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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 9, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Lajcak after meeting with Kurti: We had a deep and important discussion (RTK)
  • Kurti: Kosovo has shown willingness and readiness for dialogue (media)
  • Kosovo and Montenegro with a cooperation agreement in the field of defence (media)
  • Former Prime Minister Hoti demands transparency in the dialogue process (RTK)
  • The President of the Special Court will visit Kosovo (RTK)
  • COVID-19: 42 new cases (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic on Svecla's statement: There were many rulers, few of them stayed (Kosovo Online)
  • Lajcak and his reinforcements, Bonne and Ploetner, in Pristina, then in Belgrade (KoSSev)
  • Activists from Serbian communities do not participate but support the protests in Pristina (KiM radio)
  • Petkovic: Pristina wants conflict (Radio KIM)
  • Serbian List: Kurti and Svecla’s attempts to intimidate Serbian people will fail (Kosovo Online)
  • Serbian List: We were not ‘criminals and villains’ when our MPs voted for Osmani to become president (Kosovo Online)
  • Serbian President sends message of condolence on death of Queen Elizabeth (N1)
  • Office for KiM: Bacevic convicted although victim said she doesn’t know him (KoSSev)
  • Selakovic thanks Dendias and Greece for confirmed support on Kosovo issue (Kosovo Online)
  • Vucic: Serbia-Hungary ties at historic high (Tanjug)
  • Drecun elected chairman of Serbian Assembly Committee on Kosovo and Metohija again (Radio KIM)
  • Fajon: Vucic’s statement is absurd (N1)
  • Selakovic: An absurd that Slovenia has a more legitimate interest in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


  • Kosovo Serb Jailed for Mistreating Couple During War (Balkan Insight)
  • What Turkey’s Erdogan can offer the Western Balkans (



Albanian Language Media  


Lajcak after meeting with Kurti: We had a deep and important discussion (RTK) 

The Special Representative of the European Union for the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, Miroslav Lajçak, has spoken to the media after a two-hour meeting with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti.

"We had a meeting for more than two hours with Prime Minister Albin Kurti where we discussed the dialogue and bringing a new dynamic to this process and moving it forward," he said.

According to him, they had a deep and very important discussion with Kurti. "I believe you understand that we cannot talk in detail because we will have a similar discussion later today with President Vucic, so I can say this now because we completed the first part of our mission," he emphasised.

Kurti: Kosovo has shown willingness and readiness for dialogue (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti hosted the special representative of the European Union for the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak and the advisors for foreign policy and security of the Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, and the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, Jens Plotner and Emmanuel Bonne.

The press release of the Prime Minister's Office said that it was emphasised that Kosovo has shown its willingness and readiness to engage in a principled and well-prepared dialogue.

Prime Minister Kurti reiterated that the goal of the dialogue, from which the citizens of both countries should benefit, should be the achievement of a legally binding agreement with mutual recognition at the centre.

He thanked Lajcak as well as counsellors Plotner and Bonne for their commitment to the full normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

"During the meeting, it was discussed about the need for even more powerful efforts by all actors so that the European perspective becomes a reality for the countries of the Western Balkans," the announcement states.

Kosovo and Montenegro with a cooperation agreement in the field of defence (media)

The Ministry of Defense of Kosovo and the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro signed today in Pristina a cooperation agreement in the field of defence.

This was announced in a press conference by the Minister of Defense of Kosovo Armend Mehaj, after the meeting with his Montenegrin counterpart, Rasko Konjevic.

"Peace, security and regional stability are vital for the Balkan states. This is our future, the Euro-Atlantic future," he said. Mehaj further announced that they signed a cooperation agreement with the Montenegrin minister that touches many areas.

"Through this agreement, we expand cooperation in the field of defence, which is necessary for the ascetic of security, stability and democracy between the two countries and for the benefit of the region."

Former Prime Minister Hoti demands transparency in the dialogue process (RTK)

The former Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti has asked for transparency in the dialogue process and for the Prime Minister to be open in reporting to the Assembly of Kosovo.

"The LDK is grateful for the increased interest of Kosovo's main partners in concluding the agreement on normalisation and mutual recognition between the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia. With this increased interest, it is necessary to ensure internal political and social cohesion in order to support the Government in the dialogue for the final agreement. However, in advance, full transparency must be ensured on the part of the Government through reporting to the Assembly, which has been missing despite the Assembly's resolution requiring the Prime Minister to report before and after each round of the dialogue. There is  no other forum for reporting besides the Assembly. Meetings with the heads of opposition political parties do not replace reporting in the Assembly," wrote Hoti on Facebook.

According to him, the prime minister should be open in reporting to the Assembly. "He cannot avoid transparency towards the MPs through announcements about the sensitivity of the dialogue. Beyond this, transparency in the dialogue must also be ensured towards the academic community, civil society and the media. Transparency towards them enables the Government to receive useful suggestions and in particular, it helps in informing the general public to create the necessary supporting cohesion for the final agreement," Hoti emphasised.

The President of the Special Court will visit Kosovo (RTK)

The President of the Specialized Chambers Ekaterina Trendafilova will hold an activity of the Program for Communication and Awareness in Gjilan.

On 21 September 2022, the President of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC), Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova, will host an outreach event with civil society in Gjilan as part of the Program for Communication and Awareness. In this meeting she will speak about ongoing developments at the KSC and will answer questions. Journalists are invited to participate in the event, reads the announcement of the Specialized Chambers of Kosovo. 

According to the announcement, the activity will be broadcast live on YouTube and all journalists will be sent the internet link to have immediate access to the video recording.

COVID-19: 42 new cases (media)

42 new cases of COVID-19 have been registered in the last 24 hours in Kosovo, out of 426 tests performed, the Ministry of Health announced on Thursday. 62 patients have recovered from coronavirus in the last 24 hours, while the number of active cases is 349.



Serbian Language Media 


Vucic on Svecla's statement: There were many rulers, few of them stayed (Kosovo Online)

Regarding the statement of Kosovo's Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla that "they are rulers over the whole of Kosovo", the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that last night he warned the representatives of the international community and negotiator, and told them to think about 'with what they are coming to Belgrade', reported Kosovo Online. 

Vucic said at a press conference with Hungarian President Katalin Novak that tomorrow, after the session of the National Security Council, he would speak more about the situation in Kosovo.

"I thought that things in the international legal order were based on respect for public legal norms, the UN Charter, UN Resolutions, documents signed in Brussels, and now I understand, and it's good that Serbs hear, all citizens of Serbian nationality, and the whole world, that it is based on someone's desire to rule over someone and over something. By the way, this is the statement of the Minister of Internal Affairs in Pristina, who said that they rule and will rule over the whole of Kosovo. I thought he was going to say something about law, about the Brussels Agreement, about Resolution 1244, about the UN Charter, and he talked about domination. You know, there have always been many foreign rulers over our people, few of them stayed, and how long these rulers will stay, we will see," Vucic said.

He emphasized that Belgrade will not refer to "ruling".

"They are not really rulers, we will call on international law, on the UN Charter, Resolution 1244 and we will support our people. That is my answer, and it is good for them to show what they really think about our people, and what they really want to do with their arrogance, rampancy. Last night I warned the representatives of the international community and the negotiator and told him, think about with what you are coming to Belgrade because we will not tolerate this and unlike those who threaten with ruling; we only say - please respect international public legal norms and nothing more than that," said Vucic. 

As he stated, he expressed his great gratitude for the extraordinary professionalism of KFOR commander Ferenc Kajari, who contributed to the reduction of tensions on July 31 with his efforts.

"Thank you to our Hungarian friends for wanting to listen to us on that issue," added Vucic.

Lajcak and his reinforcements, Bonne and Ploetner, in Pristina, then in Belgrade (KoSSev)

In the heated Western diplomacy towards the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak will be arriving in Belgrade today with his reinforcements - special advisers to the French president and the German chancellor, KoSSev portal wrote today. 

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, would meet with the EU's special representative for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and other regional issues of the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, and the advisors for foreign and security policy of the Republic of France and the Federal Republic of Germany, Emmanuel Bonne and Jens Ploetner, today at 6:00 p.m., in the Villa Peace, the presidency confirmed, reported KoSSev.

No joint address was planned, but only a press release after the meeting.

Bonn and Ploetner would visit Belgrade, after Pristina’s visit. 

Before the arrival of their special advisers, Macron and Scholz sent a joint letter to Vucic and Kurti at a moment "of crucial importance for security on the European continent and stability in the Western Balkans region", cited the portal.

KoSSev recalled that Vucic and Kurti were called to "show their readiness to make difficult decisions in the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina", pointing out that they tasked Bonne and Ploetner to "assist the European mediator for the dialogue Miroslav Lajcak in that process".

"We are convinced that, in light of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, we must make even stronger efforts in order to make the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries a reality and to resolve long-term bilateral and regional disputes... The full normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is essential for Western Balkans," was a  part of the letter from Macron and Scholz.

The day before their arrival, and after information from Pristina that regular police patrolling of Lake Gazivode had begun, the Serbian president said, complaining that the pleas in Brussels were failing, to influence Pristina not to conduct actions against the Serbian people:

"Since I'm not going to beg either of them anymore, I'm now warning both of them not to do that anymore. I warn them now not to do that anymore, since the Serbian people will no longer tolerate violence, disrespect for international public law, or international public norms, and that is my warning to those who are coming to Belgrade tomorrow, and to everyone else. What you were playing, you were playing. If you can respect the norms that you have brought yourself, you can; you cannot, there are those who will," cited the portal.

Activists from Serbian communities do not participate but support the protests in Pristina (KiM radio)

For almost two weeks Kosovo has been rocked by the news about the rape of girls. In Pristina, protests are held daily in front of the Kosovo Government building, with participants demanding the dismissal of judges and prosecutors. Activists for women's rights from the Serbian community demand that the perpetrators of these crimes be given the most severe punishment, and for now they only support the protests through statements or posts on social networks, wrote KiM radio.

An eleven-year-old girl from Pristina was raped on several occasions, both by minors and by adult men. The first case was registered on August 27, when five people, three of whom were minors, were arrested and sent to custody. It is suspected that the girl was raped in an interval of seven hours at various locations in Pristina. The second case allegedly happened on June 21, for which six more people were arrested. The two last arrested are suspected of rape and trafficking of minors, while the others are suspected of rape and sexual services.

On June 21 of this year, the minor reportedly met with six adult suspects, and they sent her to four different motels where the crimes allegedly took place. The eleven-year-old girl is currently in a shelter and undergoing treatment.

Ten days later, it was announced in the media that the rape of girls from Gnjilane had been reported. As stated, two adult men were reported and arrested, who, as stated, raped a minor in the period from March to April.

Due to these cases, as well as failures in the work of the police and judicial authorities, protests are held every day in Pristina, and more recently in Skopje and Tirana. In addition to citizens, representatives of various organisations that deal with the protection of human rights also participate in them. Representatives of Serbian non-governmental organisations that fight for women's rights did not physically join the protests, but as they state in a statement to RTV Kim, they support them.

The non-governmental organisation "Women's Rights" supports the protest in Pristina through its Facebook page, which, according to Ruzica Simic, "in the conditions of the current situation in the north of Kosovo, is the only possible form of support".

"We, as a women's NGO, experienced hitting our heads against the wall many times. I think that women in Pristina are loud enough and have all our support. I wish them to continue to be as persistent as they have been in the fight for women's rights," said Simic.

Gordana Djoric from the Association of Business Women "Avenija" also supports the protests in Pristina and states that she is thinking of joining physically. She believes that protests should be initiated in Gracanica because of such cases. At the same time, she recalled that she was the first to react when she found out about the pimping of girls in Strpce.

"It raised such a dust, so it came out as if we were spreading misinformation, but those were the stories we heard from the locals who knew more than us. As much as I thought I should react, I reacted. This (the rape of a girl in Pristina) was a shock for me when I found out. I even wanted to go to Pristina, to be part of those women who protest and ask the institutions to punish the perpetrators of such crimes against children in the strictest way," she said to RTV Kim.

Nevenka Rikalo, manager of the "Women's Inclusive Center" in Novo Brdo, says that this organisation supported the protests by joint advertising on the page of the Kosovo Women's Network.

"We don't want to do it individually. We will not be able to do anything individually, only with joint efforts attention of the institutions could be drawn, as well as the parents and young people themselves, that the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence and the Criminal Code are the ones that will contribute to punishing the perpetrators of violence," said Rikalo.

"Silence is a problem"

Djoric believes that even in Serbian communities there are cases of sexual abuse of girls, but that, unfortunately, they are silent about it.

"We should talk more and more often about this, about these abuses, such situations where our children suffer, not only children but also young women. Girls are blackmailed to get a job, to stay at work, to pass an exam... There are all kinds of blackmail over our girls and young women. It should be prevented as soon as possible. We need to have constant programs which discuss this, and that men are condemned so that they do not do such things again," said Djoric. 

Simic states that a crime was committed against the girls.

"First of all, the rape of an eleven-year-old girl, where it turns out that it was not just a one-time and one-day incident, but that there is a lot of unscrupulousness and immorality behind it, and not only those who committed that crime, but also in the institutions. Now we hear about a similar crime in Gnjilane. It just shows the state of society and the attitude of all of us towards women's rights, towards gender-based violence, even towards domestic violence. That speaks of the status of women in Kosovo society," said Simic.

Djoric points out as the big problem the institutions that did not do their work as stipulated by the law.

"Also, the law should be changed and punishments that are much stricter should be established. What is happening is terrible. As a parent and someone who lives in such an environment, I know that such children are ashamed to report, they do not dare, they are afraid because they experience various threats and blackmail. Many of them abuse the immaturity of children, they exploit them in all kinds of ways, mostly in sexual relations. It is terrible," Djoric said.

Rikalo points out that the whole society should be involved, especially parents, whom she believes should be more careful about where their children move, who they correspond with, meet, and hang out with.

"The mentality is such that great importance is given to men, and much less to girls. The same is true of upbringing in the family, young men and boys are important and can make some decisions, while girls are subordinated to them," says Rikalo, emphasising that this is especially represented in rural areas.

In addition to demanding that judges and prosecutors be replaced, the protest participants also demand that the use and distribution of pepper spray be legalized for self-defense, that a specialized police unit be formed for sexual violence, security, justice, and rehabilitation for victims of sexual violence, as well as the introduction of sexual violence classes in schools.

Petkovic: Pristina wants conflict (Radio KIM)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said in a press statement that Pristina by constructing police bases in the north of Kosovo “dismantles the Brussels agreement and illegally takes over KFOR’s authorities thus clearly demonstrating it wishes no agreements but rather conflicts and tensions”, Radio KIM reports.

Commenting on the statement of Kosovo Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla that Kosovo police has three bases in the north and is building another one, as well as that Kosovo government was committed to “preserve peace and order” there, Petkovic said “Svecla attempts to convince himself he has some sort or rights in the north and that his messages serve for internal political consumption only”.

“By constructing illegal ROSU bases in the north, Pristina dismantles Brussels agreement and illegally takes over KFOR’s authorities as KFOR is the only one that has the right to be present in the green zone. By doing so Pristina clearly demonstrates it wishes no agreements, but rather tensions and conflicts. One this is certain however – northern Kosovo and Metohija belong to the Serbian population and not to Kurti and Svecla”, Petkovic said. 

Serbian List: Kurti and Svecla’s attempts to intimidate Serbian people will fail (Kosovo Online)

Serbian List said today that attempts of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla whom they referred to as Kurti’s ‘errand boy’ to intimidate and occupy northern municipalities “by building illegal bases for their special units, one-day excursion on the lake and appropriation of the Serbian properties in northern Kosovo and Metohija” will fail, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Serbian List also said that many have tried to enslave and occupy Serbian people but their attempts have failed, adding Serbian people want peace but that Pristina’s actions in the most direct way jeopardise the peace in those areas.    

Serbian List: We were not ‘criminals and villains’ when our MPs voted for Osmani to become president (Kosovo Online)

Serbian List said that statements of Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani no one is taking seriously, adding that she was “just Albin Kurti’s proxy who will remain in position as long as she carries out his orders”, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Serbian List made those remarks reacting to the statement Osmani made earlier that she was a supreme commander of the Kosovo army and that Serbian List is the least representative of the interests of Serbs in Kosovo. She also alleged that Kosovo Serbs are threatened by illegal and criminal structures.

“We remind Ms Osmani that she got position she holds thanks to the two MPs of the Serbian List caucus, and that she knows very well thanks to which high official of the Serbian List those two MPs from our caucus agreed to vote for her, in order to be elected to that position”, Serbian List said.

They added back then “Serbian List and its leaders were not criminals and villains” as she refers to them now. The Serbian List also said credibility of Vjosa Osmani in the north was non-existent and that in eight days of the pleas to the Serbs to change their licence plates only one person had done it.  

As far as remarks on supreme commander of the army were concerned Serbian List pointed out it was about “some sort of an army” the very one “that is not allowed to come to the north of Kosovo and Metohija, has pilots but doesn’t have helicopters, let alone tanks and aeroplanes”. 

Serbian President sends message of condolence on death of Queen Elizabeth (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday that Britain’s Queen Elizabeth marked history with her selfless public service, N1 reports.

“Her Majesty marked the modern history of the United Kingdom and the world with her selfless public service, setting an example of how to carry the authority of a ruler and do her duty in the hardest of times. Queen Elizabeth II faced every challenge wisely, discreetly but decisively, primarily taking care of the wellbeing of the nation, winning huge sympathy among her subjects and the many who respected her across the world”, the Serbian President said in his message of condolences.

According to him, Queen Elizabeth’s rule became synonymous with devotion to duty and care for the nation and state as well as commitment to preserving the highest moral values and principles.

“Regardless of the numerous challenges and difficulties which marked the decades of her sovereign rule, under a seeming frailty, Queen Elizabeth II showed a strength worthy of the greatest rulers in history. Once again, I would like to express the deepest condolence to her majesty’s family and the citizens of the United Kingdom convinced that they will remember her and her wisdom and patriotism as a ruler”, Vucic said in the message.

Office for KiM: Bacevic convicted although victim said she doesn’t know him (KoSSev)

Svetomir Bacevic, a displaced person from Kosovo arrested at the end of December 2020 in Pec under the charges of “committing war crimes against civilian population”, was sentenced to five years in prison by first-instance verdict, KoSSev portal reports.

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija expressed concern and termed the verdict scandalous, adding that Bacevic’s responsibility in this case has not been proven.

“The Office for Kosovo and Metohija expresses serious concern regarding today’s verdict of the Basic Court in Pristina. Bacevic was convicted for allegedly kidnapping a neighbour, although the affected party said she doesn’t know Bacevic and he was not a person who took her from the house”, Office for KiM said in statement yesterday.

The Office also said they will extend all support and legal aid to Bacevic and inform the international community about his case.

Selakovic thanks Dendias and Greece for confirmed support on Kosovo issue (Kosovo Online)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met in Belgrade his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendijas and informed him in detail about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija as well as Pristina’s attempts to destabilise the situation on the ground by systematic campaign of intimidating Serbian people there, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Selakovic also said that unlike Pristina, Belgrade remains committed to the dialogue and resolving all open issues by political and peaceful means and because of that “it was of high importance that Greece continues to consistently support territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and our political struggle to preserve peace and stability in the region”.

Selakovic added that Serbia consistently supports territorial integrity of Greece both on land and sea and expressed gratitude to the Minister Dendias and Greece for confirmed support on Kosovo issue and respect of the Serbian territorial integrity and sovereignty.

The two interlocutors also discussed energy situation, regional and geopolitical topics.

Vucic: Serbia-Hungary ties at historic high (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Friday the level of Serbia-Hungary relations was higher than ever in modern political history and that the cooperation between the two countries had made progress in all fields, including politics, economy and trade, Tanjug news agency reports.

At a press conference with Hungarian President Katalin Novak, Vucic said bilateral trade in the first seven months of this year totaled 2.2 bln euros and that trade with Hungary was growing at the highest rate. He said Hungary was Serbia's fourth-largest external trade partner but was likely to soon take the third position, behind Germany and China.

He said his meeting with Novak had addressed all issues, including energy. He added work was also underway on infrastructure ties, including on a Belgrade-Budapest high-speed rail line, and added that he was confident the project would be completed by 2025.

He thanked Novak for providing consistent support for Serbia's European integration, as well as for her rational, pragmatic and normal political stances that he said were shared by a part of central Europe. Vucic also said Hungary had understanding of Serbia's attempts to find a compromise solution in the dialogue with Pristina.

Meanwhile, Hungarian President Katalin Novak said her country would support decisions in favour of a soonest possible EU accession of Serbia and other Western Balkan countries.

"Hungary has supported giving candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova. That is an opportunity but, at the same time, a danger. The opportunity means that the process of integrating the Western Balkans might be accelerated and that the efforts of Western Balkan countries - above all the efforts of Serbia, which, along with other countries in the region, had undertaken very serious steps to get closer to the EU and respond to all its requirements - could produce results", Novak said.

The EU needs Serbia, and not only vice versa, she added.

"That is why we will always support the making of decisions in favour of a soonest possible accession of Serbia and other Western Balkan countries, and we would be glad to see this happen as soon as possible”.

Drecun elected chairman of Serbian Assembly Committee on Kosovo and Metohija again (Radio KIM)

MP from a list “Aleksandar Vucic – Together We Can Do Everything” Milovan Drecun was elected Chairman of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija again, Radio KIM reports.

13 members of the Committee voted for Drecun, while three abstained. Milica Djurdjevic Stamenovksi was elected his deputy. She comes from the Zavetnici (Oath Takers) opposition party.

Drecun thanked committee members for their trust.

“I hope that sessions of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija in the upcoming period will be held with mutual respect, tolerant and cultural discussion”, Drecun said, adding that “the importance of the topics to be discussed in the upcoming period requires responsibility and achieving as wider consensus on those topics as possible”. 

Fajon: Vucic’s statement is absurd (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s statement that Slovenia violated Serbia’s territorial integrity by recognizing Kosovo’s independence was absurd and unfortunate, said Slovenian Foreign Affairs Minister Tanja Fajon, reported N1.

“In Serbia we are used to such statements, which are sometimes taken out of context – sometimes a little deliberately. But it is true that we reacted. (Slovenian) President (Borut) Pahor responded, as did our Ministry,” said Fajon, adding that Slovenia needs to protect its interests.

“It was a very absurd statement, unfortunately,” said Fajon, N1 Slovenia reported.

Slovenia has good relations with Serbia, said Minister Fajon, adding that “the Serbian President is coming to Slovenia next week and so he will be able to say more.”

During Slovenian President Pahor’s recent visit to Belgrade Vucic asked how he was going to explain to the people that Serbia was introducing sanctions against Russia, but not against Slovenia.

“Russia has not violated Serbia’s territorial integrity, but Slovenia has, and we are looking to have good relations with Slovenia,” said Vucic.

The Slovenian Foreign Affairs Ministry reacted, summoning Serbia’s Ambassador to Slovenia over the statement. The Ministry said it was surprised by Vucic’s statement and that it once again informed the Belgrade authorities on its position on Kosovo.

Selakovic: An absurd that Slovenia has a more legitimate interest in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)

''If there is something absurd, then it is the view that Slovenia has a greater and more legitimate interest in Kosovo and Metohija than Serbia, whose Kosovo and Metohija is an autonomous province, and based on the messages coming from Ljubljana these days, one could get the impression that some political actors there think so,'' said Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic, read the statement of the Ministry of foreign Affairs.

Selakovic reacted to the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Tanja Fajon, who called absurd the statement of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, that Slovenia violated the territorial integrity of Serbia by recognizing the independence of Kosovo.

The fact that, as stated by Selakovic, Serbia has decided not to problematize this issue in relations with Slovenia, with which wants to have partnership, stable and mutually beneficial relations, does not mean that we approve and will ever approve Slovenia's position when it comes to our southern province, reported RTS.

"We do not dispute Slovenia's right to take a position on any foreign policy issue and to treat that issue as its state interest, but, likewise, Slovenia should not deny Serbia the right to protect its own state and national interests. It should certainly not emphasise that its national interest is challenging the national interests of Serbia," announced the head of Serbian diplomacy.

If we agree to disagree on this, secondary for Slovenia, and the key state and national issue of Serbia, then, as Selakovic stated, it is necessary to show a little diplomatic tact and not touch Serbia where it is most sensitive, reported RTS, citing the statement.

According to him, this is the minimum decency that must be shown by someone who wants to foster partnership relations with Serbia.

"Serbia, protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, also protects international law, and those who recognized the self-proclaimed independence of the so-called 'Kosovo' violated international law and violated the territorial integrity of Serbia. The fact that we do not recall this fact every day does not mean that we waver, but that we want to build bridges with those who have a different attitude on this issue," concluded Selakovic.

He adds that this is precisely the attitude of Serbia that has increased and continues to increase the number of countries that do not recognize ''the so-called Kosovo, but Serbia within its internationally recognized borders, within which it is also a member of the UN'', announced the MFA.





Kosovo Serb Jailed for Mistreating Couple During War (Balkan Insight)

A Kosovo court has jailed Svetomir Bacevic for five years for taking a Kosovo Albanian woman from her home and mistreating her in the Peja/Pec municipality during the war in 1998.

Kosovo Serb Svetomir Bacevic, 57, was convicted of war crimes during the Kosovo war of 1998-1999 war by the Pristina Basic Court on Thursday.

He has been jailed for five years, including time in custody.

Read more at:

What Turkey’s Erdogan can offer the Western Balkans (

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spent this week visiting three Balkan countries — Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia — as his country seeks to extend its influence in the region. As well as various economic deals, Erdogan offered Turkish help with some of the pressing security issues in the region, namely the internal tensions in Bosnia and the situation between Serbia and Kosovo. 

During his visit to Belgrade on September 7, Erdogan said the region would have Turkey’s support to resolve the disputes that threaten its stability.

“We are ready to extend our support and I hope that there is now a positive acceleration which will be sustained in the Balkans, because the Balkans can no longer tolerate these kind of problems,” he said at a press conference alongside Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Read more at: