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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 14

  • Recount postpones finalisation of LVV-LDK agreement (Koha Ditore)
  • Mustafa: LVV will decide if NISMA will join the government (RTK)
  • Limaj: Vetevendosje and Rasic have made a deal (Klan Kosova)
  • Haxhiu to NISMA: Tell us about your deal with Serbian List (RTK)
  • Osmani prefers post of Speaker or FM, says border changes will not be discussed (RTK/Klan)
  • Kurti on Mini-Schengen: Why the rush, Albania could have waited (Telegrafi)
  • Grenell to meet in Berlin leaders of Serbian List (Zeri/Klan)
  • Maas: Germany remains opposed to Kosovo-Serbia change of borders (DW)
  • Swiss ambassador against border changes (media)
  • In Paris, Russian FM Lavrov draws parallels between Kosovo and Crimea (Zeri)

 Kosovo Media Highlights

Recount postpones finalisation of LVV-LDK agreement (Koha Ditore)

The recount of more than half of ballots from the 6 October parliamentary elections has slowed down the negotiations between the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) for forming the new government of Kosovo, the paper reports.

While LVV officials stated they are waiting for a new meeting between the party leader Albin Kurti and that of the LDK Isa Mustafa, the latter has made it clear there will be no such meetings until the recount of ballots and certification of results.

Kurti said the two parties have managed to harmonise over 80 percent of the government programme. "The remaining part is division of responsibilities, functions, posts, ministries," he said.

Mustafa meanwhile noted that the recent recount decision has postponed finalisation of talks. "There will be no serious developments without certification of results. Results will not be certified for another 15-20 days and until that time we will not know how many MPs LDK and LVV will have," Mustafa told Ekonomia Online website.

Mustafa: LVV will decide if NISMA will join the government (RTK)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) explained why his entity did not complain about ECAP’s decision to annul ballots coming from Serbia, even though this decision means that LDK will have one MP less while Vetevendosje Movement three. He said that despite NISMA’s passing the threshold, four less MPs do not risk creation of the government. Mustafa did not exclude possibility of co-governance with NISMA.

“I do not see any difficulty, but we have to wait for the process to conclude. This should be an issue of the agreement with LVV, respectively, the winning political party. If LVV continues to hold the first place, it belongs to them to undertake initiatives on these issues and we are not the ones to set conditions, but I consider that the coalition and establishment of the government is in no danger at any case, even if NISMA manages to enter the Assembly,” Mustafa said.

Limaj: Vetevendosje and Rasic have made a deal (Klan Kosova)

Leader of the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) Fatmir Limaj accused Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) of changing position with regards to ballots from Serbia. He said that a week ago, Vetevendosje had called the same ballots irregular.

"There is a party that officially states packages from Serbia are irregular and contraband from Serbia and within a week the same party asks the Supreme Court to admit those packages as regular," Limaj said.

Limaj added that Vetevendosje has called to assistance a Serbian official who had publicly stated that the ballots in question are forged. "In a word, LVV and [Nenad] Rasic are asking the Supreme Court to decide in their favour not because the ballots are regular because they know they are not, but they need them to snatch three seats and deliver on the deal they have with Rasic."

Haxhiu to NISMA: Tell us about your deal with Serbian List (RTK)

Albulena Haxhiu member of Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) leadership, said the leaders of Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) should speak about their deal with the Serbian List.

“I understood today that the Serbian List has not appealed at the Supreme Court about the decision of the ECAP. I wonder why? Prior to slandering about Movement (LVV), Limaj and Sherifi should tell us about the deal they made with Serbian List. Your efforts are in vain. The deal will not pass,” Haxhiu wrote on her Facebook account.

Osmani prefers post of Speaker or FM, says border changes will not be discussed (RTK/Klan)

Vjosa Osmani, candidate for the Prime Minister of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) spoke about her future post after establishment of the government. “I would give more contribution as Assembly Speaker and foreign policy, but we have not discussed this yet,” she said and added that currently, the main priority is harmonization of the program between the two political parties and not share of positions.

Osmani also said exchange of territories with Serbia will not be discussed even if the U.S. request it. She added that exchange of territories would create a precedent for the entire region. “Serbia should not be rewarded with Kosovo land for its committed crimes, starting from genocide to crimes against humanity. There is nothing pragmatic in exchange of territories, which would cause displacement of population, consequently a kind of displacement which might seem peaceful, but in fact it is a crime,” she said.

Kurti on Mini-Schengen: Why the rush, Albania could have waited (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti has reacted to the initiative for setting up a Western Balkans Mini-Schengen area saying this project should not start with Serbia but with Kosovo and Albania.

He said the meetings between Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and North Macedonia Prime Minister Zoran Zaev where "missteps".

Kurti said he did not see why the rush for creating this area and added that Albania could have waited for the creation of the new government of Kosovo. "This thing does not begin with Serbia, it begins with Kosovo and Albania, continues with Croatia and Bulgaria, Sarajevo authorities, authorities in Podgorica, Skopje and finally Belgrade. Because such as it is, unrepentant about he wars and crimes, in continuous flirting with Putin's Moscow, it cannot be treated with priority," Kurti said at the Multicultural Festival of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians.

Grenell to meet in Berlin leaders of Serbian List (Zeri/Klan)

The U.S. Special Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia negotiations Richard Grenell has called a meeting today with leaders of the Serbian List in Berlin. The meeting will take place at the premises of the U.S. Embassy where Grenell is ambassador. Serbian List officials will also met in Berlin representatives from the German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet and from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“The topics of meetings with German officials will be current political developments and the post-election situation, as well as the position of the Serb people in Kosovo,” Dalibor Jevtic from the Serbian List said.

Maas: Germany remains opposed to Kosovo-Serbia change of borders (DW)

In an interview with Deutsche Welle ahead of his visit to the Western Balkans region, Germany's Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that exchange of territories or border changes do not contribute to stability in the region.

"With regards to the idea of exchange of territories or changes of borders between Kosovo and Serbia, we don't think this contributes to stability in the region. What we support is quick resumption of dialogue facilitated by the EU whose goal is a comprehensive agreement that would enable the two countries to get closer to EU," Maas said.

"Strengthening of neighbourly relations and economic cooperation are in favour of each of the six Western Balkans countries. They make the Western Balkans generally more important. With the Berlin process we support these efforts for years and we have achieved a great deal, for instance we set up the regional youth organisation RYCO and practically, lowered roaming tariffs," Maas said adding that European Union supports the perspective of a life in freedom, security and relative wellbeing. "No one offers any other model to compete with this one."

Swiss ambassador against border changes (media)

The Swiss Ambassador to Kosovo, Jean-Hubert Lebet commented yesterday on the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia saying: "History has given us plenty of evidence that rushing into an agreement or changing borders does not create sustainable peace. I understand that discussions within the LVV - LDK coalition will accept this reality and I would like to compliment you on this.”

In Paris, Russian FM Lavrov draws parallels between Kosovo and Crimea (Zeri)

Speaking at the Paris Peace Forum, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the west of having double standards in how they treat the issue of Kosovo and that of Crimea.

“When something is in the interest of the west they consider the right of people for self-determination as something sacred while when something is not in line with their interests, they declare this right unlawful,” Lavrov said adding: “Compare Kosovo to Crimea. A referendum did take place in Crimea and there was no referendum in Kosovo. Nevertheless, Kosovo was immediately recognised as an independent country by the majority of the western countries.”