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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 7, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Lajcak says he has agreed with Bislimi about next steps in dialogue (Koha)
  • Kurti and Bayraktar discuss possibilities for further cooperation (Express)
  • Memli Krasniqi and Lumir Abdixhiku taken under protection by the Kosovo Police (RTK)
  • A page of Association's statute published, it is based on "Zajednica" of 2013 (Albanian Post)
  • Joseph: With new proposal, the Republika Srpska model has been excluded (RTK)
  • Hovenier: Too few answers for the families of the missing (RTK)
  • Security experts in Belgrade: Investigate how weapons went to the north (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Orlic: Serbia appreciates Romania's principled stance on respect of its sovereignty (media)
  • New Slovak government respects territorial integrity of Serbia (BETA, Kosovo Online)
  • OSCE informed Kosovo Government of Belgrade’s request on ballots collection (Kosovo Online)
  • Dacic meets Yemeni counterpart bin Mubarak, discuss Kosovo as well (Tanjug, media)
  • Xi: Serbia maintains sincere friendship with Chinese people (Tanjug)
  • SRSG Ziadeh meets KFOR Commander Ulutas (Kosovo Online)
  • Serbia, Kosovo exchange project ends with exhibition (N1)



Albanian Language Media

Lajcak says he has agreed with Bislimi about next steps in dialogue (Koha)

The EU special representative Miroslav Lajcak has said that he talked on Monday evening with the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, about the need for full implementation of the normalization agreement without delay or preconditions. He said that he and Bislimi have agreed on the next steps. 

“I just met with First Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi to follow up on the recent meeting with European leaders in Brussels and the need for full implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation without delay or preconditions. We have also agreed on next steps Lajcak wrote on the "X" platform.

Lajcak will stay in Kosovo on Tuesday as well, to meet with the leaders of the opposition.

The Prime Minister’s Office also announced that the meeting discussed all aspects related to the full implementation of the Brussels Basic Agreement and the Implementation Annex agreed in Ohrid.

"The First Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue of the Republic of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, had a working dinner with the EU Special Representative for Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak. In this meeting, all aspects related to the full implementation of the Brussels Basic Agreement and the Ohrid Implementing Annex were discussed. The Republic of Kosovo is committed to full normalization of relations with Serbia and mutual recognition", it was said in the communique of the Prime Minister's Office.

Kurti and Bayraktar discuss possibilities for further cooperation (Express) 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, together with the Minister of Defense, Ejup Macedonci and the deputy minister of this ministry, Shemsi Syla, welcomed to a meeting the Executive Director of the Baykar defense company, Haluk Bayraktar, who was accompanied by the Ambassador of Turkey to Kosovo, Sabri Tunc Angili.

OPM assesses that the Kosovo Security Force during the last two years has significantly developed in terms of combat capacities.

In this aspect, in addition to the more than doubling of the budget for the Ministry of Defense, "the excellent cooperation with the Turkish company Baykar and the Government of the Republic of Turkey, with which we made the purchase of TB2 drones and other equipment, directly influenced modern military", announced the OPM.

The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to Bayraktar for the way in which every purchase of the Ministry of Defense of Kosovo has been treated with high priority, thus proving once again the close relations between Kosovo and Turkey.

Memli Krasniqi and Lumir Abdixhiku taken under protection by the Kosovo Police (RTK)

The leaders of the two opposition parties, Memli Krasniqi of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Lumir Abdixhiku of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), have been taken under the protection of the Close Protection Unit of the Kosovo Police.

 The PDK has confirmed the news that the Close Protection Unit of the Kosovo Police has taken the leader of this party under protection. 

"Yes, on the recommendation of the General Directorate of the Kosovo Police, the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Memli Krasniqi, has been offered a team of the close protection unit of the Police", Valmir Klaiqi, director of communications in the PDK, told RTKlive. 

The LDK has also confirmed that the Close Protection Unit of the Kosovo Police has taken the leader of this party, Lumir Abdixiku, under protection. The political spokesperson of this party and the member of the leadership, Sibel Halimi, has confirmed this for RTKlive. 

"Yes, the news is true. For all other information, please contact the Kosovo Police", Halimi said briefly. 

The Kosovo Police have confirmed that they have taken the two opposition leaders under protection, but have not given any other details.

A page of Association's statute published, it is based on "Zajednica" of 2013 (Albanian Post) 

The news webpage reports that the medium from Albania "Gazeta Si" has published a page of the draft statute of the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority which was presented by international diplomats to the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti on October 21 in Pristina. 

The preamble of this document shows the points on which the working group drafted the Association's statute.

"Referring to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Article 10 of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, the law on the ratification of the first agreement or the principles governing normalization between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia, the Law on Local Self-Government, the Law on Intermunicipal Cooperation and the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the State Administration and independent agencies, UN Security Council resolution -1244 and the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and in respect of the independence, autonomy and integrity of the Republic of Kosovo, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo approves the statute of the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority", the preamble states.

Joseph: With new proposal, the Republika Srpska model has been excluded (RTK) 

The professor at the Johns Hopkins University in Washington, Edward Joseph, told RTK that with the new proposal of the Association's draft statute, the model of the Serbian Republic in Kosovo has been eliminated.

"From what I have heard, even though it is not a formal thing, the proposal of the USA and the EU ends this problem on whether the Association should be in accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court. Of course, it must be in accordance with that decision and this kind of mystery is cleared up. The proposal that has been made is in accordance with the Constitution of Kosovo and as far as I understand the model of the Republika Srpska is completely left out. Instead of this model, a brand new proposal has been made, practical, accessible and that meets the constitutional standards and is in accordance with that column that was written by Derek Chollet and Gabriel Escobar", Joseph said.

He further said that the draft statute of the Association of Municipalities with a Serb majority should not necessarily be published now, if the goal is to reach some kind of advanced agreement beyond what exists.

Speaking about Lajcak’s planned meeting with the opposition parties, he said that this "is a good thing for the opposition parties to be part of the process and an important step for the Republic of Kosovo".

According to him, the issue now is whether there is already political will in the USA and the EU to put pressure on the parties and conclude this agreement once and for all.

Hovenier: Too few answers for the families of the missing (RTK)

The Ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo, Jeff Hovenier, in the meeting with the leaders of the Missing Persons Resource Center, said that many years have passed with very few answers for the families of the missing.

 “Honored to meet with the heads of the Missing Persons Resource Center today and hear about their important work. We repeat our call for officials to overcome differences and work together to resolve cases. Too many years have gone by with too few answers for families of the missing,” he wrote on social media.

Security experts in Belgrade: Investigate how weapons went to the north (RTK)

The origin of the weapons and military equipment used by the terrorist group in Banjska on September 24 is one of the issues that has not yet been answered. Security experts in Belgrade say that it should be determined how the weapons got to the armed group, led by Milan Radojicic.

"Whatever the scenario, whether the weapon was stolen or came into Radoicic's hands through a third party, an investigation is needed. It is particularly indicative that one of the attackers killed in Kosovo was Vulin's former bodyguard, who is under U.S. sanctions precisely because of the accusations that he is in contact with Slobodan Tesic, a well-known arms dealer, who is also in blacklist, and this link should be investigated. It is really worrying that there is no official information from the state institutions at the for now", said Bojan Elek from the Belgrade Center for Security Issues.

Military analysts assess that the system is such that it is easy to find out where the weapons came from, stressing that this very issue raises questions about Serbia's responsibility for supporting Radoicic's group.

"The state is responsible for the fact that a paramilitary group had the means to organize infantry. There is no excuse, they are just preventing us from knowing where the guns came from. There are record keeping mechanisms and it is very easy to find out where an automatic grenade launcher or automatic rifle came from. The data exists and it's just a matter of whether they want to tell us or not," said Aleksandar Radovic, a military analyst.

Although official Belgrade has warned that Milan Radoicic will be sued for serious crimes, there are still no steps in this direction. Western officials have recently said that the attackers of the Kosovo Police in Banjska should be brought to justice and that they expect full cooperation from Serbia on this issue.

Serbian Language Media 

Orlic: Serbia appreciates Romania's principled stance on respect of its sovereignty (media)

Serbian Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlic met on Monday with Romanian Chamber of Deputies Speaker Alfred Simonis, who is visiting Serbia on his first official trip abroad since he took office.

Orlic noted that Serbia especially appreciated Romania's principled, firm and international law-based stance on respect of Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty, and added that Serbia shared the same values and principles without exception. He also informed Simonis of the extremely difficult situation of Serbs in Kosovo.

He thanked Romania for its continued support to Serbia in the EU integration process and noted that EU membership was Serbia's strategic commitment.

Simonis agreed Serbia and Romania maintained traditionally friendly and close ties and reiterated that Romania supported the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and would always back Serbia's EU integration, adding that Romania's experience from that path could be greatly beneficial to Serbia.

New Slovak government respects territorial integrity of Serbia (BETA, Kosovo Online)

Slovak Foreign Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar said yesterday in Prague that the new government respects territorial integrity of Serbia and that his country is one of the five EU countries which do not recognize Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal reports citing BETA news agency.

Blanar made those remarks in a press conference following a meeting with his Czech counterpart Jan Lipavski while he spoke about the context of Ukraine and Russia’s attack against it.  

OSCE informed Kosovo Government of Belgrade’s request on ballots collection (Kosovo Online)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo informed the government in Pristina and other relevant actors it received a request from the Serbian Government that this Mission carry out ballots collection for the voters living in Kosovo for the upcoming Serbian parliamentary elections, scheduled on December 17, Kosovo Online portal reports.

The OSCE Mission also said they are ready for that process, but that support from Kosovo institutions was necessary, the portal added.

“(…) As in previous cases, support of Kosovo institutions is of crucial importance that the OSCE undertake such an operation, as it was previously agreed between Belgrade and Pristina in 2012, with the support of the EU and the Quint”, reads the replay Mission sent to the portal.

It was added that in principle Mission is ready to carry out ballots collection, under the same conditions as previously. Those conditions include consent from both sides and ensuring necessary security support for this operation, including Kosovo police. 

Dacic meets Yemeni counterpart bin Mubarak, discuss Kosovo as well (Tanjug, media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday after meeting with Yemeni counterpart Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak in Belgrade the two countries were connected by traditional friendship but would work on advancement and development of cooperation in numerous fields in the future, Tanjug news agency reported.

Dacic also said he had informed bin Mubarak of Serbia's arguments regarding the Kosovo issue and preservation of its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

"I said that, in that regard, we undoubtedly expect respect for our territorial integrity - not just the territorial integrity of some other countries", Dacic said. He reiterated Serbia would not take a single step that would lead to a recognition of Kosovo nor allow it to become a UN member.

"We asked our friend and all our friends to exercise restraint and respect the dialogue underway, and to keep their activities in that regard suspended until the dialogue with Pristina is over", Dacic added. 

Xi: Serbia maintains sincere friendship with Chinese people (Tanjug)

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Monday Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's attendance at the Third Belt and Road Forum and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic's attendance at the Sixth China International Import Expo demonstrated Serbia's "sincere friendship with the Chinese people and firm belief in developing relations with China", Tanjug news agency reported.

China and Serbia are "iron friends" who have stood together through thick and thin, Xi said, underscoring the profound historical foundation, solid public support, extensive common interests and strong impetus for cooperation of their bilateral relations, China's Xinhua news agency reported.

"Under the new circumstances, China is willing to work with Serbia to promote the high-quality development of bilateral relations and bring more benefits to the two peoples", Xi was quoted as saying.

SRSG Ziadeh meets KFOR Commander Ulutas (Kosovo Online)

Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) and Head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh welcomed yesterday the new KFOR Commander Major General Ozkan Ulutas, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Ziadeh and Ulutas reiterated the importance of continued strong cooperation between UNMIK and KFOR to maintain peace and stability in Kosovo within the framework of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, reads the post on X (formerly Twitter), the portal added.   

Serbia, Kosovo exchange project ends with exhibition (N1)

A 3-year exchange project for young people from Kosovo and Serbia ended with the opening of the multi-media exhibition How Do I See You in central Belgrade.

The project was implemented by the B92 Fund, the Slobodna Zona (Free Zone) Belgrade film festival and Dokufest from Pristina.

The central part of the exhibition are interviews of young people who took part in the cultural exchange camp in Prizren in September speaking about how the exchange made them rethink their views of each other. Photographs of camp participants are also exhibited.

The exhibition was opened by B92 Fund board chief Veran Matic, European Union Ambassador Emanuel Giaufret, OSCE mission chief Jan Braathu, Dokufest project supervisor Erol Bilibani and Free Zone selector Branka Pavlovic.