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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 19, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani after meeting Escobar: Ready to intensify dialogue (Telegrafi)
  • Escobar expresses U.S. support for Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations (media)
  • Kurti: Kosovo is a constructive party in dialogue; Escobar confirms support (Koha)
  • Interior Ministry: Vucic’s criminal structures in north are intimidating people (Telegrafi)
  • Ivan Todosijevic sentenced to one year in prison (Radio Free Europe)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Serbian FM Selakovic in the UNSC session: Pristina consciously sabotaging all efforts, aims to persecute Serbs (Tanjug, media)
  • UN Security Council permanent members differ on Kosovo (Beta, media)
  • Heated debate between Serbia, Kosovo foreign ministers at the UN SC session (Beta, N1, NMagazin)
  • Selakovic met Ziadeh in New York (Tanjug, media)
  • Mijatovic: Court decision on Visoki Decani must be implemented promptly (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • KFOR: We monitor situation, everybody to avoid actions that could lead to violence (Kosovo Online)
  • Russian Patriarch calls for unity of Serbian, Russian churches (N1, SRNA)
  • Botsan-Kharchenko to RTS: I believe Serbia will not stand in a sorrow line of states not thinking of their own national benefits 
  • Hill to RTS: I would warn the Serbs to understand that this is not their "mother Russia" (N1)
  • NGOs: Citizens must not be hostages of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Beta, N1, Danas)
  • “Petkovic’s visit should have been approved” (Tanjug)
  • Vulin: Interpol has Serbia’s full support (N1)


  • Kosovo issue has expanded Serbian far-right’s global reach (BIRN)
  • Radicalised on the Net? Albanian Plumber Charged With ‘Jihadist Propaganda’ (Balkan Insight)
  • Freedom of Information Summary (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Osmani after meeting Escobar: Ready to intensify dialogue (Telegrafi)

President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, said today that Kosovo, as a constructive party in the process of dialogue with Serbia, is ready to intensify the dialogue. After meeting the U.S. envoy for the Western Balkans and the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Osmani said that she expressed dissatisfaction over Serbia’s failure to implement the agreements reached so far. “We talked about the need to move forward in the process of dialogue. Kosovo is and has always been the constructive party in the process and we are also ready to step up our engagement in order to intensify the process of dialogue. I used the opportunity to express our dissatisfaction with Serbia’s failure to implement the agreements we have signed, including in particular their continued rejection to dissolve illegal and criminal structures. Serbia has not only refused to disband them, but it continues to support them financially. We may be a small country, but by working closely with our U.S. partners we will continue to make great achievements … Escobar’s visit has contributed in this respect and we have addressed a series of issues in the interest of peace and stability in the region. We continue to have close cooperation with the United States,” she said.

Osmani also said history has shown that the engagement of the U.S. in the region is irreplaceable and existential. “I highlighted the importance of starting a strategic dialogue between our countries as soon as possible. I also expressed our engagement for joint objectives. Kosovo is doing everything in its power to support our allies,” she added.

Escobar expresses U.S. support for Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations (media)

U.S. special envoy for the Western Balkans and the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Gabriel Escobar, expressed today the U.S. support for Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations. Escobar who is visiting Pristina today said that Kosovo is a very good ally and a good friend of the U.S. 

“The purpose of the visit is to look into ways of cooperation with a very good ally and friend. It is a friendship of partnership based not only on mutual interests but also on shared values. I wish to express the continuous U.S. support for Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations and solidarity for Kosovo at these times of crisis,” Escobar said after meeting Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani.

Kurti: Kosovo is a constructive party in dialogue; Escobar confirms support (Koha)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, said today that the U.S. special envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, is a great friend of Kosovo and a contributor to peace, security, and democratisation not only in Kosovo but throughout the region. Kurti said he and Escobar talked today about the importance of bilateral relations between Kosovo and the United States, about the progress and reforms in Kosovo and also the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. He added that Kosovo is a constructive and creative party in the dialogue and that it is committed to reaching a legally-binding agreement for the normalisation of relations and for mutual recognition.

“We welcome the engagement of the United States in the process. Kosovo’s alignment with the U.S. and Europe in sanctions against Russia are proof of Kosovo’s engagement and makes the difference with those that have not done this,” Kurti said.

Escobar said that Kosovo and the United States have an unwavering partnership. He said they discussed the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia and the regional implications from the process. “The United States supports Kosovo in all Euro-Atlantic aspirations and we will look into the possibility of further supporting Kosovo on this path,” he added.

Interior Ministry: Vucic’s criminal structures in north are intimidating people (Telegrafi)

Officials from Kosovo’s Ministry of Interior Affairs told the news website that although the deadline for Kosovo Serbs to convert their licence plates will end soon, so far only 12 vehicles have been registered since September 1.

The Ministry said that there has been interest among the citizens to convert their licence plates but that in the north of Kosovo there is a propaganda run directly by Serbia. After a police sergeant in the north registered his vehicle, his house was attacked. This, according to the ministry, sends a message of intimidation to other citizens. “As you know, the case [registration] in Leposavic was followed by an incident because the owner of the vehicle that was converted to RKS licence plates and who is a member of the Kosovo Police, had one part of his house set on fire on the same day,” the ministry said. “Another case was when a warehouse of a Serb citizen was set on fire one day after his son registered his vehicle”.

According to this ministry, citizens in the north are being intimidated and directly threatened by illegal criminal groups whose goal is to destabilise Kosovo. “Our citizens in the north are being intimidated and threatened by criminal groups who are both led and financed by Vucic and whose objective is to destabilise the country and to intimidate our citizens in the north. Vucic’s call to our citizens in the north not to register the vehicles is a call to fight order, law and the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo,” the ministry added.

The ministry also said “we are committed and uncompromised in concluding this process successfully, and we call on citizens to report any kind of threat they may receive from criminal structures not to register their vehicles with RKS licence plates”.

Ivan Todosijevic sentenced to one year in prison (Radio Free Europe)

Serbian List member, Ivan Todosijevic, has been sentenced today to one year in prison for “spreading hatred and intolerance”, his attorney confirmed to the news website. Todosijevic was initially sentenced to two years in prison by the Basic Court in Prishtina, but later the Supreme Court of Kosovo had ordered a retrial in late December last year. Todosijevic stated in March 2019 that “the reasons that led to the NATO aggression were the so-called humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo and the fabricated massacre of Recak”. His remarks came at the 20th anniversary of the NATO air raids against the former Yugoslav Army, a campaign that ended the war in Kosovo. At the time of his remarks, Todosijevic was Minister of Administration and Local Self-Government in the Kosovo Government, but was sacked by then Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj.




Serbian Language Media 


Serbian FM Selakovic in the UNSC session: Pristina consciously sabotaging all efforts, aims to persecute Serbs (Tanjug, media)

At Tuesday's UN Security Council session on the work of UNMIK, Serbian FM Nikola Selakovic said that, with its irresponsible conduct, Pristina was consciously sabotaging efforts by not only Belgrade, but also the EU and other parties in the international community in order to avoid fulfilling its commitments and, far more alarmingly, to intimidate, marginalise and persecute Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija, reported Tanjug agency. 

"Unfortunately, the last few months have not brought more stability in Kosovo-Metohija and the situation in the Province is not exactly as presented in the report," Selakovic said.

Attempts by “the so-called Kosovo to join international organisations were unacceptable and that Serbia would work decisively against such steps" Selakovic said, Tanjug reported. 

“Unilateral moves by Pristina continue to consciously and systematically deepen ethnic differences, causing discrimination against the non-Albanian population," he said.

"To our knowledge, 105 ethnically motivated attacks have been recorded since the beginning of this year. In addition, Pristina is actively working on administrative and bureaucratic obstacles, by taking measures that were not agreed upon in the dialogue as the basic mechanism for negotiations and reaching solutions between Belgrade and Pristina," Selakovic said.

"Pristina is consciously fuelling inter-ethnic tensions using all available methods," he said, noting that Nikola Nikodijevic - a young Serb arrested by Pristina's police for attending St Vitus's Day celebrations at Gazimestan - had been sentenced to eight months in prison without material evidence for allegedly "inciting ethnic hatred and intolerance."

"There is not a single perpetrator held legally accountable for the more than 1,000 Serbs killed since 1999. Due to planned intimidation, almost all towns and villages in Kosovo-Metohija are ethnically cleansed.”

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UN Security Council permanent members differ on Kosovo (Beta, media)

At the session on the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo, representatives of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council expressed different views on the resolution of the Kosovo issue and the situation in Kosovo, reported Beta news agency. 

During the consideration of the new six-month report of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the work of UNMIK, the US representative said that "serious and urgent engagement" of the two sides in the dialogue was needed to achieve a comprehensive normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, based on mutual recognition. He said that Washington "strongly encourages" Serbia and Kosovo not to raise tensions, to focus on progress in the dialogue and to avoid inflammatory rhetoric.

He stated that UNMIK had an important role in maintaining peace in the past, but that the UN mission had become redundant in the meantime.

"We are disappointed that the UN Security Council did not do more to abolish UNMIK, given that we have much more important priorities," he added. The US representative also said that there was no need to hold UNSC sessions on Kosovo every six months, but once a year.

Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said that Kosovo remained a "key point of tension" in the Balkans and added that the situation required "thorough attention" from the UN Security Council and the international community and that it was why it was necessary to continue the engagement of UNMIK, as "the most important guarantor of security" in Kosovo.

Nebenzya said that since 1999 there has been a "continuous violation of the rights of Serbs" in Kosovo and that an "atmosphere of hatred towards Serbs" was being encouraged. He repeated that the status-neutral position of Brussels in the dialogue was questionable, reported Beta. 

"No one tried to force Pristina to implement the agreements reached, not even the European Union as a mediator," he said. 

Nebenzya criticised Western countries and said that they "act as if Resolution 1244 does not exist" and that they "continue to prepare alternative options for a solution in favour of Pristina".

The representative of Great Britain said that the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina was "of crucial importance" and added that London provided full support for the dialogue under the auspices of the EU.

He said that he "welcomes the increased engagement" of Pristina in relation to minority communities and added that dialogue between communities was "key to the stability of Kosovo as a multi-ethnic state".

He stated that London encouraged Pristina authorities to continue such engagement, especially with political representatives of Serbs in Kosovo to resolve open issues.

The British representative stated that UNMIK had an important role in the progress of Kosovo, but that the situation today was unrecognisable compared to 1999, when the UN mission began its work. He added that "it is time to thoroughly review the form of action and role" of UNMIK in Kosovo.

The representative of France pointed out the importance of the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and stated that the future of the EU depended on it. 

She pointed out that all agreements reached should be fully implemented and added that unilateral moves that could raise tensions should be avoided.

"We call on both sides to show a constructive spirit, especially when it comes to current issues such as energy and licence plates," said the representative of France.

The representative of China said that Beijing supported the two sides in their efforts to find a mutually acceptable solution in accordance with Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council and added that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia should be fully respected.

He said that China calls on both sides, especially the Kosovo authorities, to show restraint and refrain from unilateral moves.

He stated that the SC should keep its attention on the Kosovo issue and that UNMIK should continue its work in accordance with Resolution 1244.

Heated debate between Serbia, Kosovo foreign ministers UN SC session (Beta, N1, NMagazin)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic accused at the UN Security Council session Tuesday his Kosovo counterpart of telling a number of “brutal lies”, reported N1, citing Beta agency.

During the UN Security Council debate on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ biannual report on the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), Kosovo Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla-Schwarz responded to Selakovic by saying that it is hard for him to say her maiden name Gervalla, because, through the Serbian security services, Belgrade had organized the murder of her father Jusuf Gervalla.

Selakovic said “one of the brutal lies” told by Gervalla-Schwarz at the UN SC session is that Kosovo is “the youngest democracy in Europe.”

“Have you heard of a democracy in which people are not allowed to vote? Serbs in Kosovo were banned from voting twice this year,” said Selakovic.

Commenting on Gervalla's statement that 90 percent of vehicles with Serbian license plates have changed to Kosovo license plates, Selakovic said there were over 9,000 vehicles with Serbian license plates in north Kosovo, of which only two vehicles have switched to Kosovo license plates.

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Selakovic met Ziadeh in New York (Tanjug, media)

Ahead of Tuesday's UN Security Council session on Kosovo-Metohija, Serbian FM Nikola Selakovic spoke with UNMIK head Caroline Ziadeh in New York, noting that continued UNMIK engagement on all issues of importance for consistent implementation of UN SC Resolution 1244 was crucial, reported agency Tanjug.

"Ahead of the UN Security Council session on Kosovo-Metohija, FM Selakovic talked to UNMIK head, SRSG Ziadeh, and stressed it is crucial to continue the engagement of UNMIK on all issues of importance for the consistent implementation of the UN SC Resolution 1244," the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a post on its official Twitter account.

As shown in a video included in the post, the meeting was also attended by Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric.

Mijatovic: Court decision on Visoki Decani must be implemented promptly (Radio Mitrovica sever)

Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner, Dunja Mijatovic said the decision of the Constitutional Court in Pristina on Visoki Decani Monastery’s land must be implemented promptly, Radio Mitrovica sever reports.

“The continuing lack of implementation of the judgement of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo concerning the Visoki Dečani Monastery poses important questions regarding respect for the rule of law. It needs to be promptly implemented”, she said in a Memorandum published on the Council of Europe website.

In a report following her visit in Kosovo from May 30 to June 3, Mijatovic also said that “more than two decades after the armed conflict in Kosovo, social cohesion is still hampered by impunity for war-related crimes, unresolved cases of missing persons, lack of access to reparations for all war victims, obstacles to sustainable returns of displaced persons and ethnic divisions”.

The Commissioner underscored that “present shortcomings in the investigation, criminal prosecution and trials of war-related crimes now under the responsibility of Kosovo justice system need to be effectively addressed”. She also said it is needed to enhance cooperation with the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office.

“All civilian war victims, without exception, should have access to reparations, and safe conditions should be in place for all the victims of war-related crimes of sexual violence to come forward”, she said.

Read full Memorandum at:

KFOR: We monitor situation, everybody to avoid actions that could lead to violence (Kosovo Online)

KFOR remains impartial and continues to offer security framework in which Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, under the EU auspices, can progress and it is crucial that all sides avoid unilateral actions and initiatives which could lead to unnecessary escalation or violence, Kosovo Online portal reports citing KFOR’s spokesperson.

The portal said this was the response it received on its question regarding the current security situation in Kosovo, given that the deadline for vehicles re-registration set on October 31 is nearing.

KFOR also said it maintains a visible and agile presence across Kosovo and remains focused on everyday implementation of its mandate, based on UN SC Resolution 1244 in order to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities living in Kosovo.

Russian Patriarch calls for unity of Serbian, Russian churches (N1, SRNA)

The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill said in Moscow on Tuesday that the Serbian and Russian churches need to preserve their unity, N1 reports.

“Serbia never sided with Russia’s enemies, that is a historic fact. Now, because you are in the middle of Europe, you are in a difficult situation”, he said after a service in the Assumption Church of the Kremlin with Serbian clergy led by Montenegro-Littoral Bishop Joanikije.

A statement from the Russian Patriarch’s press service Bishop Joanikije is reported to have said that the entire Serb nation is praying for Patriarch Kirill and Russia.

The group of senior Serbian Orthodox Church clergy are in Moscow at the invitation of Patriarch Kirill to take part in a Russian-Serbian festival at the St Tikhon Orthodox University of Humanities.

Botsan-Kharchenko to RTS: I believe Serbia will not stand in a sorrow line of states not thinking of their own national benefits 

Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko told RTS he believes Serbia will not stand in a sorrow line of states not thinking of their own national benefits and that of its citizens, adding he is aware of the strong pressure on Serbia regarding sanctions on Russia.

Speaking about resolution of Kosovo issue, Botsan-Kharchenko said the aim of Moscow is that the solution is based on the consent of Belgrade and Pristina, it suits Belgrade and it has nothing to do with imposing sanctions on Russia.

Asked if Russia would change its policy on Serbia, should the latter decide to align its foreign policy with that of the EU, including introduction of sanctions, Botsan-Kharchenko said the answer to that quesiton has two parts. 

“First part concerning Kosovo, I want to emphasise once again that Kosovo issue, harmonisation of stances and support of Russia to Serbia is an important part of cooperation. It is crucial on the plan of cooperation in the international arena, foremost in the UN, but also on a bilateral level”, he said.

“But when it comes to a solution for Kosovo, a lasting, just and right solution, which is our aim, Russia starts from its own principled stances and principles which are in the UN Charter. To make a long story short, when it comes to Kosovo, with all differences in the international community, now and before, and it is the aspiration of all crucial states, it is that the final solution must be confirmed at the Security Council”, he added.

For us it is important that the resolution of the Kosovo issue is based on the consent of Belgrade and Pristina, that this solution suits Belgrade, and is supported by Belgrade.  “I said all this to demonstrate it is about the principled stance of Russia, and of course it has nothing to do with sanctions”.

“The other part of the response concerns sanction. There are many examples in Europe, confirming that no response is needed on sanctions. Because every state or entire EU, without response from our side, or some “retaliation” suffers detrimental consequences. Worse and harder from the consequences of the sanctions in Russia. When it comes to the economy, business. Every state joining the sanctions, unavoidably suffers the hardest consequences, for its trade, economy and social sphere.

Asked if the same would apply to Serbia, Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko responded – and how different? This is something that does not depend on Russia. I believe that Serbia will not stand in that sorrow line of states not thinking about their own national benefits and benefits of their citizens. He added he is aware of pressures Serbia is exposed to, adding that they overstep the boundaries of normal international behaviour.    

Hill to RTS: I would warn the Serbs to understand that this is not their "mother Russia" (N1)

The US ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, said that he understands that Serbia has a long and difficult history of sanctions, and that the US understands that, but that it still has to take a good look at where its national interests lie, and that he is convinced that sooner or later it will see that it is in the West.

"I would warn the Serbs to understand that this is not their 'mother Russia' from then, we are dealing with a very different Russia," said the American ambassador in an interview with Radio television Serbia (RTS)

Hill said that he knows that it is difficult, and that Serbia has had good relations with Russia for decades, but that it is a very different Russia now, a Russia that brutally attacks its neighbours and that Serbia should declare. 

He said that he does not put the position of Serbia in the context of the consequences, but rather that he is saying that this is not the old Russia, the one from the nineties, it is about a completely new situation and Russia that is behaving illegally, and which is condemned by the majority of the world, pointing out that this issue is for Serbia.

"If you look at Europe, very few countries, I think only Belarus and Serbia, have not imposed sanctions on Russia. That is the question whether Serbia wants to remain in that society. Many countries have imposed sanctions and it is costing them. The question is whether they can influence Russia's behaviour with sanctions, but they introduced them anyway because they understand that they should be united and oppose what Russia is doing," said Hill.

He said that he does not think that anyone is threatening Serbia on this issue, but he thinks that other countries are asking Serbia to make a statement.

"Are you going to sit on the fence between good and evil, is this a place for your national interest. People ask difficult questions," he said, adding that he distinguishes between asking difficult questions and threats to Serbia.

Hill said that there are not many such countries in Europe that stopped on Russia's condemnation but have joined the sanctions and that Serbia "must work on it".

We are working to ensure that Serbia has a variety of energy suppliers

Speaking about possible US assistance in case Serbia is affected if it imposes sanctions on Russia, the American ambassador said that his country is working to ensure that Serbia has diverse energy suppliers and will continue to do so, and that it is in the interest of both sides.

"We want to work on that with Serbia, American companies are very interested in Serbia finding additional suppliers of energy products, so that it does not live under the kind of blackmail that comes from Russia," Hill said.

He assessed that it is in Serbia's interest to have different bidders, so that no one would be able to blackmail it.

"There is definitely a political cost included in the price, and every country, including Serbia, should be concerned when a supplier of basic needs for heating and electricity ties it to their political needs, as Russia is doing to Serbia and others," he added.

Referring to the issue of Kosovo, Hill said that he understands that it is a big issue for the people of Serbia, but he urges them to see the difference between the situation in Kosovo and the current situation in Ukraine.

Russia, he said, signed the Budapest memorandum from May 1994, where it explicitly agreed to respect the territorial integrity of its neighbours, and now it is violating that, and he called on people in Serbia to follow what is happening around Ukraine today.

"I understand that this is a big question for people in Serbia. But I also urge them to understand the great difference between that very difficult question and the situation where we now have a great power behaving differently and trying to seize for itself something that belongs to a neighbour. And that is a completely different situation. And I don't think it's good to look back at historical similarities, I think we should turn to solving the situation we have today," said Hill.

NGOs: Citizens must not be hostages of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Beta, N1, Danas)

Albanian and Serbian non-governmental organisations from Kosovo and central Serbia issued a joint statement which they assessed that, considering recent EU reports and developments on the ground, there is concern about the impact of the lack of progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on local communities in Serbia and Kosovo, reported Serbian media. 

“Citizens on the ground suffer the most from the presence of tensions and mistrust. All sides must therefore desist from using inflammatory rhetoric that threatens and harms relations within and between communities. Ambiguities must be reduced through transparency and accountability. It must be clear to all citizens what has been agreed upon, and the dialogue process itself must be brought closer to the citizens who are affected by it,” said Albanian and Serbian NGOs in a joint statement for the media. 

They pointed out that “the scenes of reception of the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Porfirije, on the streets of Prizren send a positive message of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence”, as well as that all parties in that event had a constructive approach, which is “especially true for the president of the municipality of Pec, Gazmend Muhaxheri, who attended the enthronement”.

“We are also calling for tangible progress in many other areas. In Kosovo, there is a fundamental lack of dialogue and cooperation through the elected institutions,” reads the statement, adding that “the Serbian List MPs fail to represent the needs of the Kosovo Serb community” because they are continuously absent from the sessions of the Assembly of Kosovo.

“Many agreements are barely being mentioned today. The main bridge in Mitrovica is still closed for traffic, despite major EU investments. Both parties should engage in resolving the demarcation of North Mitrovica, which has hindered the reopening process. Additional steps must be taken to ensure that the bridge serves as an inclusive and shared space that connects people on both sides of the Ibar River,” NGOs said.

On the issue of licence plates, they called on both Belgrade and Pristina to “work constructively to find solutions that will not harm citizens on the ground”, while on the issue of mutual recognition of diplomas, they warn that it “was discontinued” which has led to a “lack of vital personnel in key public institutions in southern Serbia and Kosovo”.

NGOs added that in the south of Serbia there is a feeling that the integration of the Albanian community has been undermined by the tense relations between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as that “concerns regarding the conduct of the census in Medvedja should be resolved immediately” as well as that a detailed review of the process of passivation needs to be carried out. 

“Petkovic’s visit should have been approved” (Tanjug)

“As far as the EU was concerned the visit of Mr. Petkovic was announced appropriately, and in line with procedures agreed upon within the parties in the dialogue and therefore should have been allowed by Kosovo authorities”, Tanjug news agency reports citing the letter they said was signed by EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak.

According to diplomatic sources, the letter was sent to the Office for Coordination Affairs in Negotiation Process with Pristina and concerns recent ban to Petar Petkovic, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director to visit Kosovo on the occasion of Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej enthronement in Pec Patriarchate.

Following the ban, Petkovic via respective offices informed Lajcak of the violation of the agreement on official visits by Pristina.

Vulin: Interpol has Serbia’s full support (N1)

Serbian Internal Affairs Minister Aleksandar Vulin told Interpol President and Police Inspector General in the United Arab Emirates Ministry of the Interior Major General Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi that the Serbian Interior Ministry will continue to give full support to Interpol, said a press release issued by the Ministry, N1 reports.

Vulin, who is currently attending the Interpol General Assembly in New Delhi, said that Serbia is a reliable and strong partner in efforts to modernise the work of Interpol and its bodies and prevent its politicisation.

Interpol President Al-Raisi thanked Vulin for Serbia’s support during the election for the president of Interpol in 2021 in Istanbul and accepted Vulin’s invitation to visit Belgrade in the near future and further verify the expertise and capacities of the Serbian police.

The two officials also discussed bilateral cooperation between Serbia and the United Arab Emirates, and agreed that thanks to the good personal relations of the two leaders, President Aleksandar Vucic and Sheikh Muhammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the relations between the two countries are at the highest level and that exceptional relations need to be further enhanced and deepened, especially when it comes to cooperation in the field of internal affairs, said the press release.

Al-Raisi invited Minister Vulin to visit the Interpol headquarters in the near future.






Kosovo issue has expanded Serbian far-right’s global reach (BIRN)

The prolonged tension between Serbia and Kosovo has enabled the far right in Serbia to flourish – and link up with like-minded foreign counterparts.

Some 23 years after Kosovo achieved its autonomy from the rump Yugoslavia of Montenegro and Serbia and 14 years after its unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia, Serbia’s staunch refusal to recognize Kosovo’s independent statehood is still a dominant issue in its politics.

From the government parties to the extremes of the political spectrum, though their distinction is hardly recognizable, the Kosovo issue remains a uniformly relevant political issue. This in turn perpetuates not only a state of prolonged tension between the two countries and a flourishing of far-right actors internally but also an intensification of the Serbian right’s links with like-minded counterparts.

A research project conducted within BIRN, focusing on understanding the far right in the Western Balkans and particularly the influence of Serbia’s far right regarding Kosovo, demonstrates how the Kosovo issue is still a point of vital importance for Serbian national identity and for far-right mobilization, both in Serbia and in its international likeminded counterparts. Their influence stretches geographically till the northern, Serbian-dominated part of Kosovo.

After the fall of Slobodan Milosevic in 2000, far right groups and ideas remained part of the political repertoire and society of Serbia.  But over the last few years, especially since the parliamentary elections in 2022, far-right groups and views have gained significant electoral legitimacy.

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Radicalised on the Net? Albanian Plumber Charged With ‘Jihadist Propaganda’ (Balkan Insight)

Did social networks change a young plumber from normal Muslim believer to radical Islamist – or are Albania’s authorities over-reacting to a non-existent threat?

At sunset on August 2, Bledar Zeneli and his father were attending the Aksham Namaz, one of five daily prayers of Muslim believers, when police came knocking at the door of their home in a newly developed area on the outskirts of Durres, Albania second largest town and main seaport.

The officers waited patiently in the hallway as the men finished their prayers. Then they issued an arrest order for 30-year-old Bledar and handcuffed him on charges of “inciting terrorist acts through public calls”.

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Freedom of Information Summary (Balkan Insight)

Freedom of Information laws in the Western Balkans are very well established, but only on paper. When it comes to implementing the laws and granting access to public records, especially to journalists, institutions prefer to remain silent or only answer partially – not always granting full access to the requested information. In general, a lack of political will to fully implement Freedom FOI laws is a major factor.

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