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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, 06 July

  • 152 new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours in Kosovo (media)
  • Kosovo government reinstates curfew in some cities (media)
  • Health Minister: We have potential to fight the virus (media)
  • Ministry of Health on new fatalities: We must wait for investigations (media)
  • Kurti: New elections are the only solution (media)
  • Nagavci accuses government of failing to manage coronavirus situation (media)
  • Ismaili: Hoti government to treat pandemic with greater seriousness (media)
  • PDK’s Haxhiu: State of emergency must be declared (media)
  • PM Hoti: We’re waiting for confirmation of date of Paris Summit (media)
  • Kosovo, Serbia leaders discussed land swap idea, Bolton says (media)
  • Mustafa: Current situation does not guarantee institutional stability (Koha)
  • Thaci continues visits to families of martyrs (Zeri)
  • Veseli calls on KLA associations to call off protest (media)

Kosovo Media Highlights

152 new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours in Kosovo (media)

152 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 57 new cases are from the municipality of Prishtina.

The Health Director at Prishtina municipality said on Sunday that there are 603 active cases in the city.

There have been nine new deaths in Kosovo, raising the total number of fatalities to 75.

There are currently 1,580 active cases of coronavirus in Kosovo. 

Kosovo government reinstates curfew in some cities (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti told a press conference in Prishtina on Sunday that the government has decided to reinstate a curfew in some cities starting from Monday as part of new measures against the spread of COVID-19.

“We have prepared an action plan which will be adopted today in the government and it specifies in detail the actions that will be undertaken. We will reinstate the measure of restricted movement that will be in effect from 21:00 to 05:00 in cities with a larger number of infected cases, such as Prishtina, Prizren, Ferizaj and Vushtrri,” he said.

Hoti said the government will create additional capacities with beds and equipment, reorganise clinics at the Kosovo University Clinical Center, utilise regional hospitals and reach out to private clinics to make available their beds to coronavirus patients.

Hoti also said that all restaurants and bars will be closed from 21:00 to 05:00.

Asked by reporters if Health Minister Armend Zemaj will resign after the latest fatalities and the spike in cases, Hoti said: “We are doing everything in our power to manage the situation. We are all in the line of duty, the Minister and the healthcare staff too”.

Health Minister: We have potential to fight the virus (media)

Several news outlets reported on Sunday that regardless of the increase in fatalities from the coronavirus over the weekend, Kosovo’s Health Minister Armend Zemaj said in a Facebook post that Kosovo has the potential to fight the virus.

Zemaj also said that there is no room for what he called “hysterical reactions, especially from political bodyguards who are trying to undermine our work and the work of the medical staff”.

14 patients at the Infectious Clinic succumbed to the coronavirus over the weekend.

Ministry of Health on new fatalities: We must wait for investigations (media)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Health did not reveal any details surrounding the five fatalities from the coronavirus at the Kosovo University Clinical Center. In a media statement, the Ministry called on people to refrain from premature conclusions and wait for the results of ongoing investigations.

Indeksonline quoted unnamed sources in Kosovo Police as saying that it is believed that someone intentionally turned off the oxygen supply for half an hour at midnight and that four people infected with COVID – 19 died during this period.

The Kosovo Patients’ Rights Association issued a statement on Sunday calling for the resignation of the head of the Kosovo University Clinic Hospital Service, following media reports that several patients died at the Infectious Clinic as a result of problems with oxygen supply. The association said the situation with the coronavirus is getting out of control after the increase in fatalities and the spike in new infected cases.

Kurti: New elections are the only solution (media)

Vetevendosje Movement leader and former Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, said on Sunday that new parliamentary elections are “the only solution to save the people’s health and the health of democracy and the state of Kosovo”. In an address to his party’s general council, Kurti commented on the coronavirus pandemic and called on Kosovo citizens to respect the protective measures in order to save their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Nagavci accuses government of failing to manage coronavirus situation (media)

Kosovo Assembly Vice President and senior Vetevendosje member, Arberie Nagavci, accused on Sunday the Hoti-led government of failing to manage the COVID-19 situation. “The death rate and infected cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo are unfortunately increasing at a very swift rate and the situation is becoming alarming. The victims are not only figures, it is not important to report on their age or whether or not they had other underlying conditions … We are all at risk.

Nagavci further argued that the situation is out of control and that the government is failing in the area of public health and that it has blocked the Law on Prevention and Fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic, which was initiated in April.

Ismaili: Hoti government to treat pandemic with greater seriousness (media)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP and former Minister of Health, Uran Ismaili, said on Sunday that the government must review as soon as possible its measures and undertake concrete actions in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

“The number of fatalities and infected with COVID – 19 in Kosovo is rising at a scary rate. The situation at the Infectious Clinic is getting graver and today’s images from the Kosovo University Clinical Center surrounded by the police and the latest news coming from there are extremely concerning. The Hoti Government must treat the pandemic with greater seriousness. Given the new situation, the recent fatalities and the increase in cases, measures must be reviewed as soon as possible, and concrete actions must be undertaken to stop this grave situation and to prevent it from getting worse,” Ismaili wrote in a Facebook post.

PDK’s Haxhiu: State of emergency must be declared (media)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP Bekim Haxhiu said on Sunday that the government’s latest measures in the fight against COVID-19 are superficial and that a state of emergency must be declared in Kosovo.

“The Kosovo Assembly must meet as soon as possible in order to adopt the Anti-Covid-19 Law and to declare a state of emergency … The measures announced by Prime Minister Hoti today are superficial; the actions of the Kosovo Government must be in line with the situation. Fatalities are increasing every day, so is the number of infected persons. Protective measures are not being respected; this is why we need to introduce stricter measures in order to save lives. We need to learn from the mistakes we have made so far in order to overcome the situation,” Haxhiu wrote in a Facebook post.

PM Hoti: We’re waiting for confirmation of date of Paris Summit (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti was scheduled to travel next week to France to attend the summit in Paris.

Asked by reporters in Prishtina to comment on the event, Hoti said: “We are waiting for the date and modalities of the Paris Summit to be confirmed soon. As soon as they are confirmed, I will announce them to the public.”

Kosovo, Serbia leaders discussed land swap idea, Bolton says (media)

John Bolton, former National Security Advisor to US President Donald Trump, said in an interview to the Foreign Press Association, that Kosovo and Serbia leaders discussed the possibility of a land swap as early as 2018.

“In the case of Kosovo and Serbia there were indications as early as 2018 that the leaders wanted to get these questions resolved because they saw they couldn’t really get dependable economic growth and stability until their relations were normalized. This was very controversial inside both countries, but it seemed to me to be worth the effort.”

“One of the things they were discussing was the possibility of a land swap. In parts of the Balkans, in Germany, in places in Western Europe that was greeted with dismay because they feared that a land swap there might lead to land swaps elsewhere. This happens in history, that’s just something you have to live with,” Bolton said.

Mustafa: Current situation does not guarantee institutional stability (Koha)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa told Koha that Kosovo is currently in a situation which does not guarantee institutional stability following the war crimes accusations against Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli.

He said steps will soon be undertaken to improve Kosovo's functioning. "In the coming days we will talk to all that are ready to do so not about strengthening individual or party power but to strengthen the state of Kosovo and its functionality. Those that wish to see Kosovo as a gladiators' arena I don't think will it well," Mustafa said.

He added that it is important for Kosovo at this stage to support local and international judicial institutions as well as its people that may face proceedings.

Thaci continues visits to families of martyrs (Zeri)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci has undertaken in recent days visits to families of heroes and martyrs with the most recent one being at the Muqolli family in Drenas whose 40 members were killed by Serb forces.

Along with a picture from the visit, Thaci wrote: "At Muqolli family in Poklek of Drenas whose 40 members were killed and massacred on 17 April 1999. The blood of 54 martyrs of Poklek massacre lies in the foundations of freedom and independence of Kosovo."

Veseli calls on KLA associations to call off protest (media)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Kadri Veseli has called on KLA war veterans' association to call off July 9 protest in support of him and President Hashim Thaci following the specialist prosecutor's indictment for war crimes.

In a video message Veseli said that protests are not the right thing to do at this time when Kosovo is facing a health crisis. "I don't want any life be put into risk because of my life," Veseli said.

Meanwhile, organisers of the protest said they do not plan to cancel it.

Head of the KLA war veterans' association Hysni Gucati said the protest will go ahead as planned. "We will act as we see fit by standing in support of all former KLA soldiers," he said.