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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 6, 2022

  • UK envoy Peach expresses willingness to assist in the dialogue process (media)
  • Kurti meets Dendias, emphasizes the need for visa liberalisation (media)
  • Kosovo government says Cyprus supports visa liberalisation (media)
  • Milan Radojcic announces return to Kosovo (media)
  • Von Carmon calls for immediate liberalisation of visas for Kosovo (Telegrafi)
  • U.S. pollster shows Kurti as most trusted leader, followed by Osmani (media)
  • Analysis: Kosovo and Albania, history of agreements but non-implementation (Exit)
  • Krypometer to verify facts of publications on Facebook and Instagram (Kallxo)
  • University of Prishtina counts on authorities' help on disputed property (Koha)

UK envoy Peach expresses willingness to assist in the dialogue process (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti met the United Kingdom's Envoy for the Western Balkans Sir Stuart Peach, on the sidelines of the 26th annual Roundtable organized by the prestigious British magazine The Economist. They discussed the developments in Kosovo and in the Western Balkans region.

Kurti informed the emissary about the initiated reforms, emphasizing the commitment of the government of Kosovo to economic development, justice reform and good governance while Peach expressed his readiness to deepen cooperation, especially in the field of rule of law and security. Based on his long experience in the Western Balkans region, emissary Peach expressed his willingness to help in the dialogue process, an announcement of the Office of the Prime Minister informed.

Furthermore, they discussed the influence of third actors, and in particular the Russian influence in the region and the possible consequences of this intervention through the distribution of false information. They also agreed to intensify efforts in order to preserve the stability and integrity of the countries of the Western Balkans.

Kurti meets Dendias, emphasizes the need for visa liberalisation (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti talked on Tuesday with the Foreign Minister of Greece Nikos Dendias, about the possibilities of deepening bilateral relations.

"The existing excellent relations between Kosovo and Greece, as well as the possibilities of deepening them, were highlighted in the meeting between the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti and the Foreign Minister of Greece, Nikos Dendias", the Prime Minister's Information Office announced.

It further informed that they discussed regional developments, as well as the political and economic impact of the war in Ukraine. They agreed on the necessity of coordinating joint sanctioning actions against Russia, as well as the involvement of everyone without exception in helping Ukraine, to face Russian aggression. The need for increased commitment to reducing the influence of third actors in the region, as well as the development and integration perspective of the Western Balkans, was also emphasized.

Kosovo government says Cyprus supports visa liberalisation (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti met in Greece the Prime Minister of Cyprus Ioannis Kasoulides.

A statement issued by the Office of Kosovo PM notes that Kurti spoke in the meeting about positive developments in Kosovo, economic growth, fight against crime and corruption and reforms launched by the Government of Kosovo. Kasoulides meanwhile is said to have expressed the readiness of his country to increase cooperation and communication with Kosovo. "He confirmed the support of Cyprus for visa liberalisation for the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo," the statement reads.

Milan Radojcic announces return to Kosovo (media)

Milan Radojcic, deputy leader of the Serbian List wanted by Kosovo authorities in connection to the murder of political leader Oliver Ivanovic, said in a video posted on YouTube that he is back in Kosovo and "there is no going back".

He said he was delivering the address from the north at a time "when the real terror against Serbian people is beginning". "For my people in the north and for all Serbs, allow me to say to you, and to others, that I am here. I am back and you know what it means because there is no going back from here. Long live Serbia."

Koha reports that the video was published by the Serbian media outlet Alo saying it follows "Kurti's brutal threats". The video is said to not be good for anyone in Pristina but "a ray of hope for the Serbs."

Von Cramon calls for immediate liberalisation of visas for Kosovo (Telegrafi)

The European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, giving details of the report that she will present at the session of the European Parliament, has reiterated the need for the immediate liberalisation of visas for Kosovo, which, according to her, is long overdue despite the fact that Kosovo has met all the criteria.

“This year’s Kosovo report comes in a special moment - the one when we see again horrors of war in Europe,” she wrote on Twitter. “It’s government demonstrated full solidarity with Ukraine, for which I want to thank them,” Von Cramon stated.

She also informed that the report also underlines Kosovo’s long reform and EU-integration path. It covers a wide range of issues including the Rule of Law, fight against organised crime and corruption, public administration and anti-discrimination.

Regarding the Rule of Law, the report urges authorities to cooperate with international partners and fully respect the Venice Commission Opinion. Rule of Law means equality for all, Von Cramon emphasized. “Thus, I call the Kosovo government to implement the Constitutional Court’s judgement regarding Decani Monastery and demonstrate that it does not have a selective approach when it come to the application of Rule of Law.

“An essential element of Kosovo’s EU integration path is the EU-led Dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo. EU’s special envoy Miroslav Lajcak has our full support and there is a unique trans-Atlantic unity. Yet, without legally binding normalization agreement, the accession to EU will not occur,” she wrote, stressing that the environmental protection must become a priority for Kosovo. “One of the main steps is the energy transition. Time to implement the Energy Strategy which will pave the way for decarbonisation of Kosovo’s energy mix and open the door for renewables.”

U.S. pollster shows Kurti as most trusted leader, followed by Osmani (media)

The Center for Insights in Survey Research 2022 Western Balkans  regional survey, a project of the International Republican Institute, published findings based on information collected between December 2021 and February 2022 which show that 28 percent of respondents consider Albin Kurti to be the most trusted politician, 15 percent voted for Vjosa Osmani, 9 percent for Kadri Veseli, 7 percent for Hashim Thaci, 6 percent for Lumir Abdixhiku, 4 for Ramush Haradinaj.

To the question of whether they consider their country is headed in the right or wrong direction, 55 percent of respondents in Kosovo said it was going in the wrong direction, 42 percent said it was on the right path while 3 percent did not answer. In Kosovo 46 percent of respondents identified economy and unemployment at the most mentioned problem, followe by the cost of living and high prices (24 percent) and corruption (8 percent). On the question of whether they support the Open Balkan initiative, 36 percent of respondents said they completely do not support it, 13 percent somewhat do not support, 26 percent somewhat support and 16 percent completely support.

The survey included 1,520 respondents with the margin of error being +/- 2.9 points. A multi-stage probability sampling method was used to design a nationally representative sample and the sampling frame was based on population and housing census data and population estimates.

See the complete survey at:

Analysis: Kosovo and Albania, history of agreements but non-implementation (Exit)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama visited Kosovo and met his counterpart, Albin Kurti, on 20 June to discuss relations between their two countries and further strengthen cooperation by signing 19 bilateral agreements.

It was the eighth official meeting between the two governments since Kosovo declared independence, having signed over 100 agreements during that time. Both governments, however, having been criticized for failing to implement the majority of them.

“Our bilateral relations are excellent and brotherly. Brothers do not have intermediaries between each other. Therefore, even this meeting is a meeting between Kosovo and Albania to strengthen our two states in the function of our citizens for their interest,” said Kurti during a joint press conference with Rama.

Read more at:

Krypometer to verify facts of publications on Facebook and Instagram (Kallxo)

Krypometer, the fact-checking platform of Internews Kosova and BIRN Kosova, has become part of the Meta company programme for verification of facts on social networks, Facebook and Instagram.

Meta said that collaboration with Krypometer is part of the company's efforts to fight misinformation. "Fighting fake news is a responsibility we take seriously therefore we are continuously working on ways to help stop their spread on our platform," Kateryna Kruk, Public Policy Manager at Meta said.

University of Prishtina counts on authorities' help on disputed property (Koha)

The Rectorate of the University of Prishtina (UP) is still looking for a legal way to resolve the issue of the land located within the university campus, where the Serbian Orthodox Church "St. Nicholas" is located, Koha reports, adding that to this end Rector Naser Sahiti has raised the need for support in a meeting with members of the Kosovo Assembly committee for oversight of public finances.

"Sahiti said, on Tuesday, that he is making efforts to ensure that the state attorney takes over the representation of the UP in the court case started in 2012, through which the largest public university in Kosovo seeks to return ownership over the disputed land," Koha notes.