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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 13

  • 58 new COVID-19 cases in Kosovo on Friday (media)
  • Haradinaj-Stublla discusses with Matthew Palmer (media)
  • Vucic : Brussels and Washington in war on who would lead the dialogue (Koha)
  • Osmani ready to leave the post of the Assembly Speaker if requested by LVV (Koha)
  • Hoti meets KFOR Commander, discuss security situation (media)
  • Kurti: President could not find collaborators among LVV, but among LDK (RTK)
  • Haradinaj-Stublla talks to Albright and Clark (media)
  • Hoti meets French Ambassador to Kosovo Marie Christine Butel (Media)


58 new COVID-19 cases in Kosovo on Friday (media)

Media outlets report that 58 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed on Friday.

The Kosovo National Institute for Public Health (NIPH) said in a statement that the new cases are from the municipalities Fushe Kosove, Viti, Pristina, Mitrovica, Vushtrri, Prizren and Rahovec. Except for these cities, media report that many cases also in the villages throughout Kosovo.

NIPH informed that 227 samples were tested on Friday.

“During the last weeks, we have positive cases among corporations, such as Kosovo Post, KEK, KEDS, Art Gallery, bank and healthcare institutions, agencies, trade companies and private businesses,” NIPH informed.

Kosovo’s Prime Minister said on Friday that ‘the situation is alarming, we are obliged to return the measures that have been taken before. We need to go back to school but we have to follow the instructions of the NIPH. The situation is serious, if we are not careful we have no choice but to return the previous measures.’

Haradinaj-Stublla discusses with Matthew Palmer (media)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla held on Friday a telephone conversation with the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary and Special Representative for Western Balkans Matthew Palmer.

“I reconfirmed that Kosovo's strategic and historical alliance with the United States of America is the axis of any of our achievements as a state.

At all stages of state-building, the role of the United States has been vital and crucial in the realization of Kosovo's right to a free, independent and democratic state, internally consolidated and internationally recognized.

I also expressed appreciation to Mr. Palmer for unblocking the funds of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), as well as for the new American attention and energy in the efforts to reach a final agreement with Serbia on mutual recognition,” Haradinaj-Stublla wrote.

Vucic : Brussels and Washington in war on who would lead the dialogue (Koha)

Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic told Serbian broadcaster Prva that a major ‘war’ over who is going to lead the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, is taking place between Brussels and Washington.

He said he would rather chose Brussels as Serbia is committed to European path. “But we should not say no to (Richard) Grenell,” he added.

“Brussels’ and Washington’s agendas are different but the aim to reach a result is the same,” he said.

Vucic informed that right after the 21 June elections, he or PM Ana Brnabic will travel to Washington to discuss dialogue.

Osmani ready to leave the post of the Assembly Speaker if requested by LVV (Koha)

The post of Speaker of the Assembly belongs to the winning party of the elections, which in this case is the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV).

Osmani was elected Assembly Speaker on the proposal of LVV, when the VV-LDK coalition was formed, however, now that the coalition is breached, Osmani says she is ready to step down if LVV asks her to.

"We have discussed this immediately after the motion. This issue is clear to them. Whenever they want to nominate a candidate from the LVV Parliamentary Group, I will not be an obstacle, they have known this since March 25. I am not a person who aims to usurp positions," Osmani said.

She also spoke about the cooperation with the Hoti Government, which according to her is not at the level it was with the Kurti Government.

"Today the government has had several organizations, I have not been invited, although as a rule, organising made by the state protocol, invite all heads of the state, as I was invited by the previous government. Our relations are institutional, and it will continue in this context," Osmani said.

Hoti meets KFOR Commander, discuss security situation (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti met on Friday with KFOR Commander, Major General Michele Risi. They discussed overall developments in Kosovo with a special focus on the security situation.

PM Hoti also informed KFOR Commander on the engagements of the government to manage the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kurti: President could not find collaborators among LVV, but among LDK (RTK)

Media outlets reported on Vetevendosje Movement’s gathering on Friday to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo and the 15th anniversary of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV).

LVV leader Albin Kurti said on this occasion that his governing was stopped by those who have captured the state.

“You were witnesses when the President elected through smuggled votes, rushed to the courts and used all means against good governing. He of course cannot find collaborators among LVV, but he found them in the Democratic League of Kosovo. Their leadership abandoned good governing and citizens after promissing them change. Now, they are all together in a lame government, where PDK and the President are the godfather,” Kurti said.

Kosovo’s Minister of Health Armend Zemaj, and Pristina’s Mayor Shpend Ahmeti criticized LVV for ignoring experts’ advices and gathering during the pandemic.

Haradinaj-Stublla talks to Albright and Clark (media)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla had a telephone conversation with the former U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright and former NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Wesley Clark.

“#Albright & #Clark are the living embodiment of #Kosovo’s freedom & independence. Special honour to speak today toMadameSecretary@madeleine & @GeneralClark, who gave meaning & life to #Kosovo people’s journey to freedom & independence. THANK YOU! Flag of KosovoHandshakeFlag of United States,” Haradinaj-Stublla wrote on her Twitter account.

Hoti meets French Ambassador to Kosovo Marie Christine Butel (Media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti hosted today a meeting with the French Ambassador to Kosovo Marie Christine Butel.

Hoti expressed his appreciation for the support that France, as a strong partner in the current European integration processes, has consistently given to Kosovo.

Hoti informed the Ambassador on the current process of Kosovo and priorities of the government of Kosovo, with focus on the measures for economic recovery due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Butel stressed that France is committed to support Kosovo on its European integration process.