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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 11, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 49 new cases, three deaths (media)
  • Before confronting Vucic, Kurti plans to invite party leaders to a meeting (media)
  • Maas to Kurti: Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, decisive for European perspectives (media)
  • Gervalla publishes 20 key government program points (RTK)
  • Hoti publishes evidence that he handed over the dialogue file to Kurti (Kallxo)
  • CDHRF: Strengthening justice in Kosovo, most effective method to tackle Serbia's crimes (media)
  • Minister Mehaj talks to Montenegrin Defense Minister (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Covid-19 in Serbian areas: 8 new cases, one death (KoSSev)
  • Borrell: Western Balkans has key geostrategic role for the European Union (Beta, N1)
  • Vucic invited to Brussels (B92)
  • Diocese of Raska-Prizren concerned over attacks on religious sites (KoSSev)
  • Father Sava with Szunyog on Visoki Decani Monastery problems (Kosovo-online)
  • Jutarnji List: Forget Bosnia-Herzegovina, it is a nightmare; EU has a priority, and that is Serbia (B92, Blic)
  • Grubjesic: EU to convince Kurti that dialogue is a priority (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)
  • Court of Appeals rejects appeals filed by defense in Oliver Ivanovic murder trial (Kosovo-online)
  • Serbian official says almost four million doses of vaccine administered (N1)
  • Petkovic: Two returnees’ families in Dubrava village attacked (Kosovo-online)


  • Balkan Muslims Find Second Pandemic Ramadan a Challenge (Balkan Insight)
  • Landmine Blasts on Albania-Kosovo Border Blight Survivors’ Lives (Balkan Insight)
  • Serbia Honors 2019 Nobel Prize-Winner For Literature, Who Denies Srebrenica Genocide (RFE)


  • Serbian Chamber of Commerce to organize info day on Western Balkans common market action plan (Kosovo-online)



Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 49 new cases, three deaths (media)

Kosovo has recorded in the last 24 hours 49 new cases of COVID-19 and three deaths. At the same time, 346 recoveries have been confirmed over the same time period. There are 6,102 active cases of coronavirus in Kosovo.

Before confronting Vucic, Kurti plans to invite party leaders to a meeting (media)

The government is planning to meet with opposition parties before Prime Minister Albin Kurti enters into dialogue with Serbia, reports Gazeta Express.

Government spokesman, Perparim Kryeziu said that Albin Kurti will talk to the opposition on issues of national interest.

He further says that the goal in resuming the dialogue is that Kosovo and Serbia should be equal parties at the dialogue table.

According to the government spokesman, Kurti's meeting with the opposition is expected to take place this month.

"We expect the meetings with the opposition to take place during this month. The parties should be equal at the dialogue table, where Kosovo is a party to the dialogue and not a topic, as it has been so far. Dialogue should be in the service of both peoples, not politicians," he was quoted as saying for Euronews Albania.

Albin Kurti, head of government has refused to meet with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels, while Josep Borell announced today that Kurti had asked for more time to prepare for talks.

According to Borell, Kurti's meeting with Vucic was scheduled to take place today, however, the Kosovar chief executive had said that he would only attend the roundtable that will be organized and attended by all the leaders of the Western Balkans.

"I cannot attend the meeting for which I have not confirmed my participation in advance, what I can confirm is that I will come to Brussels for a working lunch or dinner organized by Commissioner Borrell, for mid-May, where the leaders of the Western Balkans will be part," Kurti had said.

Maas to Kurti: Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, decisive for European perspectives (media)

Today, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, had a telephone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Heiko Maas, with whom they discussed the perspective of the region in the European Union and the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

In a Twitter post, the German Foreign Ministry announced that Minister Heiko Maas has held a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Kurti.

In this post, Minister Maas is quoted as saying that it is Germany's top priority to provide a European perspective for the Western Balkan countries and that the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue remains crucial to this end. 

"It is Germany's top priority to provide a European perspective for the Western Balkan countries. The dialogue on the normalization of relations with Serbia, led by the EU, remains crucial for this purpose," the German Foreign Minister was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Kurti also announced in a Twitter post about the telephone conversation with the German Foreign Minister.

"Productive phone call with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. We emphasized Kosovo's European perspective in the European Union and strong bilateral relations. Germany is a crucial member of the European Union and we share the same vision for the six countries of the Western Balkans, committed to full membership in the EU and NATO," Kurti wrote.

Gervalla publishes 20 key government program points (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister, Donika Gervalla-Schwarz, made public the 20 key points of the government program.

The first among them is the Final Agreement with Serbia.

Further on, the second point is the vaccination of 60% of citizens by the end of 2021, while the third point lists direct assistance to families who have lost their head of household from the coronavirus pandemic.

Meanwhile, the fourth point of the governing program is the scheme to return to work people who have lost their jobs, while the fifth point is the health insurance fund.

Visa liberalization is listed in the ninth measure of this program.

Hoti publishes evidence that he handed over the dialogue file to Kurti (Kallxo)

Former Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti has reacted again to the statements of Prime Minister Albin Kurti that "he has not received any report on dialogue with Serbia" from the previous government. Hoti on his Facebook account has published the letter which contains all the materials submitted by the Hoti government to the Kurti government on the day of handover.

”On the occasion of the handover, all the necessary materials were submitted to the new Prime Minister, including the dialogue process, recorded (as can be seen from the two documents). On April 30, I published the full explanation regarding the submitted materials that belong to the dialogue with Serbia," Hoti wrote.

CDHRF: Strengthening justice in Kosovo, most effective method to tackle Serbia's crimes (media)

The Assembly of Kosovo in May 2019, at the initiative of the then President, Kadri Veseli, had voted a resolution for an international court, which will try and convict the crimes committed by the state of Serbia during the war in Kosovo.

Vesel's initiative was supported by civil society, relatives of missing persons, war veterans and others.

But two years later, the Council for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) is estimating that an International Criminal Tribunal for Serbia in Kosovo will be difficult to implement, as it lacks the support of international friends.

In an analysis called "International War Crimes Tribunal in Kosovo - Opportunities and Obstacles," the CDHRF estimates that the proposed designation will not find international support.

"The International Criminal Tribunal for Serbia in Kosovo. This is the proposal of the President of the Assembly, which the CDHRF considers difficult to secure international support given the political context. First, the eventual designation proposed will not find international support. But also from the point of view of human rights it is not acceptable because it separates victims and suspects for crimes on ethnic grounds while CDHRF is committed to ensure justice for all victims without making distinctions on ethnic, religious, age, gender, political convictions or status in society as if these criteria also apply to those who have planned the crime, have promoted the crime, have not prevented the crime or have even committed the crime," it is said, among other things, in the analysis of the CDHRF.

For the CDHRF, it would be more acceptable to extend the competencies of the Specialized Chambers to deal with crimes in Kosovo that have not been addressed by the Hague Tribunal, UNMIK and EULEX.

"If these chambers are part of the justice system of Kosovo and if the deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo with the amendment of the Law on this Special Court have had the opportunity to dissolve this Court then it is much easier to amend the Law which expands the powers of this Court," it is further stated in the analysis of the CDHRF.

Minister Mehaj talks to Montenegrin Defense Minister (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Defense Armend Mehaj, talked today to his counterpart, the Minister of Defense of Montenegro, Olivera Injac, via video link. On this occasion, Minister Injac congratulated Minister Mehaj on the task, expressing the will to further expand bilateral cooperation in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two ministries in areas of common interest, emphasizing the process of managing the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

A press release issued by the government of Kosovo says that Minister Mehaj stressed the importance of deepening cooperation between the two ministries in the common interest as two neighboring countries and the region in general. He also praised the current role of Montenegro as a NATO member country and the connection of this fact with Kosovo's goal of integration into regional and Euro-Atlantic security and defense organizations.

In the end, the two agreed to intensify bilateral commitments for further concretization of the activities of both ministries and forces.



Serbian Language Media


Covid-19 in Serbian areas: 8 new cases, one death (KoSSev)

Out of a total of 64 tested samples in Serbian communities in Kosovo in the last 24 hours, 8 people tested positive for coronavirus, and one person from North Mitrovica passed away, the Crisis Staff of the Municipality of Kosovska Mitrovica announced.

The number of active cases is currently 188.

The new patients are from North Mitrovica and Leposavic 3 each, Priluzje and Kamenica 1 each.

So far, a total of 5,996 people tested positive for coronavirus have been registered in Serb communities in Kosovo, out of 19,747 tested samples.

A total of 1,611 people have fallen ill in central Kosovo since the beginning of the pandemic.

The total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic is 147.

Borrell: Western Balkans has key geostrategic role for the European Union (Beta, N1)

The Western Balkans is a geopolitical issue; it has a geopolitical significance for the European Union, and the bloc's foreign ministers agree the Union should politically engage with the region besides a clear commitment to its European perspective, Josep Borrell, the EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has said in Brussels on Monday.

After the EU’s ministerial meeting, he said there was nothing new regarding the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on the normalisation of relations, saying a new round of talks would be held in June.

Earlier on Monday Borrell warned in non-paper of a negative perception of the EU accession process in the Western Balkans, adding that the integration of the region is in the Union’s political, security and economic interest.

Borrell later said the accession talks with Serbia and Montenegro on a prospect of opening new chapters in the accession negotiations with the EU should continue. He added the bloc’s ministers insisted with their Western Balkans’ partners to accelerate European reforms.

''I invited the Western Balkans’ leaders to Brussels for a meeting and dinner to look at the overall situation in the region as we’ve done today,'' Borrell said.

He added it was the first time in two years that ''the Western Balkans was on the EU Council of Ministers’ agenda, which is pretty odd''.

''There are many other problems related to the Western Balkans besides the enlargement, and we have to deal with that region from the geopolitical perspective,'' Borell said.

He added that ''the ministerial meeting agreed about the necessity of the acceleration of the Western Balkans reforms as well as about the need for more powerful, more favourable and open-minded messages'' to the region.

Borrell said the ministers also agreed that Bulgaria and North Macedonia should resolve bilateral issues on their own.

See at:

Vucic invited to Brussels (B92)

EU High Representative Joseph Borrell will discuss "the overall political situation in the region" at a dinner in Brussels with leaders from the Western Balkans, B92 reports.

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic was also invited to the meeting, informed EU sources told BETA news agency in Brussels. Yesterday, after a thorough discussion of EU foreign ministers on relations with the Western Balkans, Borrell announced the arrival of leaders from the region for dinner in Brussels and pointed out that "the Western Balkans is a great geopolitical problem".

Sources in Brussels stated that, speaking about the meeting with the leaders of the region, the EU High Representative pointed out that the ties between the European Union and the Western Balkans do not refer only to the process of joining the EU.

"Accession to membership is part of the situation, part of the problem and part of the solution, but there are other problems related to the Western Balkans, wider than the region, outside and inside the area, regardless of the accession procedure", Borrell explained.

"We must look at the Western Balkans from a geopolitical perspective as well", the EU High Representative noted, adding that "we will do the same next week with leaders from the Western Balkans".

"I told the ministers ‘you see, we have agreed on the principles, on the basis, and I hope you will now prepare concrete proposals so that we can move forward'", Borrell pointed out.

He concluded by saying that "we will not wait for yet another two years without putting the Western Balkans on the agenda, not even two months".

See at:

Diocese of Raska-Prizren concerned over attacks on religious sites (KoSSev)

The Diocese of Raska and Prizren expressed deep concern last night over the numerous attacks which were recently recorded on religious buildings of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo, KoSSev portal reports.

They condemned the recent stoning of the church of St. Petka in Vitina, as well as the attempt to remove the church flag from the bell tower of the church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in nearby Klokot on St. George’s Day.

They recalled that money and church valuables were stolen from the church of Holy Trinity in the neighboring village of Partes earlier this year.

Incidents before Easter were not absent in the southern parts of Kosovo as well, the Diocese of Raska and Prizren underscored.

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Father Sava with Szunyog on Visoki Decani Monastery problems (Kosovo-online)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery Archimandrite Sava Janjic spoke today with the Head of EU Office in Pristina Tomas Szunyog on the current situation and the problems Visoki Decani Monastery is facing, Kosovo-online portal reports.

“Today Fr. Sava received Head of the EU Mission in #Kosovo Mr. Tomáš Szunyog @EUAmbKS. They discussed the current situation especially related to problems of Dečani #Monastery. Fr Sava conveyed concern of #Serbian #Orthodox Bishop in #Kosovo Teodosije regarding the latest incidents”, Visoki Decani Monastery wrote on Twitter. 

Jutarnji List: Forget Bosnia-Herzegovina, it is a nightmare; EU has a priority, and that is Serbia (B92, Blic)

After yesterday's meeting in Brussels, discussing the Western Balkans, Croatian media state that the EU is not essentially interested in Bosnia, but in Serbia.

The main topic of discussion of yesterday's meeting in Brussels was, as EU High Representative Josep Borrell explained, the situation in the Western Balkans, explaining that the goal of the talks was how to engage the European Union more strongly in the region and offer a better, stronger European perspective for the region.

According to Jutarnji List, the meeting on the Western Balkans was convened on the Croatian initiative after the appearance of "non-paper", allegedly created by the Slovenian and Hungarian prime ministers, Janez Jansa and Viktor Orban, who proposed that Bosnia-Herzegovina disintegrate according to ethnic criteria.

Zagreb then, as it is stated, launched "praiseworthy diplomatic action, gained the support of five members, including Slovenia and Hungary, and distributed its 'non-paper' to the members, which is committed to the territorial preservation of Bosnia-Herzegovina".

That is understandable, as Jutarnji List further states, because the instability of Bosnia-Herzegovina is a strategic nightmare for Croatia and Serbia.

Serbia and Kosovo are crucial

However, Jutarnji List states that the key problem for the EU is Serbia and the Kosovo issue. Serbia is the largest country in the region, with great impact in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and North Macedonia.

Seven days ago, former Slovenian President Milan Kucan confirmed that Herman van Rompuy, the first president of the European Council, after handing him a document on the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina ten years ago, replied: "The EU's attention - as long as there is no war - is focused on Serbia, Serbia should be trained and admitted to the EU as soon as possible so that it, as a regional power in the Balkans, can take responsibility for the pacification of the Balkans." According to Jutarnji list sources in Brussels, this trend can also be seen in the "non-paper" on the solution of the Kosovo issue, which is completely in favor of Belgrade.

In support of that, the text continues, with the conclusions of yesterday's meeting, which ends with the sentence: "Ministers also requested a quick continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and reiterated permanent and unequivocal support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Bosnia-Herzegovina."

It is no coincidence that Bosnia-Herzegovina is at the bottom of the list with a message on territorial integrity. Understandably, there is still no progress on the 14 points set by the EU two years ago as a condition for discussing membership candidacy.

Bosnia-Herzegovina does not have the strategic weight for the EU as Serbia or Kosovo, which still five EU members do not recognize. Or North Macedonia, the other neuralgic point of the region. The EU is tired of Bosnia-Herzegovina, it is no coincidence that Borrell published a blog about Bosnia-Herzegovina on Sunday, in which he wrote that the meeting with the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina ten days ago was "difficult, with numerous assaults and mutual accusations between the three members".

So, the text concludes, the EU will continue to deal with the Western Balkans, but the primary goal is Serbia (and Kosovo). When it comes to Bosnia-Herzegovina, it is enough to say that the agreement on the election legislation should be completed by the end of May, and there are no indications of a compromise yet.

See at:

Grubjesic: EU to convince Kurti that dialogue is a priority (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)

Before the continuation of the new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which was announced for the second half of June by the head of EU diplomacy Josep Borell, Brussels was left to convince Albin Kurti to place dialogue with Belgrade high on the list of priorities of the government in Pristina, said the vice president of the Center for Foreign Policy Suzana Grubjesic. Because, she pointed, it is "in line with the European agenda".

Grubjesic expects that after May 18, when Borell will organize a traditional dinner for the leaders of the Western Balkans in Brussels, it will be clearer whether and when the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will continue at the highest political level.

"Whether it will be at the end of June or not remains to be seen. The EU General Affairs Council is scheduled for June 22 to discuss enlargement and reach certain conclusions, and I assume that Borell's idea is to continue the dialogue before the scheduled Council," Grubjesic told Tanjug.

Commenting on Borell's statement that EU officials "cannot go on vacation without continuing the dialogue", Grubjesic says that the summer break has nothing to do with the essence, and that is the dialogue to continue not only because of Brussels, but also because of Belgrade and Pristina.

She reminds that according to the original idea, a new round of dialogue should have been held today, but that it was postponed because Albin Kurti did not want to attend the continuation of the dialogue "for various reasons" he presented, of which, according to Grubjesic, the key one was that the dialogue was not high on the priority list of his.

Grubjesic notes that this is not the first time that Kurti has postponed the continuation of the dialogue, but that the EU and the US "should know who they are dealing with" and points out that with Kurti should be talked, and work to have the dialogue with Belgrade where it belongs - at the top of the priorities of the Pristina government.

As she says, if the Pristina authorities want a European future, they must resolve all open issues, while, Grubjesic points out, it is up to Brussels to agree with Pristina when the dialogue for which Belgrade is ready will continue.

"Basically, what matters is what will be on the table and what will be discussed. Without guarantees that it will be started with the fulfillment of the Brussels agreement, I do not see the purpose of talks at the highest political level, because experts will discuss technical issues," Grubjesic said.

When asked about the program adopted by the Pristina government, which, when it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, no longer mentions the principle of reciprocity, but that the goal remains a final agreement, which, in addition to mutual recognition with Serbia, includes recognition of the five remaining EU countries, Grubjesic says that Pristina is not in a position to set preconditions for the continuation of the dialogue and that reciprocity "was nonsense from the beginning".

She is convinced that the pressures and calls for the remaining five countries to recognize Kosovo's independence will continue, but she notes that this has not changed their position so far.

"I am sure that those countries are waiting to see whether Belgrade will succeed in reaching an agreement with Pristina and whether a comprehensive agreement on the normalization of relations will be reached. Each of them has its own reasons why it did not recognize the independence of Kosovo, although some of them have good cooperation with Pristina," states Grubjesic.

Court of Appeals rejects appeals filed by defense in Oliver Ivanovic murder trial (Kosovo-online)

Kosovo Court of Appeals rejected as unfounded the appeals filed by the defense lawyers, asking for the rejection of the indictment and challenging the evidence in the case of the accused N.S., M.R., S.A., D.M. and R.B. for their involvement in the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic, leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (SDP).

According to the press release, the deliberation of the Basic Court in Pristina from March 2, 2021 was confirmed, and this criminal case will be continued in accordance with the rules of criminal procedure.

Special Prosecutor is charging the accused with a number of criminal offenses related to the participation or organization of an organized criminal group, aggravated murder, abuse of official position or authority, and unauthorized control or possession of weapons.

Serbian official says almost four million doses of vaccine administered (N1)

Serbian Government official Mihailo Jovanovic said on Tuesday that almost four million doses of coronavirus vaccine have been administered to date, N1 reports.

Jovanovic who is E-administration chief specified that 3.83 million doses of coronavirus vaccine had been administered. He said that 2.17 million people received the first dose and 1.66 million received their second dose.

“There are half a million people who received both doses in Belgrade”, he said adding that Belgrade, Nis and Uzice have vaccinated more than 45 percent of their respective populations and several others reached the 20 percent level.

According to Jovanovic, the goal is to inoculate three million people. He said that the decision to set up vaccination posts in six shopping malls was yielding excellent results.

Petkovic: Two returnees’ families in Dubrava village attacked (Kosovo-online)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said today that the latest attack against two returnees families in Dubrava village (Istok municipality) “was a drop that overflew the glass”, Kosovo-online portal reports.

He also recalled that over the last month there were 11 attacks against the Serb houses and Serbian Orthodox Church shrines in Kosovo.  

Petkovic stressed that the attacks against Serb returnees’ families and lack of reaction on the side of Pristina were the reasons why Serbs do not return to Kosovo.

According to Petkovic the family houses of Radoje and Milan Pumpalovic were targets of attacks. Family of Radoje Pumpalovic was the target of the attacks earlier as well, while Petovic noted this was the fifth in a row attack against this family.

Petkovic also said Pristina has not provided and doesn’t provide conditions for the return of the displaced Serbs in Kosovo, adding the percentage of returnees is the lowest in the world due to intimidation and expulsion by burning the houses down, burglarizing and robberrying them. 





Balkan Muslims Find Second Pandemic Ramadan a Challenge (Balkan Insight)

Many Muslims in the Balkans find marking another Ramadan under COVID restrictions difficult – but some see it as an opportunity to focus on the month’s real meaning, and ask important questions.

Islam’s holiest month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr is a time of social solidarity, tolerance and contemplation. During these holy days, Muslim believers fast from sunrise until sunset and help the poor and those in need.

Mass prayers, iftar dinners – breaking the daily fast – and family and neighbourhood gatherings are essential parts of Ramadan, besides other events such as concerts, fairs and conferences.

Finally, in Eid al-Fitr, known also in the Balkans as Ramazan Bajram, believers come together to celebrate the end of the holy month.

See more at:

Landmine Blasts on Albania-Kosovo Border Blight Survivors’ Lives (Balkan Insight)

Over 200 people were injured by landmines laid by Serbian forces at the Albanian border during the Kosovo war, and survivors say inadequate healthcare and problems with repairing prosthetic limbs are still causing suffering.

For Shaqir Koloshi, who lives in the mountain village of Beles in north-eastern Albania, near the border with Kosovo, getting around is an everyday struggle after the explosion that devastated his legs.

Koloshi was seriously injured when a mine exploded by the border in 1999. His left leg was amputated below the knee and half of his right foot. He walks with difficulty, with the help of two crutches, and has had to repair his own prostheses to ensure he can remain mobile.

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Serbia Honors 2019 Nobel Prize-Winner For Literature, Who Denies Srebrenica Genocide (RFE)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on May 9 presented one of the state's highest honors to Peter Handke, an Austrian writer and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2019 who denies the genocide in Srebrenica.

The Order of Karadjordje's Star of the First Degree was given to Handke in Belgrade because of his “uncompromising fight for the truth,” according to a statement by the moderator of the ceremony.

See more at:





Serbian Chamber of Commerce to organize info day on Western Balkans common market action plan (Kosovo-online)

Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) as one of the six chambers of commerce within Chamber’s Western Balkans Investment Fund (KIF ZB6) will organize tomorrow an info day “Western Balkans and Serbia: Implementation of Action Plan for common regional market – benefits and challenges”, PKS said in a statement, Kosovo-online portal reports.

During this online event benefits from the plan's implementation would be presented and discussion on challenges launched in order to encourage finding of joint solutions to the interest of the business community in the Western Balkans, its citizens and the EU.

The Action Plan for common regional market for the period from 2021 to 2024 is continuation of activities to advance economic cooperation in the Western Balkans on its path to fully-fledged EU membership, PKS added in a statement.