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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 4, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani and Erdogan reconfirm deepening of relations (RTK)
  • Kurti: We still have problems on the border with Serbia (RTK)
  • Kurti participates in opening of PES campaign for European elections (RTK)
  • Krasniqi asks Lajcak to play a role in lifting measures against Kosovo (RTK)
  • Ukrainian ambassador in Albania: Recognition of Kosovo, a matter of time (media)
  • Reuten: EU has surrendered to two destabilizers like Vucic and Dodik (media)
  • PDK calls for elections: Government characterized by corrupt affairs (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic: The situation will be increasingly difficult; we need unity to save Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTV)
  • Elek: Due to the dinar ban, employees at the CHC in Mitrovica North are at risk; a shortage of food for patients (Kosovo Online, KoSSev, RTS)
  • SL: Kurti's attacks are proof that we are working in the interest of the Serbs (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Dacic meets Lavrov in Antalya (N1)
  • Peach: Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should create a multi-ethnic future (KiM radio, Tanjug)
  • National Convention on the EU: Vucic’s claims about conspiracies are a distraction from certain topics (N1)

Albanian Language Media

Osmani and Erdogan reconfirm deepening of relations (RTK)

Kosovo President, Vjosa Osmani, met on Saturday within the margins of the Diplomatic Forum of Antalya in Turkiye with President Rexhep Taip Erdogan. She thanked President Erdogan for his friendship, commitment and support to Kosovo. Osmani has expressed satisfaction for reconfirming the joint work with Erdogan for the deepening of bilateral relations and the strengthening of ties between countries and citizens.

A day before, Osmani said at the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya, that Kosovo has many open wounds from the war.

"We have overcome centuries of occupation, we have been victims of genocide for many years, victims of war crimes, we have the largest number of children killed in the Balkan wars, we have hundreds of raped women. Despite this pain, we have chosen the path of dialogue, the peaceful path," she said. Osmani, has highly appreciated the help of international partners in the advancement of diplomacy in Kosovo.

Kurti: We still have problems on the border with Serbia (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, has said during an interview in Italy that Kosovo continues to be threatened by those who want to get rich with war and weapons, alluding to the criminal organizations operating in the north of Kosovo. In an interview for the Italian agency "AGI", Kurti said that there are still problems on the border with Serbia.

"Unfortunately, those who got rich with the war have turned into criminals and continue to get rich with bitcoins, drugs and weapons. They cover their business with nationalist ideas, but they are still criminals," Kurti said.

Kurti accused the Serbian List of having strong ties with Serbia and Russia. "They talk about nationalism and patriotism, but in reality they have fascist ideas and ties to Vucic and Putin," he added.

Kurti has stated that they are doing their best to get closer to the European Union. Kosovo submitted its application for EU membership on December 15, 2022, after being officially recognized by the European Commission as a "potential candidate" state. "We are not yet officially candidates for membership, but we are doing our best to get closer to the European Union as soon as possible", continued Kurti.

Kurti also spoke about relations with Italy, saying that he was skeptical when Giorgia Meloni was elected prime minister. "I have to be honest. In the past I considered Giorgia Meloni to be associated with her right-wing past, with fascism. Since she became prime minister, I have noticed her excellent relations with Biden and the USA, her unwavering support for Ukraine. Not so for Salvini, who has relations with Putin", said Kurti.

Kurti participates in opening of PES campaign for European elections (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, participated in Rome in the opening of the campaign of the European Party of Socialists and Democrats for the European elections that will be held on June 9 in the 27 EU member states.

"’Rome reminds us that no dream can grow without ambitious people and no ambition can survive without courage. This is why we care about the European Union. To us, Europe means peace, development and progress.’ With these words, the campaign of the European Party of Socialists and Democrats (PES) was officially opened today in Rome for the European elections which will be held on June 9 in the 27 member countries of the European Union. This election campaign is held under the motto "The Europe we love: social, democratic and sustainable", he wrote on Facebook.

According to him, these European elections are not only important for the social democrats of Europe. European democracy and our common values depend on the outcome of these elections: social justice and the rule of law, decent working conditions and the fight against poverty, human rights and gender equality, the fight against authoritarian regimes and the protection of the environment, solidarity and pan-European peace. At the core of these shared values lies a premise: respect for citizens across Europe. So, quoting PES President Stefan Löfven again: "These are the most important elections since 1979," he said .

"As members of the PES that we are, with a delegation of the Vetevendosje Movement, I participated in this congress", he said.

Krasniqi asks Lajcak to play a role in lifting measures against Kosovo (RTK)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, met in Antalya, Turkiye, the emissary for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak. He requested from Lajcak to play a helping role for the removal of the EU's punitive measures against Kosovo.

"On the sidelines of the Antalya Diplomatic Forum, I also met the EU's special envoy for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak. Together we discussed the political developments in Kosovo. I expressed my concern about the EU's punitive measures against Kosovo to the emissary Lajcak and asked him to play a helping role in their removal", Krasniqi wrote on the Facebook social network. He said that the Euro-Atlantic orientation of Kosovo’s citizens and state is irrevocable and irreversible.

Ukrainian ambassador in Albania: Recognition of Kosovo, a matter of time (media)

Ukrainian ambassador to Albania, Vlodymyr Shkurov, said that the recognition of Kosovo's independence from Ukraine is simply a "matter of time".

In an interview for News24 TV station, Shkurov said that Kiev is known for the help that Kosovo has given for their country and recognition of Kosovo is on the agenda.

However, the ambassador said that Ukraine's main focus remains "getting out of the fire of war" with Russia, while he added that the recognition of Kosovo has a political character and that some elements must also be taken into account "which may not be seen in general terms."

The Ukrainian diplomat emphasized that "nothing is impossible" and that, according to him, the recognition of Kosovo is "a matter of time".

"We know about Kosovo's help and we appreciate it. Of course, this issue is on the agenda, as Ukraine has mentioned, today we are thinking about how to get out of the fire of war and the issue of Kosovo has more of a political character, where some elements must be taken into account which may not seem in line with general. There is nothing impossible, it is currently a matter of time", he said.

Recently, the president of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, said that Kosovo understands the extraordinary situation that the Ukrainian people are facing, as she stated that recognition will come with Ukraine's victory.

Reuten: EU has surrendered to two destabilizers like Vucic and Dodik (media)

The Dutch MEP, Thijs Reuten, has said that he is frustrated with the foreign policy of the European Union, which, according to him, has been surrendered to two destabilizing politicians in the Western Balkans.

According to him, both the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the president of Republika Srpska in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, are deliberately undermining the rule of law, inciting ethnic conflicts in the region and maintaining friendly relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In an interview for Al Jazeera, he said that this should be stopped. "But that won't happen until the EU draws a clear red line instead of continuing to engage in fruitless dialogue. The statement that ‘we reiterate our firm support for the Western Balkans European path’ carries with it a certain responsibility. We must implement those words and do something", he said.

He said that Vucic is deliberately damaging Serbia's path towards the EU.

He also spoke about Kosovo. "The majority in the Serbian Parliament is very critical of the European Union. Despite the many criticisms that have been going on for months, we have a situation where sanctions have been imposed on Kosovo and not on the aggressor (Serbia), the biggest cause of destabilization and provocation, which we have not seen for a long time," Reuten said.

He added that within the EU there are voices that are against him and pro-Vucic, such as the case of Hungary. "We should not underestimate the destabilizing power of Viktor Orban and European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi. The Hungarian government actively encourages Vucic and Dodik in their destructive policy and in this way undermines the stability of the Western Balkans and the region in general," Reuten said.

PDK calls for elections: Government characterized by corrupt affairs (media)

Blerta Deliu-Kodra, MP of Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), said in a press conference that the Kurti 2 government was characterized by "numerous corruption scandals and affairs".

Deliu mentioned Friday's arrest of the chief executive officer of the Regional Water Company in Gjakova, Hasan Krasniqi, who is a member of the ruling party, Vetevendosje Movement. She mentioned some of the officials of LVV who she said that "they have occupied the media's front pages with scandals and affairs".

"Besnik Mujeci: assembly member of the Vetevendosje Movement in Prishtina, arrested in Albania with 11,300 ecstasy tablets, with a market value of around 400,000 euros. Nagip Krasniqi: Former head of the Committee for Energy in the Vetevendosje Movement, now Chief Executive of the Kosovo Energy Corporation, arrested on suspicion of misuse of official position, exercise of influence and conflict of interest. Signing of dubious contracts worth millions of euros. Faruk Mujka: Former vice-mayor of the Municipality of Mitrovica during the mandate of the Vetevendosje Movement, for whom the media have reported how the Municipality of Mitrovica, while led by Agim Bahtiri, decided to convert the reading room of the library in Mitrovica into the Ridvan Muharremi’s cafeteria: friend and collaborator of Vetevendosje, who is involved in the scandal of misuse of state reserves. Over 600 thousand euros is the damage that the Special Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo says was caused to the state budget", said Deliu-Kodra.

The PDK MP also mentioned the ambassador of Kosovo in Croatia, Martin Berishaj. "Ambassador Berishaj, as you know, is involved in a major regional financial scandal, in the trading of electricity, which is suspected to be worth millions of euros, while Ambassador Berisha himself is suspected of having benefited from 600 thousand euros from the subsidiary of the company GEN, with headquarters in Belgrade", she said.

Deliu-Kodra said that these "testify to a three-year government of the Vetevendosje Movement, full of affairs and corruption scandals, which have greatly damaged the Kosovo state budget and the well-being of our citizens".

"In the light of these developments and this government, which has been very depressing, incompetent and, in essence, corrupt, of course the international reports about our country cannot be neither good nor positive. The latest report of February 29 by Freedom House has assessed that Kosovo is a 'partially free' country. According to this credible American report, based in Washington, Kosovo's institutions remain weak and rampant corruption has caused deep public mistrust towards the government", said Deliu-Kodra.

Deliu-Kodra has accused Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the government of "seeking to destroy the relationships built with the allies".

"It has already been 8 months since Kosovo is officially under sanctions from the European Union - where hundreds of millions of euros of investments for our country are being blocked", said Deliu-Kodra.

For these reasons, Deliu-Kodra said that the Democratic Party of Kosovo has been demanding the dissolution of the Assembly and new early elections as soon as possible.

She called on the justice bodies to treat with the greatest seriousness "all the affairs in which this government and its officials are involved".

Serbian Language Media 

Vucic: The situation will be increasingly difficult; we need unity to save Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTV)

The President of Serbia and a member of the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vucic, said that all last year they suffered pressure "because of the unreasonable policy of the regime of Albin Kurti", and that the opposition, as he stated, "pretended that it did not see it'', and considered that it was the moment to use it to put additional pressure on their country, reported Kosovo Online, citing RTV.

"It is no coincidence that the pressures surrounding our foreign policy multiplied and accelerated and became more complicated. Then, introduce sanctions, distance yourself from friendship with China, do everything we ask of you, and I just don't know, why do we need a state? And, why would we have a state? You think it's enough to send us an email, fax or post on your website, and on that day we all have to agree with your every decision," said Vucic at the session of the SNS Main Board held on Sunday.

According to Vucic, ''it was possible to see, especially after certain events in Kosovo, that this was an opportunity for the opposition to seize power in Belgrade". He called on the party's leadership to participate in the city elections "with the widest possible front", because Serbia needs unity.

"When they first mentioned tanks in Ukraine, many said - it won't happen, but it happened, now they mention Western troops in Ukraine, it will happen. It will be an increasingly difficult situation and we need the best possible solution for the country, to protect it and we defend it, to help our people in Kosovo and Metohija, and keep Kosovo and Metohija in Serbia, and for the country to progress and grow economically," said Vucic.

According to him, these are not easy tasks.

"That's why we need to work harder than ever, and we will go to the formation of a movement to gather those who are not part of the party," said Vucic.

SL: Kurti's attacks are proof that we are working in the interest of the Serbs (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, Radio Mitrovica sever)

''Aware that his followers do not have any support from the Serbian people, Albin Kurti continues to lie in order to smear Serbian List (SL), which has never been and will not be a follower of anyone in Pristina, but a faithful fighter for the rights of the Serbian people and an opponent of Kurti's plan to expel the Serbian people,'' it was announced last night from the Serbian List (SL).

As the SL stated, “after the seizure of Serbian land, targeting Serbian children and citizens, violation of rights to healthcare and education, the decision to ban vaccination, and the decision to abolish the dinar is the latest element of Albin Kurti's plan which constitutes a crime against humanity because it places the Serbs in a position where they cannot survive in Kosovo.

"Kurti attempted to weaken the position of the Serbian List with false accusations, fabricated procedures, and institutional violence. He even introduced into political life some individuals known for using drugs during working hours, alongside his special forces and his fake mayors. However, his plan failed. The SL remains the strongest political organization of the Serbs, which stands by its people and its state, Serbia," the statement read, among other things.

Commenting on Kurti's claims that the SL has "arrangements with Russian President Vladimir Putin”, the statement added that Kurti "shows nervousness because members of the SL have open doors both in the East and in the West."

"While our representatives are holding talks with high-ranking US officials in the heart of Washington, Kurti in the US can only be a tourist, visiting museums and some Albanian migrants. However, as long as Kurti and his satraps attack the Serbian List, it will be the best proof that we are working in the interest of the Serbs," the SL statement concluded.

Elek: Due to the dinar ban, employees at the CHC in Mitrovica North are at risk; a shortage of food for patients (Kosovo Online, KoSSev, RTS)

The board of the Clinical Hospital Center in North Mitrovica, headed by Dr. Zlatan Elek, the director of this institution, presented at yesterday’s press conference the problems that this hospital was facing after the regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo.

Elek highlighted the most affected categories suffering from the dinar ban.

The first category comprises the employees of this clinical hospital center, totaling around 1,700 workers, whose families depend on these earnings.

Patients are the second endangered category because there is a shortage of food in the CHC North Mitrovica. There are over 500 beds in the center.

The third problem is fuel, and Elek mentioned that soon ambulances will run out of fuel because fuel is paid for in dinars.

The fourth problem is heating because the hospital is heated with fuel oil, which is also paid in dinars.

"For the hospital to function normally, we rely on maintenance services for instruments such as X-rays, provided by companies from Serbia. We are unable to pay even these service providers because we are obliged to pay them in one currency - dinars," Elek said, among other things.

The same applies to the technicians who maintain this institution, and Elek adds that there is also a problem with services such as medical examinations for driver's licenses, routine check-ups, and participation fees for analyses paid in dinars.

"This press conference is also an appeal to the international community and all political actors who can influence Pristina to postpone this decision. We are supporters of dialogue, a peaceful resolution of this decision, rather than the sudden adoption of unilateral decisions that aim to escalate problems on the ground, affecting healthcare workers and sending a signal to ordinary people to leave these areas because they will not have their own currency. We are encouraged by the statements of President Aleksandar Vucic, who said that there was enough money. All contributions coming from Serbia are completely regular and have been until the moment when the dinar was abolished. We also have an endangered category, and that is our medical trainees because their education is funded by the Clinical Hospital Center Kosovska Mitrovica in dinars. I think everyone understands the situation in which the Clinical Hospital Center finds itself. We all wonder what Albin Kurti's next step will be to make our lives more difficult in these areas," Elek said.

Dacic meets Lavrov in Antalya (N1)

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that he met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, during the international conference in Antalya, Turkey, reported N1.

“We want to develop good relations with Russia. We are grateful to them for their positive attitude at the session of the UN Security Council (on Kosovo) and we must first of all work on our interests,” Dacic told reporters.

“In today’s story, there is some Russian influence in the Balkans – meaning in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. I don’t know what kind of Russian influence prevents North Macedonia from opening negotiations with the EU or leads to the collapse of some other bilateral relations,” said Dacic.

After participating in the panel “Challenges and opportunities in the Western Balkans” at the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya, Dacic told reporters that Serbia “firmly holds the line of defense so that no one imposes Kosovo’s entry into international organizations and institutions by a side route.”

Peach: Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should create a multi-ethnic future (KiM radio, Tanjug)

Great Britain's envoy for the Western Balkans, Stuart Peach, said in Antalya that he supports the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and that it should go towards creating a multi-ethnic future and mutual respect, reported KiM radio, citing Tanjug.

Answering Tanjug journalist's question, what this dialogue should look like, Peach pointed out that a good example of this was the Good Friday Agreement (Belfast Agreement), which ended the conflict between the opposing parties in Northern Ireland 25 years ago.

"And that is a good lesson for reconciliation. It's about concessions, it's about negotiations, but above all it's about continuing the dialogue," he stated.

The Antalya Diplomatic Forum lasted three days, from March 1 to 3, and gathered almost 4,500 participants, including 19 state leaders and 73 ministers, as well as 57 international representatives.

The main topic of the forum was "Improving diplomacy in times of turmoil".

National Convention on the EU: Vucic’s claims about conspiracies are a distraction from certain topics (N1)

The National Convention on the European Union, as the most numerous network of civil society organizations in Serbia, rejects the claims of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that civil society is part of a conspiracy to put pressure on Serbia by the international community.

As this network stated in its statement, the way the Serbian President spoke about civil society represents a reactivation of the narrative created during the nineties with the aim of creating internal enemies that should serve to divert the public’s attention from certain topics.

“In this case, it diverts attention from the reports of international organizations, ODIHR and Freedom House, which recorded a drastic threat to democratic standards and civil liberties in Serbia,” they said.

The frequent tone of the addresses of the highest state officials, which contains these elements, threatens communication and cooperation between the state and civil society, which represents one of the key parameters in the field of political criteria of the negotiation process between Serbia and the European Union.

At a Saturday press conference, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, accused the West of exerting pressure through a network of domestic and international politicians, non-governmental organizations, and the media for Serbia to recognize Kosovo, distance itself from Bosnia’s Republika Srpska entity, impose sanctions on Russia, take a critical stance towards China, and to establish, as he said, a “puppet regime” in Belgrade.

The National Convention on the EU is the largest civil society platform in Serbia, which represents the interests of Serbian citizens in all phases of the European integration process.