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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 6, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • USAID Assistant Administrator McKee visits Kosovo (media)
  • Osmani: Impunity for crimes encouraged successors of attack in Banjska (Koha)
  • Osmani accepts credentials of new UK ambassador, discuss dialogue (media)
  • Kusari-Lila: Conversation between Radoicic, Vucic; plan to attack Kosovo (media)
  • Palokaj: EU measures won’t be lifted until elections in north announced (KTV)
  • Why does Russia demand the arrest of at least three Kosovar policemen? (RFE)
  • AJK reacts to Prosecution's call to interview journalist (media)
  • CoE report: Tensions in north impacted safety of journalists (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • A month detention the Serb arrested two days ago; Lawyer Delevic: One of the many cases where witnesses suddenly appear (KoSSev)
  • UNS and DNKiM: Mayor of Gracanica not to discriminate against the media (Radio Mitrovica sever, KiM Radio)
  • Bakoyannis: Non-enforcement of the Visoki Decani Monastery judgment a failure to uphold the rule of law, establishing the A/CSM essential (Kosovo Online)
  • Rohde: The ESI supported the settlement of the dispute over the Visoki Decani monastery (Kosovo Online, X)
  • The Moldovan delegation visited the Visoki Decani monastery (Tanjug)

Albanian Language Media

USAID Assistant Administrator McKee visits Kosovo (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met on Tuesday with USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, Erin McKee, in Pristina. “The transformative impact of USAID's work in Kosovo is felt across every aspect of life. During my meeting with McKee, I conveyed our profound appreciation for USAID's support - a reflection of the United States' steadfast commitment to helping our country thrive,” Osmani said after the meeting.

Osmani also said that the contribution of the USAID over two decades in Kosovo is a powerful example of the unwavering commitment of the U.S. and the American people to help Kosovo towards new successes. She also said that the USAID has invested over $1 billion for the development of Kosovo.

McKee said that the USAID commitment to the people of Kosovo will remain unwavering, regardless of disagreements with “certain governments”. “Although we could have disagreements or challenges with certain governments, our commitment to the people of Kosovo remains unwavering and stable,” she said.

At a joint press conference with Osmani, McKee said she is pleased with Kosovo’s progress and that it is making major progress in creating economic opportunities for all communities, especially for women and entrepreneurs from minority communities.

McKee also mentioned the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia saying that it is the only path toward integration in Euro-Atlantic structures. “Kosovo’s future is in Europe. Secretary Blinken recently mentioned that the EU-facilitated dialogue is the right and only way forward for Kosovo to advance in its integration in European and Euro-Atlantic institutions. As we have done in the last 25 years, USAID will remain committed to the partnership with Kosovo,” she said.

McKee said in a post on X that during her trip to Pristina, “youth of different ethnicities shared with me their perspectives on Kosovo’s multiethnic future- and their inspiring visions for where they might fit in”.

Osmani: Impunity for crimes encouraged successors of attack in Banjska (Koha)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said on Tuesday at the ceremony organized for the KLA Epopee that “the lack of justice and impunity of war criminals encouraged the successors of the Banjska attack".

"The epic of Prekaz brought a change of course for freedom and independence. As always, we express our appreciation and gratitude with a bow to the Jashari family and all the freedom fighters. The lack of justice and the impunity of war criminals has emboldened the heirs such as the attack in Banjska. But we remind you that Kosovo is an irreversible reality. The Republic of Kosovo is a consolidated state with a constitution and institutions based on the highest European values,” Osmani said. She added that March 5, 6 and 7 are days of glory and pride.

Osmani accepts credentials of new UK ambassador, discuss dialogue (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani accepted on Tuesday the credentials from the new ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, Jonathan Hargreaves. In the meeting, they discussed the latest political and security developments in Kosovo, as well as the dialogue process with Serbia.

Osmani said that the UK is a strong ally of Kosovo and that it has supported Kosovo in all stages and challenges. “I express our deep gratitude for the continued support of the United Kingdom in strengthening Kosovo's international position. Recently, we were honored by Foreign Secretary Cameron's visit to Kosovo, who supported us and emphasized that the forces of the United Kingdom are here to protect Kosovo and its sovereignty,” she said.

Kusari-Lila: Conversation between Radoicic and Vucic; plan to attack Kosovo (media)

Mimoza Kusari – Lila, head of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) parliamentary group said on Tuesday that another Serbian attack in Kosovo is possible and added that facts about Serbia's destabilizing intentions are constantly emerging. Kusari said that Serbia has established 48 military bases along the border with Kosovo.

"There is also a video recording that shows the fugitive criminal Milan Radoicic, who, in the presence of Vucic and other officials of the Serbian List, says that they are ready and prepared to go all the way, with the reactivation of an attack the same as the one on September 24, not even sparing their lives,” she said.

According to Kusari-Lila, another Serbian attack in Kosovo is possible. "When facts about Serbia's intentions for destabilization continue to emerge, it shows that there could be another episode in the situation between Kosovo and Serbia, similar to that of September 24 last year. There are 48 Serbian military bases located on the border with Kosovo,” Kusari said.

Palokaj: EU measures won’t be lifted until elections in north announced (KTV)

Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj said in an interview with the TV station on Tuesday that he doesn’t expect the EU to lift its penalty measures against Kosovo until elections for the mayors of four northern municipalities are announced.

Palokaj argued that Kosovo should not be deceived with the support of the European Parliament, because according to him there is a strong minority in Brussels that prefers to help Serbia and that these structures are in the European Commission and in the EU External Action Service. “These structures have said that Serbia is constructive, and that Kosovo is not, and they gave several examples. In these circumstances, I don’t expect that the measures against Kosovo will be lifted soon,” he said.

Why does Russia demand the arrest of at least three Kosovar policemen? (RFE)

Four citizens from Kosovo, at least three of them police officers, are wanted by Russia. Radio Free Europe provided documents showing that Russia considers the three police officers to be suspects in the crimes of "illegal arrest" and "kidnapping", which in Russia are punishable by up to 12 years in prison. The request for their arrest has also been sent to the International Police Agency, INTERPOL.

Russia claims these policemen were involved in the "arrest and ill-treatment" of Mikhail Krasnoshchenkov in 2019. Krasnoshchenkov, with Russian citizenship, was employed at the time at the United Nations Mission in Kosovo - UNMIK. He was the team leader at the UNMIK Office in Zubin Potok - a municipality inhabited by a majority of Serbs in the north of Kosovo.

Who are the wanted cops?

According to Kosovo media reports in the first days of March, among the persons wanted by Russia are two police officers of the elite units of the Kosovo Police: Besart Ahmeti and Alban Jetullahu. However, Radio Free Europe claims to have access to the list of internationally wanted persons, compiled by the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, which also includes the name of Faruk Gashi, whom REL understood to be also a member of the  Kosovo Police.

The list also includes another Kosovar citizen B.H. - whose full name is known to the editorial staff of REL. However, REL failed to confirm if he is a member of the Kosovo Police, or if there is an official request to INTERPOL for his arrest. In the list of the Russian state, as well as in the INTERPOL documents, they are described as citizens of Serbia, since Russia does not recognize the statehood of Kosovo.

Based on the INTERPOL report on the case of Besart Ahmeti, which REL had access to, Krasnoshchenkov was ordered by phone by his superior – on May 28, 2019, around 08:30 – to go to the southern part of Mitrovica to monitor the situation created after the information that "armed people had come" and after losing contact with another UNMIK employee.

"On the way from Zubin Potok to Mitrovica, the car driven by Krasnoshchenkov was attacked by people, including Ahmeti, even though Krasnoshchenkov showed his identification document. They forcibly took Krasnoshchenkov out of the car, beat him violently, tied him up and took him to a building in Mitrovica, where they held him against his will until 14:00 hours, when UNMIK protested against the kidnapping of its official", says the INTERPOL report.

REL tried to talk to these members of the police, but they said that permission to speak must be obtained from the police authorities. By the time this article was published, the police had not issued a permit.

AJK reacts to Prosecution's call to interview journalist (media)

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo said in a statement on Tuesday that it received with great concern the announcement by Albanian Post journalist, Lirim Mehmetaj, that he received a summons to appear at the Basic Prosecutor's Office in Pristina.

In the call for appearance on March 7, Mehmetaj was invited as a defendant for the criminal offense of "inciting discord and intolerance" from Article 141 of the CPR.

"While AJK is waiting for official information, such a call to a journalist is an alarm for a democratic society, as Kosovo claims to be,” the AJK said.

CoE report: Tensions in north impacted safety of journalists (media)

The Council of Europe’s Report on Media Freedom in Europe, in the part on Kosovo, notes that 2023 was a challenging year for journalists and media workers in Kosovo* notably related to escalating tensions between Kosovo and Serbia. The report notes that “the wave of attacks on journalists was the most intense in Kosovo*’s recent history. They include physical assaults on journalists and media workers and the vandalism of equipment such as cameras and vehicles. While Kosovo* is not a member of the Council of Europe and not covered by the alerts on the Platform, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo* (AJK) registered 63 cases of incidents and attacks against journalists out of which 30 were recorded in the north. At least ten journalists or media workers have been injured. In Zvečan/Zveçani, journalists working for Albanian-speaking media had to hide inside a cafeteria close to the municipal building for an hour to escape from attacks. Serbian journalists also claim discrimination by officials in accessing venues as well as intimidation by representatives of the local political party. A meeting between media representatives and the Ministry of Internal Affairs representatives did not result in better protection of journalists. Journalists’ and press freedom organisations condemned the targeting of journalists and media workers and urged national authorities and KFOR to protect journalists and to bring the perpetrators to justice. On 14 June, the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade suspended the business certificate of major private television broadcaster, Klan Kosova, and brought criminal charges against its representatives. According to international organisations, the order to suspend the certificate was arbitrary and was not taken on a solid legal basis. The announcement was made without prior warning, the procedure used to justify the suspension does not appear to be applicable within relevant national law, and the Business Registration Agency did not possess the competence to unilaterally sus[1]pend a certificate. Klan Kosova challenged the decision before the Basic Commercial Court and got an interim injunction which allows them to temporarily continue their operations. The case continues before the court. On 3 August 2023, the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) published a statement condemning videos and publications, circulating online, directed against Kosovo online, Radio Kontakt plus, Radio Kosovska Mitrovica, TV Most and the portal KoSSev, that publish and broadcast in Serbian language. On the Telegram channel Zečevi KiM, the outlets were described in anonymous posts and videos as “enemies of the Serbian people and Serbia who are under the influence of NATO and the West”. Tatjana Lazarevic, KoSSev’s editor-in-chief, filed a report with the Special Prosecution Office for the Fight against High-Tech Crime.”

Serbian Language Media 

UNS and DNKiM: Mayor of Gracanica not to discriminate against the media (Radio Mitrovica sever, KiM Radio)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and its branch, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM), are protesting that the Municipality of Gracanica did not invite all the media to yesterday's visit of the works on the reconstruction and expansion of the main street in Caglavica, which was carried out by the mayor Ljiljana Subaric, reported Radio Mitrovica sever.

No media, except for one television crew, was invited to cover the event.

UNS and DNKiM point out that the municipality of Gracanica has selected media that will be invited to report and note that this is not the first time that the municipality of Gracanica has selectively invited the media.

UNS and DNKiM call on the leadership of the Municipality of Gracanica not to select the media and to invite journalists from all newsrooms to events that are of public interest.

A month detention the Serb arrested two days ago; Lawyer Delevic: One of the many cases where witnesses suddenly appear (KoSSev)

To the man Z. N., who was arrested yesterday in Kolasinska Street for an alleged war crime, was ordered one month detention, his legal counsel, Milos Delevic, confirmed for KoSSev portal.

  1. N. pleaded not guilty yesterday in Court in Pristina.

Delevic confirms that his client is charged with a war crime allegedly committed in 1999 in Vucitrn.

"This is another one of many cases, where witnesses appear suddenly, 25 years after the war. Z. N. not only denies guilt, but it was difficult for him to explain what he was suspected of. This is unfathomable to him, who lived all the time in Mitrovica after the war," Delevic said. Z. N. is currently in a high-security prison near Podujevo.

Bakoyannis: Non-enforcement of the Visoki Decani Monastery judgment a failure to uphold the rule of law, establishing the A/CSM essential (Kosovo Online)

Non-enforcement of the Constitutional Court decision regarding the Visoki Decani Monastery represents a significant failure of Kosovo's institutions to respect the principle of rule of law, and the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities (A/CSM) is considered a necessary condition for effective protection of minority rights, as stated in the Information Note of the rapporteur for Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, Dora Bakoyannis, presented today before the Political Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, regarding Kosovo's membership request, reported portal Kosovo Online in English.

In this document, which Kosovo Online had access to, it is also noted that the Kosovo authorities should refrain from expropriations that were not in line with the Constitution and the legal system of Kosovo.

Rapporteur Bakoyannis has identified three main unresolved issues regarding Kosovo's membership request to the Council of Europe: the Constitutional Court judgment regarding the Visoki Decani Monastery, effective protection of the Serbian community in the northern municipalities, and land expropriation in municipalities with a Serb majority.

"Addressing the land dispute related to the Visoki Decani Monastery in the Decani municipality, in a 2016 ruling, the Constitutional Court confirmed the monastery's legal ownership of 24 hectares of land. To this day, not only has the court's decision not been enforced, but it has also been sharply criticized by politicians, including prominent public officials, undermining the role of the Court as a guarantor of the Constitution," Bakoyannis stated.

She emphasized that during her visit to Pristina, she discussed this issue with the Prime Minister and the President of Kosovo, as well as with Father Sava, the abbot of the Visoki Decani Monastery.

"I was clear that the judgment is a matter of rule of law and must be enforced, as unanimously demanded by the international community. The monastery is a treasure belonging to all communities in Kosovo," Bakoyannis stated in the document.

Read more at:

Rohde: The ESI supported the settlement of the dispute over the Visoki Decani monastery (Kosovo Online, X,

Kosovo Online reported last night that the Ambassador of Germany in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, pointed out that the European Stability Initiative announced the Memorandum on the Visoki Decani Monastery, which, he points out, joined the appeals to Kosovo to implement the decision of the Constitutional Court on the monastery, in order to further progress on the path to membership in the Council of Europe.

"The European Stability Initiative joins the chorus of calls to Kosovo to finally implement the Decani judgment in order to successfully advance towards the CoE bid," read Rohde's post on X, reported Kosovo Online.

The ESi announced that their delegation visited Kosovo last week.

"Last week, the ESI team traveled to Kosovo. Our goal was to examine how the only European democracy that is not yet a member of the Council of Europe might join it this year. And how to deal with an urgent issue, unresolved for far too long, that has become central to the debate on Kosovo and the Council of Europe. This issue concerns the property dispute in the municipality of Decane, the most famous Serbian Orthodox monastery in the Balkans (Visoki Decani) and the issue of the future of the rule of law in Kosovo," the Memorandum states, recalled the portal.

They say that four aspects are being considered in order to come to the conclusion that Kosovo's progress on the road to CoE is possible. These are, as they state, a dispute, history and politics, a solution and a lesson.

Ljubica Gojgic, the editor and host of a daily political talk show "Pravi ugao" (Right Angle) on RTV Vojvodina commented, in a post on X, that "after the 'good connoisseur of the region' here is the ESI affected by the injustice against the Decani (it does not say that the Decani (monastery) is a myth, but there is time). One thing is certain, Michael Roth is next, then the Army Minister. We'll see what's behind the hill, it looks like the Council of Europe...”

Read the new ESI publication at:

The Moldovan delegation visited the Visoki Decani monastery (Tanjug)

The abbot of the Visoki Decani monastery, Father Sava, met yesterday the Minister of Defense of Moldova, Anatolie Nosatii, who visited the monastery and thanked him for the contribution of the Moldovan army in preserving the monastery, as part of the KFOR mission, reported Tanjug agency.

"Father Sava expressed his gratitude to Minister Nosatii for the contribution of the Moldovan army to the peacekeeping mission of KFOR in Kosovo, especially for the cooperation with other contingents of KFOR from the Regional Command West in preserving the Visoki Decani monastery, during their ten-year mandate in KFOR," read the announcement of the Visoki Decani monastery on social network X, cited Tanjug.