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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 16, 2024


Albanian Language Media:

  • Kosovo leaders’ messages on International Day of Democracy (media)
  • Kurti: Vucic in coordination with Russia preparing new threats (media)
  • Gervalla, Torres react to Vucic’s “measures” on Kosovo (media)
  • State Department on Banjska indictment: Respect the judicial process (RFE)
  • Rasic: We need to plan options (RFE)
  • Maqedonci offers Kosovo’s help to Czech Republic to deal with floods (media)
  • Kurti takes part in Balkan Integration Forum (media)


Serbian Language Media:


  • Serbian PM: We want Serbs to stay in Kosovo (N1, Beta)
  • Rasic on healthcare and education: We must be ready for every scenario; Petkovic: We will not allow (RFE, KiM radio)
  • Vucic outlined Serbia's demands, moves regarding Kosovo (Tanjug, N1)
  • Mijacic: Vucic’s proposal to return to the previous state unrealistic, but calms the domestic public (KoSSev)
  • The Serbian People's Movement proposes to Vucic its measures for Serbs in Kosovo (KiM radio, KoSSev)
  • Lawyer Arsic: The 30-day detention measure for Tomislav Pantic inhumane decision (Kosovo Online)
  • Manojlovic in North Mitrovica; Meeting in Gracanica (N1, KoSSev, Media Centar Caglavica)
  • The GoK: We have never made a decision to ban the import of goods from Serbia (Kosovo Online, Demokracia)
  • Sarrazin: Kosovo cannot block the common regional market, this includes goods from Serbia (Kosovo Online, RTK)


Albanian Language Media


Kosovo leaders’ messages on International Day of Democracy (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a post on X on the International Day of Democracy that “with more than half the world’s population voting across 80+ countries on all six of the world's inhabited continents, the year 2024 shows us just how far humankind has come in realizing the ideal of democratic citizenship. And yet, on this year's International Day of Democracy, our work is yet incomplete. Let us remember how hard we have fought to get to this point — and how hard we must still fight to defend the world's democracies from the twin threats of authoritarianism from within, and aggression from without”.

Kurti also said that as Prime Minister of Kosovo he is “proud to lead the most democratic country in our region, and one of the most rapidly progressing democracies in the world. On this special day, I reaffirm the commitment of our state to stand with our democratic partners and allies the world over — to work together to ensure once again that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”.

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said on the International Day of Democracy that “democracy is as strong as the will of the people to embrace it, as resilient as our determination to protect it, and as robust as our resistance against the powers that want to undermine it. Strong alliances have been, and continue to be the lifeline for the defense of democracy globally”.

Kurti: Vucic in coordination with Russia preparing new threats (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti argued in a Facebook post that “25 years after the genocide in Kosovo, with 186 massacres, around 500 mass graves in Kosovo, 5 mass graves in Serbia, which left 13,000 people killed … and while it keeps secret information about at least 11 mass graves in its territory, Serbia led by Milosevic’s minister [in reference to Vucic] and in cooperation with Russia, is preparing new threats and ultimatums against Kosovo”.

Kurti said that the approach of the regime in Serbia vis-à-vis Kosovo is disappointing. “Initially impunity and propaganda campaigns were normalized. And now they are trying to normalize the paramilitary and terrorist attacks (Banjska, September 24, 2023), threats and ultimatums, which are justified with fake news and disinformation campaigns, before the eyes of the democratic world”.

Kurti further argued that Kosovo today is stronger than ever and that it doesn’t fear threats. “We will protect all our citizens and their rights and freedoms, the territorial integrity and state sovereignty of our country, democratic and socio-economic progress of our people and institutions. But what is happening now shows how far Serbia is from democratic and human values and how embodied it remains with the genocide committed in the 1990s”.

Gervalla, Torres react to Vucic’s “measures” on Kosovo (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, commenting on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s announced measures on Kosovo, said that during his theatrical conference, Vucic proved that he does not intend to stop the instrumentalization of Kosovo Serbs and their interests, by using them for daily politics and financial benefits.

She argued that “Serbia’s systematic game with the Serbs in Kosovo, pressure and open violence through illegal structures and criminal groups, the mass abuse of funds, allegedly allocated for them [the Kosovo Serbs], obstructing their integration in Kosovo’s society and institutions, has made life difficult for Serbs in the north and their families”.

Gervalla said that with the most consolidated democracy in the region and the with the highest economic growth in the region, Kosovo today is stronger than ever. She also called on the international community “to condemn with a clear language and determined position the aggressive and hostile approach, behavior and language of Aleksandar Vucic”.

Member of the U.S. Congress, Ritchie Torres, said in a post on X that “Serbia is demanding that Kosovo surrender its sovereignty and return to the ‘status quo ante’. There will be no such return. Kosovo is an independent country and will remain so in perpetuity, aided by its greatest friend: the United States of America. History is on the side of Kosovo’s independence.  Aleksander Vucic is on history’s wrong side”.

State Department on Banjska indictment: Respect the judicial process (RFE)

The United States said they encourage the respect for the judicial process and the rule of law after Kosovo filed an indictment about the armed attack in Banjska in the north of Kosovo in September last year. “As far as Kosovo’s indictment is concerned, we encourage respect for the judicial process and the rule of law and for patience until this complicated case is proceeded by the courts. The United States continues to strongly support the rule of law, equal justice and good governance in Kosovo,” a spokesperson for the State Department told Radio Free Europe.

Rasic: We need to plan options (RFE)

Kosovo’s Minister for Returns and Communities, Nenad Rasic, said in an interview with the news website that Serbian-run institutions for healthcare and education in Kosovo are currently not at risk of closure but added that the Kosovo Serbs “must be ready for a scenario that we will not like”. “We need to plan options, because the issue is not if it will happen but when it will happen. Everything that surprised us recently, everything we did not know or what Belgrade was hiding from us, does not mean that it will not happen,” Rasic argued.

Rasic also said that educational and healthcare institutions in Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo that are financed by Serbia and function under its system will need to be incorporated in Kosovo’s legislative system as foreseen by the agreements reached in Brussels.

Maqedonci offers Kosovo’s help to Czech Republic to deal with floods (media)

Most news websites report that Kosovo’s Minister of Defence, Ejup Maqedonci, said in a Facebook post on Sunday that in the light of the devastating floods in the Czech Republic, he has offered his counterpart in the Czech Republic, Jana Chernochova, the readiness of Kosovo to assist Czech authorities with search and rescue capacities and other forms of humanitarian support. “We stand with the Czech Republic in these difficult times, and we hope they will overcome the grave situation and return to normality as soon as possible,” he said.

Kurti takes part in Balkan Integration Forum (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti took part in the Balkan Integration Forum, with representatives of various governments of the region such as Deputy PM and MFA of Slovenia Tanja Fajon, Deputy PM for Foreign and European Affairs of Montenegro Filip Ivanovic, Member of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zeljko Komsic, Croatian MEP Tonino Picula and EU SR Miroslav Lajcak, organized by Momcilo Radulovic, President of the European Movement in Montenegro.

Kurti said in a post on X that “in an interconnected world, global events shape regional and state politics, and the threats are felt also. In this vein the Western Balkans is prone to great risks stemming from the authoritarian regime in Moscow, threats can and should be minimized through EU and NATO membership and cooperation”.


Serbian Language Media 


Serbian PM: We want Serbs to stay in Kosovo (N1, Beta)

Speaking about the package of measures that Serbia adopted to protect the rights of Serbs and their national interests in Kosovo, the Prime Minister of Serbia, Milos Vucevic, said that the message of the state is a plea to the Serbs in Kosovo to stay there and that they will not be left behind and forgotten.

He assessed that the statements of the West regarding the policy of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, are correct, but that there is a problem of efficiency and the lack of action after such statements.

“We are dissatisfied with that, nothing happens after that, even worse things happen, Kurti continues to behave even worse, you warned him about the dinars, the medicine and the post, and after all that, he also takes over the municipalities,“ he said.

He also said that the ministers in his government would have to deal with the issue of Kosovo a lot more and establish special teams dedicated to supporting the Serbs.

Rasic on healthcare and education: We must be ready for every scenario; Petkovic: We will not allow (RFE, KiM radio)

The Minister for Communities and Return in the Government of Kosovo, Nenad Rasic, expressed his belief that these institutions are not currently threatened by possible closure, but that Kosovo Serbs must still "be ready for a scenario that we will not like", reported RFE yesterday.

"Options should be planned, because the question is not whether it will happen (abolition of educational and health institutions according to the Serbian system), but when it will happen. Everything that surprised us recently, everything that we didn't know, or that Belgrade hid from us, doesn't mean it won't happen," said Rasic.

Petkovic reacted to Rasic's comments saying he is contributing daily to anti-Serb campaign, which aims at '' ethnically pure Kosovo and Metohija, without the Serbs and which Kurti wants to leave without hospitals and schools, medicines and textbooks and thereby cause a final humanitarian disaster".  

Petkovic accused Rasic of being "a direct accomplice of Kurti in the persecution and terrorizing of Serbs" and that he will be responsible "if any Serbian child is denied health care and the right to education."

"Let the Serbian people be convinced of one thing - no matter how much Rasic with his advisor Rada Trajkovic and Kurti attack the Serbs, the support of the state of Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic to our people in the area of Kosovo and Metohija will be even stronger," added Petkovic.

Vucic outlined Serbia's demands, moves regarding Kosovo (Tanjug, N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday outlined Serbia's demands and moves regarding the situation in Kosovo, divided into five areas, reported Tanjug on Friday.

In an address to the public, Vucic said a global diplomatic campaign would be launched in which he would speak with more than 60 world leaders by end-November to present seven points necessary for progress in the dialogue with Pristina.

"We demand a return to status quo ante by removal of the key consequences of unilateral and uncoordinated actions by the Kurti regime, which is a necessary prerequisite for meaningful progress in the dialogue process," he said.

He said the first of the seven points was calling and holding of free and democratic local elections in the north of Kosovo with participation by the OSCE and EU control.

Point two, the implementation of Article 9 of the First Brussels Agreement through a collective return of Serbs to the KP Regional Directorate North. Point three - a return of Serb judges and prosecutors to judicial positions. Point four, a withdrawal of KP special forces from “illegally” constructed bases and checkpoints in the north of Kosovo, as well as their withdrawal from all institutions that provided vital public and administrative services to citizens between 1999 and their “illegal” closure in 2024, Vucic said.

Point five was “urgent, undelayed and final” establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, without any further "political shenanigans and games."

"Because it is clear to us that, for 12 years, it was just a game that was used to buy time, with the aim of the Community of Serb Municipalities never being established and at all Serb rights being abolished in addition to that”.

Specifically, adoption of a final draft statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities, as envisioned by the rules of procedure on the work of the management team, by democratically elected representatives of the Serb community in the north of Kosovo. 

Point six, he said, is undelayed implementation of EU and US guarantees of December 28, 2022 and immediate release of all political prisoners arrested by KP for their democratic, civic or political activism - in particular, those arrested for taking part in peaceful protests or for protesting behind barricades.

Point seven, undelayed enablement of unobstructed payment operations and postal services. 

He said the demands would be conveyed in upcoming international activities including discussions and special events within the UN and OSCE systems as well as raising awareness within the UN Committee on Human Rights of the violations of the Serbs' human rights.

According to N1, other areas where detailed measures were proposed include: “Kosovo and Metohija as an area of special social protection”, “Resilience of Serbian institutions in Kosovo and Metohija”, “Establishment of a special prosecutor’s office” and declaring all bodies and institutions formed in Kosovo after its unilateral declaration of independence as illegal.

Explaining the measures, Vucic announced that “a law will be passed within the next 45 days declaring the autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija an area of special social protection,” which will provide financial support to unemployed Kosovo Serbs.

Mijacic: Vucic’s proposal to return to the previous state unrealistic, but calms the domestic public (KoSSev)

On Friday, the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic presented new measures regarding the situation in Kosovo. These measures, divided into five key chapters, reflect Serbia’s reaction to recent developments in northern Kosovo, particularly in response to actions taken by the Kosovar government.

One of the central proposals, referred to as a “return to the status quo ante,“ calls for a restoration of the situation as it was before Serbs left Kosovo’s institutions in November 2022. This would involve holding local elections in northern Kosovo, reinstating Serbs in the police and judiciary, releasing “political prisoners”, and establishing the Association of Serb Municipalities (ASM).

However, as Dragisa Mijacic, director of the Institute for Territorial Economic Research (InTER), pointed out, this proposal lacks a sense of accountability.

“Vucic, in his presentation, did not express regret or condemnation for the wrong move made by Srpska Lista (Serbian list),“ Mijacic remarked, referring to the Serbian political party in Kosovo responsible for the withdrawal from institutions.

Skepticism Over the Feasibility of Measures

Among the five proposed chapters, Mijacic sees only one as potentially viable—the return of prosecutors and judges to the Kosovo system.

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The Serbian People's Movement proposes to Vucic its measures for Serbs in Kosovo (KiM radio, KoSSev)

The Serbian People's Movement (SNP) proposed to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, "measures to truly improve the living status of the Serbian population, which is increasingly moving out of these areas every day,'' reported KiM radio.

In its statement, the Serbian People's Movement listed ten proposals.

The first one envisages the relocation of the Office for KiM and its employees from Belgrade to Brnjak, Jarinje, Merdare and other crossings, "so that every day they can watch the tortured and suffering people who pass there and flee from the Albin Kurti regime to which they are exposed every day".

"Then, enthrone Mr. Petkovic on Brnjak, near the court of Jelena Anzujska. Of course, provide them with one container each, so they can see what that looks like, because it's easy to talk from comfortable armchairs in the capital".

As a second measure, they propose the removal of the mayors and other members of the Provisional Authorities who, according to the SNP, "threatened the survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija by their actions and inactions."

They also proposed to replace the mayor and other members of the PAs, who by their actions and inactions, as stated, "threatened the survival of the Serbian people in KiM".

Then "the dismissal of certain directors of health institutions throughout the KiM, because they denied health care to the population many times through their work or inaction."

The Serbian People's Movement also proposes the dismissal of "many directors of Social Centers in KiM who have not done a social map of the population so far."

"Sanction all managers who have allowed themselves or other persons to receive several salaries, who at the same time employ people who do not live in Kosovo, nor contribute to this nation in any way".

The sixth point calls for the resignation of all members of the Serbian List in the Kosovo Parliament:

"In the last three years, they have less than 3 minutes of speech at the sessions of the Assembly, and more than 3,000 euros in monthly income," they claim among other things.

Lawyer Arsic: The 30-day detention measure for Tomislav Pantic inhumane decision (Kosovo Online)

Tomislav Pantic from Istok, who was arrested on suspicion of committing a war crime, was ordered 30-day detention, confirmed by his defense attorney, Vasilije Arsic, to Kosovo Online, stressing that such a decision is inhumane.

"I believe the 30-day detention measure is extremely inhumane on the part of the judges because the man is in very poor health, has great difficulty moving, and I received information that he is refusing food and is practically incapable of living independently in prison," Arsic said.

He added that the defense insisted on house arrest, offering a bail of 15,000 euros; however, the court did not consider these arguments, only the arguments of the prosecution.

"The position was that detention was necessary, which was pre-agreed between the judges and prosecutors. The defense is very limited in this regard, not just for Pantic but for everyone detained and charged with alleged war crimes," the lawyer stated.

He also noted that the charges against Pantic, specifically "some alleged cattle theft in Istok in 1999," are absurd.

"In 1999, when people left their homes, they also left their livestock behind, so perhaps someone was involved in gathering that livestock, not stealing it. The prosecution's qualification is therefore biassed. People who seized property accused him of participating in this theft, which is nonsensical; from being a victim, he is turned into a criminal," he added.

Manojlovic in North Mitrovica; Meeting in Gracanica (N1, KoSSev, Media Centar Caglavica)

Savo Manojlovic, leader of the Go-Change movement, said that apart from war-torn Ukraine, nowhere in Europe are human rights violated as severely as in northern Kosovo, particularly concerning Serbs and other non-Albanians.

According to N1’s reporter in the Serb-majority northern Mitrovica, many residents were surprised by pro-government media reports suggesting that the Serbian President might declare some form of territorial occupation during his public address on Friday. While they saw this as unrealistic, they expect possible pressure on the international community, especially regarding the Kosovo police, widely believed to be abusing their authority and even brutal in some interventions.

Savo Manojlovic, who was born in Pristina, stresses that Serbs and non-Albanians have never faced more challenging times.

“We often receive reports of Kosovo police brutality. We will meet with people who have been arrested and their families. All agreements have been simply violated, and this is perhaps the area where a single ethnic group’s rights are most severely infringed upon in Europe, excluding war-torn Ukraine,” he emphasized.

Manojlovic recalled the ongoing harassment, beaten youths, and activists arrested for blowing whistles. He highlighted the challenges faced by Serbs receiving salaries from central Serbia.

“People are left to fend for themselves, and their fate is seldom discussed. Tabloids that often exploited the fate of Kosovo Serbs are now silent,” he noted.

Manojlovic is certain that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic won’t declare territorial occupation.

“This policy of saying one thing in the media and tabloids, another to foreign ambassadors behind closed doors, a third to Kosovo Serbs, and a fourth to the electorate, has collapsed. Perhaps it is best symbolized by these flags, neglected even by those who politically placed them,” he said, pointing to faded and torn Serbian flags flying over Mitrovica’s promenade.

Manojlovic added that, despite the challenges, he sees determination, hope, and a strong will among the people of northern Kosovo to stay in their homes.

Representatives of the Serbian National Forum (SNF) and the Serbian National Council of KiM held a meeting in Gracanica with representatives of the Kreni-promeni  (Go-Change) movement in connection with the upcoming meeting of the SNF and SNV and representatives of the opposition in Belgrade.

"We are preparing a meeting with the opposition in Belgrade, where the topic will be Kosovo and Metohija, and we are talking individually with all the leaders of opposition parties and movements and associations dealing with Kosovo. I am glad that Savo Manojlovic also supported our proposal and that he will be a participant in that meeting where we will try to discuss the framework of our new strategy for KiM," said the president of SNF, Momcilo Trajkovic, Media Center Caglavica reported. 

He announces talks with other representatives of the opposition.

The GoK: We have never made a decision to ban the import of goods from Serbia (Kosovo Online, Demokracia)

The Government of Kosovo announced in June last year that it had made a decision to ban the import of goods from Serbia. However, after a request from the Albanian Post portal for access to official documents to see the mentioned decision, the Prime Minister's Office admitted that no such decision exists, reports Demokracia.

"After processing your request for access to public documents, we inform you that the Government did not hold a session on June 15, 2023. We also inform you that there is no Government decision on banning the import of Serbian products," stated the response from the Prime Minister's Office.

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Sarrazin: Kosovo cannot block the common regional market, this includes goods from Serbia (Kosovo Online, RTK)

Germany’s Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, stated that Kosovo cannot block the regional market, and therefore, goods produced in Serbia, as well as German products imported into Serbia, because this would have consequences.

In an interview with RTK, Sarrazin provided a detailed analysis of the current situation, and the challenges Kosovo faces in the context of the Berlin Summit and the future of the Berlin Process.

Sarrazin emphasized that Kosovo is at an important crossroads and that potential agreements will have a profound impact on regional integration and the benefits for Kosovo's citizens. He explained that Germany had offered Kosovo an important opportunity by proposing a solution that would enable Kosovo to be represented in CEFTA (Central European Free Trade Agreement) bodies and ensure a joint regional market.

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