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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 15, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti on elections: Opposition must be ready, we are always ready (media)
  • Kurti meets coalition partner, discuss developments and elections (media)
  • Muhaxheri: PDK and VV have agreed on date of new elections (media)
  • Osmani speaks with Steinmeier on Kosovo’s membership in CoE (media)
  • Knaus: There is still a good way for Kosovo to join CoE soon (media)
  • Civil society’s open letter to CoE in support of Kosovo’s membership bid (media)
  • Damka: Conditioning CoE membership unfair to communities too (RTK)
  • Malcolm criticizes EU for stalemate in Pristina-Belgrade dialogue (VoA)
  • COMKFOR: Security stable but fragile, ready to respond to any challenge (media)
  • Maqedonci to meet British Armed Forces Minister Docherty (media)
  • Specialist Chambers: Kilaj released in Kosovo under strict conditions (media)
  • Osmani meets “thriving diaspora” in Copenhagen (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Trilateral meeting in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue underway in Brussels (Tanjug, media)
  • Vucic meets Allen, says US should step up engagement to help preserve regional stability (Tanjug, media)
  • The census ending, and the enumerators did not knock on the doors of the citizens of North Mitrovica (KoSSev, N1)
  • Raska-Prizren Diocese: Serbian Orthodox church near Pec desecrated (media, social media)
  • Gervalla in Leposavic about the "beauty of the Republic of Kosovo" and the region's "brutal decade-long backwardness" (KoSSev)
  • Kosovo authorities bar ‘The Book of Milutin’ crew from entering Kosovo, a move actor condemns as primitive (KoSSev)
  • Protest by journalists, cameramen of newsrooms in Serbian language due to the eviction of "Jedinstvo" from its premises (Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS, Kosovo Online, KiM radio)
  • UN General Assembly sets date for Srebrenica resolution vote (N1)


  • Former Officer Detained As Police Seize Weapons Cache In Northern Kosovo (RFE)
  • Kosovo Remembers Village Massacres as PM Urges More War Crime Probes (BIRN)

Albanian Language Media  


Kurti on elections: Opposition must be ready, we are always ready (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said today that the ruling Vetevendosje Movement is always ready for elections and that the opposition must be ready too. “The opposition must be ready. We are always ready. Otherwise, if they are comfortable, we will serve out our mandate,” he said. Asked why he is talking about elections lately, Kurti said his meeting with Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Memli Krasniqi “was very important to discuss the agenda of the Assembly, as there are many international agreements that have not been voted”.

Kurti meets coalition partner, discuss developments and elections (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Tuesday evening with leaders of Guxo, the junior partner in the ruling coalition, Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla and Agriculture Minister Faton Peci. A press release issued by Kurti’s office notes that the meeting focused on current developments and the stances of opposition parties about early parliamentary elections. “It was said that being that the assembly and government have reached the fourth year of mandate, it is understandable that the election process is a matter of months, but an agreement on further steps must be in line with the will of the citizens of the Republic and the full harmonization of the request of opposition parties toward the majority in the Assembly. Only then can initiatives to discuss a new election process be seriously addressed,” the press release notes.

Muhaxheri: PDK and VV have agreed on date of new elections (media)

Deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Gazmend Muhaxheri, said on Tuesday that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Vetevendosje Movement have agreed on the date of early parliamentary elections and that it will be July 7 the latest. Muhaxheri, who is also mayor of the municipality of Peja, said that the agreement was reached at the dinner Prime Minister Albin Kurti had with PDK leader Memli Krasniqi on Monday. “They agreed on the date of elections. July 7 the latest. When there is such proximity, there is a bigger possibility for bigger agreements. The date of elections will be announced in the coming days,” he said.

Osmani speaks with Steinmeier on Kosovo’s membership in CoE (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a post on X today that on Tuesday she spoke with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to discuss Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe. “I emphasized the critical importance for the successful conclusion of this process, to ensure that all our citizens benefit from the Council’s instruments as soon as possible. Our membership would not only be a win for human rights in Kosovo, but also a win for our continent and the values it firmly stands on,” Osmani said.

Knaus: There is still a good way for Kosovo to join CoE soon (media)

Chairman of the European Stability Initiative (ESI), Gerald Knaus, said in a post on X today that “contrary to some pessimistic reporting: there is still a good way forward for Kosovo to join the Council of Europe soon. It requires leadership, as does any progress in politics. And a clear reference to Council of Europe standards, that apply to all member states. No less, no more.”

Civil society’s open letter to CoE in support of Kosovo’s membership bid (media)

Most news websites cover an open letter by civil society organizations in Kosovo to the Council of Europe in support of Kosovo’s bid for membership. The letter notes:

We as members of Kosovo’s civil society organizations want to call upon Council of Europe member states and express our concerns over the European perspective of Kosovo and the country’s membership in the Council of Europe. 

We strongly support Kosovo’s bid to join the Council of Europe. Membership in the Council of Europe is a fundamental step in strengthening the country’s commitment and delivery on Human Rights and confirming Kosovo’s future in the EU.

Membership in the Council of Europe would not only help Kosovo’s process of European Integration but also accelerate democratization to meet European standards. 

We also acknowledge that Kosovo’s responsibilities do not end with the membership. We are committed to ensuring that our government continues to meet all post-accession conditions. This includes the establishment of the Association of Serb majority municipalities. 

Civil society is dedicated to maintaining pressure on the government to fulfill the obligations Kosovo has committed to, fully, and transparently, ensuring that our path towards European integration benefits all citizens of Kosovo.

We stand ready to support and advocate for these goals, promoting a future where Kosovo prospers as part of the European family. 

Damka: Conditioning CoE membership unfair to communities too (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister for Regional Development and representative of the Turkish community, Fikrim Damka, said in a Facebook post today that Kosovo has met all requirements to join the Council of Europe and that the new conditions by some European countries are an injustice toward other non-majority communities in Kosovo too. He said that as a member and representative of the Turkish community in Kosovo he feels neglected by the leaders of allied countries that have decided to block Kosovo’s membership. “Access to the mechanisms of the Council of Europe and the Strasbourg Court, is a good and additional opportunity for the protection and promotion of non-majority community rights … Denying this opportunity because of a process that relates exclusively to a single non-majority community is discouraging for the Turkish community in Kosovo and for all other communities that are an active part of the social, cultural and institutional life in the Republic of Kosovo,” Damka argued.

Malcolm criticizes EU for stalemate in Pristina-Belgrade dialogue (VoA)

Renowned British historian, Sir Noel Malcolm, in an interview with the Voice of America in Albanian, criticized representatives of the European Union for their pressure on Kosovo and for continuous concessions to Serbia in the process of normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. “The main responsibility falls on Belgrade who I think has continuously displayed evil objectives. The second responsible part is the European Union, its representatives, and facilitators, who have continuously made concessions to the Serbian side in unprecedented fashion, which sometimes raises serious questions not only about the impartiality in the process but also its validity based on international law,” he said.

Malcolm argued that conditioning Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe with the Association of Serb-majority municipalities is an unfair approach that further complicates an agreement between Pristina and Belgrade. “The way that the EU representatives have tried to change their conditions, by agreeing to increasing conditions from Serbia, is not a success story in international diplomacy, and the way they tried to take advantage of this issue. The Government of Kosovo, from the beginning, from the Ahtisaari Plan, which is the foundation of Kosovo’s independence, has agreed to have an Association of Serb-majority municipalities. But the conditions have increased throughout the years and have made this issue more problematic,” he argued.

According to Malcolm, “the war in Ukraine has worsened the geopolitical aspect in Europe and has had a negative impact on Kosovo too. I am certain that people are more concerned that Serbia can be a kind of a Trojan Horse in the Balkans that works for Moscow. This is understandable. But in the long-term aspect, I think that the war in Ukraine will lead the West to understand who its real friends are. We all know that Kosovo and Albania are the most pro-western, pro-NATO, pro-U.S. countries in the region. These are real friends, and Serbia is continuously showing it is not a friend at all,” he said.

Malcolm also said that “it would be easy to say that [Serbian President Aleksandar] Vucic is playing a smart game. He knows what worries Berlin, Paris, Washington, and therefore new concessions will be made to him. But this is not merely a tactic. Look at the results of polls in Serbia. There is broad public sentiment that they love Putin more than any other western politician. The support for Putin in Serbian polls is shocking,” he argued.

COMKFOR: Security stable but fragile, ready to respond to any challenge (media)

Commander of the NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, KFOR, Ozkan Ulutas, said in an interview with A2CNN that the security situation in Kosovo is stable but fragile and that 4,600 troops are ready to respond to any challenge.

Ulutas did not comment on an earlier request for additional peacekeeping troops made by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti but said that depending on the situation they can review the deployment of more troops. “NATO constantly reviews its position and remains ready to arrange or adjust it as needed. NATO deployed 1,000 additional troops in Kosovo after the violence last year. to prevent any threat of escalation or renewed violence, we are ready to respond to possible challenges. If necessary, we can arrange our position in line with our UN mandate,” he said.

Asked to comment on warnings by some foreign intelligence agencies about the possibility of increased tensions in the north of Kosovo, Ulutas said KFOR is ready to respond to any challenge. “We are well equipped to address any situation that can impact the security environment and we continue to operate as the third security responder, after the Kosovo Police and the EU Rule of Law Mission (EULEX), with whom we are in close coordination,” he said.

Maqedonci to meet British Armed Forces Minister Docherty (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Defence, Ejup Maqedonci, said today that he will visit the UK from May 15-17 May and meet with the British Armed Forces Minister Leo Docherty with whom he will sign an updated agreement on cooperation in the area of defense. Maqedonci is scheduled to meet other senior officials of the Ministry of Defense and the British Government. He will also visit the contingent of the Kosovo Security Force that is training Ukrainian troops as part of the Interflex operation.

Specialist Chambers: Kilaj released in Kosovo under strict conditions (media)

The Specialist Chambers of Kosovo said in a statement today that “Isni Kilaj was released in Kosovo today, 15 May, under strict conditions, pursuant to the decision of a Single Judge of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC), taken on 3 May 2024. This decision was subsequently upheld by a KSC Court of Appeals Panel on 13 May 2024”.

“In his Decision on Review of Detention of Isni Kilaj, the Single Judge found that a grounded suspicion remains that Mr Kilaj committed, alone or together with others, offenses against the administration of justice. The Single Judge also found that a moderate risk of flight continues to exist, as well as a risk that Mr Kilaj may obstruct the progress of criminal proceedings and commit further crimes. He further found that none of the conditions put forth by the Defence for Mr Kilaj, nor any other conditions imposed by the Single Judge, could fully restrict Mr Kilaj’s ability to obstruct the progress of KSC proceedings and commit further offenses”.

Read full statement at: is external)

Osmani meets “thriving diaspora” in Copenhagen (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a post on X today that during her stay in Denmark she was “truly delighted to meet our thriving diaspora in Copenhagen, and to listen to their incredible success stories and initiatives that serve as an important bridge between Kosovo and Denmark”.


Serbian Language Media 

  Trilateral meeting in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue underway in Brussels (Tanjug, media) A trilateral meeting of Belgrade's delegation headed by Petar Petkovic, director of the government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, a Pristina delegation and EU facilitators is underway in Brussels as part of a new round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Tanjug news agency reported. The meeting began shortly before 10 am. The discussions come after Pristina banned Serbian Patriarch Porfirije from visiting the Patriarchate of Pec and ended a transitional period for the use of the Serbian dinar in Kosovo. Vucic meets Allen, says US should step up engagement to help preserve regional stability (Tanjug, media) Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received US Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Elizabeth Allen on Wednesday to discuss the pressure facing Serbia and the Serbs and asked the US to step up its engagement and use its leverage to help preserve stability in the region, Tanjug news agency reported. "I pointed out the pressures facing Serbia and the Serbs and asked the US to step up its engagement and use its leverage so that stability in the region is preserved and preconditions are created for sincere cooperation and concrete progress of the region and all our citizens towards a better and more prosperous future," Vucic wrote in an Instagram post. Vucic and Allen also discussed regional and geopolitical affairs and strengthening of Serbia-US bilateral ties. "A good and useful discussion with Under Secretary of State Allen about regional and geopolitical affairs as well as strengthening of Serbia-US bilateral ties, We reviewed opportunities for expanding Serbia-US cooperation in culture and education, especially, various types of scholarship programmes and exchanges of students, culture and knowledge", Vucic also wrote in the post. Vucic added that they had also discussed US support for Serbia's progress on the path to full EU membership. The census ending, and the enumerators did not knock on the doors of the citizens of North Mitrovica (KoSSev, N1) “No”, “No”, “No” and ten more times the same word - this is the answer of the residents of North Mitrovica to the question - did you participate in the population census. All the interlocutors told the KoSSev team, giving the same reply to the question why they didn’t take part – “no one knocked on our door”. “There are still two days left until the end of the population census in Kosovo. And while official institutions advertise that more than 1.3 million inhabitants have been registered so far, of which about 1,000 are in the North of Kosovo, in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, on the other hand, at first glance it seems as if this process is not being carried out,” KoSSev reports.  KoSSev journalists spoke with dozens of residents of the town on the Ibar and all of them told them that the enumerators did not visit them - some in front of the cameras, and others after the cameras were turned off. At the same time, they claim that they did not hear that the enumerators visited their fellow residents. “No one came, I don’t know whether they have visited anyone,” they said in unison. One of the interlocutors from Jarinje even says that she is not even aware that the census is ongoing. “That’s new to me, I’m hearing it now, I really don’t know,” she said. A pensioner whom KoSSev spoke to gave a similar answer. “I wasn’t even informed, I didn’t know, and no one called me, so it took place without me,” he said. The Kosovo Agency of Statistics announced at the beginning of the population census that the fines for citizens who do not respond to the census or provide incorrect information, range up to 2,000 euros. Some interlocutors of KoSSev said that they are not familiar with that information. “Wow”; “Terrible”, “I have no idea”, “I didn’t even know, what can I think, we just need more of it, they just add it to us”, “the state can do everything”, “my opinion is not valid” they stated. Despite the announced fines, some of the residents opined for KoSSev that the majority of Serbs will not respond to the census, even though officials visit them. “Why would I register,” one of the fellow residents told KoSSev.  An older man said: “I’m not going to be registered, what’s the point, I’m an old man”. On the other hand, several of them said that they will comply with the majority – “I have not heard of anyone being registered”, “if others are not registered, why should I”, they say. One of the fellow residents, however, said that he is not sure whether he would respond to the census: “I would rather do it than not,” he said. The population census in Kosovo began on April 5 and, unless extended, will last until May 17, i.e. until Friday. Raska-Prizren Diocese: Serbian Orthodox church near Pec desecrated (media, social media) Raska-Prizren Diocese expresses profound concern over the recent desecration of the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Naklo near Pec. According to a report by the parish priest in Pec, unidentified individuals broke into and vandalized the church dedicated to the Holy Trinity with graffiti, including messages such as “Allahu Akbar” and in Albanian, “remove this church from here, there are only Muslims here!”, and “we don’t want churches, we want mosques… Islam is the only true faith!”. “It is particularly worrisome that this incident follows the decision by Kosovo authorities to ban the Patriarch and bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church from entering Kosovo, which prevented them from performing the Holy Liturgy and starting the regular session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops at the Peć Patriarchate Monastery, a tradition that dates back to the 14th century”, the Diocese said in a statement. The church in Naklo village is dedicated to the Holy Trinity and was burned down during the March 2004 riots. Restoration began in 2020, when the churchyard and cemetery were cleaned. Later, the churchyard and cemetery were fenced, windows and doors were placed, and the roof was rebuilt. Before 2004, the village was home to 300 Orthodox Serbs, who initiated the church’s restoration. Full statement and photos of desecrated church are available at: is external)

Gervalla in Leposavic about the "beauty of the Republic of Kosovo" and the region's "brutal decade-long backwardness" (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal reported that Kosovo Foreign Minister, Donika Gervalla visited the North yesterday - the municipality of Leposavic, highlighting the villages inhabited by Albanians.

"From Salska Bistrica in the municipality of Leposavic to Boletin," she said while posing for photos with her colleague in charge of agriculture, forestry, and rural development.

"Together with Minister Faton Peci in the morning in the regions of Kosovo with rare beauty and great potential, not only in the field of agritourism, which has been cruelly lagging behind for decades. Now at every corner you can see and feel the increased care of the institutions towards this forgotten and abandoned part of the Republic of Kosovo," said Gervalla.

In the photos, a special place was occupied by the Albanian national flag, which is also the flag of the Republic of Albania.

In Boletin, Gervalla also visited the grave where the bones of the Albanian kachak Isa Boletin, whom Albanians call the "father of the nation", were buried in 2015. About her arrival in the North, the media was informed only after the visit and through Gervalla's social networks.

Kosovo authorities bar ‘The Book of Milutin’ crew from entering Kosovo, a move actor condemns as primitive (KoSSev)

“The Book of Milutin is certainly the most healing thing we all need to hear today, but in the atmosphere of the greatest stigmatization of my people, as of the past few decades, the ban and limits for culture do not surprise me at all. All in all, extremely…primitive!” Serbian actor Nenad Jezdic reacted after he and the rest of the Zvezdara Theater crew were barred from entering Kosovo yesterday.

The monodrama “The Book of Milutin”, performed by actor Nenad Jezdic and produced by Zvezdara Theater, which was set to be performed last night in North Mitrovica, and tonight in Leposavic, was canceled after the Kosovo authorities did not allow technical equipment used in the production to enter Kosovo.

The news was initially announced yesterday by the local cultural center. Several Serbian sources also confirmed the same, including the actor himself and his theater, however, Kosovo authorities have yet to make a statement.

Zvezdara Theater explained that, despite having made extensive arrangements and preparations for the guest appearance, the cast and technical crew of the play „The Book of Milutin“ were forbidden to cross Jarinje crossing, as they claim, without any explanation. While recalling that the Serbian patriarch was banned from entering Kosovo the day before, they emphasized that now it is the culture’s turn to be barred from setting foot on Kosovo territory.

Read more at: is external)

Protest by journalists, cameramen of newsrooms in Serbian language due to the eviction of "Jedinstvo" from its premises (Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS, Kosovo Online, KiM radio)

A group of media workers who report in the Serbian language gathered today in the editorial office of the "Jedinstvo" newspaper in order to support the workers of this media house, which found itself in a situation where, after 25 years, would once again be forcibly evicted.

Namely, seven days ago, this editorial office was contacted by the lawyer of a certain Ekrem Peci, who claims that he has the right of ownership of the premises in Kralja Petra I Street in Kosovska Mitrovica, where the newspaper "Jedinstvo" has been residing since 1999. They were ordered to leave the premises within seven days, and if they disobeyed the order, they were threatened with forced eviction with the assistance of the police, reported Radio Mitrovica sever. 

The deadline has expired today.

"We are waiting today... It is uncertain what will happen. We can only hold collegiums in front of the building. We have nowhere to go. This is the second persecution of "Jedinstvo" in 25 years," said on this occasion the director of the company "Panorama Jedinstvo", journalist Rada Komazec.

She says that these premises were given to "Jedinstvo" by the then Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija.

 "We were evicted from our premises in Pristina in November 1999, and we have been here since then in the northern part, that is, in Kosovska Mitrovica. We received our office premises, our editorial office where we are now, from the Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija. They bought it then from a private person, Bisevac, and after that, it's really very complicated, then a man appears without any papers," says Komazec and notes that the persons who came to order them to move out did not have an eviction order, nor have confirmed the ownership of the disputed area with any document.

"We only received a notification from his lawyer that we have to move out, that they bought it from the Kosovo Privatization Agency."

Komazec points out that the alleged owner of the space was very unpleasant in his communication with them, that he threatened, as he says, with arrest, special police units, that he demanded rent for the previous ten years, who claimed that this space was in his ownership.

On this occasion, today the editorial office of "Jedinstvo" was visited by the UNMIK representative in charge of human rights, who was informed by the employees about everything that is currently happening to them, but at the same time they informed him of the fact that "Jedinstvo" complete property was usurped in 1999 in Pristina. 

"I have proof here of what is ours in Pristina. We have 300 square meters in Dardania (now it's Bill Clinton Street), and it was bought by the journalists of "Jedinstvo" with their own funds. It's all usurped. We have been writing and addressing since 2005, 2006, first to UNMIK, then to the agencies and all relevant institutions, and we faced silence, and we asked them to free up a part of the space for us so that we could return to Pristina," says Komazec.

According to her, the House of Press that "Jedinstvo" used was also usurped, and now the Kosovo Government is located in that building. In addition, the printing house, the new printing house that was under construction in Kosovo Polje, several bookstores and newsagents were also usurped.

She adds that all the documents were presented to the representatives of UNMIK and that they were asked to get involved and enable them to return to Pristina.

"We have no alternative. The representative of UNMIK recorded everything, we had a long meeting, he recorded the entire history of "Jedinstvo" and our house, all the formalities, he said that he would make a report and that he would find out more and that, of course, we would stay in touch," Komazec said. 

"It's a terrible feeling when you are persecuted for the second time. It is very difficult to explain to people what it means. It is ethnic cleansing, denying the Serbian people the right to language, writing, and information," Komazec added.

Support to the media workers of "Jedinstvo" was also given by the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) with its branch in Kosovo.

"We are witnessing a very serious form of endangering the freedom of the media, freedom of information, the work of journalists, the right to publish the only printed media in the Serbian language on the territory of Kosovo," says UNS Secretary Nino Brajovic.

"Without any pre-documentation, without any administrative procedure, without any statement from any authority or making any decision that here "Jedinstvo" illegally uses this space, with threats of special police - this is a serious incident that should concern all people in Kosovska Mitrovica , in Kosovo and Metohija, in Pristina, Belgrade," Brajovic said.

He noted that the UNS will inform the European and International Federation of Journalists about everything, so that, as he said, "the expulsion of a newsroom completely illegally, without documentation, would stop."

He reminded that it will soon be a year since the Serbian print media were banned from entering the territory of Kosovo, which is a unique case in the world, but that this apparently does not worry the people in charge of human rights.

Radio Mitrovica sever reported that after the conference, the gathered media workers, as a sign of support for their colleagues, organized a meeting in front of the building where this newsroom is located and by laying cameras on the ground, they expressed disagreement and rebellion due to this treatment of the media.

UN General Assembly sets date for Srebrenica resolution vote (N1)

The vote on Srebrenica genocide resolution at the UN General Assembly will be held on Thursday, May 23. The resolution will be considered, as scheduled, at 10 am local time, i.e. at 4 pm CET. It was previously supposed to be considered on May 2, but it was postponed due to procedural matters, N1 reported.

Germany and Rwanda proposed this resolution, and the full list of cosponsors is as follows: United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Albania, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, BiH, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Poland, Rwanda, Slovenia and Vanuatu. Fifty-seven member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation also supported the resolution, N1 also said.





Former Officer Detained As Police Seize Weapons Cache In Northern Kosovo (RFE)

A cache of weapons and ammunition was seized in northern Kosovo on May 14 that authorities believe had been left there since a deadly attack in September 2023. Police chief Gazmend Hoxha said a former officer had been detained and questioned after the seizure. The cache included rifles, bullets, stun grenades, and explosives. Hoxha said the weapons belonged to a Serbian armed group responsible for last year's attack on police officers in Banjska.

Kosovo Remembers Village Massacres as PM Urges More War Crime Probes (BIRN)

As mourners in Kosovo on Tuesday marked a quarter-century since some of the worst wartime crimes by Serbian forces, Prime Minister Albin Kurti called for prosecutors to make more effort to investigate crimes committed during the 1998-99 conflict.

Kurti and members of his cabinet joined hundreds of people who gathered at the war memorial in Qyshk/Cuska to commemorate 138 Albanian civilians killed in 1999by Serbian forces in the village and in three neighbouring settlements, Lubeniq/Ljubenic, Pavlan/Pavljan, Zahaq/Zahac.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti speaks at the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the massacre in Qyshk/Cuska near Peja/Pec, May 14. Photo: Kosovo Government.

“Those of you who experienced the war here, you have fresh memories of the morning of May 14 [1999], when at around 7.30, Serbian armed forces entered the village. There were around 100 armed, masked and [camouflage] face-painted troops,” Kurti said.

Kurti criticised judicial institutions for not doing enough to investigate war crimes in Kosovo.

“This massacre was committed on behalf of Serbia and Serbia should be held accountable for these crimes, for the deportation of Albanian civilians, the destruction of properties, killings and looting during violent displacement. But justice has done very little and [taken] slow steps,” Kurti said at the commemoration in Qyshk/Cuska.

Read more at: is external)