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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 27, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti, Blinken agree on regular communication for purpose of peace (media)
  • Borrell: Ready for new measures if situation in north does not deescalate (media)
  • Varhelyi welcomes release of three Kosovo policemen (media)
  • UK asks Kosovo to de-escalate the situation in the north (media)
  • Kurti informs British MPs on constructive engagement in the dialogue (RTK)
  • 8 U.S. senators call on Biden to take measures against Kosovo and Serbia if there is no de-escalation (Koha)
  • Krasniqi: New elections can’t be organized in north without Referendum Law (Koha)
  • Explosion at Mitrovica North municipal building, two police cars damaged (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Protests of Serbs in northern Kosovo continues, without traditional gathering for Saint Vitus Day (RTS)
  • Vucic talks to Blinken, tells him Serbia acts seriously, while Kosovo police arbitrarily arrest Serbs (RTS, media)
  • Belgrade liaison officer report on treatment of Serb detainees in Gnjilane prison (KoSSev)
  • Hill: We now expect additional efforts to further de-escalate situation  (media)
  • Vlajic: Appeal to decision on detention measure for Dragisa Milenkovic from Kisnica filed (Kosovo Online, media)
  • Grenell on release of three Kosovo special police officers (Kosovo Online, social media)

International Media:

  • Foreign Secretary's meeting with Kosovan Prime Minister Kurti, 26 June 2023 (
  • Serbia releases three detained Kosovo policemen, easing crisis (Reuters)
  • Serbian court releases three Kosovo police officers charged with illegal possession of weapons (euronews)
  • Serbia releases detained Kosovo police officers (DW)
  • Serbia releases three captured Kosovo police officers (24 France)
  • Serbia frees Kosovo police officers but tensions persist (Politico)
  • Kosovo more than a local flareup (European Leadership Network)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti, Blinken agree on regular communication for purpose of peace (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken have agreed to remain in regular communication in order to maintain peace and security in Kosovo and towards the normalization of relations with Serbia, a press release issued by Kurti's office noted on Monday.

The press release quotes Kurti as saying that he thanked Blinken for the continuous and comprehensive support of the USA for Kosovo, as well as informed him about the achievements of Kosovo in the fields of economy, democracy and the rule of law.

"There were discussions about the dialogue with the office of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell for de-escalation and normalization, in which case Prime Minister Kurti informed Secretary Blinken about the bilateral meeting on Thursday of last week, which did not even become trilateral due to the unwillingness of the president of Serbia," the statement notes.

Kurti and Blinken also talked about the situation in the four northern municipalities of Kosovo, about the new elections that must be preceded by the rule of law, about the violent extremists who attacked KFOR soldiers, the Kosovo Police and journalists, about three Serbian deputy mayors in Leposaviq, Zvecan and north of Mitrovica, for the confiscation of weapons and a lot of ammunition in a vehicle with Belgrade license plates, for the need for full, sequenced and unconditional implementation of the Brussels Basic Agreement, as well as for the release of the three Kosovo policemen kidnapped by Serbia in Leposaviq, but after they were indicted. The U.S. State Department first demanded their immediate and unconditional release.

Klan Kosova reports that the U.S. State Secretary Blinken informed about the discussion through a tweet. He has emphasized that the three-point plan of the European Union is the path to follow. "Today I spoke with the Kosovan Prime Minister Albin Kurti, to urge de-escalation in Kosovo’s north and an immediate return return to the EU-facilitated dialogue. The EU's three-point plan is the way forward," Blinken wrote on his account.

Borrell: Ready for new measures if situation in north does not deescalate (media)

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, confirmed the readiness of the member countries of the European bloc to undertake further new measures, if there is no progress in the direction of de-escalating the situation in the north of Kosovo, especially as pertains to the organization of new elections in the four municipalities in this area.

“Only they [member states] can do this. The measures will hit the political and economic aspects of our relations. And how do we do it? We are working in a very structured way and we will start looking at what measures can be taken in case we do not finally reach an agreement on the announcement of elections,” Borrell said on Monday after meeting EU foreign ministers.

“And for everything to be in order, we must have elections. We agree that elections must be held. We agreed that we cannot forever have mayors in offices protected by NATO troops who won 2 or 3 percent of the vote. This is not a sustainable solution. So, if this is not sustainable, it should be replaced with another solution. And the other solution can only come with the holding of new elections. And this should be done by both parties: elections with the participation of Serbs, because otherwise we will have the same situation as today,” he said.

Borrell hinted that ambassadors from member states will soon begin discussing new measures in the event that no agreement is reached on calling new elections. The European official ordered that these measures are temporary and reversible.

Borrell reported to the EU Foreign Ministers about the emergency crisis meeting he organized on June 22 in Brussels with the leaders of the dialogue from Kosovo and Serbia. He admitted that the European side proposed a “balanced way out of the crisis”, but that the meeting did not bring results.

On behalf of the EU member states, Borrell welcomed the release of three Kosovo policemen who were being held in custody in Serbia.

The European Union has expected that there will be a reduction in tensions after the last meetings that Borrell had with the two leaders in Brussels, a week ago.

The leaders have not met with each other, but only with Borrell, separately.

Varhelyi welcomes release of three Kosovo policemen (media)

EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, said in a Twitter post on Monday that he welcomes the decision of Serbian authorities to release the three Kosovo policemen from custody. “Deescalation must continue, new municipal elections need to be organised without delay and dialogue agreements need to be implemented including establishing Association of Serb Majority Municipalities,” he tweeted.

UK asks Kosovo to de-escalate the situation in the north (media)

UK Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly, said on Monday that it is necessary for the Government of Kosovo to take steps to de-escalate the situation in the north. Cleverly, during a meeting with Kurti in London, said that among the steps that the Kosovar executive should undertake are: to ensure that the mayors of the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo can work from alternative locations, to withdraw the special police units from the municipal buildings and take steps for new and inclusive elections.

"I made it clear to Prime Minister Kurti that the continuation of tensions puts at risk the achievements in Kosovo, which have been achieved over the years together with the United Kingdom and international partners," said Cleverly after the meeting with Kurti.

According to the announcement of the British Government, in the meeting the senior British official emphasized that Kosovo and Serbia are responsible for acting now to escalate the situation and to avoid any further actions or inciting rhetoric.

Cleverly also welcomed the release of three Kosovo policemen, who were being held in custody in Serbia, describing this as a positive step forward.

Kurti informs British MPs on constructive engagement in the dialogue (RTK)

During the first day of his stay in the United Kingdom, the Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti accompanied by the ambassador Ilir Kapiti, met MPs of the Parliamentary Groups of the United Kingdom, APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group), in the British Parliament.

In a press release issued by the government of Kosovo, it is said that they discussed bilateral relations and ways of deepening the friendship and partnership between Kosovo and the United Kingdom.

On this occasion, according to the communiqué, Prime Minister Kurti spoke with them about the progress that Kosovo has made since the declaration of independence, 15 years ago, and especially about the achievements in the economic, democratic and rule of law fields in the last two years of government, proven by many credible international reports.

“He also informed them about the latest developments in the country, especially in the four municipalities in the north of the country, about the aggression of criminal gangs and the state of Serbia, and about the principled approach of the Republic of Kosovo to de-escalate the situation and its constructive engagement in the dialogue process mediated by the European Union towards full normalization.

Kurti expressed gratitude for the hospitality from the members of the Parliament of Great Britain and the continuous support they have given and are giving to the Republic of Kosovo and its people,” the communiques reads further.

8 U.S. senators call on Biden to take measures against Kosovo and Serbia if there is no de-escalation (Koha)

U.S. Senators Chris Murphy, Jeanne Shaheen, Chris van Hollen, Benjamin Cardin, Peter Ricketts, Tom Tillis, Peter Welch and Richard J. Durbin have written a letter to U.S. President Joe Biden to express concern about the tense situation in the north of Kosovo.

In the letter it is said that the "decisions taken by the governments of Kosovo and Serbia that are continuing the escalation of tensions instead of de-escalation" are alarming.

"We are particularly concerned about the safety and well-being of the nearly 600 U.S. troops serving in the KFOR mission. We appreciate the diplomatic commitments of the USA to de-escalate the crisis, but these commitments are not reciprocal, especially from Kosovo. As a result, we are willing to consider changing Congressional support," the letter states.

Read the complete letter here:

Krasniqi: New elections can’t be organized in north without Referendum Law (Koha)

Representative of the Vetevendosje Movement in the Central Election Commission (CEC) Alban Krasniqi said on Monday that this institution cannot organize new elections in the northern municipalities without the approval of the Law on Referendums, which Kosovo does not have. At the meeting of the CEC, he said that there is pressure from foreign diplomats for the organization of elections in the northern municipalities.

The possibility of holding the elections was also accepted by Kosovo leaders who said that it should be done based on the laws. Osmani and Kurti mentioned the petition as an opportunity.

Explosion at Mitrovica North municipal building, two police cars damaged (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Police said that late on Monday, unknown persons threw an explosive device at the municipal building of Mitrovica North. A police spokesperson told the news website that the explosive device is believed to be a hand grenade. He also said that no injuries were reported and that two police vehicles were damaged.

Serbian Language Media

Protests of Serbs in northern Kosovo continues, without traditional gathering for Saint Vitus Day (RTS)

There will be no traditional gathering of Serbs in northern Kosovo on the occasion of the Saint Vitus Day (Vidovdan, day of Kosovo battle in 1389) because of crisis and security risks, and the main ceremony instead of Gazimestan, where the monument to the heroes who fought the battle was erected will take place in Gracanica Monastery, RTS reports.

The Raska-Prizren Eparchy explaining the decision to have the main ceremony served in Gracanica said that Serbian people in Kosovo currently live under security uncertainty and a feeling of complete lack of basic rights and freedoms, in particular following the series of recent arrests and mistreatments of arrested Serbs.

Serbs in northern Kosovo continue protesting in front of municipal facilities violently taken over by Kosovo special police on May 26. Trucks transporting Serbian goods still wait at administrative crossing points not being allowed to enter Kosovo, RTS adds.

A group of US senators sent a letter to US President Joe Biden asking him to exert diplomatic pressure in order to end the current crisis in northern Kosovo and continue the dialogue. They said Pristina had not responded to US efforts to de-escalate the situation, because of which, as it was said, Congress will reconsider its current support to Pristina and Belgrade. 

Vucic talks to Blinken, tells him Serbia acts seriously, while Kosovo police arbitrarily arrest Serbs (RTS, media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke over the phone with US State Secretary Anthony Blinken, RTS reports.

Blinken insisted on calming the situation in northern Kosovo and supported the European plan for de-escalation, Vucic’s press office said in a statement.

Vucic told Blinken that Serbia acts seriously and responsibly, but that Kosovo special police every day completely arbitrary arrest Serbs. Vucic also requested release of all arrested Serbs.  

He added that resignation and urgent withdrawal of illegitimate mayors from municipal facilities in four northern municipalities, same as withdrawal of Kosovo special police, were crucial to defusing the tensions. 

Belgrade liaison officer report on treatment of Serb detainees in Gnjilane prison (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal this morning runs the second and third parts of the Belgrade liaison officer in Pristina, Dejan Pavicevic’s report on the treatment of two arrested Serbs from northern Kosovo in Gnjilane detention facility and the attitude of the international community towards arrested persons.

Yesterday, KoSSev published the first part of the report on the treatment of Serbs arrested in northern Kosovo as of May 29, including Milovan Bozovic from Zubin Potok arrested in April this year, all of them staying in Podujevo detention facility. Rados Petrovic, mentioned in the report below, was released on bail on 23 June.

Below are excerpts of the report:

A liaison officer officially visited the so-called detention unit of the prison in Gnjilane on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, around 1:00 PM, where he met the following individuals:

  1. Radoš Perović and
  2. Dušan Obrenović

During the aforementioned visit, two officers working at the prison were present the entire time in the room where the liaison officer spoke with the detainees. The liaison officer determined the following facts during his conversation with these individuals:

  1. Radoš Petrović claims that he was apprehended by KFOR troops, who took him from the protest before the conflict began, as documented by media and surveillance cameras. This should automatically exempt him from the charges filed against him. According to his statements, he was not mistreated after the arrest, and he has no complaints about the conditions in “detention“.
  2. Dušan Obrenović has visible scars on his head and face, and during the conversation, he showed the liaison officer a scar on the upper part of the pelvic bone on the right side. According to him, the scars are the result of brutal beatings after the arrest and taking him to the station of the “Kosovo Police”. He also claimed that he was taken by KFOR troops before the conflict began.

Read the full report at:

Hill: We now expect additional efforts to further de-escalate situation  (media)

US Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill welcomed the decision to release three Kosovo police officers, adding he now expects additional efforts towards further de-escalation of the situation.

“We welcome the news on the court's decision to release three Kosovo police officers and expect investment of additional efforts that would lead towards further de-escalation of the current situation”, Hill told Kosovo Online portal.

Answering the question of what he expects in relation to the crisis in northern Kosovo, Hill called for an urgent endorsement of the European Union three-point plan and immediate return to the dialogue, the portal added. 

Vlajic: Appeal to decision on detention measure for Dragisa Milenkovic from Kisnica filed (Kosovo Online, media)

Lawyer Dejan Vasic told Kosovo Online portal that he had filed an appeal to the decision on the detention measure imposed on his client, Dragisa Milenkovic from Gracanica who is accused of allegedly committing war crimes in Kosovo.

“In the appeal I have listed procedural violations and wrongly assessed factual state while making a decision”, Vlajic said.

A three-member legal team, including the lawyers Jovana Filipovic and Zivojin Jokanovic was established to work on the case.

Milenkovic was arrested on June 21 by Kosovo special police members in his house in Kisnica village, near Gracanica. He was sent to one-month detention in a detention facility in Podujevo. 

Grenell on release of three Kosovo special police officers (Kosovo Online, social media)

Former US presidential envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Richard Grenell welcomed decision of Serbia to release three Kosovo police officers pending trial and that now an international unity must be seen to exert pressure on Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti to withdraw special police units from municipal facilities in northern Kosovo, mayors to resign and to set a date for new elections.

“The fears and emotions from the people of North Mitrovica are real - they feel harassed and targeted - their hospitals don't have enough supplies. This is a tinderbox and it's shameful the EU and Biden Administration haven't even been there. Nevertheless, there is no excuse for attacking KFOR or journalists.

I am pleased by this return of the 3 Albanian policemen - this is a clear deescalation from @avucic. We must now have immediate international unity to pressure @albinkurti to remove his Special Forces from government buildings, for the resignation of the mayors and a date certain for new elections. There can be no more letting Kurti slide without serious consequences”, Grenell wrote in a post on Twitter. 

International Media

Foreign Secretary's meeting with Kosovan Prime Minister Kurti, 26 June 2023 (

The Foreign Secretary met Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti in London to stress the need for de-escalatory steps to reduce tensions in northern Kosovo.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly met Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti in London today (26 June 2023) to discuss the situation in northern Kosovo.  The Foreign Secretary stressed the need for Kosovo’s government to take de-escalatory steps to reduce tensions, including ensuring the mayors of 4 northern municipalities can work from alternative locations, removing special police units from the municipal buildings, and taking steps towards new, inclusive elections.

Read more at:

Serbia releases three detained Kosovo policemen, easing crisis (Reuters)

Serbia released three Kosovan policemen on Monday, more than a week after detaining them in a border area, easing a mounting stand-off between the neighbouring countries and former wartime foes.

The three officers, who were freed by a Serb court ruling, joked with border guards as they crossed back into Kosovo territory on Monday afternoon then drove off in a police jeep.

The European Union welcomed the move and urged Kosovo and Serbia to take further steps to defuse the simmering crisis, including holding new local elections in northern Kosovo.

Read more at:

Serbian court releases three Kosovo police officers charged with illegal possession of weapons (euronews)

A Serbian court releases three Kosovo police officers and allows them to return to their country after they were detained earlier in June and charged with illegal possession of weapons and explosive devices.

The court in the central Serbian town of Kraljevo freed the officers as tensions escalated between the Balkan foes and following US and European Union demands that they be set free.

All three are being allowed to return to Kosovo and it is not clear if the case will continue in their absence.

The officers were detained in mid-June. Serbia said they had crossed into the country from Kosovo, while Kosovar authorities insisted they had been kidnapped inside Kosovo and transferred to a Serbian prison.

Read more at:

Serbia releases detained Kosovo police officers (DW)

Serbia has released three Kosovar police officers that it detained earlier in the month, Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Monday.

Kurti wrote that "Although we are happy that they are returning to their families, their abduction is a grave human rights violation and must be sanctioned."

Read more at:

Serbia releases three captured Kosovo police officers (24 France)

The move followed weeks of soaring tensions between the two sides, after rioting in northern Kosovo saw more than 30 NATO peacekeepers injured in late May.

"We confirm that the 3 kidnapped police officers have been released. Even though we are joyous that they get to return to their families, this abduction consists of a serious human rights violation & must be reprimanded," Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti wrote on social media.

Read more at:

Serbia frees Kosovo police officers but tensions persist (Politico)

Three Kosovo police officers who were detained for almost two weeks in Serbia have been released, in a development that could help jump-start stalled talks between the two Western Balkan countries.

“We confirm that the three kidnapped police officers have been released,” Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti announced on Twitter.

But in a sign that Pristina is demanding accountability for the actions he added: “This abduction consists of a serious human rights violation & must be reprimanded. The Serbian aggression must be held accountable.”

Read more at:

Kosovo more than a local flareup (European Leadership Network)

The security situation in Kosovo has significantly deteriorated. On 26th May 2023, the Kosovo government ordered the Kosovo police special operations unit to install, physically in municipal premises, newly elected Kosovo Albanian mayors in the four northern Kosovo Serb majority municipalities. The Kosovo Serbs had boycotted the preceding elections because of an accumulation of grievances. Inevitably, Kosovan Albanian mayors were elected, but only on a turnout of just over 3%.

Citing a democratic mandate, the Kosovan Government used its riot police to install the mayors. 

In response, President Vucic raised the Serbian army’s combat readiness to the highest level. Serbia’s Defence Minister, Milos Vucevic, issued additional instructions for the deployment of the army’s units “in specific, designated positions”, i.e. close to the Kosovo-Serbia border. The situation risked spiralling out of control.

Read more at: