovapress)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama will stay in Pristina and Belgrade this week as part of his tour within the Berlin Process but will also discuss the situation in the north of Kosovo. The Radio Television of Albania (RTSH) reports that Rama will also visit Sarajevo and Skopje and meet with heads of states. It also recalls that several days ago, Rama said that the Open Balkan has concluded its original mission to push forward the Berlin Process and that the leaders of the Balkans must focus on this initiative now. Tirana will host the next summit of the Berlin Process on October 16.

Krasniqi meets Rasic: Four Serbs become part of Lulzim Hetemi’s office (Albanian Post)

Kosovo’s Minister for Local Government, Elbert Krasniqi, after meeting Minister for Communities and Returns Nenad Rasic today, said that he informed him about the decision of Leposavic Mayor Lulzim Hetemi to appoint four Serbs as directors in his office.

“I informed [him] about creating opportunities for citizens from the Serb community and we also talked about the inclusion of local Serbs in local government, and I informed him about the latest decision of Leposavic Mayor Lulzim Hetemi to appointed four new directors,” Krasniqi writes in a Facebook post.

Krasniqi also said that “the support for municipalities in the Republic of Kosovo remains a priority for the government and our continued engagement”. “Governance at the local level is focused on every citizen without any difference or exclusion and is supported by different initiatives from the central government. Cooperation with the municipalities will continue, and so will the support from the government”.

Stoltenberg’s term as NATO SG extended until October 2024 (media)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s term has been extended until October 1, 2024. “Honoured by #NATO Allies' decision to extend my term as Secretary General until 1 October 2024. The transatlantic bond between Europe & North America has ensured our freedom & security for nearly 75 years, and in a more dangerous world, our Alliance is more important than ever,” Stoltenberg writes on Twitter.




Serbian Language Media 


Dacic on the Serbian List appeal: A political message demanding the reaction of the state of Serbia (Beta, Kontakt plus radio, B92)

Serbian MFA Ivica Dacic assessed that yesterday's appeal by the Serbian List to the Government of Serbia, to declare the forces of the special Kosovo police in the north of Kosovo as a terrorist organisation, was a political message demanding a reaction from the state of Serbia, reported Kontakt plus radio. 

Dacic told B92 television that the current "structure" of politicians in Pristina "stemmed from the terrorist organisation KLA" and added that "that line has been present in Kosovo and Metohija for many years."

"Even the US government had them on the list of terrorist organisations so that they would eventually be presented as a 'liberation army.' After 2000, they conducted various transformations of the KLA, even though according to Resolution 1244 there is an obligation to disband all armed formations," said Dacic.

He assessed that Pristina's intention was to declare certain organisations from the north of Kosovo "terrorist", to cause fear and the emigration of Serbs from that area.

"This opened the hunt for Serbs, they can declare our entire people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija as terrorists," Dacic said.

Commenting the statement of Kosovo PM Albin Kurti that 45 persons belonging to the terrorist organisations "Civil Protection" and "Northern Brigade" have been identified in the north of Kosovo, Dacic asked if Belgrade should publish the names of all Albanians from Kosovo, but also from Bujanovac and Presevo, who, according to him, have been demonstrating against Serbia for years.

"Is that the way to normalisation? Supposedly Serbs have the right to express their political views," said Dacic.

Dacic, as the leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), dismissed as "nonsense" the assessment that the SPS will "betray" Aleksandar Vucic and will "get closer" to the opposition in Serbia.

"Who should I approach when I have more votes than all of them combined? SPS is a serious political party. Daily political interests do not guide us," said Dacic.

Ambassador Tolkach: Ukraine will not change stance on Kosovo (Tanjug)

Ambassador of Ukraine to Serbia, Volodymyr Tolkach thanked today Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for drawing attention to the situation in Ukraine with his statement, for the humanitarian help Ukrainian people are receiving and for creating particularly conducive conditions for displaced people from Ukraine who came to Serbia, Tanjug news agency reports.

He underlined the principled stance of Ukraine with regards to respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and support to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue under EU’s mediation, the statement from Ukrainian Embassy reads.

Lawyer files appeal for protection of legality to Supreme Court in case of Dalibor Spasic (Kosovo Online)

Srdjan Mitrovic, defence lawyer of Dalibor Spasic who was sent to one-month detention on June 19 for alleged attack against journalists and hooliganism, told Kosovo Online that he had filed an appeal for the protection of legality to the Supreme Court, given that the Court of Appeals for 14 days did not take action with regards to his complaint on detention measure imposed by first-instance court.

“The Court of Appeals has a legal obligation to react within four days since the day of the filed complaint on detention measure. However, it has been 14 days since then and we have received no response. I filed an appeal for the protection of legality to the Kosovo Supreme Court, and I was forced to do so, as no reaction to the complaint was made. I filed an appeal based on the European Convention on Human Rights, Kosovo Constitution and violation of the proceedings”, he said.

He also said that the first imposed detention measure on his client should expire on July 17, adding “they keep him in prison on the basis of invalid decision of the first instance court”.

He said that an EULEX official contacted him regarding the case and that he informed them about the steps he undertook.

The lawyer also argued that by violation of the rules of the proceedings, the right to appeal, the right to fair trial, and the right to trial within reasonable time of his client had been violated, thus violating his fundamental human right – right to freedom.

Dalibor Spasic, a medical technician in Mitrovica North hospital was arrested by Kosovo police at Jarinje crossing point on June 19, in presence of his wife and underage daughter upon returning from central Serbia. 

Brnabic met PMs of Netherlands, Luxembourg (Tanjug, media)

Serbian PM Ana Brnabic met with the PMs of The Netherlands and Luxembourg, Mark Rutte and Xavier Bettel, in Belgrade on Monday evening, and said their visit to Serbia represented a unique and a very important political event.

She noted the visit demonstrated that bilateral relations with the two countries were very good and that political dialogue had been particularly stepped up as a result of the visit, the Serbian government said in a statement.

Brnabic informed Rutte and Bettel of reforms Serbia was carrying out on that path, especially in the fields of the judiciary, media freedoms and safety of journalists.

She said Belgrade was fully committed to dialogue with Pristina and added that the issue of unreserved protection for, and ensuring safety to, the Serb community in Kosovo was equally important to Belgrade.

We are committed to preservation of peace and stability in Kosovo and to finding a solution through dialogue, as also testified by the constructiveness continuously demonstrated by the Serbian side, Brnabic noted.

The parties agreed on the significance of maintaining peace and stability in the Balkans and the importance of the European perspective of Serbia and the entire Western Balkans, the statement also said.

Petkovic: Rada Trajkovic attacking Serbs with same forcefulness as her boss Kurti (Kosovo Online)

Member of SNS Presidency Petar Petkovic said, in a response to the statements made by the President of the European Movement of Serbs from KiM Rada Trajkovic, that Trajkovic “attacks Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija with the same forcefulness as her boss Albin Kurti and that, according to the same ideological matrix, she shifts the main blame for the escalation of the crisis to Belgrade”.

“According to the good old custom of Rada Trajkovic, she attacks the Serbs from KiM with the same forcefulness as her boss Albin Kurti, and according to the same ideological matrix, he shifts the main blame for the escalation of the crisis to Belgrade. Accordingly, we will not hear a single word from Kurti’s Rada about the innocent arrested and beaten Serbs who, for no reason whatsoever, are in Pristina's prisons. Nothing strange for someone who long ago left the Serbian national corps, for the sake of personal interest. According to Rada Trajkovic, Kurti arouses mistrust among Albanians with his violent anti-Serb actions, but not hers. She is already used to being in cahoots with declared anti-Serbs like Bernard Kushner, and it is not difficult for her to work against the interests of her own people even in this moment that has never been more difficult for the Serbs in Kosovo,” Petkovic said.

As he added, that’s why even today, “while she herself admits that for her Kosovo is separate from Serbia, with her friends Kurti and Svecla, she criminalises all honourable Serbs from KiM who oppose their violence and Greater Albanian terror, and thus prepares the ground for them, creates space and provides an alibi for new unilateral anti-Serb actions directed against the Serbian bare-handed people”.

Petkovic stated that Belgrade is doing everything to preserve peace.

“But the state and President Aleksandar Vucic will never allow a new pogrom and expulsion of Serbs, no matter how much Rada Trajkovic tries to help Kurti achieve his goal, which implies a Kosovo and Metohija without Serbs,” Petkovic said.

Rada Trajkovic: Kurti in a conflict with the EU and USA (KiM radio, N1)

The President of the European Movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, Rada Trajkovic, told N1 this morning that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, are the main culprits for the current escalation of the crisis in Kosovo and Metohija, reported KiM radio.

She assessed that Lajcak’s visit to Pristina and Belgrade “makes sense, especially for people in Kosovo who feel hopeless and abandoned.”

“We are in a very difficult moment. When Russia’s aggression against Ukraine flares up, it is also a big, major problem for the international community. For those who are working on destabilisation, the perception is that they are working for Russia and for those who are in favour of aggression, and not for those who are trying to defend Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. And we are small, weak and it is easy to find a cure for us. I want to say that Kurti arouses mistrust among Albanians because of his decisions. It’s not easy to do the opposite of the US and EU recommendations, and he does it continuously,” said Trajkovic. 

According to her, Kurti publicly advocates for the EU and the USA, but that his statements and actions say the opposite.

“Kurti does not work together with their traditional friends from the international community who helped them win separation from Serbia. Yesterday, Clinton also called them out from Albania,” Trajkovic said. 

She stated that sanctions have been imposed against Kosovo by the international community, and that she expects them to be tightened.

“Sanctions are being prepared that will ban Kosovo’s exports to the EU in the future, which means that Pristina is going into an economic blockade. Kurti’s behaviour strengthened the ‘enclavisation’ and ghettoization of Serbs. The people retreated into their communities, frightened, and confused. But he also ghettoised the Albanian people,” she opined.

She recalled that the horrible images went around the world with the arrest of certain Serbs who surrendered peacefully, and were subsequently mistreated in police stations, bags were placed on their heads, and then all of this was shown to the media. She suggested that this led to the effect that Albanians no longer feel safe while travelling through Serbia, even though they have no connection with it.

Veselinovic and Radoicic actively worked on criminalization for 10 years

She also criticises Aleksandar Vucic’s policy towards Kosovo and points out that he “installed a mafia in power, led by Veselinovic, Radoicic, and the head of police for the north, Bojic.”

“They have been working actively for 10 years to criminalise not only the north of Kosovo. They developed a whole network of people who initially had to listen to them, and that network grew stronger, especially after the murder of Oliver Ivanovic. Oliver worked on the structure of the Serbs, who he thought he believed were leading in the right way in terms of coexistence and common life with their Albanian neighbours... This criminalization of the Serbs grew stronger and the moment the indictment was brought against Radoicic and Veselinovic, they fled from Kosovo,” Trajkovic said.

She added that now they are “multimillionaires, and that they are one of the biggest users of the Serbian budget, that is, they use some of the biggest projects of our country.”

“Ana Brnabic assigns them these tasks. They became people who have planes and trucks and yachts. Now even without Vucic, they can finance certain groups,” Trajkovic said, reported KiM radio. 

However, she singled out President Aleksandar Vucic as the biggest and main culprit on the Serbian side, who influenced a lot of things in Kosovo.

She warned that if there is further escalation, there may be a mass exodus of Serbs from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.

Speaking about a possible international peace conference, reminiscent of Dayton, she replied. “It’s Rama’s idea. He is trying to save whatever can be saved. But, no matter what they say, the final solution cannot be reached without Russia. In the current conditions, such a conference cannot bring a solution that would be final... Also, it means that Kosovo will be undefined as an entity, and cannot enter the United Nations... Even if it takes place, ‘Dayton 2’ cannot bring a final solution,” she concluded.

Brnabic, Michel discuss in Brussels stability in W. Balkans, EU integration (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has begun a one-day visit to Brussels with a meeting with European Council President Charles Michel, Tanjug news agency reports.

"I am starting today's visit to Brussels with a meeting with the President of the European Council about the importance of European integration, preserving peace and stability in the Western Balkans, and overcoming all the challenges on Serbia's European path", Brnabic wrote in a Twitter post.

While in Brussels, Brnabic will attend a panel discussion on Serbia's EU future, hosted by the Euractiv Serbia media platform. She will also meet with other EU officials.

EC launches new Western Balkans investment package (FoNet, N1)

The European Commission launched a new investment package for the Western Balkans worth 2.1 billion Euro, the EU Info network said.

It said that the package which is the 5th investment package in the Economic and Investment Plan is intended to provide support for 14 investment companies in transport, energy, environment and human resources and support for the private sector in the region.

The projects were drawn up in close cooperation with Western Balkans partners and international financial institutions to speed up the region’s European prospects, the press release said.

It quoted European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi as saying that the new investment package sends the clear message that the future of the Western Balkans is in the European Union.

The investment package includes grants totaling 528 million Euro from the IPA III, bilateral contributions from EU member states and Norway, loans from international financial institutions and funds from Western Balkan economies.

Stano: Lajcak arrives to finally achieve de-escalation (Beta, Danas)

The EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak arriving to Pristina and Belgrade to, in accordance with the request of the leaders of the European Union, try to "bring about the final cessation of tension" in the north of Kosovo and their return to the dialogue on the normalization of relations, and this is the "immediate primary goal", Petar Stano said today in Brussels, reported Danas daily. 

Stano allowed the possibility of holding an international conference on Kosovo but explained that we should not focus on what might happen, but now we should focus on tangible steps to immediately stop the escalation in Kosovo, in accordance with the conclusions of the EU summit.

That's why Lajcak is in Pristina, and then he's going to Belgrade, added Stano.

High European Representative Josep Borrell ordered Lajcak to visit Pristina and Belgrade, in accordance with the views of the EU leaders.

Tomorrow in Belgrade, Lajcak will talk with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, announced Vucic's office.

Stano said that Lajcak's visits to Pristina and Belgrade, as well as the arrival of certain leaders of EU countries in the region, aim to "create an atmosphere in the talks with both local leaders for both sides to act in a European manner and return to dialogue" in the spirit of the messages of the EU heads of state or government.

Stano did not give a broader answer to the journalist's question whether the EU members are also involved in the idea and, as it seems, preparations for a possible international conference, as revealed by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel.

"We also support the idea of organizing a conference with some EU member states to support the mediation efforts, together with the US, because in the past months we have seen the difficulties and the escalation of the situation," Michel said last week at a press conference together with the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

The President of the European Council, which gathers the heads of state or government of EU countries, made it known that "the time has come to make a global approach and to take steps towards the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina".