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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 4, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • DoS: All those involved in the attack in Banjska must be brought to justice (Koha)
  • KFOR on the situation in the north: It can easily escalate (media)
  • UNMIK chief in Belgrade, calls for de-escalation and return to dialogue (media)
  • Serbian Minister of Defense: Disengagement, not withdrawal of the army (Koha)
  • KFOR and EUFOR commanders talk about security in Kosovo (RTK)
  • Haxhiu on Radoicic’s release: Serbia, a haven for war criminals and terrorists (Koha)
  • Bogdanovic asks Kosovo to guarantee safety of Serbs in north after Radoicic’s release (Koha)
  • Szunyog: The future of the Western Balkans is in the EU (media)
  • Border point in Bernjak opens for traffic, Jarinje remains closed for entry from Serbia (Koha)
  • SP of Albania with a resolution on the attack in the north: Serbia away from Kosovo (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Brnabic: In the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, roles were divided in advance (NMagazin, Beta, TV Prva)
  • SRSG Ziadeh says de-escalation of tensions and return to political dialogue urgently needed (Kosovo Online)
  • Brnabic: Belgrade constantly warned of brutality against Serbs in Kosovo (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)
  • Brnjak administrative crossing opened, Jarinje still closed (RTS)
  • Higher Court: Radoicic released from custody, forbidden from going to Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
  • The High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade to appeal the decision not to order custody for Radoicic (
  • Elek: Medicines are running out, there are no physiological saline and vaccines for the youngest (KiM radio, N1, TV Pink)
  • Vucevic: Situation in Kosovo disconcerting (Tanjug)
  • Starovic: Since Kurti came to power number of Serbs in Kosovo decimated (Tanjug)
  • Drecun: Investigation of Banjska incident crucial to dialogue and attitude of West towards Belgrade (RTS, Tanjug)
  • From 1998 to 2003, 322 members of Serbian MIA killed in Kosovo (Tanjug)
  • Romania also to deploy additional troops to Kosovo (KoSSev, N1)



Albanian Language Media  


DoS: All those involved in the attack in Banjska must be brought to justice (Koha) 

The U.S. Department of State (DASH) expects that all those involved in the terrorist attack in Banjska, Zvecan on September 24 will be brought to justice.

The spokesperson of DoS, Vedant Patel, was asked on Tuesday at the press conference about the arrest of the former deputy leader of the Serbian List, Milan Radoicic.

"We have seen those reports. We're not going to get ahead of the investigation. And as we've said, we know that the attack was well coordinated and planned, and everyone who was involved in planning and carrying out this attack must be brought to justice," Patel said.

Radoicic was released by the Serbian authorities on Wednesday. He was told that he was banned from going to Kosovo.

Patel was also asked about reports "on the withdrawal of Serbian military forces from the border with Kosovo".

“We have been quite clear about our concerns, and we are deeply concerned about the rising cycle of tensions and sporadic violence in northern Kosovo. We've been monitoring an unprecedented staging of advanced Serbian artillery, tanks, and mechanised infantry units, along the border with Kosovo. And we've called on Serbia to withdraw forces from the border and lower tensions as well. We've noted some withdrawal of forces and material along the border of Kosovo since September 29th, and we expect Serbia to continue de-escalation steps, including continued withdrawal of forces to or below historical norms,” Patel said.

KFOR on the situation in the north: It can easily escalate (media)

Although more than 11 days have passed since the terrorist attack in Banjska of Zvecan, the security situation continues to remain fragile. In relation to this topic, the NATO mission in Kosovo, KFOR, has already made a decision to increase the number of troops in Kosovo. 

"The general situation in Kosovo remains unstable and can easily escalate", says a KFOR response to Klan Kosova.

In their response, KFOR has indicated that the North Atlantic Council has authorized the deployment of additional troops in Kosovo, in order to address the current situation in the north.

"On September 28, the North Atlantic Council authorized the deployment of additional forces to address the current situation. Troops have been withdrawn from NATO's strategic reserve for the Western Balkans. The UK is deploying around 200 soldiers from the 1st Battalion The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment to join a contingent of 400 UK troops already in Kosovo, with further reinforcements to follow from other allies,” reads the KFOR response.

The news website reports that Romania will also send a contingent of about 100 soldiers to Kosovo after the terrorist attack in Banjska.

"Following authorization by the North Atlantic Council regarding additional forces to manage the current situation in the Western Balkans, Romania will deploy in the near future a company-level sub-unit designated as part of the strategic reserve available to SACEUR, within the NATO-KFOR operation in Kosovo. Romania has undertaken, as a NATO ally and EU member state, the commitment to contribute with forces and military means in efforts to maintain a stable security environment in the Western Balkan region," Romania’s Ministry of National Defense announced.

UNMIK chief in Belgrade, calls for de-escalation and return to dialogue (media)

The Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) and the head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh, has called for transparency in investigations and accountability for the attack in Banjska in Zvecan on September 24, where a sergeant of the Kosovo Police, Afrim Bunjaku, was killed. 

In her regular consultations in Belgrade, Ziadeh has underlined the urgency for de-escalation and stressed the need for both sides to return to political dialogue in good faith.

As stated in the announcement, she also called for transparency in the investigation and accountability regarding the events of September 24.

Ziadeh, according to the announcement, is meeting with Serbian political leaders and various representatives of the diplomatic community over two days, before the next meeting of the United Nations Security Council for Kosovo.

Ziadeh will report to the Security Council later this month.

Serbian Minister of Defense: Disengagement, not withdrawal of the army (Koha)

The Serbian Minister of Defense, Milos Vucevic, said on October 4 that the reduction of the number of soldiers "along the administrative line" with Kosovo, from 8,350 to less than 4,500, means "disengaging, not withdrawing part of the units".

"They are returning to their garrisons, to their barracks, to their regular activities," Vucevic told Prva Television.

He said that the Serbian army and the Ministry of Defense, together with military intelligence and the Military Security Agency, are monitoring everything that is happening in Kosovo.

Vucevic has denied the accusations that Serbia was preparing to do something by "gathering units" and that it was training the group that participated in the conflict in Banjska, in the north of Kosovo.

KFOR and EUFOR commanders talk about security in Kosovo (RTK)

The security situation in Kosovo continues to be fragile, due to the constant tensions that are happening in its north. After this created situation, the commander of KFOR, Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, stayed on a visit to Bosnia, where he held high-level meetings at the NATO headquarters in Sarajevo. Ristuccia during this visit met the commander of EUFOR in Sarajevo, BG McGaha.

"They discussed the security situation in Bosnia and Kosovo, agreeing on the importance of cooperation between NATO and the EU in bringing security and stability to the region", says the announcement of KFOR published on the platform "X ".

Haxhiu on Radoicic’s release: Serbia, a haven for war criminals and terrorists (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, commenting on the release of Milan Radoicic, saying that no action of Serbia surprises them, since according to her, the Serbian state is a haven for war criminals and terrorists.

Haxhiu has said that Serbia has never handed over war criminals and will not hand over terrorists either, alluding to Radoicic, who after being arrested on Tuesday by the authorities in Belgrade, was released before completing 24 hours in prison.

"The terrorist attack in Kosovo was directed, as it has been proven, by Serbia and in this regard, any action from Serbia in relation to this issue with the armed group, does not surprise us at all. Serbia has never handed over criminals and will not hand over terrorists either. To put it plainly, Serbia is a haven for war criminals and terrorists who 10 days ago carried out a terrorist attack on the territory of Kosovo", Haxhiu said on Wednesday.

Minister Haxhiu has assured the citizens that the justice institutions are doing a good job to investigate the armed attack on September 24 in Banjska in Zvecan, where Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku died. 

"In the face of a Serbia that does not distance itself from the past, directs armed attacks in Kosovo and does not hand over criminals and terrorists, it is vigilance, the great work of Kosovo's institutions, especially the Kosovo Police, investigation units, special units, the Prosecutor's Office and Court. The justice institutions are doing their job. Due to the investigation, I cannot give details of what is happening. I just wanted to assure you that the institutions are doing their job", she said.

Haxhiu has repeated once again that Kosovo will demand the handover of Radoicic.

Bogdanovic asks Kosovo to guarantee safety of Serbs in north after Radoicic’s release (Koha)

The Serbian opposition politician Boban Bogdanovic, also general secretary of the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Strategy, has called on the prime minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, the president Vjosa Osmani and other officials of Kosovo to guarantee peace and security for the Serbs in the north.

"Please protect my Serbian people, it is not their fault that the terrorist Radoicic is free! Help!" - Bogdanovic wrote in Albanian on the "X" platform.

Meanwhile, Bogdanovic said that "an international terrorist was released from custody to influence the witnesses".

"Serbia and its president are definitely sponsors of international terrorism! Kosovo is in danger!" - wrote Bogdanovic.

He then cast other doubts about Radoicic's release.

"The release of Radoicic from detention may have the purpose of killing him! He is a very unsuitable witness to testify about the participation of President Aleksandar Vucic in the preparations for the terrorist attack in Kosovo. "Dead mouths do not speak". For this I insist on an international arrest warrant!" - Bogdanovic wrote.

Szunyog: The future of the Western Balkans is in the EU (media)

The head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, has declared that the Western Balkans belong in the bloc.

He, at the GLPS table for the "Barometer of EU Reforms", emphasized that all states must do a lot of work to complete the integration process.

"Enlargement and expansion are an EU agenda. The future of the Western Balkans is in the EU, these are not empty words, political and financial cooperation show this commitment".

"The integration process is very long and very complicated. Those who aspire to become members must be dedicated and do a great job", said Szunyog.

Border point in Bernjak opens for traffic, Jarinje remains closed for entry from Serbia (Koha)

The border point in Bernjak was opened for traffic on Wednesday morning. Meanwhile, the border point in Jarinje continues to remain closed for entry from Serbia.

This was confirmed by the deputy director of the Kosovo Police for the North region, Veton Elshani. He said that the opening of the border point in Bernjak happened at 8:00 on Wednesday.

SP of Albania with a resolution on the attack in the north: Serbia away from Kosovo (RTK)

The Socialist Party of Albania has prepared a resolution condemning the armed terrorist attack in the north of Kosovo on September 24, asking Serbia to give up its hostile attitudes and actions towards Kosovo. The SP also demands from the international community transparency regarding the attack in Banjska.

The SP resolution strongly condemns the armed attack that took the life of Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku and left 2 others injured, while calling on the USA, EU and strategic allies to raise the alarm to the highest level and democratic action to prevent the danger that threatens the security of peace in Kosovo, the region and beyond.



Serbian Language Media


Brnabic: In the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, roles were divided in advance (NMagazin, Beta, TV Prva)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today that in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, roles have been divided in advance in which Serbia is "constantly the villain" and Pristina is "a poor helpless force that does everything it can", and that "the factual situation has no weight", reported portal NMagazin. 

Brnabic told TV Prva that during the interview of President Aleksandar Vucic with CNN, viewers could see what "the pressure on Serbia looks like".

She also accused the entire opposition in Serbia that "there is no difference between" what they say and what Pristina says, when it comes to the events in Kosovo.

Brnabic said that she "does not justify" the killing of anyone, let alone the killing of an Albanian member of the Kosovo police, but she added that the Serbs in Kosovo suffer constant pressure from the authorities in Pristina, which is why it was "a matter of days, a matter of minutes" when the incident will occur.

"You cannot live under such terror all the time," said Brnabic.

Asked to comment on the arrest of Milan Radoicic, until recently an official of the Serbian List, who is suspected of organising an armed incident in which a Kosovo police officer and three uniformed and armed Serbs were killed on September 24 in Banjska in the north of Kosovo, Brnabic said that Serbia is a "state of law".

"This is a legal state, and we will do everything we have to do in accordance with the law and the Constitution, to investigate all the circumstances and to act in accordance with them," said Brnabic.

She also said that "we must collect all the evidence and defend the absolute truth", before the session of the United Nations Security Council on Kosovo, scheduled for October 18.

SRSG Ziadeh says de-escalation of tensions and return to political dialogue urgently needed (Kosovo Online)

Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) and Head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh said today that an urgent de-escalation of tensions was needed and called upon Belgrade and Pristina to return to political dialogue, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Ziadeh met in Belgrade with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic today.

SRSG Ziadeh called for “exercising restraint in messages and actions”. She also called for “transparency in investigations and accountability regarding September 24 events”, reads the UNMIK's statement.

As the statement adds, SRSG Ziadeh will during a two-day stay in Belgrade meet with Serbian political leaders and various representatives of the diplomatic community, in advance of the upcoming United Nations Security Council meeting on Kosovo. She will report to the Security Council later this month, the statement also said, the portal reported.  

Brnabic: Belgrade constantly warned of brutality against Serbs in Kosovo (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) and Head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh in Belgrade today and discussed the situation in Kosovo, the Serbian Government said in a statement, Tanjug news agency reports.

Brnabic in particular emphasised that tragic events from September 24, representatives of Pristina authorities “tendentiously used and abused for the purpose of spreading misinformation and half-truth”.

As Brnabic said Belgrade had constantly and persistently warned about brutality, violence and discrimination that Serbian population and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo have been exposed to, and which exactly lead to escalation and tragic events.

Brnabic in particular highlighted that the Community of Serbian Municipalities had not been formed yet, although Pristina undertook that obligation by the Brussels agreement, ten years ago, the statement added.  

Brnjak administrative crossing opened, Jarinje still closed (RTS)

The Brnjak administrative crossing was opened in the direction of central Serbia towards Kosovo. Jarinje crossing is still closed, RTS learned. 

As confirmed by the deputy commander of the Kosovo police for the North region, Veton Elshani, the administrative crossing Brnjak is open, while Jarinje is still closed for the passage from central Serbia to Kosovo.

After the conflict in the village of Banjska on September 24, the administrative points of Jarinje and Brnjak were blocked for passage from central Serbia.

Passage from central Serbia to Kosovo was possible only at the Merdare administrative point.

Higher Court: Radoicic released from custody, forbidden from going to Kosovo (Kosovo Online, tanjug)

The Higher Court in Belgrade preliminary proceedings judge, upon the hearing in which reasons for detention against Milan Radoicic were presented citing also the risk to flee, rejected the proposal of the Higher Prosecution in Belgrade to impose detention measures against him.

At the same time, as the court said Radocic is banned from leaving his permanent address, he is banned from leaving the territory of Serbia without court’s permission and from going to the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. According to the statement, he should report to the police twice a month, on the 1 and 15 of the respective month. His passport had been temporarily confiscated as well, and the defendant warned that detention measures can be imposed against him if he violates related bans and obligations.

The court’s decision can be appealed in the period of three days after receiving the decision.  

The High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade to appeal the decision not to order custody for Radoicic (

The High Public Prosecutor's Office told Insajder that, when the decision arrives from the High Court in Belgrade, it will appeal against the decision of the judge for the preliminary proceedings who rejected the proposal of the prosecutor that Milan Radoicic be detained for one month due to the risk of escape.

As the court previously announced, an appeal to the non-trial chamber of the High Court in Belgrade is allowed within three days of receiving the decision, reported Insajder. 

Elek: Medicines are running out, there are no physiological saline and vaccines for the youngest (KiM radio, N1, TV Pink)

Director of the Clinical and Hospital Center (CHC) of Kosovska Mitrovica, Zlatan Elek, said that there is a shortage of medicines in the north of Kosovo, because the ban on imports from Serbia has been in effect since mid-June, reported KiM radio.

"Medicines are running out, there are no physiological saline solutions, nor enough vaccines for the youngest patients, it is difficult for our paramedics to move," Elek told Pink TV, adding that oncology patients, women in labor and the youngest people are at risk.

He also stated that they are getting temporary permits from Pristina for purchasing oxygen cylinders, which they have for another 15 to 20 days, and that the last permit expired on September 30.

The director of CHC said that the hospital still has some supplies, because the last supply was in March or April, but he could not specify how long they would last.

Speaking about the entry of special units of the Kosovo police into the CHC, Elek said that it was a "violent incursion" that began in the early hours of the morning and lasted for more than an hour.

"When we asked the commander what they were looking for, he didn't know how to explain to us what it was about. In the end, he gave us only one piece of paper, and behind them were the broken doors of the laundry room, the boiler room, the video surveillance from the entrance gate was taken away, and in the report, in the Albanian language, was said that they found absolutely nothing," he said.

Elek estimated that all this could have been done with one police patrol, because the CHC said that they would unlock any part of the hospital "because they have nothing to hide".

Vucevic: Situation in Kosovo disconcerting (Tanjug)

Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said Wednesday that the situation in Kosovo was "disconcerting, to say the least" and that life for Serbs there was unsustainable, Tanjug news agency reports.

In a statement to Prva TV, Vucevic said the Serb population in Kosovo had shrunk by 11 per cent since the advent of Pristina's PM Albin Kurti, and noted that he was afraid the trend would continue.

He said Serbia and the Serbs had been deceived during the barricade crisis in late 2022.

"At the time, we had slightly more than 11,000 Serbian Armed Forces and special police troops in the area of the administrative line and at nearby garrisons, while two days after the events in Banjska, we had 8,350", Vucevic said.

Serbia is under a barrage of accusations from the international community over an alleged buildup of forces, Vucevic said.

"Today, we have fewer than 4,500 Serbian Armed Forces troops in a sovereign part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia where our army can move absolutely freely. There are no restrictive provisions for the Ground Safety Zone in terms of how many people we can have or how much equipment and arms we can deploy in the area", he said.

He added that disengagement - not a withdrawal - of a part of army troops was underway and that the troops were returning to their garrisons and barracks and to their regular duties.

Starovic: Since Kurti came to power number of Serbs in Kosovo decimated (Tanjug)

Serbian Ministry of Defense State Secretary Nemanja Starovic in a post on X (formerly Twitter) wrote that since Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti came to power 11 percent of Serbs have left Kosovo, adding that Serbian population in the north of Kosovo had been effectively decimated.

He also said Serbs are exposed to everyday mistreatment of special police units and are brought, as he said, before the impossible choice “to either subjugate or leave their homes”.

“It seems unbelievable that such silent ethnic cleansing is ongoing in the mid of XXI century in Europe, but facts on the ground speak of sadful truth”, he said.  

Drecun: Investigation of Banjska incident crucial to dialogue and attitude of West towards Belgrade (RTS, Tanjug)

Chairman of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun said the crucial issue for the situation in Kosovo is how investigation into the Banjska incident will conclude, and whose version is accepted. If the results of the Serbian investigation would be accepted, it would calm down the situation, he said.

Drecun added that Pristina attempted to use this situation against Belgrade and pointed out that no one talks any longer about elections in the north or establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities.

Speaking about incidents in Banjska, Drecun said that both Belgrade and Pristina conduct their own investigations.

“Belgrade conducts an investigation and that is very good. It started an investigation immediately and Milan Radoicic was arrested. The investigation indicates the armament was purchased outside of Serbia, by illegal channels, it was about weapons smuggling. If this investigation results, if the results of this investigation are that the state of Serbia was not involved in all this, it would be a very good step as far as we are concerned”, Drecun said.   

He added that Pristina conducts its own investigation and that, as he claimed, some US officials are included as well.

He is also convinced that Pristina will try to use the entire situation against Belgrade and the Serbian List.

“Now, you see no one talks any longer about new elections in the north of Kosovo. You already see that officials of unrecognised Pristina self-governance say that the Community of Serbian Municipalities is simply unnecessary, that it should not be formed, as their constitution guarantees the rights of minorities”, Drecun said.

“Attempts of Kurti to establish police-military control in the north”

Drecun also pointed out the responsibility of the political West for Pristina’s conduct, both, as he said, for the terror against Serbian people and for the current crisis. He also said the attempts of Kurti to reign the north “and force Serbs living in the north to integrate in a fake state” demonstrates that he does not know those people, their determination and decisiveness to oppose such an approach.

From 1998 to 2003, 322 members of Serbian MIA killed in Kosovo (Tanjug)

In the period from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2004,  297 members of Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs were killed in the territory in Kosovo, and the number is probably higher given that 25 of them are still listed as missing, Tanjug news reports.

The number was presented in the research of historian Bojan Djokic, and based on the registry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for police administrations of Pristina, Pec, Djakovica, Gnjilane, Mitrovica, Urosevac and Prizren, which were completed in 2009.

It also said the majority of killed MIA members was of Serbian/Montenegrin ethnicity, and five were Albanians. 

Romania also to deploy additional troops to Kosovo (KoSSev, N1)

After the latest surge in tensions in Kosovo, as a result of which NATO authorised the dispatch of additional troops as a reinforcement of KFOR troops, and the UK decision to deploy another 200 soldiers to Kosovo, Romania also confirmed that it would send an additional contingent to KFOR, reported portal KoSSev.

Romanian Ambassador to NATO Dan Neculaescu confirmed that Romanian troops will be joining KFOR.

“Following the recent NATO decision, Romania will send an additional contingent at company level to KFOR. Our forces will further contribute to a safe and secure environment in the Western Balkans,” said Neculaescu.

The Black Sea and Western Balkans are of strategic importance, he added.

“We need to keep a strong focus on these regions in NATO,” Neculaescu said in a post on X (formerly Twitter).