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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 12, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

•    U.S. calls for stability, reconciliation in Balkans, after All-Serbian Assembly (RFE)
•    Rohde: We are not here to punish but to support (media)
•    Kurti hosts Walker, Robertson, Begaj and Mesic for dinner (media)
•    Lajcak briefs Council of Europe members on state of dialogue (media)
•    Osmani attends opening of Reporting House exhibition by BIRN (media)
•    Kurti meets representatives of “Yes-EU” innovation group (media)

Serbian Language Media:

•    Djuric speaks by phone with Schallenberg, informs him of difficulties Serbs face in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
•    Djuric: Position of Serbia is such that Kosovo can never be member of UN (Tanjug, RTV)
•    Petkovic responds to Hovenier: For Serbia, UN Charter, UNSCR 1244 and international law are power (Tanjug, media)
•    Vucevic: Serbia looking after its interests, that’s cooperation with Russia (FoNet, N1)
•    Sentic: Law on use of languages is broad in granted rights, but its implementation in practice is problematic (Kosovo Online)
•    Serbian List on organized criminal-espionage network being increasingly exposed (Kosovo Online)
•    Indictment raised against one more Serb in relation to protest in Zvecan (Kosovo Online)
•    Zoran Kostic and Dragan Milovic pleaded not guilty for alleged war crimes in Vucitrn (RTS)

Albanian Language Media

U.S. calls for stability, reconciliation in Balkans, after All-Serbian Assembly (RFE)
Several news websites cover an article originally published by Radio Free Europe saying that the United States have called on the leaders of the Western Balkans to better use their meetings to promote regional reconciliation and stability, following a meeting of leaders from Serbia and Republic Srpska in Belgrade called the All-Serbian Assembly. A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department told RFE that the U.S. believe that the future of the Balkans countries is in the European Union, “where regional cooperation and good neighborly relations ensure peace, security and greater prosperity for all”.

Rohde: We are not here to punish but to support (media)

German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, in a post on X on Tuesday, reacted to the Kosovo government’s reaction after a QUINT/EU/OSCE statement on expropriation in the north. “After gov’s reaction to Quint/EU/OSCE’s statement on expropriation, let me quote from the CoE Eminent Lawyers report: ‘This manner of proceeding is not compatible with the rule of law and likely to further undermine trust between the Serb community and Kosovo government institutions’. EU, OSCE and CoE are organizations that Kosovo strives to become a member of. To move on with that, it would help if our joint advice with them would be considered. We are not here to punish but to support,” Rohde argued.

Kurti hosts Walker, Robertson, Begaj and Mesic for dinner (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti hosted former OSCE Verification Mission in Kosovo chief William Walker, former NATO SG George Robertson, Albanian President Bajram Begaj, and former Croatian President Stipe Mesic, for dinner in Pristina on Tuesday. “A dinner with friends from Great Britain, U.S., Albania and Croatia – some of our closest allies. For over 25 years, in the capacity of ambassadors, heads of state, ministers of foreign affairs, and more importantly, as individuals committed to advocating against injustice and for freedom, they have helped Kosova. Needless to say, these ties have only strengthened over time, and they enjoy our deepest gratitude,” Kurti wrote in a post on X.
Lajcak briefs Council of Europe members on state of dialogue (media)

EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, said on Tuesday that he traveled to Strasbourg where he briefed members of the Council of Europe and EU member states on the current state and dynamics of the Dialogue on the normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. He said that during his stay in Strasbourg, he  also “used the opportunity to interact with a number of Council of Europe officials on our respective files”.

Osmani attends opening of Reporting House exhibition by BIRN (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a post on X on Tuesday that she attended the opening of the Reporting House exhibition by BIRN Kosovo. “This powerful display of journalism, photography, and contemporary arts brings to life the hardships and the suffering our people endured during the 90s. It was the courage and tireless work of local and international journalists that gave voice to this suffering, exposing the brutality of Milosevic's genocidal regime to the entire world,” Osmani wrote.

Kurti meets representatives of “Yes-EU” innovation group (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Tuesday on the sidelines of the Western Balkans summit organized by The Economist Group, with representatives from the “Yes-EU” innovation group. The delegation of this group was led by the leader Benedikt Gudmundsson, and the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland, Össur Skarphéðinsson, was also a participant. The “Yes-EU” group is internationally recognized in the field of innovation for various implemented projects, focused and specialized in energy projects, with an emphasis on the transition to renewable energy as well as green transport. Kurti welcomed them to Kosovo and expressed gratitude for their interest in getting to know Kosovo and researching investment opportunities here. He briefed representatives of “Yes-EU” with the development and economic progress in Kosovo in the last three years, especially the advances in the field of energy and technology, namely investments in these sectors. “He expressed the Government’s commitment to green investments aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable urban mobility, in order to protect the environment,” Kurti is quoted as saying in a press release.

Gjini: Serbia never wanted the Association of Serb-majority municipalities (media)

Ardian Gjini, mayor of the municipality of Gjakova, argued during a debate on Klan Kosova on Tuesday, that Serbia never wanted the Association of Serb-majority municipalities, but that it asked for it so that Kosovo would not establish the Association. “Let me be clear, the previous governments were responsible too, but not this much . It should have been done earlier because we would have done it completely differently,” he said.

Gjini also said that Serbia does not want any agreement with Kosovo and that if it weren’t for the pressure from the United States and the European Union, it would not even have met with Kosovo.

Serbian Language Media

Djuric speaks by phone with Schallenberg, informs him of difficulties Serbs face in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric spoke by phone with Austrian counterpart Alexander Schallenberg on Tuesday to inform him of the current state of affairs in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the worrying position of Serbs in Kosovo, who he noted faced pressure and coercion by Pristina as well as unbearable living conditions created through Pristina's unilateral acts, Tanjug news agency reported.

Djuric said Serbia attached great significance to further development of comprehensive ties with Austria, one of its strongest partners in the EU, and underscored Serbia's readiness to deepen political dialogue at all levels and continue to advance bilateral cooperation, the Serbian MFA said in a statement. He noted that Austria's support was very important for Serbia as an EU membership candidate country.

Djuric: Position of Serbia is such that Kosovo can never be member of UN (Tanjug, RTV)

Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric said the position of Serbia is such that Kosovo can never become a member of the United Nations, Tanjug news agency reported.
“For Serbia, Kosovo is not, nor will it be a member of the UN or a sovereign foreign state”, Djuric said in a guest appearance on Radio Television of Vojvodina (RTV). Asked to comment on the statement of US Ambassador in Pristina, Jeff Hovenier that dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina must end with mutual recognition Djuric noted that such stance is not new, but that Serbia attempts to isolate misunderstandings as much as possible and for the sake of future generations’ interests build better relations with US.

Petkovic responds to Hovenier: For Serbia, UN Charter, UNSCR 1244 and international law are power  (Tanjug, media)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said on Tuesday, the 2010 UN General Assembly resolution on dialogue with Pristina and decision on the mandate of EU facilitators exclusively referred to normalization of relations and that there was no mention whatsoever of "mutual recognition", Tanjug news agency reported.

Petkovic said this in a reaction to a statement by the US Ambassador in Pristina, Jeff Hovenier, that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue must conclude with mutual recognition.
"For those who are imposing that, power is the law. For Serbia, the UN Charter, UNSC Resolution 1244 and international law are power!", Petkovic said in a post on X social platform.

Vucevic: Serbia looking after its interests, that’s cooperation with Russia (FoNet, N1)

“I believe in the traditional relations between Serbia and Russia, based on historical ties and a common goal to preserve rule of law, the spirit of freedom, independence and sovereignty of all states”, Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic told RT Balkan, N1 reports.

What we have been through together, in distant and recent history, obliges us in the present and future, therefore I believe in very good relations, he added. He said these relations should not be perceived as against anyone or for anyone, but stressed that Serbia is looking after its political and economic interests, and that is cooperation with Russia, which will continue.

Vucevic also said he cannot accept the prevalent narrative that Serbia should abandon someone it has known for a long time. “Just because someone currently has a conflict with a third or fourth party, we respect all parties involved, but they should also respect us. We want to cooperate in various fields in the interest of both countries”, Vucevic said at the Russian Embassy in Belgrade on the occasion of Russia Day.

Sentic: Law on use of languages is broad in granted rights, but its implementation in practice is problematic (Kosovo Online)

The Law on use of languages in Kosovo is broad in the spectrum of granted rights, but its practical implementation is highly problematic, Deputy Ombudsman Srdjan Sentic assessed at the round table on "Respect for Language Rights in Kosovo" held yesterday in Gracanica. Ombudsman Naim Qelaj pointed out the problem of a small number of complaints regarding the non-compliance with this law and emphasized the importance of increasing awareness among people about this issue.

Sentic also said Kosovo has an advanced legislative framework that, through constitutional and legal provisions, guarantees the equal use of the Albanian and Serbian languages, as well as the languages of other communities at the municipal level. However, he added, in practice, people face numerous problems in exercising their language rights.

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Serbian List on organized criminal-espionage network being increasingly exposed (Kosovo Online)

Serbian List requested, upon circulation of audio recording allegedly proving that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s associates organized planting explosive under their own vehicle, in order to blame, as it was said in a statement, Serbian List and Milan Radoicic, former deputy leader of this party for it, that international representatives extend apology because of their earlier statements and insinuations against Serbian List, as well as to publicly request opening the investigative actions against those responsible for these acts, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“Organized criminal-espionage network of (Albin) Kurti’s regime in the north of Kosovo and Metohija slowly and obviously exposes itself more and more day after day”, Serbian List said in a statement. As it was added, the latest in series of information being shared on social media on Tuesday in the form of audio recording in which it is clearly heard “how Kurti’s associates in the north, from Leposavic municipality, organized planting explosive under their own vehicle in order to accuse Milan Radoicic and Serbian List for that”.

“To make things worse, those staged events were often grounds for some ambassadors to call upon Serbian List to react and condemn fabricated attacks, planting explosives or arsons, while it was obviously done by people close to the regime in Pristina, which is becoming more obvious day after day”, the statement said. The Serbian List also called on international representatives to publicly demand launching procedures against those responsible for mentioned acts, and those persons be detained, so as to prevent their impunity because of political support from Pristina.

Indictment raised against one more Serb in relation to protest in Zvecan (Kosovo Online)

Pristina Special Prosecution has raised an indictment yesterday against the Serb, N.O., suspected of allegedly taking part in criminal acts “assault on official persons” and “participation in a mass committing criminal acts and hooliganism”, Kosovo Online portal reported.

The statement from prosecution said the indictment was raised against N.O., under suspicion that he took part in injuring KFOR members during the protest in Zvecan following elections of Albanian mayors.

The portal recalled that previously Rados Petrovic was sentenced to six months in prison, respectively fine in the amount of 6.000 EUR on February 27 for the same criminal act, and after him Dusan Obrenovic was also sentenced to six months in prison, the sentence including the five months he spent in detention.

Zoran Kostic and Dragan Milovic pleaded not guilty for alleged war crimes in Vucitrn (RTS)

Dragan Milovic and Zoran Kostic pleaded not guilty in relation to accusations that they allegedly committed war crimes against the civilian population in Vucitrn in a hearing at the Basic Court in Pristina, RTS reported.

The indictment against them had been raised last month, and they were arrested in Zvecan and Priluzje, near Obilic last year. Their defense lawyers had objections in relation to documentation submitted by prosecution, saying it was delivered to them only partially. Milovic and Kostic remain in detention since their arrest in September 2023. Ilija Elezovic was arrested together with them, but due to illness he had passed away in the meantime.