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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 13, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti Lajcak meet, discuss path toward normalisation, energy and licence plates (media)
  • S. again call on Kurti government to implement decision on Decani Monastery (RFE)
  • Hovenier: I expect the Association of Serb municipalities to be implemented (ATV)
  • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy promises continued support for KSF (EO)
  • Albanian political leaders from Presevo Valley travel to Washington (RTK)
  • Solidarity in Pristina with the women of Iran (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic on EC Serbia report (N1)
  • Brnabic: Serbia not neutral on Ukraine (N1, Tanjug)
  • Head of Serbian Delegation says Rama’s speech at PACE scandalous (Kosovo Online)
  • Specialist Court without comment on Rama’s speech, remains committed to court proceedings (Kosovo Online)
  • Borrell for N1: Serbia’s alignment with EU foreign policy is backsliding (N1)
  • Bilcik: Serbia’s European integration a bit of a yo-yo (N1)
  • We do not want tensions in Kosovo, KFOR to stay - NATO official (Tanjug, Blic)
  • Popovic and Odalovic not allowed to enter Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Vecernje Novosti)
  • Kurti: More significant that the Patriarch came to Kosovo than Petkovic; Porfirije to distance himself from the Kremlin (Kosovo Online)
  • Petkovic: The latest ban the epitome of Pristina's arrogance (Kosovo Online, TV Pink)
  • UN condemns Russian “annexation attempt”, Serbia voted as well (Radio KIM)


  • Jeremic: Impossible to be in favour of sanctions against Russia and against Kosovo's membership in the UN (NMagazin, N1)


  • 2022 Enlargement package: EC assesses reforms in the WB and Türkiye, and recommends candidate status for BiH (EEAS)
  • Serbia Backs UN Resolution Against Russian Annexations in Ukraine (Balkan Insight)
  • Strengthen enlargement policy as EU’s strongest geopolitical tool, say MEPs (



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti Lajcak meet, discuss path toward normalisation, energy and licence plates (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, met today in Prishtina with the EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, and discussed the path toward normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia, the energy agreement and licence plates.

Lajcak told reporters after the meeting: “Today’s meeting was part of our regular communications. There were two topics. The first is the path toward normalisation and the discussions that we started recently, and which continued with the intervention of President Macron and Chancellor Scholz and Blinken’s involvement. We discussed future steps. The other topic was energy and the licence plates”.

On the energy issue, Lajcak said the licence of the Serbian company Elektrosever could be revoked and added that he will discuss the same topics in Serbia on Monday. “On the energy we are in the process of consultation. There is a risk that Elektrosever could have their licence revoked, and we don’t want this to happen. This is why we invited all stakeholders in Brussels, KEDS and Elektrosever on Monday, where we discussed the situation. It was important for me to bring the conclusions of the discussion to the Prime Minister and to talk about the way forward. I will be in Belgrade on Monday with the same objective and agenda,” Lajcak said.

“As you know the last deadline for licence plates is October 31 and it is very important for me, for the EU and the international community to know what the plans are and to avoid any escalation. This would not be in anyone’s interest,” Lajcak also said.

Asked to comment on Enlargement Commissioner Varhelyi’s criticism against Kosovo for unilateral actions on Wednesday, Lajcak said “he has his mandate and I have mine”.

Lajcak wrote in a Twitter post: “I welcomed the opportunity to continue my open, detailed and serious discussions with PM @albinkurti today on normalisation of relations and current Dialogue issues, in particular energy and licence plates. Our talks were followed up in my meeting with First DPM @BislimiBesnik.”

A press release issued by the government quotes Kurti as saying that “the Republic of Kosovo remains committed to the general framework for a legally binding agreement which will bring full normalisation because it is centred on mutual recognition”.

At the meeting, Kurti and Lajcak discussed the European Commission’s report on Kosovo which according to the government is visibly better than last year’s report and among the best in the region. “It was said that the report clearly shows the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo to the EU agenda and confirms achievements in many areas that have gone a step further in the level of progress,” the press release notes. 

“Current issues were also discussed as well as the necessity to implement the agreement on energy, which will ultimately lead to the payment of energy in the northern part of Kosovo”. 

U.S. again call on Kurti government to implement decision on Decani Monastery (RFE)

The United States Embassy in Prishtina has once again called on the Kurti-led government to implement the decision on the land of Decani Monastery. In a response to the news website, the embassy said that the Constitutional Court’s decision in 2016 has to do with the rule of law “and not with ethnicity, politics or religion”.

“The Kurti government was elected on a platform focused on strengthening the rule of law. Respecting the decisions of the court is not a matter of choice and certainly not a matter of negotiations, policies or reaching an agreement,” the embassy said. “Continued delays in the enforcement of the law question Kosovo’s pledge for equal justice, accountability, transparency and respecting property rights”.

Hovenier: I expect the Association of Serb municipalities to be implemented (ATV)

United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, said in an interview with ATV that the Kosovo government should focus more on the Association of Serb-majority municipalities. “This is one of the areas where we have encouraged the Kosovo government to focus more or maybe I should say it differently: it is one of the pledges that we believe should be implemented. The Association of Serb-majority municipalities became a pledge with the Brussels agreement. We believe this pledge should be implemented. But we have also been very clear that there are certain provisions based on which it should be implemented,” he said.

Hovenier said the Association should be implemented in a way that respects the Constitution of Kosovo, that it does not have a negative impact on the constitutional order and the functioning of the government. “We believe the ruling of the Constitutional Court enables the right framework on how to move forward in implementing this pledge. There are many ways to create this entity … fully in line with the ruling of the Constitutional Court. We want this and we are encouraging it,” he argued.

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy promises continued support for KSF (EO)

Kosovo’s Minister of Defense Armend Mehaj and Kosovo Security Force (KSF) Commander Bashkim Jasharaj met during their stay in the U.S. with Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Sasha Baker. The meeting focused on the progress of the KSF, Kosovo’s role in maintaining stability in the Western Balkans and the position of the Kosovo government about the geopolitical situation and the war in Ukraine.

Baker commended Kosovo’s approach and contribution, especially in the evacuation of Afghan refugees and the readiness to train and host Ukrainian refugees. 

Mehaj said Kosovo is tied with the United States of America and every NATO member state that believes in democratic values and the freedom of nations. Mehaj also said that “the KSF’s progress in implementing the General Transition Plan and the progress of the government make Kosovo a trusted ally of the United States of America and a key country in maintaining peace and security in the Balkans”.

Albanian political leaders from Presevo Valley travel to Washington (RTK)

Several Albanian political leaders from Presevo Valley in Serbia travelled to Washington on Wednesday afternoon. MP and leader of the Democratic Action Party, Shaip Kamberi, Bujanovac Mayor, Nagip Arifi, and leader of the Albanian National Council, Ragmi Mustafa, are scheduled to meet the U.S. Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar and several other officials of the U.S. State Department.

Solidarity in Pristina with the women of Iran (RFE)

“Woman, Life, Freedom,” chants were heard in Pristina too on Wednesday. Organised by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR), some women went on Skanderbeg Square to express their solidarity with the protests in IRAN. “It is crucial to show that Kosovo too stands behind this cause,” YIHR director Marigona Shabiu said. She cut her hair in sign of solidarity. Several other women too cut their hair, including 25-year-old Erona Hajdari. “I have had this braid for more than seven years … I did not cut it, and this is a special occasion to cut it. By doing this I am showing solidarity with the women in Iran,” she said.

Bjeshka Guri, a human rights activist, said: “I cut my hair today to show solidarity with the suffering of the women in Iran. I am here and I feel pain for those women”.

23-year-old Fjolla Zejnullahu, who also joined the rally in Pristina, said that cutting the hair was the least she could do for the women in Iran. “Small actions from our side is the least we can do,” she said.

Iran is in the midst of a popular revolt, sparked by the death in custody of a 22-year-old girl. Mahsa Amini fell into a coma a few hours after being arrested by the morality police on September 13, in Tehran, under accusations of having violated the rules of the hijab, or headscarf.




Serbian Language Media 


Vucic on EC Serbia report (N1)

"The European Commission’s Report is more favourable for us primarily in the sense of the rule of law, and far more unfavourable regarding the alignment of our foreign policy with that of the European Union (EU)”, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told a joint press conference with head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret, N1 reports.

The Serbian President said that everything written in the report was true, but that “there are things based on which different decisions are made”.

Serbia will continue to make progress on its European path, “only territorial integrity has a different meaning for us than it does for them”, he said.

Vucic thanked the people in the European Commission for their effort in putting together the report and noted that economic cooperation with the EU is extremely important, just like its role as Serbia’s partner. He added that he largely agrees with the assessments in the report.

Vucic also noted the EU keeps issuing declarations against Russia on a daily basis and that he understands them. He said he told Giaufret that Serbia will take into account the EU's positions and proposals, but that the political part of the report set the tone for the entire document.

“I want people in Serbia to know, some want to talk about regression, and Serbia has regressed only in one area, only in our position on sanctions against Russia, and alignment with EU declarations”, he said.

“Regarding Chapter 35, the dialogue with Pristina, Serbia has not caused a single crisis, a difficult path lies ahead of us regarding this matter and I fear there won’t be any good news in the coming period”, Vucic added.

Brnabic: Serbia not neutral on Ukraine (N1, Tanjug)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday that Serbia is not neutral on the war in Ukraine. “Serbia is not neutral, we have taken a clear stand towards the aggression and said that this is an example of violation of international law,” she said, N1 reports.

Brnabic said that the Serbian people do not want to impose sanctions on Russia because they suffered under sanctions.

She also said Serbia joined all resolutions condemning Russia’s attack on Ukraine and added that Belgrade won’t recognize the results of the referendums in the four breakaway areas of Ukraine.

“I think there has to be a minimum of understanding for Serbia”, she said.

Talking about Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Brnabic said that prior to any discussions about other solutions for normalisation of relations, the 2013 Brussels Agreement - including the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities - must be implemented first.

She said pressure over Kosovo and Metohija was mounting because certain international factors wanted to see the issue resolved to get it off the agenda and to keep "anyone from being able to invoke that precedent and justify some other actions".

"Pristina has done nothing to implement a single commitment, the first agreement on normalisation. I ask our partners from the EU the following question: Your signature, too, is on the Brussels Agreement. How can we proceed towards a second agreement on normalisation, let alone a final one, if you have not ensured that the first one is implemented?"

How to proceed towards a final solution if, for ten years, Pristina and the EU have been unable to guarantee the implementation of the first agreement on normalisation, she asked.

Head of Serbian Delegation says Rama’s speech at PACE scandalous (Kosovo Online)

Head of the Serbian Delegation at Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, Biljana Pantic Pilja said the speech of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama at the session of this institution was scandalous, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“Edi Rama demonstrated an absolute disrespect towards the institution he addressed. Instead of talking about Albania, he devoted his speech to disputing the Organ Harvesting Resolution of the very same institution, adopted by a large majority”, she said.

She added what the Albanian Prime Minister was saying caused strong indignation among those present.

"His address caused great indignation in the plenary hall and is equal to a scandal that has not happened in the history of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The Serbian Delegation assessed this speech as scandalous, because the Serbs did not remove their own organs and it is shameful to try to change irrefutable facts and evidence in such a manner”, she emphasised.

Another member of the Serbian Delegation, Elvira Kovac said she “expressed dismay” following Rama’s speech. She added that the Resolution from 2011 was neither Serbian nor Russian, but adopted by a large majority of an entire Parliamentary Assembly.

"In his address, as it usually should be, he did not mention in a single word Albania's fulfilment of the Council of Europe's standards, but his address rather represented an attack on the Organization that adopted Resolution 1782 in 2011", she said.

In one-hour long speech, as media reported, Edi Rama asked for revision of Council of Europe Resolution 1782 from 2011, made based on its rapporteur Dick Marty’s report on organ harvesting, harshly criticised proceedings against former KLA leader Hashim Thaci in the Hague, supported Pristina’s admission to the Council of Europe and called on Serbia to recognize it.

Former Albanian President Sali Berisha in his reaction to Rama’s performance at the PACE said that the largest parliamentary group there, European Peoples’ Party (EPP/DC) boycotted last night’s working dinner Edi Rama organised. According to Berisha, the Presidency Board of the Council of Europe also refused to attend. 

Specialist Court without comment on Rama’s speech, remains committed to court proceedings (Kosovo Online)

Specialist Court in the Hague responding to Kosovo Online portal media inquiry said it remains fully committed to fulfilment of their mandate, portal reports today.

“Kosovo Specialist Chambers remain fully committed to fulfilment of its mandate in ensuring fair, impartial and safe judicial proceedings. We do not comment on any political statements or events in this regard”, reads the response to the portal.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in his speech yesterday at the session of Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly among other, as quoted by the media, said that “claims of the former Hague Tribunal chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte about the crimes committed by KLA were the most horrific fake news and that her claims on KLA members being involved in organ harvesting trade were based on dubious sources”. 

“(Hashim) Thaci is still in the Hague in the prison that was created on fake news. I am not bringing into question the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and the process. However, I am here to question the source, the contaminated, despicable source who has created this entire wave, to talk about that, about the official indictment which is raised”, Rama is quoted as saying by the portal. 

Borrell for N1: Serbia’s alignment with EU foreign policy is backsliding (N1)

European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell told N1 on Wednesday that Serbia’s alignment with EU’s foreign policy is backsliding. We have noticed some progress, greater engagement in some areas, but this will not help the accession process because it requires aligning with the EU's foreign policy, Borrell said.

It is up to the Serbian Government to adopt an adequate decision, he said, adding that the accession process depends on merits.

He noted the EU can understand why Serbia is highly dependent on Russian fossil fuels, and that it can understand many other things, but that accession implies alignment with EU’s foreign policy.

Asked how much more time Serbia has to impose sanctions on Russia, Borrell said “there is no limit”.

Read more at:

Bilcik: Serbia’s European integration a bit of a yo-yo (N1)

If Serbia wants to join the European Union (EU) it has to make a choice, member of the European Parliament Vladimir Bilcik said in an interview with N1.

Russia has gone down a path of an aggressor and attacked the sovereign state of Ukraine, and has brutally killed thousands of people, said Bilcik, adding that Serbia has to ask itself if it wants to be a part of the European world or it wants to be seen as someone who is close to Russia.

“It’s a very clear choice,” Bilcik said.

He repeated that today’s European Commission Report was a clear message to Serbia.

“Today was a big day for enlargement, we had reports on all the candidate countries from the Western Balkans and of course we also had a big discussion about enlargement as such. The main message was that Serbia has made a strategic choice, that choice was made years ago, to join the European Union and in these very difficult geopolitical times, especially following Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine, we expect Serbia to make some clear choices…Sanctions against Russia is the key issue which dominated the discussion,” said Bilcik.

Commenting on the accession process, he said it is not a single-issue exercise and that there are other areas in which Serbia is expected to make progress.

“The rule of law, judicial reform, media freedom, structural changes, particularly in the area of energy, in the area of environment…It is also very clear that we have not seen any fundamental advancement. Part of the reason why we haven’t seen that is that Serbia had elections in April, we are still waiting for a new Government, with a clear political mandate and clear priorities. We hope that Europe will play a decisive role amongst those priorities and, of course, given the context of the ongoing war and Russia’s aggression, we expect Serbia to clearly work with us. It is the only candidate country in the Western Balkans that has not aligned with the EU sanctions,” said N1’s guest.

Bilcik said he was pleased that the Parliament is more representative, and that the opposition is back in the Parliament, and added he was grateful that “we were able to contribute to that through the interparty dialogue facilitated by the European Parliament.”

“It seems like European integration has become a bit of a yo-yo for Serbia. It kind of goes up and down, up and down on a string. A typical example is the alignment with the foreign and security policy, but we want not a stationary yo-yo, we want a yo-yo which moves clearly towards Europe….On the whole, Serbia stands a good chance of making progress on the EU path but I think at this point it’s time to make some very clear choices….The ball is very much in Belgrade’s hands. We stand ready to help but the choices have to be made by Serbia,” Bilcik said.

He said that at this point Serbia is not ready to join the European Union, and that it has to change, just like all other candidate countries did.

In addition to alignment with the values and the positions of the European Union, Serbia has to focus on the basic questions of public policy, said Bilcik, adding: “Just this week I read that Belgrade is once again among the top cities when it comes to pollution. This is about a clear European choice…if you want to have a modern, cleaner, more prosperous Serbia you have to go through reforms, work with the European Union and also work on conditions so that European investments come in much larger numbers.”

Asked if sanctions against Russia are a condition for progress in Serbia’s accession to the EU, Bilcik said: “No. I wouldn’t say that the sanctions against Russia are a precondition for any kind of progress. You can still make progress when it comes to judicial reforms, when it comes to working on the chapters which were opened just last year, on energy, on environment, there are many things you can do in the Parliament even before you adopt sanctions… to open up additional clusters I think the sanctions are really the one issue that the member states but also other institutions including the European Parliament, the Commission, will be looking at very, very closely. This is the time to show the readiness to choose.”

Bilcik said he considers himself a big friend of Serbia and that he has been a real fighter for Serbia in the EU institutions.

See at:

We do not want tensions in Kosovo, KFOR to stay - NATO official (Tanjug, Blic)

The situation on the ground is fragile and the timing of a KFOR reaction in case of an escalation of tensions is up to the force's commander, a senior NATO official said on Wednesday at a Brussels press briefing on the situation in Kosovo, reported Tanjug agency. 

When asked about the announced October 31 start of the implementation of the Pristina government's decision on mandatory replacement of KM vehicle licence plates, the official said the Western military alliance was watching the situation and did not want to see tensions.

He noted that, at separate meetings held in mid-August, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had encouraged Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Kosovo PM Albin Kurti to continue the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and be constructive.

The official also said NATO was cooperating closely with the EU on the dialogue, as well as with EULEX, the international community and the Serbian Armed Forces.

He noted KFOR would remain in Kosovo as that was required by the situation on the ground, and in line with UN SC Resolution 1244, reported the agency.

He reiterated KFOR's mission was to ensure a safe environment and freedom of movement to all in Kosovo.

Asked if Kosovo could join the Partnership for Peace Programme, he responded the matter required a consensus of all allies.

The official also noted that NATO supported the Kosovo Security Force, but only in its original mandate, as a civil protection force, and not its transformation into a "Kosovo army", reported Tanjug.

Popovic and Odalovic not allowed to enter Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Vecernje Novosti)

The government in Pristina has banned the Serbian Minister of Science and Technological Development, Nenad Popovic, and the President of the Commission for Missing Persons, Veljko Odalovic, from entering Kosovo, reported portal Kosovo Online, citing Vecernje Novosti daily.

Popovic and Odalovic planned to attend the enthronement ceremony of Patriarch Porfirije in the Patriarchate of Pec.

The media recalled that yesterday, Pristina also prevented Petar Petkovic, the director of the Office for Kosovo, and his assistant Vujic from entering Kosovo and attending the ceremony.

Kurti: More significant that the Patriarch came to Kosovo than Petkovic; Porfirije to distance himself from the Kremlin (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti stated that it was much more significant that Patriarch Porfirije came to Kosovo than that the Director of the Office for KiM, Petar Petkovic, reported Kosovo Online.

During last night's press conference, where the head of the EU office in Pristina, Tomas Szunyog, was next to him, Kurti, when asked why "Pristina forbade the arrival of the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija to the enthronement of Patriarch Porfirije'', said that the most important thing was that the Patriarch came and that the church should be acting outside of politics.

"We should focus on the Patriarch who received permission. That is very good, and he can go to the patriarchate. It would be good if, as the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, he distanced himself from the Kremlin and condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine and thus contributed to peace and security," Kurti concluded, reported the portal.

Petkovic: The latest ban the epitome of Pristina's arrogance (Kosovo Online, TV Pink)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic said that it was clear to everyone that the latest ban on entry to Kosovo was the embodiment of arrogance and arbitrariness of Pristina, especially Albin Kurti. He told TV Pink that it was obvious that he was the biggest threat to Kurti, reported portal Kosovo Online. 

"It also shows how they treat our people when they treat the main negotiator that way. I duly and on time announced the visit for more than 24 hours, but you can see the reaction. In the email that arrived around midnight, as this is how they usually respond, it is written that my visit was not approved. They have nothing to approve to me, I'm just announcing my visit so that they can organize a police escort along my route," said Petkovic.

He recalled that Pristina has not respected the agreement on CSM (ZSO) for 10 years, so he did not see why it should also respect the one on freedom of movement. 

"I am clearly the biggest threat to Kurti since I was supposed to be at the agricultural fair in Gornje Kusce, and to attend the enthronement of Patriarch Porfirije. Not only does Kurti forbid me to go to KiM, he prevents my freedom of movement, but now also my right to freedom of religion. He forbids people from going to the liturgy," said Petkovic.

He recalled that yesterday his assistant Ivan Vujic was also forbidden to visit Velika Hoca and added that Pristina prevents many pilgrims from visiting holy places.

"You see what they are doing regarding the return of the land to the Visoki Decani. The Constitution does not suit them in this regard, but when they need to form the CSM (ZSO), then it suits them. Whatever we do, and however we behave, and try to reach a solution, if it is not the recognition of Kosovo and permission to join international organizations then it means nothing to the EU,'' said Petkovic, reported the portal.

He recalled the statement of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, that the biggest problem was that in 2010, Serbia asked to move the resolution of the Kosovo issue from the UN to the EU, because now the biggest powers are pressuring Serbia.

"He (Vucic) said in front of the German chancellor that we cannot recognize Kosovo and Metohija because we preserve the principle of international law. That is what we only hold on to. And in the case of Serbia, that right has been violated. And in the case of Varhelyi, we see that Belgrade has done a lot in the matter of dialogue and that we showed a willingness to compromise. We preserved the right to Serbian identity cards and thereby preserve Serbia's presence in Kosovo and Metohija. Varhelyi pointed out the unilateral moves of Pristina and the moves that are the result of the militant moves of Kurti, who wants ROSU in the north, builds illegal bases and conducts pressure on the Serbs," said Petkovic.

Commenting on the statement of the rapporteur of the European Parliament for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, that Serbia will be collateral damage, Petkovic said that ''this statement shows how the West treats Serbia, although they will not say so openly''.

According to Petkovic, she did not come forward to ask why his visit was forbidden 10 times in a row and what he did.

"Kurti's one of the most extreme ministers says that he will not give up the reconstruction of the house of Xhafer Deva, who was a Nazi and persecuted the Serbs and our people, he took many to the camps. We reacted to the Pristina's action of rebuilding the house, and in fact it was about renewing the Nazi ideas. Following the UN and the EU reaction, it was suspended. Now Ceku said that they are continuing. Is it okay to continue this while forbidding going to church," asked Petkovic.

He pointed out that the enthronement of the patriarch is one of the most significant events in the life of the people and the Serbian church, an important event that shows "that we are on our own" and that the patriarch is enthroned in the throne of Saint Sava.

"No one will prevent the Serbian people from welcoming their patriarch," he said.

When asked about the so-called non-paper that offers a solution for dialogue, Petkovic says that the content of the document is not public and that he cannot talk about it, but that its goal is to put pressure on Serbia and let Kosovo into all international organisations, reported the portal.

UN condemns Russian “annexation attempt”, Serbia voted as well (Radio KIM)

The United Nations General Assembly late last night condemned Russian “attempt of illegal annexation” of the four regions in Ukraine and called upon all states not to recognize that act, Radio KIM reports citing Reuters, adding that the vast majority of states voted in favour of the resolution.

143 states voted for Resolution confirming sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its recognized borders. 4 states voted against, including Syria, Nicaragua, North Korea and Belarus, while 35 abstained including China and India.

The Ukrainian Embassy to Belgrade thanked Serbia on Twitter for the support latter extended to the resolution on territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Russia’s UN Ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, told the general assembly ahead of the vote that the resolution was “politicised and openly provocative”, adding that it “could destroy any and all efforts in favour of a diplomatic solution to the crisis”. He also said the referendums were valid, because “the populations of these regions do not want to return to Ukraine”.

US President Joe Biden commenting on the resolution said that the vast majority of states of the world, from different ideologies and governments voted for the defence of the United Nations Charter and condemned the Russian attempt of annexation of Ukrainian territories. He added that the US along with the United Nations will advocate “for international law, UN Charter and rights and protection it offers to Ukraine and its people” adding that “Russia can not change borders by force and can’t seize territory of other states as its own”, Kosovo Online portal reports. 

Former head of Yugoslavia’s diplomacy and former head of the Mission of Yugoslavia to the UN, Vladimir Jovanovic in reaction to Biden’s remarks said that “what he said for Ukraine, is not at all applied in the case of Serbia, respectively Kosovo”. He added the fact that “NATO under leadership of US, conducted an aggression against Serbia, forcefully took away Kosovo from Serbia, and then in contradiction to UN SC Resolution 1244 and international law supported declaration of independence, which US immediately recognised and exerted strong pressure on other states to follow that path” is largely ignored.

“(…). Everything that Biden said regarding Ukraine should at least retroactively be applied to Serbia, and thus demonstrate that the US truly respects international law regarding all the states”, Jovanovic said. 






Jeremic: Impossible to be in favour of sanctions against Russia and against Kosovo's membership in the UN (NMagazin, N1)

The President of the People's Party, Vuk Jeremic, said today that, if Serbia imposes sanctions on Russia, it will be impossible to maintain a policy that implies effective opposition to Pristina's membership in the UN, and that "everyone who advocate for sanctions against Russia know this very well", reported NMagazin.

"You cannot pretend that you are simultaneously against an independent 'Kosovo', and for the introduction of sanctions against Russia. Those who say this in the same breath are insincere,'' Jeremic told N1 television.

Jeremic said that "trading 'Kosovo' in the UN and Serbia in the EU" is unacceptable in terms of value and security, as well as that it is impossible for Serbia to "trade with the votes of Russia and China in the UN Security Council".

"Russia and China will certainly not allow Serbia to trade with their votes, but they will say 'if you are already ready to trade - we will not allow you to trade our vote, but we will do it'. Their determination now is that they will do what Serbia is asking, and that is why we demanded from Vucic to send letters to Moscow and Beijing formalizing it. This is the moment when the Russian and Chinese position should be cemented, and not to send a message that we are ready to trade their vote and our territory," Jeremic said.

"Relations in the world today are such that blocking ‘Kosovo’ in the UN is suitable to a number of big players and this should be used, not gambled with," added Jeremic.

Asked about the re-voting of Serbia against Russia in the UN, Jeremic reminded that the People's Party in the parliament proposed that Serbia submit a resolution to the UN on the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all member states of the World Organization.

Jeremic, who is also the former president of the UN General Assembly, stated that big powers can behave inconsistently when it is in their interest, but that small states must carefully monitor how the big ones behave and take active diplomatic steps in this regard.

"Of course, Russia can apply one standard here and another there. America can lament the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine and that it happened without the approval of the UN Security Council, but then what were the American invasion of Iraq or the attack on Libya,'' Jeremic said.

Asked about the European Commission's report on Serbia, Jeremic replied that the report showed that the EU is not particularly interested in anything else from Serbia at the moment except to join the sanctions against Russia, and to speed up the issue of resolving the status of Kosovo. He added that Europe for now, has no serious intentions when it comes to the integration of Serbia and the Western Balkans.

"I am unhappy when I read the report of the European Commission, especially the way in which the case of the whistle-blower from Krusik, Aleksandar Obradovic, is mentioned. The process against him was pushed into the drawer, his life was pushed into the drawer, and the report only mentioned it lightly and in a way that cannot be compared to the vocabulary used in connection with the sanctions against Russia and the acceleration of the Kosovo process," Jeremic said.

Jeremic added that "the regime in Serbia corresponds to Brussels" and that "the pharaoh of that regime, Aleksandar Vucic, is a welcomed guest with whom they take photos and grill kebabs", reported the portal. 

"They keep him as if on a plate, regardless of the fact that there is no progress on the European path. It bothers them a bit that he did not impose sanctions on Russia, and if that happened, the European Commission's report would be wonderful, fabulous, and great, and they would come to Belgrade three times a month to bake kebabs with Vucic, while Aleksandar Obradovic would still languish in a drawer. Such a relationship is unacceptable," said Jeremic.

Jeremic stated that Serbia's European path has nothing to do with Vucic in power and that Serbia is "going backwards or at best is standing still" on that path.

When asked about the Declaration on the reintegration of Kosovo and Metohija into the constitutional and legal order of Serbia, which was also supported by the People's Party, Jeremic replied that the return to the constitutional and legal order of Serbia is only the last step in a long process that can only be achieved through peaceful means, that is through negotiations, not war, and that the first step would have to be "pouring cement on any international affirmation of self-proclaimed Kosovo as an independent state".

"They must understand that they will never become an internationally recognized state and that the door to international affirmation is permanently closed to them," Jeremic said.

When asked about a possible coalition with the parties that supported that declaration, Jeremic replied that the People's Party shares its opinion on Kosovo and Metohija with those organizations, and that it currently cooperates most closely with the Democratic Party and the Greens in the parliament, adding that coalitions are being discussed only when the elections come.

"I don't know when the elections will be, I didn't sit with Vucic on the couch, ask Vucic or Dragan Djilas about the elections. We do not talk to anyone about coalitions, because we are not talking about elections at the moment," concluded Jeremic.





2022 Enlargement package: EC assesses reforms in the WB and Türkiye, and recommends candidate status for BiH (EEAS)

The European Commission adopted its 2022 Enlargement Package, providing a detailed assessment of the state of play and the progress made by the Western Balkans and Türkiye on their respective paths towards the European Union, with a particular focus on implementing fundamental reforms, as well as clear guidance on the reform priorities ahead.

The Commission recommends that Bosnia and Herzegovina be granted candidate status by the Council, on the understanding that a number of steps are taken to reinforce democracy, functionality of state institutions, rule of law, the fight against corruption and organised crime, guarantee media freedom and migration management in the country. The Commission will continue supporting reform efforts and accelerate the integration of the Western Balkans as a whole.

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Serbia Backs UN Resolution Against Russian Annexations in Ukraine (Balkan Insight)

Serbia, Russia’s traditional ally in the Balkans, was among 143 countries that voted for a UN General Assembly resolution condemning Moscow’s illegal attempt to annex four regions of Ukraine.

Serbia on Wednesday backed the UN General Assembly resolution censuring Russia for holding “illegal so-called referendums” in parts of the Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine and then illegally attempting to annex the four regions.

The resolution condemns the “unlawful actions of the Russian Federation” and says that the attempted annexations “have no validity under international law and do not form the basis for any alteration of the status of these regions of Ukraine”.

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Strengthen enlargement policy as EU’s strongest geopolitical tool, say MEPs (

Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs call on the EU to overcome the status quo and reenergise the enlargement process within its own ranks and in accession countries.

In light of the growing Russian threat to European peace and stability, an enhanced enlargement policy remains the strongest geopolitical tool at the EU’s disposal, stress MEPs in a recommendation adopted on Wednesday.

With a view to becoming a more credible and efficient global player, the EU should reform its decision-making, for example by introducing qualified majority voting in areas relevant to the accession process. MEPs also call on member states to deliver on the EU’s commitments towards the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries and ensure that there will be no alternatives to substitute enlargement.

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