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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 19, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Lajcak: Efforts for a solution continue next week (RTK)
  • Bislimi: useless meeting, without result - Serbia not interested in solution for Serb citizens (Reporteri)
  • Kurti: Our success is unbearable for Serbia (RTK)
  • Osmani: It is clear where responsibility for blocking free movement should be sought (RTK)
  • Department of State: Detentions of Kosovo citizens and policemen, escalating actions (RFE)
  • Gervalla and Hovenier talk about latest developments (RTK)
  • Barbano: EULEX concerned about detention of deputy director of Kosovo Police in Serbia (Kallxo)
  • Serbia releases Kosovo Police deputy director (Reporteri)
  • Maqedonci: Tensions continue, Serbia to test kamikaze drones on border with Kosovo (media)
  • Diplomatic representatives of several CoE member states congratulate Osmani (media)
  • Kurti meets deputy mayors of North Mitrovica, Zvecan and Leposaviq (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Guterres: Increased tensions between Belgrade and Pristina, concern over regulation on payment transactions (RTS, Tanjug)
  • Petkovic: Belgrade has done all to find solution for dinar, Pristina does not want solution (Tanjug)
  • Lajcak: Chief negotiators to meet again next week (N1)
  • Petkovic: Kurti the sole factor of instability (Radio KIM, media)
  • KFOR Commander invited to Serbian Armed Forces exercise (N1)
  • State Department calls upon Serbia to restrain from unilateral and uncoordinated acts (N1, RFE, Radio KIM, Kosovo Online)
  • Barbano: EULEX concerned over detention of Jankovic (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Serbian List on vehicle arson case in the north: No reactions from responsible bodies and international organizations (Radio KIM)
  • Moscow: Voting for membership of Pristina in CoE a shame (Kosovo Online)
  • Vucic, PM of Commonwealth of Dominica discuss development of bilateral ties (Tanjug)
  • CEC ensured alternative locations for mayoral recall vote (Kosovo Online)

International Media: 

  • Serbian military drill ramps up as relations with Kosovo deteriorate (euronews)

 Albanian Language Media

Lajcak: Efforts for a solution continue next week (RTK)

The European Union representative for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, after the meetings in Brussels with the chief negotiators of Kosovo and that of Serbia, said that in the bilateral meetings they talked about a temporary solution for those who are most affected by the CBK decision. 

"Today I hosted a series of bilateral meetings with the chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia to continue our discussion on a temporary solution for those who are most affected by the CBK decision. The parties agreed to continue our efforts next week based on the concrete proposals of the text," he wrote.

Bislimi: useless meeting, without result - Serbia not interested in solution for Serb citizens (Reporteri)

The Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo has issued a press release regarding Thursday's meeting in Brussels on the issue of the dinar. According to Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi, the Serbian side showed the futility and the falsity of their conclusion that we have urgent issues as "Serbian citizens have not managed to receive their benefits". 

Bislimi said that the meeting can be called useless, without result and perhaps as a success of Serbian politics, which, as he said, wanted to buy time. 

"Today's meeting took place two days after the very important decision in the Council of Europe, which manifested the European model, but also the Kosovo model of how the integration of the region as well as building relations between neighboring countries should be promoted. And one day after the manifestation of the Serbian model of normalization and integration or the implementation of agreements that was manifested through the exposure of a medieval mentality of treating the citizens of a neighboring country, through stopping them at border points, arresting them, mistreating them, and in Serbia's approach to today's meeting should also be seen in this context. 

In today's meeting, they perfectly showed the futility and we saw the falsity of their early conclusion that we have an urgent issue where some Serb citizens have not managed to receive their benefits. As in the past, there has been zero interest from the Serbian side to deal with these citizens and all their energy is again directed towards licensing an economic entity of Serbia in Kosovo, which is unacceptable for us and we have made this clear in continuity. 

Today's meeting should have happened only in a constructive spirit where we should have discussed the consolidated proposal of Mr. Lajcak, and instead, Serbia has come with a completely new proposal, wanting to return the situation to the starting point, which we have not accepted of course, and in the end Serbia has agreed to return to the point where we should have been today, therefore, in the next meeting we will discuss mainly and exclusively on the proposal of the European side", Bislimi told the journalists. 

Consequently, today's meeting can be called a futile, fruitless meeting and perhaps as a success of the obstructive policy of the Serbian side, which continuously only wanted to buy time and thus confirms our position that in this issue with which we are facing, there is probably no urgency and no interest on the part of the Serbian side for the concerns of the Serb citizens to be addressed. 

Regarding whether the meeting marked steps back compared to the one two weeks ago, Bislimi said that the European emissary, Miroslav Lajcak, told them that this meeting is the last. 

"We were told last week by Mr. Lajcak that this week's meeting will be the last meeting, because he will enable the meeting only if the Serbian side clearly shows that it will come to conclude the agreement according to the principles and proposal of Mr. Lajcak. Since this did not happen, then we have insisted that the meeting be organized only if the parties send their proposals by Monday and if Mr. Lajcak notes that the proposals are in line with his ideas distributed last week. It means, we managed to influence that the next meeting cannot in any way be misused by Serbia to further postpone the decision-making", said Bislimi.

Kurti: Our success is unbearable for Serbia (RTK)

Prime Minister Albin Kurti has said that the success of Kosovo's institutions in the integration of the Serb community and the internal and external successes of Kosovo are hindering and making the authorities in Serbia, who have chosen to take revenge on civilians and police officials, nervous. 

"Precisely because we are proving successful in the integration of Serb citizens, nervousness in Belgrade is turning into aggression against those integrated Serbs. Therefore, of the 5 Kosovo police officers who were arrested yesterday, it is not a coincidence that they are still holding the deputy police director, Dejan Jankovic, who is integrated into our police and state system", Kurti said in a statement to media after paying homage at the martyrs' cemetery complex in Dyz of Podujeva, on the 25th anniversary of the massacre by Serbian forces.

He said that this morning Jankovic had to be in the "1 October" hall, where 445 young cadets of the Kosovo Police took the oath, among whom almost 10 percent were from the Serb community and 10 percent from other minorities. 

"So, the success of the Republic of Kosovo, internally with the consolidation of legality, constitutional order and human rights and freedoms, and externally in the advances we are making towards the Council of Europe, are making Belgrade very nervous, so this our success is unbearable for them and that's why they are taking revenge", added Kurti. 

The Prime Minister has said that Serbia is vindictive and is proving what we have known - that is, that Serbia is not changing since the time of Milosevic, especially with its attitude towards Kosovo and the Albanians. 

Kurti has demanded the immediate release of all Albanian civilians who are being held in prisons there, and in particular of the deputy police director, Dejan Jankovic. 

"The democratic, normal, republican state does not behave as Serbia did. The statements of the president of Serbia are not the statements of a president of the republic, but of a mafia boss who aims to be the chief police officer, the chief prosecutor and at the very least the president at the same time", underlined Kurti.

Kurti further said that we are in a situation where Milan Radoicic, the main criminal who killed the police sergeant, the hero Afrim Bunjaku, is roaming free in Serbia, while the deputy director of the Kosovo Police is arrested and held hostage there.

Osmani: It is clear where responsibility for blocking free movement should be sought (RTK) 

President Vjosa Osmani met with the ambassador of France in Kosovo, Olivier Guérot. They have discussed the hostage-taking of citizens, as well as the arrest of Kosovo policemen by Serbia in the border areas, the Office of the Presidency announced. According to the announcement, President Osmani emphasized that it is clear who is behind this and where responsibility should be sought.

"Furthermore, she emphasized that the inhumane treatment and the blocking of the free movement of citizens constitutes a serious violation of human rights. She also stated that these developments create a heavy atmosphere and fear among the citizens", the announcement states. 

On this occasion, Ambassador Guérot congratulated President Osmani for the successful organization and progress of the second edition of the Forum for Women, Peace and Security.

Department of State: Detentions of Kosovo citizens and policemen, escalating actions (RFE)

The US State Department has called on Serbia to refrain from unilateral and uncoordinated actions, and has said that it expects the immediate release of the deputy director of the Kosovo Police, Dejan Jankovic. The U.S. State Department called on the Serbian authorities to act transparently and in full accordance with the law regarding the Kosovar citizens detained in Serbia on Wednesday.

"Arbitrary or unfairly long detentions, especially if they target Kosovo Police officers, will be seen as escalating actions that harm peace and stability," a State Department spokesperson told Radio Free Europe. 

Serbia stopped over 1,400 Kosovars as they were transiting through Serbia. Ten police officials were also among those arrested.

The authorities said that nine police officers have been released, while Dejan Jankovic has been detained for 48 hours by Serbia under the charge of "disrupting the constitutional order" of Serbia.

According to DASH, the agreement on free movement between Kosovo and Serbia, reached in the dialogue mediated by the EU, "provides clear parameters for the entry and exit of Kosovar citizens in and out of Serbia".

"As the European Union has pointed out, delays like these last ones constitute a violation of this agreement", the Department of State said adding that all parties should avoid actions that could endanger regional security and stability. 

Earlier in the day, Jeffery Hovenir, the American ambassador in Pristina, and Jorn Rohde, the German ambassador in Pristina, also called for the release of Dejan Jankovic.

Gervalla and Hovenier talk about latest developments (RTK) 

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla, held the regular meeting with the ambassador of the United States of America, Jeff Hovenier. They discussed the latest situation, informing him about the imminent arbitrary detention of citizens and Kosovo police officials at the border points in Serbia.

In the press release issued by the ministry, it is stated that the focus of this meeting was also the massive vote of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for Kosovo's membership on April 16, as well as the further path towards full membership and other significant issues.

Barbano: EULEX concerned about detention of deputy director of Kosovo Police in Serbia (Kallxo) 

The head of the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX), Giovanni Pietro Barbano, reacted about the detention of the Deputy Director General of the Kosovo Police, Dejan Jankovic by the Serbian authorities. 

“EULEX Kosovo is concerned about the ongoing detention of the Deputy General Director of Kosovo Police, Mr. Dejan Jankovic in Serbia. We call on all those who are involved to adhere to the rule of law principles throughout the process,” Barbano wrote on X.

Serbia releases Kosovo Police deputy director (Reporteri)

The Deputy Director of the Kosovo Police, Dejan Jankovic, has been released by the Serbian authorities. The news was confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo. 

"MFAD informs the public opinion that the representative of the office of the Republic of Kosovo in Serbia, Ambassador Jetish Jashari, has confirmed that the deputy director of the Kosovo Police, Dejan Jankovic, has just been released and is on his way to Kosovo", the Ministry announced.

Maqedonci: Tensions continue, Serbia to test kamikaze drones on border with Kosovo (media) 

Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, raised the alarm that Serbia with its hegemonic and aggressive approach towards Kosovo will cause tensions to continue.

"We assess that these tensions will continue. There may be other forms, one of them that we observed from April 8 to 21 is an exercise that the Serbian army is conducting in the southern part of the territory of Serbia. It is one of the largest that the Serbian army has ever developed. At the time this exercise is being carried out, the use of equipment and weapon systems in this exercise poses a threat to stability and security in the Balkans. Serbia has camouflaged all the actions it has taken so far as preparation and militarization for defense. Serbia will test offensive and not defensive equipment. Although it has established 48 bases on the border with Kosovo in the south of its territory, it has continued to proclaim that all this mobilization was to prepare the defense of the territory. Tomorrow we will witness that Serbia will test offensive capabilities, among them kamikaze drones that are not used for defense but for attacks against someone else," Maqedonci told A2CNN. 

According to him, the mobilization of NATO to increase the presence of KFOR troops in Kosovo and Bosnia comes after the assessment of the risk by the local authorities and Belgrade’s continuous purchase of armaments.

Diplomatic representatives of several CoE member states congratulate Osmani (media)

Following the meetings related to the process of Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, President Vjosa Osmani hosted ambassadors and chargé d'affaires from the embassies of Sweden, Austria, the Netherlands, Finland, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium.

The announcement states that the representatives of these countries congratulated Osmani for Kosovo's success in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, while the president thanked them for the great support in voting in this Assembly. 

"Furthermore, President Osmani underlined the importance of Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe as a decisive step towards increasing the effectiveness of the protection of the rights of all our citizens without distinction, giving them access to human rights mechanisms offered by this organization".

Kurti meets deputy mayors of North Mitrovica, Zvecan and Leposaviq (RTK) 

Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, met with the vice-mayors of the Municipality of North Mitrovica, Katarina Adjancic, that of Zvecan, Natasa Tomanic, and of Leposavic, Marina Bogojevic, where he talked about the current situation in the four municipalities in the north and recent developments in relation with the northern neighbor.

Through a press release, it is said that detention of citizens of Kosovo at the border points and public threats by the President of Serbia were also discussed in this meeting.

"During the meeting, special attention was given to the opportunities for intensifying investments and infrastructure projects in these municipalities, practical measures that can facilitate employment, such as the employment measure for 2,000 residents of the municipalities of North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zvecan and Zubin Potok, which was launched in February of this year, and the population census process", the announcement states. 

It is further said that for the latter, Kurti emphasized the importance of this process and the direct impact that participation in this process has on the fair allocation of the budget for municipalities and the strategic planning of policies and projects.

"Another topic of conversation was the vote for the dismissal or not of the mayors, which will be held on April 21, and the work of our institutions regarding the organization of this democratic process, which was initiated by the signatures of the citizens of these municipalities," the announcement states.

Serbian Language Media 

Guterres: Increased tensions between Belgrade and Pristina, concern over regulation on payment transactions (RTS, Tanjug)

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in his regular biannual report on the work of UNMIK that despite some progress in implementing agreements reached under EU’s mediation, tensions between Belgrade and Pristina have increased, and the security situation in the north remains fragile, RTS reported.

In the report covering the period from September 19, 2023 to March 15, 2024, published on the UN website, and which should be considered at UN Security Council session on April 22, Guterres assessed that there was no progress towards establishing Association/Community of Serbian Municipalities despite diplomatic pressure and expressed concerns over implementation of new regulation on payment transactions, which affected economic and social rights of Serbs and other non-majority communities, in particular the most vulnerable ones.

He called for urgent talks on open issues within the EU-mediated dialogue, in order to ensure rights of all affected communities and protect the most vulnerable groups. He also called upon parties to reconfirm their commitment to the dialogue mediated by the EU and to fully implement existing agreements, adding that both sides should have an open and inclusive approach. 

Petkovic: Belgrade has done all to find solution for dinar, Pristina does not want solution (Tanjug)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said on Thursday in Brussels that Belgrade had done absolutely everything to find a solution in the wake of Pristina's unilateral and violent decision to ban the Serbian dinar and cash operations in Kosovo, but that Pristina did not want solution to be found, Tanjug news agency reported. Speaking to reporters after a fifth round of discussions on the issue, held as part of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Petkovic said Belgrade was ready for the next round, slated for next week.

"We came out with a constructive proposal and the proposal was assessed by Brussels - (EU special envoy) Mr (Miroslav) Lajcak and his team - as a very good foundation, a solid foundation for continuing the discussions, whereby we once again demonstrated that we are the side that cares about finding a solution", Petkovic said.

He also said Pristina's representatives had made no comments on the proposal and the EU's ideas, and noted this clearly demonstrated that Pristina wanted to seek no agreement on anything and no solution for the issue of the dinar and Serbian cash transactions. He noted that the five rounds of Brussels meetings had brought no progress on the matter while Serbs in Kosovo were suffering as a result of Pristina's decision as they were unable to receive salaries, pensions and social benefits paid by Serbian authorities, adding that functioning of Serbian institutions such as schools, hospitals and kindergartens was in jeopardy.

Lajcak: Chief negotiators to meet again next week (N1)

European Union special envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak said on Thursday that chief negotiators from Belgrade and Pristina would meet again next week.

In a post on X media platform following the Thursday’s meetings with chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina, Petar Petkovic and Besnik Bislimi, Lajcak said that they continued discussing a solution for the people most affected by Kosovo Central Bank decision to make the Euro the only currency, effectively banning the Dinar which was used to pay a large number of Kosovo Serbs.

“Today, I hosted a series of bilateral meetings with the Chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia to continue our discussion on a temporary solution for those most affected by the CBK decision. The Parties agreed to continue our efforts next week based on concrete text proposals”, the post said.

Petkovic: Kurti the sole factor of instability (Radio KIM, media)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti “was the sole factor of instability”, and that together with Interior Minister Xhellal Svecla, he “spreads heinous lies that five persons from Kosovo and Metohija were arrested” and it was about only one person “being apprehended”, Radio KIM reported.

“Albin Kurti is the biggest villain and a criminal in the territory of Western Balkans who firstly with his destructive and violent policy inflamed Kosovo and Metohija, and now with his chauvinist policy wants to inflame North Macedonia, Montenegro and entire region”, reads Petkovic’s statement distributed to media.

Petkovic also said that Kurti is “the sole factor of instability in those areas, who on a daily basis mistreats, arrests, beats up and shoots Serbs and is an exclusive culprit for each tension and crisis in the area of Kosovo and Metohija”.

He added Kurti should stop deceiving the international community and public “given that his untruths are so porous and it has been clear to everyone that they are products of hatred towards Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and President Aleksandar Vucic”. 

KFOR Commander invited to Serbian Armed Forces exercise (N1)

KFOR said on Thursday that its commander Major General Ozkan Ulutas was invited to the Whirlwind 2024 exercise by Serbian Chief of Staff General Milan Mojsilovic, N1 reported. It said that General Ulutas will be at the Distinguished Visitors’ Day on Friday, April 19 at the training grounds in Pester.

“Whirlwind 2024 is an annual exercise conducted by the Serbian Armed Forces. It has been announced by the Serbian authorities and KFOR has been informed about its preparations”, the press release said.

KFOR spokesman Colonel Salvatore Mascoli said that the invitation to General Ulutas “reflects the effective relationship developed between KFOR and the Serbian Armed Forces throughout the years – including through regular contacts between the KFOR leadership and the Chief of Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilovic, as well as through KFOR’s observations of past exercises of the Serbian Armed Forces”.

State Department calls upon Serbia to restrain from unilateral and uncoordinated acts  (N1, RFE, Radio KIM, Kosovo Online)

The US State Department called upon Serbia to restrain from unilateral and uncoordinated acts and fully respect agreements reached within Belgrade-Pristina dialogue held under the EU’s mediation, N1 reported. In a response to RFE, the State Department also called upon the Serbian authorities to act transparently and with full respect of the rule of law when it comes to arrests of persons from Kosovo.

“Arbitrary or unduly long detention, particularly if these aim at Kosovo police officials will be seen as escalation of the situation, detrimental to the peace and stability”, unnamed State Department official told RFE. He also said the case of arrests must be quickly considered, expressing hope that a Kosovo police official, who is still detained in central Serbia, will be released.  

Kosovo Online reported that the State Department called upon all sides to avoid actions that could endanger regional security and stability. “The US is aware of the situation, and we monitor it carefully. All sides must avoid actions that could endanger regional stability and security. In relation to each detainee, we call upon Serbian authorities to act transparently and with full respect of the rule of law, and continue with each case as soon as possible”. The State Department also expressed hope that a Kosovo police officer still detained by Serbian authorities will be released immediately. 

Barbano: EULEX concerned over detention of Jankovic (Kosovo Online, social media)

Head of EULEX Giovanni Barbano said this mission is concerned over ongoing detention of Kosovo police deputy director Dejan Jankovic by Serbian police, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“#EULEX Kosovo is concerned about the ongoing detention of the Deputy General Director of Kosovo Police, Mr. Dejan JANKOVIC in Serbia. We call on all those who are involved to adhere to the rule of law principles throughout the process”, Barbano wrote in a post on X media platform. 

Serbian List on vehicle arson case in the north: No reactions from responsible bodies and international organizations (Radio KIM)

Serbian List said in a statement that latest vehicle set on fire in Leposavic municipality, belonged to Ivan Petrovic, driver of the Leposavic Provisional Municipal Authority President Zoran Todic, recalling that this is the third vehicle set on fire within a short period of time and that those responsible were not found and prosecuted, Radio KIM reported.

"The pyromaniac attacks against the reputable Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija directed by (Albin) Kurti's henchmen and minions continue in the territory of the Leposavic municipality, which they want to turn into a hotbed of crime with their misdeeds”, reads the statement.

The last such event took place on Wednesday night "when according to the same scenario as the cars of the head of the municipal administration (in the Serbian system) Radmila Vukicevic and the owner of the Kosovo online portal Dusan Milanovic were set on fire, the car owned by Ivan Petrovic, the driver of Provisional Municipal Authority President (in the Serban system) Zoran Todic, was also set on fire”.

Serbian List added when it comes to the attacks against Serbs who are not part of the Pristina’s regime there are no reactions from Pristina authorities, Kosovo police nor concerns expressed by international representatives and ambassadors. 

Moscow: Voting for membership of Pristina in CoE a shame (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo is not ready for membership in the Council of Europe (CoE) and voting to recommend its membership is a shame for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, Kosovo Online portal reported.

"Voting in support of Kosovo is a shame for PACE, which has confirmed its commitment to devaluing international legal norms and destroying the foundations of interstate relations in Europe", the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, in a comment published on the Ministry's website.

It is noted that Pristina is completely unprepared for membership in the Council of Europe and that it "does not have the right to do so, because, according to the charter, only independent states are admitted to the organization, which Kosovo is not".

Vucic, PM of Commonwealth of Dominica discuss development of bilateral ties (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the PM of the Commonwealth of Dominica Roosevelt Skerrit in Belgrade on Thursday to discuss development of bilateral relations in all areas of mutual interest, economic cooperation and geopolitical and regional affairs, Tanjug news agency reported.

"I thanked them for respecting the territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia as well as the principles of international law, in the hope that they will be with us on all matters of state and national interest for Serbia", Vucic wrote in a post on his official Instagram account.

CEC ensured alternative locations for mayoral recall vote (Kosovo Online)

The Central Election Commission (CEC) said it ensured alternative locations for  the mayoral recall vote in northern Kosovo after directors of the schools in the north declined to make the premises to be used as polling centers, Kosovo Online portal reported citing Pristina-based Koha.

The Central Election Commission ensured additional 10 polling stations for the mayoral recall vote, bringing thus far the total number of stations to 20. Out of 43 polling stations planned by CEC, 33 were not available.

Serbs in Kosovo announced they will boycott the mayoral recall vote in Zvecan, Mitrovica North, Zubin Potok and Leposavic, listing a number of reasons including the inflated voters’ lists, surveillance cameras planned to be used at the polling stations and others. 

International Media 

Serbian military drill ramps up as relations with Kosovo deteriorate (euronews)

As many as 2,000 Serbian soldiers are preparing for the final days of a major drill near the country's border with Kosovo.

The drill, codenamed Vihor, comes after Serbian defence minister Miloš Vučević said Belgrade was ''not a punching bag" and that "no one will humiliate us''.

Tensions in the Balkans have been high for some times, with the war in Ukraine exacerbating distrust and triggering a regional arms race. A new flashpoint came earlier this week when the Council of Europe recommended that Kosovo become a member. A full 131 members voted for Kosovo’s accession, with just 29 voting against and 11 abstaining.

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