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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 25, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • O'Brien meets with Kurti, seeks progress for the Association (Koha)
  • Germany and France demand sending of draft of Association to the Constitutional Court before the vote in the Council of Europe (Koha)
  • Osmani hosts delegation of EU Working Group for Western Balkans (media)
  • COMKFOR conveys three messages from Brussels for Kosovo (media)
  • Kurti calls on the diaspora to register (Koha)
  • Sveqla: Serbia continues to have territorial aspirations towards Kosovo (ekonomia)
  • Krasniqi: EU punitive measures to be removed as soon as possible (RTK)
  • Trajkovic: Boycott of Serbs in the north harms Kosovo Serbs themselves (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Ulutas: NATO supports the Belgrade and Pristina dialogue (Tanjug) 
  • Vucic met Guterres at the UN headquarters (RTS)
  • Vucic apologizes to Slovenians but not to their politicians; Dacic: Charge d’affaires rejected Slovenia’s allegations (N1, Beta, Tanjug)
  • SNV, SNF and Fatherland asked Brnabic to call local elections in Kosovo as well (KoSSev)
  • UNS: Untrue information about the March Pogrom for more than a month on the RTK2 website (KiM radio)

 Albanian Language Media

O'Brien meets with Kurti, seeks progress for the Association (Koha) 

The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, James O'Brien, has said that in order to move forward, Kosovo must implement its commitments and must also make progress on the Association of Serb-majority municipalities.  "The USA supports Kosovo's path towards Euro-Atlantic integration. To move forward, we need implementation of the commitments brokered by the European Union, including urgent progress on the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities. Today I discussed the necessary positive steps with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti", O'Brien wrote on the X social network. 

The U.S. ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, also spoke about the Kurti-O'Brien meeting, saying that Kosovo and Serbia must fulfill all obligations that are part of the dialogue mediated by the European Union.

Germany and France demand sending of draft of Association to the Constitutional Court before the vote in the Council of Europe (Koha)

France and Germany are demanding that Kosovo take steps towards the formation of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority before the vote for membership in the Council of Europe is held. While the vote has not yet been officially included in the agenda for the meeting of the Committee of Ministers in mid-May, high German and French representatives requested that Kosovo send the Association's draft statute to the Constitutional Court for interpretation.

Although the Kosovo authorities have pledged that they will work on the implementation of the Association agreement after joining the Council of Europe, a step in this direction is being asked to be made before the vote in mid-May. The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has linked Kosovo's support for membership in the Council of Europe with the Association.

"The President of the Republic welcomed the implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court for the Monastery of Decan. However, he underlined the importance that France attaches, even in the context of Kosovo's application for membership in the Council of Europe, to the rapid and irreversible progress in the implementation by the Kosovo authorities of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority", said the Presidency of France. 

But the Prime Minister of Kosovo expressed his belief that France will support membership in the Council of Europe without preconditions. 

Tangible steps towards the implementation of the Association have also been requested by Germany.Ambassador Jorn Rohde, in an interview for the Interaktiv show, said that the persuasion of governments for support in the next vote in the Council of Europe is in the hands of the government of Kosovo. 

“You have to do it. And what we need is a tangible step. Not the implementation. I said it in another interview recently. Full implementation is part of the Ohrid Agreement. But if you want to enter somewhere, you have to make a tangible step", said Rohde. 

KOHA: What is that tangible step Mr. Ambassador...

Rohde: Send this association statute to the Constitutional Court for review.

KOHA: This is the request you have before it is voted on in the Council of Europe?

Rohde: Yes. This could be a tangible step. And this could be the first step to show a clear commitment from Kosovo that it is on track to implement that agreement".

The implementation of the Association Agreement was requested on Wednesday by the German emissary for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin. He said that both Kosovo and Serbia must implement the Ohrid Agreement, which includes the establishment of the Association.

Osmani hosts delegation of EU Working Group for Western Balkans (media) 

The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, hosted a delegation of the EU Working Group for the Western Balkans. She discussed the latest developments in Kosovo and the dialogue process with Serbia. "Kosovo is fully aligned with the EU's foreign and security policy. Consequently, it should move forward with the status of a candidate country", she emphasized.  

Furthermore, President Osmani said that Kosovo has incorporated the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and other international instruments for human rights in its Constitution, ensuring the rights of communities, the rule of law and democratic governance, as evidenced by reliable international organizations.  

She also spoke about the commitment and dedication to advancing the agenda for women, peace and security, as well as holding the second edition of the WPS Forum, which has transformed Kosovo into a regional leader in fulfilling this agenda. 

Speaking about the membership process in the Council of Europe, President Osmani emphasized the importance of membership in this organization in order to increase the effectiveness of the protection of the rights of all citizens without distinction, giving them access to human rights mechanisms. She emphasized that Kosovo needs further support from the states even in the last phase, in the vote that can be held in May, in the Committee of Ministers.

COMKFOR conveys three messages from Brussels for Kosovo (media)

The Commander of KFOR, Ozkan Ulutas, conveyed three messages after the visit to the NATO headquarters in Brussels, where he met military officials, Secretary Jens Stoltenberg, and the ambassadors of the countries contributing to the KFOR mission.

First, he said, NATO allies and partners fully support KFOR's efforts to ensure a peaceful and safe environment for all communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement at any time and in an unbiased manner. 

Emphasizing that KFOR is NATO's longest-running and now largest mission, Ulutas added that the second message is that KFOR will ensure that its mission remains well-equipped and well-positioned to continue implementing its UN mandate as a third security responder, in close coordination with the Kosovo Police and the EU Rule of Law mission. 

Meanwhile, in the third message, the KFOR commander mentioned the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue as the political solution for a safe future.

"Thirdly, there can only be a political solution to the current situation. A solution that recognizes and respects the rights of all communities living in Kosovo. In this respect, NATO continues to fully support the EU-mediated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. A sustainable political solution depends on a commitment by all parties to refrain from destabilizing rhetoric and actions, and instead engage constructively in EU-facilitated dialogue in good faith. This is key for the sustainable security of all people living in Kosovo", he said.

Kurti calls on the diaspora to register (Koha) 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has called on the diaspora to participate in the population census. In a video address, Kurti said that Kosovo for the first time has started the online registration of the diaspora. According to him, registration is a short and straightforward process that should take about 10 minutes in total.

"The benefits from this census are profound and its results dictate the next 10 years. Diaspora is the central pillar of our state and society. It should also be the central pillar of state governance. Therefore, dear compatriots, register at until May 17", he said.

Sveqla: Serbia continues to have territorial aspirations towards Kosovo (ekonomia)

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, has received on Wednesday a delegation from the Czech Republic. "I had the pleasure of welcoming the delegation from the Czech Republic, led by Mr. TomašsCzernin, Vice President of the Senate of the Parliament and Mr. Pavel Fischer, Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense."

“We discussed the current security situation and the ongoing challenges caused by Serbia, which continues to have territorial aspirations towards our country. I thanked the Czech delegation for the public reaction in condemning the terrorist attack of September 24 and demanding clarification of all the circumstances of this attack." Sveqla wrote among others.

Krasniqi: EU punitive measures to be removed as soon as possible (RTK)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Memli Krasniqi has met with the representatives of the 27 EU member states, part of the working group of the EU Council, COWEB. In a post on Facebook, he said that at the meeting he expressed the PDK's position regarding the topics that belong to Kosovo's relationship with the EU. 

"Together we discussed the current political developments in the country, namely the dialogue, the elections in the northern part of Kosovo and the need to remove the punitive measures of the EU against our country as soon as possible. Also in this meeting, I reiterated that only early elections and the creation of a governing majority led by PDK can create the conditions for Kosovo's safe journey towards membership in the European Union and other international organizations", said Krasniqi.

Trajkovic: Boycott of Serbs in the north harms Kosovo Serbs themselves (RTK)

The non-participation of Serbs in the votes for the removal or not of the mayors in the northern municipalities can be reflected in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. The goal was for Kosovo to be seen as incapable of managing the situation in the north, say Kosovo experts on political issues. However, Rada Trajkovic, advisor to the Minister of Communities in the government of Kosovo, said that the boycott is not good for the Serbs who live there. 

"I think that the boycott of the Serbs for this process harms the Serbs themselves, while the people as a people are no longer understanding anything. The Serbs no longer have a vision or their leaders who can offer them a vision. They are only following orders to survive today for tomorrow. The Serbian List is using the position in which the Serbian people find themselves, who now, like never before, has linked its entire existence to politics in Belgrade, leaving all the institutions in the north of Kosovo, and their entire existence,financial situation now depends directly on Belgrade", Trajkovic said.

She blamed the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic, and the political leadership in Belgrade for the situation created in the north of Kosovo.

Serbian Language Media 

Ulutas: NATO supports the Belgrade and Pristina dialogue (Tanjug) 

KFOR Commander Major General Ozkan Ulutas said yesterday that his visit to Brussels, where he met with high civilian and military officials of NATO, including Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, was very productive and that he informed the interlocutors about the security situation in Kosovo and in the region, as well as with KFOR's priorities in the future, reported Tanjug. 

He pointed out that NATO continues to fully support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and called on the parties to refrain from, as he stated, destabilizing rhetoric and actions.

"NATO allies and partners fully support our daily efforts to ensure a peaceful and safe environment for all communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement at all times and in an impartial manner. According to our mandate, based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 from 1999, KFOR remains a fundamental pillar of security throughout Kosovo and regional stability," Ulutas emphasized in a video address.

Vucic met Guterres at the UN headquarters (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres at the UN headquarters in New York, reprted RTS. 

Vucic discussed with Guterres the resolution "International Day of Remembrance and Commemoration of the Genocide in Srebrenica", especially in light of the important role that the UN plays as one of the pillars of international law.

"I repeated that Serbia is a serious country that uncompromisingly condemns every crime committed in war conflicts, precisely in accordance with the principles and regulations of the United Nations, which defined the difference between the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes," Vucic said on Instagram.

"They are preparing a similar performance for us as in the UN Security Council, they will bring the mothers of Srebrenica"

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic said in NY that so far he has spoken with officials from more than 81 countries, reported RTS. 

"It is the main topic at the UN. We heard that they are preparing a performance similar to the one for the UN Security Council, where they will call on the mothers of Srebrenica, the usual folklore, but I think that in the end, knowing and understanding the gravity of our position, people in Serbia will certainly be sincerely proud of our country, its struggle and to the love that we all showed for our homeland. And someone wants to punish us for something from 29 years ago, and that at a time when one needs to explain its inaction and inability to react on another issue'' Vucic said among other things, reported RTS.

Vucic said, according to RTS, that a lot was happening in NY, that in the previous two days he had total of 81 countries at the briefing. As for reception, he mentioned about 120 countries.

Vucic apologizes to Slovenians but not to their politicians; Dacic: Charge d’affaires rejected Slovenia’s allegations (N1, Beta, Tanjug)

“If I have offended anyone in Slovenia, I apologize, but I will not apologize to Slovenian politicians,” said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in New York.

“I said that the Slovenians were disgusting thinking of the Security Council session. That was the topic and it was clear to everyone that it referred to individuals and to their politics. Certainly, it’s not the language one should use, but I simply expressed my opinion on their policy,” Vucic told reporters.

He added that he thinks very highly of the Slovenian people and that he has many friends and relatives in Slovenia.

“If I have offended anyone, I want to apologize to the entire Slovenian public, and at the same time, I want to say that I will not apologize to Slovenian politicians because they pursue a disgusting policy towards Serbia and the Serbian people,” said Vucic.

The Serbian President added that his statement was taken out of context and labeled as something “terrible,” but that violating Serbia’s territorial integrity was not considered “terrible.”

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SNV, SNF and Fatherland asked Brnabic to call local elections in Kosovo as well (KoSSev)

Members of the National Assembly of Serbia adopted two days ago the Law on Amendments to the Law on Local Elections, which extends the deadlines for calling local elections.

Therefore, the presidents of the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija (SNV) - Momir Stojanovic, the Serbian National Forum (SNF) - Momcilo Trajkovic and the People's Movement "Fatherland" - Slavisa Ristic, demand that elections be called in local governments in Kosovo as well.

The letter with this request was sent yesterday to the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, a day after this Assembly adopted the amendment to the law.

They told her in a letter that this is ''her constitutional obligation, which confirms the territorial integrity and sovereignty and completeness of the Republic of Serbia''.

They told her that the support for a possible decision to call elections in local governments in Kosovo is based on what she, as well as Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, has recently repeated and stated several times:

"That Kosovo's temporary institutions do not implement their obligations from the Brussels Agreement", with which, they add, ''the leadership of Serbia unconstitutionally interrupted the organization of elections in Kosovo and thus gave up sovereignty in this part of their territory".

Appreciating her statements, and the statements and advocacy of the President of the Republic for the survival of Kosovo as part of the Republic of Serbia, SNV, SNF and the Fatherland expect their proposal to be accepted.

UNS: Untrue information about the March Pogrom for more than a month on the RTK2 website (KiM radio)

More than a month has passed, and the information published on March 17, on the 20th anniversary of the March pogrom in 2004, with an incorrect interpretation of this event, is still available on the websites of the Radio and Television of Kosovo (RTK) in Serbian and Albanian, announced Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS), reported KiM radio.

KiM radio recalled that on March 17 of this year, Public Service RTK repeated its false news published 20 years ago, that three Albanian boys drowned in the Ibar river "while fleeing from a group of Serbian youths." This very sentence was the trigger for the outbreak of violence in 2004, in which 19 people were killed and 39 churches and monasteries were destroyed, villages and urban areas were burned, more than 900 were beaten and mistreated, and about 4,000 Serbs were expelled.

A day after the UNS with its branch in Kosovo reacted to this year's news, RTK changed it emphasizing that "it was corrected after a previous unintentional technical journalistic error, for which they apologize". Although the wording that Albanian children drowned "while running away from a group of Serbian youths" was removed, the amended information omitted that the violence on March 17, 2004, was directed against Serbs.

In this news, the destruction of temples and property of the SOC is described as "an event accompanied by the burning of Orthodox religious buildings and houses in Kosovo." And while the news does not mention Serbs in any way, it is pointed out that "on the other hand, property and hundreds of private buildings of Albanians were destroyed."

And after the reaction of the UNS and its branch in Kosovo, in which the "corrections" are most strongly condemned, as well as the distancing from the controversial text, at least fifty employees of the Serbian-language TV channel RTK2 and in the Serbian newsroom of RTK1, who have demanded investigation of the professional responsibility in connection with that, this news has been on RTK's Serbian and Albanian websites for more than a month.

The branch of the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) in Kosovo submitted a complaint to the Press Council of Kosovo regarding this case and addressed the embassies and international organizations in Pristina. There are still no answers.

As UNS unofficially learns, the appeal will be considered in the Kosovo Press Council this week.

As stated in the announcement, UNS addressed RTK General Director Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj two weeks ago, pointing out that the "corrected" version of this information has been on RTK's website for "more than two weeks", which is just as unacceptable as its publication. The UNS reminded the general director of RTK of the consequences after the publication of that news. The UNS did not receive Ahmetxhekaj's answer.

UNS, shortly after this news was published on March 17, 2024, informed the International (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), as well as seven other international journalist and media organizations - Article 19, European Center for Freedom of the Press and Media (ECPMF), organizations Free Press Unlimited and OBC Transeuropa, Reporters Without Borders, International Press Institute (IPI) and the SafeJournalists network.