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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 20, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: Cooperation with allies never leads Kosovo on wrong path (media)
  • Osmani: Friendship with USA, deep-rooted testament (media)
  • Stano: A new round of high-level dialogue is not on horizon (Koha)
  • Government accuses again Serb NGOs in north of pushing Belgrade’s agendas (Koha)
  • Austria continues to support Kosovo towards European integration (RTK)
  • OSCE talks about dinar issue with Kosovo Serbs’ representatives, including Lista Srpska (Express)
  • Gervalla asked Germany to remove Ambassador Jorn Rohde from Kosovo (Albanian Post)
  • Haziri: EU and U.S. mobilized to close agreement within 45 days (teve1)
  • Kamberi: Internationalization of the Valley issue requires coordination (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Dacic: Pristina's application for CoE membership unacceptable (Tanjug)
  • Serbian List calls on international community to protect Serbs in Kosovo (N1, BETA, media)
  • Serbian Democracy meets Davenport, demands prevention of repression (Radio kontakt plus)
  • Zeqiri: We will soon be moved to Zubin Potok municipal building (Kosovo Online)
  • Where did the issue of ousting mayors in northern Kosovo get stuck; who benefits from delay? (Kosovo Online)
  • Stano: No announcements to make at this stage about Belgrade-Pristina dialogue meeting (Tanjug, media)
  • Wang: China to continue supporting Serbia in safeguarding its sovereignty (media)
  • Valuable donation of Raska-Prizren Diocese to Clinical Hospital Centre (CHC) in Mitrovica North (Radio KIM)

Albanian Language Media

Osmani: Cooperation with allies never leads Kosovo on wrong path (media) 

Kosovo President, Vjosa Osmani, has said that Kosovo is not being demanded keep the dinar, but that, as she said, a transition plan for the implementation of the CBK regulation is being discussed. She told journalists that together with the allies, and in particular with the United States of America, Kosovo has a common goal in fully respecting the Constitution, while adding that the CBK regulation will remain as it is.

"The issue is not a dinar issue. To be clear, neither the U.S. nor our other allies are asking us to keep the dinar. And the impression that someone is asking us not to respect our Constitution it should not be created,because it is not true. We have full understanding and a common goal with the allies, in particular with the USA, that our Constitution is fully respected. All that is being discussed is a transition plan for the implementation of the CBK regulation, so it has not to do with the CBK work, the regulation remains the one that it is, no one is asking for the regulation to change, which is in the domain of the CBK, but the institutions that implement it, the law-enforcement ones, as for any other decision, they build an implementation plan and in this case, discussions are still continuing on what will be an implementation transition plan that will take into account everyone's concerns. Cooperation with our allies never leads Kosovo on the wrong path", Osmani said.

"As the president of the country, I encourage all institutions to have maximum cooperation, since each time we act together we are stronger, I ask for the same now. I am convinced that we are on the right path and I am convinced that this transition plan will be achieved with everyone's agreement and that we will be effective, together with our allies, in the full implementation of the Constitution", Osmani added. 

Osmani: Friendship with USA, a deep-rooted testament (media) 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and the U.S. ambassador to Kosovo, Jeff Hovenier, participated in the marking of the American President's Day, in "Bill Clinton" Square, in Pristina. Osmani said on this occasion that the former president of the USA, Bill Clinton, had become the voice of Kosovo, at the time when the violence had reached the level of genocide.

Osmani and Hovenier, marked the International Day of the US President with an activity at the Bill Clinton statue in Pristina, initiated by the White House Historical Association and the U.S. Ambassador Hovenier.

Next, President Osmani also spoke about President Biden, whose commitment to Kosovo started early, to continue as vice president, but also now as president of the USA, proving to be a great friend of Kosovo and its people. "President Biden's support is a true testament, deeply rooted in our relations", declared Osmani.

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Jeff Hovenier, said that he is honored to be participating in the event dedicated to the Day of the American President, in "Bill Clinton" Square, thanking the contribution of President Osmani.

He further recalled the words of former President Clinton through which he expressed the reason for his commitment to the people of Kosovo during the last war and his thanks to the Kosovar people for the respect shown to him. Hovenier, among other things, said that of all the American presidents, be it before or after him, Clinton was an extraordinary leader who made bold decisions.

Stano: A new round of high-level dialogue is not on horizon (Koha) 

The spokesperson of the EU for Foreign Policy and Security, Peter Stano, said that the European Union is not currently thinking of scheduling another round of high-level meetings between Kosovo and Serbia. "We have nothing on the basis of which we can call a possible high-level dialogue", Stano told the Serbian news agency "Beta". 

He referred to the statements of the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic on Sunday, that he expects an invitation from Brussels these days and hopes to find a solution regarding the issue of the dinar.

When asked to explain how EU High Representative Josep Borrell sees the situation in Kosovo, Stano said that "there is nothing more to comment on than what Borrell said after the meeting with Kurti and Vucic in Munich". 

Borrell said on Saturday through a message on the "X" platform that "lasting stability and peace in the region can only be achieved through the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. The path to it leads through dialogue mediated by the EU". 

Government accuses again Serb NGOs in north of pushing Belgrade’s agendas (Koha)

The government in Kosovo has again accused the Serb Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the north of Kosovo, for pushing the agenda of the Serbian regime.The Deputy Minister of Local Government Administration, Arber Vokrri, has said that in a meeting that a Kosovo delegation held in the European Parliament a few days ago, representatives of these NGOs were also present, and, according to him, tried to push forward a harmful narrative for Kosovo.

"During this visit, there was a rather harsh confrontation with representatives of NGOs registered in Kosovo by Serb citizens, but who we understood live more in Serbia, in Belgrade. Among them were also state officials of Serbia, but who presented themselves as if they lived in Kosovo... They tried to push forward a harmful narrative for the Republic of Kosovo, which does not belong to reality, it is exactly the narrative of the Belgrade regime which tries to present the Republic of Kosovo, and especially the Kurti Government, as anti-Serbian, which exerts pressure on the migration of Serbs and which denies them their political and civil rights", Vokrri said on Monday. 

He said that they were forced to react by saying that what was being said was not true.

"The narrative they represent in the European Union, and certainly beyond, is exactly that of Vucic, they are like the spokespersons of Vucic, of the Vucic regime, when it comes to Kosovo", Vokrri said.

He added that the representatives of these NGOs were the same people to whom the deputy prime minister, Besnik Bislimi, reacted, after they had held a meeting with the EU emissary for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak.

Austria continues to support Kosovo towards European integration (RTK)

The President of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen, sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of independence, through which he expressed his support for the path towards European integration. 

"Dear Mrs. President, on the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Kosovo, I have great pleasure in conveying my warmest congratulations," the greeting says. According to him, Austria and Kosovo have excellent bilateral relations.

"Given the political, economic, scientific and cultural exchanges, it is not surprising that today we see the presence of a living diaspora from your country in Austria. Austria and Kosovo share the same European values and are of the same mind on many issues. In the current geopolitical circumstances, especially against the background of a terrible war of aggression waged by Russia against Ukraine, we stand together as a European family. As the conflict also has serious consequences in the Western Balkans region, it is in our interest to together cooperate closely to increase stability", reads the Austrian president's letter.

"Let me assure you that Austria will continue to support you on your path to European integration. In this context, we hope that a stable and functional solution will soon be found that leads to the normalization of your relations with your neighbor", said Van der Bellen. He wished a prosperous future for the people of Kosovo. 

OSCE talks about dinar issue with Kosovo Serbs’ representatives, including Lista Srpska (Express)

The OSCE mission in Kosovo has informed that they held a meeting with representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo. The Serbian List, which had initiated the abandonment of Kosovo's institutions, also participated in this meeting. As stated in the OSCE announcement, the dinar issue was also discussed in this meeting.

“Good exchange with Kosovo Serb community representatives. Heard their concerns and reiterated the need for timely and comprehensive consultation and communication with those affected by decisions. Highlighted need for legitimate interests of community to be represented in Kosovo institutions at all levels,” reads OSCE post on X.

Haziri: EU and U.S. mobilized to close agreement within 45 days (teve1)

Deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Lutfi Haziri told Teve1 that the EU and the U.S.have mobilized to close the agreement within 45 days.

"The EU and the USA are mobilized to close this issue of the obligation of Kosovo with large human, financial and humanitarian aid for 45 days, and Kosovo received the big credit, because Serbia is obliged to take actions", he said.

On the other hand, he said that the international allies are already seeing the possibility if there will be positive developments on the part of Kosovo in the coming weeks, since according to Haziri, if the opposite happens, then the second package of punitive measures for Kosovo will be implemented. 

Regarding the lifting of the measures against Kosovo, Haziri said that Borrell and Lajcak are committed to the lifting of the measures against Kosovo, but that they have not found support from their partners.

Gervalla asked Germany to remove Ambassador Jorn Rohde from Kosovo (Albanian Post)

Based on the sources within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and those at Kosovo’s Embassy in Berlin, Albanian Post reported that The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, has asked Germany to remove the current ambassador of Germany to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, from Kosovo.

According to these sources, Gervalla's request was made during her last visit to Berlin, where in addition to the meeting with the chairman of the Commission for Labor The German Foreign Minister, Michael Roth, also met with the Minister of Defense of Germany, Boris Pistorius.

In the January 31 meeting with Pistorius, before the latter's visit to Pristina, Gervalla expressed her complaints about Rohde and his work in Kosovo. 

The same sources have clarified that Gervalla has complained that the diplomat representing Germany in Kosovo is "interfering/interfering a lot" and that he is writing a lot on the "X" platform. 

"He is writing about matters that do not belong to him and he should leave Kosovo", was Donika Gervalla's request. 

But Rohde is not the only German that Gervalla has complained about. Being a German citizen herself, more as a citizen of Germany and less as a diplomat of Kosovo, she has also expressed her negative opinions about Germany's envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin. Gervalla also spoke about Jens Plotner, the advisor to the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz. 

About Plotner, one of the main people involved in the drafting of the French-German Plan from which the Basic Agreement signed between Kosovo and Serbia originated, Gervalla has said that he is getting too involved in Germany's foreign policy for Kosovo and has completely amortized the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Germany. 

Gervalla reportedly has said that she has good relations with her counterpart, Annalena Baerbock, but complained that Plotner is not leaving space for the minister and thus is leading Germany's foreign policy in relation to Kosovo and the Western Balkans from the Chancellery. 

Albanian Post has also confirmed that the German ambassador Rohde is aware of Gervalla's request to remove him.

Kamberi: Internationalization of Valley issue requires coordination (RTK)

The Albanian MP in the Parliament of Serbia, Shaip Kamberi, met with the new ambassador of the Republic of Albania in Belgrade, Bardhyl Canaj, with whom he discussed issues related to the Albanians in the Presheva Valley.

Kamberi wrote on 'Facebook' that it is necessary to have coordination between the Albanian Embassy in Belgrade and the Albanian political spectrum in the Presheva Valley, to address important issues and discrimination which is constantly eminent.

"The internationalization of the issue of the Presheva Valley, in order to expose the injustices faced by the Albanians of Presheva, Bujanovac and Medvegja, requires synchronization and coordination between us. Passivization of addresses was another topic of the meeting", Kamberi wrote. 

According to him, the excellent cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Belgrade will continue during the consistent battle for Albanians’ collective rights! 

"The full implementation of the 7-point Plan should be the starting point for affirming the rights and improving the situation of Albanians in the Presheva Valley", Kamberi said.

Serbian Language Media 

Dacic: Pristina's application for CoE membership unacceptable (Tanjug)

In a meeting with the new head of the Council of Europe (CoE) Office in Belgrade Janos Babity, Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic reiterated that Pristina's application for membership in this organization was unacceptable to Serbia, Tanjug news agency reports.

"Minister Dacic took the opportunity to reiterate to his interlocutor our positions on the unacceptableness of the application by the so-called 'Kosovo' for CoE membership, and thanked all member states that have shown understanding for the positions of the Republic of Serbia", the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Dacic congratulated Babity on taking office and said he was pleased with the support the CoE had been providing to Serbia for over 20 years now. He noted that Serbia was committed to and persevering in implementing the organization's values.

Serbian List calls on international community to protect Serbs in Kosovo (N1, BETA, Kosovo Online)

Serbian List President Zlatan Elek and party officials met the Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Michael Davenport. During the meeting, as the statement said, they requested the international community to raise its voice, stand in protection of the Serbian population and prevent the exodus of Serbs from Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal reported.

A press release also said Serbian List officials told Davenport that Serbs in Kosovo are facing difficulties in their everyday lives in particular since Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti came to power. They also said basic human rights of Serbs are not being respected and they are constantly subjected to institutional violence through groundless arrests, confiscation of properties, attacks on the Serbian Orthodox Church as well as violations of existing agreements.

“The latest decision to ban the dinar and payment transactions, along with assaults on Serbian institutions and harassment of doctors and municipal administration staff are part of deliberate plan to drive Serbs out of their ancestral homes”, the statement said.

Serbian Democracy meets Davenport, demands prevention of repression (Radio kontakt plus)

Serbian Democracy representatives met yesterday Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Michael Davenport, Radio kontakt plus reports.

Serbian Democracy said in a statement they drew attention of OSCE Mission Head “to the intolerable and subjugated position of the Serbian people in Kosovo, as well as to the institutional and police violence against the Serbs”.

"In addition, we requested from Mr. Davenport, that the OSCE Mission in Kosovo urgently takes measures and prevent the continuation of repression by the Kosovo government against Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo, in order to avoid unforeseeable consequences", the statement added.

Zeqiri: We will soon be moved to Zubin Potok municipal building (Kosovo Online)

Zubin Potok mayor, Izmir Zeqiri who for months performs his function in an office in Cabra village is convinced that soon he will lead the municipality from the main municipal building, Kosovo Online portal reports citing Dukadjini media outlet. According to the media report, he also said they expect to be moved soon to the municipal building, as “the situation on the ground has changed”.

According to him, most of the utilities services are already being performed in the municipal building, claiming that most of the citizens requesting services in the municipal offices in Cabra village come from the Serbian community. 

Where did the issue of ousting mayors in northern Kosovo get stuck; who benefits from delay? (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo Central Election Commission (CEC) confirmed almost a month ago it had received petitions from citizens of four northern municipalities for dismissal of mayors, Kosovo Online portal reports. Although it was said immediately that "time is needed for signatures verification", it seems that four weeks were sufficient for this task. As there is still no information from the CEC on whether the petitions are valid, suspicions are looming that the entire process of ousting Albanian mayors is being delayed, the portal added.

Kosovo Online interlocutors assessed that Pristina authorities are actually buying time to hold elections for new mayors only next year, which is the regular term for local elections. Until then, some opinions suggest that the current government, through Albanian mayors, would exert additional pressure on the Serbs.

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Stano: No announcements to make at this stage about Belgrade-Pristina dialogue meeting (Tanjug, media)

European Commission spokesperson Peter Stano said on Monday in Brussels the EU had no announcements to make at this stage about any upcoming round of high-level dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Stano said this in response to a Tanjug query when the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue could be expected to continue in the wake of separate meetings held by EU Foreign and Security Policy Chief Josep Borrell with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Albin Kurti during the Munich Security Conference and after Vucic's statement that he was expecting an invitation to Brussels in the days to come.

Stano added that the dialogue was continuing through daily work by the EU Special Envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak.

Wang: China to continue supporting Serbia in safeguarding its sovereignty (media)

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China will continue to firmly support Serbia in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. Wang said this after a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference (MSC). This will not only consolidate the ironclad friendship between China and Serbia, but also "oppose separatist acts, safeguard the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and defend international equity and justice", China's Xinhua news agency quoted Wang as saying.

"China cherishes its solid friendship and mutual trust with Serbia, and stands ready to strengthen high-level exchanges and plan for future cooperation with Serbia, take China-Serbia relations to new heights, and open a new chapter of solidarity and cooperation between the two countries", he added.

In a post on his official Instagram account, Vucic wrote the meeting with Wang had also addressed bilateral relations and economic cooperation between Serbia and China and reconfirmed the "ironclad friendship between the two states and peoples.""I informed him of the degree of threat to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and the worsening living conditions in Serbia's southern province", Vucic said.

Valuable donation of Raska-Prizren Diocese to Clinical Hospital Centre (CHC) in Mitrovica North (Radio KIM)

The latest donation of Raska-Prizren Diocese to the Clinical Hospital Centre (CHC) in Mitrovica North containing 550 bedclothes, 150 pillows and 150 blankets means alot to this health facility, striving to offer the best possible health protection and treatment to its patients, Radio KIM reports citing the chief nurse at the CHC Ivana Stoisavljevic. She said the donation is valuable and very significant.

Stoisavljevic also mentioned the problem of outdated laundry and drying machines, noting that some of them are 60 years old. As she said in cooperation with the Office for Kosovo and Metohija the implementation of a project to purchase new laundry and drying machines was underway.