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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 1, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

President Osmani to meet Macron and Scholz in Chisinau (media)
Kurti: Despite difference in approach, U.S. key partner we’ll always consult (media)
COMKFOR: If we didn’t intervene, we’d now be mourning the dead (Koha)
U.S. asks Serbia to stop Kosovo Serbs from attacking KFOR (media)
Erdogan talks with Kurti and Vucic about situation in north of Kosovo (media)
Peach: Reckless action of the government, Kosovo’s image damaged (Koha)
Police: Three police vehicles damaged; journalists also attacked (media)
Svecla: Belgrade continues tendencies to destabilise Kosovo (media)
Reporter: Persons with “Wagner” insignia covered them when they approached US soldiers (Kallxo)
Haradinaj: Kurti is a threat to the country, he should leave (Klan)
Schmidt: There can be no war between Serbs and Albanians (Klan/Phoenix TV)

Serbian Language Media:

KFOR at the main intersections in Zvecan, continues to control municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo (RTS)
Vucic to CNN: Belgrade met all obligations, Pristina did not (N1, Danas)
Kosovo Serb newsrooms defend Zvecan cafe owner labeled as a „traitor“ on social networks (Kosovo)
Serbian list: Obrenovic and Petrovic peacefully expressed their protest, the court's decision illegal and unfounded (Radio Mitrovica sever)
Buxhala: Disheartening that many people in Kosovo believe that in the conflict between the EU/US and Kosovo, that the former will lose rather than the latter (KoSSev)
Albanian rapper Stresi called for "Let's March for the North" (KoSSev)

International Media:

Why do Kosovo-Serbia tensions persist? (AP)
‘Overreaction’: Kosovo leader blasts US response to violent unrest (
NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo set up barriers amid violent clashes (Aljazeera)
Statement by High Representative Borrell on ongoing confrontations (Reliefweb)
Kosovan PM says he could consider early elections in north if violence ends (The Guardian)
NATO troops on guard in northern Kosovo for third day amid protests (France 24)
Kosovo Serbs Continue Protests As NATO Bolsters Peacekeeping Force (RFE)
NATO troops on guard in north Kosovo for third day amid protests (Reuters)
'Z' Marks The Trouble Spot: Russia's Symbol Of War Appears In Northern Kosovo (RFE)
Kosovo: Why is violence flaring up again? (
Efforts to defuse Kosovo crisis intensify amid more protests (

Albanian Language Media

President Osmani to meet Macron and Scholz in Chisinau (media)

At the invitation of the organizers of the European Political Community, Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, is representing Kosovo at the second summit of the European Political Community (EPC). “President Osmani will join 46 other heads of state of the European continent as well as heads of EU institutions, with the aim of promoting political dialogue and strengthening cooperation to address the most urgent issues of security and stability in Europe,” announced the Presidency of Kosovo.

RTK reported on Wednesday evening that Osmani will probably meet today with French President, Emanuel Macron, and German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz. Under the leading front-page headline, A meeting about the north without Kurti, Koha Ditore reports that Macron confirmed on Wednesday that a meeting will be held to reduce tensions in the north but that instead of Kurti, Kosovo will be represented by Osmani.

All media covered Macron’s remarks on Wednesday that Kosovo’s authorities are responsible for unrest in the north of Kosovo. Radio Free Europe notes that Macron’s position is in line with statements by the U.S. and the Quint countries which blamed the Kosovo government for the tensions in the north.

Kurti: Despite difference in approach, U.S. key partner we’ll always consult (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, in an interview with Financial Times, talked about the situation in the north and the U.S. sanctions against Kosovo. “A pleasure to talk with Financial Times today in Bratislava, shortly after Commission President Von Der Leyen unveiled a plan for WB to be closer to the Single Market. I reiterated that despite having had a difference in approach, the US is a key partner who we will always consult,” Kurti wrote on Twitter, where he shared part of the interview.

“Those who are talking sanctions should perhaps think broader or deeper,” Kurti said in an interview. “Serbia is not putting sanctions to the Russian Federation and is financing this fascist militia in the northern part of my country, so perhaps they should receive sanctions”.

Kurti also described the U.S. as the “key friend, ally and partner” of Kosovo, adding that he was in daily contact with the American ambassador in Pristina. “I admit and acknowledge that in terms of approaches taken we have had a slight difference but honestly I do not feel that any kind of sanctions on Kosovo … is the right measure”.

Kurti also said he would be ready to hold a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic if it was mediated by Brussels. He also welcomed the deployment of more NATO troops to quell the violence, saying: “I’ve been calling for more NATO soldiers since last year”.

COMKFOR: If we didn’t intervene, we’d now be mourning the dead (Koha)

Commander of KFOR peacekeeping troops, Angelo Michelle Ristuccia, in an interview for the Italian newspaper La Repubblica said that in Zvecan there were professionals who "intentionally incited the crowd" of Serb residents who have gathered for four days in front of the municipal building.

Ristuccia emphasized the importance of the presence of KFOR in the northern municipalities of Kosovo, saying that if it were not for the mission, things would have gone much worse. "If we had not intervened, now we would be mourning the dead," Ristuccia described the situation that could escalate further without the presence of KFOR.

U.S. asks Serbia to stop Kosovo Serbs from attacking KFOR (media)

Coordinator of the U.S. National Security Council, John Kirby, asked Serbia on Wednesday to reduce the level of combat readiness of the army. In a briefing from the White House, Kirby also asked Serbia to stop the Kosovo Serbs from attacking KFOR.

"Prime Minister Kurti and the government of Kosovo must make sure that the elected mayors perform their temporary duties in alternative spaces, outside municipal facilities and withdraw the police forces from municipal facilities," he said.

"Also, President Vucic and the government of Serbia must lower the security status of the armed forces of Serbia and order the Kosovo Serbs not to challenge KFOR and refrain from further violence," Kirby said.

Erdogan talks with Kurti and Vucic about situation in north of Kosovo (media)

The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has talked with Prime Minister Albin Kurti about the situation created in the north, the Turkish Presidency announced. In the announcement published on Twitter, it was said that Erdogan told Kurti that the dialogue process is the only way "to establish lasting peace and stability in the region".

Erdogan has added that Turkey is ready to make the necessary contribution to the dialogue process. 

Erdogan, who last week was re-elected as the head of Turkey, also talked with the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. The latter asked him for help regarding the situation in the north of Kosovo. With Erdogan's reputation and influence in Kosovo, Vucic said, he can help maintain peace in the region. “President Erdogan was interested in the current situation in Kosovo, and President Vucic informed him about the chronology of events that led to the escalation of violence against the Serb community there. He also asked the Turkish head of state to use his country's reputation and influence in order to maintain peace and stability in the region," a statement notes.

Peach: Reckless action of the government, Kosovo’s image damaged (Koha)

UK Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Stuart Peach, said on Wednesday that he gave a clear message to the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, during the meeting with him on Wednesday.

"The action of the government of Kosovo to force mayors into municipal facilities was reckless and had harmful consequences," he said, adding that there is a need for immediate de-escalation.

He said that he has spoken to counterparts in Washington, Brussels and beyond, and that from the conversations with them one thing has become clear that "the recent events have caused damage to the international image of Kosovo and its reputation with the allies".

"The United Kingdom has stood by Kosovo in good times and in bad, as a friend and supporter and will continue to do so, but unilateral actions will only make this more difficult."

Police: Three police vehicles damaged; journalists also attacked (media)

The Kosovo Police announced on Wednesday that in cooperation and coordination with other security institutions, they have continued their commitment to providing security and the progress of the protests which were held on Wednesday near the municipalities of Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan. "Initially, the protest was peaceful, but in the afternoon, at different time intervals, some suspected persons threw stones at three vehicles of the Kosovo Police, where two of them were damaged by breaking the windows. As a result of the attacks by heavy means, a police official has suffered injuries," the Kosovo Police announces.

The Kosovo Police informs that also during the protest, some media/journalists were obstructed and attacked, as well as their vehicles were vandalized by individuals/criminal groups. Obstructing journalists on duty violates the right to expression, information and freedom of the press.

"We are committed to investigating these criminal acts and preventing violence from occurring. At the same time, the Kosovo Police calls on all protesters to refrain from violence and to express their opinions peacefully," the Kosovo Police announced.

Koha Ditore covered the developments in the north on Wednesday under the headline Special units and the new mayors unwanted by the protesters.

Svecla: Belgrade continues tendencies to destabilise Kosovo (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said on Wednesday that “the attacks of the last days were organised by criminal groups orchestrated by Belgrade. They attacked police officers, KFOR soldiers, reporters, and damaged and burned official vehicles and media vehicles. Moreover, they spread dangerous messages through slogans with symbols”.

“In the recent attacks, KFOR soldiers were wounded with firearms and calls were made by the crowds of protesters to kill members of the Kosovo Police. These criminal actions are unacceptable, and all perpetrators of these acts will face justice,” he said.

Svecla said that “two criminals that attacked KFOR members on Monday have been placed on 30-day detention and during the day Kosovo Police in Jarinje arrested two Serbian nationals that were carrying illegal means for riots”.

“Our security institutions have raised the level of vigilance and are in full coordination with our international partners. Every criminal individual or group that tries to escalate the situation, threaten the lives or security of our citizens, will meet the force of law and justice,” Svecla added.

Reporter: Persons with “Wagner” insignia covered them when they approached US soldiers (Kallxo)

A report of the Kallxo news website that reports from the north of Kosovo talked in a debate on Wednesday about people wearing shirts with the Wagner insignia in Leposavic. She said these persons covered the insignia when they approached the U.S. KFOR soldiers. “Four persons with ‘Wagner’ insignia came out of a vehicle with Belgrade license plates. When they approached the U.S. soldiers, they covered the insignia and put on more clothes. These groups have a big influence in the north,” the reporter said. She also claimed that in the north of Kosovo there are organised and violent groups that are supported by the extreme right-wing organisation.

Haradinaj: Kurti is a threat to the country, he should leave (Klan)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) appeared at a press conference on Wednesday wearing a T-shirt printed with the US flag and the NATO logo. He said that his party is preparing a motion of no confidence for Prime Minister Albin Kurti, for two reasons. "The first is the jeopardizing of sovereignty and security in the north, and the second is the breakdown of relations with the USA and the EU," he said.

Haradinaj said the AAK also started talks with other opposition entities. "We have started communication with the leaders of the parties at the level of the parliamentary groups and in the future, we will give the results of this communication," he said.

Schmidt: There can be no war between Serbs and Albanians (Klan/Phoenix TV)

Christian Schmidt, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, said in an interview with German TV station Phoenix on Wednesday that the unrest in the north of Kosovo will not lead to a war between Serbs and Albanians. He argued that what is currently happening in the north are “unfortunately violent” tactical confrontations.

Asked if there could be a war between Kosovo and Serbia, Schmidt said: “No I don’t have such concerns, because the forces of reason prevail. These are tactical confrontations, unfortunately violent ones, that can be instrumentalised and which do not represent any spontaneous anger of neither people”.

Serbian Language Media

KFOR at the main intersections in Zvecan, continues to control municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo (RTS)

Fourth day KFOR controls the buildings of 4 municipalities in the north of Kosovo. Employees in local self-governments cannot go to their offices, and the Serbs announce a peaceful protest for today as well, reports RTS.

Serbs are gathering in front of the municipality of Zvecan this morning as well, and the workers of this municipality who have not been able to go to work since Friday started registering in front of the barbed wire on an improvised registration stand. 

Their increased presence on the streets and approaches to Zeman was requested by the Serbian side after a conversation with the head of the KFOR unit located in front of the municipal building.

The Serbian side demanded this to prevent direct contact of the citizens gathered at the protests with the Kosovo Police after the incident that happened yesterday in the afternoon.

According to eyewitnesses, the incident occurred when a Kosovo police vehicle full of police officers was passing through a crowd of citizens.

In Zvecan, a large number of citizens began to gather at 7:00 a.m. in front of the municipality building for peaceful protests that are scheduled for today as well, and many spent the whole night there.

Vucic to CNN: Belgrade met all obligations, Pristina did not (N1, Danas)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told CNN on Wednesday that Belgrade has implemented all its international obligations under the Brussels Agreement while Pristina has not done the only thing it should have – form the Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo.

Vucic said that there were 353 ethnically motivated assaults on Kosovo Serbs since Prime Minister Albin Kurti took office. He said that was the largest number of incidents since Pristina declared independence in 2008. He said that there were five firearms assaults on Kosovo Serb civilians this year and added that they just want safety for themselves and their families.

The Serbian President denied Kurti’s claims that he forced the Kosovo Serbs to boycott the local elections in northern municipalities.

According to Vucic, Belgrade is very happy with the statements made by US State Secretary Antony Blinken and French President Emanuel Macron about the latest crisis in Kosovo. He said the key thing is to maintain peace and stability. He said that he knows the Kosovo Serbs are determined to defend their homes and called them to use peaceful means, adding that they have to talk to the Albanians to get all international agreements implemented. He also called the international community to act decisively towards anyone who jeopardizes peace and stability.

Kosovo Serb newsrooms defend Zvecan cafe owner labeled as a „traitor“ on social networks (Kosovo)

KoSSev portal reported yesterday that amid the latest tensions in the north of Kosovo, one of the most discussed topics since Friday’s events has been the numerous attacks on journalists. The Kosovo Journalists Association issues daily statements regarding attacks on media. As of yesterday, according to these statistics, there were 18 such cases; all involving journalists reporting in Albanian. The association reported new attacks today. The topic also caught the eye of the international public and was even included in Prime Minister Kurti’s address.

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Serbian list: Obrenovic and Petrovic peacefully expressed their protest, the court's decision illegal and unfounded (Radio Mitrovica sever)

The Serbian List announced yesterday that it strongly condemns the decision of the basic court in Pristina, to sentence Dusan Obrenovic and Rados Petrovic to 30 days of detention.

"Serbian List strongly condemns the illegal and baseless decision of the Court of Kurti, which orders our innocent fellow citizens to be detained without any proof of guilt, only because they do not agree with Aljbin Kurti's plan to ethnically cleanse the north of Kosovo and Metohija from our people through occupation and persecution," read the statement.

"Petrovic and Obrenovic calmly expressed their protest against the occupation of the municipal building in Zvecan, and tried to calm the situation on the ground, but apparently their Serbian names are quite enough to be in the Kosovo casemates," the announcement stated.

The Serbian List recalled that special forces who shot the Serbs in the back and tried to kill Stefan and Milos Stojanovic, Milan Jovanovic and Miljan Delevic, were released to house arrest, despite all the evidence of guilt.

Buxhala: Disheartening that many people in Kosovo believe that in the conflict between the EU/US and Kosovo, that the former will lose rather than the latter (KoSSev)

“It is disheartening that many people in Kosovo believe that in the conflict between the EU/US and Kosovo, it is the EU/US who will ultimately lose and suffer, rather than Kosovo. It is difficult to comprehend how they have arrived at this conclusion,” a well-known journalist from Kosovo, Berat Buxhala, assessed. Buxhala added that he, who is nearly 50 years old, has never experienced such an anti-Western sentiment in Kosovo before.

Buxhala, the editor of “Nacionale”, has been vocal for days in expressing his warnings regarding the current crisis in the north, which contradicts the way the Kosovo government is managing the crisis. He is also a strong critic of Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s actions.

He stated that for those journalists in Kosovo who do not agree with the approach of Kurti’s government, it is „indeed a challenging situation“, especially when it comes to the issue of the crisis in the North.

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Albanian rapper Stresi called for "Let's March for the North" (KoSSev)

KoSSev reported last night that Albanian rapper Stresi took the situation in the North very seriously.

According to KoSSev, he said he was ready to " fight from Tirana to Kosovo." KoSSev added that he also called for a march.

"1. June 2023 at 12:00 pm let's march to the North. We invite you en masse to defend our country," Stresi wrote.

"Let's march north," he wrote, reported KoSSev, citing Index online.

International Media

Why do Kosovo-Serbia tensions persist? (AP)

Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo flared anew this week after Kosovo’s police raided Serb-dominated areas in the region’s north and seized local municipality buildings.

There have been violent clashes between Kosovo’s police and NATO-led peacekeepers on one side and local Serbs on the other, leaving dozens of people injured on both sides.

Serbia raised the combat readiness of its troops stationed near the border and warned it wouldn’t stand by if Serbs in Kosovo were attacked again. The situation has again fueled fears of a renewal of the 1998-99 conflict in Kosovo that claimed more than 10,000 lives and left more than 1 million homeless.

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‘Overreaction’: Kosovo leader blasts US response to violent unrest (

The U.S. decision to penalize Kosovo following violent clashes that left NATO troops wounded is both surprising and an “overreaction,” Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti told POLITICO on Wednesday.

The U.S. and its Western allies have sharply rebuked Pristina amid growing tensions in the region over Kosovo’s decision to forcibly install ethnic Albanian mayors in municipal buildings in majority-Serb areas, despite a turnout of under 4 percent in recent local elections.

In response to the deepening crisis, Washington went as far as canceling Kosovo’s participation in a U.S.-led military exercise and declaring that it now has little enthusiasm to help Kosovo move toward EU and NATO membership.

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NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo set up barriers amid violent clashes (Aljazeera)

NATO peacekeeping troops in Kosovo have placed metal fences and barbed wire barriers in a northern town following clashes that have seen dozens of international soldiers and protesters injured.

The barriers were erected after hundreds of ethnic Serbs started gathering in front of the city hall in Zvecan, a northern Kosovo town 45km (28 miles) north of the capital, Pristina.

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Statement by High Representative Borrell on ongoing confrontations (Reliefweb)

The European Union condemns in the strongest terms the violence in the north of Kosovo that we have seen in the last few days. Violent acts against citizens, against media, against law enforcement and the KFOR troops are absolutely unacceptable and bring to a very dangerous situation.

We, the European Union, stand firmly behind NATO’s mission KFOR in fulfilling its mandate in the interest of the peace and the stability in Kosovo.

I have had contacts with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti - again this morning - and with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, overnight. I asked both Parties to urgently take measures to de-escalate tensions immediately and unconditionally. And any further unilateral action has to be avoided and calm being restored.

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Kosovan PM says he could consider early elections in north if violence ends (The Guardian)

Kosovo’s prime minister, Albin Kurti, has said he is prepared to consider early elections in Serb-majority northern Kosovo, as some British sources expressed concern that the US and EU are making a mistake by threatening their ally with punishment over Kurti’s handling of recent violent clashes in the region.

A former UK ambassador said the EU envoy to Kosovo should stand aside, while the UK foreign affairs select committee chair, Alicia Kearns, warned the US against disproportionate punishment of Kurti. Emmanuel Macron, the French president, said Kurti had made mistakes and he would be meeting him jointly with the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz.

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NATO troops on guard in northern Kosovo for third day amid protests (France 24)

Following clashes on Monday in Zvecan, a northern town, during which 30 NATO troops and 52 ethnic Serbian protesters were hurt, NATO said it would send 700 more troops to Kosovo to boost its 4,000-strong mission. It was not clear when the soldiers would arrive.

Regional unrest has intensified following April elections that the ethnic Serbs boycotted, narrowing the turnout to 3.5% and leaving victory in four Serb-majority Kosovan mayoralties to ethnic Albanian candidates.

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Kosovo Serbs Continue Protests As NATO Bolsters Peacekeeping Force (RFE)

Ethnic Serbs unfurled a large Serbian flag during a protest on May 31 in the town of Zvecan in northern Kosovo, where violent clashes earlier in the week reportedly left some 30 NATO peacekeepers with injuries. In response to the unrest, NATO said it would send 700 additional soldiers to Kosovo and place another battalion on high alert. On the ground in Zvecan, members of the NATO-led KFOR protection force were seen putting up razor-wire barricades to further secure the area.

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NATO troops on guard in north Kosovo for third day amid protests (Reuters)

NATO peacekeepers guarded town halls in ethnically polarised north Kosovo for a third day on Wednesday as Serbia's defence minister inspected troops deployed near the border with its former province after violent unrest this week.

The disturbances prompted NATO to send additional troops to the area and the alliance and the West slammed Kosovo for not having done enough to prevent violence, during which 30 NATO troops and 52 ethnic Serb protesters were hurt on Monday.

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'Z' Marks The Trouble Spot: Russia's Symbol Of War Appears In Northern Kosovo (RFE)

As ethnic trouble brewed and the latest confrontations erupted this week in northern Kosovo, a powerful symbol of Russian expansionism emerged alongside the Serbian flags denoting resistance to Pristina's authority.

RFE/RL's Balkan Service and other media shared images of the "Z," which was used by Russian forces invading Ukraine, painted or otherwise scrawled on Kosovo police and NATO peacekeepers' vehicles.

Some even caught a group of masked men in the act of spray-painting it on the armored blue trucks of Kosovar special police units in Zvecan, the scene of the worst violence on May 29.

More than 30 NATO peacekeepers were injured there in what its KFOR mission called "unprovoked attacks," and dozens more Serb protesters were hurt.

The unrest was sparked by the Kosovar authorities' insistence on forcibly seating ethnic Albanian mayors in predominantly Serb northern Kosovo after boycotted elections and despite Western urgings to avoid escalating tensions.

Northern Kosovo is a locus of ethno-nationalist unrest in the Balkans and, outside of Ukraine itself, one of Europe's most dangerous flash points, pitting Western-oriented political forces against pro-Russian counterparts.

In the days since the violence, official Belgrade and Serb representatives have remained silent over some of the protesters' embrace of the "Z" symbol, a clear middle finger to Pristina and the West for its support of Kosovar independence and a possible show of solidarity with Serbia's traditional ally Russia.

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Kosovo: Why is violence flaring up again? (

Violent clashes have taken place in Kosovo between ethnic Serbs and police belonging to the Albanian-led government.

Nato is deploying an extra 700 troops to the country after more than 30 of its peacekeepers were injured.

The clashes followed a disputed local election and there are fears the violence could escalate.

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Efforts to defuse Kosovo crisis intensify amid more protests (

The leaders of Germany and France will lead a renewed diplomatic push to defuse tensions in Kosovo on Thursday. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron plan to meet the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo at a summit in Moldova.

International efforts to defuse the crisis in Kosovo look set to intensify on Thursday with the leaders of France and Germany due to meet senior top officials from Serbia and Kosovo at a summit in Moldova.

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