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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 22, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Balkan leaders to meet today in Skopje (media)
  • Kurti meets with O'Brien and Balkans’ leaders: We talked about the EU enlargement plan (media)
  • Lajcak: It is time to refocus on next steps of dialogue (RTK)
  • EU does not give government right to pay electricity debt of north from Development Fund (Koha)
  • Decision on Decan Monastery and Association, Germany’s conditions for Kosovo’s CoE membership (Telegrafi)
  • Sandulovic: What crime it is to put flowers on grave of a murdered girl (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Leaders of the WB and EU in Skopje, expected topic and the banning of the dinar in Kosovo (RTS)
  • Serbian President presents “Leap into the future” plan (N1)
  • Vucevic: The military aid received by Pristina represents a danger for Serbia (Tanjug, TV Prva)
  • Office for KiM: The Serbs' existence and security in Kosovo threatened (Tanjug)
  • The Ministry of Culture seek an international reaction due to the seizure of the church in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
  • Serbian Democracy collected signatures to revoke the decision on the allocation of land (Danas)
  • Vucinic: The signing of the petition completed in Z. Potok, more votes than necessary collected (Kosovo Online)
  • The collection of signatures for the removal of Mayor Leposavic completed (RTS)
  • Serbia refused to play against Kosovo (KiM radio)

International Media:

  • The Kosovo Central Bank Controversy (

Albanian Language Media

Balkan leaders to meet today in Skopje (media) 

The Economic Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, approved by the European Commission, will gather the leaders of the Western Balkans on Monday in Skopje. The host of the meeting organized by the Government of North Macedonia will be the Prime Minister of this country, Dimitar Kovacevski. 

The participation was announced by the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milojko Spajic, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, the President of Serbia, Aleksandër Vucic, as well as the Minister of Finance and Treasury in the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Srdjan Amidzhiq, the Government of North Macedonia announced.  

The General Director for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations at the European Commission, Gert Jan Kopman, and the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O'Brien, will also participate in the meeting. 

Kurti meets with O'Brien and Balkans’ leaders: We talked about the EU enlargement plan (media) 

 The leaders of the Western Balkans have gathered in Skopje, a day before the meeting on the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans approved by the EU. The Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovachevski has published on Sunday evening the photos showing the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti, that of Albania Edi Rama, the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, the Assistant Secretary of State James O'Brien, and the head of DUI Ali Ahmeti. 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti spoke after the dinner they had in Skopje with leaders of the Western Balkans and the US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia, James O'Brien, and the director of the European Neighborhood Commission, Gert Jan Kopman. 

He said that they gathered to talk about the EU Enlargement Plan and the inclusion of the Western Balkans. 

"I emphasized that the EU Enlargement Plan and the Berlin Process should accelerate EU membership and that EU funds should be linked to EU values," said Kurti

Lajcak: It is time to refocus on the next steps of the dialogue (RTK) 

The EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajcak, after the meetings he held in Davos, where the "World Economic Forum" was held, said that now is the time to refocus on the next steps of the dialogue. Lajcak also spoke about the issue of the enlargement of the European Union and the membership of the Western Balkans. 

He said that EU enlargement is viewed with skepticism in the Western Balkans. "Serving as co-moderator, I shared my observation that while there is obvious enthusiasm from the Eastern partners, it is met with skepticism from the Western Balkans. The current momentum for enlargement is real, but as we well know, in politics, momentum never lasts forever. Therefore, the main question now is whether we will be able to transform this momentum into a new quality of enlargement or whether it will be lost altogether", Lajcak wrote on Facebook. 

EU does not give government right to pay electricity debt of the north from Development Fund (Koha) 

The European Union opposed the government's decision to pay the debt to KOSTT for the electricity spent in the north with the means of the Trust Development Fund. According to the EU, the decision is not in harmony with the agreement reached 11 years ago in Brussels between Kosovo and Serbia. And the Government has not commented on this position of the EU 

In an answer to the news website, the EU Office in Kosovo said that the use of these means for the payment of electricity in the north is not within the criteria defined by the Brussels Agreement. 

"The repayment of electricity debts does not meet the criteria for the financing of projects from the Development Fund, which are defined in the Brussels Agreement on the collection of customs revenues of January 17, 2013," said the EU Office . 

The government has not given an answer regarding this position of the EU. 

Decision on Decan Monastery and Association, Germany’s conditions for Kosovo’s CoE membership (Telegrafi) 

 Germany continues to demand from Kosovo the implementation of sensitive obligations that it has postponed for years, in order to enable membership in the Council of Europe. 

The German Embassy in Pristina has told Dukagjini broadcaster that this particularly includes the implementation of the decision on the property of the Monastery of Decan or the establishment of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority. 

"Now it is up to Kosovo to complete the 'homework' described in the Legal Report of Prominent Lawyers, published on November 27 for the successful completion of the application for membership. This includes, in particular, the early implementation of the decisions of the Constitutional Court on the land dispute over the Monastery of Decan or the fulfillment of the commitment to establish an Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority," reads their response. 

"The rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for Kosovo have recently visited the country and their report with the recommendations that Kosovo should address will soon be presented to the Parliamentary Assembly", said the German embassy. 

Despite this position, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Kreshnik Ahmeti, assessed that the issue of the properties of the Monastery in Decan is not necessarily related to the Council of Europe. 

According to him, Kosovo is an example in the implementation of decisions, in addition to the fact that there are also member countries of Europe that do not implement the decisions of the European Court for Human Rights. 

"I am not saying that the decisions should not be implemented at all, the point is that we are dealing with some sensitive issues and it is not only the decision of the Decani monastery case, so we should not take an arbitrary approach in selecting the issues that should be raised ", he said. 

As for the Association, Ahmeti considers it unreasonable for the membership to be conditioned with the establishment of this mechanism, as he says that it has nothing to do with the Council of Europe. 

"So it is not Kosovo that has not come with ideas and willingness to move forward, it is not Kosovo that has attacked another state through terrorist attacks like the one on September 24. Therefore, I see no reason for the process of membership in the Council of Europe to be conditioned with issues that are not related to the Council of Europe", he emphasized. 

Sandulovic: What crime it is to put flowers on the grave of a murdered girl (RTK) 

The leader of the Republican Party in Serbia, Nikola Sandulovic, in an interview with RTK, denied having committed the criminal offense for which he is being accused. He has warned that he will demand legal responsibility "for the torture he experienced", and that he will continue to work for reconciliation. 

The Serbian oppositionist, Nikola Sandulovic, who is in care at home after being released from detention, said that he was subjected to "violence for several hours by members of the BIA", due to which he suffered several serious injuries. 

“They beat me, beat me and threatened me and my family. This shows what kind of system we live in. I will not interfere and influence the investigation at any time, but I will demand full responsibility for what happened to me. If there is justice and if the prosecution in Serbia is independent, then my case will be revealed," he said. 

Otherwise, the BIA has denied that Sandulovic was subjected to torture, claiming that there was no violation of freedoms and rights, as well as illegal use of physical force. 

"The members of the BIA have undertaken activities aimed at clarifying the history of Sandulović's illegal activity, which the competent prosecutor has described as the criminal offense of inciting national, racial and religious hatred and intolerance", says the statement of BIA on January 10. 

"What crime is it if I put flowers on the grave of a murdered seven-year-old girl, where is she to blame, whoever her father is, what does this have to do with the girl. I did it as a man, a father, a husband, as a leader of a party whose policy is peace and reconciliation in the region. I considered it a human and moral obligation to express respect and regret for the murder of an Albanian girl in this case, all children are innocent victims", Sandulovic said. 

Serbian Language Media 

Leaders of the WB and EU in Skopje, expected topic and the banning of the dinar in Kosovo (RTS)

The Summit of the "Open Balkans" initiative and the "Western Balkans and the EU" meeting will be held in Skopje on Monday, reported RTS. 

Although it is not on the agenda, it is expected that the announcement of the ban on the Serbian currency in Kosovo will be one of the main topics. The EU plan for the growth of the Western Balkans, worth six billion euros, will also be discussed. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, will also attend the meeting.

Starting tomorrow, Vucic will participate in the "Open Balkans" Initiative Summit and the "Western Balkans and the EU" meeting in Skopje. It is expected that he could discuss the announcement of the abolition of the Serbian currency in Kosovo. 

The official reason for tomorrow's event is the EU plan for the growth of the Western Balkans worth six billion euros, which is money that should be spent by 2027.

The plan, which was presented by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen during her tour in the Western Balkans, involves helping the countries of the region to become part of European policies and programs even before official membership.

The host of the meeting is the Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski, and apart from the President of Serbia, the Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, the Prime Minister of Montenegro Milojko Spajic, the Minister of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Srdjan Amidzic, as well as the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, will also attend.

In Skopje, they will talk about the results achieved by the countries of the Western Balkans and the prerequisites they have fulfilled to be able to spend European money.

Assistant US Secretary of State James O'Brien, who has already arrived in Skopje, will also attend the meeting, as well as representatives of international financial institutions.

Representatives of regional initiatives, such as CEFTA, will also be present, as the formation of the common market of the Western Balkans has been announced, which is one of the prerequisites for membership in the European Union.

Serbian President presents “Leap into the future” plan (N1)

Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, held a presentation on the development of Serbia until 2027, where he promised the biggest results so far.

“Serbia 2027 – Leap into the future,” as the plan is called, has six priorities: raising the standard of living of citizens, accelerated modernization of the country, infrastructure development, industrialization, agriculture and the environment, integral development, and Expo 2027.

Mothers will receive even more money for newly born children, salaries and pensions will increase even more, and schools, kindergartens, and roads will be built. In a word, as PM Ana Brnabic pointed out at the same event – in 2027, Serbia will be a country of innovation and advanced technologies, in which artificial intelligence will replace 40 percent of employees, but – “Serbia is ready for that”.

Presenting the “Leap into the Future – Serbia 2027” plan, Vucic said that € 17.8 billion will be invested in its implementation.

The President announced that by the end of 2027, the average pension in Serbia will be € 650.

When it comes to lithium mining in Serbia, he said that only the Serbian government can make such a decision.

“My opinion is known. The previous government didn’t accept this idea of mine because of the demonstrations. I don’t think it’s necessary to promote the ignorant but to develop our regions,” said Vucic.

Vucevic: The military aid received by Pristina represents a danger for Serbia (Tanjug, TV Prva)

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on Sunday that, although NATO was not working directly on the creation of the Kosovo Army, some members of the Alliance directly engage in that process, and pointed out that all the military aid that Pristina receives was a danger for Serbia.

Vucevic told TV Prva that the announced delivery of "javelin" missiles to Pristina by the US was not the only military aid that Pristina receives from the members of the Alliance.

"When you add everything that the Turks, Germans and Croats delivered to them earlier. Then the British, who do train with them, have strategic agreements, they took their ten soldiers to the Falkland Islands. That's why we had a problem with Argentina, which, of course, does not recognize Kosovo, so it wrote a note of protest to Serbia and asked why what they see as part of Serbia is participating in something that threatens their sovereignty," said Vucevic, reported Tanjug.

Office for KiM: The Serbs' existence and security in Kosovo threatened (Tanjug)

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced last night that the series of attacks and robberies of Serb houses in areas south of the Ibar continued with a new raid on two family Serb homes in the village of Donja Brnjica near Pristina, warning that the existence and safety of Serbs in Kosovo are threatened.

While the hosts were celebrating in central Serbia, thieves broke into and ransacked the houses of Bozidar Vanic, as well as Ranko and Srdjan Milicevic, and the damage will be determined later.

In the previous days, the houses of Serbian hosts in the municipality of Istok, as well as a house in Plemetina, were raided on two occasions, according to the Office.

The Ministry of Culture seek an international reaction due to the seizure of the church in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)

The Ministry of Culture of Serbia called on international organizations and institutions to respond to information about the seizure of around 50 acres of land on which the foundations of the monastery and the Church of the Virgin of Hvostan from the sixth century in the municipality of Istok in Kosovo is located, in order to protect the basic human rights of Serbs and cultural and religious heritage in the province, reported Tanjug on Saturday.

In a press release, the Ministry assesses that "this campaign also clearly shows that the temporary institutions in Pristina continue violence against the Serbian sacred spiritual heritage with the aim of intimidation and persecution, as well as the appropriation of cultural heritage as part of the fake state project".

"The hypocrisy of stealing the Serbian cultural heritage with gross forgeries under the guise of its protection is particularly clearly evidenced by the fact that this is happening precisely in the area where the Serbian returnees, who escaped from the Albanian pogrom, are located and at the time of spiritual holidays. This is how the violence is calculated to achieve the strongest effect of inhumanity and desecration," the announcement states among other things, reported the agency.

Serbian Democracy collected signatures to revoke the decision on the allocation of land (Danas)

Serbian Democracy announced that they have finished collecting signatures to revoke the decision of the North Mitrovica Municipal Assembly on the allocation of land to the Kosovo MIA for the construction of a base for special units of the Kosovo Police in North Mitrovica, reported Danas.

The leader of the Serbian Democracy, Aleksandar Arsenijevic stated in a video published on the Facebook page of the Serbian Democracy that the signatures will be submitted to the President of the North Mitrovica Municipal Assembly on Wednesday or Thursday and that a request will be prepared supported by arguments and legal frameworks. 

Vucinic: The signing of the petition completed in Z. Potok, more votes than necessary collected (Kosovo Online)

One of the initiators of the petition for the removal of the mayor in Zubin Potok, Srdjan Vucinic, confirmed for Kosovo Online that they collected more than 1,300 votes, which was necessary, and that the signing of the petition was completed on Sunday. 

"The petition has ended today, and we have collected more votes than the number we need. We will inform you about the official number and the next steps soon," said Vucinic. 

In conclusion with Zubina Potok, votes were collected in other Serbian municipalities in the north of Kosovo - North Mitrovica, Zvecan and Leposavic. All the initiators pointed out that more signatures were collected than necessary.

The collection of signatures for the removal of Mayor Leposavic completed (RTS)

In Leposavic, the collection of signatures for starting a petition for the removal of the mayor was completed on Saturday, confirmed Veselin Radovic, a lawyer and one of the initiators.

According to Radovic, more signatures were collected than the necessary number - the minimum is 20 percent of registered voters in Leposavic.

He stated that the exact number of signatures will be known on Monday, and that everything went well.

According to the data provided by the CEC to the initiators of the petition, 13,441 voters are registered in the voter's list in the municipality of Leposavic, and for the petition to be launched, it is necessary that 20 percent, or 2,689 voters, sign it.

Previously, the collection of signatures for the removal of the illegitimately elected mayor of North Mitrovica was completed, confirmed Sanja Krtinic from the group of citizens who initiated the petition.

Serbia refused to play against Kosovo (KiM radio)

The junior volleyball team of Serbia, under the age of 18, refused to participate in the match with Kosovo in the qualifications for the European Championship, reported KiM radio.

That match was supposed to take place in North Macedonia, in Strumica, but it did not due to the non-appearance of the Serbian side.

As per the explanation of the Volleyball Federation of Serbia, as many as nine players had a fever and that's why they couldn't go on the field.

That is why the match was registered with an official score of 3:0 in favor of Kosovo.

International Media

The Kosovo Central Bank Controversy (

Kosovo’s Central Bank has taken a controversial step by deciding to suspend the use of the Serbian dinar and exclusively approve the euro as the primary currency for cash transactions, effective from February 1, 2024.

However, the National Bank of Serbia raises concerns, pointing out that Kosovo’s use of the euro is problematic as it cannot be officially issued or introduced as the currency of countries outside the EU that do not meet the “Maastricht criteria” for joining the eurozone.

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