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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 25

  • Thaci: EU continues to discriminate Kosovo (media)
  • Osmani: I will not vote in favor of non-confidence motion, MPs should vote against it (media)
  • Kosnett: Pleased to see Assembly session tomorrow (media)
  • Von Cramon reacts harshly to Kosnett, calls his statements irresponsible (Koha)
  • Joint statement of France and Germany (media)
  • Switzerland calls on ruling coalition to overcome disagreements (media)
  • Kurti tweets about call with Merkel (media)
  • Constitutional Court: Thaci’s request will be treated with urgency (RTK)
  • Abazi with serious accusations against Thaci and Mustafa (RTK)
  • Behrami: Pressure on LDK, interference in internal matters (RTK)
  • Two new cases confirmed, number of infected with COVID-19 reaches 63 (media)


Thaci: EU continues to discriminate Kosovo (media)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci hailed on Tuesday the decision of the EU Council of Ministers to open membership talks with Albania and North Macedonia saying it marks an important step for the European integration of both countries, for Albanians and the whole region.

Thaci wrote in a Facebook post that the EU is finally making good decisions for the region and added he hopes it will mark a turning point for the equal treatment of all Western Balkans countries.

"Unfortunately the European Union continues to discriminate Kosovo by leaving it in isolation and without a candidate status. This is the biggest strategic mistake that the EU is making towards Kosovo," Thaci added.

Osmani: I will not vote in favor of non-confidence motion, MPs should vote against it (media)

Kosovo Assembly President and deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Vjosa Osmani said on Tuesday she will not vote in favor of her party's motion of no-confidence against the government.

Osmani called on MPs to vote against the motion which will be voted on Wednesday in the Assembly.

"I have certainly expressed my position against the motion because since October 6 I have believed that the only way to give our country a legitimate government is to have a government made up of people that are not involved in corruption and that combat crime ... I have believed and worked for such a government and I think that the coalition partners had room to find a solution. I absolutely do not support the motion and I call on MPs not to vote in favor of the motion," Osmani told a press conference.

Kosnett: Pleased to see Assembly session tomorrow (media)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Philip Kosnett tweeted on Tuesday evening: "Pleased to see the Assembly will hold a session on the no-confidence vote tomorrow. As I told the PM today, it is important for the Assembly and all Kosovo institutions to respect the Constitution."

The U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue Richard Grenell, retweeted Kosnett’s tweet.

Von Cramon reacts harshly to Kosnett, calls his statements irresponsible (Koha)

European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo, MEP Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, reacted to the tweet of the U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett, who wrote that he is pleased to see Assembly will hold a session on the no-confidence vote on Wednesday.

“An own goal of the US in #Kosovo with a historical dimension. How can you an ambassador be pleased to see a functional government tumbling in the #CoronaPandemic? Unbelievable. Irresponsible. I feel terrible sorry for the citizens of #Kosovo. They don’t deserve this,” she tweeted.

Joint statement of France and Germany (media)

Several news websites carry the joint statement issued by the Foreign Ministries of France and Germany on Tuesday evening.

"France and Germany are concerned about the political situation in Kosovo at a time when political unity is necessary to face the COVID-19 crisis.

Kosovo needs a stable and fully functioning government to deal with this crisis. Therefore, we urge that the vote of no-confidence in the Government be reconsidered or postponed.

We recall our support to the priorities of the Kosovar Government, i.e. fighting corruption and fostering socio-economic development. We stand ready to increase our concrete support to Kosovo in these areas.

Regarding relations between Kosovo and Serbia, we expect both parties to take the necessary steps to remove the obstacles to the resumption of the dialogue.

We welcome Prime Minister Kurti’s intention to restart the dialogue with Serbia and to involve all stakeholders in order that Kosovo speak with one voice. The decision taken by the Kosovo Government on 20th March to lift the 100% tariff on raw materials is an important first step in the right direction. We expect that the tariffs will be fully suspended from 1st April, and we expect Serbia to do its share of the efforts.

When conditions are met for the resumption of the Dialogue, and the COVID-19 crisis is overcome, President Macron and Chancellor Merkel plan to host a Summit in Paris, with the participation of both parties’ leaders and High Representative Borrell.

The dispute between Serbia and Kosovo is a European security matter, therefore the European Union will continue to lead the facilitation efforts as soon as both parties agree to restart their talks. Coordination with our partners, in particular the United States, will be pursued.

The objective of the Dialogue must remain the full normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia through a comprehensive, final and legally binding agreement. Achieving this objective is a condition for both parties in order to join the European Union."

Switzerland calls on ruling coalition to overcome disagreements (media)

The Swiss Embassy in Kosovo issued a statement on Tuesday calling on the ruling coalition to overcome internal disagreements and build trust in order to implement the government plan and implement what they were voted for.

"We condemn all efforts to use the coronavirus pandemic to bring down the legitimate government and we call on political actors to facilitate the situation," the statement noted. "As is required across the world, the leaders must now unity and protect the people".

Kurti tweets about call with Merkel (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti commented in a Twitter post about his phone call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

"Yesterday, I had a phone call with Chancellor Angela Merkel. We discussed the situation with #COVID19, the #EU integration process, and the dialogue with Serbia. Chancellor #Merkel offered #Germany’s support for our fight against corruption and our ambitious reform program."

"We also agreed on a gov-led dialogue with Serbia to further normalize our relations and to remove all non-tariff barriers. I welcome the Chancellor's commitment to this process, which must lead to an agreement that fully normalizes relations and resolves all outstanding issues."

Constitutional Court: Thaci’s request will be treated with urgency (RTK)

The Constitutional Court of Kosovo announced that the referral submitted by the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci on assessment of the issue of compatibility of the government decision regarding the restriction of movement of citizens, was received and that it is committed to address this case with urgency and high priority.

“The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo received on Tuesday, 24 March 2020, at 12:03 hrs, a referral submitted by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, His Excellency, Mr. Hashim Thaçi, with a subject of review “assessment of the issue of compatibility of Decision No. 01/15 of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo of 23.03.2020 with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, regarding the restriction of the fundamental rights and freedoms protected by the Constitution”. In addition, in the Referral, the President of the Republic of Kosovo requested the Court to “impose interim measure on the issue raised until the final decision”, which would suspend the implementation of the abovementioned Decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. For the purpose of urgent and comprehensive review of the Referral, the Court has requested all interested parties in this case: a.) To submit comments regarding the request for imposition of interim measure to the official email of the Constitutional Court today, on 24 March 2020, by 22:00hrs;

b.) To submit comments on the referral in general, to the Court within three (3) days from the moment of receipt of the notification about the registration of the referral. The notification about registration of the referral submitted by the President of the Republic of Kosovo and the submission of comments have already been sent to: the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo; the President of the Assembly of Kosovo, with the specific request that the copy of the referral be sent to all members of the Assembly; and the Ombudsperson. Taking into account the current situation in which our country is, the Constitutional Court is committed to addressing this case with urgency and high priority in accordance with its constitutional responsibilities and function,” reads the announcement.

Abazi with serious accusations against Thaci and Mustafa (RTK)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Haki Abazi, expressed serious accusations against the leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa, and the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci.

“Thaci and Mustafa are turning out to be anti-state, anti-constitutional, anti-national, anti-American and anti-European,” Abazi wrote on Facebook.

“About Hoti, we will speak some other day, when COVID-19 is passed,” he added.

Behrami: Pressure on LDK, interference in internal matters (RTK) 

Artan Behrami, political adviser to the President of Kosovo reacted to the initiative of the German and French Embassies on Tuesday, requesting from LDK leader Isa Mustafa and Deputy Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti to consider the possibility of withdrawing the non-confidence motion that would bring the government down.

“Unprecedented demarche by @GermanAmbKOS & @FranceauKosovo to DPM @Avdullah & LDK leader @IsaMustafaKS. This pressure and request to withdraw the motion of no confidence vote is direct interference in internal democratic and Constitutional matters & procedures in Kosovo” he tweeted.

Two new cases confirmed, number of infected with COVID-19 reaches 63 (media)

Kosovo’s National Institute for Public Health informed on Tuesday about two new cases of coronavirus.

"Confirmed positive cases are contact cases, one female residing in the village of Vrapciq, Gjilan aged 25 and the other residing in the village of Studime e Ulet - Vushtrri, aged 73 years," the NIPHK statement reads.