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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 24, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

  • Dehari family receives copy of forensic report into their son’s death (media)
  • Vetevendosje reacts to report’s conclusions into its activist’s death (media)
  • Lumezi: We will seek assistance from U.S. in investigating Astrit Dehari's death (media)
  • Haziri doesn’t expect final agreement during Kurti government (ekonomiaonline)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Representatives of Washington and Moscow answered three questions of Vecernje Novosti daily (Serbian media)
  • Jeremic: Vucic’s delineation leads towards Serbia’s membership to NATO (Danas, RT)
  • US "indecent" proposal; Serbia: We refuse it (Blic, Tanjug, B92)
  • Palmer on Serbia-Kosovo agreement (Tanjug, B92)
  • The Russians delivered S-400 missile defense system and Pantsir S (Tanjug, B92, Sputnik)
  • “It is not a priority to Srpska Lista to enter government with Kurti” (Tanjug, B92)
  • Djuric comments on counting votes from central Serbia in Pristina (Tanjug, B92)
  • Macron offers special partnership to the Balkans? (B92, Tanjug, Nezavisne)
  • Kosovo police arrest three officers in the northern Mitrovica (KoSSev, N1, KIM radio)
  • Vucic: Pristina announces closure of pharmacies in the North tomorrow (KoSSev)
  • CEC completed counting of votes from Serbia, 3000 ballots verified (Kosovo-online)


  • “We Are Their Voice”: German Far-Right Builds Balkan Alliances (Balkan Insight)
  • ‘Amid stormy global seas, UN charter remains our moral anchor’, says Guterres on United Nations Day (UN News)

Humanitarian and Development:

  • Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo joins Equinet (Kosovapress)
  • How much is Serb community (un)safe in Pec region? (Radio Gorazdevac, Radio kontakt plus)



Albanian Language Media


Dehari family receives copy of forensic report into their son’s death (media)

The family of Astrit Dehari, Vetevendosje activist who died at a detention facility in Prizren in 2016, has received copies of a 58-page forensic report carried out by a Swiss institute which has concluded that the suicide hypothesis is "unlikely" and that the "intervention of a third person in the fatal process should be considered". 

In the conclusions, the report states a new investigation is necessary to clarify the circumstances of Astrit Dehari's death. 

The Dehari family demanded the reopening of investigations into their son’s death. “As a parent I expect justice authorities to seek responsibility from all those involved in Astrit's murder,” said Astrit's father, Avni. 

The family’s lawyer, Tome Gashi, said the report has concluded what they always maintained: that Astrit was killed. “We hope justice institutions, after receiving this report from Switzerland, will identify those that killed Astrit Dehari,” Gashi said.  

At the same time, the Basic Prosecution in Prizren issued a statement saying it will continue investigations and undertake all necessary steps, including listening to experts from the forensic institute in Lausanne as well as Kosovo experts, and if necessary will commission a "super expertise" in cooperation and coordination with international partners to clarify circumstances that led to the death of Astrit Dehari. 

Vetevendosje reacts to report’s conclusions into its activist’s death (media)

Vetevendosje Movement has reacted to the conclusions of a report into the death of its activist, Astrit Dehari, prepared by a forensic institute in Lausanne and handed over to the Dehari family today. Vetevendosje said Dehari was killed whilst in detention centre because of his political activity. 

“The prosecution is legally and humanely obliged to begin investigations into the case so that those responsible for this monstrous crime that deprived the 26-year-old activist Astrit Dehari of his life are brought to justice,” Vetevendosje said in a statement. 

“In addition, those that regardless of the pain of the family, friends and the whole public opinion, became a tool of misinformation immediately after Astrit’s murder in prison should also be investigated. What was their goal to try with all means possible, including by lying and changing words, to cover the crime as if it was a suicide?”  

Vetevendosje called for the launch of independent, fair and professional investigations as soon as possible. “Republic of Kosovo citizens, the whole society and Albanians wherever they are will not be at peace until justice for Astrit is served.”  

Lumezi: We will seek assistance from U.S. in investigating Astrit Dehari's death (media)

Kosovo's chief prosecutor Aleksander Lumezi told news portal that they will seek the support from the U.S. Embassy in Pristina in investigating the death of Vetevendosje activist Astrit Dehari while in a detention facility. 

"We have requested the American Embassy to send a prosecutor or someone who can help us investigate this case so that we get to the bottom of it," Lumezi said. He added that the prosecution's branch in Prizren will be conducting the investigation but can also be assisted by international partners. 

Haziri doesn’t expect final agreement during Kurti government (ekonomiaonline)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) deputy leader Lutfi Haziri said in an interview with the news agency that he does not expect dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, which began eight years ago, to end in mutual recognition. He said that he does not expect a great pace in the process of dialogue with Serbia during the new government which will be led by the LDK and the Vetevendosje Movement. “I still believe that for the last two years we are in a political semifinal and not the grand finale. A semifinal is in the works, a comprehensive agreement could be brought to the table … Thanks to the partnership with the United States and the appointment of a special envoy … this shows the seriousness of the U.S. policy for a comprehensive agreement,” he said. “I don’t expect a great pace in the developments however because the priority will be to form a government, the institutions from the elections to get their legitimacy and this legitimacy requires careful actions in terms of resolving capital problems”. 



Serbian Language Media


Representatives of Washington and Moscow answered three questions of Vecernje Novosti daily (Serbian media)

In the run-up to the formation of a new government in Pristina and the eventual continuation of dialogue, and with the louder announcement of the inclusion of "players" in the whole process, Vecernje Novosti asked the same questions about the negotiations and possible settlement of the Kosovo node to the embassies of Russia, the US, France and Germany in Serbia.

Replies were provided by diplomatic representatives of Washington and Moscow.

Vecernje Novosti asked three questions:

1.Whether the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue format be changed so that, apart from the EU, representatives of Russia, the US and other major powers such as Germany, France and China are directly involved in it?

  1. Would you support a solution that would go in the direction of border corrections if Belgrade and Pristina agree on this?
  2. Do you think it is necessary for Serbia to recognize the independence of the so-called. Kosovo, or would a two-party agreement that does not imply it, could be viable?

Russian ambassador to Serbia Alexander Bocan – Kharchenko answers:

  1. So far, we do not see all the necessary preconditions and conditions for effective negotiations. The Kosovo issue should be resolved strictly within the international legal framework, based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Moscow could participate in the process, but only if there was an interest from Belgrade for that and an appropriate invitation from Belgrade.
  2. For us, there can be no correction of the borders between the two countries, because we do not recognize Kosovo. Now Kosovo and Metohija is a province within Serbia.
  3. In the end, we will support any option of which would be agreed upon Belgrade and Pristina. Only a compromise solution can be approved by the UN Security Council.

US Deputy Ambassador to Serbia Gabriel Escobar answers: 

  1. Why spend so much time on dialogue about dialogue instead of doing something. What is important is that the two parties - Belgrade and Pristina - take the necessary steps to return to the negotiating table as soon as possible. They will inevitably need the support of the international community to achieve their desired goals, and the United States, together with its European partners, is there to support them. Both sides aim to join the EU, so the EU has taken the lead in this dialogue, which is quite logical. But everyone else who wants to support and push the process openly and transparently should, also, help to the extent that the negotiating parties want their help. What concerns me are the true intentions of some who now offer help. Do they also care of Serbia achieving its goal of joining the EU? Do they also realize that the status quo is a kind of wetland that will continue indefinitely the tragic departure of young people from Serbia? Or maybe in the status quo and regional instability they see some political and economic opportunities for themselves? Are they ready to roll up their sleeves and do their best to help the two sides reach an agreement and move forward with their European aspirations?
  2. The US offers no solutions. It is a question for Belgrade and Pristina. We are aware that a compromise solution is not easy to reach - the essence of compromise is to give up something, but also to get something. As President Vucic often says, there is no other reasonable alternative. Serbia and Kosovo need to reach an agreement that is enforceable, lasting and produces no instability in the country or in the region. We will seriously consider any agreement that meets these conditions. Now is the time to move forward.
  3. As President Trump announced to both sides, in our view mutual recognition should be at the root of any agreement. As his envoy, Ambassador Grenell made it clear, we are focused on helping the region unleash its economic potential. Leading businessmen of the world's largest economy reiterate their hesitation in investing and arriving in a politically unstable area. Why would any of them risk walking on the ice of a frozen conflict?

Jeremic: Vucic’s delineation leads towards Serbia’s membership to NATO (Danas, RT)

Leader of the Peoples' Party (NS) Vuk Jeremic said today that “delineation” with Kosovo and Metohija and permission to Pristina to become UN member, which is a solution that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is planning, would unstoppably lead towards the creation of “Great Albania”, dissolution of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia’s membership to NATO, something that Vucic would agree upon for the sake of Western support to remain in power, Danas daily reports.

In an interview with Russia Today, Jeremic noted that “of course it is up to Russia to decide what is in its best interest. In my opinion, the way Russia treats Vucic very much resembles the relation Moscow has towards the Montenegro President Milo Djukanovic, before Djukanovic switched sides.”

Jeremic also said that “delineation” with Kosovo would be “Vucic’s Rubicon” as the referendum on Montenegro independence was “Rubicon for Djukanovic” and once the Rubicon is crossed “there is only one way left, and it ends with NATO membership.”

“Vucic is a close partner of Milo Djukanovic, and in this relation Djukanovic is an older brother. The vast majority of citizens in Montenegro were against NATO membership, but Djukanovic did not ask people about it, he rather decided to take Montenegro to the North-Atlantic Alliance for the sake of remaining in power. Vucic is Djukanovic’s best student in the Balkans, they have common advisers and closely cooperate (…),” Jeremic said.

Jeremic also said that Vucic very aggressively attacks everybody who says that “delineation” respectively de-facto recognition of Kosovo independence is “a mortal sin” even when it comes to the reputable bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

“In case of “delineation” majority of the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija would remain south of the Ibar River, and some of the most important Serbian holy shrines such as the Pec Patriarchate would also remain in the independent state of Kosovo,” Jeremic underlined.

US "indecent" proposal; Serbia: We refuse it (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

Belgrade-based daily Blic writes that United States offered Belgrade to recognize Kosovo independence, bringing the world's largest companies to Serbia in return. However, Belgrade rejected the offer, the newspaper said.

The daily further claims that US Presidential Special Envoy for Kosovo Richard Grenell recently instructed Belgrade and Pristina to reach an agreement on mutual recognition, and that they will receive an "economic award" in return, in the form of an investment conference that will be organized.

According to Blic he promised to invite some of the world's largest companies to invest in Serbia, which, however, "as expected, was not approved" in Belgrade.

It was also recalled that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is quite reserved when it comes to the international conference on Kosovo, an idea that emerges independently of the investment one, pointing out that, if it were to happen, all major world powers would have to participate.

Daily Blic estimates that there has been a clear change in US tactics with regards to Kosovo, and that now the US, which until recently supported the idea of ​​"Kosovo's knot breaking through division or demarcation", again conditioned Serbia, which was also evident during Grenell's recent visit to Belgrade.

The newspaper also added that, given the disagreements between Berlin and Paris, Washington wants to put the EU out of the game and take over, among other things, the final solution of this particular issue.

US President Donald "Trump is not interested in the heart of the matter, he is mostly imagining how spectacular it would be to sign the agreement in Washington, in the White House, because he needs a spectacle", a diplomat stated for Blic.

He added that for Trump, it would be vital accomplishment in the race for a second term in the office, and would represent the same as Dayton Agreement meant for former US President Bill Clinton.

See at:

Palmer on Serbia-Kosovo agreement (Tanjug, B92)

One of the top US priorities with a significant impact on the entire region and transatlantic security is normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer said in a testimony before the US Senate Foreign Affairs and Subcommittee on Europe and Co-operation on Regional Security, B92 reports. He added that while the negotiations are blocked, the two sides are at risk of missing the best chance.

Palmer noted that by reaching an agreement, the two sides can unleash economic potential through peace and integration. He also said that the US expects the new government in Pristina to abolish taxes on Serbian goods, and that Belgrade suspends its campaign in the world for Kosovo derecognition.

"We expect the new Kosovo government to demonstrate its commitment to these common goals by suspending fees imposed on goods from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina that have harmed Kosovo international position. The next government should also make clear to the citizens of Kosovo the importance of returning to dialogue and negotiations", US official stated.

Palmer added that "Serbia, for its part, must cease its campaign to delegitimize Kosovo in the international community."

"Through a campaign to encourage countries to withdraw recognition of Kosovo and by blocking its membership in international organizations such as Interpol, Belgrade has harmed international police cooperation and disrupted the atmosphere of compromise", Palmer said. He added that this impedes progress towards an agreement that Serbia needs in order to achieve its strategic goal - EU integration.

"We are convinced that President Aleksandar Vucic is ready to negotiate such an agreement. Once Serbia and Kosovo have taken such steps, we are ready to explore with him all the options that will help him gain support of the people of Serbia to normalize relations with Kosovo", Palmer concluded.

Palmer added that because of the strategic importance of the issue and the historic and limited space for Serbia and Kosovo to reach a comprehensive agreement, President (Donald) Trump also appointed US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as Special Presidential Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina negotiations.

"Together, Ambassador Grenell and I will work to help the two parties reach a comprehensive normalization agreement. With increased political engagement, as well as through business and trade incentives, we will seek to help the parties find a locally sustainable agreement that is lasting, enforceable, contributing further to regional stability”, Palmer concluded.

The Russians delivered S-400 missile defense system and Pantsir S (Tanjug, B92, Sputnik)

Joint Tactical Military Exercise of the Army of Serbia and Russia begins. Russians brought anti-aircraft missile system "S-400" and "Pantsir S". The joint exercise is held under the name "Slovenian Shield 2019", and it started with missile firing by Anti-Aircraft Defense Units of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Russian Air Force.

The exercise will take place in the area of Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlovic Airport in Batajnica and at the "Pasuljanske livade" range, with the involvement of other units in the Air Force and Air Defense of the Serbian Armed Forces, the Serbian Ministry of Defense stated.

The Russian Defense Ministry has announced that the S-400 division and the Pantsir S battery have been transferred to Serbia, where they will participate for the first time in training abroad, Sputnik reported.

The aim of the exercise is to educate and use the joint air defense group of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Russian Federation Air Force in the air defense of the territory and the forces of the army against reconnaissance and airborne enemy actions, as well as training and practicing commands and units for the preparation and execution of the air defense operations.

The exercise commander is the Commander of the 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade, Brigadier General Tiosav Jankovic.

In addition to the air defense missile systems that are part of the Serbian Armed Forces, the exercise will also use air defense missile systems from the Air Force of the Russian Federation.

“It is not a priority to Srpska Lista to enter government with Kurti” (Tanjug, B92)

It is not a priority to Srpska Lista to enter the new Kosovo Government, particularly not under conditions and environment that do not accept the electoral will of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, Srpska Lista Vice Deputy Dalibor Jevtic said during the meeting with David Kostelancik, State Department Director for Southern and Central Europe, Tanjug news agency reports.  

Jevtic underlined that the highest responsibility, for possible institutional crisis, should the Kosovo Constitution be violated in relation to the procedures for election of the new government, would be on those who will establish such a government, and not on Srpska Lista.

According to Srpska Lista statement, Jevtic particularly highlighted that political stances that Srpska Lista and its representatives are not acceptable for cooperation with those who should form the future Kosovo Government do not contribute to building the trust and stability.

The two officials also discussed latest snap elections in Kosovo, current political and security situation as well as the need to continue Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Jevtic noted it is of particular importance that all political stakeholders in Kosovo are committed to creating better living conditions, respect of the rule of law, with a focus on human rights, particularly the human rights of non-majority communities.

Djuric comments on counting votes from central Serbia in Pristina (Tanjug, B92)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric termed the counting on votes from central Serbia in Pristina under masks and special protective overalls as “unseen manifestation of racism”, B92 reports.

He added, this act must receive stronger condemnation in an entire international community.

Djuric also said that “a chauvinist farce” is on display in Pristina directed against the will of the Serbian people in the elections as well as “a circus” in which it looks like that “Serbian ballots were infected with ‘Variola Vera’ and that all Serbs have a plaque so their ballots need to be counted wearing masks that were last seen in the southern Serbian province during the time of this epidemic” (the smallpox outbreak took place in 1972).    

Macron offers special partnership to the Balkans? (B92, Tanjug, Nezavisne)

France launches unofficial diplomatic consultations to offer privileged special partnership to some of the Western Balkan countries. A privileged special partnership would be a substitute for a full membership.

According to the proposal, financial support, special arrangements for access to European markets and other benefits would be offered to the Western Balkan countries in exchange for a "silent withdrawal" of full membership.

According to Banja Luka based daily Nezavisne, France is being pressured by its European partners to resign from its stubborn stance at the European summit next March and to allow North Macedonia and Albania to commence negotiations, and then resolve any remaining problems during the opening of pre-accession negotiations, reports portal B92. 

That is why elections in North Macedonia are scheduled for April to see if the EU will approve the continuation of the pre-accession process in March.

The issue of Bosnia-Herzegovina should also be discussed at the March Summit, provided that government is formed by then and concrete steps taken to implement the European Commission's recommendations, as expressed in the Bosnia-Herzegovina Nomination Opinion and the Analytical Report from May 2019, the paper reports.

The paper also recalled that Germany had offered a similar proposal to Turkey ten years ago, promising it a "privileged partnership" instead of membership, but even back then, it was seen as an elegant way of giving up on Turkey's EU accession.

Namely, the European media strongly criticize France, accusing it of pushing the Western Balkans into the hands of Russia, Turkey and China, by giving up EU enlargement agenda.

See at:

Kosovo police arrest three officers in the northern Mitrovica (KoSSev, N1, KIM radio)

The Kosovo Police, in cooperation with the Police Inspectorate (PIK) and investigators, arrested three officers in the north of the Mitrovica town, mostly populated by local Serbs, the KoSSev website reported.

The apprehension was ordered by the Special Prosecutors’ Office and was a continuation of the operation “Smuggling” from last May. A total of 12 police officers were arrested during the operation since it started five months ago.

Those apprehended on Thursday include a police lieutenant, a sergeant, and a policeman, suspected of “organised crime” and “the abuse of office.”    

See at:

Vucic: Pristina announces closure of pharmacies in the North tomorrow (KoSSev)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the media in New Belgrade that Pristina is announcing the inspection and closure of pharmacies in the North tomorrow, portal KoSSev reported. 

"These people are not aware of what they are doing, what is it they are doing and that they do not understand that times have changed. That this isn’t ‘97, and neither the '98, and it isn't 2004 or 2008. But if someone won't see it, I can't open their eyes. We will be with our people, they will have medicines, they will also have food and water and I ask them only to be patient and tolerant and not to react in a hasty manner," the president said at the train station in New Belgrade.

Vucic added that he received many letters from Serbs from Kosovo warning him that they had no more patience for Pristina's actions.

He also commented on the case of alleged poisoning of CEC officials who were counting votes from Serbia. He states that Pristina did not like the fact that Vucic "immediately understood why they did it" and without revealing Pristina's motives, added that he "would not allow them".

Pristina will now re-invent, according to Vucic, and say that it was a "pesticide", he announced.

He will not leave this topic, Vucic said, and he will mention it for years until he receives an answer, reported the portal. He did not comment on the PIK action in which three North police officers were arrested this morning.

CEC completed counting of votes from Serbia, 3000 ballots verified (Kosovo-online)

Kosovo-online portal reports that the counting centre completed late last night the counting of votes from central Serbia and Central Election Commission (CEC) has verified about 3.000 ballots out of 3,700 envelopes with votes, most of which go to the Serbian List.

 Previously, NISMA and the LDK withdrew all their observers from the counting centre in a protest as the CEC decided to start counting votes from Serbia. LDK members, meanwhile, have decided to come back and attend the vote count, the portal added.





“We Are Their Voice”: German Far-Right Builds Balkan Alliances (Balkan Insight)

For decades, the Balkans was seen as exporting instability to Western Europe. Now, Germany’s far-right is trying to extend its own ideology into southeastern Europe.

A flash of anger passed over Markus Frohnmaier’s face like a shadow. The Bundestag MP bristles at being portrayed in the media as a Russian-controlled right-wing radical with links to extremists.

It’s “insane” to say he is a racist, he argues, given his own life story – born in Romania, adopted by a German family and married to a woman from Uzbekistan.

“We’re what Germans call a ‘multi-kulti’ family,” Frohnmaier told BIRN on the terrace of a lakeside café in the small southern German town of Boblingen, near Stuttgart. “I think I defend normal positions.”

See at:

‘Amid stormy global seas, UN charter remains our moral anchor’, says Guterres on United Nations Day (UN News)

In his annual message for UN Day this Thursday, Secretary-General António Guterres issued a reminder of the role the Organization should be playing, focusing on the the real problems of real people, as a “shared moral anchor” amid “stormy global seas”.

The Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter in 1945, the founding document of the Organization, which, when ratified by the majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, officially brought the United Nations into being.

24 October has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. In 1971, the United Nations General Assembly recommended that the day be observed by Member States as a public holiday.

“We are working for a fair globalization and bold climate action”, said the UN chief. “We are pushing for human rights and gender equality – and saying ‘no’ to hatred of any kind. And we are striving to maintain peace – while bringing life-saving aid to millions caught up in armed conflict”.

See at:



Humanitarian and Development 


Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo joins Equinet (Kosovapress)

Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo announced it has been admitted as full-fledged member of the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and said the move is yet another success of this institution's efforts to join international human rights mechanisms. 

Kosovo Ombudsperson Hilmi Jashari presented the membership requests before the members of the Equinet General Assembly underlining that the Ombudsperson institution in Kosovo meets all requirements of joining the network. 

A statement issued by the Kosovo Ombudsperson Institution said that despite Serbia's formal opposition and lobbying campaign against Kosovo’s membership, majority of the Equinet members voted in favor.

Equinet is a membership organisation bringing together 49 equality bodies from 36 European countries, including all EU Member States. It promotes equality in Europe by supporting and enabling the work of national equality bodies and supports equality bodies to be independent and effective catalysts for more equal societies.

How much is Serb community (un)safe in Pec region? (Radio Gorazdevac, Radio kontakt plus)

A debate “Security of Returnees and Their Properties in Pec Region” organized by non-governmental organization Center for the Rights of Minority Communities was organized in Pec, Radio Gorazdevac reports. The debate was a part of the project “Citizens Searching Solutions” and is supported by the Kosovo Open Society Foundation.

The participants agreed that higher degree of cooperation between residents and institutions is needed in order to live more safely, however the discussion evolved regarding the number of inter-ethnic incidents.

The spokesperson of the Pec regional police, Xhevad Ibra said that according to their statistics there were no inter-ethnic incidents this year.

“When it comes to the security situation, we can say it is good. We have the freedom of movement, as other minority communities have. The most important is that over the last nine months we did not have inter-ethnic incidents. Criminal acts against the properties continue, and this represents the challenge for the police, however, these acts have no ethnic motives,” Ibra said.

However, Silvija Raskovic, director of the Office for Communities and Returns in Klina municipality had a different opinion.

“We all know very well what is happening on the ground. You may present here that cases are not inter-ethnic, but we know very well what happens. For example, here in Klina since 2008 we had 10 burned houses. Is it possible that all these houses were burned down because of electric installations?” Raskovic asked.

Radio Gorazdevac added that representatives of the Basic Prosecution in Pec were invited to attend the debate, but despite confirming their participation over the phone, they did not attend it. Residents present raised many issues.

“Has one of the theft cases in Gorazdevac, Istok and other (returnees) places been resolved? We have not received response to this question. We do not have to know the name or nationality of the perpetrator, but only to receive the response if at least one case has been resolved,” Marko Memarovic from Osojane village said.