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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 16, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Blinken on Kosovo-Serbia relations: Dialogue, the only right path (media)
  • Blinken asks Serbia to adhere to its commitments, reach normalization agreement with Kosovo through dialogue (media)
  • Hovenier: CBK regulation has affected partnership between two governments (media)
  • Kurti travels to Munich to participate in Security Conference (media)
  • Von Cramon calls Bislimi's statements against Serbian NGOs as false and dangerous (Albanian Post)
  • Rama criticizes Kosovo: Uncoordinated actions may gain a few votes, but not the future (media)
  • Abdixhiku: Kosovo has become hostage to populist madness (Koha)
  • Krasniqi to Kurti: You do not have legitimacy to destroy relations with USA (Albanian Post)
  • Hoti: Failed politicians threaten democratic world by escalating situation (Koha)
  • Haradinaj criticizes Kurti: His behavior and actions are wrong (RTK)
  • Issuance of Japanese visas in Pristina begins (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Blinken: Dialogue the only way forward for Belgrade and Pristina (KoSSev, media)
  • Hovenier: It is simply not true that current situation has not affected relations between Kosovo and US (KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
  • Von Cramon says statements of Kosovo authorities dangerous, put targets on NGOs (KoSSev, media, social media)
  • Vucic: Loud silence following statement from Albania is uncomfortable (media)
  • Dacic: Serbia struggling to maintain freedom (N1)
  • Concrete blocks placed around police station in Leposavic (Kosovo Online)

International Media:

  • ​On Recent Developments in Kosovo (U.S. Mission to the OSCE)
  • Staff Shortage Keeps Children’s Trauma Ward in Kosovo Empty (Balkan Insight)
  • Kosovo Court Sentences Arsonist of Journalist’s House to Four Years (Balkan Insight)

Albanian Language Media

Blinken on Kosovo-Serbia relations: Dialogue, the only right path (media) 

The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, during the joint conference with the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, in Tirana, said that the dialogue facilitated by the European Union, between Kosovo and Serbia, is the right way for both countries to move forward.

"We cannot have a repetition of what happened, of what we saw in the 90s. For this reason, we are committed to supporting all efforts to advance the integration of the entire Western Balkans. The dialogue facilitated by the EU is the only right path and we are committed to doing what is required for the two countries to go on this path", he said.

Blinken has said that he knows what the alternative is, so the American administration will do everything it can to support the dialogue and all the countries of the Balkans on their way to the EU. He further congratulated Albania, saying that it has been a force of regional stability.

"I also want to congratulate the role of Albania, which has been a force of regional stability, regional integration and regional progress. This is the path that so clearly points everyone to a better future. We know what the alternative is because we've experienced it, we've seen it. Therefore, we are determined to do everything we can to support all the countries of the region to undertake this path and to support the dialogue facilitated by the EU", he said.

Blinken asks Serbia to adhere to its commitments, reach normalization agreement with Kosovo through dialogue (media)

The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, through a letter, has congratulated the people of Serbia on the day of statehood. On this occasion, Blinken asked Serbia to implement its commitments and adhere to the EU dialogue on the issue of Kosovo. 

"The United States encourages Serbia to implement its commitments and move forward through the EU-facilitated dialogue to reach a comprehensive normalization agreement with Kosovo," Blinken's request states, among other things.

Further, he said that they are committed to supporting Serbia's goal of membership in the European Union."And we look forward to working with the new government of Serbia and our European partners to help Serbia meet the EU membership criteria."

Hovenier: CBK regulation has affected partnership between two governments (media)

The U.S. ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, has said that not taking into account the requirements related to the CBK Regulation on foreign currencies has affected the relations that the U.S. has with the government led by Albin Kurti.

"I must be clear that it is simply not true. It just isn't like that. As Assistant Secretary O'Brien stated, this situation has already affected the quality of our partnership between our two governments. Any suggestion to the contrary reflects a fundamental misunderstanding or a misinterpretation of the importance we place on resolving this issue in a way that responds to our concerns, and most importantly, done in a way that provides ongoing support for vulnerable people from the minority communities of Kosovo", he said. 

Hovenier added that the government's refusal to consider the demands of the USA is reckless.

"My government has been clear. We have asked for a delay in implementation, this continues to be our position. So yes, I hope the government takes our advice and instead of just saying they're talking to us about it, actually act on what we're asking. This is our expectation for partnership", he said.

Hovenier's reaction came after Prime Minister Kurti's statement that the United States of America remains the most important partner and ally that Kosovo has.

Kurti travels to Munich to participate in Security Conference (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has traveled to Munich, Germany, where he will participate in the Security Conference. His deputy, Donika Gervalla, will also participate in this conference.

The announcement of the foreign ministry of Kosovo informed that on the sidelines of this conference, bilateral meetings with counterparts from different countries will take place.

The Munich Conference, as one of the largest events about security for global order, technology, sustainability and cooperation networks, is a good opportunity to present positions, to discuss security challenges in the Western Balkans, policies and actions to be undertaken as well as coordinate with allied countries in maintaining and promoting security in the region, Europe and the world, reads the press release.

Von Cramon calls Bislimi's statements against Serbian NGOs as false and dangerous (Albanian Post)

The rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament, Viola von Cramon, has described the statement of Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister, Besnik Bislimi, as false and dangerous. Bislimi criticized the emissary Lajcak, for unfair and biased approach to the dialogue process. His reaction came after Lajcak met the representatives of the National Convention for the European Union (NCEU), without indicating that it is about the NCEU of Serbia. 

“The EU is its own master and does not need someone to tell its officials whom and at what time they can meet. Mr. Lajcak has repeatedly met with all key stakeholders who can contribute with their input or actions to the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.This visit is no exception in that regard. These people are not the mouthpiece of Vucic, but independent NGOs that support multi-ethnic programmes and tirelessly work on integration within Kosovo.

These statements are not only false but also dangerous as they put the target on their personas and their organizations. I am personally deeply disappointed and concerned about recent statements and actions by authorities of the government of Kosovo that have a direct and negative effect on members of the ethnic Serb and other minorities. It is crucial that the multi-ethnic character of Kosovo is preserved, valued, treasured and supported. That was fundamental and embedded in the Ahtisaari Plan/Kosovo Constitution, which ensured the West's recognition in 2008,” Von Cramon said.

Rama criticizes Kosovo: Uncoordinated actions may gain a few votes, but not the future (media)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, has said that Kosovo should not undertake any action without consultation and coordination with strategic allies. 

"Even today, after the discussion, I want to repeat our appeal to the Pristina authorities not to take any step without consulting and coordinating with our strategic allies because it is first of all in their interest and then also in our alliance. From un-consulted and uncoordinated actions, maybe a few votes can be won today, turning foreign policy into an instrument of domestic policy, but the future is not won", Rama said.

During the joint press conference with the U.S. Secretary, Antony Blinken, Rama said that Kosovo must act to fulfill the demands that are on the dialogue table. 

"It is good for Albanians not to forget that without the USA there would not be an independent state of Kosovo and that the U.S.'s interest in the smooth running of affairs in Albania and Kosovo is not a secondary interest", said Rama.

Abdixhiku: Kosovo has become hostage to populist madness (Koha) 

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Lumir Abdixhiku, has commented on the visit of U.S. Secretary Antony Blinken to Albania. He said that a year ago, a visit of the American Secretary to the region without passing through Pristina would not have been possible. He added that once Kosovo was a natural destination. However, he said that Kosovo has now "remained hostage to populist madness".

"Today, at the same hour and on the same day in Kosovo, which is gloomy due to populism, the USA tells us about the lowest historical relations. For shaking partnership and communication crisis. I am happy about Albania's progress. In economy, culture, tourism, sport and diplomacy. They are running away from us by leaps and bounds. They are doing it wisely, as a NATO country and with partners! But Kosovo, our state has become hostage to populist madness. They applaud the crash. They promote delirium. They boast of all the political terror that has accompanied us for three years now. I don't expect America to make us governments. Those who have such expectations - and as far as I understand there are quite a few - are not destined for politics. This noble duty belongs only to the people of Kosovo. And I have full confidence in the people of Kosovo that they will give an answer this year. Because, as a country, as a state, as a people, we have an obligation to make Kosovo better - economically, politically and with friends! Paradoxically, as much as Albania initially, the Democratic League of Kosovo has extended its hand already!" - Abdixhiku wrote on Facebook.

Krasniqi to Kurti: You do not have legitimacy to destroy relations with USA (Albanian Post)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, has described the tense situation of relations between Kosovo and the United States of America as "painful, alarming and dramatic". Therefore, according to him, the government of Kosovo must urgently take actions that improve the crack in relations with the USA. 

"This is a situation where actions must automatically be taken to change and return this existential relationship of Kosovo to where it was. Albin Kurti does not have the legitimacy to destroy the alliances of Kosovo. Kurti won the elections to fulfill the promises he made to the people", he said.

Hoti: Failed politicians threaten democratic world by escalating situation (Koha)

Former Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti said that failed politicians threaten the democratic world by escalating the situation. 

"Kosovo has never contributed to the escalation of the situation. It achieved its rights by convincing allies for support and by resisting in defense of the threshold of the house. Historically, all over the world, failed politicians threaten the democratic world by escalating the situation to cover up their failures," Hoti wrote on Facebook.

Hoti’s reaction came after Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi criticized the European Union representative for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, for an unfair approach to the normalization process. 

Haradinaj criticizes Kurti: His behavior and actions are wrong (RTK)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, in an interview given to RTK, symbolically said that Kosovo is a ship that Kurti wants to crash, after the American pressure in the case of the dinar ban.

"Kosovo is a Titanic, a big ship, but Prime Minister Kurti consciously wants to collide with a big rock, that is, with America. It would be tragic for us, his behavior and actions are wrong, it will depend on the rest of us whether we will allow it", said Haradinaj. 

He has said that he expects the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to have the same position as the American Ambassador, Jeffrey Hovenier, regarding the new CBK regulation.

Issuance of Japanese visas in Pristina begins (RTK)

The Embassy of Japan started issuing visas in Pristina today, thus facilitating the travel of Kosovo citizens to Japan, while from March 24, all citizens of Kosovo who possess official or diplomatic passports will be able to travel without visas to Japan. 

This was confirmed in the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Donika Gervalla with the ambassador of Japan in Kosovo, Ryuta Mizuuchi and the charge d'affaires, Keisuke Yamanaka.

Serbian Language Media 

Blinken: Dialogue the only way forward for Belgrade and Pristina (KoSSev, media)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said yesterday in Tirana that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, under the EU’s auspices, is the only way forward, KoSSev portal reports.

“We do our utmost to support them”, Blinken told a joint press conference with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. He said the US will work with Albania to help Pristina and Belgrade move towards normalization of relations. He also said his country knows what had happened in the region 30 years ago, adding “there can be no repetition”. “It is for this reason that we are committed to support all the efforts to advance integration of the entire Western Balkans”, he said. Blinken did not answer journalists’ questions related to the decision of Pristina authorities to ban dinar in payment transactions. This decision, the portal recalled, caused harsh reactions from US diplomats.  

Hovenier: It is simply not true that current situation has not affected relations between Kosovo and US (KoSSev, Kosovo Online)

The Kosovo Government’s refusal to listen to requests made by the US in regard to the enforcement of the CBK regulation has affected the quality of the partnership between the two governments, the US Ambassador in Pristina, Jeffrey Hovenier said yesterday. Hovenier added that “any suggestions to the contrary reflect a fundamental misunderstanding”, KoSSev portal reported.

He presented two requests before the Kosovo Government – to establish a procedure in accordance with the CBK regulation, as well as EU standards on the transfer of funds from Serbia, and that prior to the establishment of this procedure, interim provisions should be regulated so that Serbia continues to finance the necessary social services, health and education.

Hovenier recalled the statement made by US Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien the day before yesterday regarding the regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo, that is, the demands of the US on resolving the newly created situation, stating that he “sent a clear message“. “I sent a clear message, our ambassador to the United Nations also sent a clear message. I am restating, the US is extremely concerned about the manner in which this regulation is being enforced. We’ve raised these concerns in public and private“, Hovenier said.

Read KoSSev report on Hovenier’s press conference at:

Read Kosovo Online report on Hovenier’s press conference at:

Von Cramon says statements of Kosovo authorities dangerous, put targets on NGOs (KoSSev, media, social media)

“The EU is its own master and does not need someone to tell its officials whom and at what time they can meet”, this is how Viola von Cramon responded to yesterday’s complaints of Kosovo Deputy Minister Besnik Beslimi and Self-determination Movement over the meeting of group of Serbs, including those from Kosovo, with Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels, KoSSev portal reports. At the same time, she said she is deeply disappointed and worried over acts of the Kosovo Government that have a direct and negative effect on the members of the ethnic Serbs and other minorities.

“(…) Mr. Lajcak has repeatedly met with all the key stakeholders who can contribute with their input or actions to the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. This visit is no exception in this regard. These people are not the mouthpiece of Vucic, but independent NGOs that support multi-ethnic programs and tirelessly work on integration within Kosovo”, von Cramon said.

“These statements are not only false but also dangerous as they put the target on their persons and their organizations. I am personally deeply disappointed and concerned about recent statements and actions by authorities of the Kosovo Government that have a direct and negative effect on members of ethnic Serb and other minorities. It is crucial that the multi-ethnic character of Kosovo is preserved, valued, treasured and supported. That was fundamental and embedded in the Ahtisaari Plan/Kosovo Constitution, which ensured the West’s recognition in 2008”, she concluded. 

Vucic: Loud silence following statement from Albania is uncomfortable (media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said last night in relation to the statements of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama that the country would stand by Kosovo if anyone attacked it, there followed "such a loud silence" that reflected all the duplicity of Europe towards Serbia.

"From a neighboring state, it was heard that if someone attacked Kosovo, and I don't know who would, Albania would not allow it and would stand by them. If I had said something like that... And, after such a terrifying statement, all you could hear was loud silence. So loud that it's uncomfortable, that no one uttered a word about it", Vucic said at the ceremony of awarding Sretenje decorations on the occasion of Serbian Statehood Day.

As Vucic said, if someone from Serbia would have said something similar, there would have been thunderous cursing, insults, the dirtiest campaign from around the world, and even "cannons and planes", in order to silence the Serbs, already exposed, once and for all.

Dacic: Serbia struggling to maintain freedom (N1)

Outgoing Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told a ceremony in the town of Orasac that Serbia is still struggling to maintain its freedom, N1 reports.

The 1st Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire began at Orasac. According to Dacic, the insurgents wanted “freedom and nothing less than freedom for their people”.

He said that the idea of freedom is what they left behind as their legacy. “You see that the battle is ongoing today and that struggle, all struggles for freedom since then have given us this beautiful and free state”, he said. He added that part of the legacy was the obligation to never back down to force and give up freedom.

Concrete blocks placed around police station in Leposavic (Kosovo Online)

Concrete blocks were placed around the police station in Leposavic yesterday afternoon, Kosovo Online portal reported. A truck with a crane and workers delivered concrete blocks in front of the police station and installed them during the day next to an old wire fence located alongside the sidewalk and road, where locals pass by daily.

The blocks are over two meters tall and about one meter wide, previously used to set up barriers on the roads in surrounding villages during October and November last year in Leposavic. Apart from the workers, only one policeman entered the police station. The portal also said it remains unknown why the concrete barriers are being erected. The police station is located near the roundabout at the entrance to the town, in the direction from Raska towards the center of Leposavic.

International Media

On Recent Developments in Kosovo (U.S. Mission to the OSCE)

The United States remains committed to achieving a sustainable peace in the Western Balkans.  Normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia is an essential aspect of regional stability and prosperity.  We urge both countries to engage in good faith through the EU-facilitated Dialogue to strengthen democracy, EU economic integration, and foster multi-ethnic cooperation and respect.

Kosovo’s unilateral decision to restrict the importation of the Serbian dinar does not advance these objectives.  We call on Kosovo to immediately postpone enforcement of this decision and for the parties involved to seek resolution within the framework of the EU-facilitated Dialogue.  We are also deeply concerned about recent, uncoordinated actions the Government of Kosovo has undertaken, including raids of Serbia-supported institutions and shutting down of services on which Kosovan citizens rely.  These actions are inconsistent with the Kosovo Government’s commitment to constructively address issues that affect the Serb minority community in Kosovo through the EU-facilitated Dialogue. 

Meanwhile, Serbia’s failure to hold accountable the perpetrators of the September 24th attacks near the Banjska Monastery in Kosovo is unconscionable and deeply damages the trust needed for normalization.  Immediately following those attacks, we called on Serbia to hold all responsible to account.  Unfortunately, we must do so again today.

Read more at:

Staff Shortage Keeps Children’s Trauma Ward in Kosovo Empty (Balkan Insight)

Lack of trained specialists means the trauma ward at UAE-funded children’s hospital, which opened over two years ago, is still not operating.

Over two years after its inauguration, the trauma ward of the “Sheikha Fatima” children’s hospital at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo, UCCK, in Prishtina, has never been used, mainly due to the lack of trained staff.

The ward is equipped with very “advanced diagnostic equipment, starting from X-rays, ultrasound, CT, resonance,” Ardian Shefkiu, director of the clinic, told BIRN, adding: “We just need the staff to be trained to open this unit”.

Read more at:

Kosovo Court Sentences Arsonist of Journalist’s House to Four Years (Balkan Insight)

A Kosovo court sentenced Arsim Limani to four years in prison for setting fire to the house of journalist Alban Selimi in March 2023 – but while Selimi welcomed the verdict, he said the question of who ordered the attack remained unanswered.

Pristina Basic Court on Thursday sentenced a man to four years in prison for setting fire to the home of journalist Alban Selimi last year.

Arsim Limani was not present in court when Judge Medije Bytyci announced the verdict. The court changed the charge from “serious attempted murder”’ to “causing general danger”, however. The verdict can be appealed.

Read more at: