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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 11, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Chief negotiators to try and set the scene for a new Kurti-Vucic meeting (Koha)
  • Shasha: No visa liberalisation this year; a European tragedy (Telegrafi)
  • Excavation in search of human remains commences in Serbia (media)
  • Haxhiu meets Venice Commission representatives (media)
  • Three international agreements voted by the Assembly today (media)
  • Inflation rate in Kosovo recorded at 11 percent (Koha/Kosovapress)
  • COVID-19: 14 new cases, one death (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petkovic with Cochard on Brussels agreements, Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Kosovo-online)
  • Bus transporting Serb returnees from Osojane stoned (RTS)
  • Guterres congratulates Vucic on his election as President of Serbia (RTS)
  • President of Basic Court in Mitrovica North returns to work following suspension (Kosovo-online)
  • Stavalj mine terrain research began at the request of the Pristina delegation for the missing (Kontakt plus radio)
  • Selakovic: Gratitude to India for its stance on Kosovo (Kosovo-online)
  • Pahor: EU enlargement to the Western Balkans the most important issue (Kosovo Online, N1, RFE, Hina)
  • Infrastructure Minister says Serbia interested in Saudi investment plan (N1)


  • Montenegro’s New PM Supports ‘Open Balkan’ Initiative (Balkan Insight)




Albanian Language Media  


Chief negotiators to try and set the scene for a new Kurti-Vucic meeting (Koha)

The 13 May meeting at the level of chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia will serve as preparation for the next high-level meeting in the framework of the dialogue, EU foreign policy spokesperson Peter Stano told Koha.

Stano said in a reply to the news website that the Friday meeting between Kosovo's Besnik Bislimi and Serbia's Petar Petkovic is aimed at continuing discussions on a number of issues. "The EU-facilitated dialogue will continue on 13 May with a meeting in Brussels at the level of chief negotiators. The objective is to continue discussions on finding a way forward for a number of issues and prepare the next high-level meeting of the dialogue. All issues discussed in the last meeting in April will again be on the agenda, particularly the licence plates, energy, and missing persons," he said.

Koha recalls  that the last high-level meeting between leaders of Kosovo and Serbia took place in July of last year but that Prime Minister Albin Kurti and President Aleksandar Vucic also met last week at an informal dinner, hosted by the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. 

Shasha: No visa liberalisation this year; a European tragedy (Telegrafi)

Demush Shasha, director of the Prishtina-based EPIK Institute, said in an interview with the news website that the process of visa liberalisation for Kosovo citizens will not conclude this year. “The story of visa liberalisation for Kosovo is a European tragedy. It is difficult to explain how this issue has not been completed even after 10 years. The answer is complex. Primarily the responsibility falls on Kosovo. In 2016 we could have concluded the issue, but because of the demarcation [with Montenegro] we entered a dead-end road. And then when demarcation was ratified in 2018, the EU had other priorities. As far as this year is concerned, it is difficult to make a prediction, but I would bet that there won’t be visa liberalisation. I hope I am wrong, but I fear that visa liberalisation will not happen this year, it will be postponed to 2023,” Shasha said.

Excavation in search of human remains commences in Serbia (media)

Excavations into a suspected mass grave site have commenced in the village of Staval, Serbia, in search of persons still unaccounted for, online media report quoting a press release issued by the Government of Kosovo. 

The Kosovo delegation is said to have repeatedly requested Serbian authorities to share any information on missing persons from their archives and adds that the excavations started after satellite images were secured through the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). These footages are expected to be analysed by experts in the coming days in an effort to determine the precise location of the possible mass grave.

"The Government of the Republic of Kosovo remains committed to continuing its work by giving priority to shedding light on the fate and whereabouts of the missing, ensuring better legal and institutional treatment of their families and serving justice for crimes committed during the war in Kosovo," the press release concludes.

Haxhiu meets Venice Commission representatives (media)

The Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu received a delegation from the Venice Commission, respectively rapporteurs James Hamilton and Dan Meridor, and Michael Janssen representative of the Venice Commission Secretariat.

A press release issued by the Ministry informs that they discussed the Draft Law on the Establishment of the State Bureau for verification and confiscation of unjustifiable assets, on the eve of the preparation of the Opnion on this Draft Law.

“Minister Haxhiu and the members of the working group informed the rapporteurs about the purpose of the Draft Law and justified each issue addressed by them,” reads the press release.

Haxhiu expressed appreciation to the Venice Commission delegation for the professional assistance that they have been providing to Kosovo. She stressed that the consultations with the Venice Commission are extremely valuable and as such, will continue in the future.

"Minister Haxhiu together with the members of the working group informed the rapporteurs about the purpose of the Draft Law and argued on each issue that was addressed by them.

Three international agreements voted by the Assembly today (media)

The MPs of the Assembly of Kosovo voted in today’s session for three international agreements.

Draft Law no. 08 / L-130 on the ratification of the Agreement between the government of Kosovo and the Council of Ministers of Albania on mutual legal assistance in civil and commercial matters was voted with 86 votes in favor.

The draft law no. 08 / L-139 on the ratification of the Loan Agreement between Kosovo and the European Investment Bank for the project of development of the wastewater plant in Mitrovica was voted with 85 votes.

The draft law no. 08 / L-140 on the ratification of the Loan Agreement between Kosovo and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the wastewater treatment project in Mitrovica was voted with 86 votes in favor.

Meanwhile, Draft Law no. 08 / L-141 on the ratification of the Financing Agreement between Kosovo represented by the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers, and the International Development Association for "Social Assistance System Reform Project in Kosovo", has not passed. Only 63 MPs voted for, 24 were against and no abstentions.

With 74 votes in favor, the Draft Law on Protection of Trade Secrets was approved in the second reading.

Inflation rate in Kosovo recorded at 11 percent (Koha/Kosovapress)

The annual rate of inflation in Kosovo has reached 11.2 percent during the month of April, the Agency of Statistics said.

With regard to monthly inflation figures, April recorded an increase of 1.5 percent compared to the previous month which alone reached the highest inflation growth since 2010 with 2.7 percent.

The increase of prices has mostly been noted in bread and grains, meat, milk, cheese, eggs. The price of cooking oil meanwhile recorded the highest increase, of 15.6 percent, compared to March. Fruit and vegetables also increased in price as did alcoholic beverages, gas, household items. 

COVID-19: 14 new cases, one death (media)

14 new cases with COVID-19 and one death were confirmed in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. There are 350 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.




Serbian Language Media


Petkovic with Cochard on Brussels agreements, Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Kosovo-online)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Petar Petkovic met today French Ambassador to Serbia, Pierre Cochard and informed him about Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Kosovo-online portal reports.

As the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement, Petkovic emphasised that unlike Belgrade, Pristina has not implemented Brussels agreements, primarily the one relating to the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities.

“In addition to this one, there are violations of the agreements in the field of energy, agreement of licence plates and continuous lack of cooperation regarding missing persons issue”, Petkovic said.  He added Pristina refuses to allow search on nine locations in Kosovo, that based on information Belgrade has, could contain mortal remains of the missing Serbs, while Belgrade without hesitation acted on any Pristina’s requests.

Petkovic noted that a search on the location at Stavalj mine, in Sjenica municipality has started, and that Belgrade acted based on information submitted by Pristina.

Petkovic also said Belgrade remains committed to preserving regional stability and resolving all disputes with Pristina through dialogue and by political means.  

Bus transporting Serb returnees from Osojane stoned (RTS)

Humanitarian bus transporting Serb returnees from Istok municipality to Mitrovica North was stoned yesterday morning at Rudnik, Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement, RTS reports.

The Office said the bus transports Serb returnees from Osojane to Mitrovica North twice a week so they can complete necessary administrative things and medical examinations there. It added no one was injured in the attack. The driver called the police who came to the spot and conducted an investigation.

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija requested perpetrators be arrested without delay and prosecuted. It also urged representatives of the international community in Kosovo and Metohija to publicly and clearly condemn the incident and increase security of the Serbs there.

Guterres congratulates Vucic on his election as President of Serbia (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received a congratulatory message by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on his election as President of Serbia, Vucic’s press office said in a statement, RTS reports.

“I would like to extend to you the most cordial congratulations and best wishes in the new term as the President of the Republic of Serbia. I am convinced that under your leadership the long-standing partnership between the United Nations and Serbia will remain strong and unwavering. I am looking forward to deepening our constructive cooperation, in particular in the area of Sustainable Development Goals, as well as your country’s contribution to the United Nations peacekeeping operations”, UN SG Guterres wrote in a statement.

Guterres also said that “at the times of heightened tensions, I welcome your strong commitment to regional stability, the promotion of cooperation and good-unneighborly relations as well as continued engagement in the dialogue under EU’s auspices aiming to achieve lasting peace and reconciliation in the region. In achieving these goals you may count on the full support of the United Nations”, RTS added.  

President of Basic Court in Mitrovica North returns to work following suspension (Kosovo-online)

President of the Basic Court in Mitrovica North Ljiljana Stevanovic has returned to work, following two-month suspension, a disciplinary measure Kosovo Judicial Council rendered upon her over her participation in a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Kosovo-online portal reports.

Stevanovic took part in a session of the Serbian National Security Council convened by President Vucic on March 22, in Belgrade.

Stavalj mine terrain research began at the request of the Pristina delegation for the missing (Kontakt plus radio)

According to the order issued by the War Crimes Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Serbia, based on information about the potential location of the mass grave submitted by the Pristina delegation of the Working Group for Missing Persons, the process of searching the terrain at the Stavalj mine site in Sjenica began yesterday, announced Commission for Missing Persons of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, reported Kontakt plus radio. 

"A search of the terrain is needed in order to precisely determine whether there are remains of persons listed as missing at the location, which sends a clear message to their families, as well as the determination of the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia to check all information to find their loved ones," read the announcement.

In addition to the war crimes prosecutor and his two deputies, the president of the Commission on Missing Persons and his associates, at the site were and representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Belgrade and Pristina delegations of the Working Group on Missing Persons, the Resource Center for Missing Serbs and Albanians and mining and geological expert.

The search of the terrain will last until the facts that are necessary in specifying the exact location of the possible mass grave are determined and clarified, added the announcement.

Selakovic: Gratitude to India for its stance on Kosovo (Kosovo-online)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Nikola Selakovic met in Malaga on the margins of international conference against terrorism with the State Ministry for Foreign Affairs of India, Minakshi Leki and thanked her country over principled stance not to recognize Kosovo and support it extends to Serbia in international organizations, Kosovo-online portal reports.

The two interlocutors also discussed a number of international topics and bilateral issues, the statement of the Serbian Foreign Ministry said.

On this occasion, the statement added, Selakovic underlined the importance of deepening several decade long friendship and cooperation between the two states, based on mutual respect and understanding as well as to foster political and economic ties between Serbia and India.  

In Malaga, Selakovic also met with his Palestinian counterpart Riad Malki. They discussed human rights, civil society and fight against terrorism.

“Always a pleasure to meet a dear colleague from @pmofa. FM#Selakovic spoke with FM#RiadMaki on the #UNMalaga2022 margins”, Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote on Twitter. 

Pahor: EU enlargement to the Western Balkans the most important issue (Kosovo Online, N1, RFE, Hina)

The President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, stated that Bosnia and Herzegovina should receive the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union (EU) without preconditions, then the BiH authorities to fulfil their obligations. He said that the enlargement of the EU to the Western Balkans is a matter of priority, reported Kosovo Online, citing Radio Free Europe.

In his address at a business conference in Sarajevo, Pahor said that “everyone was aware that political stability was a precondition for economic development and that the Western Balkans was still a region of political instability.”

“There is a constant threat of instability caused by Bulgaria’s blockade of North Macedonia’s EU entry talks, which has a spillover effect on Albania, the lack of progress in talks between Serbia and Kosovo as well as internal problems in Bosnia,” he said.

The Slovenian president noted that it was “possibly the most important thing now” to resolve the political stalemate in Bosnia, as the country is required to meet a set of 14 priorities to be granted EU membership candidate status, the first step that any country wishing to join the bloc needs to go through before starting membership negotiations.

Although BiH formally applied in February 2016, the process of closer EU integration was hampered by inaction in implementing a number of reforms required by the European Commission.

“The stalemate has lasted for more than two years, and Pahor now proposes that BiH should be given candidate status as an important political signal that it has a prospect of EU membership, after which work should continue on meeting the set criteria,” Croatian state agency Hina said.

He explained that “because of being too slow,” the EU integration process “had caused a rise in nationalism” and encouraged “unacceptable ideas about changing borders” in the region. Pahor therefore called for identifying EU enlargement as the country’s most important issue – an issue which he said, “has gained prominence in the wake of Russia’s aggression on Ukraine.”

“I support Ukraine’s fast-track integration, but I also want such a procedure for Bosnia,” Pahor said, adding that it was necessary to “seize the moment” and help Bosnia because this was “also important for regional stability.”

Pahor is participating in the 11th Sarajevo Business Forum, whose main topic is "Nearshoring - a perspective for the region", and participants will discuss the potentials and possibilities of relocating production from European countries to Southeast European countries.

More than 300 investment projects and business ideas will be presented at the Sarajevo Business Forum.

More than 300 investment projects and business ideas will be presented at the Sarajevo Business Forum, mostly from Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also from Croatia, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, and Albania.

Infrastructure Minister says Serbia interested in Saudi investment plan (N1)

Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure Minister Tomislav Momirovic said on Wednesday that Serbia wants to be part of a 100 billion USD Saudi investment plan, N1 reports.  

“We said that we want to be part of the impressive investment plan Saudi 2030 which includes investments in infrastructure of 100 billion USD,” he told Saudi Arabia’s Transport and Logistics Minister Saleh bin Nasser bin Alali Alyasser in Riyadh.

Momirovic added that there are plans to introduce regular flights between Riyadh and Belgrade. “Saudi Arabia, a G-20 member, is a country which is quickly modernizing economically providing a huge opportunity for our companies to find a place on its market”, he added.

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Montenegro’s New PM Supports ‘Open Balkan’ Initiative (Balkan Insight)

While former governments refrained from joining the cross-border initiative, Montenegro's new Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic, on Tuesday signalled a change of course.

Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic on Tuesday said Montenegro should support the “Open Balkan” initiative, established by the governments of Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia.

In the interview for Kosovo television station Klan Kosova, Abazovic said that such an initiative could increase trust between regional countries and improve communication.

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