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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 11, 2021

  • COVID-19: 562 new cases, six deaths (media)
  • Nearly 500 COVID-19 patients being treated in Kosovo’s hospitals (BIRN)
  • Daka: Legal justification is needed for a total vote recount (Radio Free Europe)
  • Konjufca: New Kurti government will have support from 64 MPs (Telegrafi)
  • Quni leaves open possibility of coalition with VV if elected LDK leader (KTV)
  • Besian Mustafa announces candidacy for post of LDK leader (media)
  • EU urges Kosovo to establish the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities (Gazeta Express)
  • Haxhiu: Majority of Brussels agreements to be reviewed (Kanal 10/Telegrafi)
  • UK calls for postponement of decisions and recruitment processes for senior officials (media)
  • Pre-trial judge rejects Gucati, Haradinaj’s preliminary motions (media)
  • Kurti’s Kosovo Win Puts Spotlight on Tensions with Albania’s Rama (BIRN)
  • Spain tells Kosovo it will respect UEFA rules for qualifier (AP)


COVID-19: 562 new cases, six deaths (media)

562 new cases of COVID-19 and six deaths from the virus were recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 333 persons have recovered from the virus during this time.

There are 10,871 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Nearly 500 COVID-19 patients being treated in Kosovo’s hospitals (BIRN)

According to data obtained by Prishtina Insight on Wednesday, 493 patients confirmed as positive for COVID-19 are currently being treated in Kosovo’s public hospitals. The figure represents a sharp rise from February 22 when just 325 patients in the public health system had tested positive.

At the University Clinical Centre of Kosovo, UCCK, there are currently 213 patients confirmed as positive for COVID-19 – 185 in clinics dedicated to treating COVID-19 patients, 26 in the pulmonology clinic and two in the pediatric clinic.

Meanwhile, 280 patients confirmed as positive for COVID-19 are currently being treated in Kosovo’s seven regional hospitals, including 68 in the Regional Hospital of Gjilan and 62 in the Regional Hospital of Prizren.

The total number of patients receiving treatment in Kosovo’s public health care system is also rising. On March 4, there were 573 patients housed at UCCK and the seven regional hospitals, while on Wednesday this figure had risen by over 100 to 674.

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Daka: Legal justification is needed for a total vote recount (Radio Free Europe)

Kosovo’s Central Election Commission (CEC) President Valdete Daka said in an interview with the news website that doubts about the manipulation of votes for MP candidates have damaged the election process but that she doesn’t believe there should be a total recount of votes.

She said that the CEC will take into account the request of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) for a total recount but that “a legal justification must be provided” for the request. Daka also said that the fact that Kosovo is often going to early parliamentary elections is making it hard for the CEC to learn from mistakes or flaws from earlier processes.

Konjufca: New Kurti government will have support from 64 MPs (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje Movement (VV) senior member Glauk Konjufca said in an interview with the news website on Wednesday that VV leader Albin Kurti is too busy with the new processes and doesn’t have time to Richard Grenell, former U.S. Presidential Envoy for the Kosovo – Serbia talks who has accused Kurti and his party of being anti-American in a series of recent tweets.

“Grenell has a lot of time now, he is writing, but Albin doesn’t have time to respond, he is too busy with the new processes. I don’t think he is not responding to him only because he doesn’t have time but also because it is not important to deal with Grenell. The American people have dealt with him and decided who needs to assume the new responsibilities,” Konjufca was quoted as saying.

Speaking about the Vetevendosje win in February elections, Konjufca said there is not much reason to celebrate. "The victory of Vetevendosje should be treated without any boasting and with a lot of modesty because we are not in celebratory times also at the global level. Covid is also on a rampage in Kosovo with disrupting the social life and in the aspect of human losses and the economic one," he said adding that the new government will have to face tackling of huge problems once in power.

Konjufca said that the new Kurti-led government will be formed by 25 March and will have at least 64 support votes in the Assembly. He also said the election of Kosovo president will be done by 10 April and that a vote for Vjosa Osmani would not mean a vote for the Vetevendosje Movement. "Two options are at play here: consider the president as one of the posts that we can elect or the opposition taking the issue of the president back to existential point. Because leading Kosovo to new elections is an existential point of the political battle," he said.

Quni leaves open possibility of coalition with VV if elected LDK leader (KTV)

Anton Quni, candidate for the post of leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), in an interview with the TV station on Wednesday, has left often the possibility of a post-election coalition with Kurti’s Vetevendosje Movement.

“Vetevendosje does not need us now, but if they find that they need our experience, expertise and the trust that our partners have in the LDK, they should not hesitate and contact us. This issue would then be discussed and when someone asks for help it is natural to help them,” Quni said.

Besian Mustafa announces candidacy for post of LDK leader (media)

Besian Mustafa, acting Minister of Agriculture, is the fourth member of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) to announce his candidacy for the post of party leader after Isa Mustafa resigned the post. “The LDK needs reform, not denigration … It is now clear to everyone that the leadership of the LDK needs to be transferred to the new generation, not in terms of age, but in terms of ideas, opinions and actions that correspond with the political circumstances of the next decade,” Mustafa wrote in a Facebook post.

LDK deputy leader Lutfi Haziri also announced his candidacy for party leader post. Speaking at a press conference Wednesday, Haziri said that the upcoming election at the party should serve to unite the membership and win back the trust of people that feel disappointed or discontent. "A big change will happen and a comeback of the LDK as the first party and as guardian of this Republic," he said. Haziri also spoke about Vjosa Osmani saying he expects her to return to the LDK.

EU urges Kosovo to establish the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities (Gazeta Express)

The European Union is insisting Kosovo to respect the commitments it has undertaken in the Dialogue with Serbia and establish the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities.

Peter Stano, EU Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy told Gazeta Express that Kosovo has entered into an agreement to establish the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities and the EU expects Pristina to respect its commitments undertaken in the Dialogue.

“Kosovo entered into an agreement to establish the Association/Community of Serb municipalities. This agreement was concluded in good faith by all parties involved. It has never been withdrawn,” Stano told Gazeta Express.

Haxhiu: Majority of Brussels agreements to be reviewed (Kanal 10/Telegrafi)

Albulena Haxhiu from the Vetevendosje Movement spoke about the dialogue with Serbia saying Kosovo has more important matters to address at this time such as unemployment and justice.

"Dialogue will not be the top priority for the Kurti government because the citizens face lack of justice and the unemployment problem which pushes the dialogue to a priority number four. We have many problems and we cannot only deal with dialogue with Serbia. The dialogue so far has not produced good results for Kosovo and the majority of the agreements need to be reviewed or recalled, such as that of the 'Zajednica'. There can be no agreement on internal matters of Kosovo and there can be no agreement to please Serbia. We will have a clear strategy on dialogue and demands for Serbia such as economic damage, missing persons."

UK calls for postponement of decisions and recruitment processes for senior officials (media)

Most news websites reported on Wednesday that the British Embassy in Kosovo has called on the acting government to postpone decisions and recruitment processes for senior officials until the new institutions are formed.

“We welcome the postponement of the interview process for the Board of KEK, but remain concerned about the recruitment processes of other Boards of Public Enterprises, and their Chief Executive Officers. We believe they should be transparent and well-structured, and in accordance with the Law on Public Enterprises. We strongly suggest that the acting Government postpones all decisions and recruitment processes for senior officials until the new institutions are formed,” the embassy said in a statement.

Pre-trial judge rejects Gucati, Haradinaj’s preliminary motions (media)

The Kosovo Specialist Chambers pre-trial judge Nicolas Guillou has rejected Nasim Haradinaj and Hysni Gucati's preliminary motions concluding that "the Confirmed Indictment sets out with sufficient clarity and specificity the facts underpinning the charges and the crimes, including the modes of liability charged."

At the same time, the pre-trial judge has also ordered the transmission of the case file against Gucati and Haradinaj on 30 June 2021.

Haradinaj and Gucati stand accused by the Specialist Chambers for offences against the administration of justice, namely obstruction of official persons in performing official duties, intimidation of witnesses, retaliation and violation of secrecy of proceedings.

Kurti’s Kosovo Win Puts Spotlight on Tensions with Albania’s Rama (BIRN)

There’s no love lost between Edi Rama and Albin Kurti. But if Rama wins a third term as Albanian prime minister, their relationship may shape relations between Albania and Kosovo for years to come, with ramifications for the region.

On February 15, a day after Albin Kurti’s Vetvendosje party won a landslide Valentine’s Day election in Kosovo, the prime minister of neighbouring Albania, Edi Rama, took to Twitter with a congratulatory message. The tweet was business-like, not loving, and omitted the flag of Albania that Albanian politicians usually use when writing about their ethnic kin in Kosovo.

It came as little surprise, however, to followers of the Rama-Kurti relationship, one that for the past two or three years has been marked by often open hostility.

Tensions between the two men are reaching new heights, with Kurti crowned undisputed leader of Kosovo and Rama’s fate still to be decided in a parliamentary election set for April 25.

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Spain tells Kosovo it will respect UEFA rules for qualifier (AP)

Kosovo’s soccer federation said Wednesday its Spanish counterpart has expressed regret for referring to the Balkan country as a “territory” and promised to host an upcoming World Cup qualifier between the teams in accordance with all UEFA rules.

The Kosovo federation had earlier warned that it wouldn’t play the March 31 game in Seville unless Spain pledged to respect the Balkan country’s sovereignty, including its anthem and flag.

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