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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 23, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti says that Borrell suited the purpose of Serbia (media)
  • Kurti: I bought the plane ticket to Brussels because the deadline for the agreement on the invitation was March 2023 (Klan)
  • Svecla: Situation in north tense but manageable; coordination with EULEX, KFOR (Klan)
  • Kurti politically “alone” on licence plates (RFE)
  • Haradinaj: Kosovo must accept U.S. request; dire situation in north (Nacionale)
  • Serwer: Kosovo is within its right on change of licence plates (media)
  • Police on Serb rallies in north: We will maintain order and public security (Telegrafi)
  • Visa liberalisation removed from agenda due to situation in north (RFE)
  • Compromise is near, visa liberalisation at ambassador level in coming weeks (Express)
  • Hyseni compares Osmani to Milosevic, reactions follow (media)
  • Bushati: There is coalition from Tirana to Belgrade to get rid of Kurti (Express)
  • Montenegrin intellectuals: West to protect Montenegro, Bosnia and Kosovo from Vucic (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petkovic travels to Brussels, meeting Bislimi in afternoon (Tanjug)
  • Stano: Aim of meeting with Petkovic, Bislimi to find solution to current crisis (Kosovo Online)
  • Simic: Tensions in Kosovo high, Kurti ignores warnings (Tanjug)
  • Hill: Licence plates issue should be postponed by one year (RTS)
  • Dacic: Belgrade part of solution, Pristina problem (N1)
  • Poll shows rising indifference towards EU (N1)
  • Gracanica, Novo Brdo, Strpce Mayors on support and unity with Serbs in north Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
  • PKS: “Issuance of Serbian licence plates for Kosovo suspended” (Radio KIM)
  • To Brussels only for the final agreement on normalisation, with recognition; agreed that Serbia should stop registering cars with illegal licence plates, said Kurti (FoNet, N1, Beta, NMagazin, KiM radio)
  • Protest in Gracanica as a support for the Serbs in the north of Kosovo (Kim radio, KoSSev) 
  • Serbia, Azerbaijan sign seven bilateral agreements (Tanjug)


  • Bogdanovic on licence plates issue (Danas, Radio KIM)


  • Fact-Check: How Real are Kosovo’s Fears of a Serbian Military Strike? (BIRN)
  • Kosovars Await Visa-Free Travel by January 2024 (Prishtina Insight)
  • Between Berlin Process And Open Balkan – Analysis (eurasiareview, IFIMES)
  • Drug-related health and security threats in the Western Balkans (
  • Judge Excludes Key Evidence in ‘Serbian Drug Farm’ Case (Balkan Insight)
  • Solidarity Stories #4: Yugoslav Officer Confronts Serb Fighters During Abductions (Balkan Insight)


  • Women bear the burden of unpaid care work in Kosovo (Kosovo 2.0)
  • MEPs Demand End to Roaming Charges for Western Balkans (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti says that Borrell suited the purpose of Serbia (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti has accused the High Representative of the European Union for foreign policy Josep Borrell, that in the meeting two days ago, he adapted more to Serbia's goal regarding the issue of illegal licence plates. At the government meeting on Wednesday, Kurti said that the mediators removed from the agenda of the meeting with the President of Serbia the issue of urgently focusing on the European proposal for the normalisation of relations.

"After the meeting we had there, which lasted a total of 8 hours, Borrell changed the premise of Monday's negotiation, contrary in principle to the proposal given by himself, he began to insist on an agreement that addresses only the dimensions of good faith and the suspension of licence plate fines. The big goal was removed from the agenda," Kurti said.

Kurti then explained the content of the invitation he received from Borrell and how the meetings went.

"Last Friday, I was invited by the high representative of EU diplomacy and the vice-president of the European Commission Josep Borrell for a high-level meeting organised at the EU headquarters in Brussels with the president of Serbia. Borrell's invitation was accompanied by a four-paragraph text intended to be issued as a statement at the end.

"In the first paragraph, there was an invitation to urgently focus on the proposal of the European Union with the support of Germany and France for the normalisation of relations. In the third paragraph, the text called for immediate beginning of talks on the proposal of the European Union at a high level to reach an agreement before March 2023, and of course I welcomed this proposal of Mr. Borrell and we had already stated that the French-German proposal which Mr. Borrell insisted at the meeting in Paris, on November 11, to call it from now on the proposal of the European Union, represents a good basis for discussion."

“In the second paragraph, the issue of licence plates was presented together with the issue of guarantees with the Serbian community, which would be discussed in the European Union's proposal in the agreement for normalisation and during eight hours we held six meetings - three bilateral and three trilateral meetings. The precondition for the licence plates was only related to the suspension of the actions of the Kosovo government and not to the ban on the production of licence plates by Serbia. We were ready for the proposal given by the European Union to suspend the second phase of the decision on licence plates, but of course when Serbia stops registering cars with illegal licence plates."

"It is not right to ban fines and not the production of illegal plates. This proposal was accepted, and I believe it was an achievement of this meeting," Kurti said.

“On August 18, there was another interesting development that is not mentioned today. We have agreed on the text of the agreement for the missing, for the forcibly disappeared, we agreed. The text is two pages long, only the signatures are missing, mine is not. I was ready to sign, but Serbia was not," Kurti stated.

Kurti: I bought the plane ticket to Brussels because the deadline for the agreement on the invitation was March 2023 (Klan)

Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that he went on Monday in Brussels for the final agreement.

He stated in a press conference that the EU, in the invitation, had set March 1, 2023 as deadline for the end of the dialogue.

"I didn't write the March 2023 deadline, Brussels wrote it in the invitation, it's the paragraph that says the talks end in March 2023. For the first time a deadline is requested, I asked for February to be the deadline, they told me it cannot be February but March. In the end I agreed, they left it all, what should I do".

"So, in the invitation, March is not my idea, before March it says there. The agreement to be reached before 1 March, that is how they invited me with that invitation, and I bought the plane ticket. They invited me to make an agreement before March 2023 and I went, it is their date, in their invitation, that would be issued at the end. You saw when Borrell came out that he did not mention March, he gave up on it, he didn't even mention the French-German proposal. He left March, now I think it's a mistake," Kurti said.

Svecla: Situation in north tense but manageable; coordination with EULEX, KFOR (Klan)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, told a press conference today that the situation in the north of Kosovo is tense but that it is being managed by Kosovo’s institutions in coordination with EULEX and KFOR.

Svecla argued that the issue of the licence plates and the Kosovo government’s decision has caused dissatisfaction “among the criminal structures in the north”. “The situation in the north is tense not because of the government institutions of the Republic of Kosovo or because of the decisions of the Kosovo Government and the legitimacy of these decisions, but because there is dissatisfaction among the extremist criminal structures there,” he said.

“Ever since we came to power, we have insisted on the rule of law there [the north]; we were exceptional in our fight against smuggling there and we were commended by our allies and this is one of the reasons and another reason is that the proposals for an agreement that are not acceptable for Serbia and these extremist groups are then used for public opinion and for other issues too. Therefore, the licence plates were used as an excuse, but this is a legitimate decision, and it was accepted by the EU and the Quint ambassadors. These groups always engaged in armed resistance and there were 11 attacks against Kosovo Police officers during this time and sometimes it was disguised politically from Belgrade directly,” he argued.

Svecla said Kosovo’s institutions are in constant coordination with international institutions. “All these events have caused a tense situation which is being managed well by our institutions and in coordination with international institutions like EULEX and KFOR,” he added.

Kurti politically “alone” on licence plates (RFE)

Representatives of the opposition and political commentators said in interviews with the news website that “the refusing” and “rigid” position of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti about the licence plates puts Kosovo on the opposite side of policies followed by international partners. They argue that Kurti must consider and accept the proposals of requests of international partners that have helped the consolidation of the state of Kosovo.

Kurti “cannot win politically” if he has the U.S. and the European Union as political opponents, Artan Muhaxhiri, a political commentator, argued. He believes that the refusal can turn into “a bad boomerang” for Kosovo.

Xhavit Haliti, MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), told the news website that the Kosovo government must respect the proposals and the requests of Western partners about the licence plates. “The issue of the plates, in my opinion, is an unnecessary show. It is a show from which Vucic has benefited in reality. He is putting politics in Kosovo in unnecessary clashes, so that he can tell the EU: ‘look at who they are, and no one can reach an agreement with them’. On the international plan, Kosovo has lost more and so has the Prime Minister [Kurti].” 

“Before we decide to say ‘no’ to all our allies, we need to see whether we have the power to face everything. Where can we go on our own?” Haliti asked.

Avdullah Hoti, MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), said Kosovo needs to establish lawfulness throughout the territory of the country and that its Western partners agree on this, but that the government must coordinate with the partners on the issue of licence plates. “The allies are asking for coordination on these actions, because of the complex situation in the north of Kosovo, which comes as a result of the instrumentalisation of the Serb community in those municipalities by Belgrade, with the aim of keeping the situation tense … Kosovo achieved results in strengthening its statehood only when it coordinated and secured the support of its allies. We don’t need to test the limits of the allies’ support, because this means being ungrateful and does not lead us anywhere,” Hoti told the news website.

Pal Lekaj from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) argued that Kurti’s position is “stubbornness” and “political grudge”. “I think this is mismanagement by Mr. Kurti. He has distanced himself from those we call international friends and with whom we have built our institutions, and also, we were together in wartime. From what we are seeing Kosovo has reached a critical point, especially the north of Kosovo. All of this distances us from the dialogue and the agreement for normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia,” Lekaj said.

Haradinaj: Kosovo must accept U.S. request; dire situation in north (Nacionale)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said today that Kosovo must accept the request of the United States about the licence plates. “The best solution would be to accept the U.S. request in time. The current situation requires a solution that might not be perfect. But without a solution for the situation in the northern part of the country, the situation is dire and heading toward escalation,” Haradinaj wrote in a Facebook post.

Serwer: Kosovo is within its right on change of licence plates (media)

The U.S. expert on Western Balkans Daniel Serwer considers that Kosovo is within its right to request change of licence plates.

“I think that the government of Kosovo is clearly within its rights to insist on Kosovo licence plates for cars belonging to Kosovo residents. The question is whether President Vucic’s offer to stop issuing KM licence plates will be a serious step in this direction, or will Serbia only issue Serbian licence plates, perhaps from Raska, to Kosovo Serb citizens? Or will Serbs in the north of Kosovo continue to use KM licence plates? It seems to me that there should be clarity about the end point as well as the starting point,” he said.

According to him, the government of Kosovo is undoubtedly the appropriate legal authority in the north of Kosovo. "It should be supported, not undermined", he said.

Server emphasised that the normalisation of relations is more important than licence plates, giving support to Prime Minister Kurti to start talks on a final agreement. He even said the EU's top representative was unethical in refusing to do so, saying the March 2023 deadline for a final deal could not be met.

"Of course, I think that the prime minister was within his right to request the discussion of the French-German plan, which I understand he accepted, but Serbian President Vucic rejected. The March 2023 deadline is unlikely to be met, but Borrell was unethical not to mention this discrepancy,” he told

Police on Serb rallies in north: We will maintain order and public security (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Police said in a statement today that it will ensure order and public security after announcements of protests/rallies today in several Serb-majority municipalities. Police called on citizens to protest peacefully and not fall prey to any provocations.

“Kosovo Police, in line with its official duties and legal authorisations, is engaged in providing security, maintaining order and public safety, and undertakes police measures in line with the situation and developments throughout the country, including developments in Mitrovica North”.

Police said their operational plan foresees undertaking police operative measures to make sure that the protests/rallies will be held in peace and without incidents, and to maintain order and public safety and to protect the constitutional order of the Republic of Kosovo.

“As always, Kosovo Police calls on citizens to protest in peace and not to fall prey to any possible provocations whatever nature they may have,” the police statement notes.

Visa liberalisation removed from agenda due to situation in north (RFE)

The proposal for visa liberalisation for Kosovo, which foresees free travel no later than 1 January 2024, has been removed from the agenda of today’s meeting of EU member states ambassadors. The reasons are political and related to the situation in the north of Kosovo. “Due to political developments in the north of Kosovo, having this point on the agenda of Coreper is not ideal,” the Czech EU Presidency said in a statement. It also said that discussions on the issue will be held on November 30.

Compromise is near, visa liberalisation at ambassador level in coming weeks (Express)

Spokeswoman for the Czech EU Presidency, Eva Hrncirova, told the news website that the EU Council is very close to a compromise on visa liberalisation for Kosovo and that in the coming weeks the process will move to a higher level of ambassadors. “We are very close to a compromise in the Council on the issue of visa liberalisation for Kosovo and in the coming weeks the process will be moved to the level of ambassadors. The date we are working on to implement the free travel is 01.01.2024,” she said.

Hyseni compares Osmani to Milosevic, reactions follow (media)

Kosovo’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Skender Hyseni, in an interview with teve1 on Tuesday, compared Slobodan Milosevic to Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani. Commenting on Osmani’s remarks that EU High Representative Josep Borrell was biassed in the recent meeting with Kurti and Vucic, Hyseni said: “Milosevic too used to call the whole world as enemies of Serbia, when the world helped us. That is what he used to say, the whole world is enemies of Serbia. In one word, Vjosa Osmani said yesterday that the whole world are enemies of Kosovo and that they are siding with Serbia. But this is not true.”

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) reacted to the statement by Hyseni, who was a senior member in the party. Siber Halimi, a spokeswoman for the LDK, said that for two years now the party has distanced itself from his political mindset. “The LDK not only distances itself from his language, but for two years we have distanced ourselves from his political mindset. It is surprising however that people without any political or party power find room in the media and contaminate the public discourse,” Halimi told Gazeta Express

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, reacted to Hyseni’s statement saying “God damn you for these unforgivable words”. Kosovo’s Minister for Agriculture, Faton Peci, said “comparing any person in Kosovo, let alone the President, to Milosevic is a crime. Do not try to project your personal marginalisation into a ‘polemic’ with the Head of State” … Having worked as a consecutive translator, your memory should be fresh: Milosevic was a war criminal”. Shkelzen Gashi, civil society activist, said in a Facebook post: “They can no longer steal, and this situation is so difficult for them that they are comparing Kosovo’s political leaders with Milosevic”. Imer Mushkolaj, political commentator, said in a Facebook post: “The ease with which they make comparisons to Milosevic and Serbia. What a despicable reference full of rage”. Albinot Maloku, political commentator, said: “What are these critics incited by hatred? Skender Hyseni, a man who took advantage of all opportunities offered by the LDK, a failed minister in all aspects, compares the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, with the Butcher of the Balkans”. 

Bushati: There is coalition from Tirana to Belgrade to get rid of Kurti (Express)

Tirana-based political commentator, Andi Bushati, claimed in a TV debate on Tuesday that there is a coalition to take down Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. “There is a big coalition that starts in Tirana and ends in Belgrade to get rid of Albin Kurti,” Bushati said in a debate on Euronews. He however did not say where he based his claim.

Montenegrin intellectuals: West to protect Montenegro, Bosnia and Kosovo from Vucic (Telegrafi)

The news website notes that a group of intellectuals from Montenegro reacted today to the current social and political situation in the Western Balkans and the position of the West toward developments in the region. They called on the West, U.S., and the EU to protect Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo from what they called “Russian-Chinese politics that is being implemented through Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic”.

“Now is the time to talk openly about the status of the Western Balkans,” notes the statement signed by Adnan Cirgic, Aleksandar Radoman, Boban Batricevic and Andrej Nikolaid.

“The United States of America and the European Union, knowingly or unknowingly, are abetting Russian politics in the region. It is difficult to say why they are doing this. But if we were to use the statements of U.S. Ambassador in Belgrade, Christopher Hill, and those of EU High Representative Josep Borrell, for Kosovo, to illustrate the situation in the Western Balkans, then we can conclude that the West is siding with Aleksandar Vucic. Why they are doing this – we don’t know. If there is a naïve belief that Serbia will part ways with Russia, this will never happen. Anyone who knows Serbian politics and the Serbian political scene, knows that Vucic’s changing would mean his end. And Aleksandar Vucic is intimately and from the standpoint of values closer to Lukashenko than to any other Western statesmen,” the group said in their statement.




Serbian Language Media 


Petkovic travels to Brussels, meeting Bislimi in afternoon (Tanjug)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director and Belgrade’s chief negotiator Petar Petkovic travels to Brussels today where he is supposed to meet Pristina’s chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi, Office for KiM confirmed to Tanjug news agency.

The news agency also said the exact agenda of the talks remain unknown as is participation of EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

Miroslav Lajcak, the EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks will attend, while the meetings are supposed to start around 15.00 hrs. 

Stano: Aim of meeting with Petkovic, Bislimi to find solution to current crisis (Kosovo Online)

The EU Spokesperson Peter Stano said today’s meeting of the chief negotiators in Belgrade-Pristina talks, Petar Petkovic and Besnik Bislimi was organised aiming to find a solution, in European spirit, for the current situation between Serbia and Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Stano told a press conference the EU has received confirmation from both teams that they will arrive in Brussels.

“At this moment I can confirm that we invited two sides and received confirmation that they will come and we will have a meeting in Brussels today. The aim, as always, is to find a solution in the European spirit for the current situation”, Stano said.

He stressed that the meeting on a high level is organised, after chief negotiators agree on certain issues.

He added the high-level meeting on Monday was not successful and called upon parties to behave in a European manner.

He recalled that Brussels waited for a solution to be found, because the crisis as this one, according to him, had not been seen for years.

“The EU repeats it expects European behaviour from both sides, to find a solution to the current crisis”, he said. 

Simic: Tensions in Kosovo high, Kurti ignores warnings (Tanjug)

Serbian List Vice President Igor Simic told Tanjug news agency that “people try to have normal life; however, tensions are present and impact every social process taking place around us”.

He also said those high tensions are not caused by any activities of the Serbs but are rather the result of a plan of Pristina authorities led by Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who is ignoring calls of the most powerful countries of the world.

Simic added that Kurti will not give up on his clear intention to expel Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, and that Kosovo police constantly mistreat the Serbian people, impeding them from having normal lives. 

Hill: Licence plates issue should be postponed by one year (RTS)

The issue of licence plates in Kosovo should be postponed by one year and to focus on resolving crucial issues, US Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill said, RTS reports.

Answering the questions from journalists, after the handover ceremony of a new bio-technological equipment to the Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering in Belgrade, Hill said that long-term solutions need to be found in Kosovo and that this “territory should have perspective of international position”.

On the other hand, he says, Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija should have a perspective of how their life will look and how they will live it.

"This region needs passions to calm down", Hill said.

He added that the situation in Kosovo needs to calm down so that the conditions for the construction of a biotechnology centre and development can be created there as well.

Dacic: Belgrade part of solution, Pristina problem (N1)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said Tuesday that Belgrade is part of the solution and Pristina part of the problem, N1 reports.

“We are part of the solution, they are part of the Problem. Pristina will never be part of the solution without international pressure”, Dacic told reporters in Belgrade.

Commenting on Monday's talks in Brussels, the Foreign Minister said that Belgrade showed it is a serious and predictable partner with a desire to resolve problems peacefully even though it does not like some proposals.

“We hope the international community will find a way to force Kurti to work towards peace and stability in the region and that a solution will be found but the address for that is Pristina, Serbia will respond to every next call and the European Union and US should resolve that issue with Kurti”, he said. “We showed clearly that the cause of all problems in Kosovo is the failure to implement the Brussels agreement”, Dacic added.

He also voiced hope that the 48 hour postponement of the decision to fine drivers with Serbian-issued licence plates was accepted in order to find a solution.

Poll shows rising indifference towards EU (N1)

The Belgrade-based Crta democracy watchdog organisation saidTuesday that indifference towards the European Union is growing in Serbia. 

“The citizens of Serbia are increasingly less interested in Serbia’s future in the European Union”, Crta said in a press release quoting its poll.

It said that 36 percent of the polled expressed indifference towards EU membership, 28 percent are looking forward to it and 33 expressed concerns, while 43 percent said they are indifferent towards the possibility of accession talks being stopped. A poll earlier this year also showed a rise in indifference towards EU membership.

Crta recalled that most of the public get their news from pro-government media outlets in which anti-West narrative is dominant.

Gracanica, Novo Brdo, Strpce Mayors on support and unity with Serbs in north Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo Online portal reported yesterday evening that Gracanica Mayor, Ljiljana Subaric issued a statement saying that Serbs from central Kosovo are united and unanimous with their brothers and sisters in the north.

"Continuous violence against our people and institutions throughout Kosovo and Metohija by Albin Kurti, with the desire to drive us away from our centuries-old homes with daily pressures, harassment, and now with naked violence, shows the clear intention of Pristina and the ultimate goal of Albin Kurti, that there are no Serbs on in these areas, Subaric stated on Gracanica municipality Facebook page.

According to her, the Serbian people have never been characterised by fear, but these days the words, concern, and uncertainty, best describe the life of Serbs in Kosovo.

"Fear of those who think that violence is the way to solve open issues between Belgrade and Pristina, who think that unilateral moves, threats and blackmail are an adequate substitute for dialogue. The freedom-loving Serbian people have never suffered, nor will they suffer the trampling of freedom and rights, but some seem they cannot understand that attempts to intimidate us does not have the effects they expected. On the contrary, we will continue to stand up even more decisively for the rights of our people, for peace and freedom, for respect for international public law," said Subaric

She stated that the decision of the Serbs from the north of Kosovo to leave the Kosovo institutions was just and aims to protect the rights of the Serbs guaranteed by the agreements, but also the human rights to a life worthy of man.

"And we Serbs from central Kosovo provide firm and undivided support to our brothers and sisters in the north, never more united in all the challenges that lie ahead of us. And if this cruelty continues, I want to warn all relevant factors that we Serbs in the south know what we have to do," concluded Gracanica Mayor

Strpce Mayor: Unity of all Serbs from Strpce to Leposavic

The Strpce mayor, and the vice-president of the Serbian List, Dalibor Jevtic, issued a statement almost the same time yesterday saying that the Serbs from Sirinic parish are even more strongly and uniquely provide full support to the Serbs from the north of Kosovo, who, he said, were experiencing the oppression imposed by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Kosovo Online reported. 

"The sufferings that our brothers and sisters in the north of Kosovo and Metohija go through are well known to us, and that is why today we provide them even more strongly and uniquely with full support in their dignified advocacy for a life worthy of a human being in the 21st century. We are all witnesses to the institutional violence that Kurti conducted against our people in Kosmet! We have been following with great attention the events in the north of Kosmet in recent months, where our compatriots are experiencing the cruelty imposed by Kurti," Jevtic said on his Facebook page.

Jevtic emphasised that the pressures facing the state of Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic were increasing day by day.

"Our Sirinic parish has been under attack for a year, the incursions of special police forces and the mistreatment of our fellow citizens at our celebrations and holidays are a clear message to the Serbian people, and that is why we are worried about our stay and survival in Kosovo and Metohija, for our life in Sirinic parish because they want to expel us from our centuries-old home! That is why our response to such vile plans is and should be an even stronger unity of all Serbs from Strpce to Leposavic!", concluded Jevtic.

Novo Brdo Mayor: United with brothers and sisters from the north of Kosovo, oppression have exceeded all limits 

The mayor of Novi Brdo, Sasa Milosevic, followed with his statement, in which he said the Serbs from the Morava Valley (Pomoravlje) provide strong support to the Serbs from the north of Kosovo in their "peaceful and honourable struggle for a better future".

"Our Serbian people in Kosovo have been under attack for a long time, and every day our life in our centuries-old homes is getting harder. And our people in Morava Valley know this best... in Kusac, Ranilug, Partes, Gnjilane, all the way to Leposavic, Zvecan, Zubin Potok, Mitrovica. The burden of oppression has become too heavy for us, they interrupt our Saint Day celebrations, weddings, and baptisms, attack our churches and monasteries. That is why we understand and provide full support to our brothers and sisters from the north of Kosovo in their peaceful and honourable struggle for a better future in these areas," Milosevic said, reported portal Kosovo Online. 

As he said, Serbs just want to live in good relations with their neighbours, and not to be "disturbed by Pristina because of its interests".

"And let no one be deceived, our strength lies precisely in the fact that no one breaks the ties that bind us no matter where we live in Kosovo. And if the cruelty of Pristina continues, we will not be left with any other choice but the path of our compatriots from the north," said Novo Brdo Mayor Milosevic.

PKS: “Issuance of Serbian licence plates for Kosovo suspended” (Radio KIM)

The Party of Kosovo Serbs (PKS) said that contrary to the Constitution and without decisions of the Parliament and the Government, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic “abolished Serbian licence plates for Kosovo and Metohija”, Radio KIM reports.

As they said, those carrying out technical examinations in Kosovo, were notified by MIA of the Republic of Serbia to suspend any new issuance or extension of the licence plates with abbreviations KM, PR, PZ, GL, UR and PE.

“This latest act and arbitrariness of one man have destroyed any possibility to further fight for preservation of the Serbian licence plates and there is no clearer signal that betrayal was a reason for this staged drama and pre-war hysteria that state media nurture since May 2022”, reads the statement delivered to the media.  

To Brussels only for the final agreement on normalization, with recognition; agreed that Serbia should stop registering cars with illegal license plates, said Kurti (FoNet, N1, Beta, NMagazin, KiM radio)

Serbian media today reported, citing media from Pristina, that the Kosovo's PM, Albin Kurti, informed the members of the government about the progress of the dialogue with Serbia, discussions about licence plates, and noted that that Vice President Besnik Bislimi was in Brussels, so "maybe within 48 hours a meeting will be held where an agreement will be reached". He conveyed that he will be going to Brussels ''only for the final agreement on normalisation with mutual recognition''.

Kurti noted that almost 2,000 warnings have been issued so far, stating that no one enjoys punishing, but that ''the country has its own Constitution and law'', cited Serbian media.

Kurti informed the members of the cabinet about the talks with the President of Serbia and the EU representative for foreign policy and security, Josep Borrell, during which no agreement was reached on the plates.

Serbian media reported on Kurti's statement given to members of the government along with the headlines: "To Brussels only for the final agreement on normalisation, with recognition", "Agreed that Serbia will stop registering cars with illegal number plates" or "Borrell asked for a guarantee for CSM (ZSO)".

On the licence plates issue, the media reported Kurti as saying that ''they agreed to a proposal, in order to give space for discussions on the EU proposal, to suspend the second phase of the decision on licence plates, but of course when Serbia stops registering cars with illegal plates''. 

''The Serbian community in Kosovo is the most privileged and protected,'' says Kurti.

So, the proposal was accepted, and it was an important success of the meeting, Kurti said and assessed that the Serbian community in Kosovo was ''the most protected and privileged community in the republic's constitution''. 

This is the result of Ahtisaari's comprehensive agreement.

''Minority rights in the Constitution of Kosovo do not exist, either in Serbia or in many, many other countries, including the constitutions of the most advanced EU countries,'' Kurti was reported as saying. 

Kurti then pointed out that Borrell, unfortunately, changed ''the premise of the negotiations and began to insist on an agreement dealing only with the suspension of licence plate fines''.

The big goal was removed from the agenda, the urgent need for a European proposal with Franco-German support disappeared from the table, adapting to the goal of Serbia, whose president came to Brussels not because of the EU proposal, but because of the vehicle plates, Kurti said, cited Serbian media. 

Kurti repeated that ''he accepted the meeting because the intention was for the top of the state to 'do a big job'''.

''I am neither a police officer, nor a station commander, nor a head of the cadaster, nor a customs officer, to deal with all kinds of technical issues that arise during the conversation. We are a country with relevant institutions and bodies,'' said Kurti. 

He said that he is ''going to Brussels only for the final agreement on normalisation with mutual recognition''.

''That is the point, and since the authors of the EU proposal abandoned their proposal, the meeting is over. Like on August 18, and this time I was the last to leave the EU building,'' Kurti said, reported Serbian media.

Protest in Gracanica as a support for the Serbs in the north of Kosovo (Kim radio, KoSSev) 

KiM radio reported that in Gracanica, at noon in front of the Cultural Centre, a gathering of women (and men) from this municipality was held as a sign of support for the Serbs in the north of Kosovo.

Like the women in northern Kosovo, women but also men who are mostly employed in institutions, gathered, as the announcement read, to raise their voices and “send a cry to the entire world” because of what is happening in the north of Kosovo regarding licence plates.

As KiM radio reported, citing an unofficial source, that for many this gathering is a “work related obligation”, so students in primary and secondary schools will miss certain classes because of it.

In North Mitrovica, a protest was announced for 3 pm today.

Gordana Savic from the Serbian List said, at the press conference haled yesterday that “they can no longer endure the terror” carried out by Kosovo institutions.

KiM radio portal wrote that it was interesting that people who were left without Serbian licence plates in the cities of Kosovo ten years ago will protest today. The media recalled that the majority south of the Ibar had to register their vehicles with KS plates, and then to RKS. 

Serbia, Azerbaijan sign seven bilateral agreements (Tanjug)

Serbia and Azerbaijan signed seven bilateral agreements in Belgrade on Wednesday at a ceremony also attended by Presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Ilham Aliyev, Tanjug news agency reports. Vucic and Aliyev signed joint statements and a memorandum on establishment of a Strategic Cooperation Council.

The agreements signed by Serbia and Azerbaijan on Wednesday will take their cooperation and bilateral ties to a new level, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said after a meeting with Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Iliyev in Belgrade.

He added that they had discussed all important issues, including energy, since Azerbaijan is a superpower in production and exports of natural gas.

At a press conference with Aliyev, Vucic said he expected to pay a working visit to Baku in the next 20 days to continue discussions on several "extremely important" topics for Serbia, and added that he would be accompanied by several government ministers to deepen the strategic partnership with Azerbaijan through very concrete agreements.

He noted that the two countries had much in common and were firmly protecting their territorial integrity and helping each other in the international arena and international institutions while respecting the UN Charter and norms of international law based on the document.






Bogdanovic on licence plates issue (Danas, Radio KIM)

To a certain extent people felt relieved with the postponement of a decision to issue fines to the owners of vehicles with Serbian licence plates, former minister for Kosovo and Metohija and member of Serbian opposition Social Democratic Party, Goran Bogdanovic told Danas daily. However, he continues the main topic here is a decision Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic made without consultations – not only to abolish issuance of the Serbian licence plates with the abbreviations of towns in Kosovo, but also not extend them.  

Vucic said on Monday following failed talks in Brussels that Serbia finds status-neutral KS plates acceptable, adding he accepted the proposal of the EU officials that Serbia no longer issues licence plates with abbreviations of the towns in Kosovo, nor extends them.

This decision opens several questions as to what would follow if such an agreement is made. It is not clear what licence plates drivers would take upon expiration of the old ones, what would happen to those whose licence plates would expire soon and would citizens with Serbian licence plates be forced to take “RKS” ones given that they will not get their licence plates in Serbia. No answers to these questions have been made thus far, neither by President Vucic or Serbian List representatives. 

Bogdanovic, who lives in Lesak, six kilometres away from the administrative crossing point Jarinje told Danas daily people are in dilemma now.

“People are in wonder because they do not see the difference between KS and RKS plates. In order to have KS plates you need to have a Kosovo ID card, driving licence and a permit. All those three documents you will need to have also if you have RKS plates. The question arises now why is this all about KS plates, if this is something we must have. Many of us do not have Kosovo driving licence and a permit. We perhaps have an ID card only. This is a major problem, given that a large number of Serbs do not have Kosovo ID cards either. The question is what next?”, he said.

Asked if people should be angry at Vucic more than at Albin Kurti, Bogdanovic responded they should be angry at Kurti, because he doesn’t respect requests and the rights of Serbs in Kosovo.

“If he wanted to respect them, he would meet them often and talk to them. And this gap between the Kosovo government and Serbs is then used by different manipulators and people to bring us in a situation to fear if there would be war or not because of something banal, which in my opinion the licence are. This is humiliating to us, Serbs in Kosovo”, Bogdanovic said. 






Fact-Check: How Real are Kosovo’s Fears of a Serbian Military Strike? (BIRN)

Warnings from the Kosovo government about a new armed conflict have become more frequent in recent months. However, is Serbia really likely to engage militarily against its former province?

With tension between Kosovo and Serbia running high almost a quarter-century after the bloodshed of the late-1990s ended, and with both sides involved in a tug-of-war on a raft of contested issues, Kosovo leaders have issued new warnings to the international community over what they perceive as Serbia’s plans to launch a new armed conflict.

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Kosovars Await Visa-Free Travel by January 2024 (Prishtina Insight)

The EU's Czech presidency says visa liberalisation for citizens of Kosovo will enter into force on January 1, 2024, at the latest.

Representatives of EU member states are close to an agreement for liberalisation of visas for Kosovo citizens to enter into force on January 1, 2024. 

The press officer of the EU’s Czech presidency, Emma O’Driscoll, has said the date they are working on is January 1, 2024, without providing other details.

“We are close to a compromise in the Council on the issue of visa liberalisation for Kosovo. The date we are currently working with is January 1, 2024. That’s all we can say at this stage,” O’Driscoll said in a response for BIRN.

The Czech Republic, which leads the EU’s six-month presidency, on November 10 requested that visa liberalisation for Kosovo be enforced on December 1, 2023, when implementation of the European travel information and authorization system, ETIAS will also begin.

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Between Berlin Process And Open Balkan – Analysis (eurasiareview, IFIMES)

The summit of the European Union (EU) and Western Balkans states will be organised on 6 December 2022 in Tirana.  The summit is being organised within the framework of strategic cooperation of the EU with the Western Balkans and will be the first summit since the Russian invasion on Ukraine. Namely, the first informal EU 27 summit and meetings within the framework of the European Political Community were organised in Prague on 6 October 2022. The European Political Community brings together all countries of the European continent that share common democratic values. The summit was attended by 44 leaders from European countries, except Russia and Belarus.

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Drug-related health and security threats in the Western Balkans (

This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the drug situation in the Western Balkans focused on health and security aspects. It provides a holistic and strategically oriented understanding of the drug situation by bringing together the available information on drug policies and interventions, patterns of drug use and their consequences, as well as data on drug production and trafficking, and how these may impact broader security-related concerns. The publication was prepared in the framework of the EMCDDA-IPA7 project, financed by the European Commission.

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Judge Excludes Key Evidence in ‘Serbian Drug Farm’ Case (Balkan Insight)

Key evidence in the ‘Jovanjica case’ – concerning a massive cannabis farm that allegedly enjoyed the protection of Serbian state security – has been ruled ineligible by the court.

At Tuesday’s hearing in the so-called “Jovanjica case”, the presiding judge, Zoran Ganic, said the panel had accepted a defence proposal to exclude from the case crucial evidence found during a search on November 18, 2019.

According to the Prosecution, Predrag Koluvija, head of the Jovanjica company, cultivated a massive marijuana crop with the help of at least five members of the police and security services.

The indictment and the testimony of police inspectors of the Fourth Department of the Belgrade Police, headed by inspector Slobodan Milenkovic, who also led the action on Jovanjica, said more was found of 660 kilograms of dried cannabis was found during the fourth search carried out on November 18, 2019 – a search which the court panel has now assessed as illegal.

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Solidarity Stories #4: Yugoslav Officer Confronts Serb Fighters During Abductions (Balkan Insight)

The fourth in BIRN’s Solidarity Stories series focuses on Tomo Buzov, a retired Yugoslav People’s Army officer who tried to stop Bosnian Serb fighters from seizing non-Serb passengers from a train during wartime in 1993.

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Women bear the burden of unpaid care work in Kosovo (Kosovo 2.0)

‘They call me unemployed, but I am 24 hours at my family’s disposal’.

On October 24, 1975, women in Iceland went on a one day strike and stopped performing all forms of work. On that day, known as “Women’s Day Off,” women refused to cook, clean, wash clothes or care for children. They also refused to perform any paid work.

The country came to a standstill. At first, men thought it was some sort of a joke. But then schools closed because most teachers were on strike, flights were cancelled due to a lack of stewardesses, newspapers closed because their typists were on the streets protesting, phone lines were blocked because no one was there to connect the calls and easy-to-cook meals were sold out at the stores, because that was the best most fathers could do in the kitchen.

The effects were enormous and are still felt decades later. A Gender Equality Bill was passed the following year and five years later Iceland elected not just its first woman president, but the first woman president in Europe. President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir stayed in office for 16 years. In a frequently mentioned incident, a little boy in Iceland heard about the election of U.S. President Ronald Reagan and was quoted as crying out “he can’t be president, he is a man.”

The consequential effects of the 1975 strike did not come just from demonstrating women’s economic power in the world of paid work — the societal changes came from women’s refusal to carry out unpaid care work. The strike led to the societal recognition of “care labor” performed by women as fundamental to human and social well-being, as well as for economic development. Today, Iceland is a global leader in gender equality.

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MEPs Demand End to Roaming Charges for Western Balkans (Balkan Insight)

More than 80 European Parliamentarians have urged the European Commission to abolish roaming charges for Western Balkan countries in a letter sent to President Ursula von der Leyen.

A group of more than 80 members of the European Parliament has asked the European Commission to include the Western Balkan countries in the Free Roaming Area.

In a letter sent to Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, the MEPs say that the Western Balkan states are proven “reliable partners of the European Union”, and that with October’s European Commission recommendation to grant candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina, “another milestone in the union’s enlargement policy has been reached”.

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