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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 11, 2022

  • Kurti confirms new developments in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (RTK)
  • Kurti: NATO contribution to peace and security, indispensable (media)
  • Draft of Progress Report on Kosovo with mixed assessments (Koha)
  • Osmani: Russia's attack on Ukraine is a war crime (media)
  • Susanne Schutz: The Berlin process should not be duplicated (DW, media)
  • Rohde to leaders: Prepare to make difficult decisions (Albanian Post)
  • Osmani meets Qelaj, discuss rights of Albanians in Presevo Valley (media)
  • Haradinaj: No economic growth, only increase of imports from Serbia (media)
  • Despite concerns, Serbia still “erasing” ethnic Albanian addresses (BIRN)
  • Petkovic: Kosovo’s membership in UN is unacceptable (Euronews Albania)

Kurti confirms new developments in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (RTK)

Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Monday that there are new developments in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. During a press conference held in Gjilan, after meeting mayor Alban Hyseni, Kurti said that there is a French-German proposal and the possibility of an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.

However, he added that there is nothing final, let alone decisive. Kurti said that such ideas circulate not only in Paris and Berlin, but also in Washington, Brussels, Rome, Pristina and Belgrade. "Different models are discussed, but there is nothing final," he said. "Even less decisive that it could be said that this is the French-German proposal and therefore discuss it now and make comments."

According to the him, this initiative wants to give even more power to Lajcak, as the continuous American support does.

Some time ago, a document was published in the media presenting a new framework attributed to Germany and France. Serbian President Aleksandër Vucic has previously spoken about such a plan, but without giving details.

Kurti: NATO contribution to peace and security, indispensable (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, said on Monday at the change-of-command ceremony at KFOR headquarters that NATO and KFOR have had a indispensable contribution to peace and security in Kosovo. “Had the pleasure of participating in the Change of Command ceremony today. Our cooperation with Major General Kajari was great and we look forward to working with Major General Ristuccia in meeting new challenges,” Kurti tweeted after the ceremony.

Draft of Progress Report on Kosovo with mixed assessments (Koha)

The European Commission’s annual progress report on Kosovo for this year starts out by saying that there has been political stability thanks to the majority that Vetevendosje won in the 2021 elections, but the document also does not hesitate to criticise the Kosovo Assembly for delays in adopting legislation, primarily due to lack of quorum and also due to the boycott from the opposition parties.

“In Kosovo, the government elected in 2021, enjoyed political and institutional stability thanks to a solid majority. This should have given Kosovo the opportunity to accelerate efforts for strengthening democracy and the rule of law, the fight against corruption and to step up legislative activities, including those linked to reforms toward the European Union. However, the lack of quorum in the Assembly as well as the boycott from opposition parties has caused delays in the adoption of key laws,” the report notes.

The report also says that “efforts are needed to strengthen the role of the Assembly as a forum for constructive political dialogue and for building consensus especially on the reforms agenda toward the EU”.

Osmani: Russia's attack on Ukraine is a war crime (media)

After Monday’s Russian attacks on Ukraine, President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani reacted through a post on her Twitter profile. “The Russian genocidal regime's attack on innocent people and civilian infrastructure around Ukraine continues. This is a war crime that needs to be prosecuted and perpetrators brought to justice. Ukraine must be given adequate military means to defend itself. Kosovo stands with Ukraine!” Osmani wrote.

Susanne Schutz: The Berlin process should not be duplicated (DW, media)

In an interview with DW, Germany's charge d'affaires for the Western Balkans, Susanne Schutz expresses optimism about the liberalization of visas for Kosovo and talked about her expectations from the upcoming summit of the Berlin Process.

Asked whether she is optimistic that on October 13 the EU Council will come out with a positive decision on visa liberalization for Kosovo, Schutz said “Yes, on October 13, in Brussels, there will be a meeting of the visa working group. We are very happy that the Commission will present a technical update of its report regarding visa liberalization for Kosovo. This time we count the support of all member states. Germany is very supportive of visa liberalization for Kosovo. This is even stated in the coalition agreement of our government. We see that now there is also support from countries like France, so we hope that by the end of the year all EU member states will give the political green light to move forward with visa liberalization and it will be a matter of practical implementation in the field. We want to see that this promise that the EU gave years ago is fulfilled now for all citizens of Kosovo.”

Asked if she considers that the two initiatives, the Open Balkans and the Berlin Process by operating both bring faster results, or if the countries of the Western Balkans need a unified cooperation mechanism, she said that the Berlin Process was created as a platform for the 6 states of the Western Balkans, to act as a catalyst to accelerate their integration into the EU and of course, regional integration as well.

“We believe that inclusiveness of all 6 states is very important. The Open Balkans is so far an initiative that works in three countries. We are that inclusiveness in the process, which is important and there should not be a duplication, but we should work hand in hand. It is also very important that all agreements finalized in the Open Balkans initiative are in line with the EU acquis because if not, later on it will be more difficult to reform them according to standards and regulations of the EU,” she said.

Rohde to leaders: Prepare to make difficult decisions (Albanian Post)

German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, has called on Kosovo and Serbia to implement the agreements reached in Brussels, such as those on the license plates, energy guidelines and the establishment of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities.

"The issue of the Association must be addressed, because it is part of the agreements reached in Brussels, which Kosovo has signed," Rohde said.

He emphasized that the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia should be prepared to make "difficult political decisions," as well as have the will to agree on compromises that bring sustainable results and improve the lives of citizens.

Rohde has emphasized that "the lack of progress so far is regrettable" because according to him, "by acting in this way, both sides, in my view, are acting against their own interests, since to hesitate to implement what is reached in Brussels, will certainly not bring either side closer to the EU".

He considers that urgent progress is now very necessary to achieve Germany's goal of Kosovo and other Western Balkan states joining the Euro-Atlantic family as soon as possible.

"Thus, mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia will be a necessary prerequisite for both states to join the EU, as it is unimaginable to have two states in the Union that do not recognize each other. This was made very clear by Chancellor Scholz during his visit to Pristina in June of this year," Rohde said.

Osmani meets Qelaj, discuss rights of Albanians in Presevo Valley (media)

President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, met on Monday with Ombudsman, Naim Qelaj, and discussed the rights of Albanians living in Presevo Valley, with Osmani reiterating her commitment to promoting the rights of the Albanian community there.

Osmani and Qelaj also discussed Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe, as an important step in fully guaranteeing human rights for all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo without any difference.

Osmani also congratulated the Ombudsman Institution for its membership in the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children, evaluating it as an important mechanism for the promotion and protection of children's rights.

Haradinaj: No economic growth, only increase of imports from Serbia (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj has reacted against the second published video of the government of Kosovo and the Vetevendosje Movement, which accuses some businesses of their relations with the past governments and proclaims development and economic growth in Kosovo during the current government.

Haradinaj, on the social network Facebook, wrote that there is no economic growth. but there is only an increase in the import of goods from Serbia.

"According to the World Bank, economic growth is 3.1%, not 10.5% as you projected. Inflation, also according to the World Bank, is 19.1%. This means that the purchasing power of the citizens of Kosovo has been halved," he wrote.

He further stressed that there is no way it could be otherwise, when all the items necessary for living have become more expensive, and the government has blocked the Law on Wages.

"He has also blocked the construction of new energy capacities, such as "New Kosovo" and the American gas pipeline, with ridiculous reasons, that the megawatt of 80 euros seemed expensive, and today, its price has increased almost tenfold.

Of the 706 million planned with the state budget for capital investments, only one tenth of them have been realized. In every economic and social sphere there is a drastic decline," Haradinaj said.

According to him, only the imports of goods from Serbia have registered an increase.

"This government has exceeded every forecast on imports from Serbia. The 174 million in 2020 have reached over 306 million euros, which is 76% more than the previous year. Therefore, statements about economic growth, without facts, are an insult to a country and to an entire people,” Haradinaj wrote.

Despite concerns, Serbia still “erasing” ethnic Albanian addresses (BIRN)

A butcher by trade, Halim Ramadinovic works between Kosovo and Switzerland. But he pays taxes in his native Serbia, holds Serbian citizenship, and regularly visits his family home in the southern municipality of Bujanovac, just across the border from Kosovo.

In August, however, six months after renewing his Serbian ID card, the 40-year-old ethnic Albanian received a letter from the Ministry of Interior telling him his address in the village of Ravno Bucje had been classified as “inactive.” Police judged that he had “falsely reported” the home as his permanent residence, the letter said.

Without a registered address, Ramadinovic faces losing the right to vote, to access the public health system, and, eventually, the right to a Serbian passport. He will effectively be erased, just like thousands of other ethnic Albanians in this southern pocket of Serbia adjacent to the former Serbian province of Kosovo.

This year and last, the European Parliament adopted resolutions saying it was “deeply worried” about allegations that Serbian authorities are systematically abusing the law to ‘passivise’ the addresses of ethnic Albanians, amid fears that an effort is underway to shift the official ethnic balance, and therefore politics, of the southern Presevo Valley; in October last year, the European Commission, the executive arm of the European Union, urged authorities “to better explain to the public how these checks are being conducted.”

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Petkovic: Kosovo’s membership in UN is unacceptable (Euronews Albania)

Head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, Petar Petkovic has said that Kosovo’s membership in the United Nations is unacceptable for Serbia. In an interview, Petkovic said that Serbia is facing a tough war, adding that the pressure will increase.

Petkovic said that President Vucic correctly predicted that the pressure on Serbia would increase, adding that it is even more difficult for Serbia because the West, as well as Vladimir Putin, use Kosovo as an argument. The West demands respect for Ukraine's integrity, and they trampled on that principle with the example of Serbia, while Putin uses the arguments that Western representatives used when they said why Kosovo should secede.

Petkovic said that due to the severity of the problem, Serbia should fight carefully and maintain peace and security.