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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 27, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: I call on Serbia to cease its incitements to violence before lives are lost (media)
  • Von der Leyen talks to Kurti, requests de-escalation and return to dialogue (media)
  • Borrell thanks Rama for engaging in dialogue: Happy to work with you on this issue (Klan)
  • Osmani: I am in Podgorica to reaffirm Kosovo's peace efforts (RTK)
  • Atic reacts to hand grenade attack: “organised terrorist attack” (media)
  • Rama: Kurti and Vucic should not leave  next conference without an agreement (Klan)
  • Serbian reporter seeks help from KP, says he was assaulted at Gazivoda Lake (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • The Vidovdan declaration read in Gracanica and Mitrovica (RTS)
  • Vucevic: Security situation complex, we will protect Serbs in Kosovo (Beta, Vecernje Novosti, N1)
  • Vucic: Everybody knows who wishes war at any cost, Serbia does not want it (Kosovo Online)
  • Serbs gathering today in North Mitrovica, Gracanica on St. Vitus; a declaration expected (Kosovo Online, Blic)
  • Drecun: I do not rule out new provocations by Pristina (Kosovo Online, TV Pink)


  • Bajrami: Our strategic orientation is Euro-Atlantic integration. We have no doubts about this (Diplomatic World Institute)
  • Slowing Goods from Serbia ‘Risks Humanitarian Crisis in Kosovo’ Serb Politician warns (BIRN)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: I call on Serbia to cease its incitements to violence before lives are lost (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti took to Twitter today to react to an attack against the municipal building of Mitrovica North on Monday evening. “Last night the municipal building in North Mitrovica was attacked by two hand grenades, causing damage to nearby cars. Fortunately, no person was harmed, but that could have easily been the case. I call on Serbia immediately to cease its incitements to violence before lives are lost,” Kurti tweeted.

Von der Leyen talks to Kurti, requests de-escalation and return to dialogue (media)

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced that today she had a conversation with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

Through a post on "Twitter", she emphasised that in the conversation with Kurti, she emphasised the urgent need for de-escalation and return to the dialogue facilitated by the EU for the normalisation of relations with Serbia.

She has also announced that during the day she will also talk with the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.

Borrell thanks Rama for engaging in dialogue: Happy to work with you on this issue (Klan)

The high representative for foreign policy and security of the European Union, Josep Borrell, after the meeting he had with the prime minister of Albania, Edi Rama, in Brussels, thanked him for his commitment and efforts to improve Kosovo-Serbia relations, while adding that he is happy to continue working with Rama in this regard.

"Edi Rama, thank you for being here and thank you for sharing with us your commitment and support in the dialogue with Serbia.. I am very happy to be working with you on this path", said Borrell.

He said that he already made it clear last night in Luxembourg that the Kosovar side and the Serbian side must find a quick way to avoid the escalation of the situation, as well as approve the roadmap that was put on the table to Kurti and Vucic last week.

"We are sure that this requires us to take measures quickly and urgently, and the member states agree with this urgency and have lost patience with this situation that continues to deteriorate", he added.

Osmani: I am in Podgorica to reaffirm Kosovo's peace efforts (RTK)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, through a post on Facebook, has said that along with other leaders and representatives of Southeast Europe, she is in Podgorica to reaffirm Kosovo's ongoing efforts for lasting peace and stability, as well as commitment to a more secure future within Euro-Atlantic institutions.

"I congratulate Montenegro and President Jakov Milatovic for the successful chairmanship of this year's Southeast European Cooperation Process," Osmani wrote.

Osmani is participating in the Summit of the Heads of State of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), which is in Podgorica, Montenegro.

She has joined the leaders of 13 countries to talk about deepening cooperation with the countries of the region and international partners for accelerating the European perspective of the region, ensuring peace, security and stability in the region, as well as promoting economic cooperation and sustainable development.

Ministry of Interior on Mitrovica North attack: Serbia is trying to escalate the situation (Koha)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Internal Affairs has reacted after the attack on the municipal building in Mitrovica North. On its official page on Facebook, the Ministry called these attacks terrorist.

“Last night at late hours, the municipal building in Mitrovica North was attacked by an explosive device, which according to the expertise, is suspected to be a hand grenade M75. Two official vehicles that were by the building were damaged from this criminal act. Kosovo Police has undertaken immediate measures to investigate the case and identify authors,” says the notification.

“These are continuous attempts from Serbia’s side to escalate the situation in the north of the country. We remain vigilant and engaged for order and security for all the citizens, without distinction,” reads the notification. 

Atic reacts to hand grenade attack: “organised terrorist attack” (media)

Mitrovica North Mayor Erden Atic reacted today to a hand grenade attack on the municipal building on Monday evening. He argued in a Facebook post that it was “an organised terrorist attack” aimed at “causing fear but they will not succeed”. “The institutions will function regardless of such attacks and threats,” Atic said. He also called on law enforcement and judicial authorities to address the incident with urgency “and bring the perpetrators of this attack to justice as soon as possible”.

Rama: Kurti and Vucic should not leave the next conference without an agreement (Klan)

The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, in the joint conference with the chief diplomat of the European Union, Josep Borrell, spoke about the situation between Kosovo and Serbia.

He said that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, should not be allowed to leave the next conference without reaching an agreement. According to Rama, otherwise the consequences will be painful.

"I really hope that the conference that will take place with the leaders of both sides will attract attention, where the leaders of the two sides and the teams of the EU and the USA will participate", Rama said.

He emphasized that if the agreement is not reached, there will be painful consequences. Edi Rama repeated the position of Jose Borrell, that EU member states have started to lose patience.

Serbian reporter seeks help from KP, says he was assaulted at Gazivoda Lake (media)

A Serbian reporter told Kosovo Police on Monday that he was threatened by another Serb at Gazivoda Lake in the north of Kosovo. He claimed the suspect threatened him while he was filming, took his phone and told him ‘you won’t exist from this moment on’. Police went to the site, apprehended the suspect, and sent him to the police station for interviewing.




Serbian Language Media 


The Vidovdan declaration read in Gracanica and Mitrovica (RTS)

According to Radio Television of Serbia, Serbs declared that they will be united in the fight for their stay and survival.

"On the eve of Vidovdan (St,Vitus), when everything is visible, and when every given word becomes a vow, we Serbs and Serbian women from the north of Kosovo and Metohija say that if the cruelty against our people continues, we will be forced to respond to all those who wish us harm, who dream of war instead of peace, and we will be united in our just fight to stay and survive in these areas and to defend our homes and families," it was stated in one of the five points of the Declaration, reported RTS.

In the Declaration, it is stated that "Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, from Strpce to Leposavic, for more than two decades, and especially in the past few months, have been faced with unprecedented violence, which, both because of the motive and the way in which it is carried out, cannot be called different than fascist", reported RTS.

"Since the beginning of the year, six of our compatriots, including two children, have been wounded in a fit of ethnic hatred with firearms. Milun, Dusan, Nemanja, Dalibor, Uros, Nenad, are suffering in the Pristina casemates, without fault, just because they do not agree to the disappearance of the Serbian name in Kosovo and Metohija quietly and without resistance. The Serbian ancestral land is being confiscated so that our jailers can build their bases on it," the text states, RTS cited.

It is added that Serbian holy places are being desecrated in order to destroy every trace of Serbian existence in these areas. "Our municipalities and cities are occupied by force and long pipes, those who, even according to the agreements reached with international mediation and guarantees, have nothing to demand here. We call on the international community to take decisive steps in order to calm tensions, because we cannot tolerate this cruelty any longer," it is stated in one of the points of the Declaration.

The Declaration also states, according to RTS, that ''the Serbs from the north, better tomorrow vowen in the Community of Serbian Municipalities, which was guaranteed to us and by the international community, and we have to wait 10 years for the right to a life worthy of a human being in the 21st century, to stay and survive in these areas''.

The gathered Serbs state that they commit themselves ''to continue their just struggle for survival in Kosovo and Metohija wisely and responsibly, always leaving a reasonable space for dialogue and compromise'', reported RTS.

"That's why we say from this place to the whole world that we want to live in peace with our Albanian neighbours and to build a common future on humane and democratic foundations, because no one's future has ever been built on someone else's misfortune. Living here and thinking no harm to anyone, we demand the right to life and the future, and we will not allow anyone to deny us that right," it was said in the document read on the occasion of Vidovdan 2023. 

As it is emphasised, ''the Serbs will never, at any cost leave, by human and divine right, what is our land'' adding that ''they are ready to make the greatest sacrifices, such can be made only by someone who is fighting for bare survival", reported RTS.

Vucic: Everybody knows who wishes war at any cost, Serbia does not want it (Kosovo Online)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today when it comes to Kosovo everybody in the world knows who wishes war at any cost, adding that Serbia does not want it, Kosovo Online portal reports.

He added he is certain that amid high tensions in northern Kosovo the West would come with their own draft statue of the Community of Serb Municipalities that will contain nothing for Serbs.

“I expect a lot of difficulties in the upcoming period, however, it has not been since yesterday, there is nervousness because of Ukraine and we are to blame for everything”, he said.

Asked to comment on the allegations of the Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti that municipal building in Mitrovica North was attacked by two bombs and for which Pristina blames Serbia, Vucic responded by asking a question “was it the same as with the weapons found in a vehicle in front of Zvecan municipality, so near NATO and Kosovo police?”

“For days prior to that we have been informing the international community what they plan, and informing world services what they are up to. Everybody in the world knows who is the one attempting to escalate the situation, everybody knows who is the one wishing to play a war, who sends those who based on Resolution 1244 should not even exist, so-called Kosovo security forces, who wishes to escalate the situation”, Vucic said.

Talking about KSF he noted that “apart from having a black glasses that make them look dangerous, in Mitrovica South they even didn’t know how to march properly”.

He said Serbia does not want war and has always done its utmost to preserve the peace.

“Serbia does not wish for escalation, but they also know that everything has its limits and boundaries. We gave our utmost to preserve the peace, and we are ready for compromises. This is a nice word, same as talks, and not pursuing spite”, he added.

Vucevic: Security situation complex, we will protect Serbs in Kosovo (Beta, Vecernje Novosti, N1)

Serbia’s Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said Kosovo PM Albin Kurti’s only political goal is to lead an exodus of the Serbs, but that this is a red line that Serbia will never cross.

“No matter how difficult the situation, we will do all in our power to protect our people (in Kosovo),” Vucevic told the daily Vecernje Novosti.

He said the security situation in the country “is very complex due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija.” 

“Kurti does what the West tells him to do, because the so-called independent Kosovo is that very West’s child,” said Vucevic, who is also the leader of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS).

He said “Serbia continues its politics of friendship with both the East and the West, it is not rushing into conflicts with anyone, or imposing sanctions on Russia, or selling ammunition to either side in the conflict”, reported N1, citing daily Novosti.

Serbs gathering today in North Mitrovica, Gracanica on St. Vitus; a declaration expected (Kosovo Online, Blic)

Serbs from municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Serb communities south of the Ibar are organising large Vidovdan (ST. Vitus) gatherings, and the Vidovdan Declaration of the Serbian People is expected, according to daily Blic. 

The Vidovdan gathering of Serbs in the north of Kosovo will be held at Milic Brothers Square in North Mitrovica at noon, while at the same time, Serbs from Serbian communities south of the Ibar will also gather at a meeting in Gracanica.

The Vidovdan declaration of the Serbian people will be read at the Vidovdan gatherings in North Mitrovica and Gracanica, and the Serbs will again send their clear message, reported Kosovo Online. 

Serbs from the north have been peacefully protesting for a month in Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok, dissatisfied with the occupation of municipal buildings by special units of the Kosovo police and the bringing of Albanian mayors.

Also, in the past period, gatherings of support for the arrested Serbs were organised in North Mitrovica, as well as in Gracanica and Ranilug, recalled Kosovo Online.

The KP announced that the main road through Gracanica will be closed at 11.30 until the end of the protest.

Drecun: I do not rule out new provocations by Pristina (Kosovo Online, TV Pink)

Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Chairman Milovan Drecun commenting on the current situation in northern Kosovo and possible new arrests of Serbs on Saint Vitus Day said it is always possible for someone to design incidents and provocations, Kosovo Online portal reports.

He recalled the latest example of “planting a vehicle with Belgrade licence plates in Zvecan” for which Kosovo police claimed contained weapons to be used for attacks.

“You plant the vehicle so naively, along KFOR members, and then launch a media-propaganda action. It is clear the vehicle had been planted, with armament, with Molotov cocktails, what else they didn’t put it inside, I think they should have planted a truck instead”, he said, referring to the case as “false flag operation”.

He said he expects that Kosovo Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla will ask from KFOR to fight, as he said, “inexistent terrorist organisations” adding that Serbia must be ready for further escalation of the situation.  




Bajrami: Our strategic orientation is Euro-Atlantic integration. We have no doubts about this (Diplomatic World Institute)

Kosovo’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the European Union, Agron Bajrami, said in an interview with the Diplomatic World Instiutte that Kosovo’s strategic orientation is Euro-Atlantic integration and that “we have no doubts about this”.

Let us start with some (long overdue) good news. Following agreement between the European Parliament and the Council on a proposal by the Commission, passport holders from Kosovo will be allowed to travel to the EU without a visa (for maximum 90 days in any 180-day period) starting on January 1, 2024.

We are happy that by the end of this year, the visa regime will be lifted for citizens of Kosovo, and I hope this will only improve our relations with EU. We are glad that this agreement is concluded because it was long overdue, as you well say. It was a unanimous decision of the Council, and this is a very good sign because it means that all 27 Member States of the EU supported visa free regime for Kosovo.

The importance of this process is manifold because Kosovo citizens will finally be able to move freely, to enjoy, to see and to communicate with Europe. This is particularly important for our young people. It gives our society the full taste of freedom that we have lacked so far. At the same time, it is proof that in a relationship with the European Union (EU), when you commit yourself and achieve the standards that are requested and required, there are benefits to be derived.

Of course, we fulfilled the conditions for visa liberalisation five years ago. The European Commission itself has said several times in official reports that Kosovo has complied with all the rules, regulations and fulfilling conditions. Unfortunately, the Member States were not able to come to this decision for a long time. Until now. This is a sign to us that it is well worth to engage.

Read full interview at:

Slowing Goods from Serbia ‘Risks Humanitarian Crisis in Kosovo’ Serb Politician warns (BIRN)

Aleksandar Arsenijevic tells BIRN that curbs on traffic from Serbia could lead to food shortages in northern Kosovo, worsening the crisis there.

After one more questionably successful meeting in Brussels, which EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell held with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti on Thursday – separately – the situation in the north of Kosovo is still deteriorating.

The majority-Serb pocket of the country faces another crisis in the aftermath of violence that broke out at the end of May, after the Kosovo government installed new mayors in four municipalities.

Kosovo Police then arrested people they claimed organised the violence, after which Serbia arrested – Kosovo claims “kidnapped” – three Kosovo policemen. They were released on Monday.

The Kosovo government has responded with tighter border controls.

As the government spokesperson told BIRN: “Border controls with Serbia have been tightened by limiting traffic and increasing controls on vehicles that come from Serbia, especially those for transport.” Meanwhile, Kosovo authorities arrested two more people.

Aleksandar Arsenijevic, Kosovo Serb leader of the civic initiative “Serbian Endurance” (Srpski Opstanak) says this move could lead to “a humanitarian crisis” in the north.

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