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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 6, 2021

  • Hovenier: Without Kosovo-Serbia mutual recognition, region will remain blocked (VOA/RFE)
  • Borrell on EU-US relations: Cooperation in Western Balkans much better (media)
  • Government says it supports regional cooperation in the framework of Berlin Process (Koha)
  • Kurti meets Prime Minister of Croatia, Plenkovic (media)
  • Abdixhiku requests from EU: Treat Kosovo equally, lift visas (media)
  • Haradinaj: There cannot be progress on Kosovo-Serbia dialogue without the U.S. (RTK)
  • Serbia accused of blocking a Kosovo truck from entering its territory (Koha/Zeri)
  • EU Leaders To Reassure Western Balkans States On Accession At Summit (RFE)
  • Commissioner Varhelyi accused of favouring Serbia's candidacy despite no progress on key issues (Koha)
  • AKR's Pacolli visits former KLA leaders detained at The Hague (media)
  • Serb jailed for crimes in 1998-1999 war in Kosovo (AP)
  • COVID-19: Two deaths, 38 new cases (media)



Hovenier: Without Kosovo-Serbia mutual recognition, region will remain blocked (VOA/RFE)

Jeffrey Hovenier, the nominee of the President of the United States of America Joe Biden for Ambassador to Kosovo, appeared before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday, October 5. He said that if confirmed to the post, he would work in continuing the U.S. support for a sovereign and democratic Kosovo and that one of his priorities would include supporting the EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia for normalization of relations which, Hovenier noted, should centre on mutual recognition.

If his appointment is confirmed, it would be an honor for him, Jeffrey Hovenier said in his introductory speech. "The United States has played an important role, together with our European partners, in protecting the people of Kosovo and supporting them in their efforts to establish a multiethnic, democratic country. I have been fortunate to participate in these efforts in various capacities, including as a member of the UN team, and led by former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari who developed the 'Ahtisaari Plan' and paved the way for Kosovo's independence ".

As Hovenier stated, "the people of Kosovo have never forgotten the American role and constant support for the last 22 years."

"As a result, Kosovo is one of the most pro-American countries in the world and a close partner. Following the democratic elections in February, the new government took office with a decisive mandate, and the US-Kosovo relationship remains positive and productive," he said.

He said he would work "to support EU-mediated dialogue to normalize relations between Kosovo and Serbia, which, I quote President Biden, 'should be focused on mutual recognition.”

He said that the dialogue in Brussels has made progress in the field of customs services and the judiciary, but work still needs to be done, especially in municipal governance. "We accept that Serbia wants to support the Serb community in Kosovo, that is reasonable. But this must be done within the constitutional framework and according to the laws of Kosovo."

Asked by US Senator Bob Menendez how Hovenier sees Serbia's role in the dialogue process with Kosovo, as according to him Serbia does not always turn out to be a "good partner", the nominee for ambassador said he would work to normalize as much as possible the relations between the two countries.

"Like any other problem in the Balkans, the problem requires work from both sides. My focus will be to encourage the Kosovo authorities to engage constructively and urgently in that process, but I have to agree with you that the authorities in Serbia need the same push and I cannot disagree with your assessment that the Serbian interlocutors " have not always been in that line during the process."

"Normalization of relations is key to regional stability and security and will pave the way for the integration of both countries into Euro-Atlantic institutions. If I am confirmed as ambassador, I will encourage Kosovo to engage constructively, flexibly and urgently."

He thanked Kosovo for receiving evacueed Afghan nationals and added that he would work with Kosovo's partners to boost economic growth and improve an environment that helps address Kosovo's high unemployment rate.

In his presentation he also mentioned the development of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF). He said he would support the gradual and transparent development of the KSF, saying the US could help advance Kosovo from consumers to security providers. "If elected ambassador, I will support the gradual and continuous development of the KSF into a multi-ethnic force, interacting with NATO and a force for territorial defense."

Jeffrey Hovenier previously served in Kosovo as part of a UN mission. In 2018, the then Kosovo President Hashim Thaci decorated him on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Kosovo's independence. Hovenier is a career diplomat and currently Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Turkey.

Borrell on EU-US relations: Cooperation in Western Balkans much better (media)

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell delivered a speech before members of the European Parliament where he spoke about the relations between the EU and the US.

Borrell stated that the United States remains the European Union's closest and most important strategic partner. "It is like this and it has to continue being like this. There should not be doubts about that," he said.

He also spoke about the EU-US cooperation in the Western Balkans which Borrell said is "much better", "On the recent crisis between Kosovo and Serbia - that has been solved thanks to the good work of our Special Envoy, Miroslav Lajcak - I have to say that our cooperation with the United States Envoy has been very positive."

Government says it supports regional cooperation in the framework of Berlin Process (Koha)

The Government of Kosovo has reiterated ahead of the EU-Western Balkans summit in Slovenia that it views regional cooperation as imperative and that it expects the EU to renew its commitment to the Berlin Process.

"Kosovo is fully committed towards regional cooperation in the framework of the Berlin Process as sustainable cooperation is built on values of equality between the parties and should be in the service of the region's progress in the path towards the European Union," said Government's spokesperson Rozafa Kelmendi.

Meanwhile, Naim Rashiti from the Balkans Policy Research Group said expectations are that the Slovenia-hosted summit will result in an agreement between Western Balkans countries on ID cards travel and recognition of diplomas. "It would be a huge step if this were to happen. These pledges were made also in the past as part of efforts to reach agreement. But if there would truly be an agreement between the Western Balkans countries this would facilitate a  great deal movement of people and goods but also of capital," he said.

Former Kosovo's Minister for European Integration, Blerim Reka, said that it was time for the EU's enlargement process to be revived towards the Western Balkans. He said enlargement can only be successful if it includes all Western Balkans countries. "Membership of six Balkans countries cannot be substituted by enlargement alternatives recently circulating: Open Balkan, Free EU-WB Trade Zone, or that of observer status," Reka wrote on Facebook.

Kurti meets Prime Minister of Croatia, Plenkovic (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti held a meeting with his counterpart from Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic, on the eve of the European Union-Western Balkans summit.

"We discussed our bilateral relations and our good cooperation on many areas including security sector," wrote Kurti on Twitter following the meeting which was also attended by Kosovo's Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla.

Abdixhiku requests from EU: Treat Kosovo equally, lift visas (media)

Lumir Abdixhiku, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), has asked the EU to apply the same standards to Kosovo when it comes to visa liberalisation as it did towards other countries in the region. He made this request to the EU at the Summit of European People's Parties for the Western Balkans.

"Today, unable to be in Ljubljana physically, through a video conference LDK leader Lumir Abdixhiku participated in the Summit of European People's Parties (EPP) for the Western Balkans alongside EPP President Donald Tusk, President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Jansa, Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz, Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic and a number of presidents, prime ministers and opposition leaders of the Western Balkans,” LDK said.

It added that Abdixhiku also called on five EU countries recognize the Kosovo and pave the way for Kosovo towards integration into the European Union.

Haradinaj: There cannot be progress on Kosovo-Serbia dialogue without the U.S. (RTK)

Speaking about the mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj once again insisted that no progress can be achieved without the representative of the U.S. President Joe Biden at the negotiating table.

"Current government once said 'No negotiations' and then they said 'No negotiations without principles', and now they have fallen to a level of talks that are lower than technical talks," Haradinaj told Channel 10.

According to him, the biggest mistake in the license plate agreement was the inclusion of the withdrawal of the Kosovo Police from a part of the territory of Kosovo. "It is an attempt to establish ‘Zajednica’ through a small door. The loss of police authority, created for 20 years, and making criminals an authority in the north, is a great loss to the country in terms of national security. Does the Kosovo police have the right to go to the north," Haradinaj asked.

Serbia accused of blocking a Kosovo truck from entering its territory (Koha/Zeri)

Astrit Panxha, director of the Kosovo producers club, said that a truck exporting goods from Kosovo to Germany, was not allowed to travel through Serbia after its authorities cited possession of "RKS" documents as justification for the ban.

"The reason for the blocking is that 'RKS' is written in the documents and according to the new agreement the Serbian authorities are not accepting any document where 'RKS' is written although other countries were the destination point. This means that blockades, obstacles and difficulties that Kosovar companies face have not stopped. Kosovo institutions must react immediately," Panxha wrote on Facebook.

EU Leaders To Reassure Western Balkans States On Accession At Summit (RFE)

EU leaders are expected to reaffirm the bloc's commitment to the stalled enlargement process for six Western Balkans states without providing a concrete timeline at a summit in Slovenia on October 6.

The European Commission has repeatedly said the future of the six countries lies in the 27-member bloc. But divisions among EU states about taking in new members and the slow pace of reform in the six hopefuls has put enlargement on ice for years.

Western Balkan countries are at different stages of integrating with the bloc.

Montenegro and Serbia are the most advanced, having opened accession negotiations and chapters. Albania and North Macedonia are awaiting the official opening of accession talks, while Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo are potential candidate countries.

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Commissioner Varhelyi accused of favouring Serbia's candidacy despite no progress on key issues (Koha)

Koha quotes a story published by which reported that Oliver Varhelyi, European Commissioner for Enlargement, has overseen a push to play down concerns about the rule of law and human rights in candidates for EU membership, namely Serbia.

"And although the Hungarian diplomat is meant to produce even-handed assessments of all would-be members, he’s pushing the candidacy of one country above all: Serbia — despite the fact that Belgrade has failed to make progress on key issues and even regressed on some, according to democracy watchdogs," Politico reported.

Varhelyi defended his work saying he had overseen a revamp of the Commission’s methodology for assessing candidate countries that put greater focus on rule of law.

AKR's Pacolli visits former KLA leaders detained at The Hague (media)

Leader of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) Behgjet Pacolli visited former Kosovo president Hashim Thaci at the detention facility of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers at The Hague, media report. He also met other KLA leaders detained on war crimes charges: Kadri Veslei and Rexhep Selimi.

In a Facebook post, Pacolli said he visited Thaci in his capacity as a former president and above all, a personal friend. "As his friend, but also as Kosovo, I am convinced that today in detention (others included), is the man who led the war for the liberation of the country, he was the key person in all the state building processes and declaration of independence." Pacolli added that the allegations against Thaci and others are politically motivated by "circles that don't want to see our country free and independent."

Serb jailed for crimes in 1998-1999 war in Kosovo (AP)

An ethnic Serb was sentenced to 20 years in prison in Kosovo on Tuesday after being convicted of war crimes, including involvement in a massacre during the 1998-1999 war.

The court in Kosovo’s capital, Pristina, handed down the ruling against the man, who was arrested in 2019 and was identified only by his initials G.S.

On April 15-16, 1999, Serb army, police and paramilitary forces attacked the villages of Sllovi and Terbovc of the Lipjan commune, 25 kilometers (15 miles) south of Pristina and G.S. was part of the Serb paramilitary troops.

G.S. was among those who executed 12 Albanian men in three separate cases after forcefully entering their houses and pushing women and children away.

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COVID-19: Two deaths, 38 new cases (media)

Two deaths from COVID-19 and 38 new cases with the virus have been confirmed in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 185 persons recovered from the virus during this time.

There are 1,895 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.