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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, December 01, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti meets QUINT representatives: Interstate agreement needed to hold elections (media)
  • Osmani hosts Hovenier, discuss security in Kosovo (media)
  • Bislimi responds to Stano: No Serbian elections in Kosovo without official request from Serbia (media)
  • Hovenier: Meetings of Chief Negotiators in Brussels have narrowed differences (T7)
  • Osmani meets ambassador of Turkiye (Klan)
  • Lavrov: OSCE was destroyed when NATO bombed Serbia and took over Kosovo (media)
  • Albania: Russia, the biggest threat to security (media)
  • Kosovo president's chief of staff, Blerim Vela, resigns (media)
  • Government postpones deadline for vehicle registration (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Dacic tells OSCE Ministerial Council: Serbs in Kosovo under threat, discriminated (Tanjug, media)
  • Dacic on territorial integrity principle, says Kosovo will never become OSCE member (Kosovo Online, media)
  • Mijacic after intrusion into Church in Rakinica: No legal and moral boundaries when it comes to attacks on SOC property (KoSSev, social media)
  • Raska-Prizren Eparchy priest visited Church in Rakinica, found locked door and new padlock (KoSSev, Kosovo Online, Radio KIM)
  • The UK’s Special Envoy visits Gracanica Monastery (media, Raska-Prizren Eparchy)
  • Mitrovica North MA: New coat of arms and symbols to be designed (KoSSev, media)
  • UK Special Envoy meets KFOR Commander in Pristina (N1, social media)
  • Southeast European FMs sign statement on fight against corruption (Tanjug, media)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti meets QUINT representatives: Interstate agreement is needed to hold elections (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi have met with the diplomatic representatives of QUINT countries and the European Union.

They discussed, among other things, Serbia's request to the OSCE to hold elections in the territory of Kosovo.

Kurti has said that he has already informed the OSCE on this matter, that an inter-state agreement is necessary for the organization of voting outside the Liaison Office of Serbia in Pristina and that the request for such an agreement must come from Serbia as an interested party.

"He expressed his regret for Serbia's lack of readiness for such an agreement that would enable citizens of the Republic of Kosovo who also have Serbian citizenship to participate in the elections according to the best European interstate practices for voting from abroad", it is stated in the announcement of the Prime Minister.​

Osmani hosts Hovenier, discuss security in Kosovo (media) 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani hosted on Thursday U.S. ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, with whom she discussed security in Kosovo.

The presidency has announced that in this meeting, which was considered regular, the dialogue process between Kosovo and Serbia as well as Kosovo's membership in international institutions were discussed. 

"In this spirit, President Osmani underlined the importance of continuing close cooperation with the USA, in order to further strengthen the international position of the Republic of Kosovo", it is further stated in the announcement of the Presidency. 

Bislimi responds to Stano: No Serbian elections in Kosovo without official request from Serbia (media)

The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, has responded to the spokesperson of the EU, Peter Stano, who criticized the non-allowance of holding the elections of Serbia in the territory of Kosovo. Bislimi wrote on Thursday on the "X" platform that the attempt to organize elections of another state in Kosovo without a prior request is not in the spirit of dialogue.

"There are no elections planned this year in our state. If the authorities of other countries prefer to organize elections in Kosovo for their diaspora, then they should officially ask our authorities for a positive decision and support. Attempting to organize elections without a prior request or positive decision is not in the spirit of dialogue and does not contribute to the building of trust. As long as there is no direct official request, then there can be no decision. Mr. Stano, I believe, knows this," Bislimi wrote.

Hovenier: Meetings of Chief Negotiators in Brussels have narrowed the differences (T7)

The Ambassador of the United States of America, Jeffrey Hovenier, in an exclusive interview for T7, spoke about the urgent need for Kosovo and Serbia to implement the Agreement on the Road to Normalization. Hovenier has mentioned several times the request of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emanuel Makron and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni for Kosovo to start the Association and Serbia thede-facto recognition. Speaking about the recent meetings in Brussels of chief negotiators Besnik Bislimi and Petar Petkovic, Hovenier said that he is aware that the differences between the parties are narrowing. As for the fear that the Association may destabilize the state of Kosovo, Hovenier has specified the principles on which the U.S. supports the establishment and emphasized that even the official Washington is not interested in becoming part of a process that disrupts the functioning of the state of Kosovo. He said that it is urgent for the government to move forward with the process and do its work by approving the Draft and to proceed to the Constitutional Court. Speaking about the diplomats' prediction for the years 2024-2025 as a time when progress can be expected between Kosovo and Serbia, he said that it is a matter of the will of the parties but that he will not want to wait for the mentioned time frame. Regarding the aspect of security in the North and Stoltenberg's recent statement about the deployment of Serbian forces near the border, Hovenier has said that he sleeps comfortably knowing that NATO and American soldiers are in the North.

Osmani meets ambassador of Turkiye (Klan)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani received in a meeting on Thursday the Turkish ambassador to Kosovo, Sabri Tunc Angılı.

They discussed Kosovo-Turkey relations, the intensification of interstate cooperation, with special emphasis on security, as well as commercial relations between the two countries, reports Klan Kosova.

In this regard, Osmani reiterated Kosovo's commitment to deepening bilateral relations and cooperation with Turkey.

Lavrov: OSCE was destroyed when NATO bombed Yugoslavia and took over Kosovo (media)

The Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, has stated on Thursday in Skopje, during the OSCE Summit that the countries of NATO and the European Union destroyed the military-political dimension of the OSCE.

"NATO and EU countries destroyed the military-political dimension of the OSCE. In 1999, NATO carried out brutal aggression against Yugoslavia, a member of the OSCE and the UN. And in 2008, violating the resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council and the principle of the inviolability of the borders in Europe from the final act of Helsinki, Kosovo was taken from Serbia without any referendum", Lavrov said.

He mentioned that in a little more than a year the Helsinki Final Act will be 50 years old.

"In this regard, we regret to say that the OSCE welcomes this anniversary in a painful state and its prospects are unclear", said the Russian minister.

Albania: Russia, biggest threat to security (media) 

The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, Igli Hasani, has stated on Thursday at the OSCE Summit in Skopje, that Russia with its unprovoked attack on Ukraine has proven to be a threat to world security.

He said that official Moscow, violating the basic principles of the OSCE, is moving towards creating conflicts in the Western Balkans.

"The biggest threat to our security today, indeed, to our entire security architecture, including this very organization, is Russia and its illegal world of aggression against Ukraine. This tragic war has had dramatic consequences for the OSCE in all three dimensions by abusing our unique cooperation mechanism, consensus, and blocking it on all important decisions that Russia has sought to weaken and paralyze our organization... In the Western Balkans, in our region as a whole and in many of our individual countries, we know firsthand what a positive impact a strong OSCE can have. We also know that today there is a need once again for a strong OSCE, because despite the progress of the past decades, the old threats that have plagued the history of our region are rearing their heads again. And again after these efforts to incite trouble in the Western Balkans, we can see the same hand that is trying to weaken the OSCE", Hasani said.

He has expressed concerns about the recent developments in the north of Kosovo, where on September 24 in Banjska of Zvecan, Milan Radojcic's group attacked the Kosovo police, killing Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku, as part of efforts to promote destabilization in the Western Balkans, with purpose of drawing attention from the unprovoked Russian attack in Ukraine.

"The events in Kosovo are the latest escalation in this effort to divert attention from the war in Ukraine by fueling the conflict in the Western Balkans. We are doing our best to counter these threats together with our allies and partners. Albania continues to work hard and proactively for a stable and peaceful Western Balkans, to remain the guarantor of our region’s, European orientation of security, stability and democracy. But concerted and committed efforts by all our friends and partners are needed to neutralize these attempts to return us to a time of politics and identity conflict. Kosovo and Serbia must resolve all disputes through dialogue. Of course, there is no alternative to dialogue, but we all have to accept that the best way to make the Western Balkans, and therefore Europe, safer is to recognize Kosovo's independence and give it its rightful place at the table, and in any other international forum", Hasani said.

Kosovo president's chief of staff, Blerim Vela, resigns (media)

President Vjosa Osmani's chief of staff, Blerim Vela, has resigned from his position, the Presidency has confirmed. In a post on Facebook, the Presidency said that Vela has concluded his commitment to return to professional and family commitment.

"President Osmani thanked Vela for his commitment so far and wished him success in his future commitments," the statement said.

Vela has confirmed the departure through a post on X.

"Today is my last day as Chief of Staff of the President. It was an honor and a privilege to serve in the Presidency. Proud of the work done and the valuable experience. I am returning to my professional commitment and family. I thank my colleagues in the Presidency, Kosovo's institutions and international partners for the cooperation", he wrote.

Government postpones deadline for vehicle registration (media)

The government of Kosovo has decided to postpone the deadline for vehicle registration, namely the conversion of illegal license plates of Serb citizens in the north to RKS license plates.

"The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has held an electronic meeting, in which it has amended and supplemented Government Decision No. 01/170 dated October 30, 2023, thus extending the deadline for registration with financial benefits for owners of vehicles with the denominations "PR" , "KM", "PZ", "GL", "UR", "PE", "DA" or "ĐA" until December 15, 2023", says the announcement of the executive.

This change comes as a result of the great demand and high interest in registering vehicles with RKS license plates.

Serbian Language Media 

Dacic tells OSCE Ministerial Council: Serbs in Kosovo under threat, discriminated (Tanjug, media)

Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje on Thursday that Serbs living in Kosovo were facing increasingly serious forms of institutional and religious discrimination, security threats and economic uncertainty, Tanjug news agency reports.

"I will name just a few of the current problems our people in Kosovo and Metohija are facing. Their right to vote and participate in the upcoming Serbian parliamentary elections has been taken away from them by the interim self-government institutions in Pristina. Recently, the irresponsible act of moving a memorial plaque to Serbian soldiers has also taken place in Pristina", Dacic said in a speech.

He said the security situation in Kosovo was a reason for deep concern.

"I believe that only a strong international presence that respects documents of international law can guarantee security to all citizens in the province. Despite Pristina's dogged refusal to meet commitments undertaken a long time ago, Belgrade remains committed to the EU-facilitated dialogue process and expects all agreements made to date to be implemented without further delay", Dacic noted.

He also said Serbia remained committed to EU membership as its main foreign policy priority. Speaking about the OSCE, Dacic said there were problems with the organization’s functioning and that it was unable to reach a consensus on key issues and faced the danger of embarking on a new institutional crisis.

Dacic on territorial integrity principle, says Kosovo will never become OSCE member (Kosovo Online, media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said last night in Skopje, after taking part in a plenary session of the OSCE Ministerial Council that Kosovo will never become member of the OSCE because Serbia will never agree to it, adding that territorial integrity of Ukraine or any other country, cannot be more important than territorial integrity of Serbia, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Given that the Albanian foreign minister mentioned in a session that Kosovo should become a member of the OSCE, Dacic recalled that decisions in this organization are made based on consensus, and that Serbia will never agree with Kosovo becoming a member of the OSCE.  

Speaking of territorial integrity principle Dacic emphasized that “it was hypocritical for anyone to talk about the need to protect the principle of territorial integrity and then to openly propose breach of the territorial integrity of Serbia”.

Mijacic after intrusion into Church in Rakinica: No legal and moral boundaries when it comes to attacks on SOC property (KoSSev, social media)

“In ‘the most advanced democracy’ there are no legal and moral boundaries when Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) and its property in Kosovo are being attacked”, Coordinator of the National Convent of EU Chapter 35 Working Group Dragisa Mijacic said in a post on X, following intrusion into the Saint Archangel Michael Church in the village of Rakinica, near Podujevo, KoSSev portal reports. In a post on X Mijacic also said that democracy is measured by respecting the laws, and not by “big words”.

“Being a democracy is not measured by using big words in the media, but by respecting its own Constitution and the laws and by sensitivity to any act of discrimination”, he added.

The news that fake and self-proclaimed Albanian priest Nikolla Xhufka with a group of people intruded the Serbian Orthodox Church in Rakinica, adding that he has established “Albanian national church” and changed the name of this SOC shrine was met with condemnation from Raska-Prizren Eparchy and official Belgrade.

Reactions from Pristina were missing. 

Raska-Prizren Eparchy priest visited Church in Rakinica, found locked door and new padlock (KoSSev, Kosovo Online, Radio KIM)

Raska-Prizren Eparchy priest visited yesterday the Saint Archangel Michael Church in the village of Rakinica, near Podujevo following intrusion of the fake Albanian priest Nikolla Xhufka with a group of people, who said that he established “Albanian national church” and changed the name of this SOC shrine, Serbian media reported.

“Following reports of a break-in at the church of Saint Archangel Michael in Rakinica, near Podujevo, the responsible parish priest, Staniša Arsić, accompanied by the Kosovo Police, visited this sacred site”, Raska-Prizren Eparchy said in a statement.

“Father Arsić discovered that certain construction work had been carried out on the church without permission, following the burning and demolition of its southern wall several years ago. He attempted to enter the church, but found the doors securely locked with a large new padlock and chains embedded in the stone door frame and the old wooden doors, which have their own lock”, the statement added.

Read the full Raska-Prizren Eparchy statement at: 

The UK’s Special Envoy visits Gracanica Monastery (media, Raska-Prizren Eparchy)

Lord Stuart Peach, the UK’s Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, visited Gracanica Monastery yesterday, where he met with Bishop Ilarion, the Vicar Bishop of the Serbian Patriarch, Raska-Prizren Eparchy said in a statement.

“On behalf of Bishop Teodosije, who is presently in the United States, Bishop Ilarion updated Lord Peach on the challenges confronting the Serbian Orthodox Church, particularly in Kosovo and Metohija in recent years”, reads the statement.

“The Bishop specifically highlighted issues like the absence of rule of law and order, the disregard for religious rights and freedoms, the non-compliance with court decisions, and frequent instances of ethnic discrimination. Additionally, the Bishop pointed out the recent surge in attacks on our churches, including the latest break-in at our church near Podujevo. He underlined that the living conditions for the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija are now more challenging than they have been in the last 25 years”, the statement added. 

Mitrovica North MA: New coat of arms and symbols to be designed (KoSSev, media)

The 23rd Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly session was held yesterday. The session was interrupted earlier than planned as some municipal councilors have left the session. Out of eight agenda topics, only three were discussed, while one adopted was not even on the agenda and relates to the design of new coat of arms and symbols of Mitrovica North, KoSSev portal reports.

The decision on the design of a new coat of arms and symbols of Mitrovica North was adopted as per the proposal of new Mitrovica North mayor Erdan Atiq.  

“Today a decision as per the initiative of the mayor was voted, and a working group for design of coat of arms and symbols of Mitrovica North city will be established. This was the second topic on the agenda”, Mitrovica North MA Chair Nedzad Ugljanin told KoSSev.

He added the session was interrupted when the fourth agenda topic was about to be discussed after some municipal assembly councilors from different parties had left the session. He said he was not aware of their reasons but had to end the session due to lack of quorum.

Recalling that there is a specific “conflict” for a longer time between the Municipal Assembly and the mayor, Ugljanin announced that his next step is to talk to the mayor Atiq. “I will talk to the mayor to see how we shall implement further decisions of executive and legislative authorities because we do not want to be in the blocking process”, he said. If cooperation between mayor and municipal assembly is not established, he warned that “a total blockade” will happen.

UK Special Envoy meets KFOR Commander in Pristina (N1, social media)

KFOR said in a post on Thursday that UK’s Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Lord Stuart Peach met with KFOR Commander in Pristina, Major General Ozkan Ulutas, N1 reports.

“Special Envoy to the Western Balkans of the United Kingdom, His Excellency Lord Stuart Peach and Ambassador of the United Kingdom, His Excellency Nicholas Abbott paid a visit to the #KFOR Commander, Major General Özkan Ulutaş, at Camp Film City in Pristina”, KFOR said in a post on X, formerly Twitter. 

Southeast European FMs sign statement on fight against corruption (Tanjug, media)

The foreign ministers of Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania signed on Thursday in Skopje a joint statement on the fight against corruption.

In the statement, signed during the OSCE Ministerial Meeting, FMs Ivica Dacic, Filip Ivanovic, Bujar Osmani, Elmedin Konakovic and Igli Hasani highlighted promotion of digital tools for early detection of crime, prevention of corruption and boosting transparency, efficient use of tools for recovery of funds and boosting the capabilities for reducing the risks associated with digital assets such as cryptocurrencies in the context of money laundering.