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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 21, 2023

  • Borrell: Ohrid Agreement creates new status-quo in dialogue, Association is an urgent matter (media)
  • Kurti: We have enough votes for membership in the Council of Europe (TeVe1)
  • Murati: Kosovo wasn’t allowed at donors' conference without a footnote (media)
  • State Department: Government corruption and gender-based violence, among key problems in Kosovo (media)
  • Guerot: There will be consequences if agreements are not respected (media)
  • Hovenier thanks Osmani for sharing experiences and thoughts (RTK)
  • Haradinaj: Three objectives must be achieved in first phase of implementation of agreement (TeVe1)
  • Serbia, Kosovo ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ on EU-backed deal unpacked (euractiv)
  • Serbia and Kosovo Weren’t Desperate Enough for an Ohrid Breakthrough (BIRN)
  • UAE welcomes Serbia-Kosovo agreement on plan to normalise relations (
  • Analysts on Ohrid meeting: It did not bring what was expected, there is no agreement without compromise (
  • Prosecution Case in Kosovo Ex-Guerrillas’ Trial ‘Could Take Six Years’ (BIRN)
  • Serbian List: We won’t take part in elections without Association (gazeta10)
  • Suspect for Arson Attack on Kosovo Journalist’s House Detained (BIRN)
  • Francophonie Week Starts in Peja (Prishtina Insight)

Borrell: Ohrid Agreement creates new status-quo in dialogue, Association is an urgent matter (media)

EU High Representative Josep Borrell briefed the ministers of the European Union on Monday about the results of the meetings in Ohrid, in the framework of efforts to normalize relations between Kosovo and Serbia. In a statement to the media after this report, Borrell said that the Ohrid agreement creates a new status-quo in the dialogue.

"I informed the ministers about the agreement reached in Ohrid between Kosovo and Serbia. It is a great achievement in the normalization process between them. It creates a new status-quo in the dialogue. We will no longer in a situation of crises management, I hope at least, but in the implementation of the agreements reached on February 27," Borrell said.

He also commented on the non-signing of the agreement, saying that it did not happen for legal reasons, without elaborating further.

"There was no signature for legal reasons, but both parties agreed that my statement is a commitment on their part to fully fulfill the obligations arising from this agreement and the implementation annex," he said.

He said that this agreement is included in the European path of Kosovo and Serbia.

"We will monitor the implementation of the agreements. The member states have expressed their support," said Borrell.

According to him, some of the points are more urgent than others. Here he listed the establishment of the Association. "Agreements must be fulfilled, with a certain calendar. The calendar requires each party to do their part. You don't start building a house from the top, but from the most urgent things. The most urgent things first, some are very urgent. I stressed it very clearly in the annex, it is said that Kosovo is committed to immediately create the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority. There are some commitments that we will closely monitor how the parties implement. All of them are an integral part of what has been achieved," stressed Josep Borrell.

Kurti: We have enough votes for membership in the Council of Europe (TeVe1)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Monday that Kosovo has the necessary votes to join the Council of Europe and that there is no obstacle to join this organization. Kurti hosted the ambassadors accredited in Kosovo at the meeting, where the topic of discussion was the agreement in Ohrid on the annex to the implementation of the Basic Agreement.

He assessed that the path for Kosovo's application to the Council of Europe and the European Union has been opened.

"In the text of the Annex agreed in Ohrid, it is stated that Kosovo and Serbia are fully committed to respect all the articles of the Agreement and the Annex, and to implement all their respective obligations - deriving from the Agreement and the Annex - in a convenient manner and in good faith. It also states that Kosovo and Serbia agree that all articles are implemented independently of each other. Prime Minister Kurti emphasized that the delegation of the Republic of Kosovo has been maximally dedicated and constructive, but also creative with offers and proposals that were rejected by the other side, which, as in Brussels on February 27, again refused to sign. The way to proceed with Kosovo's application for membership in the Council of Europe and the European Union is open. As for the membership in the Council of Europe, Kosovo already has the necessary number of votes of the member states, while the legal department of the Council has confirmed that there is no legal obstacle for the full membership of the Republic of Kosovo in this important organization," the Office of the Prime Minister informed.

Murati: Kosovo wasn’t allowed at donors' conference without a footnote (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Finance and Transfers Hekuran Murati said on Monday that it was impossible to participate in a donors' conference in Brussels, for those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. He said that the organizer of this event was the cause of non-participation, adding that Kosovo’s participation without the footnote was not accepted. "It took three planes to get to Brussels today to attend the donor conference in support of the people of Turkey and Syria affected by the devastating earthquakes. The government of Kosovo wants to pledge financial support and be part of all international efforts to help."

"Unfortunately, my country could not participate and contribute due to incorrect and discriminatory treatment by the organizer, who insisted on using the footnote contrary to the letter of the original Brussels agreement, and the spirit of today's conference," Murati wrote on Twitter.

State Department: Government corruption and gender-based violence, among key problems in Kosovo (media)

Serious government corruption and the lack of investigation and accountability for gender-based violence are mentioned as some of the most serious problems in the U.S. State Department's report on Human Rights, in the section on Kosovo.

Other problems in the report for 2022 include other forms of violence, as well as crimes or threats against ethnic minorities and other marginalized groups.

While publishing the report, the American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said that the reports published for a good part of the world's countries demonstrate the commitment of the United States to advance human rights in the world.

Read the report here:

Guerot: There will be consequences if agreements are not respected (media)

French Ambassador to Kosovo Olivier Guerot highlighted on Monday the importance of implementing commitments of the agreement reached between Prime Minister Kurti and the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic in Ohrid. He said that there are consequences if the agreements reached are not respected.

In an interview for RTK he said that they will closely follow the implementation of these agreements and added that ‘it should be known that it was the best possible agreement. We are on the road to normalization and our goal is full normalization. I will not stop to clarify the issue of the terms used, there is no ambiguity regarding the implementation of the Association," he said.

Hovenier thanks Osmani for sharing experiences and thoughts (RTK)

United States Ambassador to Kosovo Jeff Hovenier received in a meeting the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani, thanking her for sharing experiences and thoughts during  the Women in History month.

"It was a privilege and an honor to welcome the president of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, today at the American Embassy in Prishtina, to speak with our staff during the month of Women in History. Thank you President Osmani for sharing your experiences and thoughts on the work we need to do to advance," Hovenier wrote on Twitter.

Haradinaj: Three objectives must be achieved in first phase of implementation of agreement (TeVe1)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said on Monday that Kosovo must achieve three objectives in the first phase of the implementation of the Basic Agreement for the normalization of relations with Serbia.

"There are three important objectives that Kosovo must achieve already in the first phase of the implementation of the framework agreement for the normalization of relations with Serbia. First, to achieve the partnership for peace as the first stage of NATO membership; To return to the European integration agenda, bringing back the process of new recognitions for the state of Kosovo, as well as; To restore law and order in the north and hold local elections there! In addition to the obligations received, these should be the priorities of the Government in the first phase of the implementation of the Ohrid agreement!," Haradinaj wrote.

Serbia, Kosovo ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ on EU-backed deal unpacked (euractiv)

While Kosovo and Serbia reached a verbal agreement on implementing an EU-backed deal to normalise ties over the weekend, disagreements and a lack of clarity over what shape some provisions will take, remain.

Belgrade and Pristina have been in EU-backed talks since 2011, three years after Kosovo declared independence in 2008 following the 1998-1999 Kosovo-Serbia war.

But Serbia still regards Kosovo as a breakaway province, and flare-ups between the Balkan neighbours over the years, intensifying in 2022, stoked fears of a return to conflict.

The agreement on Saturday (18 March) came after 12-hour talks between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and EU officials on implementing the deal, which both sides had verbally agreed to in Brussels last month.

Last month’s 11-point plan says that Serbia and Kosovo are obliged to develop normal, good-neighbourly relations as well as to respect their independence and territorial integrity.

The text does not explicitly mention recognition but indicates de-facto recognition by saying that the two sides should exchange permanent missions, which will be established at the respective government’s seat.

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Serbia and Kosovo Weren’t Desperate Enough for an Ohrid Breakthrough (BIRN)

No one can blame EU diplomats for building up expectations of a “historic breakthrough” before Sunday’s crunch meeting in Ohrid between Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo’s PM Albin Kurti.

The air was thick with talk of windows about to close and opportunities about to be seized. If the wider world wasn’t that interested, the Balkan region was – gripped by a fantasy that one of the region’s hottest and longest-running conflicts was about to be dramatically cooled down via an artfully nuanced EU normalization plan that offered a morsel to everyone.

The Serbs would get an autonomous municipal association in Kosovo, giving Belgrade an informal but definite say in Kosovo’s internal governance.

Serbia would not give Kosovo diplomatic recognition, which its 2006 constitution excludes, but would be bound by an agreement not to try to represent Kosovo internationally, a de facto admission that it is a separate country, not a temporarily lost province.

EU diplomats were just doing their job in the run-up to Ohrid, which was to act like the professional US football cheerleading groups that stand on the touchlines, priming fans and players with synchronised joyful victory chants.

The actual results of Ohrid after all this hoopla were meagre, however.  The EU’s diplomacy chief, Josep Borrell, bravely tweeted after a day of talks: “We have a deal” – but where were the all-important signatures?

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UAE welcomes Serbia-Kosovo agreement on plan to normalise relations (

The United Arab Emirates has welcomed the agreement announced during talks held in the Republic of North Macedonia on implementing a European Union-sponsored plan to normalise relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Kosovo.

Ambassador Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister for Political Affairs and UAE's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, commended the implementation agreement, noting that it represents an important step towards strengthening regional and international peace and security.

In this regard, she emphasised the UAE’s support for international law, particularly respect for the sovereignty of states, non-interference in internal affairs, and the peaceful resolution of disputes.

In light of pressing global challenges, Nusseibeh stated, “The UAE believes in the necessity of building bridges of cooperation and dialogue to resolve disputes and enhance confidence in a way that brings together multiple points of view.”

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Analysts on Ohrid meeting: It did not bring what was expected, there is no agreement without compromise (

The March 18 meeting in Ohrid did not bring winners or losers.

However, there was a peace between the two countries, analysts in Pristina estimate.

“Overcoming the crises from time to time that happened to us on the ground, especially the tendencies of Serbia to intervene militarily, up to taking out the tanks and heading towards the border of Kosovo. I think that this is the main achievement and eventually both countries decide to move together towards the membership of the European Union,” said analyst Gazmir Raci.

“What is fundamental is that a declaration of peace has taken place in Ohrid, these tensions that have been going on for months have been eased, while the winner is certainly the European Union and the United States of America,” said analyst Fatmir Sheholli.

Both say that there are also compromises in the negotiations, which actually happened this time in Ohrid from both sides. What remains to be seen from now on is the success in the implementation of what has been achieved, since the non-fulfillment of the obligations that the parties have taken may also bring consequences for both parties, especially when it comes to their integration path Euro-Atlantic.

Prosecution Case in Kosovo Ex-Guerrillas’ Trial ‘Could Take Six Years’ (BIRN)

The prosecution’s presentation of evidence in the case against former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and three other former senior Kosovo Liberation Army, KA guerrillas at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague could go on for six-and-a-half years, presiding judge Charles Smith III told a case status conference at the court on Monday.

“The judges’ panel estimates that… we would hear around 46 [prosecution] witnesses per year,” Smith said.

He explained that as there are 312 prosecution witnesses, “including counter-questions from the defence, it would take six-and-a-half years to finish them”.

The testimony of the first 12 witnesses will take 234 hours, “which is more than 35 days in court”, meaning that they will be testifying until September or October 2023, Smith said.

The judges called on the prosecution and defence to find ways to reduce the length of the hearings.

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Serbian List: We won’t take part in elections without Association (gazeta10)

United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, met on Monday with representatives of the Serbian List (SL), and discussed their participation in the extraordinary local elections in the north. SL representatives said they would not take part in the elections until the Association of Serb-majority municipalities is formed and Kosovo Police special units withdraw from the north.

“Serbian List representatives made it clear that our party remains consistent in its position not to take part in the extraordinary local elections in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo, until the fulfilment of demands that made us leave Kosovo’s institutions, namely the formation of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities and the withdrawal of all special units from the north of Kosovo,” the SL said in a statement.

Suspect for Arson Attack on Kosovo Journalist’s House Detained (BIRN)

Pristina Basic Court on Monday ordered 30 days of detention for A.L., suspected for setting fire to the house of Alban Selimi, a staffer on Kosovo’s public broadcaster, Radio Television of Kosovo, RTK, on Thursday.

The garage which is part of the house located in Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje, near Pristina, was heavily damaged by the fire. No casualties were reported.

Approving the prosecutor’s request for detention, the judge assessed that if released, the suspect could avoid justice and even repeat the offence.

“Taking into consideration (his [suspect’s] criminal background, the court has assessed that if released, the suspect will repeat the criminal offence which he has threatened to commit,” the court said in a press release on Monday.

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Francophonie Week Starts in Peja (Prishtina Insight)

One day before the beginning of spring, the 23rd edition of the Francophonie Week has kicked off in the Kosovar Capital of Francophonie for this year - Peja.

Every year the French Embassy in Kosovo organizes the Week of Francophonie in one of the cities of Kosovo. This year, the host city of guests who will attend the socio-cultural activities of this week will be Peja.

The 23rd edition of the French Days starts on Monday, while the opening ceremony will officially take place tomorrow, the French Embassy has announced.

The first activity “Street Art, Balkan Traffic” created by two Franco-Belgian artists will be held on Sylejman Vokshi street in Prishtina.

The opening ceremony of the Week of Francophonie will be inaugurated by the ambassador of France in Kosovo, Olivier Guerot, on Tuesday at 18:00 p.m., at the Amphitheater of the Central University Library in Prishtina.

The program of this edition will present concerts, films, debates and conferences, with their main theme being culture, tourism, education, science, sports diplomacy, innovation and European projects.

More than 10 speakers, experts from France, Senegal, and other French-speaking countries will participate in this edition.

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