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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 27, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Kosovo Serbs need to be liberated from Serbia’s tutelage (RFE)
  • Elshani: Our goal was not to kill 30 persons, but to free the territory (Koha)
  • Svecla says “one of those killed was Vulin’s bodyguard in 2013” (media)
  • Stano: EU does not rush into decisions based on a video (Albanian Post)
  • Rasic: There was information three months ago about military camp in Raska (media)
  • Abdixhiku calls for “national unity when faced with Serbia” (media)
  • Haradinaj: The threat is present, we cannot work separately (Nacionale)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Regarding requests for measures against Serbia: EU will wait for the investigation before deciding (KiM radio, FoNet)
  • Vucevic: Current communication with KFOR at the lowest, technical level (Danas, RTS)
  • Office for KiM: The breaking of windows in Lipljan is an echo of the violence in the north of Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug) 
  • Kurti: Serbs need to be liberated (N1)
  • Prosecution frees four Banjska incident suspects (N1)
  • Entry to Banjska allowed (KiM Radio, Kosovo Online)
  • Mijacic: After Banjska, the most important thing to stabilize the north, with international actors on the move (Kosov Online)
  • SOC: We pray for the victims of Serbs and Albanians, we send our condolences, means not chosen for the disappearance of the people and the Church from Kosovo (KoSSev)


  • US envoy says Kosovo attack ‘coordinated and sophisticated’ (




Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: Kosovo Serbs need to be liberated from Serbia’s tutelage (RFE)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said today that the attack in Banjska near Zvecan on Sunday exposed the difficulties and the need for international cooperation to safeguard and control Kosovo’s borders with Serbia. He said that “on September 24, Kosovo’s national security was threatened” and that “the readiness of criminal and terrorist groups, which we have fought for over two and a half years came to surface”. “With over €5 million worth of military equipment and a sufficient amount, a group of hundreds of fighters, was proof of a scenario for bloodshed in Kosovo,” he argued.

Kurti started the meeting of the government with a minute of silence in honor of the police officer that was killed in the north. “The border with Serbia, more than the long borderline and the mountainous terrain, especially in the north, becomes especially dangerous and difficult by the behavior and appetite of Belgrade,” Kurti said.

Kurti also said that the evidence about the participation of Serbian List deputy leader Milan Radocic in the attack, which he referred to as terrorist, proved “the crucial importance of reviving political pluralism among Serbs in Kosovo”. “There is no democracy and freedom without pluralism. The Kosovo Serbs need to be liberated from Serbia’s tutelage,” he said.

During the government meeting, Minister for Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, accused Radoicic of organizing and taking part in the attack.

The news website notes that while Kosovo’s authorities said that Serbia is responsible for the attack, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the attackers were Kosovo Serbs who were “fed up with Kurti’s terror”.

Minister for Culture, Youth and Sports, Hajrullah Ceku, said today that during the September 24 there was another dangerous dimension, “the use of a cultural and religious site for criminal purposes”. Ceku is quoted as saying, “the Orthodox monastery in the village of Banjska near Zvecan, a monument of cultural heritage and protected with the laws of the Republic of Kosovo, was used by the terrorist group as shelter, including their weapons”.

According to Ceku, the armed group caused damage to the monastery. “I deeply believe that the purpose of this armed and also those that gave them the orders, was to inflict physical damage to the monastery and also to damage interreligious and inter-ethnic relations in Kosovo,” he added.

Ceku said that the Kosovo government has proved its readiness to protect cultural heritage, in particular Orthodox churches and monasteries. “The Kosovo government has a budget code and the required means to intervene in repairing the monastery in Banjska,” he said.

Elshani: Our goal was not to kill 30 persons, but to free the territory (Koha)

Kosovo Police Deputy Director for the north, Veton Elshani, said today that the objective of the police in the Banjska operation was not to eliminate the armed group but to free the territory from the armed group. After the village of Banjska was reopened for traffic today, Elshani said that investigations into the case will take a long time. He argued that even police were surprised that the village was chosen for attacks, because he said the village was always characterised with calmness. “The raid and control in the inhabited areas is over. We have conducted a very careful control of the surrounding areas, but movement in this part is not authorised because there could be unexploded ordnances, we have found many of them in the mountains. Search teams will go out on the site. The authorization for you, the media, was given so that there is no information darkness, but we believe that the threat is not over yet,” he said.

Elshani said that barricades were placed on a bridge and that that was the location where police officer Afrim Bunjaku was killed. “There was a fire exchange and then additional units came in and that’s when everything started,” he said.

Elshani also said that Kosovo Police is ready for similar cases with armed groups and that “we have learned many lessons from the events in Banjska”. “There was very good planning by the police at the site. Our goal was not to eliminate 30 people. We did not aim for any killing. Our goal was to free the territory from criminal groups. If there were injured people or victims, it was part of the process. We believe we have reached our goal to have as few damages as possible,” he added.

Elshani said that every police action was coordinated with the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) and that the villagers of Banjska were very cooperative.

Svecla says “one of those killed was Vulin’s bodyguard in 2013” (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said today that one of the armed Serb attackers who were killed during the police operation in Banjska near Zvecan on Sunday was a bodyguard of the Serbian Intelligence Agency (BIA) chief Aleksandar Vulin. “Yesterday through our video footage we proved the presence of chief criminal and head of the terrorist operation Milan Radoicic. Today it has been confirmed that one of those killed was Bojan Mijalovic, a bodyguard of the Serbian BIA chief Aleksandar Vulin during the latter’s visit to the Republic of Kosovo in 2013,” Svecla wrote in a Facebook post.

Svecla claimed that “Serbia was involved in the attack against Kosovo”. “For this there is now a formal and structural connection of Aleksandar Vucic in the September 24 attack in Banjska in Zvecan: Milan Radoicic as deputy leader of the Serbian List and the bodyguard of BIA chief Aleksandar Vulin. Both of them are also sanctioned by the U.S. These two [Radoicic and Vulin] are the closest associates of the President of Serbia,” he argued.

Svecla said that Serbia’s objectives toward Kosovo have not changed since the time of Milosevic. “Even the biggest optimists who have lied to themselves until now about changes in that state, I believe they are sure of the opposite these days. I want to express my appreciation to the resistance of the Kosovo Police on that day and their exemplary professionalism, an operation during which no civilian was injured,” he said.

Stano: EU does not rush into decisions based on a video (Albanian Post)

Spokesperson for the European Union, Peter Stano, during a press conference today, was asked to comment on a video published by Kosovo’s Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla, who claimed the footage shows Serbian List deputy leader Milan Radoicic in Banjska talking to a group of uniformed and armed people. Stano refused to comment on the video footage saying that “the EU does not rush into decisions based on a video”. “We don’t rush into drawing conclusions based on a video or something that was posted somewhere. The investigation needs to be full, so that the EU can have a clear picture of what happened and who was responsible,” he said.

Stano also said that what happened on September 24 in the north of Kosovo was “a terrorist attack”. “When we have a full and clear picture from the investigation into what has happened, who was behind it, who was responsible, then we will make the necessary decisions. At this point it is important to clarify all facts,” he told reporters.

Rasic: There was information three months ago about military camp in Raska (media)

Kosovo’s Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rasic, commenting on the attack in Banjska near Zvecan, said that there was a military camp in Raska, Serbia. “Some three months ago, after the fall of the barricades, there was an information, I got it from my deputy too, that there was a conviction and there were indications that there are weapons, and it was believed there was a camp near the border in Raska, where some people were taking part in military drills, and something was being prepared. I did not know or hear anything about the action on Sunday,” Rasic said in an interview with RTV Dukagjini.

According to Rasic “the Serbian List are the biggest enemies of the Kosovo Serbs. The biggest displacement is happening when the Serbian List is in power. The Serbian List is a branch of the SNS [Serbian National Party] in Belgrade. We are going to suffer irreparable damage. For the power of the Serbian List, not only Belgrade and Brussels are responsible, but Pristina too”.

Abdixhiku calls for “national unity when faced with Serbia” (media)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Lumir Abdixhiku, said today that “national unity” is needed in Kosovo when faced with Serbia. He made these remarks after a meeting with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and Kosovo Intelligence Agency chief Petrit Ajeti. He wrote on a Facebook post: “Last night I received an invitation from the President of Kosovo for a joint meeting with her and the Director of AKI. This morning, at our joint meeting, I was informed about the security situation in the north of the country and the engagement of state institutions – especially those for security and intelligence – faced with the terrorist attacks of the last couple of days; and not only. I expressed the appreciation of the Democratic League of Kosovo for this entire service. I also highlighted the need for national unity when faced with challenges coming from Serbia as a sponsoring and sheltering state of terrorists. Our boys and girls won the battle against terrorism on the ground. It is time to win the diplomatic battle in politics. We stand united in this endeavour. We need allies in this endeavour.”

Haradinaj: The threat is present, we cannot work separately (Nacionale)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj, after meeting President Vjosa Osmani and Kosovo Intelligence Chief chief Petrit Ajeti today, told reporters that: “In the past too Kosovo has faced security threats. What is happening now is pure terrorism. It is logical to meet and talk when we are faced with these situations because the threat to security cannot continue. The threat is present. We cannot work separately; we need to be careful and in the coming period and the future threats we need to be as united with our security allies as possible. We need to protect the lives of those that serve the country. Afrim [the killed police officer in the north] is someone’s brother, husband and father. If we increase our cooperation with our security allies, we will save lives”.

Haradinaj also said the politicians that are in power need to do their job as successfully as the security institutions. “Kosovo’s security institutions, both in civilian and uniformed, have done their job in the best way possible, and very successfully. But we need to be careful. The political decision-makers also need to do their job successfully. Political assistance is necessary. A trusted political course with the allies is also necessary,” he argued.

According to Haradinaj “Serbia doesn’t hide the fact that it sponsors and trains and that it has given instructions” to the armed group in the north. He also called for an investigation to confirm that Serbia is behind the attack “although it is quite evident, but it needs to be done by international investigators too”. “Preferably with a court too, the same way it happened in Kosovo,” he said.




Serbian Language Media


Regarding requests for measures against Serbia: EU will wait for the investigation before deciding (KiM radio, FoNet)

European Commission spokesman Peter Stano said that ‘’the EU will wait for the completion of the full investigation into the terrorist attack on Sunday in the village of Banjska in the north of Kosovo before making a decision and conclusions about any measures and consequences’’, not wanting to comment on the allegations that some member states requested the introduction of measures against Serbia, reported KiM radio, citing FoNet.

It is not my competence to give information from confidential conversations, and I gave the information about the meeting of the Committee for Politics and Security on Tuesday, as an illustration of the ongoing activities of the EU on the situation in the north, Stano said at a regular press conference.

Stano pointed out that the EU has said before that the measures imposed on Pristina can also be applied to Serbia, and when the EU member states make a formal decision on them, when and which measures, for what reason, will be publicly announced.

During the morning, the media reported that at the meeting of the Committee for Politics and Security, which is made up of ambassadors of the EU member states, several member states requested the introduction of measures against Serbia if it is proven that there is a connection with the attack in Banjska in the north of Kosovo, where a group of armed and masked persons opened fire to the Kosovo police when one policeman was killed.

According to Stano, ''the situation is different now after the terrorist attacks in the north of Kosovo and whatever the Foreign Policy Service and the European Commission propose will be in close consultation with the member states'', reported KiM radio.

Asked about the video released by the Government of Kosovo showing Serbian List Vice President Milan Radoicic and the need to hold a high-level meeting, Stano said that there is always an urgent need for high-level dialogue for many reasons, and now it is even greater, bearing in mind that the talks are in the interest of the citizens of Serbia and Kosovo.

Stano reiterated that it is important for the EC to carry out an investigation, in order to get a clear and full picture of everything that happened and who is responsible.

Then decisions will be made about measures, consequences, when all the circumstances and the culprits are clarified, but we will not make decisions based on one video, added Stano and repeated that the EU does not comment on every picture or tweet.

When it comes to talks about the elections and the question of whether, after all, the Serbian List is an adequate interlocutor for the new elections, Stano reminded the EU announcement from last week and the position of the four mayors.

''I would not deal with speculations; we have a situation where a terrorist attack was carried out in the north. We have the Kosovo Police, EULEX as a second security response. We need to see the results of the investigation and based on the results we will make decisions. The EU does not run ahead and draw conclusions without an adequate assessment and picture, especially if something is as serious as we saw on Sunday,'' Stano concluded.

Vucevic: Current communication with KFOR at the lowest, technical level (Danas, RTS)

Defense Minister Milos Vucevic told RTS this morning that regarding the armed conflict in the north of Kosovo in which a Kosovo police officer and four Serbs were killed on Sunday, that the Serbian authorities' communication with KFOR is "at the lowest technical level", cited Danas daily.

Vucevic told RTS: "we are communicating with KFOR, we cannot stop cooperation, but that level has literally been reduced to an elementary, technical level."

On the occasion of the armed conflict on Sunday, September 24, near the Banjska monastery, Vucevic said that "what follows is an accurate determination of everything that happened."

He pointed out that "since 1999, Serbia has had no de facto authority in Kosovo and Metohija", and that "it is difficult for our authorities to establish the facts".

"What we have heard points in the direction that Serbia is the initiator or sponsor of I don't know what kind of terrorist acts", said Vucevic, who denied this and added that what worries him the most is the position of the Serbs in Kosovo, especially in the north which Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti "declared a zone of terrorist activities".

He said that "the key question is who allowed the Kosovo police, ethnically pure, Albanian, to come to the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which is contrary to the Brussels agreement."

"Serbia condemned the killing of Albanian policemen, we do not want any conflicts. Of course, what happened after that was a horror, that the Serbs were hunted like beasts," Vucevic said.

When asked if Belgrade's position in negotiations with Pristina is more difficult after the armed conflict, Vucevic said that "it certainly is" because in the international community could be heard the narrative that "Serbia is a sponsor of terrorism."

"I believe that we have the strength to preserve peace and I believe that we will preserve the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. All the facts that should show us and prove what exactly happened in the early morning hours of September 24 are up to the competent authorities to determine, with the limiting factor that we cannot access the field," said Vucevic.

Regarding who is the organizer of the larger group of armed Serbs that participated in the conflict with the Kosovo police near the Banjska monastery, Vucevic said that it was "speculation". "We don't want to give easy conclusions" because it will be necessary to "carefully gather all the facts", the minister said.

"It is an interesting and strange moment that the Kosovo police were deployed for fire action in such a short time," said Vucevic.

When asked about the Arms Fair being held in Belgrade, he said that this big fair is "in the shadow of what happened" three days ago. He invited those interested to visit him on Thursday when there is an open day for visitors.

He announced that a "record contract for arms of the Serbian Armed Forces" will be signed tomorrow at the Arms Fair in Belgrade.

Office for KiM: The breaking of windows in Lipljan is an echo of the violence in the north of Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug) 

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in the announcement in connection to the damage caused last night to the Primary School "Braca Aksic" in Lipljan, saying that it is a reflection of the events from the north of Kosovo. 

"The wave of violence carried out by Albin Kurti in the north of Kosovo and Metohija has its traces and echoes in the Serbian areas south of the Ibar, where the Serbian Elementary School "Braca Aksic" in Lipljan was stoned last night around 10.30 pm," the statement said.

The Office reminds that this educational institution is attended by about 50 pupils of Serbian nationality and adds that some parents did not allow their children to come to school today, out of fear for their safety.

"The locals are more than worried about the attack on this school and new incidents that extremists may carry out, surrounded by aggressive rhetoric and politics of Pristina. The office for Kosovo and Metohija through its representatives on the ground will remediate the resulting material damage, but a greater presence of international missions in Serbian areas is necessary in order to avoid and prevent any incidents and make Serbs feel safer," the text emphasizes.

The Office draws attention to the fact that no incident must be ignored or viewed in isolation, because it can additionally lead to an escalation of the situation on the ground, which, as stated at the end of the announcement, they have warned about several times so far.

Kurti: Serbs need to be liberated (N1)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Wednesday that the Kosovo Serbs need to be liberated from “the terrorist tools of Serbia.”

He wrote in a Facebook post (in Albanian translated by Facebook) that “Kosovo is a democratic state … Serbs in Kosovo do not need liberation from the Republic of Kosovo but from the terrorist tools of Serbia.”

Kurti accused Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic of wanting the Banjska monastery to become to the Serbs what the Jashari tower is to the Kosovo Albanians (Adem Jashari was killed in an exchange of fire with Serbian police officers after barricading himself and his family in the tower before the 1999 war. The police were there to arrest him on a number of charges of violence against local Serbs. He is considered a hero of what became the Kosovo Liberation Army.)

“Vucic is obsessed with KLA commander Adem Jashari. He wanted to turn the Banjska Orthodox Monastery into the “Tower of Jashari” for Kosovo Serbs on September 24! At the May 2 meeting in Brussels, he told us that Milan Radojcic will become the Serbs’ Adam Jashari. But, being a dictator, he does not understand the history: epic and liberation are neither fabricated nor copied,” Kurti wrote in the post.

Prosecution frees four Banjska incident suspects (N1)

The Kosovo Special Prosecution said that it released four of the people suspected of taking part in the Banjska armed incident, reported N1.

A press release quoted by Koha daily said that the four suspects were released due to lack of evidence. It added that they were arrested far from the scene of the armed incident.

“Four persons were arrested on September 26 during the Kosovo Police operation in the Banjska village, Zvecan municipality, far from the site of the events and were released by the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo due to a lack of evidence from the Kosovo Police,” the press release said.

The Kosovo Police said in its daily report that four Serbs reported unregistered hunting rifles to the police in Banjska.

Koha recalled that a total of 8 people were reported to have been arrested in connection to the armed incident in Banjska where Kosovo Police Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku and several mebers of the group of Kosovo Serbs were killed.

Entry to Banjska allowed (KiM Radio, Kosovo Online)

After four days, entry to the village of Banjska near Zvecan was allowed, and numerous journalist teams entered it first, reported KiM radio.

Kosovo police stated that it is recommended to only travel using the main roads.

The roads through the forest were characterized by the Kosovo police as unsafe and there was a danger that some mines and explosives were left behind.

A large number of members of special forces of Kosovo Police are present in the village itself and around the monastery, reported Kosovo Online.

Mijacic: After Banjska, the most important thing to stabilize the north, with international actors on the move (Kosov Online)

After the Banjska events, the key issue is how to stabilize the north of Kosovo and preserve the peace, said Dragisa Mijacic, Coordinator of Working Group for Chapter 35 of National Convention on the EU, adding that now the main role is played by international actors to defuse the situation and prevent similar incidents in the future.

Mijacic said the events in Banjska on Sunday are truly tragic and unfortunate and reminded that today are days of mourning in Serbian communities in Kosovo, as well as in Pristina.

“Everyone mourns their dead; I also feel personally discouraged that something like this happened and that there was an incident like this that took us back many years. Now the key question is how to stabilize the north, how to achieve peace because we know that even before this event there was a lot of challenges in achieving peace, creating security in the north. It will be even more difficult,” Mijacic told portal Kosovo Online. 

Above all, the international actors have the key role to stop any form of violence in the north, opined Mijacic. 

“Nevertheless, the key role of both Belgrade and Pristina is in the direction of defusing the situation and approaching this event in an open manner, so that similar incidents do not occur in the future.”

Commenting on the statement of Kosovo PM Kurti that nothing will be the same after these events, Mijacic said that, unfortunately, he is right.

“After this incident, nothing is really the same anymore. We may not like it because we hear it from Kurti, but after this incident, after the murder of the Kosovo police officer, after all these tragic deaths of Serbian young men, nothing is the same anymore and the question is how to move forward. There is a possibility that this will continue through police repression, various searches, various controls, a greater number of members of the special police forces - if that happens, there will be some reaction again, unfortunately. The solution is not violence, here the solution is diplomacy, in seeking a peaceful, political solution,” he said.

As he added, history teaches us that using security and paramilitary formations we cannot achieve peace, but only at the negotiating table. “That’s why diplomacy and the desire and will to create peace in this area are crucial,” Mijacic said.

He stated that the international community will react after these events, as well as that their reaction will primarily relate to the pressures on Belgrade.

“To some extent, Belgrade is also responsible for such events, and this can be seen to some extent through the communiqués issued by international envoys and representatives of embassies and officials of the political West,” he said.

Emphasising that Belgrade is in a very difficult position, Mijacic also refers to the repeated request of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to the representatives of the Quint countries for the KFOR to take over security control completely in the north and said that this request has existed for many years.

“After this incident, I am not sure that this request will be accepted, but solutions must be sought to defuse the situation on the ground. The moment the Serbian police officers quit from the institutions, from that moment the Serbs could no longer use violent actions to solve any problems, but only through peaceful means, peaceful resistance, democratic means and diplomacy, a favourable solution can be sought, and through the use of police, parapolice and any other formations, no one will gain anything, and especially the Serbs in the north of Kosovo will not gain anything,” Mijacic concluded.

SOC: We pray for the victims of Serbs and Albanians, we send our condolences, means not chosen for the disappearance of the people and the Church from Kosovo (KoSSev)

"With great sadness in our hearts, we pray to the Savior to receive into the Kingdom of Heaven all the Serbs and Albanians who suffered on September 24, in Banjska, Kosovo. We express our deepest condolences to the relatives of the victims and pray to the Holy Mother of God to give them comfort," announced the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC), reported KoSSev. 

"We invite the faithful people to pray to God for all the victims, so that God may grant peace to everyone, for the sake of the future of both Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija. We must know the simple Gospel truth that we cannot pray for peace from God only for ourselves, but that we must also pray for peace with those we live with, with our neighbours," they added.

However, the Church stated that there is an ongoing attempt to make the Serbs and the SOC itself "disappear" from Kosovo, which comes from different ideological poles from Pristina, the world, but also Belgrade, and that "the means are not chosen".

"The Serbian Orthodox Church, especially to the great powers, has pointed out many times the extremely dangerous policy of the authorities in Pristina, whose only goal is the complete expulsion of the Serbian people and the creation of an ethnically Albanian Kosovo. For this purpose, countless attacks were carried out on our sanctuaries, on our people, even on Serbian children. In recent months, people have been arrested, without any evidence or on the basis of fabricated evidence, the land in the possession of Serbs has been seized, in short, Kosovo and Metohija are today a lawless country, where there is neither freedom nor a minimum of normal life for Serbs".

They recalled the ten-century presence of the Eparchy of Raska-Prizren in Kosovo, "despite the most terrible persecutions, suffering and martyrdom of monks, priests and believers, and that solely because they were Orthodox Serbs, faithful to the Cross of Christ and the Kosovo Covenant".

"We also remind you that the Serbian Orthodox Church has always advocated, as it advocates now, that misunderstandings in Kosovo and Metohija be resolved peacefully and through dialogue, with the aim of peaceful coexistence of Serbs, Albanians and all other peoples living in that area", the Diocese stated.

The Serbian Orthodox Church encourages the continuation of dialogue in order to achieve peace, stressing that Kosovo is "an inseparable part of Serbia".

"Finally, we emphasize that for the Serbian Orthodox Church, Kosovo and Metohija are an inseparable part of the state of Serbia. We support and encourage the continuation of peaceful dialogue with the aim of achieving peace and solving vital issues for all who live in the Province".

"To the brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija, we send a message of boundless love and paternal care. The Serbian Church, wherever it lives and acts as a shepherd, will continue to generously help you, its long-suffering, but unwavering, proud people in Kosovo and Metohija, wishing to give you comfort, warmth and hope even in these difficult days," read the statement, reported KoSSev.




US envoy says Kosovo attack ‘coordinated and sophisticated’ (

US ambassador warns of further escalation after shootout.

The United States has concluded that a weekend attack by suspected Serbian militia in northern Kosovo, leaving one officer and three gunmen dead, was intended to destabilize the region and is warning of potential further escalation between the longtime enemies.

“We know it was coordinated and sophisticated,” U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Jeffrey M. Hovenier told POLITICO, adding the gunmen appeared to have had military training. “The quantity of weapons suggests this was serious, with a plan to destabilize security in the region.”

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