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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 2, 2024


Albanian Language Media:


  • Kosovo closes five Serbia-run institutions in the north (media)
  • Osmani meets Kasanof, “insightful discussion on recent developments” (media)
  • Plaques of Kosovo institutions put up in former “parallel municipalities” (media)
  • Osmani: Our true power lies in partnerships that have kept us strong (media)
  • Lajcak: Societies in Kosovo and Serbia not ready for normalization (RFE)
  • Lajcak will travel to Pristina to prepare next meeting of chief negotiators (media)
  • Canak and Biserko: Belgrade plans to displace Kosovo Serbs to Sandzak (media)


Serbian Language Media:


  • SRSG Ziadeh on the situation in northern Kosovo (KoSSev, Kosovo Online, NIN,, media) 
  • Controversy Erupts at Ulpiana Fest Over Burning of Christian Crosses (KoSSev)
  • The Eparchy of Raska-Prizren condemns the burning of crosses at the Ulpiana Fest (Kosovo Online, KoSSev, N1, media)
  • Hargreaves: The Kosovo government must do more to ensure Serbs feel secure about their future here (KoSSev)
  • How identity verification looks like in North Mitrovica (KoSSev) 
  • Biserko, Canak informed Kurti that Belgrade plans to move Serbs from the North to Raska, asking him to prevent it (KoSSev) 
  • Lajcak after Bled travels to Pristina (RTS, media) 
  • Signs of Kosovo institutions placed on the buildings of Serbian institutions in North Mitrovica (Kosovo Online, media)
  • BIRODI: The GoK to fulfil its obligations towards Serbs in Kosovo, instead of discrimination (NMagazin, N1, Beta, KoSSev)
  • Kosovo’s Northern Security Sweep: An Overview (KoSSev, media)
  • Vucic criticizes Kosovo’s provocations and expresses doubts about Serbia’s EU accession by 2028 (N1, Beta, media)


International Media: 


  • Protest from US after Kosovo closes Serbian offices (The Guardian)
  • Taking Heat From Allies, Kosovo President Blames 'Dark Forces' (RFE)
  • After greeting Macron in Belgrade, Serbia's Vučić sets off to meet von der Leyen in Prague (
  • EU's Balkan Envoy Says Serbia-Kosovo Stalemate Risks 'Outbursts Of Instability' (RFE)


Albanian Language Media


Kosovo closes five Serbia-run institutions in the north (media)


Kosovo authorities on Friday closed five so-called parallel institutions in the north of Kosovo. The operation was criticized by the United States, with U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, saying in a statement that “the U.S. government reiterates its concern and disappointment with continuing uncoordinated actions taken by the Government of Kosovo that continue to have a direct and negative effect on members of the ethnic Serb community and other minority communities in Kosovo. At the direction of the Government of Kosovo’s political authorities, the Kosovo Police conducted operations today, August 30, against Serbia-supported institutions in North Mitrovica/e, Zvecan/Zveqan, Zubin Potok, and Leposavic/q. Issues related to Serbia-supported structures in Kosovo should be dealt with through the EU-facilitated Dialogue. This action was not coordinated with any element of the international community. The United States and our international partners have consistently asked the Government of Kosovo to prioritize coordination with the international community and not to take unilateral action on issues on the agenda of the EU-facilitated Dialogue. The failure of the Government of Kosovo to be responsive to these requests reflects a real and increasing deterioration in our partnership. As we have previously noted, the Government of Kosovo’s uncoordinated actions put Kosovan citizens and KFOR soldiers at greater risk, unnecessarily escalate regional tensions, and undermine Kosovo’s reputation as a reliable international partner. While the United States government is proud to have supported the establishment and professionalization of the Kosovo Police over many years as part of our commitment to promote security and stability, the Government’s continued instrumentalization of the Kosovo Police to carry out uncoordinated actions is not consistent with Kosovo’s promises to “continue consultation and coordination with the international community.” The Government’s actions will also affect the quality and nature of our cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its subordinate elements”.


Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations and head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh, expressed “deep concern about these unilateral actions” and reiterated her calls for outstanding issues to be discussed constructively and in good-faith within the EU-facilitated Dialogue. “These actions impact the socioeconomic rights of the affected communities and the well-being of all individuals. They also undermine efforts to consolidate trust between different communities and to maintain security, stability and peace,” she said.


Osmani meets Kasanof, “insightful discussion on recent developments” (media)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani during her stay in Prague met with U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Alexander Kasanof. “An insightful discussion about recent developments, the vital importance of proactive and increased U.S. engagement for long-lasting peace in the region, and about the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue,” Osmani said in a post on X after the meeting.


The U.S. Embassy said in a post on X that Kasanof and Osmani discussed “a number of key issues, including Friday’s uncoordinated actions by the Government of Kosovo and the importance of consultation with the international community.  We appreciate President Osmani’s commitment to such coordination, which is essential to advance Kosovo’s European and Euro-Atlantic trajectory and achieve regional stability, normalization, and economic integration. The U.S. remains committed to a sovereign, multiethnic, democratic Kosovo”.


Plaques of Kosovo institutions put up in former “parallel municipalities” (media)


KTV reported that two days ago Kosovo Police closed off facilities where Serbia’s institutions were operating in the north of Kosovo, and that on Sunday an institutional plaque of Kosovo was put up at one of the premises. At the building of the former parallel municipality of Mitrovica, near the Bus Station, in Mitrovica North, was put up the plaque of the Department for Drivers’ Licenses within the Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning. 


Kosovo’s signs were placed also at the building of the former parallel municipality in Leposavic, showing that the premises will be used by the Ministry for Communities and Returns and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Development. 


The same plaques were also put up at the office used by the Serbian government’s office for Kosovo.


Radio Free Europe reports that according to the Kosovo government the institutions which were closed off functioned under Serbia’s leadership and that they threatened the constitutional order in Kosovo. The police operation to close off the institutions was criticized by the international community calling it a unilateral and uncoordinated action. The news website also notes that according to Kosovo’s laws, the institutions are illegal. In 2013, Kosovo and Serbia agreed in Brussels on the dissolution of parallel institutions, but the agreement has not been implemented in its entirety. 


Osmani: Our true power lies in partnerships that have kept us strong (media)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, during her discussion at the GLOBSEC Forum 2024 in Prague, said that “Kosovo’s success becomes enduring, long-lasting, and unstoppable when we work together with our allies”. She argued that when Kosovo coordinates with its allies, especially our security allies on the ground, then success is more sustainable and long-term. When we don’t, it’s just a momentary success. It might look good, it might sound good, but then it’s much more fragile and you can also make steps backwards. 


Osmani also said that “in negotiations, the table should be level. Right now, the table in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue is flipped on its head. It's about time that equality is brought back to the table. That's the precondition to success”.


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Lajcak: Societies in Kosovo and Serbia not ready for normalization (RFE)


EU Special Envoy for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, in an interview with Radio Free Europe, said that societies in Kosovo and Serbia are not ready for normalization. He said there is a risk of instability in the Western Balkans if the parties don’t engage in dialogue and continue to make uncoordinated and hasty actions. He also admitted that not enough has been done to implement the Ohrid Agreement, but said that a better agreement cannot be reached and that the parties need to understand that progress in the dialogue is closely linked to their path toward the European Union.


Full interview at:


Lajcak will travel to Pristina to prepare next meeting of chief negotiators (media)


EU Special Envoy for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, said in a Facebook post on Sunday that he met with new US Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Western Balkans Alexander Kasanof in the margins of GLOBSEC, and reconfirmed “excellent EU-US partnership”. “Equally important were my meetings with President Vucic on next steps in the Dialogue and expectations from the coming period, as well as the former and current leadership of Montenegro to get a better picture about developments in the country,” he said.


Lajcak also said that “after a short stopover in Brussels, I will head to Bled for this year’s Bled Strategic Forum and to Pristina to prepare the next meeting of Chief negotiators in Brussels”.


Canak and Biserko: Belgrade plans to displace Kosovo Serbs to Sandzak (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met with Sonja Biserko, founder and president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Nenad Canak, Serbian politician, co-founder and former leader of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, and Mark Basin, professor and director of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue. They discussed the current situation and developments in the Western Balkans, the will and opportunities for integration in EU and NATO, especially relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and prospects for the future. “During the meeting, Biserko, Canak and Baskin informed the Prime Minister that it is being said that Belgrade is planning to displace Kosovo Serbs, especially those from the north to Sandzak [Serbia] where houses and flats are being built for them. They appealed to Prime Minister to try and prevent such a scenario,” a press release issued by Kurti’s office notes.


Serbian Language Media 


SRSG Ziadeh on the situation in northern Kosovo (KoSSev, Kosovo Online, NIN,, media) 

Following the Kosovo police operations into Serbia funded institutions in North Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Zvečan and Leposavić, SRSG Ziadeh met on Sunday Serbian List leadership. 

The SRSG expressed her deep concern about these unilateral actions and reiterated her calls for outstanding issues to be discussed constructively and in good-faith within the EU-facilitated Dialogue.

“These actions impact the socioeconomic rights of the affected communities and the well-being of all individuals. They also undermine efforts to consolidate trust between different communities and to maintain security, stability & peace,” read the statement. 

Controversy Erupts at Ulpiana Fest Over Burning of Christian Crosses (KoSSev)

The “Ulpiana Fest”, held at the ancient archaeological site of Ulpiana in Gracanica, has sparked controversy following allegations of religious insensitivity. The festival, now in its second year and sponsored by local Kosovo authorities, has been criticized by the Eparchy of Raska-Prizren of the Serbian Orthodox Church for featuring a performance that included the burning of Christian crosses, reported KoSSev. 

Festival Overview

Ulpiana Fest, which commenced on Saturday and Sunday, is designed to merge ancient cultural experiences with modern art. According to the festival’s organizers, the event aims to deepen understanding of historical roots while enhancing connections to cultural heritage.

“Ulpiana Fest brings the experience of the ancient and cultural period, combining it with contemporary art. It is a journey that helps us better understand our roots, offering a new perspective that strengthens our connection to our heritage and cultural identity,” said the festival organizers when the event was established last year.

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The Eparchy of Raska-Prizren condemns the burning of crosses at the Ulpiana Fest (Kosovo Online, KoSSev, N1, media)

The Diocese of Raska-Prizren expressed yesterday deep concern over the disturbing news that this year's Ulpiana festival in the archaeological park of the ancient Roman city of Ulpiana near Gracanica began with a neo-pagan performance in which three large crosses were set on fire, the Diocese announced, reported media.

Read Diocese’s full statement at:

Decani Monastery’s post on X available at:

Hargreaves: The Kosovo government must do more to ensure Serbs feel secure about their future here (KoSSev)

British Ambassador Jonathan Hargreaves emphasized the importance of peace, stability, and cooperation between Kosovo and Serbia, highlighting the need for full implementation of the Basic Agreement and the Ohrid Agreement by both parties. In an interview with KoSSev, Ambassador Hardgraves expressed frustration over the stalled negotiations, which have hampered progress towards a lasting resolution in the region.

The interview took place earlier in the week, just before Kosovo authorities, supported by police forces, launched a new wave of closures of remaining Serbian institutions in the North on Friday, including municipal offices, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, and a public utility company.

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How identity verification looks like in North Mitrovica (KoSSev) 

The two sons of Mitrovica resident S.D., one of them minor, the Kosovo police prevented from free movement when they went out early on Saturday morning to take another walk around their hometown before heading to Novi Sad, where the younger son is studying, reported KoSSev. 

The KP explains that the identity verification procedure took longer because it was about personal documents that are not from Kosovo, and for which a "check from the border" was needed, and that they take care of communication, especially with minors.

Forty-nine-year-old S.D. received a call early Saturday morning from one of his sons that the KP were detaining them in the main square and keeping them in a police car. Twenty-four-year-old S.S. and sixteen-year-old S.S. went out around six thirty on Saturday morning to walk along the main promenade, near their apartment, before their younger son soon leaves for Novi Sad. He now lives there where he goes to school, and before the start of the school year and his soon-to-be trip to Novi Sad, he wanted to take another walk around his town on the Ibar, as he still feels of Mitrovica as his hometown.

Their father told KoSSev, that ten minutes after leaving, the boys were stopped by the KP and asked for documents.

Both sons have ID cards that are registered in Novi Sad, but the older son is a student of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Leposavic. The check continued, and in the meantime the young men were brought into the police vehicle, when they called their father, who immediately headed towards the center, that is, Knez Lazar Square. 

As a security-literate person with decades of experience in UN peacekeeping missions, he observed what he believed to be a lack of action by officials. He believes that at least two of them were in civilian clothes, and without clearly showing identification, and that, even if it was just an identity check, it should not, nor should it, have lasted so long. According to him, everything lasted about half an hour. He also states that the communication of the persons who were supposedly on duty was not adequate, and that they did not respond to the young man's inquiries, as well as to his own.

"After about half an hour of being held in the car, where I objected to it, first of all, why are they keeping a minor child in a police car and denying him movement, despite the fact that he gave his personal documents for inspection, they, after checking theirs and mine, just returned documents and without any explanation or apology that everything is fine," the father told KoSSev. 

On the other hand, he claimed that there was no special reason for stopping the young man.

"They were not carrying anything on them or with them that would attract the attention of the police, nor were they behaving in any inappropriate way, not even if they were in a different state, for example intoxicated. They simply went out early in the morning to walk around their town, near the apartment, before I leave for Novi Sad with my younger son," he said. He believes that this is a case of preventing freedom of movement and has the impression that everything resembles "classic intimidation" by the police that is "visible to all citizens", reported KoSSev.

The head of the KP for the North region, Petrit Fejza, explained to KoSSev what happened.

"It was around 05:45. Police officers who wear civilian clothes and take care of the security of that part of the city saw young men walking on the promenade on a couple of occasions. They did not recognize their faces as someone who was there in the city. They approached them and asked for personal documents. When they saw that the identity cards were not from Mitrovica, but Serbia, then they had to check with the border, and that takes longer, really. If the document is from Kosovo, it goes quickly, but if, for example, from Albania, or Serbia, then the border must be called. After checking, it was seen that they entered Kosovo on August 7".

Both Fejza and Veton Elshani said in a subsequent statement to KoSSev that there was no mistreatment, and that the KP in Mitrovica take special care when it comes to young people.

Biserko, Canak informed Kurti that Belgrade plans to move Serbs from the North to Raska, asking him to prevent it (KoSSev) 

Belgrade plans to relocate Serbs from Kosovo, especially from the North to the Raska region, where houses and apartments are being built for them. This was claimed by Sonja Biserko and Nenad Canak, who, according to the announcement of the Kosovo government, informed Albin Kurti yesterday, asking him to try to prevent such a scenario, reported KoSSev last night.

Kosovo PM Albin Kurti hosted yesterday the president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia Sonja Biserko, co-founder and former leader of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Nenad Canak, as well as professor and director of the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue - Marko Baskin.

After the publication of the text, Marko Baskin contacted KoSSev's editorial office, with a statement about two corrections to the announcement of the Government of Kosovo, that he did not say anything about relocation, and that he was not the director of the Center, but a senior advisor.

Lajcak after Bled travels to Pristina (RTS, media) 

The EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, emphasized that after participating in the Global Security Forum in Prague, he is travelling to Bled and then to Pristina to prepare the next meeting of the main negotiators in Brussels, reported RTS yesterday.

Lajcak stated on FB that he also met with new US Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Western Balkans, Alexander Kasanoff on the sidelines of the forum as well as the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.

Signs of Kosovo institutions placed on the buildings of Serbian institutions in North Mitrovica (Kosovo Online, media)

At the building in North Mitrovica, which housed the headquarters of the Kosovska Mitrovica District, the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund for Kosovo and Metohija, and the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, three improvised paper signs with the names of Kosovo institutions have been placed.

In the building where Serbian institutions were located until Friday, according to the notices pasted on the wall, there will now be the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo, the Ministry of Local Government Administration, and the Ministry of Finance, Labor, and Transfers.

A sign with the name of Kosovo institutions was also placed this morning on the building of the Provisional Authority of Kosovska Mitrovica in North Mitrovica.

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BIRODI: The GoK to fulfil its obligations towards Serbs in Kosovo, instead of discrimination (NMagazin, N1, Beta, KoSSev)

The Bureau of Social Research (BIRODI) called yesterday on the Government of Kosovo to fulfil its constitutional and legal obligations towards the Serbian community in Kosovo, which guarantees the establishment of a Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority.

"The question remains why Serbian List, which states in its statute that it is 'registered as a political party in accordance with the Law on General Elections No. L/073 of the Republic of Kosovo' never launched an initiative to establish communities of municipalities with a Serbian majority," BIRODI said. 

Also, it is important to emphasize that no instance in Kosovo, including the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, has initiated a procedure for assessing the unconstitutionality of laws that guarantee the autonomy of the Serbian community in Kosovo.

"Abolition of Serbian institutions in the north of Kosovo while at the same time denying rights and institutions within the legally guaranteed autonomy of the Serbian community along with producing ethno-nationalist panic, the Government of Kosovo is discriminating against the Serbian community and legitimizing ethno-nationalists on the Serbian side, i.e. contributing to instability in the Western Balkans region," assessed BIRODI.

Kosovo’s Northern Security Sweep: An Overview (KoSSev, media)

Shutdown of Serbian Institutions

On Friday afternoon, a coordinated action by Kosovo’s security forces led to the closure of buildings housing Serbian institutions across all four municipalities in Northern Kosovo. This included municipal services, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), the Pension Fund, and public utility companies. The Temporary Municipal Authority building in Mitrovica was also shut down, marking a year since the closure of similar buildings in the other three municipalities in the North. Additionally, premises believed to house relocated municipal services from previous months were also closed.

Police Actions and Findings

While Kosovo Police (KP) asserts that it was not part of the operation, it nonetheless entered the heating plant of the Clinical-Hospital Center in Mitrovica. There, they reportedly discovered a military jacket, a backpack, several magazines, two knives, and a hunting rifle case. In total, eight buildings were searched (excluding the heating plant), leading to the closure of four: two in North Mitrovica, and one each in Zvečan and Leposavić. In Zubin Potok, the KP did not find the services they were searching for.

Read more at:

Vucic criticizes Kosovo’s provocations and expresses doubts about Serbia’s EU accession by 2028 (N1, Beta, media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic emphasized the importance of European and American officials condemning the actions of Kosovo PM Albin Kurti, particularly the recent provocations in northern Kosovo aimed at provoking Serbia.

“It’s good that KFOR is maintaining strong positions concerning the bridge on the Ibar River. I don’t understand the purpose of Kurti’s actions other than to provoke Serbia,“ Vucic stated to reporters in Prague, noting that this was the primary topic in his discussions with EU Special Representative for Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak.

He questioned the ultimate goal of occupying a room or building and pointed out that Pristina’s actions are being taken without coordination with its international partners. “You are simultaneously destabilizing the entire region, which I don’t see as good policy. We will act responsibly,” Vucic added, mentioning a meeting between the Serbian List and representatives of the Quint in Kosovo.

Vucic assured that the Serbian people in Kosovo would continue to receive their payments and that Belgrade would strive to maintain peace and the survival of the Serbian population. He noted that the world is increasingly understanding who is truly causing problems.

Read more at:


International Media


Protest from US after Kosovo closes Serbian offices (The Guardian)

Risk of raising tensions after parallel institutions serving Serb minority are declared illegal and shuttered by ethnic Albanian-led government

Kosovo authorities on Friday closed five parallel institutions working with the ethnic Serb minority, a move that was immediately criticised by the US and could further raise tensions with neighbouring Serbia.

Read more at:

Taking Heat From Allies, Kosovo President Blames 'Dark Forces' (RFE)

Kosovo’s President Vjosa Osmani has defended her country’s right to protect its sovereignty in line with its constitution but acknowledged that the success and sustainability of those efforts depend on better cooperation with allies.

Kosovar authorities have increasingly imposed central authority over aspects of daily life in the north of the Balkan country where many Serbs, who are a majority locally, are resisting recognition of Kosovo’s independence, which was declared by its ethnic Albanian majority in 2008.

Read more at:

After greeting Macron in Belgrade, Serbia's Vučić sets off to meet von der Leyen in Prague (

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Serbian leader Aleksandar Vučić are expected to discuss the Western Balkan country's reform agenda for the New Growth Plan for the region, among other topics.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is next in line to meet with Serbia's President Aleksandar Vučić, right after French President Emmanuel Macron's visit of his own to the Western Balkan country.

Read more at:

EU's Balkan Envoy Says Serbia-Kosovo Stalemate Risks 'Outbursts Of Instability' (RFE)

PRAGUE -- The European Union’s special envoy for efforts to normalize relations between Serbia and its former province Kosovo has warned of the danger of “outbursts of instability” for years to come if those Balkan neighbors can’t overcome their current impasse and unilateral actions continue.

In an extended interview with RFE/RL’s Kosovo Service at the Globsec security conference in Prague on August 30, Miroslav Lajcak said the clear task for both sides is to implement their commitments from last year’s so-called Ohrid Agreement within the decade-old “dialogue” to avoid “hostile or even violent” actions and responses.

Read more at: