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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 29, 2021

  • COVID-19: Four new cases, no deaths (media)
  • New shipment of COVID-19 vaccines arrives in Kosovo (media)
  • Kurti: Serbia to open archives and reveal location of mass graves (media)
  • President Osmani meets European Parliament officials (media)
  • In Brussels, Konjufca underscores importance of EU's approach to Western Balkans (media)
  • Von Cramon says Macron made a mistake in a meeting with Kurti (Klan)
  • Memli Krasniqi announces candidacy for PDK leader (media)
  • Gjakova mayor says return of Serb woman should not be politicised (Koha)
  • FM Gervalla confuses NATO with UN in Twitter post (media)
  • Ceremony marks the launch of Pride Week in Kosovo (media)

COVID-19: Four new cases, no deaths (media)

Kosovo recorded four new cases of COVID-19 and zero deaths from the virus in the last 24 hours. Five persons recovered from the virus during this time.

The total number of active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo is 172.

New shipment of COVID-19 vaccines arrives in Kosovo (media)

Kosovo's Ministry of Health announced that a shipment of COVID-19 vaccines, manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech, has arrived in Kosovo yesterday.

Minister Arben Vitia said the current batch, part of the Kosovo Government's purchase of a total of 1.2 million vaccines, includes 81,900 doses and that more are expected to arrive in the coming period. "We will remember this summer as the summer of mass vaccinations in Kosovo," he wrote on social media.

Kurti: Serbia to open archives and reveal location of mass graves (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo met yesterday European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo Viola von Cramon. He said in the meeting that Serbia needs to open its archives and reveal the location of other mass graves in its territory.

"Prime Minister Kurti and von Cramon agreed that the new dialogue on relations between Kosovo and Serbia should be a constructive and clear process, from which the citizens benefit," a press release issued by the Government of Kosovo reads.

Yesterday, Kurti also met the leader of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina Nenad Canak and discussed missing persons. The two agreed that Serbia should open its archives and provide information on the location of mass graves.

Canak on his part informed Kurti of the political situation in Serbia and the 'suffocation' of the voice of the opposition and the media by the current government. "Opposition politician Canak said he took along his son and grandson to visit Kosovo to see from up close the reality in which Serbs and Albanians live because the state politics, according to him, is not telling the truth to the people in Serbia," the Government of Kosovo said in a statement.

President Osmani meets European Parliament officials (media)

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani had separate meetings yesterday with Vice President of the European Parliament Rainer Wieland and EP's rapporteur for Kosovo Viola von Cramon-Taubadel.

Osmani reiterated that Kosovo has already met all the criteria for visa liberalisation and in this context she requested reluctant countries enable free movement for the citizens of Kosovo. On dialogue with Serbia, Osmani said it should end with the recognition of Kosovo but she also said the citizens of Kosovo face high levels of unemployment, as well as the consequences of the pandemic, especially in the field of economy and these should be the main priorities of Kosovo institutions.

In the meeting with von Cramon-Taubadel, Osmani expressed appreciation for European Parliament's support to visa liberalisation for Kosovo and that new institutions are committed in pushing forward reforms.

Earlier in the day, Osmani also met the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Security at the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kai Sauer.

In Brussels, Konjufca underscores importance of EU's approach to Western Balkans (media)

Speaking from Brussels where he attended the second European Parliament Western Balkans Speakers' Summit, Kosovo Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca said peace and stability in the Western Balkans are tied to the EU's approach to the region. He said that despite the challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, the project of completing the EU should not be forgotten.

"There have been no more wars for 22 years. Those few outstanding issues that remain, we are resolving through talks. However the optimism and enthusiasm of the Western Balkans peoples about the EU is not an unconditioned adoration. In today's circumstances, the Western Balkans countries can feel left aside and disoriented only if the main EU countries apply the doctrine of 'first deepening then widening'."

He said that negative messages Kosovo got regarding visa liberalisation since 2017 diminish the spirit of European values and delaying the process is 'unjustifiable'.

Von Cramon says Macron made a mistake in a meeting with Kurti (Klan)

European Parliament rapporteur Viola von Cramon, who is visiting Kosovo, told Klan Kosova that she thinks the French President Emmanuel Macron made a huge mistake in his recent meeting with Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti by asking him what can Kosovo give in exchange for recognition from Serbia.

"I hope Macron could have given something to Kosovo instead of asking the Government of Kosovo to offer something to the EU," she said, adding that France is holding in the air the final decision of the EU for granting visa liberalisation to Kosovo.

Von Cramon said that the EU has made it clear that without mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia there can be no European perspective and that the issue of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities should be treated with caution. "Kosovo laws contain legal provisions offering a level of autonomy for minorities, including the Serb one. It would be good to have a picture of what these laws include and then see how to move forward with the process."

Von Cramon is set to hold a press conference today at the end of her visit to Kosovo.

Memli Krasniqi announces candidacy for PDK leader (media)

Memli Krasniqi has announced his candidacy for the post of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader. He said the PDK needs to open a new chapter and launch a new political project.

"On 3 July, we will have a democratic election process for PDK leader. Being proud with our journey for Kosovo and feeling the great responsibility for the future, I have decided to run to lead the PDK," Krasniqi said via Facebook.

He said he was determined to release the potential of democracy, meritocracy and commitment in order for the PDK to have an open door for all who wish to contribute to Kosovo. "The Democratic Party of Kosovo was, is and will remain tied to the Kosovo Liberation Army and its just cause from which it emerged. Nothing big, important, or sustainable happened in these two decades without the PDK. Throughout the years we have been challenged in many fronts but we never stopped, surrendered or weakened," Krasniqi continued.

The former acting leader, Enver Hoxhaj, meanwhile stated at the meeting of the party's steering council that he will think about his possible candidacy next week.

Gjakova mayor says return of Serb woman should not be politicised (Koha)

Ardian Gjini, mayor of Gjakova, has reacted to the calls made by local civil society organisations against the return of a Serb woman to the town.

Gjini said the municipality did not issue the woman in question permission to use municipality-owned property but that the acquired this right back in 1997. "We have spoken to the police and we understand the mothers' calls because they have great pain, great worries, but I believe we don't need to politicise this to an extreme. I understand we are nearing elections and everyone wants to come out with something but these are wrong," Gjini said.

On Sunday, civil society organisations in Gjakova announced they plan to submit a petition to the central government demanding the eviction of the Serb woman from their town. “This municipality still has open graves, waiting for the return of the remains of its sons. Gjakova is not ready to accept the return of Serbs, until the last remains of our sons and daughters are returned to us,” they said in a statement.

FM Gervalla confuses NATO with UN in Twitter post (media)

Kosovo's Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla in a Twitter post about meeting NATO Secretary-General while in Rome for the Ministerial Meeting of the Global Coalition to defeat DAESH seemingly confused the Alliance with the United Nations.

"Very cordial encounter with (UN flag) Secretary-General Stoltenberg about his visit to Kosova on July 1. Good to see the unwavering (UN flag) commitment to the security of (Kosovo flag) and its citizens. (Kosovo flag) will never forget that (UN flag) saved our country and our people in the most existential moment," the post read.

Gervalla has since corrected the post.

Ceremony marks the launch of Pride Week in Kosovo (media)

Pride Week has been launched in Kosovo with a ceremony organised by the Office of the Prime Minister.

"The strategic priority of the Government of Kosovo is to work towards an inclusive, diverse society with equal opportunities and non discrimination for all its citizens," said at the opening ceremony Habit Hajredini, director of the Office for Good Governance within the PM's Office.

The opening ceremony preceded a number of activities organised in Kosovo to mark the Pride Week in support of the LGBTI community, a press release issued by the Government of Kosovo notes.