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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 28

  • CEC certifies final results, Vetevendosje first, NISMA passes threshold (media)
  • Kosnett: It is now time to form the new government (media)
  • Abbott: Kosovo’s new government to form as soon as possible (media)
  • LVV: Monday morning should find us with an agreement with LDK (media)
  • Limaj: Our MPs will be a powerful voice in the Assembly (media)
  • “The army defends Kosovo from Russia” (Klan Kosova)

CEC certifies final results, Vetevendosje first, NISMA passes threshold (media)

All media report that Kosovo’s Central Election Commission (CEC) certified on Wednesday the final results of the October 6 early parliamentary elections. CEC President Valdete Daka told a press conference in Pristina on Wednesday that there are 1 million and 961.213 registered voters, while 826 thousand voted on 6 October elections. She also explained that 841.275 ballots were valid, while 20.897 were not.

“Vetevendosje Movement (LVV), the first party in the elections, got 221.001 votes (26,270%), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) got 206.516 votes (24,548%), Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) got 178.637 votes (21,234%), the AAK-PSD coalition got 96.872 votes (11,515%), Serbian List 6.404% and the NISMA-AKR-PD coalition has passed the threshold with 42.083 votes (5,002%),” Daka said.

She also spoke about the number of seats at the Assembly. “Based on the results of political entities, LVV has 29 seats, LDK 28, PDK 24, AAK-PSD coalition 13, LS 10, while NISMA-AKR-PD, 6 seats.”

Kosnett: It is now time to form the new government (media)

After the certification of elections by Kosovo’s Central Elections Commission, the U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett took to Twitter to write that it is now time to form the new government.

“Along with the people of Kosovo, we are pleased with the certification of the results of the October 6 election. It’s now time for the new government to form and begin delivering its campaign promises,” Kosnett wrote.

Abbott: Kosovo’s new government to form as soon as possible (media)

Nicholas Abbott, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Kosovo called for forming of the government as soon as possible.

“Pleased to see CEC Chair Valdete Daka announce the final results of the 6 October parliamentary election. After so many delays, recounts and appeals, Kosovo’s newly elected Assembly should now be convened quickly so that a new government can be formed as soon as possible,” Abbott wrote on his Facebook account.

LVV: Monday morning should find us with an agreement with LDK (media)

Vetevendosje Movement issued a press communique after the announcement of the final results of 6 October parliamentary elections, saying that they are the winners with 221.001 votes and the biggest parliamentary group of the seventh legislation.

They expressed their gratitude to all the voters for their trust, as well as to observing commissioners, activists and volunteers who helped in the long process.

“Our parliamentary group will be the biggest, with 30 MPs, 29 of them from the LVV list and 1 from IRDK, who recently joined us.

Our parliamentary group will have ten women MPs who won their mandate without the help of gender quota, and this is the first time this happens with a parliamentary group in Kosovo.

These elections were characterized by the competition of the candidates for Prime Minister, as never before. Albin Kurti won this competition, even for the second time. In 2017 Albin Kurti gained 143.621 votes, while this time, he was voted by 183.952 individuals, becoming the most voted political representative in Kosovo since applying of election system with open lists.

The future government of LVV and LDK has the required majority at the Parliament of Kosovo. Monday morning should find us with the agreement of the governing coalition.

Kosovo population is waiting on us to start work,” notes the press release.

Limaj: Our MPs will be a powerful voice in the Assembly (media)

NISMA leader Fatmir Limaj welcomed the certification of the final results of the October 6 parliamentary elections. “NISMA and our coalition will be in the Kosovo Assembly. our MPs will be a powerful voice in the Assembly, in the defense of the interests of the citizens of Kosovo. I want to thank over 42,000 voters that supported our coalition in these elections,” Limaj wrote on Facebook.

“The army defends Kosovo from Russia” (Klan Kosova)

The news website reports that “the formation of the Kosovo Army, through three laws last year, turns out to be a strategic move, especially vis-à-vis Russia”. “This assessment was given by the U.S. Department of Defense in a report that has not been published yet about the formation of the Kosovo Army. A source from Kosovo’s Ministry of Defense told Klan Kosova that they are aware of Pentagon’s report. Meanwhile Radio Free Europe claims to have had access to the report,” the news website reports.