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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 24, 2025

Albanian Language Media:
  • Osmani thanks allies: March 24, day when democratic world did not remain silent (media)
  • Maqedonci: NATO intervention ended ethnic cleansing in Kosovo (media)
  • Opposition leaders commemorate the 26th anniversary of NATO intervention (media)
  • Shea: Kosovo has proven that NATO intervention was right decision (media)
  • Murati: Discussion on formation of government, after completion of processes (Albanian Post)
  • Lithuania to send around 40 troops to Kosovo at Germany's request (media)
  • Italian KFOR soldiers on routine patrol in Zubin Potok (media)
  • AmCham urges reconsideration of energy market liberalization (media)
Serbian Language Media: 
  • Day when NATO bombed Federal Republic of Yugoslavia without approval of UN Security Council (RTS, N1, media)
  • Petkovic on NATO's bombing, says it blatantly violated international law (Kosovo Online, media)
  • 26 anniversary of NATO bombing marked in Mitrovica North, tribute paid to victims (, media)
  • Minister Djuric with Head of UNMIK on situation in Kosovo, upcoming UNSC session (Tanjug, RTV, Kosovo Online, RTS)
  • Vucic, Oreshkin discuss cooperation, Serbia-Russia relations (Tanjug)
  • Vucic: Tourists cancelling trips to Serbia due to blockades (Tanjug)


Albanian Language Media 



Osmani thanks allies: March 24, the day when democratic world did not remain silent (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, on the 26th anniversary of the start of the NATO bombing campaign, thanked through a post on Facebook the allies who helped for the freedom and independence of Kosovo. “The day when NATO allies stood up against evil, to protect people who were fighting for their existence, endangered by the genocidal regime of Serbia. It was the day when the light of hope triumphed over darkness. From the flame of sacrifice and the liberation war, a free Kosovo was born! 26 years later, Kosovo walks proudly, sovereignly and unwaveringly towards a brighter future. We thank the allies who helped our cause for a free, independent and sovereign Kosovo,” Osmani wrote.

Maqedonci: NATO intervention ended ethnic cleansing in Kosovo (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, has commemorated the 26th anniversary of NATO's intervention in Kosovo. In a Facebook post, he said that NATO's intervention was the only way to end ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.

“March 24, 1999 marked a new momentum for Kosovo and its struggle for freedom and an independent state. The KLA war and NATO intervention, 26 years ago, were the only way to end the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo, to stop the killings of children, women, men and the elderly, the systematic rapes, persecutions, burnings and expulsions by violence and force. Therefore March 24 is an alignment not only with the people of Kosovo but also with the right side of human history as an action in support of the values ​​of Western civilization, peace, freedom and democracy. Through this intervention, NATO fulfilled its purpose of existence as an alliance. We are always grateful to the world leaders and the states involved who used diplomacy to save humanity. As the most stable and successful Alliance in history, Kosovo is committed to deepening cooperation and commitment to join NATO," Maqedonci wrote.

Opposition leaders commemorate the 26th anniversary of NATO intervention (media)

Opposition leaders Lumir Abdixhiku and Memli Krasniqi commemorated the 26th anniversary of NATO intervention, describing it as the foundation of Kosovo’s freedom and statehood, while expressing gratitude to Western allies.

“March 24, 1999, reminds us of Kosovo’s new momentum in its centuries-old struggle for freedom, as well as the end of the suffering of the oppressed people in Kosovo. This date of NATO’s military intervention marks a new momentum for Kosovo and for the centuries-old struggle for freedom, which opened the path to freedom and ultimately the country’s independence,” the leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Lumir Abdixhiku wrote.

“The citizens of Kosovo remain always grateful to the Western world, the USA with its allies, who through NATO gave the hope that the people had been waiting for for years.” According to Abdixhiku, this intervention was more than a military operation, as it strengthened a natural alliance between Kosovo and the Western world.

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, called this intervention a “success story of freedom and democracy.” “26 years ago, the free world emerged as the master of history. At a crucial moment for our people, NATO intervened to stop the Serbian machine of crime and to permanently remove the occupier from Kosovo,” he said.

Krasniqi expressed gratitude to all those who contributed to the liberation of Kosovo and underlined the importance of commemorating the martyrs who sacrificed for Kosovo’s freedom. “Thanks to NATO’s intervention, Kosovo is free, and our freedom is permanent,” he concluded.

Shea: Kosovo has proven that NATO intervention was right decision (media)

Former NATO spokesman during the Kosovo war, Jamie Shea, has said that the start of NATO bombing of Serbian military and police targets was one of the best decisions NATO has ever made. “And this time, to take decisive action in the name of human rights. And I think it was one of the best decisions NATO has ever made. And I think Kosovo today fully proves that it was the right decision to make,” he said.

“It was a moment that made you think. How long would it last? Would NATO be successful? Yes, strategically, but how many weeks? What could be on the ground in the meantime? What would be the security of the people of Kosovo? These were all very worrying things.”

“Getting involved in a war is an anxious time for everyone. But on the other hand, my main feeling was that there was no alternative. NATO had invested a lot in its credibility to be willing to use force if there was a good reason and it was absolutely necessary,” Shea said in an interview with the KosovaPress news agency.

In his assessment, after 26 years, Kosovo has progressed tremendously. “And when I’m in Pristina, not as often as I would like, you know, do I see progress? Absolutely. New roads, new hotels, new buildings, government offices, people look better, people are certainly dressed a lot better. They are not billionaires, but they certainly seem wealthier than the traumatized people I discovered when I visited Pristina in June 1999 right after the air campaign. There is a very vibrant young population, there are educational institutions everywhere, there is really a sense of a culture of society that is, in motion, dynamic, has problems, but is looking forward. So, yes, I see progress,” Shea said.

Murati: Discussion on formation of government, after completion of processes (Albanian Post)

Kosovo’s Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Hekuran Murati, during a joint media conference with the Vice President of the World Bank for Development Finance, Akihikio Nishio, was asked about the formation of the government. He repeated the statement of the current Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, on the formation of the government of Kosovo. “First, we will wait for the completion of the counting process, the certification of the results, the formation of the Assembly and, then, we can talk about the formation of the government”, Murati said.

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has stated that they are waiting for the decisions from the relevant institutions regarding the complaints, in order to then announce the certification of the final results, which will enable the formation of the new government of Kosovo.

The Supreme Court of Kosovo has announced that it is reviewing appeals against three decisions of the Electoral Complaints and Appeals Panel (ECAP), regarding the February 9 election process. One appeal is from the Vetevendosje Movement and another is from the PDAK-LPK coalition. Another appeal is from the PDK candidate for MP, Petrit Hajdari, which was submitted on Thursday.

Lithuania to send around 40 troops to Kosovo at Germany's request (media)

Lithuania plans to send around 40 troops to the NATO mission in Kosovo following a request from Germany. A draft resolution on Lithuania's participation in international operations calls for increasing the total number of troops allowed to be sent to Kosovo to 60. "Discussions at the level of the defense institutions of both countries have determined that the most likely option for joint participation in international operations is the assignment of Lithuanian troops to a German military unit participating in the NATO-led international operation in Kosovo," the explanatory note says, Lithuanian media outlet "LRT" reported.

Germany's military contingent in the mission currently consists of around 300 troops. NATO's mission in Kosovo, KFOR, has about 4,300 troops, with Italy contributing more than 800 troops and the United States about 600. Lithuania's State Defense Council approved a proposal in January to increase the maximum number of troops to be deployed to the NATO-led operation.

Italian KFOR soldiers on routine patrol in Zubin Potok (media)

Italian soldiers of the Operational Reserve Force Battalion (ORF-BN), part of the NATO-led KFOR mission, have carried out a routine patrol in the municipality of Zubin Potok. The purpose of this patrol was to ensure order and enable free movement for all the people. This mission informed that the patrol is part of the daily mission of KFOR, which has as a priority the guarantee of security for all communities living in Kosovo.

AmCham urges reconsideration of energy market liberalization (media)

The American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo (ACC) has urged the government to reconsider the liberalization of the electricity market, planned for 2025, stressing that current conditions do not allow for a sustainable transition. “Businesses are deeply concerned about rising energy costs, with 80% of surveyed companies expecting significant cost increases, which will directly impact their competitiveness,” the ACC said in a statement. According to the ACC, Kosovo has not ensured sufficient competition with suppliers and the short implementation deadline is leaving businesses with limited options and increased uncertainty.

To avoid negative consequences, AmCham has recommended that the government adopt the necessary secondary legislation to enable investments in energy storage systems. “AmCham calls on policymakers to adopt a strategic, phased approach that prioritizes market competition, price stability, and business readiness for a successful transition,” the response concludes.


Serbian Language Media


Day when NATO bombed Federal Republic of Yugoslavia without approval of UN Security Council (RTS, N1, media)

On this day, 26 years ago NATO air strikes against the-then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ) started. During 78 days of NATO bombing between 1.200 and 2.500 people have been killed.

For the first time in history, RTS writes today, a decision to bomb a sovereign country, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, at that time consisting of Serbia and Montenegro, was made without approval of the UN Security Council. The order to start the bombing was issued by NATO Secretary General Havier Solana to the Commander of Joint Allied Forces, US General Wesley Clark. 

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was attacked under the pretext that it was responsible for the failure of negotiations in Rambouillet and Paris on the future status of Kosovo. After the Assembly of Serbia confirmed the decision not to accept deployment of foreign troops, which proposed United Nations forces to oversee the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Kosovo, on March 24, in 1999, NATO started air strikes at 19.45 targeting multiplies locations in Serbia and Montenegro. 19 NATO members took part in the bombing, in Serbian public referred to as NATO aggression. There is almost no city in Serbia that was not targeted at least a few times during the 11-week long bombardment.

During bombing 25.000 residential objects were damaged, 470 kilometers of roads and 595 kilometers of railway tracks were made unusable, 12 airports, 19 hospitals, 20 health houses, 18 kindergartens, 69 schools, 176 cultural objects and 44 bridges were damaged, while 38 bridges were completely destroyed, as in addition to military targets and infrastructure, NATO heavily attacked civilian infrastructure as well.

In the attack on RTS on April 23, 1999, NATO killed 16 media workers. It was the first time that a media house was declared “a legitimate military target”.

During the bombing, 2.300 air strikes against 995 objects across the country were carried out, while 1.150 combat planes launched close to 420.000 projects in a total amount of 22.000 tons. NATO launched 1,300 cruise missiles, dropped 37,000 "cluster bombs", killing around 200 people and injuring hundreds more, and used banned depleted uranium ammunition.

Following diplomatic pressure the bombing ended with the signing of the Military Technical Agreement in Kumanovo, North Macedonia. On June 10, UN SC adopted Resolution 1244, and 37.200 KFOR soldiers from 36 states were given tasks to preserve the peace and security as well as return of several hundred thousands displaced Albanians.

After the signing of the Military Technical Agreement, Serbian and Yugoslav police and armed forces left Kosovo. In the period that came after more than 200.000 Serbs were expelled from Kosovo, while Serbs and other non-Albanians, their properties as well as that of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo became targets of violence and attacks.

The exact material damages caused by NATO bombing had not been precisely determined. It is certain the amount involves dozens of billions of US dollars. The Government of the-then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia assessed material damages to be around 100 billion US dollars, while the group of economists from G17 in a study “The Final Bill” published the estimated damages amounted to 30 billion US dollars. 

Petkovic on NATO's bombing, says it blatantly violated international law (Kosovo Online, media)

“We remember and will not forget the 78 days of NATO aggression, when international law was blatantly violated in order to justify violence against the Serbian people and the illegal attempt at secession of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as when they bombed our bridges, hospitals, roads, media houses, homes in order to break our country and bring it to its knees”, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said in relation to the 26th anniversary of the bombing of FRY.

As he added "the criminal NATO bombs did not choose either gender or age”.

"During this aggression, 81 Serbian children perished, in an attempt to extinguish our youth and wanting to extinguish our future as well, to take away our Kosovo and Metohija, but many have made wrong calculations both then and today. Serbia and the Serbian people have been resurrected, building a stable, economically strong and politically neutral Serbia for the last 13 years with Aleksandar Vucic, a Serbia that remembers and reminds of its sufferings and victims, so that they never happen to us again”, Petkovic said in a post on Instagram.

"Today, when our country is attacked from the outside, only with different methods, it is our obligation to preserve, first of all, our Serbia, our harmony, unity and peace. We owe it to our ancestors, to those who laid down their lives for our country and to our generations, to our children, with whom we want to build a stable and prosperous future", Petkovic said.

26 anniversary of NATO bombing marked in Mitrovica North, tribute paid to victims (, media)

By laying the wreath at Brothers Milic Square and paying the tribute to the victims, representatives of Serbian List, Mitrovica North Provisional Municipal Authority, Kosovo Mitrovica District and Office for Kosovo and Metohija, commemorated the 26th anniversary of NATO bombing of the-then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, portal reported today.

On this date, 26 years ago, 19 states, members of NATO, for 78 days have bombed our country without a decision of UN SC  - Serbian List Vice President Dragisa Milovic said. “During the bombing depleted uranium, cluster bombs were used, something that is forbidden by international conventions….For all of them, the democratic West, we were collateral damage….We are here today, at this monument to remember all who perished, pray to the Lord and say that such a crime should never and nowhere happen again”, Milovic added.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Assistant Director Milena Parlic said that “today we stand dignified with heads held high”, as we “did not take anything from anyone, but only guarded what is ours”. She also said the memory of all who perished should be nurtured.

The 26th anniversary of NATO bombing was marked in Leposavic town and two settlements in this municipality, Lesak and Socanica. It will also be commemorated in other two northern municipalities and in Gracanica as well. 

Minister Djuric with Head of UNMIK on situation in Kosovo, upcoming UNSC session (Tanjug, RTV, Kosovo Online, RTS)

Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric met today the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) and UNMIK Head, Caroline Ziadeh, and discussed with her the situation in Kosovo and upcoming regular session of the UN Security Council on the work of UNMIK, which will be held in April, reported Tanjug. 

Djuric noted that the six-month period to which the latest report will refer was marked by the continuation of ''Pristina's unilateral actions against the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and numerous incidents as well as expressed expectation that new report on the work of UNMIK will discuss this in detail''.

The head of Serbian diplomacy pointed out that it is very important that the sessions of the UN SC, where the reports on UNMIK's work are discussed, remain open to the public, because there is a need for a wider international audience to become familiar with the challenges on the ground, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced.

Vucic, Oreshkin discuss cooperation, Serbia-Russia relations (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Maxim Oreshkin, deputy chief of staff of the Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation, in Belgrade on Sunday.

"A good meeting with Maxim Oreshkin, at which a commitment to strengthening the relations between Serbia and Russia in all areas was confirmed again," Vucic wrote in an Instagram post after the meeting.

Vucic and Oreshkin exchanged views on cooperation in the energy sector, commerce and many other segments of importance to both sides.

Vucic: Tourists cancelling trips to Serbia due to blockades (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday foreign tourists were cancelling trips to Serbia due to blockades and noted that economic growth was slower, Tanjug news agency reported.

"For the first time ever, we have four months where 28 percent of tourists have cancelled visits to Serbia", Vucic told residents of Zitoradja, southern Serbia. For the first time ever, our economy is declining as we have slower growth, he said, adding that FDI inflow was at an all-time low.

"It is all because of the blockades, and because of the terror that is being wrecked in Serbia. I am president of Serbia, and I have enough courage to tell the truth. I am not interested in ingratiating myself with anyone in any way. That is why I am now telling you that we all have an obligation to fight for our country in a peaceful and democratic way, without violence. We have no backup fatherland", Vucic said.