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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, December 5, 2022

  • Kurti: Agreement with Serbia will not be easy (media)
  • Four policemen suspended for case of murder of pregnant woman (RTK)
  • Kurti: Institutional mobilization against domestic violence (media)
  • Bicycle march in Pristina, to oppose violence against women and girls (KP)
  • Osmani and Szunyog, coordinate for EU - Western Balkans Summit (media)
  • Rama is confident that Vucic will attend summit in Tirana (Koha)
  • Lajcak to meet today with the Serbian president in Belgrade (media)
  • Serbia’s president won’t attend summit over spat with Kosovo (euronews)
  • Jevtic: Serbs in south could withdraw from institutions too (media)
  • Minister reacts to claims that budget focused on VV-led municipalities (media)
  • Krasniqi: PDK becomes a full member of ALDE (RTK)
  • Kosovo veteran leaders appeal for release from all charges (BIRN)
  • Kosovo football federation complains to FIFA about “racist insults and calls” (RFE)
  • Why India doesn’t recognise Kosovo’s statehood, despite new Kosovan trade office in Delhi (The Post)

Kurti: Agreement with Serbia will not be easy (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in an interview with N1 that the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia will not be easy, but dialogue should be given a chance and we should hope and work for the better.

In this interview, only a part of which was distributed by the Vetevendosje Movement, Kurti said there are big differences between him and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

"As Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, I am a political student of Adem Demaci, while the president of Serbia, Vucic, is a political student of Seselj. And this confrontation, this clash between the prime minister of Kosovo and the president of Serbia, is in an essential way, a clash between Adem Demaci, that vision and that heritage, and Vojislav Sesel on the other side," Kurti stated.

However, he stressed, dialogue should be given a chance.

Four policemen suspended for case of murder of pregnant woman (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Internal Affairs Xhelal Svecla announced that four police officers have been suspended due to violations in the case of the protection order issued to Hamide Magashi, the pregnant woman who was killed by her husband on November 30 in the courtyard of the University Clinical Center of Kosovo.

Svecla said that during the meeting invited by Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, he said that the Police Inspectorate is in the final phase of investigations against the police officers who have been engaged in the whole case of the now deceased Hamide Magashi, especially for the part of the implementation of the Protection Order from the Station Police in Lipjan.

"I have just been informed that the investigations so far have shown that there are well-founded suspicions for the criminal offenses of "Misuse of official position and authority" and "Forgery of an official document," Svecla wrote.

Svecla also said that the Police Inspectorate has recommended the suspension of 4 police officers from the Police Station in Lipjan, while the Regional Directorate of Prishtina has implemented this recommendation. "Also, the findings so far will be forwarded to the prosecutor's office for criminal treatment," he said.

Kurti: Institutional mobilization against domestic violence (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that all institutions must mobilize so that there is no repetition of cases as the one of the 35-year-old pregnant woman, who was killed by her ex-husband in Pristina.

"We must continue, on the one hand, the institutional campaign against domestic violence and the killing of women, which has now become a frequent news item, which is unacceptable to us and which must be condemned by all. At the same time, the state mechanisms and bodies must act for all these cases and situations, I would say, so that there will never be a repetition of such cruel and serious incidents for women, for our society and especially for those families. Therefore, the prosecutor, the judiciary, the police, the Ministry of Justice, all of them must be mobilized", emphasized Kurti.

Bicycle march in Pristina, to oppose violence against women and girls (KP)

The news agency reported on Sunday that “Bicycle Lovers”, a group from Pristina, organised an awareness march with bicycles as part of the 16 days of activism against violence against women and girls. There was an appeal not to use violence against women and girls. Berat Rakovica, head of the organisation “Bicycle Lovers”, talked about the purpose of the activity and said that there should be greater awareness-raising among men about the violence against women.

Osmani and Szunyog, coordinate for EU - Western Balkans Summit (media)

On the eve of the EU - Western Balkans Summit that will be held in Tirana, President Vjosa Osmani hosted on Saturday the European Union ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog.

"This meeting was held with the aim of better coordination on the eve of the EU - Western Balkans Summit that will be held in Tirana on December 6. The meeting appreciated the fact that, for the first time, this Summit will be held precisely in the Western Balkans, confirming the readiness of the EU countries for a greater commitment towards cooperation and partnership with the countries of the region," says the communiqué of issued by the Presidency.

In this meeting, the parties also discussed the declaration, which is expected to be approved by the participants in the Summit.

"On this occasion, Ambassador Szunyog delivered the physical copy of the invitation from the President of the European Council Charles Michel to President Osmani, who will represent Kosovo at the EU-Western Balkans Summit," the announcement states.

Rama is confident that Vucic will attend summit in Tirana (Koha)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said on Sunday he is confident that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will attend the EU Summit that will be held in Tirana, despite his statement that he will boycott the meeting after Nenad Rasic was appointed Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government.

During an online discussion with citizens, Rama said that Serbia has no other way but to respond positively to the invitation. “I don’t get emotional by any statement that politicians make in or outside our country, for their own politics. Serbia will be at the Summit and the President of Serbia has no other way but to come to the Summit, I want to say this with confidence, because otherwise it would be a catastrophe for Serbia and for him, I believe,” he said.

The daily reports on its front page this morning that Vucic will announce his decision on whether he will attend the summit, after his meeting today with the EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak.

Lajcak to meet today with the Serbian president in Belgrade (media)

EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, will visit Belgrade today, to meet with the Serbian President Aleksander Vucic. As reported by the Serbian media, this visit is made to make sure that both sides are respecting the last agreement reached in Brussels on the issue of vehicle license plates.

Media in Belgrade also say that this meeting is expected to take place at 11:00 a.m., while Vucic has expressed concern after the appointment of Nenad Rasic, as minister for returns and communities in the government of Kosovo.

Serbia’s president won’t attend EU-west Balkans summit over spat with Kosovo (euronews)

Serbia’s president Aleksandar Vucic has announced that he will not be attending a summit between six Western Balkan countries and the European Union next week.

Vucic was angry at Kosovo’s government after it appointed a moderate Kosovo-Serbian politician as its new minister responsible for the country’s minorities.

"The Serbs in the north of Kosovo are close to deciding not to let anyone go north,” he said. “People, you have to understand that everything is boiling, that our people can't take it anymore."

Last month, some of Kosovo’s Serb population quit their jobs in protest, including police officers, over a decision to oblige people to use Kosovan license plates on their cars.

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Jevtic: Serbs in south could withdraw from institutions too (media)

Several news websites cover an interview that Dalibor Jevtic, mayor of the municipality of Strpce, gave to Tanjug, highlighting his remarks that Serbs in the south of Kosovo too could withdraw from the institutions.

“We are not far from the decision that we too, south of the Ibar River, to withdraw from the institutions,” he said.

Jevtic argued that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti interprets the laws how he sees fit, and claimed that law pertaining to the rights of Serbs and other non-majority communities in Kosovo are not being respected.

Minister reacts to claims that budget focused on VV-led municipalities (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, responded to a report by the research institute GAP which claimed that “52 percent of the government budget will go to three municipalities governed by the Vetevendosje Movement”. Murati in his reaction said that “the majority of the budget for new capital projects has been distributed proportionally and equal in all municipalities”. “Chasing sensational headlines can result in conclusions that do not correspond with the reality, and which can very easily misinform the citizens by creating the impression about an unfair allocation of the budget for capital investments,” he said.

“Whoever wants to know more about the budget, can join us in meetings we our having with the citizens in different municipalities, and during which we present more details and plans about 2023,” Murati wrote in a Facebook post.

Krasniqi: PDK becomes a full member of ALDE (RTK)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Memli Krasniqi has announced that, as of Saturday, the party he leads has been accepted as a full member of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats of Europe (ALDE).

According to Krasniqi, this was achieved after dynamic work throughout the year, with many meetings and lobbying. The basic liberal principles of freedom, democracy, the rule of law, human rights, tolerance and solidarity, according to him, are the values ​​promoted by the political parties under the umbrella of ALDE, "which we have as a mission to also implement in Kosovo".

"Our admission to ALDE comes as the finalization of a very important process for me and PDK. This is a big step towards the internalization of European values ​​and reaffirmation of the recognition of the essential reforms that PDK has made during this year. An open and inclusive PDK, with a 50/50 vision for gender representation in all decision-making structures and levels, with empowered and active youth, as well as integrated in the network of European liberal parties, is fully in the function of strengthening and democratization of our country and society," Krasniqi wrote.

Kosovo veteran leaders appeal for release from all charges (BIRN)

KLA Veterans’ Organisation leaders Hysni Gucati and Nasim Haradinaj appealed to be released of all charges of misusing documents leaked from the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in the Hague.

The former leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, War Veterans’ Organization, asked the appeals judges panel at the Specialist Chambers of Kosovo in the Hague to be released of all charges by clarifying the case of the leaked documents two years ago.

“We have not committed any crime and have not violated the law, it was others who brought us the documents to the office. No one has done any investigation regarding those people. We are not to blame for these leaks. I ask this body to release us,” Hysni Gucati told the court on Friday.

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Kosovo football federation complains to FIFA about “racist insults and calls” (RFE)

The Football Federation of Kosovo (FFK) said on Sunday that it has submitted a complaint and evidence to FIFA due to what it called "serious insult of the coach of the Serbian national team" as well as the "racist actions of the Serbian fans" during World Cup match between Switzerland and Serbia on December 2.

According to FFK, the display of slogans with political and racist messages against Albanians were heard almost throughout the match, which Switzerland won with a score of 3:2.

"FFK demands from FIFA an investigation of this case and sanctions against the Football Federation of Serbia, so that fascist calls once and for all stay away from football stadiums and away from events like the World Cup,” the FFK said.

According to the FFK, such calls from fans of the teams participating in the World Cup, "cannot be understood and justified by anyone, especially now when Europe is threatened by the fragile security situation as a result of the aggression Russia's unprovoked attacks on Ukraine".

"Teams and fans with behavior and philosophy of hatred of man for man should not have a place in such an important sports event as the World Cup 'Qatar 2022'," said the FFK on December 4.

Why India doesn’t recognise Kosovo’s statehood, despite new Kosovan trade office in Delhi (The Post)

“IKCEO is a trade association, independent from the government, formed by business people in Kosovo and those in India. The basic idea is to find common ground and let some business roots open, especially for sectors like agriculture, energy and tourism,” Payal Kanodia, Director General of IKCEO, told ThePrint over the phone.

Kanodia added that the MEA, Ambassador to Bangladesh Guner Ureya — the nearest embassy of Kosovo to India being in Dhaka — and the Indian embassy in Serbia were informed about the setting up of IKCEO prior to its launch.

Shortly after the inauguration event, on 25 November, MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi reiterated that New Delhi is not looking to recognise Kosovo — a statement that was welcomed by the Serbian embassy in New Delhi.

Kosovo, which has a majority Albanian population and a minority of Serbs, broke away from Serbia in 1999 and unilaterally declared independence in 2008, after years of tensions between the two ethnic groups.

The history of Serbia and Kosovo goes as far back as 1912 when the latter was annexed by the Kingdom of Serbia after the First Balkan War. Kosovo was later absorbed into Yugoslavia but after the federation disintegrated in 1991, a strong separatist movement began among Kosovar Albanians.

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