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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 12, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti confirms to Escobar readiness for active engagement during meeting in Brussels (media)
  • Participants in the Brdo-Brioni process meeting adopted a joint statement (media)
  • Kurti meets signatory for a tougher approach to Serbia, Michael Roth (RTK)
  • Roth: Vucic responsible for violence against KFOR in the north (Koha) 
  • PDK: The country needs early elections (media)
  • “AAK will no longer vote for any law or international agreement” (media)
  • Mother Teresa’s statue unveiled at the Embassy of Kosovo in Skopje (media)
  • Kosovo police arrest Serb wanted by Interpol (Paparaci)
  • Bislimi meets representatives from the Presheva Valley, affirms discrimination (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic: Kurti should bring another whip to Brussels, maybe one will not be enough for him; Skopje joint declaration (KoSSev)
  • Michael Roth: I don't want a discussion, Vucic responsible for the attacks (KiM radio, KoSSev)
  • Albanians beat up a Serbian young man on the way to Dobrotin (KiM radio, media)
  • Office for KiM, Serbian List reacted to the attack on a young man from Gracanica (NMagazin, Beta, N1)
  • Ten days in prison in Serbia for a municipal official from the north of Kosovo (KiM radio, RFE)

International Media:

  • Preparations at ‘full speed’ for Thursday's high-level Serbia-Kosovo dialogue in Brussels: EU (AA)
  • Kosovo Guerrillas’ Defence Tries to Discredit Human Rights Watch Claims (BIRN)
  • Kosovo Commemorates the Victims of 9/11 (Prishtina Insight)
  • Israel's Tourism Minister heads to Kosovo for a two-day visit (i24)
  • Serb Pleads Not Guilty to War Crimes Against Kosovo Civilians (BIRN)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti confirms to Escobar readiness for active engagement during meeting in Brussels (media) 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti held on Monday a telephone conversation with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the United States for European and Eurasian Affairs and at the same time the special envoy of the United States of America for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar.

The importance of the rapid and complete implementation of the Basic Agreement and its Annex was discussed. Kurti expressed his willingness to actively engage in Thursday's high-level political meeting in Brussels, as he thanked the United States of America for its continued assistance and support for Kosovo.

Participants in the Brdo-Brioni process meeting adopted a joint statement (media)

Brdo-Brioni Process participants stated on Monday in Skopje that they met to emphasize the critical importance of accelerating the integration process of these countries in the European Union. In the statement of the leaders of this Process, it was said that like the EU, the Western Balkans should be ready for expansion as soon as possible, adding that this goal should be achieved no later than 2030.

 "Given the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine and its spillover effect in the Western Balkans, we reiterate the necessity of a strong and inclusive EU, with the Western Balkans as part of it. We recognize that comprehensive political, economic and social reforms are essential for EU membership. We are committed to intensify our efforts in the implementation of reforms in the Western Balkans aimed at increasing the rule of law, prosperity, functioning of democratic institutions and public administration", this statement reads.

 The treatment of the challenges of climate change was also mentioned in the statement, stressing that the countries of the Western Balkans are committed to speeding up the transition towards renewable energy sources.

 "We welcome the EUR 1 billion Energy Support Package for the Western Balkans, with which the EU extended the same solidarity measures that were taken within the EU after the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine, such as supporting vulnerable families and building of the new energy infrastructure", the statement says.

 The concern about the emigration of young people from the Western Balkans was also mentioned in this statement, where it was said that the cooperation and support of the EU in keeping young people in the region is important.

 "The EU's commitment and partnership are essential in ensuring the successful implementation of strategies aimed at nurturing and harnessing the potential of young people. By fostering inclusive and open societies, we aim to create an environment that encourages young people to stay or return and contribute to the collective development of the region," the statement said.

 Kurti meets signatory for a tougher approach to Serbia, Michael Roth (RTK)

 Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, together with the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Hajrulla Ceku and the Kosovo Assembly MP Shqipe Mehmeti Selimi, received the Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the German Parliament, Michael Roth.

 "During the conversation, it was discussed about the government's reforms, the current situation in the country, the dialogue mediated by the European Union and the next high-level political meeting that will be held on Thursday of this week, as well as about the journey of Kosovo's membership in international organizations, including the Council of Europe and the European Union, as well as the bilateral relations between Kosovo and Germany", says the Prime Minister's communique.

 According to the communique, from 2021 to 2022, Kosovo's exports to Germany have increased by 42%, while Germany's investments in Kosovo by 60%. 

"Prime Minister Kurti informed MP Roth about the general progress, with an emphasis on the latest macroeconomic indicators and the main achievements of governance. He thanked Mr. Roth for Germany's continuous support to Kosovo, but also for his support. Michael Roth was one of the first signatories of the joint letter of the 10 chairmen of the parliamentary committees for foreign policy of 16 countries, in support of Kosovo and a call for a tougher approach towards Serbia", the communique informs.

Roth: Vucic responsible for violence against KFOR in the north (Koha) 

Germany’s chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs Michael Roth has said that the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, is responsible for the brutal violence against KFOR members in the north. During a meeting with journalists, he spoke about the sanctioning measures against Kosovo, saying that they expect actions to de-escalate the situation in the north and implement the Brussels Agreement.

The sanctions that the European Union imposed on Kosovo were not a wise thing, although they were considered a necessary tool to de-escalate the situation in the north of Kosovo, Roth said.

"I very much hope that we will have a real possibility for the de-escalation of the situation between Kosovo and Serbia. The clashes in the north of Kosovo were totally unacceptable and the government of Kosovo takes responsibility for some mistakes. But at the end of the day, Mr. Vucic is responsible for the brutal violence against KFOR soldiers. This is where the Serbs crossed the red line. This is totally unacceptable. My message to the government, after meeting the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Speaker of the Assembly and the members of the Assembly, please go ahead with the commitments to strengthen the rule of law and order, the democratic culture, the fight against corruption. We have criticized the situation in Serbia for good reasons. Serbia is far from fulfilling the principles of the European Union. Because the European Union is first of all not only a matter of the common market but also a place of common values and I do not see progress in the right direction and I do not see alignment with the policies of the European Union when it comes to security policies, namely the imposition of sanctions against the regime of Putin. This is disappointing for all of us," Roth said. 

According to him, the key to the normalization of relations and the implementation of the Brussels agreement is the establishment of the Association of Municipalities with a Serbian Majority.

"Our country remains committed to the Ohrid agreement and our government together with the French government have established principles to make the compromise more realistic. I hope that the high-level meeting on September 14 will bring some concrete results. What is needed is progress. But we are against a Serbian Republic 2.0 here in Kosovo. The European Union, Germany, France and other countries, as well as the USA, the United Kingdom - we will do everything possible to achieve success. But it takes two people to tango, which means that the responsibility is on the government of Kosovo and the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic", Roth said.

Michael Roth has called it unfair that Kosovars have had to wait so long for visas, as he has removed the dilemmas that there may be another postponement after January 1 next year.

PDK: The country needs early elections (media)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) held on Monday a joint meeting between the leadership and the Parliamentary Group, to discuss the current political situation.

In the communiqué of this party, it is said, among other things, that corruption has captured the institutions and high officials of the government. 

"The successive scandals and affairs of this government, from education, economy, health, justice to diplomacy, are affecting each day the well-being of citizens and the position of the state of Kosovo". 

"The massive corruption that has gripped the institutions and high officials of this government, reveals the deep incompetence and the deliberate abuse of official duties and responsibilities".

The communique said that this government has lost all credibility. "For the PDK, this Government has already lost all credibility and the need to return to the citizens, through early elections, is essential. Kosovo, today, above all, needs a credible, responsible Government , capable and which, in cooperation with international allies, will return the country to the right course of development and Euro-Atlantic integration".

"The Democratic Party of Kosovo, through all its bodies and officials, on all platforms, especially in the Assembly of Kosovo, remains committed to protecting the legality, the interest of the state and the citizens", the communique states further.

“AAK will no longer vote for any law or international agreement” (media)

AAK MP, Pal Lekaj, said that his party has decided not to vote on any law or international agreement. This decision came, as he said, because of the attitude of the majority against the opposition.

"We will not vote on any law", he repeated. 

Meanwhile, the PDK MP, Eliza Hoxha also said in T7 broadcaster that PDK "will not vote for anything". 

Asked if the LDK has the same position, MP Lekaj said: "The LDK has a different stance, they will vote for some laws, so far they did not make any announcement on boycotting the parliament", he said.

Mother Teresa’s statue unveiled at the Embassy of Kosovo in Skopje (media) 

The statue of Mother Teresa was inaugurated on Monday at the Embassy of Kosovo in Skopje.

President Vjosa Osmani and her counterparts from Albania, Bajram Begaj and from North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, were present during this inauguration.

Begaj posted some photos, where he wrote that Mother Teresa makes Albanians proud and inspires the whole world.

Kosovo police arrest Serb wanted by Interpol (Paparaci)

The Kosovo Police has announced that on Monday in coordination with the Directorate of Migration, has arrested a suspect who was wanted on an international arrest warrant.

According to the announcement, the suspect with the initials J.P., 28 years old and a Serbian citizen, was wanted with an international arrest warrant issued by Interpol.

"By the decision of the guardian prosecutor, the suspect has been detained for 48 hours, to proceed further with the procedures foreseen for such cases", the Police announced. 

Bislimi meets representatives from the Presheva Valley, affirms discrimination (RTK)

Kosovo’s first Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue, Besnik Bislimi, welcomed in a meeting the Vision Business Union for Presevo, Medvegja and Bujanoc. In addition to systematic discrimination, these municipalities also suffer from economic marginalization by Serbian state institutions that ignore and do not implement the agreements with the political and institutional representatives of the Albanians of the Presheva Valley.

"The meeting also discussed the situation of farmers. The government has addressed the issues related to the agriculture of the Presheva Valley, which remains one of the resources of the citizens of these municipalities, as an identified opportunity for support", says the announcement of the Prime Minister's office. 

In this direction, it is important to create the agricultural map of the Presheva Valley, and to design training programs for farmers and livestock farmers, as well as financial support programs.


Serbian Language Media

Vucic: Kurti should bring another whip to Brussels, maybe one will not be enough for him; Skopje joint declaration (KoSSev)

“I think the day was spent in a great and constructive discussion. There were no big arguments and fights since Pristina and our side set our problems aside for Thursday and Brussels, so today we discussed the relationship between the region – the Western Balkans – toward the European Union, rather than anything else,” Aleksandar Vucic assessed the Brdo-Brioni talks yesterday. 

When it comes to the relationship towards the Western Balkans, they also discussed the following: “What we could ask for, from various roaming initiatives towards the whole of Europe, to the establishment of green lines, to common markets, to those in the declaration itself. It states the desire to become a member as soon as possible, to obtain membership in the EU no later than 2030”.

The President of Serbia shared his skepticism on the issue, noting that he did not want to dampen other people’s optimism.

“It was up to me to accept this. If it turns out that way – great, but I’m not sure if it will come to be.”

He reiterated that a busy week is ahead, primarily because of his trip to Brussels, where “difficult talks” await him. “Not because we will talk with Kurti, but with Brussels,” the president stressed.

“You know that whatever they say, they will always support Kosovo’s independence in one way or another, so it’s always difficult for us, what can you do,” the president complained.

He announced that he would ask questions of interest to the Serbian community, noting that he does not expect to hear anything good.

“But it is up to us to try to solve this through dialogue and talks. We wouldn’t like to use a whip as Kurti would like to use against Serbia, since he is very strong, maybe he will bring another whip, maybe one won’t be enough for him,” he added.

Vucic also addressed last week’s statement by the Prime Minister of Kosovo, who criticized the European Union for its “soft” approach towards official Belgrade for the Estonian media “Delphi”, as Pristina media reported.

“They want to get Serbia out of Russia with soft power, not with a whip. It won’t work,” Kurti said at the time.

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Michael Roth: I don't want a discussion, Vucic responsible for the attacks (KiM radio, KoSSev)

Michael Helmut Roth, the chairperson of the Bundestag committee for foreign affairs from the ranks of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, did not want to comment for KiM radio on the failed process of returning displaced people to Kosovo and the fact that currently many more Serbs live in Berlin and Munich than in Pristina or Prizren. 

KiM radio wrote that instead of answering the journalist's question, he only said that he knew that the situation in the north was "not ideal" and condemned "the most brutal attacks we have seen since the end of the civil war in this country and the former Yugoslavia", alluding to the conflict between Serbs and KFOR members in Zvecan at the end of May this year.

To the remark of a KiM Radio journalist that these were not "the most brutal attacks" and that incomparably more terrible violence was seen in Kosovo in March 2004, Roth replied:

"I don't want to start a discussion with you about which attacks were more brutal or more aggressive. We are now living in the 21st century and I would never expect a mob to attack KFOR soldiers because KFOR is not a representative of colonial countries. KFOR was invited by the Kosovo government to take responsibility for peace and stability in the country and that situation was, frankly speaking, disgusting," he concluded, reported KiM radio.

He previously said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was responsible for the mass attack on KFOR soldiers during the May riots in Zvecan.

"Mr. Vucic bears responsibility for this brutal mob that attacked KFOR soldiers and that is why the Serbs crossed the red line. This is completely unacceptable," Roth said, adding that the idea of a "greater Serbia" destabilizes Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The president of the Bundestag committee for foreign affairs did not even answer a journalist's question whether he knew that yesterday in Vucitrn, according to the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the house of a Serbian returnee family was set on fire for the third time.

At a briefing in Pristina with journalists from Koha, Klan Kosova, Gazeta Express and Kim Radio, Michael Roth once again repeated his well-known views on the "courageous leadership of leaders" and the need to overcome controversies as soon as possible, and to establish common foundations for reconciliation and mutual trust, as well as that he is expecting a "new dynamic" in relations between Serbia and Kosovo after the high-level meeting on September 14.

Speaking about the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities, he stated that "it is not impossible to create a pragmatic solution", although he is against the "Republika Srpska 2.0 in Kosovo", with the assessment that the political status quo suits Serbia better.

He added that Kosovo can count on Germany's help on the way to the EU and NATO, as well as understanding the disappointment and impatience of the citizens of Kosovo who, due to the excessively long and unfair process of visa liberalization, do not trust the EU, pointing out that the recognition of Kosovo's national sovereignty by Serbia , five EU countries and others that did not do so "a prerequisite for any success".

KiM radio recalled that at the beginning of August, Michael Helmut Roth was one of the signatories of the letter of dozens of European and American parliamentarians to the officials of the USA, Europe, and Great Britain, in which a review of the policy towards Kosovo and Serbia was demanded.

Albanians beat up a Serbian young man on the way to Dobrotin (KiM radio, media)

KiM radio reported last night that three Albanians attacked and beat up twenty-year-old S.P. from Gracanica. The attack on the Serbian young man happened last night around 7 pm on the way to the village of Dobrotin.

S.P. said that while driving a vehicle with Serbian KG plates, a black BMW station wagon overtook him and blocked his way. Strahinja said that he did not remember the full registration number of the car, but that he saw the plates with the initial number 01, which indicates that the owner of the car is from the Pristina district.

"I went for a walk with my girlfriend, everything was normal until I got from Gusterica to Dobrotin. On that part of the road there was a black BMW that overtook me and stopped in front of me. I stopped because I thought he wanted to ask me for the direction, because I saw that the plates were 01 (Kosovo registration) and I thought it was one of ours, then he got out of the car, he started walking towards me, I rolled down the window and he started yelling something in Albanian and he hit me on the head with his fist, after which I lost consciousness".

S.P. added that two other younger men got out of the car, who, as he says, wanted to hit him more.

When he regained consciousness, he saw two girls arguing with the attackers, and dragged them into a car, which then drove away from the scene.

S.P. states that he does not know the attackers, and that he reported the case to the police in Gracanica.

"After that I went to the hospital because I was dizzy, where they kept me under observation because the screening showed that I had a bruise in the area of my head," he added.

The police said that they would try to find the registration number of the car using security cameras, according to S.P., reported KiM radio.

Office for KiM, Serbian List reacted to the attack on a young man from Gracanica (NMagazin, Beta, N1)

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija strongly condemned the attack on the 20-year-old Serbian youth S.P. from Gracanica and called on authorities to find perpetrators of this crime, reported NMagazin.

"S.P.'s testimony that three Albanians attacked him and hit him several times when he was parking a car with Serbian license plates KG indicates that the motive for the attack was ethnic intolerance and that S.P. became a target precisely because he is a Serb," they assessed in last night's statement.

They added that representatives of the Office on the ground are in contact with the attacked young man, and that this attack has caused additional concern and unrest in the Serbian community in central Kosovo , which is exposed to numerous provocations almost every day.

"This is another testimony that the anti-Serb, incendiary rhetoric from Pristina leads to frequent attacks on the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and incites inter-ethnic hatred and intolerance, contrary to Belgrade's efforts to build a peaceful coexistence in these areas," the statement said.

Serbian List announced that the attack on the Serbian young man S.P. is a continuation of the pressure on Serbs in central Kosovo with the aim of expelling them from these areas.

"We demand from the international community to exert additional pressure on Kosovo institutions and prevent new incidents with their preventive actions, and to hold those responsible for this attack to account," they stated in the statement.

The Serbian list assessed that this ethnically motivated attack also comes ahead of new negotiations in Brussels, in order to exert additional pressure on the Serbs in Kosovo, but also on the negotiation team in Belgrade, and above all, as they stated, on President Aleksandar Vucic.

Ten days in prison in Serbia for a municipal official from the north of Kosovo (KiM radio, RFE)

The director of the administration in the municipality of Leposavic in the north of Kosovo, Nikola Radomirovic, was sentenced in Serbia to ten days in prison for "possessing a cold weapon". This was confirmed for Radio Free Europe by the Misdemeanor Court in Raska in southwestern Serbia, cited KiM radio.

"The verdict is not legally binding because the defendant and the applicant filed an appeal against this verdict, so the appeal procedure is ongoing," the response of the Misdemeanor Court from Raska stated. 

Radoica Radomirovic, the father of the arrested Nikola, claims in a statement to RFE that this is a "politically motivated verdict" and that the whole case was "rigged" because he and his son were politically engaged in central and local Kosovo institutions.

Radoica Radomirovic is the Deputy Minister for Communities and Return in the Government of Kosovo. He also believes that there is a "hunt" against them because they publicly express "different views from the Serbian List". 

In the meantime, the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Raska told RFE that "criminal charges have not been filed against Nikola Radomirovic for any criminal offense for which prosecution is undertaken ex officio", but that the MIA of Serbia has submitted a request to initiate misdemeanor proceedings against him.

International Media

Preparations at ‘full speed’ for Thursday's high-level Serbia-Kosovo dialogue in Brussels: EU (AA)

The European Union's special representative has said that preparations for the high-level dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo in Brussels are at full speed.  

Miroslav Lajcak, the EU's envoy for the dialogue process, stated on social media on Sunday that he had a productive week packed with preparation work for the meeting on Thursday.

"Preparations for the European Union High-Level Dialogue meeting on 14th September are in full speed, and we are working towards positive outcomes," Lajcak stated on Facebook.

The decision on local elections in northern Kosovo for four municipalities dominated by ethnic Serbians is expected to be made during a new round of talks within the EU-facilitated dialogue in the Belgian capital of Brussels.

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Kosovo Guerrillas’ Defence Tries to Discredit Human Rights Watch Claims (BIRN) 

The defence lawyers for former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and his co-defendant, former parliamentary speaker Kadri Veseli, continued their attempts on Monday to discredit reports by the international NGO Human Rights Watch about alleged crimes committed by Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, during the Kosovo war by pointing out what it claimed were errors.

Referring to the arrest of two alleged Serbian journalists, Vladimir Dobricic and Nebojsa Radojcevic, by the KLA in October 1998, Thaci’s lawyer Gregory Kehoe, pointed out that International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, ICTY, had confirmed that Dobricic was a suspect for war crimes in Croatia in 1991, suggesting that the “probability is very high for him to have been involved in crimes in Kosovo”.

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Kosovo Commemorates the Victims of 9/11 (Prishtina Insight)

The 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US is commemorated by both Kosovo institutions and its citizens.

 The morning of September 11, 2001, is etched in the memories of people around the world. This date marks the tragic event in which 2,977 people lost their lives in a series of terrorist attacks in the US, including three Albanians: Mon Gjonbalaj, Simon Dedvukaj, and Rrok Camaj. Thousands more were injured.

On the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks, known as the “Twin Towers Attack,” Kosovo institutions and citizens paid tribute.

Among various commemorations, Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Deputy Prime Minister Donika Gërvalla, and Deputy Ambassador of the United States to Kosovo, Alyson Grunder, paid their respects at the Kosovo Remembers memorial plaque, placed in the courtyard of the Government building. 

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Israel's Tourism Minister heads to Kosovo for a two-day visit (i24)

Israeli Minister of Tourism Haim Katz is heading for a two-day visit to Kosovo, at the invitation of the country's government.

He will meet with Prime Minister Albin Kurti, President Vjosa Osmani, and the ministers of economy and foreign affairs. Katz will become the first senior Israeli minister to make an official visit to Kosovo. 

"The main initiative underlying the visit is the signing of a tourism agreement and the strengthening of the relationship and partnership between the countries," an official statement said. 

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Serb Pleads Not Guilty to War Crimes Against Kosovo Civilians (BIRN)

Sladjan Trajkovic entered a not guilty plea at Pristina Basic Court on Monday, denying that he was involved in war crimes committed in April and May 1999 during attacks on ethnic Albanian civilians in Kosovo by Serbian forces.

According to the indictment, on April 14, 1999, Trajkovic, as a member of the Serbian military, paramilitary and police forces, participated in surrounding the village of Bukosh in the municipality of Vushtrri/Vucitrn, and shot a man dead in his own house. 

The son of the victim witnessed the murder of his father from the window of the second floor of the house and saw the suspect, Trajkovic, who also allegedly fired several times in the direction of the son.

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