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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 27, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Dialogue with Serbia to end in mutual recognition (EO)
  • Hovenier reacts to Russian foreign minister's statement on Recak (media)
  • EU and Kosovo sign IPA Financial Framework Partnership Agreement (media)
  • Kurti underlines importance of Switzerland's support for Kosovo (
  • Kusari-Lila to opposition: The state does not collapse because you lost power (media)
  • COVID-19: 4 new cases (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic to meet with von Cramon on Monday (Tanjug, media)
  • Varhelyi: EU should step up engagement in Western Balkans (N1)
  • Jeremic: If Vucic imposes sanctions on Russia it will move Serbia from Europe even further (Danas)
  • Vucic: We are preparing big things for Open Balkan countries (Tanjug)
  • The Embassy of Ukraine on Klitschko's statement on Kosovo (N1)


  • Book Review: Conflict Resolution in the Shadow of Putin’s War (Balkan Insight)


  • Women in Albanian Media: From Secondary Victimisation to ‘Slut-Shaming’ (Balkan Insight)
  • Overlapping crises in the Western Balkans (
  • Guarantees of origin scheme ready to go live in Energy Community markets (



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: Dialogue with Serbia to end in mutual recognition (EO)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said that one of the objectives of his visit to the United States was to attract investments in Kosovo. He said that in meetings with different companies he spoke about Kosovo's progress.

"There were two main objectives of the visit to the U.S.: first is investments in Kosovo and second, security for Kosovo. The vast majority of the meetings I had were with different companies whom I informed about the progress in Kosovo, investment potential, and asked for their contribution through mutual benefits. The second objective was security for Kosovo in light of problems we have in the Balkans and these problems have one main source which is Belgrade and its ties to a country that is in war, the Russian Federation, and its unjustified, unlawful, unprovoked aggression in Ukraine," Kurti is quoted to have told Ekonomia Online today.

Kurti said that he also sought support for Kosovo joining NATO's Partnership for Peace programme "as the first major step towards NATO membership", as well as support for the Council of Europe membership bid. 

Dialogue with Serbia was also discussed during the visit, Kurti said, adding that Belgrade needs to change and that the process should end in a legally binding agreement on full normalisation of relations centred on mutual recognition.

Hovenier reacts to Russian foreign minister's statement on Recak (media)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, reacted to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denying the authenticity of the atrocities in Recak, news websites report.

"Attempts to rewrite & deny the well-documented history of the Recak massacre glorifies war crimes, dishonors the memory of the dead, and reopens the wounds of survivors. Those who deny the atrocities at Recak seek to disrupt progress towards regional reconciliation, democratic consolidation, & European and Euro-Atlantic integration," Hovenier said on Twitter.

Lavrov said in an interview that atrocities in Bucha, near Kyiv, are part of the “same scheme” as those in the village of Recak in 1999. He alleged that the victims in Recak were not civilians but militants whose uniforms were replaced with civilian clothing.

EU and Kosovo sign IPA Financial Framework Partnership Agreement (media)

The EU Ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, handed over today in Pristina to the First Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, the European Commission-approved IPA III Financial Framework Partnership Agreement (FFPA), the Government of Kosovo announced. 

The agreement, upon ratification by the Assembly of Kosovo, will enable Kosovo to receive further technical and financial assistance from the European Union. It covers IPA annual programmes for the period 2021-2027 and will allow for immediate approval of IPA 2021 funds to Kosovo in the amount of EUR 64 million.

“We will use the IPA III funding to improve the protection of human rights, gender equality, municipal governance, and security and public safety in Kosovo,” said Ambassador Szunyog.

Bislimi meanwhile stressed the importance of EU pre-accession funds saying they provide very important impetus to complement ongoing implementation of  reforms. “IPA III funds will be used to accelerate the EU integration process and internal reforms, and support investments needed to implement the reforms within European Reform Agenda, National Development Strategy and the sectoral strategies with a focus on youth employment, energy, environment, sustainable and inclusive growth among many other areas,” Bislimi said.

Kurti underlines importance of Switzerland's support for Kosovo (

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti spoke to the Swiss-based news portal in Albanian,, about his participation at the World Economic Forum in Davos and his meetings while in Switzerland. Several media outlets in Kosovo carry the interview.

He said the visit to Switzerland followed that in the U.S. which saw the launch of negotiations with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) for a programme worth $236 million in the field of energy as well as meetings with companies in an effort to draw more investment in Kosovo and the meeting the President Biden's national security advisor.

Stressing the importance of Switzerland's support to Kosovo, Kurti said: "Since Switzerland is a country that not only has played a significant role in Kosovo's economy and development, the compatriots in Switzerland I believe have an exceptional role in our Diaspora because of their activity, the large number and the state of Switzerland which in Albanians has found citizens that only contribute a great deal but at the same time do not forget their homeland," he said.  

Kurti also announced that the Government of Kosovo would be extending the decision to cover car insurance fees for members of the diaspora visiting Kosovo.

Kusari-Lila to opposition: The state does not collapse because you lost power (media)

The head of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) Parliamentary group Mimoza Kusari-Lila has reacted after the communiqué issued by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in which the idea of giving 30 percent of the Trust fund is strongly opposed and the return of the old electricity tariffs is not recommended.

“Opposition leaders, along with the economists who support them, accuse the government of populist decisions, while they do nothing more than line up behind populist and destructive ideas/proposals for the country’s economy, leading to the financial destruction of the state,” she wrote. 

COVID-19: 4 new cases (media)

4 new cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Kosovo in the last 24 hours. There are 123 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.



Serbian Language Media


Vucic to meet with von Cramon on Monday (Tanjug, media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet with MEP Viola von Cramon in Belgrade on Monday, a source in the Presidency of Serbia has confirmed to Tanjug.

Von Cramon, who comes from the German Green Party, is also the European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo.

The main discussion topics will be Serbia's European integration and the process of normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Like other German officials, von Cramon is certain to insist on Serbia aligning with the EU on the issue of sanctions on Russia.

Von Cramon is known for her criticism of Serbia and her statements have often been met with no understanding and with reactions from Belgrade.

Varhelyi: EU should step up engagement in Western Balkans (N1)

European Commission Oliver Varhelyi said on Thursday that the European Union has to step up its engagement in the Western Balkans, including strong political and financial support.

At a time when the world is facing an unprecedented act of aggression against a sovereign, independent country, the EU needs more and not less engagement with the Western Balkans region and therefore intend to continue our strong political and financial support to the entire region, including Serbia, on their path to the EU,” Varhelyi said in written reply to questions from MEPs.

Varhelyi recalled that Serbia voted for the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Moscow’s aggression in Ukraine and supported two other UN resolutions on the humanitarian consequences of the invasion and Russia’s suspension in the Human Rights Council.

“The Commission expects Serbia to continue to show this commitment by progressively aligning with EU restrictive measures, including those concerning Russia, in accordance with its declared strategic priority of EU integration and as provided for under the EU-Serbia Negotiating Framework,” he said and added that the Commission expects candidate countries, including Serbia, to show full commitment to rule of law and fundamental rights.

See at:

Jeremic: If Vucic imposes sanctions on Russia it will move Serbia from Europe even further (Danas)

Leader of Serbian opposition Peoples’ Party (NS) and former President of UN General Assembly, Vuk Jeremic said decision of President Aleksandar Vucic to impose sanctions on Russia “would in reality postpone admission of Serbia to the EU”, as it would give him, as Jeremic said, a new pretext to reinforce autocratic forces, for which he would get applauded by Western capitals, Danas daily reports. 

“Introduction of sanctions on Russia is highly unpopular among Serbian citizens, and in case Vucic opts for that, we would also resort to even stronger pressure on society, media, people and opposition. He would tell Berlin and Paris he must act that way in order to make the sanction survive, and they would commend it. This way the story on building society founded on European values and admission to the EU without it would have been impossible, will become a footnote”, Jeremic said.

Former president of Democratic Party (DS), Bojan Pajtic commenting on sanctions said “if the current regime imposes sanctions on Russia, right-wing parties would certainly have benefited from it. They may take part of the SNS supporters, and this part will not be small. Therefore, Vucic is in a position he deserves, and it is an impasse”.  

Vucic: We are preparing big things for Open Balkan countries (Tanjug)

We are preparing big things for the citizens of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday after a conversation with Albanian and North Macedonian partners about further development of cooperation as part of the Open Balkan initiative, Tanjug news agency reports.

"Open Balkan is the best initiative for the Balkan peoples. We are preparing big things for the citizens of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia", Vucic wrote in an Instagram post that also included photos from a video conference meeting with Albanian and North Macedonian representatives.

The meeting was also attended by Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali, Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matic and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia President Marko Cadez.

The next meeting of the Open Balkan initiative is due to be held in Ohrid in early June, with Montenegrin PM Dritan Abazovic also announced to attend.

The Embassy of Ukraine on Klitschko's statement on Kosovo (N1)

The mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, the leader of the opposition party, has no connection or authority to state the position of Ukraine regarding the issue of foreign policy, the Embassy of Ukraine in Belgrade announced, reported N1.

"Ukraine's principled position on its attitude towards the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia is well known. Due to that, the Embassy experienced unpleasantly, but was not surprised, with another anti-Ukrainian campaign launched by some politicians and media, who have obviously considered support for Russian aggression against Ukraine to be one of the main priorities of their work in recent years," the embassy said in a statement.

Vitali Klitschko previously stated in an interview with the Swiss newspaper Le Canton 27 that Ukrainians will be liberated from Russia "just as Albanians are liberated from Serbia".

The Embassy of Ukraine in Serbia says that they cannot confirm the authenticity of that quote, but that Klitschko, who has the right to an opinion, does not speak on behalf of the Ukrainian state.

At the same time, the statement adds that the embassy wants to assure "friends who support Ukraine in this difficult time and who have not forgotten the support of the Ukrainian people in all difficult moments for Serbia, not to worry".

"The embassy must also state that the situation unfortunately reflects the extremely low level of contacts between the partner cities of Kyiv and Belgrade, which we have today. For our part, we want to once again draw the attention, of all those who have the authority and in whose jurisdiction it is, to a free selling of T-shirts with the symbol of Russian aggression 'Z', as well as the presence of the same on many walls of Belgrade buildings, which for Ukrainians is a symbol of Russian aggression and has the meaning of 'kill a Ukrainian,'" the statement added.

The embassy emphasizes that the Russian aggression is publicly supported by a number of Serbian media and cultural figures, "scientists", as well as some politicians.

"We are confident that together we have something to work on in order to raise the level of our relations and solidarity in many areas," the statement read, N1 reported.





Book Review: Conflict Resolution in the Shadow of Putin’s War (Balkan Insight)

At a time when ‘traditional’ warfare is again ravaging Europe, conflict management – if it is to survive at all – must be recalibrated with a new mixture of realism and idealism.

I received a review copy of James R. Adams’ book,  Analytic Reflections from Conflict Zones: A Cautionary Tale for a Polarizing America and World, a few months before Russia invaded Ukraine, which seemed to push the world back to a time in which countries would fairly regularly amass armies and invade a neighbor in pursuit of territorial gain. As we have been so often reminded, this wasn’t supposed to happen anymore “in Europe”.

The wars in the former Yugoslavia continue to be viewed through a “civil war” lens, making it easy to forget the cross-border territorial, material, and power ambitions that propelled them then – and continue to shape agendas today.

Read more at:





Women in Albanian Media: From Secondary Victimisation to ‘Slut-Shaming’ (Balkan Insight)

Codes of ethics mean little when it comes to the way Albanian media report about women, from victims of sexual abuse to holidaymakers in Dubai.

n October 2017, a 15-year-old girl in a remote village in southeastern Albania reported to the police that she had been raped repeatedly by a neighbour, a man in his fifties.

Having arrested the perpetrator, the police issued a statement. Then the press pack descended.

Within 24 hours, the victim and her mother had given six media interviews and the child’s comments had been reported on 11 television news bulletins. Only her eyes were blacked-out in a woefully inadequate attempt to comply with media regulations. Her house and street were shown on the news, as were her parents and grandparents. Her interviews have been viewed more than a million times online.

Almost five years have passed, but for the victim, time has stood still, her story becoming an obstacle to her education, employment and personal relationships. She said she had tried to kill herself.

Read more at:

Overlapping crises in the Western Balkans (

The countries of the Western Balkans are facing a series of economic shocks all at the same time. The region’s economy was only just beginning to bounce back from the COVID-19-induced recession, but now also needs to grapple with the fallout of the war in Ukraine, a resurgence in inflation, and a pressing energy transition. Steering through these crises involves risks and will require careful choices.

Read more at:

Guarantees of origin scheme ready to go live in Energy Community markets (

Everything is ready for Western Balkan countries to start issuing and trading in guarantees of origin among themselves in line with EU rules, according to Naida Taso, renewable energy expert at the Energy Community Secretariat. All that is left to do is for the national issuing bodies of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo*, and North Macedonia to sign agreements on the use of their national registries with energy certificate registry provider Grexel, she says.

Read more at: