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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 13, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Escobar: Decision on dinar uncoordinated, will discuss it in Kosovo (media)
  • Osmani and Kurti meet with QUINT (media)
  • Kurti discusses with ministers elections in north (Koha)
  • Lajcak in Berlin talks about dialogue (Koha)
  • Szunyog on "government draft statute": We welcome any proposal (KTV)
  • Hargreaves: Britain will cooperate with Kosovo in cyber security (RTK)
  • Secretary of Kosovo Office in Belgrade claims he was provoked by Serbian police (media)
  • Rohde: Preparing ground for new German contingent in Kosovo (RTK)
  • Szunyog and Haxhiu talk about gender equality and justice reforms (RTK)
  • Hoti: Government illegally forced CBK to engage in dialogue  (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Escobar: It took France almost a year to implement euro, Pristina wanted to do this in northern Kosovo in less than three weeks (KoSSev)
  • Pristina has problem in communication with West, it refuses to hear our offer for faster integration (KoSSev)
  • Petkovic: Ultimate goal of abolishing dinar is final expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
  • Petkovic: Kurti main threat to regional stability (Tanjug, media)
  • Municipal Security Committee meeting held in Strpce, stronger presence of police and KFOR requested (KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
  • Trial of Sladjan Trajkovic continues (Radio KIM)
  • Dacic receives Spanish Ambassador (media)
  • Zeman: Bombing of FR Yugoslavia one of NATO's two fundamental mistakes (media)

International Media: 

  • Kosovo Citizens Unfairly Charged for Serb Municipalities’ Electricity: Court (Balkan Insight)

Albanian Language Media

Escobar: Decision on dinar uncoordinated, will discuss it in Kosovo (media)

The U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, Gabriel Escobar, in an online media conference, spoke about the issue of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, as well as the new CBK regulation. 

"From Brussels we will travel to Pristina, where we will focus on the effects and a possible solution to the uncoordinated decision on the dinar...", Escobar said.

"We are not questioning the legitimacy of the decision, but its implementation. We need the government of Kosovo to cooperate with the international community to find a solution for this decision, which was catastrophic", he added.

Escobar has said that there is a lack of communication in diplomatic circles between the U.S. and Kosovo."The partnership between the United States and Kosovo, between the American people and the people of Kosovo, does not penetrate through a person in Kosovo, or a party. However, I have to say that we currently have problems communicating with the prime minister. And not only the USA, it is a problem that Kosovo also has with the EU, NATO, the United Kingdom and more partners, including Albania and North Macedonia", underlined Escobar. 

He further said that he expects Kosovo and Serbia to take the dialogue seriously. He described the dialogue as a "critical moment". "I encourage both parties to implement the agreements reached, especially the one reached in Ohrid. This is one of the primary reasons why I am visiting Kosovo", Escobar emphasized further. 

The U.S. envoy said that " by ignoring the dialogue, Kosovo is ignoring its European partners". 

According to the announcement of the Presidency, President Vjosa Osmani will host Escobar today, and there will be a media statement after the meeting. 

In addition to the meeting with the heads of Kosovo institutions, the leaders of the opposition parties are also invited to the meeting, the media reported.

Osmani and Kurti meet with QUINT (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and Prime Minister Albin Kurti on Tuesday met separately with the ambassadors of the QUINT countries. According to RTK, the meeting was focused on the current situation in Kosovo. 

Meanwhile, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, held a meeting with the ambassadors of QUINT, where the main attention was paid to the process of progress and deepening of relations and cooperation with the NATO headquarters and the Euro-Atlantic integration of Kosovo, it was said in the ministry's communique

Kurti discusses with ministers elections in north (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Tuesday, the Minister of Community and Return, Nenad Rasic, the Minister of Local Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi, the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Hajrulla Ceku and their deputy ministers.

According to the announcement issued by the Office of the Prime Minister, they discussed the preparation for the holding of early elections in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo.

"And about the infrastructural projects that could be planned and implemented in municipalities with a Serb majority for the 2030 Mediterranean Games", the announcement further states. "The development and implementation of the plan for the organization of the games, which undoubtedly brings the development of the municipalities in the economic aspect, in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo, was also part of the discussion".

It is further stated that the government will support any legal initiative that increases the well-being of citizens and impacts the improvement of well-being, through investments, initiatives and subsidies and grants, for every community.

Lajcak in Berlin talks about dialogue (Koha) 

The EU special representative, Miroslav Lajcak, has announced that on Tuesday he visited Berlin in Germany.

“Had very useful meetings in Berlin today. Discussed the state of play in the Dialogue, as well as the situation in the Western Balkans and beyond with my interlocutors in the Chancellery and the Foreign Office. Looking forward to continuing our close cooperation,” Lajcak wrote on X.

Szunyog on "government draft statute": We welcome any proposal (KTV)

The head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, has said that the international community is looking for "a proposal that would fulfill the external and internal obligations of Kosovo and a document that would establish the Association".

Asked about the possibility of the government compiling a draft statute of the Association, he answered that the EU's request was for the government to make a decision to approve something. "But still, we would welcome any proposal for a draft statute. By the way, there was also a draft proposal earlier by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung that was relevant. So again, let's have a debate about this, let's have different proposals, but what we have asked for is a decision of the government of Kosovo to approve something", he said.

Szunyog has emphasized that the negotiation process is important for Kosovo and Serbia, but that if "both sides do not feel that this is the way, we will not force anyone to become a member of the European Union".

Condemning the attack in Banjska, he reiterated that the perpetrators of the attack must be brought to justice and punished, and that the EU expects Serbia to fulfill this.  

He has said that Kosovo could advance on the road to the EU if it establishes the association of municipalities with a Serbian majority.

Szunyog has said that the issue of membership towards the EU is complicated, but he says that with the establishment of the Association "member states would be more willing to accept Kosovo's application".

Regarding the draft statute proposed by the EU, Szunyog said that all Kosovo's demands are included there and that it can be sent for verification to the Constitutional Court if it is in accordance with the Constitution. 

"The best international and regional lawyers, experts in the protection of minorities, local self-government and others have been engaged. We proposed this particular text. We think it's a good text. But, strictly speaking, it is an internal process of Kosovo", Szunyog said commenting on the statements of the Speaker Glauk Konjufca, that the EU does not have the competence to propose a draft statute for the Association.

Szunyog said he had expected progress in the dialogue to be faster and more substantial. However, he said that during his mandate as EU ambassador in Kosovo, there were movements. He mentioned the agreement on license plates, energy and the Declaration on missing persons.

The EU ambassador said that the agreement signed in Brussels in February last year and the annex in Ohrid in March are legally binding. He said that these have become mandatory at the moment that the High Representative of the EU, Josep Borrell, went to the press conference and made them official.

Hargreaves: Britain will cooperate with Kosovo in cyber security (RTK)

The British ambassador in Kosovo, Jonathan Hargreaves, has said that he is proud of the support they have provided and that he looks forward to continuing the cooperation with Kosovo in strengthening cyber security.

“Today, I was delighted to attend the inauguration ceremony for the State Cyber Security Training Center along with the Prime Minister Kurti and Minister of Defense Ejup Maqedonci. I commend the Ministry of Defense for this pivotal step in enhancing the resilience and security of the country in the cyber space and I'm proud of the support we've offered in developing the Training Curriculum for the Center. I look forward to continuing to collaborate with Kosovo in strengthening its cyber-security in the country and wider region.” Hargreaves wrote. 

Secretary of Kosovo Office in Belgrade claims he was provoked by Serbian police (media)

Fatmir Haxholli, the first secretary in the Liaison Office of Kosovo in Serbia, was fined on Tuesday by the Serbian authorities for speeding, even though he was under the escort of the nearby defense as the law provides.

According to Haxholli, the real purpose of this unacceptable approach was to, through fraud and deception, obtain from him his signature from an official position, on an official Serbian document, where in flagrant violation of the identification document, the ID number of the Republic of Kosovo, it was written R. Serbia.

"Of course, I strongly protested against this insulting and manipulative approach, explaining to them that although the fine was imposed in violation of their laws, I would sign any document where the reference is correct, that is, if the Serbian authorities put it correctly: Fatmir Haxholli, official, respectively the diplomat of the Republic of Kosovo", Haxholli said.

Rohde: Preparing ground for new German contingent in Kosovo (RTK)

The Ambassador of Germany in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, has announced that on Monday the "pioneers of the German army" arrived in Kosovo, to prepare the ground for the new contingent of German soldiers who are expected to arrive during the month of April.

Rohde, in a post on platform X, writes that his country continues to take responsibility within the NATO-KFOR mission in Kosovo.

"Germany continues to assume responsibility within NATO KFOR in Kosovo.  As a first step towards more military presence on the ground, pioneers from bundeswehrinfo arrived in Kosovo yesterday to prepare the ground for the - again - growing German KFOR contingent.”

Szunyog and Haxhiu talk about gender equality and justice reforms (RTK)

The Special Representative of the EU in Kosovo, Ambassador Tomas Szunyog, and the Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu held a meeting on Tuesday where they discussed the priorities of the Ministry and the legislative agenda. Ambassador Szunyog has indicated that the new Civil Code, gender equality and justice reforms were also discussed in this meeting.

"I emphasized the importance of implementing the Joint Declaration of Commitment for justice reforms and the recommendations from the 2023 Annual Report. I appreciated the minister's personal involvement in issues related to gender-based violence and domestic violence. We also discussed how a new Civil Code could be adopted, which would ensure equal civil rights, regulate property and inheritance issues, and advance gender equality," Szunyog wrote on the X platform.

Hoti: Government forced CBK to engage in dialogue illegally (RTK)

Former Prime Minister of Kosovo and current LDK MP, Avdullah Hoti, said that the governor of CBK will report on Wednesday to the Parliamentary Committee on Budgets about the meeting in Brussels on the regulation of foreign currencies in Kosovo. 

"At the request of the opposition, tomorrow at 12:00, the Governor of the CBK will report to the Parliamentary Committee on Budgets regarding his senseless participation and without any legal authorization in the dialogue in Brussels on the regulation for the use of foreign currencies in Kosovo", Hoti wrote on his Facebook profile. 

"Even though the CBK is an independent constitutional institution, the government forced it to engage in dialogue illegally. The fact that the government and the CBK did not accept the requests of Kosovo's main ally to postpone the implementation of the regulation remains worrying. But they agreed to sit at the table with the Serbian side at the mediator's request," he wrote.

Serbian Language Media 

Escobar: It took France almost a year to implement euro, Pristina wanted to do this in northern Kosovo in less than three weeks (KoSSev)

We need Kosovo Government to work with the international community to help find a solution to this disastrous decision, the US Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar said, commenting on the crisis caused by the “uncoordinated” implementation of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK) currency regulation, KoSSev portal reported.

He emphasized that although no one in the West questions its legitimacy, on the other hand, its implementation creates chaos for the Kosovo economy and causes difficulties for those citizens of Kosovo who receive wages and social payments from Serbia.

Escobar also listed five reasons why the CBK regulation caused concern among the international community, reminding Pristina that in Skopje, just two weeks before the sudden application of the regulation, it committed itself to a transparent electronic payment mechanism with all the countries of the Western Balkans by the end of the year.

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Pristina has problem in communication with West, it refuses to hear our offer for faster integration (KoSSev)

“I think that Kosovo has a problem in communication with the European Union, NATO, Great Britain, US and many other partners, including Albania and North Macedonia”, US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar is quoted as saying, KoSSev portal reported. Escobar is due to visit Pristina with his European colleague, Miroslav Lajcak, the portal added.

As the portal further reported he also said not only the US, but also the EU and NATO have problems in communication with the Kosovo Government, respectively with Prime Minister Albin Kurti. “I would say that currently we really have a problem in communication with the Prime Minister, and it is not just the US. It is not only the US having the problem. I think that Kosovo has a problem in communication with the European Union, NATO, Great Britain, US and with many other partners, including Albania and North Macedonia”, he underlined.

Recalling that within NATO there are four, and within the EU five countries that do not recognize Kosovo, Escobar said that they would now like to see “a move” within the dialogue under EU’s mediation. By ignoring the dialogue, Kosovo also ignores European partners, he assessed. “Therefore it is impossible for us to convince them to move integration of Kosovo forward. I am very concerned because Kosovo does not hear our offer for partnership in order to move integration of Kosovo further and faster”, he added. He also said he would like to see the close partnership cooperation between Kosovo and the US the way it was before. 

Petkovic: Ultimate goal of abolishing dinar is final expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic met yesterday with French Foreign Ministry Continental Europe Department Director, Bris Rockfey, and informed him about the endangerment of Serbs in Kosovo, in particular following Pristina's decision to abolish dinar, Kosovo Online portal reported.

As the Office for KiM said in a statement Petkovic pointed out that dinar ban in Kosovo also prohibited the payment of salaries, pensions, social benefits, and material costs of schools, hospitals, kindergartens, and other Serbian institutions in Kosovo.

Petkovic also emphasized the necessity for Serbs to be institutionally protected through the formation of the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, which Pristina had persistently refused to form for 11 years. Petkovic stressed that Pristina's recent decision to abolish the use of dinar and payment transactions was deliberate, adding the ultimate goal of that decision was the final expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo, the abolition of Serbian institutions and termination of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

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Petkovic: Kurti main threat to regional stability (Tanjug, media)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic on Tuesday dismissed as "pointless and cynical" Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti's constant attempts to point to Belgrade as an excuse for militarisation of Kosovo and systematic threats to the rights and security of Serbs there, Tanjug news agency reported. “It is clear to everyone Kurti's regime and his ideology are the only and the main threat to regional stability”, Petkovic said in a written statement.

"What Kurti and ideologically like-minded people are doing to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija comes from the sheerest chauvinism and unprovoked hatred, to which Belgrade has never responded with hatred and threats, but only in a restrained and responsible manner, persevering in putting out fires Kurti has been trying to start", Petkovic said.

"Not even the sponsors of Pristina separatists believe in Kurti's fairytales about an angry and aggressive Serbia because, through both political and economic results, Serbia has demonstrated that is a successful state and an axis of progress across the region", Petkovic added. Daily attacks on Serbs and their properties in Kosovo are not a reaction because ethnic Albanians and members of any other ethnic group are not treated in the same way in central Serbia, he also noted.

Municipal Security Committee meeting held in Strpce, stronger presence of police and KFOR requested (KoSSev, Kosovo Online)

A Municipal Security Committee meeting was held in Strpce yesterday following last week’s incident in which an Albanian from Suva Reka fired shots in the village of Donja Bitinja, and as the Serbian media reported laid the wreath on the wall of a house owned by Serb in this village.

Kosovo police confirmed that shooting occurred, adding the person fired shots in the air and was under influence of alcohol. He was arrested, and a gun with 33 bullets confiscated from him. Also a bullet casing was found. The police qualified the case only as “use of firearms”.

On the other side, Donja Bitinja residents, Serbian List and Office for Kosovo and Metohija said this incident represents new intimidation of Serbs. Similar messages were also heard during the committee meeting yesterday. Stprce mayor, Dalibor Jevtic who took part in a meeting said in relation to the incident that it was not only matter of the police work, but also of judicial bodies who need to make decisions that would send very clear messages – that all those endangering anyone’s lives or anyone’s security will not be tolerated.

Given security concerns, the committee adopted conclusion demanding increased presence of police in the village of Donja Bitinja and that KFOR does the same though its patrols, relevant institutions to undertake necessary steps in order to prevent recurrence of similar incidents, and international missions in Kosovo to understand seriousness of continuous endangerment of lives and security of residents of Strpce municipality and do their utmost to ensure safe environment for all citizens. 

Trial of Sladjan Trajkovic continues (Radio KIM)

The judicial panel in a trial to former police officer Sladjan Trajkovic, from Mitrovica North accused of allegedly committing war crimes against civilian population in Kosovo has accepted statements of new witnesses and documentation, which Trajkovic’s defense expects would help in proving his innocence, Radio KIM reports.

Trajkovic also took part in a hearing yesterday examining witnesses of the prosecution, thus as his lawyer Dejan Vasic said, making an important contribution in relation to certain investigative acts that have been carried out earlier. He added the trial will continue in two days, expecting it will be proven that accusations were groundless. Trajkovic’s family members were present during the trial yesterday, reiterating the need for him to be released on bail pending trial, or sent to house arrest so he can continue his medical treatment, which the court has refused so far. The trial as per decision of the court is closed to the public.

Sladjan Trajkovic was arrested on December 15, 2022 in Mitrovica North and remains in detention since then. He was a member of Kosovo police and left the service in November 2022, along with all Serb colleagues from the north. Before becoming a member of Kosovo police he passed all security verifications, by both Pristina and international institutions, Radio KIM recalled.  

Dacic receives Spanish Ambassador (media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received newly-appointed Spanish Ambassador to Belgrade Juan Jose Sanz Aparicio on Tuesday, thanking him for Spain's firm and principled position of non-recognition of unilaterally declared Kosovo independence, as well as for continued support for Serbia's EU integration, Tanjug news agency reported.

The Spanish Ambassador reiterated the support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia and its EU integration process, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Sanz Aparicio said his priorities for the future were advancement of bilateral economic cooperation and greater Spanish cultural presence in Serbia, in which he noted the Cervantes Institute - that this year celebrates the 20th anniversary of its work in Belgrade - would continue to actively engage. Cordially welcoming the Ambassador and wishing him much success in his new and responsible post, Dacic noted that he had had good cooperation with the Spanish diplomat's predecessor, Ambassador Raul Bartolome Molina, who was this year awarded the Order of the Serbian Flag First Class for his contribution to development of Serbia-Spain bilateral relations, the statement added. 

Zeman: Bombing of FR Yugoslavia one of NATO's two fundamental mistakes (media)

Former Czech President Milos Zeman has reiterated that the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) in 1999 as well as withdrawal from Afghanistan and surrender of power to the Taliban were NATO's two fundamental mistakes.

In an interview with the Czech paper Pravo that marked the 25th anniversary of the Czech Republic's joining of NATO, Zeman said he had supported the country's membership in the Western military alliance at the time as well as the bombing of the FRY a week later, but noted that he believed NATO member states had been deceived, having been told that only military targets would be hit.

"We were deceived, and I have said that publicly. Because NATO had told us the bombing would be about military targets only. But, in fact as you know well, it was also about civilian buildings and, that being the case, it also resulted in civilian casualties", the Czech internet news portal Novinky quoted Zeman as saying in the interview. He said the Czech Republic had been under great pressure to agree to the bombing and that, ultimately, it had become the last country to do so.  

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International Media 

Kosovo Citizens Unfairly Charged for Serb Municipalities’ Electricity: Court (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo’s Constitutional Court ruled that people around the country should be compensated for having been made to subsidize electricity supplies that were not paid for by consumers in four Serb-majority municipalities from 2012 to 2017.

The Constitutional Court on Monday confirmed a Supreme Court decision to compensate Kosovo citizens who were billed for the electricity used without payment in four Serb-majority municipalities in the country’s north from 2012 to 2017.

The case originated in a lawsuit issued by Kosovo’s Ombudperson challenging a 2012 decision by the Energy Regulatory Office that allowed people in the rest of the country to be billed for the electricity used in the northern municipalities of North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok.

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