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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 13, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani meets German ambassador, talk also about implementation of CBK regulation (Klan)
  • CBK's 10-point plan for the dinar that must be implemented within three months (Express)
  • Governor Ismaili: CBK has not postponed deadline for implementation of Regulation (TV Dukagjini)
  • Abbott: CBK regulation should not be seen only as a matter of sovereignty (Koha)
  • Government and opposition worried about situation in north (Koha)
  • KFOR observed protest in north, says it was peaceful (media)
  • New organization appears in north, instructs citizens how to oppose police (Koha)
  • Maqedonci: Equipment of KSF with Javelin, a fait accompli- waiting for USA offer (Klan)
  • Visiting restrictions for Thaci and others lifted (Koha)
  • Measure for employment of citizens in four northern municipalities, launched (media)
  • Haradinaj meets Hovenier, talk about political developments in Kosovo (media)
  • Krasniqi meets Danish minister, discuss developments in Kosovo (media)
  • Abdixiku: Kosovo is collective hostage to symbolic populism, people are leaving (Albanian Post)
    Tirana hosts the EU-Western Balkans roundtable on the growth plan (RTK)
  • Kervan and Ahmetxhekaj discuss community programs at RTK (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Serbian List calls on citizens not to fall for provocations of alleged "People's Defense" (Kosovo Online, N1, BETA)
  • Problems pileup but solutions are not at sight (N1)
  • Bishop Teodosije: Many are turning away from Serbs; there is danger of disappearing from these areas (Kosovo Online)
  • Abott meets Konjufca, discuss CBK decision as well (media, social media)
  • CBK issues instructions for implementation of cash regulations (N1, KoSSev)
  • Djuric on transition period of CBK decision on dinar (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)
  • KFOR Multinational Specialized Unit conducted security patrol at margins of protest in Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online, social media)

International Media:

  • Kosovo Serbs Protest Euro-Only Policy as Bank Offers Transition Period (Balkan Insight)
  • Trend of Albanian Women Suicides Caused by Men ‘Worrying’, Experts Say (Balkan Insight)

Albanian Language Media

Osmani meets German ambassador, talk also about implementation of CBK regulation (Klan) 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani received in a meeting the Ambassador of Germany Jorn Rohde. The topic of their discussion was also the regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo, respectively the steps of the relevant institutions related to the plan of transition, for the implementation of this regulation. According to the announcement of the Presidency, there was also talk about the productive and important visit of the Minister of Defense of Germany to Kosovo. 

"President Osmani and Ambassador Rohde also discussed the latest developments in the country, the preparations for marking the 16th anniversary of independence," the announcement reads.

CBK's 10-point plan for the dinar that must be implemented within three months (Express)

The Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK), within the framework of its actions for the simplified implementation of the effects of the regulation on cash operations in certain communities, informed the public about the Plan with additional actions which are expected to be implemented within a period of shorter, but not longer than three months, in cooperation with banks and other financial institutions. 

The CBK in the 10-point plan envisages contributing especially to citizens with limited access to finance and financial services and enables increased access to safe finance through banks and non-banking financial institutions, financial inclusion and their protection from unhealthy financial activities, such as commitments of the CBK on the basis of European best practices.

  1. Functionalization of the free phone line (0800-222-55), the e-mail for complaints, as well as the dedicated number in "viber"
  1. Easing the conditions for opening bank accounts, in specific cases in municipalities with a Serb majority, especially in the four northern municipalities, with the possibility of completing documents (proof of address) even after opening and activating the account.
  1. Temporary suspension of the CBK fee applicable for opening branches/offices, to encourage licensed non-banking financial institutions (with an emphasis on exchange) to open offices in Kosovo municipalities with a Serb majority, especially in the four municipalities North
  1. Expanding the presence with non-banking bank branches for coverage with additional branches and increasing the provision of financial services in the municipalities in the north of the country
  1. Organization of the provision of banking services (account opening) in a mobile way by commercial banks (remote banking) in each of the four northern municipalities, in an organized manner in order to be as close as possible to the citizens
  1. Placement of several ATMs as well as other devices for electronic payments (POS), or financial self-services
  1. Facilitation of the exchange process of dinars with EURO by licensed financial and exchange institutions
  1. Continuation of intensified promotional activity, with personalized and simplified materials, video messages, as well as focused financial education
  1. Increasing access to finance, further increasing lending and other financial packages focused on these areas by financial institutions
  1. Revision of the conversion conditions with preferential treatment during the acceptance of funds and withdrawals at ATMs with cards of international schemes issued outside Kosovo.

"These actions are undertaken in addition to the constructive engagement, in facilitating the mechanism of the transfer of funds as efficiently as possible from Serbia to Kosovo, through bank accounts and already known models, presented in the CBK's proposal letter, with the readiness to consider every option", the announcement states.

Governor Ismaili: CBK has not postponed deadline for implementation of Regulation (TV Dukagjini)

The governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK) has said that CBK has not postponed the deadline for the implementation of the regulation, has not given any additional deadline, nor has it changed its regulation.

"Let me inform you that CBK has not postponed the deadline for the implementation of the regulation, nor has it given an additional deadline, nor has it changed its regulation. The plan we have published only eases its effects on the Serb community, namely it enables increased access to finance and financial services", Ismaili said.

The governor has added that the actions planned for this purpose will be undertaken by the CBK.

"The actions planned for this purpose will be undertaken by CBK and financial institutions every day within 3 months, but no additional deadline has been given and the regulation is in force from February 1", he further added.

Abbott: CBK regulation should not be seen only as a matter of sovereignty (Koha)

The Ambassador of Great Britain, Nicholas Abbott, in a farewell meeting with the Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca, said that the Regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo should not be seen only as a matter of the country's sovereignty. 

"Among other topics, we discussed the CBK regulation and my position that this is an issue that should be considered in terms of good governance and relations with the community and not only in terms of sovereignty. I am pleased that the relationship between our two parliaments remains very strong," Abbott wrote on Facebook. 

Government and opposition worried about situation in north (Koha)

The reappearance of new graffiti in the north with threatening messages that "the Serbian army will return to Kosovo", has worried the members of the Assembly. After the meeting of the Presidency of the Assembly on Monday, representatives of the ruling party and those of the opposition said that this proves that Serbia has not given up its aim to destabilize Kosovo. 

"The presentation of graffiti is of course taken with concern but also seriousness by the competent bodies. As you know, the police and the prosecutor's office were immediately activated to identify the authors of these graffiti. As for the situation surrounding the terrorist attack in Banjska last September, all the information shows that Serbia has never rested causing instability in Kosovo. But also the readiness and preparation of the country's bodies and the international force has been shown to be at the right level", said the head of the Vetevendosje Parliamentary group, Mimoza Kusari-Lila.

She added that as a result of the developments in the north, the personal security of the state leaders has increased. But she refused to disclose details regarding the allegations of planning an assassination attempt against Prime Minister Albin Kurti in North Macedonia. 

The opposition has raised doubts about this claim.

"You know that in the not-too-distant past there were threats to the leaders of the opposition, who are already under the protection of the police. But it is really regrettable when within a period of several hours it was denied by the host country of the prime minister of Kosovo. This is very improper and it casts a bad shadow on KIA and security institutions. I don't think it is necessary for anyone's interests to degrade the work of the security institutions", said the head of the PDK parliamentary group, Abelard Tahiri.

"I don't know what the threat level was, except that a state like North Macedonia does not dare to announce publicly, if there is an official communication between the two agencies of Kosovo and North Macedonia on this topic... It is normal as an Albanian when someone threatens the prime minister, you do not feel good, just as I do not feel good when a state is forced to deny an issue, which seems to have been used for political positions", said the head of the PG of AAK, Besnik Tahiri.

The opposition has given support to the institutions in increasing security in the north and repelling any attack that Serbia tries to make.

At Monday's meeting, the Presidency scheduled three sessions for this week. The first is held on Wednesday with the unfinished items of the previous week, the second on Thursday, which is a new session, and on Saturday, a solemn session will be held on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of Kosovo's Independence.

KFOR observed protest in north, says it was peaceful (media)

NATO's peacekeeping force, KFOR, observed on Monday the protest held in the north of Kosovo, where some Serbs protested, demanding that the regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo be canceled. KFOR has assessed the protest as peaceful.

“KFOR Multinational Specialized Unit (MSU) conducts a security patrol at the margins of a peaceful demonstration held today in Mitrovica/Mitrovica, as part of KFOR's daily activities across Kosovo. KFOR continues to operate as the third security responder, after Kosovo Police and the EU Rule of Law (EULEX) mission, respectively, with which we coordinate on a regular basis.

KFOR is fully focused on the daily implementation of its mandate – based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 – to provide a safe and secure environment for all communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement,” reads a post on the KFOR Facebook page.

New organization appears in north, instructs citizens how to oppose police (Koha)

Some leaflets of a new organization "People’s Defense" were distributed on Monday in the northern municipalities of Kosovo, in which instructions were given to "oppose the Kosovo police and the municipal administration".

The distribution of these flyers was also confirmed by the chairman of the Municipal Assembly of North Mitrovica, Nexhat Uglanin. 

"Information from the field is that a new organization 'People’s Defense' has emerged tonight, and they have distributed leaflets to respond against the police and against the municipal administration through (Molotov) cocktails, stones and other things," he said.

In the flier, Serbs are instructed to throw objects at the Kosovo policemen, including Molotov cocktails. They are also instructed on how to slap municipal servants. 

Among the instructions in these leaflets are how to break police cars "easier" and there are also instructions on how to "make the Molotov cocktail". 

"When the police arrest and harass Serbs, make sure you protect them against terror. The resistance starts now" The 'People's Defense' will continue", it says in the leaflet.

Maqedonci: Equipment of KSF with Javelin, a fait accompli- waiting for USA offer (Klan)

Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, has said that the 30-day notification period of the U.S.Congress for Kosovo's request to purchase the Javelin anti-tank system has ended today.

Through a post on Facebook, he emphasized that they are waiting for the offer from the USA.

"We are happy with the news that today the thirty-day notification period of the United States Congress about our request for the purchase of the Javelin anti-tank system has ended, so we can continue the other steps," Maqedonci wrote.

"Procedurally, we are waiting for the offer from the USA, then based on it and the development plan of the KSF, we will make the purchase. Javelin, the system with which the FSK will be equipped, is already a fait accompli".

Visiting restrictions for Thaci and others lifted (Koha)

The Specialized Chambers of Kosovo (DhSK) in The Hague, the trial panel in the case against Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi has decided not to impose restrictive measures regarding the private visits of the accused. In the decision dated February 9, 2024, the chairman of the court, Charles Smith III, reminded the accused, especially Thaci and Selimi, of their obligation not to disclose confidential information to third parties.

"For the aforementioned reasons, the Panel hereby: reminds the accused, in particular, Thaci and Selimi, of their obligation not to disclose to unauthorized third parties any confidential information and/or information that may lead to the identification of protected witnesses; orders the Registrar to remind visitors to detention facilities that they should not discuss or participate in discussions of confidential information pertaining to proceedings at the KSC with a detainee, including information relating to the identity of protected witnesses", the decision states.

Among other things, through this decision, the lead attorneys of all accused are ordered to remind their team members of their obligations regarding confidential information.

In the justification of this decision, it is stated that the Panel refused to impose any restrictive measures regarding private visits. Therefore, it assessed that there are no indications that these visits were used for other purposes.

Regarding the request of the SPO for all the private visits of Thaci and Selimi to be monitored, the Panel has emphasized that the private visits are important when the rights of the accused are concerned and there is no basis to impose restrictive measures against them.

Measure for employment of citizens in four northern municipalities, launched (media)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Finance has presented the employment measure for the citizens of the four northern municipalities. According to the press release, the Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Hekuran Murati, together with the Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rasic, met on Monday with the mayor of the Municipality of Leposaviq, Lulzim Hetemi. 

In order to support the employment of citizens in these municipalities, the MFPT will subsidize 70% of the gross salary for six consecutive months up to a maximum of 350 euros.

"To benefit from this measure, job seekers must be registered as such at the employment office in their respective municipality, be over the age of 18 and be residents of one of the four northern municipalities. Meanwhile, the employers must also be based in one of the four northern municipalities and be functioning in a regular manner as provided by the legislation of Kosovo", the announcement states. 

The Ministry of Finance has said that the "Government for Families" scheme began by subsidizing the salary for members of families who had no employees, where more than 2,600 families have benefited so far, including citizens in the four northern municipalities.

"Then, support was extended to victims of domestic violence. Meanwhile, now all citizens from the four northern municipalities, regardless of whether they have any employed members or not, are joining the scheme, thus guaranteeing comprehensive and dignified employment for everyone", the announcement continues. 

Haradinaj meets Hovenier, talk about political developments in Kosovo (media)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, received on Monday the U.S.ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier.

"I personally thanked Ambassador Hovenier for the commitment of the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo in support of my visit to America. I informed him about the topics of discussion during the meetings I had at the State Department, the National Security Council of the White House, the Pentagon, Congress and the Senate, where I requested that the Kosovo-America strategic dialogue be extended to bilateral relations and happen with accelerated steps membership of Kosovo in NATO. The alliance between our two countries is eternal and we will work tirelessly to develop and strengthen it every day", Haradinaj wrote. 

Krasniqi meets Danish minister, discuss developments in Kosovo (media) 

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, received on Monday the Danish Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard and the Danish Ambassador Christian Gronbech-Jensen. They discussed the developments in Kosovo and the positions of the PDK regarding them.

"I thanked Minister Hummelgaard for the continuous support that Denmark has given to Kosovo, from the shelter of Kosovar refugees during the war, the recognition of independence, as one of the first countries, to the contribution to peace and stability, as part of the peacekeeping forces of KFOR in our country. I informed the high delegation from Denmark about the latest developments in Kosovo, the challenges and dangers that the country is facing, as well as the positions of the PDK in relation to them", Krasniqi wrote on his Facebook profile.

"I expressed to the guests the position that the Democratic Party of Kosovo demands new early elections as soon as possible and that it currently does not participate in the voting of the points in the Assembly which are brought by the government, including International Agreements", Krasniqi wrote further.

Abdixiku: Kosovo is collective hostage to symbolic populism, people are leaving (Albanian Post)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), has accused the government of Kosovo, which he has called "populist". 

"As we enter the fourth year of the populist government, with a full 12 billion euros managed in just four years; it is becoming more and more clear for the citizens everywhere that the big signs, the essential changes, the development projects, are never going to come", Abdixhiku wrote on Facebook.

Abdixhiku wrote that development "is not the goal of this government", while he added that "for the populists, development is really difficult". 

"Instead, we are being guided by ongoing symbolic politics. The loud ones that get two or three months of attention, but don't give a single change to remember; neither in the economy, nor in infrastructure, energy, education, health, sports or culture. Zero change".

Tirana hosts the EU-Western Balkans roundtable on the growth plan (RTK)

A ministerial roundtable of representatives from the Western Balkans for the field of European integration together with the General Directorate of the European Commission for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), on the Growth Plan, took place on Monday in Tirana. 

According to the announcement of the government, Kosovo was represented in this meeting by the Deputy Minister of Economy, Getoar Mjeku and representatives from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers.

It was also said that the topics of discussion were the benefits from the Growth Plan and the perspective of the EU integration path, the strengthening of economic integration with the EU Single Market, as well as the support and acceleration of key reforms. 

"This was a preparatory meeting, in anticipation of the next meeting of leaders, planned in Tirana on February 28 and 29, in pursuit of the objectives of intensifying the efforts of the countries of the Western Balkans on the road to the EU, creating the foundations for the next steps in the implementation of the Plan for the Growth and Advancement of Cooperation and Interaction with the European Commission", it is stated in the announcement of the OPM.

Kervan and Ahmetxhekaj discuss community programs at RTK (RTK) 

The head of the Multi-Ethnic Parliamentary Group, Enis Kervan, visited on Monday Radio Television of Kosovo where he was received by the management. Kervan asked for the increase of the program for non-majority communities and offered support for special projects in the service of the communities.

On the other hand, the general director of the RTK, Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj, asked for support for the financing of the RTK based on the law, which, according to him, would also impact the increase of the program for communities.

Serbian Language Media 

Serbian List calls on citizens not to fall for provocations of alleged "People's Defense" (Kosovo Online, N1, BETA)

Regarding the leaflets of the so-called "People's Defense", which appeared last night on the streets of Mitrovica North, calling for "resistance to Kurti's police", the Serbian List has urged citizens not to fall for such provocations and manipulations.

"We urge our fellow citizens to remain calm, as such actions, whoever is carrying them out, are aimed against peace and are done with malicious intent to further destabilize, in order to blame the Serbs for any potential new incidents", the Serbian List statement reads.

They emphasized someone obviously intends to portray the Serbs as violent and deflect the pressure they face due to the oppression of the Serbs. The Serbs in Kosovo will continue to peacefully fight for the protection of their rights and interests in these areas, the Serbian List said.

Problems pileup but solutions are not at sight (N1)

Belgrade-based N1 journalist Sanja Sovrlic, originating from Leposavic, reported yesterday that Serbs in Kosovo have gathered for a new protest, this time caused by Pristina’s decision to abolish dinar. They were asking how they will receive their payments from Serbia and demanded the reaction of the international community. The Kosovo Central Bank announced that the transition period in implementation of decision on payment transactions can not last longer than three months, while Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said this decision will not be revoked.

Kurti said that Kosovo did not ban dinar, as it did not ban dollar, pound or Swiss franc, claiming the only “difference is that the money cannot cross the borders in bags as of February 1”.

However, he did not provide answers to the questions how will those employed in the Serbian institutions receive their salaries, how pensions will be paid, social aid as well. Some of those questions were asked in a protest yesterday in Mitrovica North.

“As a Professor at the Faculty of Economy, I can tell you in the most direct way that the decision of the Kosovo Central Bank is discriminatory, politically motivated and directly endangers the survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija”, Dragana Milenkovic said. “We urge the entire democratic and peaceful world to hear us and not remain silent to our appeals”, Dusanka Djorovic from Association of Pensioners said during the protest.

N1 also recalled that group of Serbian civil society organizations warned about Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s messages related to guarantees to the non-majority communities deriving from Ahtisaari’s proposal. They called upon him to protect legal framework related to the non-majority communities and not violate it. “The problems pileup, and solutions, for the time being, are not at sight”, N1 concluded. 

Bishop Teodosije: Many are turning away from Serbs; there is danger of disappearing from these areas (Kosovo Online)

Raska-Prizren Diocese Bishop Teodosije said yesterday at Draganac Monastery that many nations have turned away from the Serbs, which, as he noted, posed the greatest danger of all, "the danger of disappearing from these areas", Kosovo Online portal reported. Speaking at the ordination of Father Hristofor, Bishop Teodosije emphasized how difficult the situation currently is for Serbs in Kosovo.

"The grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us today in this holy family at the Draganac Monastery to serve God, to serve the divine liturgy, which the Lord has left us as the most important thing to do in His memory and what the Lord has left us through all the centuries of church life, faithful people. That is the greatest thing people could do at a given moment for themselves, their kin, and salvation. Today, living in these areas, finding ourselves in a situation where many are turning away from us, many friends, many nations, when dark clouds have gathered over us and our people are frightened, when danger threatens us from all sides, not just one but many, and the greatest danger is that we disappear from these areas, that we leave our hearth", Bishop Teodosije said.

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Abott meets Konjufca, discuss CBK decision as well (media, social media)

UK Ambassador in Pristina, Nicholas Abbott said in a post on Facebook that among topics discussed with Kosovo Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca yesterday was also Kosovo Central Bank decision to abolish dinar, adding he conveyed the stance that this issue should be considered much more in terms of good governance and relations with communities, rather than as an issue of sovereignty.

“Among other topics we discussed the CBK regulation and my view that this is an issue that should be considered in terms of good governance and community relations rather than solely one of sovereignty”, Abbott wrote in a post.

CBK issues instructions for implementation of cash regulations (N1, KoSSev)

The Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK) said that, in cooperation with banks and other financial institutions, it is undertaking additional activities aimed at facilitating the implementation of the recently adopted regulation on enforcing euro as the sole currency, N1 reported.

The CBK said the activities that are to facilitate the effects of the implementation of the regulation on cash operations in specified communities will be undertaken for a period of no longer than three months.

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Djuric on transition period of CBK decision on dinar (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)

Serbian Ambassador to the USA Marko Djuric said last night in relation to the transition period of the Kosovo Central Bank decision on dinar, that he did not trust Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and perceived this move, until there were changes on the ground, as an attempt at another manipulation and "getting out" of the current situation.

"My first associations with the name Albin Kurti have become mistrust, lies, and pressure on the Serbs, which he has been conducting since he took office almost three years ago. I don't trust him, and until we see something change on the ground, I see this as an attempt at manipulation and getting out of the difficult situation he has found himself in", Djuric told Tanjug news agency.

"For us, this is not enough; it is necessary for concrete changes to occur on the ground for the better, for him to stop obstructing the functioning of Serbian schools, hospitals, and all the basic services that make people in Kosovo and Metohija suffer due to that pressure", Djuric added. He also said Kurti had tried to deceive the international public at the UN Security Council meeting that Kosovo was a multi-ethnic, democratic, and "very tolerant" environment and that the goal of this measure was to improve the lives of citizens, claims he said were debunked by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

KFOR Multinational Specialized Unit conducted security patrol at margins of protest in Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online, social media)

“KFOR Multinational Specialized Unit (MSU) conducts a security patrol at the margins of a peaceful demonstration held today in Mitrovica/Mitrovicë, as part of KFOR’s daily activities across Kosovo. #KFOR continues to operate as the third security responder, after Kosovo Police and the EU Rule of Law (EULEX) mission, respectively, with which we coordinate on a regular basis”, KFOR said in a post on Facebook.

“#KFOR is fully focused on the daily implementation of its mandate – based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 – to provide a safe and secure environment for all communities living in #Kosovo and freedom of movement”, the statement added.

International Media

Kosovo Serbs Protest Euro-Only Policy as Bank Offers Transition Period (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo Serbs on Monday held a protest in North Mitrovica against the new rule enforcing use of the euro as the sole currency, as the Central Bank announced a three-month 'transition' period and measures to ease implementation of the policy.

A few thousands of Kosovo Serbs gathered on Monday in North Mitrovica’s main square to protest against the enforcement of the euro as the only currency for payments in Kosovo, calling the decision “unjust”.

The regulation, which entered into force on February 1, despite international calls for a postponement, aims to fight counterfeit money. It simultaneously enforces a euro-only policy, so banning transactions in Serbia’s currency, the dinar, which is still used daily by Kosovo Serbs, especially in the Serb-majority north. Last week, Serbia’s President, Aleksandar Vucic, said Belgrade will keep paying Kosovo Serbs in dinars.

Dragisa Milovic, director of North Mitrovica’s hospital, said the decision affects “those who are most vulnerable and those who receive social assistance.

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Trend of Albanian Women Suicides Caused by Men ‘Worrying’, Experts Say (Balkan Insight)

Latest suicide of a woman who killed herself after a man published intimate photos of her on TikTok reflects a concerning trend in society, say activists and campaigners – who call for more effective preventative measures.

Police in Tirana on Sunday notified about the case of a 27-year-old woman who had killed herself. On Monday, they declared that a 39-year-old man had been arrested for “causing suicide”. It is alleged that the man posted an “intimate” photo of her on TikTok.

“This citizen allegedly published an intimate photo of the 27-year-old woman, who threw herself from a 4th floor terrace allegedly for this reason and died as a result of the injuries,” police said on Monday.

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