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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 26, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: “Serbia should be held accountable for sponsoring terrorist violence on territory of Kosovo” (media)
  • Osmani: “Terrorist actions in the north orchestrated by Belgrade” (media)
  • Prosecution confirms finding of third body of armed group (media)
  • Kosovo accuses Radoicic of attacking the Police (RFE)
  • Bosnian TV: Radoicic suspected injured, being treated in Serbia (media)
  • EU says that de-escalation in the north is more than necessary (media)
  • Lajcak: Intensive and essential consultations on situation in north (media)
  • EULEX: We assisted the Kosovo police in transporting pilgrims to Jarinje (Klan)
  • France strongly condemns the attack on the Kosovo Police (media)
  • Tajani asks Kurti and Vucic to dialogue, says Italy plans to strengthen KFOR presence on the border (media)
  • Belgium condemns attack on police: Perpetrators must be brought to justice (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Serbian List: At least two Serbs killed after their surrender, we will demand investigation (N1, KoSSev, Kosovo Online, media)
  • Bishop Teodosije visited Banjska, Diocese: Monks were in no way involved in tragic events (KoSSev)
  • Petkovic: Pristina used Sunday's event as occasion for terror in northern Kosovo (Tanjug)
  • T. wounded in Banjska rendered one-month detention (KoSSev, media)
  • Two persons arrested in hotel in Banjska, weapons found (KoSSev, media)
  • Novi Sad mayors welcomes group of pilgrims who were at Banjska monastery during Sunday’s clashes (Tanjug)
  • Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko says violence of Pristina continues (Tanjug, media)
  • Lajcak discusses situation in Kosovo with US, EU diplomats (N1, media)
  • Opposition blasts Vucic over incident in Kosovo (N1)
  • Tajani: I have spoken with Vucic, Kurti, Kfor presence to be boosted (Tanjug)
  • Zakharova reacts to incident in northern Kosovo, situation there (Tanjug, media)
  • Vucic to meet Quint ambassadors, head of EU delegation today (Tanjug)

International Media:

  • Attack Leaves Kosovo Serbs in Fear and Disbelief Over What Occurred (Balkan Insight)


Albanian Language Media


Kurti: “Serbia should be held accountable for sponsoring terrorist violence on territory of Kosovo” (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has accused Serbia of sponsoring Sunday's “terrorist attacks” on the territory of Kosovo. Through a post on the X social network, Kurti has published the types of weapons found in Banjska after the anti-terrorist operations of the Kosovo Police. He has called for the Serbian state to be held responsible for "sponsoring terrorist violence in the territory of Kosovo".

 Kurt's post on X: “These military-grade arms and equipment - seized in the anti-terrorist operation of the Kosovo Police after yesterday's attack - leave no room for doubt: the perpetrators did not act alone, but with state backing. Serbia must be held fully accountable for sponsoring terrorist violence on the territory of Kosovo.”

Osmani: “Terrorist actions in the north orchestrated by Belgrade” (media)

The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, received the special envoy of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin. They talked about the latest developments in the north after the terrorist attack by Serbian criminal groups that resulted in the death of a policeman and the injury of several others.

Osmani said that “the terrorist actions and the act of aggression in the north are orchestrated and implemented by structures supported by Belgrade”. "Such actions constitute an infringement of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo, and Serbia should be sanctioned for these actions," she said.

Osmani said that Kosovo has taken actions in recent months to de-escalate the situation in the north. "The Kosovo Police has shown high professionalism in dealing with Serbian criminal groups,” she added.

She stressed the importance of support by international allies and continuing coordination with them in efforts for lasting peace, security and stability.

"The actions of the Kosovo Police against the illegal structures and criminal groups of Vucic are legitimate, in fulfillment of their constitutional duties and in defense of all citizens, without distinction,” Osmani said.

The special envoy of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin met on Monday also with Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Lumir Abdixhiku.

The prosecution confirms finding of third body of armed group (media)

The Special Prosecutor's Office in full cooperation and coordination with the Kosovo Police and the relevant mechanisms, led the investigative actions during Monday at the place of the event - in Banjska in Zvecan.

The Special Prosecutor's Office confirmed that the Prosecutor of the case, Naim Abazi, was intensively present at the scene “to secure the evidence in a more adequate manner in order to completely illuminate the unfortunate course of Sunday’s terrorist incident”.

"In fact, the PSRK confirms that, today, a dead body of the third person killed, who acted as part of the terrorist group that attacked the Kosovo Police, was found at the scene and, also, today, a significant amount of weaponry that was used and was expected to be used in the future by the members of this criminal gang was seized,” the prosecution’s statement notes.

Kosovo accuses Radoicic of attacking the Police (RFE)

The security authorities in Kosovo have accused the deputy leader of the Serbian List, Milan Radoicic, of organizing and participating in the attack on the Kosovo Police on September 24.

During a media conference, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Kosovo, Xhelal Svecla, said that the authorities have found maps and plans for the attack on the Kosovo Police in the north on September 24. He argued that the attack was not ad-hoc but had been planned for months.

He said that based on the documents found, Radoicic is connected to the attack.

"In these materials, we also found documents of the criminal who is also on the black list of the USA, Milan Radoicic, documents that prove his connection or direct participation in this action. This is the list of weapons or permits of the institutions of Serbia given to Milan Radoicic, where there is also a list of the weapons he owns, with numbers, with all of them found in the first car in line there and definitely the original document is in the hands of forensics ", Svecla said during the press conference at the camp of special police units in South Mitrovica, where the police exhibited the weapons and equipment they found at the scene.

According to him, based on the weapons they found, it is believed that there was a plan to involve "hundreds of people to destabilize our country" in the attack.

Svecla said that, according to the information so far, "six terrorists are being treated in the hospital of Novi Pazar [a city in Serbia]", while calling on Serbia to hand them over to Kosovo. He said that in addition to them, other members of the group who may have fled to Serbia should be handed over to Kosovo to face justice.

The director of the hospital in Novi Pazar, Meho Mahmutovic, was not available for comment regarding the statements made by Svecla that six attackers are in this hospital.

A source inside this hospital told Radio Free Europe that some of the suspected attackers are being treated at the hospital in Novi Pazar. However, the source did not indicate how many of them or their health conditions.

The RFE team that visited the Novi Pazar hospital on the afternoon of September 25 did not notice an increased police presence around the building.

RFE has also contacted the Serbian Government and Presidency, as well as the Office for Kosovo in the Serbian executive regarding Kosovo's claims about Radoicic, but these institutions have not responded.

Svecla said that based on information, some of the members of the group that attacked the police were members of the "North Brigade" and "Civil Defense", which Kosovo declared as “terrorist organizations” earlier in the year.

Meanwhile, the general director of the Kosovo Police, Gazmend Hoxha, said that in a Mercedes car, with Belgrade license plates, a weapon permit was found in the name of Radoicic.

"The document was issued by Serbian authorities, raising the strong suspicion that Millan Radoicic himself is among the armed and uniformed persons," Hoxha said.

"This terrorist group is suspected to have been organized by Milan Radoicic, a person close to [Serbian] President Aleksandar Vucic. The terrorist group in the provision of weapons and logistical means, including the entry into Kosovo with over 26 motor vehicles, is suspected to have been actively supported and backed by the Government of Serbia,” Hoxha said.

Hoxha said that the operation to find the persons involved in the attack on the Police - suspected to be around 30 of them - not excluding the possibility that they are still in the territory of Kosovo.

Director Hoxha said that in and around the monastery in Banjska, weapons of various calibers, rocket launchers, explosives, detonators, various emblems, drones, sticky notes with the KFOR sign, uniforms - some of which with emblems of the Italian army - were found. Car plates with acronyms of different cities of Serbia, hand grenade launchers, most of which were manufactured in 2021.

Hoxha said that some of these weapons were also used in attacks in the past, as he said, by "Civil Defense".

The Director of the Kosovo Police said that they found five documents that belonged to suspected members of the "Civil Defense".

Security authorities said the group was professional and well prepared. In addition to the weapons, police officials said they confiscated 24 vehicles, an armored vehicle and two four-wheelers.

Bosnian TV: Radoicic suspected injured, being treated in Serbia (media)

Media report that Milan Radojicic, suspected of participating in Sunday’s terrorist attack against the Kosovar authorities in Banjska, is suspected to have been injured.

Based on Bosnian TV show “Istraga” and some reports on the X platform, media report that he is being treated in Serbia.

Nothing has been officially confirmed yet, but Kosovo authorities announced that his documents were found in the cars seized by the Kosovo Police.

EU says that de-escalation in the north is more than necessary (media)

Brussels repeated on Monday the harsh condemnation of Sunday's attacks on the Kosovo Police, where one of its members was killed.

But, to the question of whether it still maintains the position that Serbia has taken all the necessary steps to reduce tensions, while Kosovo has not, why are the measures in force against Kosovo and not against Serbia, the EU spokesperson for foreign policy and security, Peter Stano, said that "measures are decided by the member countries".

He said that regarding Sunday's developments, the EU has condemned these acts, but the investigations are continuing and through these investigations it will be proven what exactly happened.

"Investigations are still ongoing and all the facts related to the attacks must be clarified. Until all the facts are clarified, we will refrain from commenting on yesterday's developments", Stano said.

As for the measures against Kosovo, he reiterated that "they are measures and not sanctions" and that they were decided after the member countries had ascertained which steps were missing on the part of Kosovo to reduce tensions in the north.

Stano has repeated that "currently the measures are against Kosovo, they can be removed or added, depending on the situation on the ground, but they can also be imposed against Serbia".

Stano also said that Sunday's events are a reminder of how necessary it is to reduce tensions and return to dialogue for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. "We must find a way out of the ongoing crisis and return to the normal solution of problems through dialogue, because de-escalation is urgently needed," he added.

Lajcak: Intensive and essential consultations on situation in north (media)

EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak, announced through a post on the social network "X" that he held "intense and very essential consultations" on Monday with the senior advisers of the European leaders and the U.S. emissary, Gabriel Escobar, about the situation in the north of Kosovo.

"We discussed the next steps in the implementation of the Agreement on the road to normalization of the situation in the north of Kosovo. Thank you for the full support", Lajcak wrote.

This meeting came after Sunday’s terrorist attack by the Serbian group in Banjska, where the sergeant of the Kosovo Police, Afrim Bunjaku, was killed.

EU sources have said that in the coming days, the special envoy for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, plans to visit Kosovo and Serbia, but the arrangements for this visit have not yet been agreed and are being prepared.

EULEX: We assisted the Kosovo police in transporting pilgrims to Jarinje (Klan)

The European Union Mission for the Rule of Law (EULEX), in a response to, clarified that its unit has assisted the Kosovo Police within its mandate, in transporting the pilgrims who were inside the Banjska Monastery.

EULEX calls the information that they were transported to Novi Sad incorrect. According to this mission, they were sent to the border point in Jarinje.

They did not give details if any of the pilgrims could have belonged to the terrorist group that attacked members of the Kosovo police, in the early hours of Sunday, where Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku was killed.EULEX said that an answer should be sought from the Kosovo institutions.

France strongly condemns the attack on the Kosovo Police (media)

France has strongly condemned the attack on the Kosovo Police on Sunday, where a policeman was killed. 

"France strongly condemns the unacceptable attack on the Kosovo police on September 24, which left one policeman dead and two wounded. It expresses condolences to the families of the victims and calls for those responsible to be brought to justice as soon as possible."

France also emphasizes that Kosovo and Serbia return to dialogue.

"The seriousness of these events underlines the urgency for Serbia and Kosovo to show responsibility to reduce tensions and to re-engage in good faith in the dialogue facilitated by the EU, the only possible way to achieve the normalization of relations between the two countries and enabling them to progress towards the European Union".

Tajani asks Kurti and Vucic to dialogue, says Italy plans to strengthen KFOR presence on the border (media)

The Foreign Minister of Italy, Antonio Tajani, announced that he discussed with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, about the need to return to the dialogue.

Tajani said, among other things, that together with the Italian Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, they are cooperating with KFOR, to strengthen the presence of forces on the border between Kosovo and Serbia.

"I spoke with the President Vucic and with Prime Minister Kurti. I have asked both to encourage dialogue between the parties. In agreement with Guido Crosetto, we work to strengthen the presence of KFOR on the border between Serbia and Kosovo and prevent further clashes".

Belgium condemns attack on police: Perpetrators must be brought to justice (media)

The Foreign Ministry of Belgium has condemned the attack on the Kosovo Police, where a policeman was killed in Banjske, Zvecan.

"Belgium strongly condemns the attack on the Kosovo police and expresses its condolences to the family and loved ones of the murdered officer. The facts must be fully investigated, and the perpetrators brought to justice," the announcement states.


 Serbian Language Media


Serbian List: At least two Serbs killed after their surrender, we will demand investigation (N1, KoSSev, Kosovo Online, media)

Following the latest developments in Banjska in northern Kosovo, Serbian List in a press statement on Monday extended the deepest condolences to the families of the killed Serbs and of a Kosovo police officer, N1 reports.

On behalf of the Serbian List and all Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, we extend the deepest condolences to the families of the killed Serbs and Albanian Kosovo police officer, who lost their lives in yesterday’s tragic event in the village of Banjska in the Zvecan municipality, Serbian List said in a statement.

In the statement they added that “our message is also that we will ask for an investigation into the murder of at least two Serbs who were killed in cold blood, even though they had surrendered. We ask the international community why EULEX failed to take part in the operation instead of just (Albin) Kurti’s police?”

The Serbian List called for restraint.

“We call for peace and for all to show restraint, because peace needs to return to our streets as soon as possible and, to this end, we need for KFOR and EULEX to be immediately deployed in the north and for them to prevent the situation from escalating further and to prevent political abuse of this tragic event. For over a year we have been warning that the regime in Pristina is exerting pressure on the Serbs, escalating the situation on a daily basis and provoking the people. We have asked countless times for KFOR to deploy its troops and act preventively, we have asked the international community to curb Kurti, we have called for peace…but in vain. Unfortunately, what has happened is what Kurti had hoped for”, reads the statement of Serbian List.

Bishop Teodosije visited Banjska, Diocese: Monks were in no way involved in tragic events (KoSSev)

Following Sunday’s events in the village of Banjska and the conflict surrounding the monastery itself, monastic life is gradually returning to normal. Bishop Teodosije visited the monastery, and members of the Kosovo police and EULEX were also present. “Neither the monks nor the pilgrims had any involvement in the tragic events“, the Diocese of Raska-Prizren emphasized once again in a statement yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon, Bishop Teodosije visited the Banjska Monastery.

The Abbot of Banjska Danilo informed him regarding the events that took place in and around the monastery yesterday and today.

The Diocese said that during the day, EULEX and the Kosovo police arrived at the monastery to conduct an investigation.

“Inside the monastery’s residential buildings and church, which are within the monastery’s walls and were locked during the events, neither EULEX nor the police found anything that could compromise the monastery or its monastic brotherhood“, reads the statement.

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Petkovic: Pristina used Sunday's event as occasion for terror in northern Kosovo (Tanjug)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said that Pristina used Sunday's incident as an occasion for "the barest terror in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, where (Albin) Kurti's special forces are harassing Serbian civilians throughout the day".

Petkovic also extended his condolences to the families of the killed Serbs and the killed Albanian policeman.

"If KFOR and EULEX have been passive in the past year against Kurti's terror, regardless of the fact that we warned almost daily that the situation could get out of control, now is the last moment for them to take decisive measures to stop the rampage of the Albanian police in the north of Kosovo and Metohija so that peace reigned", he said in a statement.

He appealed to the international community to urgently take concrete steps so that, as he said, "Kurti's war and occupation policy would be restrained, and the region spared from another setback to the hard-won peace".

V.T. wounded in Banjska rendered one-month detention (KoSSev, media)

V.T. arrested in Banjska yesterday was transferred to Pristina, where he was hospitalized over the wounds he sustained. His defense lawyer Milos Delevic told KoSSev portal last night that he visited him and spent a couple of hours with him.

The lawyer also refuted the allegations on social media that V.T. allegedly passed away.

V.T was interviewed in the hospital, and while a court decision had not been submitted to the lawyer yet, he expected his client would be sent to one-month detention.

KoSSev portal later reported that the decision on detention was rendered, and that the court accepted the request of special prosecution to accuse V.T. for allegedly commiting serious criminal acts against “constitutional order and security of Kosovo, as well as for carrying out terrorist acts”. 

Two persons arrested in hotel in Banjska, weapons found (KoSSev, media)

Kosovo police arrested two persons last night in a hotel in the village of Banjska, and found weapons there, KoSSev portal reports citing police.

Arrested persons are employees of the hotel, deputy commander of the region north Veton Elshani told the portal. They will be interviewed. He also said there is a suspicion that the weapons found are linked to a group of masked and armed persons who clashed with Kosovo police on Sunday in this village. 

Novi Sad mayors welcomes group of pilgrims who were at Banjska monastery during Sunday’s clashes (Tanjug)

Novi Sad mayor Milan Djuric welcomed the group of pilgrims who were visiting Banjska Monastery in the night between Saturday and Sunday, in northern Kosovo, when armed clashes in this village occurred, Tanjug news agency reported.

“I welcomed this evening our co-citizens who during yesterday’s incidents spent the night under the siege in Banjska Monastery, to make sure personally that they arrived at Novi Sad safely”, the mayor said.

The Raska-Prizren Eparchy in a statement on Sunday reported that a group of pilgrims from Novi Sad, with a priest, Abbot Danilo and brotherhood were in Banjska Monastery at the time of the armed incident.

Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko says violence of Pristina continues (Tanjug, media)

Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandar Botsan-Kharchenko said yesterday that the violence of the official Pristina continues and that Pristina’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti, took an open line of conquering the part of Kosovo inhabited by Serbs, Tanjug news agency reports.

In a conversation with Russian journalists, he also said that the second obvious thing is that the West encourages Pristina in these activities, Sputnik reported.

"The fact is that the dialogue is formally conducted as a cover for what is really happening in Kosovo because it gives absolutely no results, as well as diplomatic contacts with the representatives of the leading Western countries", Botsan-Kharchenko said. 

Lajcak discusses situation in Kosovo with US, EU diplomats (N1, media)

European Union (EU) Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak discussed on Monday the situation in Kosovo with European chief diplomatic advisors and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar.

“Intense and very substantial consultations with Chief diplomatic advisers (to the French President, Emmanuel) Bonne, (Foreign Policy and Security Advisor to German Chancellor, Jens) Plotner, (Diplomatic Advisor to the Prime Minister of Italy, Francesco) Talo and DAS Escobar. We discussed the next steps in the implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation and the situation in the north of Kosovo. Grateful for the full support”, Lajcak wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter) following the meeting.

Opposition blasts Vucic over incident in Kosovo (N1)

Two major opposition parties called the Serbian authorities headed by President Aleksandar Vucic to explain exactly what happened in Banjska village and warned that the incident gives the authorities in Pristina an excuse to refuse to implement agreements.

The Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) said that the Kosovo Serbs have been left to the mercy of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s crazed regime which is waging open terror against them.

“The incompetence of Vucic, (security agency chief Aleksandar) Vulin and (Defense Minister Milos) Vucevic and other incompetent (Serbian Progressive Party) SNS personnel and cooperation with criminals who have become the richest people in Serbia while “defending” the Serbian people in Kosovo, the Kosovo Serbs have been left at the mercy of the crazed Kurti regime which is waging open terror against them. We sharply condemn all violence against the people who are hostages to the irresponsible decisions of politicians”, the SSP said in a statement.

The Democratic Party (DS) called Vucic to immediately and fully inform the public about events in Banjska. A statement said that Vucic did not provide any answers about the events which could easily create a wider conflict with attempts to draw in the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC).

“The authorities are obliged to say who the men who clashed with the police at Banjska are, what barricades they put up and with what aim”, it added.

The DS warned that the killing of a policeman provides the perfect excuse to obstruct the implementation of agreements and exert even more pressure on the Serb-majority municipalities in northern Kosovo. It said that Albin Kurti and his government bear great responsibility for the crisis.

Tajani: I have spoken with Vucic, Kurti, Kfor presence to be boosted (Tanjug)

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Monday he had spoken with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Pristina's PM Albin Kurti, adding that KFOR presence at administrative crossings between Kosovo and central Serbia would be boosted, Tanjug news agency.

"Italy is a factor of peace in the Balkans. I have spoken with President Vucic and PM Kurti. I asked both of them to encourage dialogue between the two sides", Tajani wrote in a post on the social media network X, formerly known as Twitter.

He said an agreement to work on boosting KFOR presence between central Serbia and Kosovo and prevent further conflicts had been made with Italian Defence Minister Guido Crosetto.

Zakharova reacts to incident in northern Kosovo, situation there (Tanjug, media)

The spokeswoman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, reacting to the incident in Banjska village in northern Kosovo said on Monday it was a direct consequence of Pristina’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s policies, Tanjug news agency reported.

"There is no doubt that yesterday's bloodshed is a direct and immediate consequence of the course of the so-called 'prime minister' Aljbin Kurti with the aim of igniting the conflict and cleansing the territory of the region from Serbs", reads the statement published on the website of the Russian ministry.

It is added that Kurti's attempts to "escalate the situation to cause additional pressure from the West on the leadership of Serbia in order to force Belgrade to recognize the 'independence' of Kosovo is a constant play with a fire, which, as we can see, is too expensive and brings the entire Balkan region to the dangerous edge".

Vucic to meet Quint ambassadors, head of EU delegation today (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet Quint states ambassadors and head of the EU Delegation to Serbia. The meeting will take place at 8.30 in the building of the General Secretariat, the press office announced. 


International Media


Attack Leaves Kosovo Serbs in Fear and Disbelief Over What Occurred (Balkan Insight)

After yesterday’s armed clashes, the NGOs and journalists BIRN talked to claim the mood among Serbs in North of Kosovo lies somewhere between disbelief at what actually happened and a fear that it could get worse.

Following an incident between a group of “heavily armed” local Serbs and Kosovo police that left one officer dead and two wounded, and at least three attackers confirmed dead, the mood in North Kosovo among local Serbs is worse than ever. NGO representatives and journalists BIRN talked to claim that people are unsure what really happened, and fear it will inflame the volatile situation and make things even worse for them in the future.

The head of the Mitrovica-based NGO Aktiv, Miodrag Milicevic, described the atmosphere in the northern part of the city on Monday morning as “terrible”.

“People are in disbelief; they are talking to each other, it is completely unclear why they [the perpetrators] did it,” Milicevic told BIRN, adding that people are still only hearing and dealing with uncorroborated information.

“There are fears that Kosovo police could now be even more brutal,” he warned.

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