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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 01, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani travels to Turkiye for the Antalya Diplomatic Forum (media)
  • Konjufca: EU has no competence to propose draft for Association (Kosovapress)
  • Kusari-Lila: Meaningless to keep EU measures against Kosovo in force (Koha)
  • Dinar in Brussels; Tahiri: Government’s biggest favor to Serbia (Albanian Post)
  • Rasic criticizes CBK: Despite Kurti’s statement on transition period, I have not seen any concrete action (Nacionale)
  • Pacolli on the Dinar: Kurti is making unnecessary drama (media)
  • “Comprehensive defense” – Kosovo’s new concept for defense (RFE)
  • OSCE report on school dropouts within compulsory education system (media)
  • Assembly, VV MP sued for discrimination against LGBTIQ+ community (Koha)
  • Selimi: The parliament of Kosovo is sinking low (media)
  • Kabashi-Ramaj: Kurti government failed to guarantee national security (EO)
  • Suspected bag with dynamite in Pristina, police arrest a suspect (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Pensioners in Mitrovica North can not withdraw their pensions (Kosovo Online)
  • The premises of the CI SDP in Mitrovica broken into, new locks installed (KiM radio)
  • Elshani: KAP privatized the building in which the CI SDP premises are located, the owner changed the lock (Kosovo Online)
  • Serbian flag at Zvecan fortress removed, then returned back shortly after (KoSSev, social media)
  • Andric Rakic: Non-existence of Law on Referendum can not be basis to reject petitions (Kosovo Online)
  • Zarrazin visited Visoki Decani Monastery (Kosovo Online)
  • Hill: Lajcak's approach to the Kosovo issue is correct (KiM radio, Tanjug, RTV)
  • Serbian Chamber of Commerce says Open Balkan single labor market in place (N1)
  • "From Fake to Verified": Dialogue on Disinformation in Kosovo (KiM radio, KoSSev)
  • European Parliament calls for investigation beyond scope of ODIHR report (N1)


  • Kosovo Activists Protest MPs Blocking Assisted Fertilization Law (BIRN)



Albanian Language Media  


Osmani travels to Turkiye for the Antalya Diplomatic Forum (media)

At the invitation of the President of the Republic of Turkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, traveled to Turkiye, where she will participate in the Antalya Diplomatic Forum.

The announcement states that during the Forum, President Osmani will be a speaker in the main panel of leaders, with the theme of this year's forum: "Advancement of diplomacy in times of unrest".

Konjufca: EU has no competence to propose draft for Association (Kosovapress)

The Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca, has said that the European Union does not have the competence to propose to Kosovo a draft of the statute for the establishment of the Association. A day after the request of the U.S. ambassador in Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, that Kosovo send the EU proposed draft  to the Constitutional Court, Speaker Konjufca said that Kosovo cannot stand ready and send to the Constitutional Court any draft the EU proposes.

He said that he understood the U.S. ambassador's request in the form that Kosovo should address its own draft to the Constitutional Court.

"The only obligation that Kosovo has is the agreement of 2013. I think that the EU has no competence to propose an association to Kosovo. It is a mistake to think that it is the competence of the EU to decide for us, whereas it is our competence to send it to the Constitutional Court. Maybe Mr. Hovenier meant for Kosovo to propose a draft of the Association. This is another topic. I didn't understand it the way you did. I have understood that Kosovo should address the Constitutional Court with a draft, but I do not think that it is the competence of the EU to propose a draft to Kosovo and Kosovo to stand ready and send the draft that the EU proposes. I do not agree with this procedure", Konjufca said.

Kusari-Lila: Meaningless to keep EU measures against Kosovo in force (Koha)

Head of the Vetevendosje Movement (VV) parliamentary group, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, said today that it is meaningless to keep the EU measures against Kosovo in force while there is information about Serbia’s aggressive role and its involvement in the attack in Banjska in the north of Kosovo in September last year. “The TIME article shows that information was declassified by the Pentagon and the National Security Advisor to the White House to send a quick message to all NATO member states that Serbia was moving militarily toward Kosovo, and it reveals Serbia’s objective toward Kosovo. The measures against Kosovo are in force because of the four mayors [in the north], while there are no measures against Serbia despite the fact that it organized and supported a terrorist attack and all the ammunition that was found,” she told reporters after the meeting of the Kosovo Assembly presidency today.

Dinar in Brussels; Tahiri: The government’s biggest favor to Serbia (Albanian Post)

According to the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), the Kosovo government did the biggest favor to Serbia by bringing the issue of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo at the political level of the EU-facilitated dialogue in Brussels. PDK parliamentary group chief, Abelard Tahiri, said this was the biggest damage that could have been inflicted on Kosovo. “Raising this issue at the political level of discussions goes directly to Serbia’s favor,” he argued.

Tahiri said that the issue of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo is an internal issue and that it should have been regulated in coordination with the United States of America. “Their [U.S.] request was clear that we should coordinate with them and at the same time not create difficulties for the Serb citizens during a transitional period and regulate the issue according to the Constitution and the legislation in force,” he added.

Rasic criticizes CBK: Despite Kurti’s statement on transition period, I have not seen any concrete action (Nacionale)

Nenad Rasic, the only Serb minister in the government of Kosovo, said that the banning of the Serbian dinar was not discussed in any meeting where he was present. He emphasized that he first read about it in the news, adding that after returning from the United States of America, he requested an immediate meeting with Prime Minister Kurti.

"From a technical point of view, I have no objections, but that method, sensitization, information on how they were implemented, without any sensitizing campaign regarding the information for the citizens, which they needed to have, did not happen." - added Rasic.

The Serb minister assessed that if he had been informed earlier, he would have worked to manage the reactions.

"If I had had information in September, I would have used those three months to go and inform, to prepare, this is a form of amortization of the problems... Then the governor showed that there is no problem with the "cash" dinar, the dinar in your pocket, but the problem is paying with them. It's not a beneficiary problem, in my opinion it's a business problem. This is not adequate treatment in my opinion" - he continued, indicating that he had requested "a transition period".

"The Prime Minister made a statement, in which he confirmed that a transition period is indeed needed. Despite that, I have not seen any concrete, practical action from the CBK, which has acted in harmony with those statements" he said.

Pacolli on the Dinar: Kurti is making unnecessary drama (media)

Leader of the New Alliance for Kosovo (AKR), Behgjet Pacolli, in an interview with Front Online, criticized Prime Minister Albin Kurti for making unnecessary drama about the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and that Kosovo is not benefiting from his actions.

“If your position is that the issue of the Serbian Dinar will not be discussed in the dialogue, as the government said, then you don’t send the governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo to a meeting with politicians from the European Union as facilitators and with Serbia. What happened is what usually happens in Kosovo: they throw dust in people’s eyes by saying that there is no dialogue about the dinar and then you send some that not even 1,000 people in Kosovo know … A process of dramas that bring no good for the country,” Pacolli argued.

According to Pacolli, Kosovo should not dialogue on the matter with Serbia, “but meet with American and European partners to agree on a new plan that offers guarantees to our partners that the government understands the sensitivity of the issue and a possibility to implement the Central Bank of Kosovo’s decision in an optimal timeframe”.

“Comprehensive defense” – Kosovo’s new concept for defense (RFE)

The Kosovo Ministry of Defense is working on a new concept called “comprehensive defense”. The concept is in the phase of development but according to the ministry is a top priority. Defense Minister Ejup Maqedonci in a recent interview with Tirana-based A2CNN said the new concept implies that every citizen would have a role in the aspects of defense, security, and civil emergencies. He said that the concept would be made public soon but revealed no further details. “We believe that the citizens, institutions and every individual must know their roles in the aspect of defense and security, but also in the aspect of civil protection,” he said. Maqedonci also said that the new concept of defense is not aimed against anyone. “We have built this concept to respond to the challenges and threats of the time,” he said.

The news website tried to contact Maqedonci but could not reach him. The Ministry of Defense said that the concept of comprehensive defense “is in line with the circumstances created in the last couple of years” when “the strategy of war and interfering in states, with the purpose of destabilization, has changed noticeably and became more hybrid than ever”. “This concept includes a national reaction plan for society in the case of a state of emergency and when emergency defense measures are required,” the ministry said.

The ministry did not answer questions as to what the citizens will do, how they will be prepared for defense, by whom and for how long. The ministry said that its role as a coordinating body is to make sure that “the state will be able to operate in the event of a military threat and restructure its activities fast” and “mobilize the necessary resources for defense”.

Although they don’t have much information about the new concept, many citizens interviewed by the news website in Pristina said they would be ready in principle to respond to an eventual call from the institutions to give their contribution. “It is reasonable for me, and I call on the state to show interest in this matter. I am an ecologist by profession, but I would find space and time to be in the service of my country,” a citizen said, referring to the possibility of receiving military training. Another citizen said she too would respond positively to the invitation from state institutions to train in defense. “It is interesting to learn [about defense] especially when you know the motive. The motive is always to love and protect your country,” she added.

OSCE report on school dropouts within compulsory education system (media)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo published today its latest thematic report which analyzes school dropouts within the compulsory education system in Kosovo. The mission said that the report explores beyond statistics to reveal the complex realities of dropout rates and finds that despite commendable efforts by the Ministry of Education, dropouts, irregular attendance and non-enrolment continue to be a concern, particularly among children from Kosovo Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities. Presenting over 400 individual cases of school abandonment between 2020 and 2023, the report lists poor socio-economic conditions and frequent discrimination as main factors contributing to this phenomenon.

Read report at:

Assembly, VV MP sued for discrimination against LGBTIQ+ community (Koha)

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo (YIHR KS), the Central for Equality and Liberty (CEL Kosova), the Centre for Social Groups Development (CSGD), the Kosovar Centre for Gender Studies and Civil Rights Defenders, have filed a lawsuit at the Basic Court in Pristina today against the Assembly of Kosovo and Vetevendosje MP Labinote Demi-Murtezi for “threatening the dignity, inhumane or humiliating treatment and discrimination against LGBTIQ+ persons”, which according to the organizations happened during the assembly session on March 16. They said that Demi-Murtezi said at the session that “LGBTIQ+ persons spread diseases”.

YIHR Executive Director Marigona Shabiu said that on March 16, certain MPs misused the assembly floor to demonize the LGBTIQ+ community. “The MPs don’t have that right and the institution of the Assembly must not allow and tolerate this to happen,” she said. Shabiu also argued that even the head of the plenary session did not take any action to prevent or to sanction the language. “The statements by MP Demi-Murtezi and several other MPs, as well as the Assembly’s tolerance of this, have threatened the dignity of LGBTIQ+ persons and had a humiliating and discriminatory effect against them,” she added.

Selimi: The parliament of Kosovo is sinking low (media)

Several news websites cover a post on X by Petrit Selimi, former Foreign Minister of Kosovo, and CEO of the Millenium Foundation Kosovo, in which he notes that “religious MPs of the ruling party are refusing to allow IVF for single women. The same folks also refusing a Civil Code regulating constitutionally mandated marriage equality. It's a lazy Parliament too, only 30% of the program is fulfilled.”

Kabashi-Ramaj: Kurti government failed to guarantee national security (EO)

Coordinator of the Department for National Security and Defense in the Good Governance Cabinet of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Besa Kabashi-Ramaj criticized the Kurti-led government for lack of vision and abilities to guarantee national security and the sustainable defense management.

Kabashi-Ramaj told a press conference in Pristina today that the government has a considerable lack of understanding of strategic partnerships, especially with the United States of America. “The government has continuously failed to respond effectively to Serbian provocations and threats, to oppose the Russian hybrid war and to manage issues of domestic security, by integrating security and defense institutions, increasing national sustainability and improving the management of emergencies and early warning systems,” she said.

According to Kabashi-Ramaj, the most flagrant example of favoring populist movements in strategic security planning is building a voluntary fund for the army with suspicious financial practices and by sidestepping standard budget procedures. She said that the drafting of the national security strategy was seriously damaged with outdated security assessments, the lack of costing and poor prioritization.

Kabashi-Ramaj said that the PDK aims to develop a farsighted platform for national security and defense for the next 10-20 years, focusing on vision, knowledge, competence, and innovation. “Our goal is to create a Republic of Kosovo that is safe, agile and strategically positioned and capable of responding to new threats,” she said.

Kabashi-Ramaj suggested an entire review of the draft law on National Security, because according to her, it risks dismantling the existing legal structures, the loss of institutional memory and potentially violates the rights of workers, because it can give the Prime Minister excessive control.

Suspected bag with dynamite in Pristina, police arrest a suspect (media)

Several news websites quote the Kosovo Police 24-hour report which notes that two persons were seen last night in Pristina covering what was suspected to be a bag filled with dynamite. Upon receiving the information, police went to the site and managed to arrest one of the suspects. The demining unit also went to the site and investigations are ongoing.




Serbian Language Media 


Pensioners in Mitrovica North can not withdraw their pensions (Kosovo Online)

Pensioners from Mitrovica North gathered today in front of the Post Office attempting to withdraw their pensions, but were not able to do so as there was no dinar in the post office, Kosovo Online portal reported.

They appealed to the international community to put an end to Kosovo Central Bank’s decision to abolish dinar given that they have financial means neither for groceries nor the medications.

Pensioner Ilija Pelevic, told the portal this is the drop which overflew the glass. “This is the final remark to the Pristina government, (Albin) Kurti (Vjosa) Osmani and others that they must resolve the problem during this week. Many pensioners did not receive pensions last month either. I have ten grandchildren, six children and seven sons in law, there are 24 of us. Eight of them receive salaries in Commercial Bank, which has now been closed and relocated to Raska. At first they gave us 5000 dinars and they told us we can get euros too. Now it is the most difficult because there are no euros either, so they can’t give anything to us”, Pelevic told the portal.

He said pensioners who have difficulties walking are in the most difficult position. “These are people receiving benefits for aid and care, handicapped pensioners, pensioners with disabilities and mentally impaired persons, they are the most endangered”, he told the portal.

Dragica Ilic, pensioner, said the decision of Pristina to ban dinar endangered pensioners to the extent that they are left without their earned allowances.

“We can’t even buy a kilogram of potato, onion, bread, milk, not to mention medications. The decision is horrible and I would appeal to all who can impact it to be revoked, so we can live. It is basic to be able to get allowances, that is a matter of existence, necessary for our lives”, she said.  

The premises of the CI SDP in Mitrovica broken into, new locks installed (KiM radio)

The house where offices of Civic Initiative "Serbia, Democracy, Justice" (SDP), of the murdered Oliver Ivanovic, are located, was broken into last night in the northern part of Mitrovica, the president of this organization, Ksenija Bozovic confirmed. 

She stated that the door, and offices in the building were broken into, adding that an unknown person tried to remove the flag from the building.

The case was reported to the police, who started an investigation. The Italian Carabinieri were also at the scene.

The cameras at the CI SDP facility are not working, reported KiM radio.

Elshani: KAP privatized the building in which the CI SDP premises are located, the owner changed the lock (Kosovo Online, KoSSev)

The deputy commander of the Kosovo Police for the North region, Veton Elshani, told Kosovo Online that statements from two parties are being taken regarding the premises where the headquarters of the Freedom, Democracy and Justice party of the murdered politician Oliver Ivanovic are located.

The Freedom, Democracy and Justice (SDP) reported that unknown persons broke into the party's headquarters the previous night and changed the locks on the entrance doors.

Elshani confirmed that the lock on the building was changed.

"We are currently taking the statements of the person who changed the lock and the person who submitted the report," explained Elshani. 

He said that the police have information that the Kosovo Privatization Agency sold the facility in 2022.

"We found who replaced the lock and he is at the police station giving a statement, as well as the applicant. It is a private property, and it is a matter between the owner and the tenant. We will see how to proceed, we will consult the prosecutor," announced Elshani, reported Kosovo Online.

KoSSev portal reported that Elshani confirmed that the owner of the building made an agreement with the members of the party, and that it was established that nothing was damaged in the premises last night.

According to his information, the SDP will stay in the same building after their agreement, and the police are not opening a case, reported this portal.

Serbian flag at Zvecan fortress removed, then returned back shortly after (KoSSev, social media)

Unknown persons have removed the Serbian flag from Zvecan fortress for the second time in a week, which was then returned to its original spot with a swift reaction from local residents, headed by leader of Serbian Democracy Aleksandar Arsenijevic. Unlike the previous time, the flag was removed during the daylight in early afternoon hours yesterday, while Kosovo police around the same time were at the fortress because of, as they said, “suspicious movement”, KoSSev portal reported.

Arsenijevic told KoSSev portal he received information yesterday around 13.40 that two persons in black jackets were removing the flag. “I immediately called the police and headed towards Little Zvecan”, he said.

As he further explained to the portal, near the fortress he saw two vehicles, VW Polo with KG (Kragujevac) license places with two younger persons in it, and black VW Taureg with 01 (“RKS”) license plates in which two, a bit older persons, were. Both vehicles were driving from the direction of the cemetery near the fortress towards Little Zvecan.

He said he blocked the way to Tuareg with intention to wait for the police, claiming that two Albanians were inside. He also said they cursed at him, and upon his request to present themselves they responded in Serbian – why do you care. He then removed his vehicle, and Tuareg continued with high speed in the direction Polo left earlier.

Referring to his sources, Arsenijevic also claimed he later found out that it was allegedly a police vehicle and that plain clothes officers were in it. He said he can not claim those people took the flag down, but expressed reasonable doubts about it.

As far as the Polo vehicle is concerned, Arsenijevic said he learned later that young men from Zvecan were in it, as they also, received information that someone was taking the flag down and they went to check it.

“They were on their way, as was I. Since the road towards the fortress is narrow, the jeep (Tuareg) stopped there and did not let them continue. They reversed and moved in the direction of Zvecan, while people in Tuareg after I let them pass moved after them”, Arsenijevic said.

The flag was removed from a flagpole, and thrown nearby. “This means we reacted timely and they did not manage to take it away”, Aresenijevic said, adding that he and other gathered residents put the flag back.

Around the same time, when the flag was removed, on the fortress and at the bottom of the hill, several citizens reported seeing members of Kosovo police armed with long barrels weapons.

Elshani: Police did not take the flag down

Kosovo police deputy commander for the region North, Veton Elshani, confirmed to KoSSev the flag at Zvecan fortress had been removed yesterday. He also said police officers were at this location, but that they did not remove the flag, adding they do not know who did it.

He claimed officers were at the fortress because “they noticed suspicious movement”. Asked if suspicious movement relates to visitors who climb the fortress on a daily basis, he responded negatively, adding it was about a police assessment of suspicious movement. He claimed the flag was on the fortress when police were there. Elshani confirmed that two young men from Polo, came to the police to give the statement and that Arsenijevic was with them.

Marko Jaksic, a political activist and close associate of late Oliver Ivanovic, published a short video, on his X media platform, zooming a drone flying over the Zvecan fortress and a person getting ready to return the flag. “Also today, we quickly returned a flag at Zvecan fortress. Ignore mode – level pro. You may keep recording”, he wrote in a post.   

Andric Rakic: Non-existence of Law on Referendum can not be basis to reject petitions (Kosovo Online)

New Social Initiative Programme Manager Milica Andric Rakic said non-existence of the Law on Referendum can not be basis to reject petitions, arguing that citizens should not carry that burden, but institutions should enable alternative ways to implement what they intended, dispute that decision on referendum or as they were requested suspend disputable decisions, until the moment conditions are created to organize referendum by adopting the law, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“It is completely irresponsible to claim that the citizens’ request was rejected because no such law exists. It is not a basis for rejection. The basis could be that they did not submit request timely, that they do not have sufficient number of signatures as the Law on local self-governance stipulates or for example that CEC rejects it because signatures collected were not valid and did not come from people living in those municipalities”, Andric Rakic said.

“It is a bit strange that (Nedzad) Ugljanin (Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly Chair) takes over responsibility for it by saying he is the one who rejected the initiative, because he could potentially be criminally responsible for preventing implementation of the law and rights of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution. If I were him, I would leave that to other institutions, I do not see why he takes over this type of responsibility and takes it on him, because he does not have this authority”, she added.

Zarrazin visited Visoki Decani Monastery (Kosovo Online)

German Special Envoy for Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin visited Visoki Decani Monastery, Kosovo Online portal reports. Abbot of the Monastery Father Sava Janjic said the visit was an opportunity to share with him concerns of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

“#Germany's Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, @ManuelSarrazin has visited Visoki Dečani #Monastery yesterday. It was an opportunity to share with Mr. Sarazzin concerns of the #Serbian #Orthodox #Church regarding the challenges SOC and our people are facing in #Kosovo. Thankful for his concern and understanding”, Visoki Decani Monastery wrote in a post on X media platform.

“Engaging discussions during my two-day visit to #Kosovo. Thankful for the shared insights into the local situation in #Pristina #Mitrovica #Decani @SrbDemokratija @srpskalista @BislimiBesnik @DecaniMonastery”, Sarrazin wrote in a post.

Hill: Lajcak's approach to the Kosovo issue is correct (KiM radio, Tanjug, RTV)

US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill assessed last night that the EU's special envoy for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, who is trying to introduce logic into the process of solving the Kosovo issue, is doing the right thing, although some people complain, emphasizing Washington supports him in this, reported Kim radio. 

At the promotion of the book "Change of era - our digitally, authoritarian age" by the former EU envoy for Kosovo Wolfgang Petritsch, Hill added he knows that people complain about the way the normalization process is conducted and stressed that the EU's special envoy for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak has the right approach which the US supports.

"Lajcak tries to present the logic in the approach to the whole process - Kosovo needs good relations with its neighbors, Serbia does not need constant tensions, the logic would be the process of normalization and that should be the logic for solving the Kosovo issue," said Hill.

It is necessary to take small steps, which is the right approach, he said.

People complain, but Lajcak has the right approach, we have the right approach, and we are making efforts together, Hill said and reminded that he was wrong during Rambouillet when he thought that everyone wanted to join the EU and that under those circumstances no one would care about borders. The US ambassador also said Kosovo needs a solution like anyone else. They need to start really working on it, Hill said, adding that the question is how many countries that support the Kosovo issue will be able to continue and how willing they will be to do so. We are looking for and have been looking for a solution that will be a win-win, and not a one in which we will pressure people to do something, said Hill.

He emphasized that every American diplomat wants to see all European countries in the EU but added that he would not want to envy the EU because of its complexity. He added that the US does not value any alliance as much as the European one, and that it will do everything it can to have the best possible relationship with Europe.

Petritsch, for whom Hill said that they spent a lot of difficult time together during the negotiations on Kosovo more than two decades ago, and who tonight in Belgrade presented a special updated edition translated into Serbian and on that occasion emphasized, among other things, that Serbia needs to resolve the issue of Kosovo, so that it can fully focus on other issues, such as the economy, and fulfill its potential.

"I want to tell the citizens of Serbia that there is much more than the Kosovo issue, which I know is a very important issue for the citizens of Serbia, it is in their hearts, but it is important to find a fair solution that will greatly help the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and those in the south to have a better life.''

Serbia could then really focus on the very important issue of faster movement towards the EU. I am convinced that Serbia can play an important and useful role in the EU, with its talents, potential, economy, and its dynamism.  According to him, it is not just a story about Serbia asking when we will finally become a member of the EU, but in such a situation the EU would be happy if Serbia could invest its full potential in the joint construction of a stronger EU.

Petritsch stated that it was claimed that the main motive of the NATO airstrikes on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was to prevent a genocide like the one in Srebrenica from happening again in Kosovo.

"In the West, there was a fear that not enough would be done to prevent Srebrenica from happening again," said Petritsch, adding that there was also a lack of adequate reaction “when Russia occupied Crimea in 2014''.

Diplomat, author of numerous books, former high representative of the UN in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well, in the book focuses on the change of the basic pillars of the current world order - due to digitization and authoritarianization, reported KiM radio.

Serbian Chamber of Commerce says Open Balkan single labor market in place (N1)

The Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) said on Friday that the agreement on the Open Balkan single market takes effect today. The single market between Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia starts today which means that their citizens can find jobs in any of those three countries. The Open Balkan initiative was launched by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama and North Macedonia Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

According to the PKS, some 11 million people will have free access to the labor market in those three Western Balkans countries. The press release added that this will help stem the brain drain and ease the shortage of quality staff for both domestic and international companies.

"From Fake to Verified": Dialogue on Disinformation in Kosovo (KiM radio, KoSSev)

Journalists and civil activists discussed the suppression of disinformation and the contribution of citizens to the fight against fake news at the discussion "From fake to verified", held at the Civic Energy Center (CEC) in Gracanica, reported portal KoSSev.

The New Social Initiative (NSI) recently presented the findings of the civil dialogue "From fake to verified" in Pristina, focused on shaping the future of information in Kosovo. The program manager of this non-governmental organization, Milica Andric Rakic, talked about it during the discussion. 

"It is about a special methodology of obtaining political recommendations from citizens on the topic of disinformation. We gathered over 60 citizens of different ages, from different communities in Kosovo and asked them how they can fight against misinformation. Before asking them, we also gave them the opportunity to talk to experts in the field to come up with the best possible recommendations," she explained.

Andric Rakic added that a wider range of institutions should participate in the fight against disinformation.

"Not only a competent ministry or the media and professional media associations, but also the Ministry of Education, the Ombudsman, the Information Privacy Agency and other institutions. I think that a good part of the solution to the problem of misinformation in Kosovo, but also, in general, the quality of information, is in better working conditions for journalists, better salaries, greater security in the field, but also in spreading awareness among citizens of how dangerous misinformation is and encouraging them to actively participate in the chain information," she said. The NSI program manager pointed out that some citizens do not know about the possibility of reporting disinformation to the competent institutions.

Rajko Jovanovic from the NGO Communication for Social Development (CSD) stated that with the development of social networks there is a noticeable increase in the number of fake news.

"Everyone publishes their own news that is not well checked, which may sometimes be rushed. This, of course, has a negative effect on the youth because they don't actually get that much information, and when they do, they usually have a high chance of coming across fake news and believing it," he added. When it comes to the local media from the Serbian community (on the territory of the municipality of Gracanica), they, according to Jovanovic, do a quality job.

"Here, somehow, the information between all the media matches, so that people believe in such news. What is commendable is the fact that local media from the Serbian community really do a quality job in terms of informing people. However, what still becomes a problem is that people have less and less desire to be informed about something through the media. These are now mostly social networks," he said.

On the other hand, the university professor and director of RTV Mitrovica, Nexhmedin Spahiu, stated that the Albanian media scene is not in a great condition.

"There is a lot of unprofessionalism, incorrect news. However, there is no censorship because most of the media is against the government and the prime minister, but that does not mean that the situation is the best," he explained his position. Spahiu added that, in his opinion, the Serbian media scene in Kosovo is in a better condition.

"There is more professionalism and correctness. This is because of the school in the Albanian language, which failed a lot before the war, when learning was done in basements and when there was no normal school. Instead of progressing after the war, it fell even more and now we have greater illiteracy than we had before the war," Spahiu said. 

The discussion on the topic "From Fake to Verified" organized by KiM Radio was held as part of the EthiConnect project supported by the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

European Parliament calls for investigation beyond scope of ODIHR report (N1)

N1 reported that the European Parliament called for an international investigation into the December 17 Serbian elections because some claims are beyond the scope of the ODIHR final report.

The resolution called “for an independent international investigation by respected international legal experts and institutions into the irregularities of the parliamentary, provincial and municipal elections, with special attention to the elections to the Belgrade City Assembly, as certain allegations, including those regarding organized voter migration at local level, go beyond the scope covered by the OSCE/ODIHR reports“. It was adopted on February 28, 2024.

The resolution “reminds the Serbian authorities that the proper functioning of Serbia’s democratic institutions is at the core of Serbia’s EU accession process and the EU accession methodology“.

It expressed alarm at the reports of widespread and systematic scale of fraud at the mid-December elections and the fact that the vote deviated from international standards and Serbia’s commitments to free and fair elections. The resolution also expressed serious concern over the overall election environment, which fell below the standards expected of an EU candidate country.






Kosovo Activists Protest MPs Blocking Assisted Fertilization Law (BIRN)

The Kosovo-based activist collective Marshojme, S’festojme (We march, we don’t celebrate) protested on Thursday in front of the parliament in Pristina against MPs who have objected to a draft law on Reproductive Health and Medically Assisted Fertilization.

Blenda Asllani, one of the organisers of the protest, told the media that discussions about the law had been “dehumanizing towards Kosovo women … conveyed with propaganda and lies by MPs, for patriarchal and electoral purposes”.

Asllani said the protest aimed at debunking claims of MPs Eman Rrahmani, Duda Balje, Albena Reshitaj and Visar Korenica among others, because “they lied to the public that this law destroys the family and enables incest”.

Protesters urged the voting of the law, the dismissal of Balje as head of the Parliamentary Commission on Human Rights and the sanctioning of other MPs that had used hate speech in parliamentary sessions and in other public settings.

“The daily reality shows that not voting the law does not stop the IVF (in-vitro fertilization) method, it only enables private hospitals to continue financially benefiting from couples and single women,” Asllani emphasized, adding: “We believe that this service must be offered by public health institutions and be accessible to all to ensure equal protection.”

A draft law on Reproductive Health and Medically Assisted Fertilization was voted in its first reading in October 2023. The second reading was scheduled for February 22, but the vote was canceled because of a lack of quorum in the Assembly.

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