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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, August 25, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Stano demands from Kosovo coordination on all decisions (media)
  • Police deny reports that special units were sent to Mitrovica North (Nacionale)
  • Kosovo, U.S. sign agreement on classified information security measures (media)
  • Defense Minister: Solution for the north must be political (RTK)
  • Aliu: All steps taken to start construction of 10 houses in north (RTK)
  • Haxhiu accuses Special Prosecution: Who do they work for? (Kosovapress)
  • Ministry will allocate 80 euros for the purchase of textbooks (RTK)
  • Serb policemen without support of Belgrade, without protection of Pristina (RFE)
  • Krasniqi criticizes government for postponement of population census (media)


Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic: We are choosing the right moment for the UN SC session on Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
  • EU concerned over developments in Mitrovica (N1)
  • Petkovic met British officials: The crisis in the north of Kosovo directed in Pristina (Tanjug)
  • Montenegro’s Abazovic: Serbia, Kosovo should return to dialogue (FoNet, N1)
  • Vanovac met Devenport, discussed the problems of journalists in Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica sever, Kontakt plus radio)
  • Arsenijevic: Simic emptied the PIO fund office; The Vice President of SL denies with a video from the office (KoSSev)

International Media:

  • Kosovo Arrests North Macedonia 'Fivefold Murder' Fugitive (BIRN)
  • Kosovo inaugurates 'Wall of Honor' for 23 Albanians who rescued Jews from the Holocaust (AP)

Albanian Language Media


Stano demands from Kosovo coordination on all decisions (media)

The European Union said on Thursday that the decision of the Municipality of North Mitrovica, to request the release of a municipal building from persons working for the administration of Serbia, is contrary to efforts to reduce tensions in the relations between Kosovo and Serbia. On August 22, local authorities in North Mitrovica submitted a report to the deputy leader of the Serbian List, Igor Simic, stating that Serbian institutions must “vacate” their facility within three days.

EU spokesperson, Peter Stano, told the media on August 24 that “we are concerned about the impact on the security situation of the recent decisions of the North Mitrovica Municipality administration on the use of public municipal spaces and buildings”.

He reiterated the demands for close cooperation and coordination on all decisions that may have an impact on the fragile security situation in the north of Kosovo, and that this issue be addressed within the dialogue facilitated by the EU.

“The case with this decision was not like that. The issue of Serbian-led structures should be addressed in the dialogue facilitated by the EU and should be resolved in the context of the establishment of the Association/Community of Municipalities with a Serb majority,” he said.

Stano repeated the EU’s previous positions that the municipal elections in the north of Kosovo, even though they were held according to the legal framework of Kosovo, due to very low participation, did not provide a long-term solution.

“It is important to organize inclusive local elections as soon as possible in which Kosovo Serbs will participate without preconditions”, he underlined.

In the disputed building are located four institutions that are financed by the Government of Serbia: the Office for Kosovo in the Government of Serbia, the Center for Social Work from Vushtrri and the Administrative District of Mitrovica of Kosovo.

Police deny reports that special units were sent to Mitrovica North (Nacionale)

Kosovo Police denied reports in some media on Thursday according to which special police units were deployed to the north of Kosovo. “There is no truth in these reports. No special units have been sent there [Mitrovica North],” a police spokesperson told Nacionale.

Kosovo, U.S. sign an agreement on classified information security measures (media)

The government of Kosovo and that of the United States of America have signed an agreement on security measures to protect classified information. The agreement was signed by the Kosovo prime minister, Albin Kurti, and the U.S.ambassador, Jeffrey Hovenier. Kurti described this agreement as very important in the framework of fruitful cooperation in the field of security and protection of classified information.

"He thanked the American ambassador, Hovenier and the Department of Defense of the USA as the implementer of the Agreement, for the trust shown and for the further strengthening of our state ties through such agreements" - it is stated in the announcement of the government of Kosovo. It was further said that this agreement was evaluated as an important achievement in the relations between the USA and Kosovo by the American ambassador Hovenier. According to the government, he said that the agreement represents the strong commitment of the USA to continue cooperation in the field of security and that at the same time it advances Kosovo's ability to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity through the exchange of information with the USA.

"He also added that the United States remains unwavering in its commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo" - the announcement of the government states. 

"Information categorized as such will be stored as provided by national legislation and will not be disclosed except to those who possess a security certificate, regardless of the position or title that the person interested in the classified information enjoys. The agreement foresees the actions of both parties in relation to the lost information, the method of disposal of the classified information, and its sharing in relation to the authorized parties" - said the government.

The Minister of Defense, Ejup Macedonci, as well as other representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the Embassy of the United States of America in Kosovo were also present at the signing ceremony. 

Defense Minister: Solution for the north must be political (RTK)

Kosovo’s recently appointed Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, said in an interview with the national broadcaster RTK that the solution for the north of Kosovo must be political.

Asked about the 2013 paper between Kosovo and NATO - according to which the Kosovo Security Force should not be deployed in the Serb-majority north of Kosovo without the prior consent of the KFOR commander, which is still valid, Maqedonci said that it will be abolished after the creation of new conditions and a new political effort.

He said that the north is part of the Republic of Kosovo. Maqedonci said that the KSF will be ready to defend the country's territory when required.

The Minister of Defense, Ejup Macedonci, has also spoken about the bases that Serbia has near Kosovo, which, according to him, ‘make us vigilant.’

Aliu: All steps taken to start construction of 10 houses in north (RTK)

The Minister of Infrastructure, Liburn Aliu, has announced that all steps have been taken to start the construction of ten houses in the north of Kosovo. He said that the first meeting was held on Wednesday in the office of the mayor of the municipality of North Mitrovica, Erden Atiq, with the heads of families, the beneficiaries of the houses, and a visit was made to the locations designated for the construction of houses. The minister said that the construction and renovation of houses in the north of Kosovo was divided into 3 lots.

He explained that Lot 1 includes the construction of 10 houses. Lot 2, according to the minister, is for the construction of 11 houses and lot 3 for the renovation of 4 houses. Aliu said that the procedures for these two other lots, 2 and 3, are expected to be completed very soon, so that the project can be completed as a whole as soon as possible.

Haxhiu accuses Special Prosecution: Who are they working for? (Kosovapress)

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, has said that the Special Prosecutor's Office is doing the opposite of what it should by not filing indictments for those who worked illegally. Haxhiu, through a video published from Vushtrri, spoke about the building of the former Vicianum hotel, which was demolished in 2021. She said that the property of the Ministry of Justice was given as ownership to an ordinary person by the former Minister of Justice and the former director of prisons.

"We filed a criminal complaint with the Special Prosecutor's Office against the former Minister of Justice and the former Director of Prisons, and instead of filing an indictment, the Special Prosecutor's Office issued a decision to drop the criminal complaint on the grounds that there is no criminal offense since there is no damage caused, even in spite of the fact that the contract was partially fulfilled because the former building known as Vicianum'Hotel ' has already been demolished in an illegal manner", Haxhiu said. She has accused the prosecutor's office of not performing its duty, asking what and for whom it is working.

"Our actions to stop abuses and misuses are now the subject of investigation by the Prosecutor's Office instead of the other way around. We have made many other complaints to the prosecutor's office and the police, until now, unfortunately, we have not received any action from the institutions. The simple question arises as to what and for whom the Special Prosecutor's Office is working", said Haxhiu

Ministry will allocate 80 euros for purchase of textbooks (RTK)

The Minister of Education, Arberie Nagavci, has announced that from Friday, parents can apply for textbook subsidies. She has announced that 80 euros will be allocated for the purchase of books for students from the first to the fifth grade, as well as an additional 30 euros as support for other school materials for the students from the sixth to the ninth grade.

"80 euros will be allocated for students from grade 1 to grade 5 for the purchase of textbooks and learning materials. Also, for the first time for students from grade 6 to grade 9 who already have textbooks, 30 euros will be allocated as support for other school materials. The application platform together with the instructions will be published tomorrow. The prices of the texts will be published by the publishing houses where the list of texts selected by the professional assets is already ready there, we invite all parents to consult with teachers about which textbooks they should buy", she wrote on "Facebook".

Serb policemen without support of Belgrade, without protection of Pristina (RFE)

The Minister for Communities and Return in the Government of Kosovo, Nenad Rasic, believes that behind the recent resignations of Serb policemen in the north is "fear from the current Serbian regime" and adds that the official Prishtina should "encourage" all those who really want to integrate.

"The institutions of Kosovo must show good will, the good side of the institutions of Kosovo, to encourage our fellow citizens, in this case the new policemen of Kosovo, that this is a place where they can build a career and that the institutions will support them in their further development", Rasic told Radio Free Europe.

Nuredin Ibishi, security expert, said that at this moment, only the "declarative" protection of Serb policemen is not enough, but that Kosovo and the international community must take concrete steps.

"The European community must take measures against the leadership of Serbia, in such a way that it does not interfere in the internal affairs of Kosovo, especially when it comes to the Brussels agreements [for the normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations]", Ibishi said.

Midorag Marinkovic, from the non-governmental organization Center for Affirmative Social Actions, considers that the resignations of Serb policemen are "a reflection of the pressure of society not to surrender to Pristina".

Rasic said that Serbs from Kosovo have always been "connected" to official Belgrade, but the current Government of Serbia, he added, uses "methods of intimidation and pressure" to realize its goals.

"I can tell you that there are no colleagues of mine who do not go through a psychological war every time they cross the border [with Serbia], where they are held for several hours - without any explanation, just because they are my colleagues", Rasic said.

In this context, he added that he knows the "methodology" that is applied to young Serb policemen.

"I have contact with some of them, we communicate and they are still trembling with uncertainty about what will happen with those pressures. Unfortunately, their families are also victims. Those pressures do not stop, they are continuous and we will see how far they will take us", Rasic said. However, he emphasized that Serbs from Kosovo should understand that only through participation in institutions, they can influence "positive changes" for their community.

Ibishi also stressed that Kosovo institutions should take protective measures for Serb policemen. "It is the obligation, first of all, of the system in Kosovo, but also of the international presence to protect them personally and materially from individuals who exert pressure and call for lynching, because of their determination to serve all communities", Ibishi said.

Marinkovic said that the government of Kosovo is constantly trying to "overlook" the problems on the ground and added that the Serbs from the north are "fighting against it".

In this context, he emphasized that the resignations of Serb policemen are "a consequence of social pressure". "The only way for Prishtina to prevent this kind of reaction from the [Serbian] community is to listen to it and find a solution that is in the interest of that community," said Marinkovic.

The only way to prevent such things from happening again, he adds, is for Pristina and Belgrade to reach an agreement, based on which the Serbs would return to the institutions of Kosovo.

Krasniqi criticizes government for postponement of population census (media)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Memli Krasniqi has said that the government's failure to start the population census reconfirms the inability to act in all sectors of the state. Through a post on Facebook, Krasniqi has said that there is a risk that the population census will not be done at all this year. Krasniqi further listed some of the reasons that, according to him, caused the population census to be postponed again for a month.

"Despite the government's false justifications, there are several reasons, entirely political, why the population census is being postponed. First: The government has lost actual control in the northern part of the country, so it is not able to register citizens there. The second: the mass emigration of Kosovo's citizens, where, only within these two years of this government, about 150 thousand citizens have left the country. The third: the chaos that has captured the Statistics Agency of Kosovo, due to political and party interventions in it by the government", he wrote.

Krasniqi said that the citizens deserve an explanation from the government regarding this issue, which he has called a new scandal.

"The census is vital for the creation of genuine and long-term governing policies and actions, in the service of the state and citizens. Therefore, I call on the government to stop the destruction of the Kosovo Statistics Agency, through interventions and daily political pressure, and to work urgently so that the population census process begins as soon as possible. Without statistics, there is no planning. Without planning there is no progress! But, unfortunately, we have a government that works without a plan and without a program", he wrote further.

Serbian Language Media

Vucic: We are choosing the right moment for the UN SC session on Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that the moment needs to be chosen for Serbia to request the United Nations Security Council session on Kosovo, because it must be taken into account who is the chairperson of that body at a certain moment.

"We will choose the moment. I can't say everything. You have to look at who is the chairperson of the Security Council and some other things, and then draw conclusions," Vucic said in Leskovac, answering a journalist's question when Serbia will request a UN Security Council session on Kosovo. 

During August, the UN Security Council will be chaired by America, and during September it will be Albania, recalled the portal.

EU concerned over developments in Mitrovica (N1)

European Commission spokesperson Peter Stano expressed concern on Thursday about developments in Mitrovica North and possible security implications.

“We are concerned about the implications for the security situation of the recent decisions taken by the administration of Mitrovica North municipality on the use of public and municipal spaces and buildings, which, inter alia, ask Serbia-run subjects to vacate their premises, should they not provide requested documentation within a short deadline,” a written statement to the media said.

It added that the decision runs counter to ongoing efforts to de-escalate tensions between Kosovo and Serbia. “We reiterate our repeated call for close coordination and cooperation on all decisions which impact the fragile security situation in the north of Kosovo and address the issue within the framework of the EU-facilitated Dialogue. This has again not been the case with these decisions. The issue of Serbian-run structures must be addressed in the EU-facilitated Dialogue and needs to be resolved in the context of the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities,” the statement said.

“Although the April 2023 mayoral by-elections held in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo took place in line with the legal framework of Kosovo, we have been very clear that because of the very low turnout they did not offer a long-term political solution. Therefore, it is critical that inclusive local elections wherein Kosovo Serbs participate without preconditions are organised as soon as possible,” Stano is quoted as saying.

“The EU underscores the statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU of 3 June 2023 which urged both Kosovo and Serbia to take measures to de-escalate and to refrain from any further uncoordinated actions. Kosovo recommitted to these principles in Bratislava in July 2023,” the statement said.

Petkovic met British officials: The crisis in the north of Kosovo directed in Pristina (Tanjug)

The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, met the General Director for Europe at the Office for Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth and Development of Great Britain, Peter Wilson. The meeting was also attended by the Ambassador of Great Britain to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Edward Ferguson

Petkovic pointed to the constant institutional, political and physical violence against the Serbs in the province carried out by Kurti's regime, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced.

"The crisis in the province, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, is directed in Pristina, and culminated in the appointment of illegal and illegitimate mayors and members of the special police in Serbian municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which became a threat to peace and stability in the entire region," Petkovic pointed out.

Montenegro’s Abazovic: Serbia, Kosovo should return to dialogue (FoNet, N1)

The Montenegrin Government supports the dialogue and all efforts aimed at normalizing relations between Belgrade and Pristina and achieving a political solution that will ensure security in Kosovo and stability in the Western Balkans countries, said Montenegro’s caretaker Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic at a meeting with KFOR representatives led by Commander Angelo Ristuccia.

We call on both Pristina and Belgrade to return to dialogue and continue the implementation of the agreement on normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo recently reached in Brussels and Ohrid, said Abazovic.

The Montenegrin Government strongly supports KFOR in its efforts to ensure security in the north of Kosovo, said Abazovic, stressing that Podgorica is happy that its soldiers are there making a contribution.

Ristuccia thanked the Government of Montenegro for its continued support, adding he hopes the other countries in the region will also support KFOR so a solution to the situation in Kosovo could be found as soon as possible.

The Montenegrin Government said in a press release that the meeting was also attended by State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Krsto Perovic and Abazovic’s Legal Adviser Ivo Soc.

Vanovac met Devenport, discussed the problems of journalists in Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica sever, Kontakt plus radio)

The President of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) Ivana Vanovac met yesterday in North the head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Michael Davenport, and informed him about the conditions in which branch of the Association of Journalist (UNS) n Kosovo works, the plans for the next period, as well as the problems with media workers face.

At the meeting, the readiness of the OSCE Mission to support the Competition for Journalism Awards for 2023, which UNS in Kosovo, in cooperation with this mission, awarded for the first time this year for works published in 2022, was confirmed.

The meeting discussed the safety of journalists and training that would raise their safety to a higher level, especially during reporting in crisis situations.

One of the topics was the problem of the lack of translation from Albanian to Serbian, both at events that are important for the Serbian people in Kosovo, and in the electronic communication of Kosovo institutions with newsrooms that report in the Serbian language.

Vanovac stressed that media freedom and citizens' right to free information have been violated multiple times. First, as she said, with the fact that for more than two months the press in the Serbian language does not reach readers in Kosovo due to the ban on the entry of Serbian products, and then with the decision of Pristina to dispute the work permit of the company MTS D.O.O. which is the only provider of fixed and mobile telephony services, internet and television packages in the north of Kosovo.

Arsenijevic: Simic emptied the PIO fund office; The Vice President of SL denies with a video from the office (KoSSev)

The director of the PIO fund, Igor Simic, "turned his tail" and "emptied" the building in which this institution is located, and after the request of the Municipality of North Mitrovica, the leader of CI ''Serbian survival'', Aleksandar Arsenijevic, spoke. Simic, however, denied these allegations with a video clip. He recorded himself in the office, but also other employees in this institution, reported KoSSev.

"Today, the great insurgent Igor Karadjordje Simic, as the director of the PIO fund, emptied the building that is in dispute with the municipality of North Mitrovica," said Arsenijevic in a post on Facebook.

He says that Simic decided to "turn his tail".

The allegations of the leader of CI "Serbian survival", meanwhile, were denied by Igor Simic, who, according to available official data, is the Director of the Directorate of the Fund for Pension and Disability Insurance.

He recorded himself, as well as other employees of the PIO Fund, stating that they are still working, and that Arsenijevic is spreading lies.

"I'm recording from my office," said Simic, and then, with the camera on, he went on a tour of other offices in the PIO fund, i.e. employees.

Immediately after the reply of the vice-president of the Serbian List, another announcement of Arsenijevic followed, also in video format.

The leader of CI "Serbian survival" claims that it was the workers of the PIO fund who informed him that they were allegedly told to pick up their belongings from their workplaces today.

"Which also means emptying the positions," said Arsenijevic.

At the same time, he said that some employees of the PIO fund provided him with material evidence about this alleged decision.

"They even provided me with material evidence, which I can't publish, due to retaliation and someone getting fired," claims Arsenijevic.

International Media

Kosovo Arrests North Macedonia 'Fivefold Murder' Fugitive (BIRN)

Alil Demiri, 38, an ethnic Albanian citizen of North Macedonia, has been arrested in Kosovo thanks to cooperation between the police forces of Kosovo and North Macedonia, North Macedonia's Interior Ministry said on Thursday.

The arrest was based on an international arrest warrant issued by North Macedonia, where Demiri is wanted "for the criminal act of terrorism", the Interior Ministry in Skopje said.

Kosovo Police confirmed that a North Macedonian citizen was arrested on August 23 at around 22:30 in Pristina and, on the prosecutor's decision, was put in custody awaiting his appearance before a court.

It is not yet known whether his extradition to North Macedonia could take place soon.

Read more at:

Kosovo inaugurates 'Wall of Honor' for 23 Albanians who rescued Jews from the Holocaust (AP)

A statue bearing the names of 23 Kosovo Albanians who rescued Jews from the Holocaust during World War II was inaugurated Wednesday in the capital, Pristina.

The "Wall of Honor" statue was placed in a park in Pristina in the presence of some of the rescuers' descendants, political leaders, and the US and German ambassadors.

Some 500 Jews lived in Kosovo, then part of former Yugoslavia, at the beginning of the war. Many were arrested, deported to nearby prisons or Nazi-managed camps and almost half of them died.

Local Albanians helped scores of Jews to escape, usually taking them to neighboring Albania.

Leke Rezniqi's great-grandfather Arslan rescued Jewish physician Chaim Abrabanel, who was working in Skopje, now in North Macedonia. Arslan Rezniqi sheltered him and worked with another Albanian, Arif Alickaj, to prepare false documents and take Abrabanel safely to Albania.

Read more at: