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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 11, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

•    Kurti after meeting Blair: I sincerely thanked our friend for his unwavering support (Nacionale)
•    Kurti met with Director of Srebrenica Genocide Memorial Center, Emir Suljagic: Serbia must face its past (Telegrafi)
•    USA: "All-Serbian" declaration, dangerous attack on Dayton and Bosnian institutions (media)
•    Edi Rama, advised Kurti to get out of trap of "cat and mouse" game with Serbia (Telegrafi)
•    Szunyog visited "Bllaca 99" memorial center (RTK)
•    Municipality of Pristina announces Kouchner's visit has been cancelled (RTK)
•    Express: Lord Robertson arrives in Pristina for the 25th anniversary of liberation (Express)

Serbian Language Media:

•    Djuric: Solution for Kosovo can be sought only through dialogue within framework of UNSCR 1244 (media, social media)
•    Dacic: UNSCR 1244 still valid, everyone must comply with it (media)
•    Vucevic thanks Mexico for abstaining in UNGA vote, stance on Kosovo issue (Tanjug, media)
•    US and West do not agree with positions of Declaration of the All-Serbian Assembly (RFE, N1)
•    Vulin: Serbia highly appreciates Russia’s consistent support (N1)
•    UNS: It is unacceptable to deny translation into Serbian for journalists (Radio KIM, media)

International Media:

•    'I Never Regretted Helping Kosovo', UK's Tony Blair Says (Prishtina Insight)
•    BIRN Marks End of Kosovo War with ‘Reporting House’ Exhibition (Prishtina Insight)

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti after meeting Blair: I sincerely thanked the friend of our country for his unwavering support(Nacionale) 

After meeting the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, in a post on "Facebook", shared Blair’s appeal which echoed in the Parliament of Great Britain, on March 23, 1999:

"We must act: to save thousands of innocent men, women and children from humanitarian catastrophe, from death, barbarism and ethnic cleansing by a brutal dictatorship; to save the stability of the Balkan region, where we know that chaos can involve all of Europe", this was the call that Blair made the day before the NATO campaign for ethnic cleansing of the Albanians in Kosovo, a campaign that ended on June 10, 1999. 
"His role and contribution in liberating our country and ensuring peace, together with our partners and allies, remains as important as it is vital in the independence and state-building stages of our country. Liberation and freedom in Kosovo brought the end of the wars in the Balkans of the 90s, and the beginning of a journey of democracy, progress and development", Kurti wrote.

Kurti met with Director of Srebrenica Genocide Memorial Center, Emir Suljagic: Serbia must face its past (Telegrafi) 
Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti welcomed on Monday Emir Suljagic, Director of the Srebrenica Genocide Memorial Center, who is also a survivor of this genocide committed by Serbian forces in July 1995, in which over 8,000 Bosniaks were killed.

Appreciating the adoption of the United Nations resolution on July 11 as the International Day of Remembrance of the Srebrenica Genocide, the Prime Minister recalled that the Assembly of Kosovo has approved in July 2021 a special resolution condemning the Serbian genocide in Srebrenica.

A press release issued by the Office of the Prime Minister informed that they valued the cooperation between the Institute for research and documentation of crimes committed during the war in Kosovo and the Srebrenica Memorial Center as well as the memorandum of cooperation that is expected to be signed.

"It was said that for peace in the Balkans, Serbia must face its past and be held responsible for the crimes, massacres and genocides committed, and that those responsible for the crimes committed during the war be brought to justice. Thanking the Prime Minister for the meeting, Suljagic expressed his gratitude for the warm hospitality he is receiving in Kosovo and reiterated the potential of cooperation between Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina," the communique informed.

USA: "All-Serbian" declaration, dangerous attack on Dayton and Bosnian institutions (media)

The conclusions and legislation that Milorad Dodik and his partners in the Republika Srpska ruling coalition pushed through the RS National Assembly (RSNA) yesterday represent a direct attack on the state structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Dayton Peace Agreement. Neither Mr. Dodik and his cronies often do, they demonstrated their contempt for democracy and political pluralism with the despicable language they directed at assembly members who opposed these measures. This is sadly consistent with Mr. Dodik's ongoing campaign to deprive the residents of Republika Srpska of their fundamental rights and freedoms.

It is no surprise that Mr. Dodik and his sycophants attacked the High Representative's recent action to strengthen the integrity of the electoral process, given that free and fair elections present an existential threat to parties that rely on fraud to maintain their hold on power. The draft RS election law passed yesterday would usurp state-level competencies and create a parallel electoral system. It is yet another example of Mr. Dodik's destructive, anti-Dayton policies, which have hindered BiH's journey towards Euro-Atlantic integration. And make no mistake, the recent progress Bosnia and Herzegovina has made towards European integration, while welcome, was made despite Mr. Dodik, not because of him.

Read the entire statement here:

Edi Rama, advised Kurti to get out of trap of "cat and mouse" game with Serbia (Telegrafi)

The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama said during his speech on the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo, Prishtina risks being left without friends if it uses foreign policy to get votes inside the country.

"Today, we are in a process where the approach to foreign policy, as domestic policy, and the use of communication platforms abroad as platforms to get votes here, deepens more and more and in an increasingly disturbing form. This, of course, can have electoral success, but this leaves Kosovo with less and less trust from its international friends and allies, and in my view, - since we are talking about Ibrahim Rugova today, - if Kosovo were to leave this "cat and mouse" game at the table with Serbia and with a unity team would address the European Union saying "we don't want to talk with Serbia anymore because we have nothing to talk about, we are here to talk with the European Union , to fulfill all the obligations we have as the Republic of Kosovo in the context of international standards and European Union standards and to get closer to you", he said.

Szunyog visited "Bllaca 99" memorial center (RTK)

The head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, visited on Monday the "Bllaca 99" Memorial Park. 
“Visited the memorial center "Bllaca 99" and recalled the significant historical event in April 1999, when hundreds of thousands of Kosovo Albanians were forced to flee to the border area and seek refuge. These people, including women, children and the elderly, faced harrowing conditions,” Szunyog wrote. 
Szunyog told KosovaPress that during his 4-year period in Kosovo, he met many young and enthusiastic Europeans who deserve a European future. 

"There is a will and Kosovo has the opportunity, and they should use the opportunity to become a member of the EU, because the EU is willing to accept new members...During my time here, I have met many young Europeans and enthusiastic and I think they deserve to have a European future" said Szunyog. 

Municipality of Prishtina announces that Kouchner's visit has been canceled (RTK)

The Municipality of Pristina has announced that the visit of the former Special Representative of the Secretary General Bernard Kouchner to Kosovo on Tuesday has been canceled.

"We inform you that Dr. Bernard Kouchner's visit to Kosovo, and all events planned for June 11, 2024, have been canceled. The visit has been canceled due to logistical issues related to Dr. Kouchner", announced the Municipality of Pristina.

Express: Lord Robertson arrives in Pristina for the 25th anniversary of liberation (Express)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla, received at the "Adem Jashari" Airport, the former Minister of Defense of the United Kingdom, Lord George Robertson, who held the position during the war in Kosovo, where the Kingdom of United had an important role in NATO's intervention.
Gervalla has named Lord George Robertson as an outstanding friend of Kosovo. This visit comes on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the liberation. 

Serbian Language Media 

Djuric: Solution for Kosovo can be sought only through dialogue within framework of UNSCR 1244 (media, social media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric said on Monday, the 25th anniversary of UNSC Resolution 1244, that a solution to the Kosovo issue could be sought only through constructive dialogue within the framework of this resolution, Tanjug news agency reported.

"Today marks the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which guarantees the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, stipulating that Kosovo and Metohija is an integral part of Serbia. The solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija can only be sought through constructive dialogue within the framework of the UNSC Resolution 1244 and in accordance with international law", Djuric wrote in a post on X social platform.

Twenty-five years ago, on June 10 1999, the NATO attacks on Serbia and the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ended following the adoption of UNSCR 1244 earlier in the same day.

Dacic: UNSCR 1244 still valid, everyone must comply with it (media)

Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday UNSC Resolution 1244, adopted 25 years ago, was still current and valid and that everyone must comply with it. Dacic noted that the resolution would never have been adopted had it not guaranteed the territorial integrity of the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia at the time of the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement, which ended the 1999 NATO bombing.

Just a few months after the adoption of the resolution, while insisting on respect for international law, Western countries secretly began "to work on promoting and creating independence for Kosovo, which former Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic spoke about, too", Dacic said.

"We believe the international legal order rests upon UNSC decisions - for us, the resolution is still current and valid and everyone must comply with it, even though there has been no respect for it for over 20 years. Even today, on the side of the West, there are only attempts to abolish the resolution and practically declare an independence of Kosovo”, Dacic added. He also said Kosovo's declaration of independence was a unilateral act that was not in line with international law or Serbia's constitutional order. He called on the international community to respect its own documents, including UNSCR 1244.

Vucevic thanks Mexico for abstaining in UNGA vote, stance on Kosovo issue (Tanjug, media)

Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic received Mexican Ambassador to Belgrade Carlos Felix on Monday, thanking his country for abstaining in a recent UN General Assembly vote on a Srebrenica resolution, Tanjug news agency reported. Vucevic noted that the resolution would definitely not help stabilize the region or improve the relations between Serbs and Bosniaks, the government said in a statement.

He said Serbia highly appreciated Mexico's support on the issue of territorial integrity and sovereignty and its firm position of non-recognition of Kosovo unilaterally declared independence.

Ambassador Felix said the two countries maintained friendly relations and were connected by sincere support, and conveyed that Mexico would not change its position on the Kosovo issue.

US and West do not agree with positions of Declaration of the All-Serbian Assembly (RFE, N1)

The United States and Western partners do not agree with the Declaration that was adopted by the governments of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Republika Srpska (RS) entity on June 8 as part of the All-Serbian Assembly, US Ambassador in Pristina Jeffrey Hovenier said, N1 reported. In the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People, which has 49 points, Kosovo is mentioned as an inalienable part of Serbia.
“I didn’t have the opportunity to read all the reports related to the All-Serbian Assembly, but I understand language is used which says that Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia. I understand that’s their position, but it’s not the position of any of us, it’s not the position of the US, our Quint partners or anybody else”, Ambassador Hovenier is quoted as saying.

The All-Serbian Assembly, as stated in the Declaration, supports Serbia’s efforts to preserve territorial integrity and sovereignty, guaranteed by international law, Resolution 1244 and other resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

Vulin: Serbia highly appreciates Russia’s consistent support (N1)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who is paying an official visit to Russia, met in Moscow with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko, N1 reports.
Serbian Government press release quoted Vulin as saying that Russia is a true friend of Serbia and its people, adding that he asked Grushko to convey gratitude to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for supporting Serbia at the United Nations General Assembly and voting against what he described as a shameful resolution on Srebrenica.
Vulin said Serbia highly appreciates the Russian Federation’s principled and consistent support in preserving Serbia’s territorial integrity and its national interests, and its unconditional honoring of Resolution 1244, adopted in 1999, said the press release.

UNS: It is unacceptable to deny translation into Serbian for journalists (Radio KIM, media)

Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and its branch in Kosovo (DNKiM) protested yesterday because translation into Serbian language had not been provided in a conference “Rugova and the West” organized in Pristina by Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Ibrahim Rugova Foundation, Radio KIM reported.

Denying translation into Serbian language for journalists at "Rugova and the West" conference organized by LDK and Ibrahim Rugova Foundation is unacceptable, UNS and its branch in Kosovo said. Radio KIM reported that Serbian media outlets received the agenda of this conference from LDK in Albanian language only.

UNS also underlined that by denying translation into Serbian not only the Law on use of languages had been violated, but also the right to information guaranteed by numerous international conventions had been infringed.

International Media

'I Never Regretted Helping Kosovo', UK's Tony Blair Says (Prishtina Insight)

As Kosovo marked the 25th anniversary of the war's end, Britain's ex-Prime Minister told MPs he was glad his country helped end 'oppression and injustice'. 
Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair received a warm welcome on Monday in Pristina, as Kosovo celebrated the 25th anniversary of its liberation. As Prime Minister of Britain, Blair was one of the most vocal supporters of NATO intervention in Kosovo in 1999.

On Monday, he met President Vjosa Osmani and walked to parliament to address MPs in a special session scheduled for his arrival.

Read more at:

BIRN Marks End of Kosovo War with ‘Reporting House’ Exhibition (Prishtina Insight)

A three-month exhibition opens next week in Pristina, exploring media coverage of the war in Kosovo and how artists have interpreted its legacy in the 25 years since.
Marking 25 years since the end of the Kosovo war, an exhibition will open next week in downtown Pristina showcasing media coverage of the war that brought the curtain down on the 20th century in Europe, alongside artwork dealing with its legacy.
Presented by BIRN Kosovo,, Prishtina Biennale and Paper Gallery, the three-month ‘Reporting House’ exhibition presents a cross-section of the journalism, photography and media artefacts of the time, positioned alongside contemporary artwork exploring and reflecting on the impact of the 1998-99 war in the decades since. 

Read more at: