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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, December 29, 2022

  • Joint Statement on the Escalating Tensions in the North of Kosovo (media)
  • Kurti calls on Serbs to apply for jobs in Kosovo public institutions (
  • Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani interview with Klan Kosova
  • Vucic: Removal of barricades will start on Thursday morning (RFE)
  • Serbs in northern Kosovo to start removing barricades from Thursday (Reuters)
  • KFOR reacts to tensions: Solution must come through dialogue (media)
  • EULEX: We have neither mandate nor capacity to remove barricades (Klan)
  • Prosecution: Pantic was sent to house arrest due to his health (media)
  • Haxhiu: Special Prosecutor, Court chose to side with criminal groups (Koha)
  • JCK and PCK react to Kurti about Pantic (media)
  • Graffiti against judge and prosecutor who freed ex-Serb police officer (media)
  • Krasniqi: Kurti to clarify if there was secret deal for Pantic release (media)
  • Haradinaj: Situation is serious, it requires coordination (media)
  • Petkovic: Vucic asked Serbs to withdraw from barricades (media)
  • Hill: Patriarch Porfirije must be allowed to visit Kosovo in future (
  • Xhacka: Serbia to stop, so-called ‘Kosovo and Metohija’ gone forever (media)
  • Tension soars as Kosovo shuts main border crossing with Serbia (AFP, Reuters)
  • Why ethnic tensions are flaring again in northern Kosovo (CNN)
  • Germany urges Kosovo Serb militants to remove barricades (Deutsche Welle)
  • Kosovo-Serbia Crisis Simmers as New Barricade Blocks Border (BIRN)
  • Kosovo closes border crossing as tensions with Serbia intensify (FT)
  • Kosovo to Host Five Persecuted Afghan Journalists (BIRN)

Joint Statement on the Escalating Tensions in the North of Kosovo (media)

The European Union and the United States of America issued the following statement on Wednesday about the situation in the north of Kosovo:

The European Union and the United States of America are concerned about the continued tense situation in the north of Kosovo.

We call on everyone to exercise maximum restraint, to take immediate action to unconditionally de-escalate the situation, and to refrain from provocations, threats, or intimidation.

We are working with President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti to find a political solution in order to defuse the tensions and agree on the way forward in the interest of stability, safety and well-being of all local communities.

We welcome the assurances of the leadership of Kosovo confirming that no lists of Kosovo Serb citizens to be arrested or prosecuted for peaceful protests/barricades exist. At the same time, rule of law must be respected, and any form of violence is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

The United States of America will support the European Union’s work through its Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX).  EULEX, in line with its mandate, will continue to closely monitor all investigations and subsequent proceedings to promote respect for human rights. This includes, in particular, fair trial guarantees, as well as protection and equal treatment for members of non-majority communities in Kosovo.

We also expect Kosovo and Serbia to return to fostering an environment conducive to reconciliation, regional stability, and cooperation for the benefit of their citizens.

All Dialogue obligations must be fully implemented without delay.

Kurti calls on Serbs to apply for jobs in Kosovo public institutions (

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has called on the Serbian community to apply for jobs in the country’s institutions.

During a press statement in Prishtina, Kurti said that after the resignation of a considerable number of Sers in northern Kosovo as a sign of protest, he wants Kosovo Serbs to work in these institutions again.

“We do not want to fill the void that exists within our common institutions after the collective and mostly forced resignation of several hundred Serbs with Albanians. Therefore, I invite all Serbs from Kosovo to apply for these jobs, especially the Serbs who have had no chance so far”, he emphasized, as he made an address in the Serbian language.

In November, hundreds of Serbs in northern Kosovo fled the Kosovo Police, justice institutions, and other local and central institutions.

The resignations were presented as a sign of dissatisfaction with a decision of the government of Kosovo that had to do with the re-registration of cars with Serbian license plates, to those with RKS or Republic of Kosovo plates.

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani interview with Klan Kosova

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in an interview with the TV station on Wednesday that the removal of barricades in the north of Kosovo is a matter of hours. She said that if the barricades are not removed, the Kosovo institutions will act because, according to her, the longer the barricades remain there, the more the citizens' lives are endangered.

"Precisely because of the coordination and cooperation with our allies, I am convinced that it is a matter of hours to remove the barricades and if they are not finally removed, of course there must be immediate but agreed action of our institutions together with international institutions of security," Osmani said.

She said that according to classified assessments of local and international security institutions the current barricades have been the most dangerous ones. And added that they will be able to declassify them after a week or so.

"But, because the lives of our policemen, KFOR soldiers, EULEX personnel, and above all civilians may be at risk, I cannot now give those details," Osmani said.

Vucic: Removal of barricades will start on Thursday morning (RFE)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic after meeting representatives of Kosovo Serbs on Wednesday evening that the removal of barricades in the north of Kosovo will start on Thursday morning. “The barricades will be removed in 24 or 48 hours,” he said.

Vucic also said that Serbia received guarantees that the demands of Serbs to remove the barricades will be met.

Serbs in northern Kosovo to start removing barricades from Thursday (Reuters)

Kosovo Serbs who have been blocking roads in northern Kosovo for 19 days have agreed to start removing barricades from Thursday morning, bowing to calls by the United States and European Union to defuse tensions.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who met Serbs from northern Kosovo in the Serbian town of Raska said the process of removing barricades will begin on Thursday morning. “It is a long process and it will take a while,” Vucic said. He also added that the United States and European Union, which are mediating talks between Belgrade and Pristina to resolve outstanding bilateral issues, have guaranteed that none of the Serbs who set up barricades will be prosecuted.

Removal of the barricades is expected to defuse tensions between Belgrade and Pristina. A former Kosovo Serb policeman, whose arrest triggered violent protests by Kosovo's Serb minority, was released from custody and put under house arrest after a request from the prosecutors' office, a spokesperson for the Pristina Basic Court told Reuters.

Dejan Pantic was arrested on Dec. 10 for assaulting a serving police officer. Since then, Serbs in northern Kosovo have exchanged fire with police and erected more than 10 roadblocks, demanding his release. The court decision angered Kosovo government officials, including Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Justice Minister Albulena Haxhiu.

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KFOR reacts to tensions: Solution must come through dialogue (media)

The NATO mission in Kosovo, KFOR, has reacted regarding the recent tensions in northern Kosovo.

Through a statement by Commander Angelo Michele Ristuccia, KFOR appealed to all parties to ease tensions and avoid rhetoric that escalates the already tense situation.

“It is important that all parties involved avoid any rhetoric or actions that could cause tensions and escalate the situation,” said the commander of the NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo (KFOR), Angelo Michele Ristuccia.

“Solutions must be sought through dialogue,” he added.

Tensions between Prishtina and Belgrade have worsened recently, where 19 days ago the local Serbs living in northern Kosovo erected barricades blocking the border-crossing as a sign of dissatisfaction with the arrest of the former Kosovo Serb policeman, Dejan Pantic.

EULEX: We have neither mandate nor capacity to remove barricades (Klan)

The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo - EULEX has said that they have neither the mandate nor the ability to physically remove the barricades in the north of Kosovo.

However, EULEX told that all the barricades are illegal and that they should be removed immediately, as they added that the security situation in the north of Kosovo is very disturbing and tense.

"All barricades are illegal and they prevent freedom of movement as well as the enjoyment of other basic human rights. We would like to reiterate the message of High Representative [Josep] Borrell that the barricades are not acceptable and must be removed immediately. However, as our Head of Mission mentioned in a recent interview, EULEX has neither the mandate nor the ability to physically remove the barricades," says EULEX's response.

Further, they said that in the north of Kosovo there is a disturbing presence of armed and masked individuals and groups, and according to them, this is unacceptable.

EULEX, as the second security responder in Kosovo, further said that it is now important that the situation be de-escalated immediately and that the parties refrain from provocative actions.

"This is first and foremost for the benefit of the local population, whose safety is at risk due to the current situation."

"EULEX remains vigilant and closely monitors all developments that may affect the security of Kosovo, as well as the security of all communities in Kosovo through a significantly increased number of patrols, including foot patrols in Northern Mitrovica and in Zvecan," says the EULEX response.

Prosecution: Pantic was sent to house arrest due to his health (media)

The Special Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo has confirmed that Dejan Pantic's security measure has been changed, from detention to house arrest. The prosecution said that this change was made due to the health condition of the former Serbian policeman, Dejan Pantic.

"The Special Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kosovo, based on the health aspect and at the same time the human aspect, has proposed to the Basic Court in Pristina, the replacement of the detention measure for the defendant Pantic, since he was unable to enjoy the rights that detainees meet in detention centers," the announcement said.

The prosecution said that after the visits of the medical teams of the EULEX mission, it was established that Pantic was not in a good state of health and it was recommended that he be sent to a hospital center, "however, this recommendation was not carried out either".

Haxhiu: Special Prosecutor, Court chose to side with criminal groups (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu stated that the change in the measure for the former Serbian policeman, Dejan Pantic, from detention to house arrest, is a serious action, which, according to her, shows the difficult situation within the justice system.

"I considered it a serious act due to the fact that instead of justice institutions such as the Special Prosecutor's Office and the Court, protecting the constitutional order, but also the citizens, have chosen to side with criminal groups. Amnesty the criminal and terrorist groups and encourage them. When the terrorist criminal groups in the north of our country, which are led by Vucic, see such decisions of the justice institutions, then these actions are an encouragement for them to continue with the serious actions that violate the constitutional order," Haxhiu told KTV.

"We have not had dreams that the justice system will be freed without reforming the law, but to take such decisions, of course, it is unacceptable for the government, as well as for all citizens, as today I have seen numerous reactions from the citizens, the media and other actors, towards the decision in the Republic of Kosovo. Similar to the withdrawal of the arrest warrant for the criminal Milan Radojcic," she said.

According to Haxhiu, justice reforms will enable prosecutors and judges to have high professional and moral integrity and not be influenced "by anyone's demands."

JCK and PCK react to Kurti about Pantic (media)

The Judicial Council of Kosovo and the Prosecution Council of Kosovo, in separate reactions, have expressed concern about "the request of Prime Minister Albin Kurti to be informed of the name of the judge", who has made a legal decision to change the measure of the former Serb policeman of the Kosovo Police Dejan Pantic, from detention to house arrest.

JCK says that "judges are and should be independent while exercising their constitutional and legal duties, while the tendencies for interference are unacceptable and as such we strongly condemn them."

Meanwhile, the PCK reaction reads that "such reactions of Prime Minister Kurti and his subordinates are a tendency to interfere in the affairs and independence of the prosecutorial system of the Republic of Kosovo."

Graffiti against judge and prosecutor who freed ex-Serb police officer (media)

On the walls of the National Theater in Prishtina, graffitis were seen with messages against judge Mentor Bajraktari and prosecutor Afrim Shefkiu, who made the decision in the case of former Serbian police officer Dejan Pantic.

Judge Bajraktari, after the proposal of the prosecutor Shefkiu, has decided that the detention measure should be replaced by house arrest for the ex-policeman who is suspected of attacking the offices of the MEC (Municipal Election Commission).

Regarding this issue, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, also spoke during the day, expressing his surprise at this decision.

Meanwhile, such a decision has been welcomed by the European Union.

After the house arrest decision, the chairman of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic, said that the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, has asked Serbs to withdraw their barricades in northern Kosovo.

Krasniqi: Kurti to clarify if there was secret deal for Pantic release (media)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Memli Krasniqi has requested from Prime Minister Albin Kurti to clarify if there was a secret political agreement to ease the security measure for the former policeman from the Serbian community, Dejan Pantic.

Krasniqi said that the transition from detention to house arrest for Pantic should be seen if it has effects on the situation on the ground in the north, or if it is only the implementation of the demands of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

"The release under house arrest of the arrested Pantic is a development that is difficult to comment on as it is a judicial action. But one thing we must be clear is that if it was a secret political agreement, this could not be done without the knowledge of the Prime Minister of Kosovo. If the prime minister has approved or influenced any such form, he should be transparent with the citizens and state the reason why they agreed. I don't know in what form this decision came, but if he is accused of terrorism there are questions that need to be asked about the manner of his release. Without wanting to evaluate it as fair or not, we must have a clarity on whether this release has effects on the security situation and what they are. Above all, was there political involvement in this work," Krasniqi told KosovaPress.

"The best way to remove the barricades would be for them to be removed by those who set them up, but if this does not happen then it is the responsibility and obligation of the government to undertake the constitutional and legal obligations to return legality there and enable freedom of movement,” Krasniqi said adding that it is not the first time that there have been barricades in the northbut at that time, it was necessary to act as a government and remove the barricades.

Haradinaj: Situation is serious, it requires coordination (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, called on security partners, especially Washington, to take control of the situation in the north and stop the further escalation, which poses a danger to peace in the region.

Haradinaj, through a reaction on his Facebook account, said that the scenario of the pro-Russian regime of Serbia for the destabilization of Kosovo is entering a critical phase.

"The closing of the border points one after the other, the attacks of criminal groups sponsored by Serbia, against citizens, journalists, Police, EULEX and KFOR members and anyone else who opposes this ominous scenario, have reached disturbing proportions," he writes.

According to Haradinaj, the situation can escalate and get completely out of control.

"Therefore, in such a situation, it is urgent that Kosovo mobilizes all its political, diplomatic, intellectual and security potential in the face of this great danger. I call on the Prime Minister to behave in accordance with the created situation," he writes further.

Serbia does not retreat with empty war-mongering rhetoric, nor with "social media bravado", says Haradinaj. He added that the situation is serious and requires prudence and coordination, not only with the internal factor but also with international partners.

"At the same time, I ask the security partners, especially Washington, to take control of the situation in the north and stop further escalation, which poses a danger to peace in the region!" Haradinaj wrote.

Petkovic: Vucic asked Serbs to withdraw from barricades (media)

The head of the Office for Kosovo in the Serbian government, Petar Petkovic, said that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, has asked the Serbs in the north of Kosovo to withdraw from the barricades.

He said that this request was made after the statement issued by the United States and the European Union regarding the situation in the north of Kosovo.

"After these official statements [of the international community], the president [of Serbia, Aleksandar] Vucic, held a conversation for more than two hours with the Serbs of the north, and presented to them the contents of these documents and statements. He showed them everything that we will benefit from and demanded that our people withdraw from the barricades," Petkovic said during a press conference on December 28.

Petkovic said that the representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo, who were in Belgrade, will return to Kosovo to talk with the Serbs who are at the barricades and after 19:00 they will meet with Vucic, in the territory of Serbia, where it will be understood what decision have the Serbs of the north taken, regarding the issue of withdrawing from the barricades.

"I am using the opportunity to give the good news that we have received the strongest guarantees ever from the US and the EU when it comes to the demands of the Serbs, their conditions to withdraw from the barricades," Petkovic said.

He described as good news the change in Dejan Pantic's security measure, from detention to house arrest.

"It is a great victory, above all for the Serbian people in Kosovo," he said.

"We have received a joint official statement from the USA and the EU in which the second request of the Serbs has been clearly fulfilled, where the most important part is to confirm that there are no lists for the arrest or prosecution of Serbian citizens from Kosovo for participation in peaceful protests or barricades," Petkovic said.

He added that Serbia will continue to fight for the return of Serbs to the institutions of Kosovo and above all, for the formation of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority.

Hill: Patriarch Porfirije must be allowed to visit Kosovo in future (

The US ambassador to Belgrade, Christopher Hill, reacted after the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Porfirije, was banned from entering Kosovo last week.

Hill stated that it is important that the Serbian community living in Kosovo can see the Patriarch and stressed that something like this should not happen again.

“I think it’s something fundamental to religious freedom there. I don’t think you will find anyone in the international community who opposes his right to enter Kosovo and meet the believers. This is our position and I hope that this will not happen again”, underlined the foreign diplomat.

Meanwhile, Kosovo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Diaspora has imposed a condition on patriarch Porfirije, so that the latter can be allowed his visit to Kosovo.

Through an official announcement, this institution stated that Porfirije has been asked to condemn or distance himself from “the actions of members of the Church who are providing support to criminal groups in the north of Kosovo” and who according to them are “responsible for the barricades” erected in this part of the country.

Xhacka: Serbia to stop, so-called ‘Kosovo and Metohija’ gone forever (media)

The Foreign Minister of Albania Olta Xhacka has called on the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to sit down and talk and also on the EU and the USA to insist on this. She said that anything other than dialogue will fail.

Xhacka reacted after the Serbian Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic, said that she is encouraging the Prime Minister of Kosovo "to continue with provocations."

“Sorry we disagree! Barricades are not a peaceful protest tool! If this would be the case then many basic notions of our civilization about peaceful coexistence among people, communities, parties, nations would have to be reviewed. With dramatic consequences. Not a good idea. At all.

Nor the Serbian army will enter “Kosovo”, neither the Kosova army will enter any armed conflict! It’s all about a display of internal politics and has nothing to do with the ordinary people’s interest. This is ridiculously dangerous and should stop for the sake of all our region.

Albanians and Serbs are the two biggest nations of this region and they are “punished” to sort out a viable path towards a common future.

We call upon both leaders to sit down and talk and we call upon EU/US to insist on it. Anything else other than dialogue is doomed to fail. Miserably,” Xhacka tweeted.

Tension soars as Kosovo shuts main border crossing with Serbia (AFP, Reuters)

Kosovo closed its biggest border crossing with Serbia, police said Wednesday, after Serbs set up more barricades on their side in one of the region's worst crises in years.

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but Belgrade has refused to recognise it and encouraged Kosovo's 120,000 ethnic Serbs to defy Pristina's authority -- especially in the north where ethnic Serbs make up the majority.

The latest trouble erupted on December 10, when ethnic Serbs put up barricades to protest the arrest of an ex-policeman suspected of being involved in attacks against ethnic Albanian police officers -- effectively sealing off traffic on two border crossings.

After the roadblocks were erected, Kosovar police and international peacekeepers were attacked in several shooting incidents, while the Serbian armed forces were put on heightened alert this week.

Late Tuesday, dozens of demonstrators on the Serbian side of the border used trucks and tractors to halt traffic leading to Merdare, the biggest crossing between the neighbours -- a move which forced Kosovo police to close the entry point on Wednesday.

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Why ethnic tensions are flaring again in northern Kosovo (CNN)

Protesting Serbs in the ethnically divided city of Mitrovica in northern Kosovo erected new barricades on Tuesday, hours after Serbia said it had put its army on the highest combat alert following weeks of escalating tensions between Belgrade and Pristina.

Serbia’s defense ministry said that given the latest events in the region and Belgrade’s belief that Kosovo was preparing to attack Serbs and forcefully remove the barricades, President Aleksandar Vucic had ordered Serbia’s army and police to be put on the highest alert.

Kosovo’s government called on NATO peacekeepers to remove the barricades, but said it had the capacity and readiness to act.

Kosovo and Serbia intend to join the European Union and have agreed, as part of that membership process, to resolve their outstanding issues and build good neighborly relations.

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Germany urges Kosovo Serb militants to remove barricades (Deutsche Welle)

Barricades erected by ethnic Serbs in the north of Kosovo are illegal and must be dismantled, Germany says. Berlin slammed "nationalist rhetoric" amid rising tensions in the Balkans.

The German government on Wednesday expressed alarm at the latest escalation of tensions between Belgrade and Pristina and said it was focusing on efforts to get Serb militants to dismantle barricades they have built near the Kosovo border.

Over the past three weeks, Serbs in northern Kosovo have set up more than 10 roadblocks in and around the city of Mitrovica partly in response to the arrest of a former Serb policeman accused of assaulting serving police officers.

The former Serb policeman, Dejan Pantic, has been released from jail and placed under house arrest, his lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic told AP news agency. Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti has criticized the court decision allowing Pantic to leave prison.

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Kosovo-Serbia Crisis Simmers as New Barricade Blocks Border (BIRN)

Political leaders maintained their heated rhetoric as the crisis entered its 19th day with Serbs erecting new barricades to block roads including an important border crossing point and Kosovo’s premier threatening to remove them.

Kosovo Serbs set up three new barricades to block roads as tensions between Belgrade and Pristina continued to run high, with one of the barricades causing the closure of the important Merdare border crossing point on Tuesday night.

Kosovo’s Foreign Ministry claimed that criminal groups blocked the crossing point in Merdare by setting up a barricade behind the Serbian checkpoint.

“The border crossing point in Merdare is closed for entry and exit due to the fact that barricades have been placed in the Republic of Serbia about two kilometres from the border in Merdare,” the ministry said in a statement.

“Until further notice, PKK [border crossing point] Merdare will be closed. Other border crossing points should be used!” it added.

Kosovo closes border crossing as tensions with Serbia intensify (FT)

Kosovo closed its main border crossing with Serbia on Wednesday as months of tensions between Belgrade and its former western Balkan province threatened to spill over into conflict.

Serbia put the military forces it has sent to the border with Kosovo on the highest state of combat alert and Belgrade threatened to step in to defend ethnic Serbs if international peacekeepers could not defuse the tensions, which stem from a dispute over the issuing of car licence plates by Pristina.

Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday accused Kosovo of preparing to attack ethnic Serbs in the north of the country and vowed to “protect our people [in Kosovo] and preserve Serbia”. Protests by ethnic Serbs against Pristina’s authority, including walkouts in government offices and the installation of roadblocks in cities and along the border, have continued for weeks.

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Kosovo to Host Five Persecuted Afghan Journalists (BIRN)

European Federation of Journalists welcomes decision of government of Kosovo, which it praised for 'showing an exceptional sense of solidarity with journalists in distress around the world'.

The Kosovo government will provide shelter to five Afghan journalists who are fleeing persecution by providing monthly stipends, health insurance, as well as a return ticket for when it is possible for them to return home.

“The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has approved the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, for the allocation of budget funds, to shelter in Kosovo for a period of two years five journalists who are fleeing persecution in Afghanistan,” the ministry announced on Facebook on Wednesday.

The senior legal advisor to the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, ECPMF, Flutura Kusari, welcomed the decision, saying that ongoing programs of Journalists-in-Residence taking place in Leipzig, Germany, and Kosovo have shown “that assisting media workers with relocation at a time of deep crisis is invaluable. We are grateful also to the German government for the substantial support and the opportunity to be able to extend this support offer to Afghan journalists, too.”

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