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Belgrade Media Report 15 August


• Vucic: I am going to Brussels to try to maintain peace (Tanjug/RTS)
• EU: Serbian, Kosovan officials’ inflammatory rhetoric cause for concern (Beta)
• Vucic: We know the names of our people who are on the list for liquidation (TV Prva)
• Brnabic strongly criticizes EEAS statement on relations between Serbia and Kosovo (N1)
• Petkovic: Announcement of EEAS missed, not both sides are guilty (RTV/Tanjug)
• Selakovic: Venezuela wants Kosovo and Metohija to remain part of Serbia (Tanjug)
• Cooperation of B&H with Europol on hold for years (Politika)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Stoltenberg responds to Turkovic’s letter: NATO is developing set of measures specially tailored for B&H (Nova BH)
• Dodik: NATO does not have any role in B&H (N1)
• Becirovic responds to statements from RS regarding NATO presence (Avaz)
• Correspondence between Turkovic and Stoltenberg sparks reactions in RS (RTRS)
• Cavara responds to HR Schmidt’s calls for appointing judges of FB&H CC (Hayat)
• Dunovic, Mahmutbegovic Cavara is inviting candidates for FB&H CC judges on his own initiative (Nova BH/Hayat)
• Three days of mourning after Cetinje shooting (CdM)
• On helicopter carrying Patriarch Porfirije: NATO says Montenegrin authorities should provide answers (Pobjeda)
• Russian diplomat declared persona non grata (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Pendarovski: Framework Agreement brought peace and stability, preservation of sovereignty and territorial integrity (Republika)
• Kovacevski: Ohrid Agreement promotes unity and togetherness (Republika)
• Osmani – Milkov: Efforts to continue developing cooperation in all areas of mutual interest (Republika)
• Mickoski: I will leave politics if any of the MPs of VMRO-DPMNE vote for changing the Constitution (Republika)
• Macedonia withdrew its consent for an honorary consulate of Russia in Bitola, Moscow announces counter reaction (Republika)
• Albania submits to the Council of Europe the resolution against Dick Marty's report on the unfounded claims about the trade in human organs (Radio Tirana)
• Local elections/Berisha: Candidates will be appointed by the membership and there will be a competition between two or three people (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 9 August 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Tuesday 9 August 2022


• Petkovic: Kurti demonstrating he wants war, not agreement (Tanjug/RTV)
• Intensification of cooperation with EU in field of innovation, high technologies (Tanjug)
• Djilas: Regime working on weakening the opposition (Direktno/FoNet)
• BIRN: Blacklisted arms dealer exporting Serbian ammo to US (N1)
• Biggest opposition ticket spends under a million Euro on campaign (Nova)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Arnautovic: Verification process of candidate lists is done (FTV)
• Komsic: Stances of Israeli Embassy contradictory and they need explanation (N1)
• Niksic on Israeli Embassy statement: It is necessary to send note of protest and schedule meetings with senior Israeli officials (Dnevni avaz)
• Other B&H politicians comment on stances of Embassy of Israel (Hayat)
• Finci on support of Israel to Croat parties’ proposal of election changes: Pro-Bosnian diplomacy demonstrated inefficiency in this case (Hayat)
• Israeli Foreign Ministry department for Balkans thanks Dodik for his support and condemnation of terrorist attacks of ‘Islamic Jihad’ group (RTRS)
• HR Schmidt sends letter to President and Vice Presidents of FB&H, calls for appointment of judges at FB&H CC (Hayat)
• Dunovic: Cavara is blocking appointment of judges and functioning of the FB&H (Hayat)
• EUFOR Mission to B&H announces deployment of German military contingent to B&H on phased basis (BHT1/Nezavisne)
• Kalabukhov pens op-ed underlining ‘centuries- long’ friendly relations between B&H and Russia (Oslobodjenje)
• Western sanctions won't harm Russia, but harmed Croatia, says President (Hina)
• Kovac: West must impose changes to Election Law in B&H (Vecernji list)
• Cavara says Schmidt is on vacation so he does not know who wrote letter, argues Schmidt only cares about SDA’s demands (Vecernji list)
• Zivkovic: Abazovic’s government should and must fall (CdM)
• Jokovic: DPS and Democrats agreed to overthrow thegGovernment (RTCG)
• Djurovic: The fall of the government would mean a return to the old ways and another decade of idleness with very negative economic consequences (CdM)
• Bogavac: Democrats will vote to overthrow the government and thus annul the Fundamental Agreement and prevent Montenegro from entering the Open Balkans (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Nikoloski: Government to accept elections and make sure that the poll with a double advantage of VMRO-DPMNE is correct (Republika)
• The first ship with grain from Ukraine to Albania, with 6 thousand tons of wheat is sailing towards the port of Durres (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 8 August 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Monday 8 August 2022


• Brnabic: Serbia cherishes remembrance of its victims (RTS)
• US strongly supports Belgrade-Pristina dialogue with EU mediation (Tanjug/RTS)
• Serbia committed to stronger cooperation with Colombia (Politika/Tanjug)
• Selakovic: Principled position of Paraguay, Brasil and Salvador regarding Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)
• Selakovic attends inauguration of Colombian President (Tanjug)
• Petkovic: Serbs want ZSO, not documents of false state of Kosovo (Tanjug/RTV)
• Petkovic: I hope Pristina will take following dialogue seriously (RTS)
• Brnabic: SNS consultations on PM designate, government to begin on Monday (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)
• Escobar: Talks on formation of Community of Serb Municipalities must begin (Tanjug)
• Mojsilovic visits Mrce Base in Ground Safety Zone (RTS)
• People’s Party requests extraordinary parliament session on Kosovo (FoNet)
• Russian journalist detained in Kosovo for espionage released from custody (N1)
• Detention of Russian journalist Aslamova in Kosovo and Metohija is a provocation (Sputnik/Tanjug/RTV)
• Shots fired towards Zubin Potok (N1/KoSSev)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Escobar briefs press about relations between Kosovo and Serbia; Escobar says US will support B&H government formed after free elections; Escobar says US supports OHR and changes to Election Law imposed by Schmidt (AJB)
• Six US senators suggest adoption of law to enable NATO to deploy military mission to B&H in case Russia blocks extension of EUFOR’s mandate in November this year (O Kanal)
• Dodik: Initiative of US senators to ensure that NATO deploys military mission in B&H is occupation and unnecessary escalation of tensions (ATV)
• 2022 General Elections (BHT1/Oslobodjenje)
• Kristo meets Plenkovic, general elections in B&H was one of special topics of the meeting (Dnevni list)
• Covic congratulates Oluja anniversary (Dnevni avaz)
• Croatia marks Day of Victory and Patriotic Gratitude, Day of Croatian Veterans and 27th anniversary of Operation Oluja (HRT1)
• Prime Minister and President dismiss Serbian insults after 5 August celebrations (HRT1)
• Izetbegovic: We will not succumb before pressures and blackmails (Jutarnji list)
• Noah Gal Gendler: State of Israel supports proposals of Croat side regarding electoral legislation changes (Vecernji list)
• Agreement with the Church of Serbia legally void, says Vujanovic (Gradska RTV)
• EU Delegation in Montenegro: Every act of broad public interest should be the subject of adequate consultations (Antena M/Pobjeda)
• Nikolic: Government has to fall in order to unblock EU integration process (RTCG)
• Montenegro supported the new package of EU sanctions against Russia (RTCG)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Escobar: North Macedonians are Europeans, historically they are Europeans, culturally they are Europeans (MIA)
• Work for citizens of countries of Open Balkans without visas and work permits (MIA)
• IPSOS poll: VMRO-DPMNE will win early elections by a margin of nearly 200 thousand votes compared to SDSM (Republika)
• Begaj meets China's Ambassador to Albania Zhou Ding, exchanging views on Chinese-Albanian relations and bilateral cooperation in various fields (Radio Tirana)
• EU Ambassador in Tirana: Albania has started a new chapter towards the EU! The opening of negotiations offers great opportunities (Radio Tirana)
• Analyst Richard Kremer: Albania and North Macedonia part of the European family in 2030 (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 5 August 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Friday 5 August 2022


• Vucic at the commemoration of Operation Storm: We’ll never be silent again (B92)
• Djilas says those responsible for Operation Storm need to be punished, people need reconciliation (Beta)
• Pusic: It's a shame Operation Storm still a challenge in Croatia-Serbia relations (Danas)
• Selakovic thanks Cuba for consistent support for preservation of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity (Tanjug)
• Petkovic receives in farewell visit Hungarian Ambassador (RTV/Tanjug)
• Stefanovic: Allow free movement for all car plates (Beta)
• Borrell: Kosovo must implement agreement on ZSO (Beta/Politika)
• UNOPS support for green transition, empowerment of women in Serbia (Tanjug)
• Stano: Vucic, Kurti to meet with Lajcak in Brussels on 18 August (Tanjug)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Izetbegovic: We stopped OHR’s attempt to impose bad solutions (Dnevni list)
• RS public condemns statements of Dzaferovic about RS being descendant of genocidal policies (RTRS)
• China's Ambassador in B&H thanks Dodik for supporting Beijing on Taiwan issue (N1)
• B&H CC extends deadline for RS to deliver response to motion for constitutional review of RS law on medicinal products and medical devices (Glas Srpske)
• RS, Serbia jointly honor Serb victims in Croatian operation Oluja: No one prosecuted for crime (Glas Srpske)
• Dodik: Serbia is my country, I have no other identity (N1)
• PM issues message for Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day (Hina)
• Medved's conveys greetings for Day of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving (HRT1)
• Reward or punishment: What awaits Abazovic because of his “brave” deed with SPC (Nova S)
• The initiators for the dismissal of the government lack five votes (RTCG)
• Abazovic: I don't know if the government will survive 19 August, I know that politically some of those who initiated the no-confidence procedure will not survive (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• We will have the fastest integration in the EU, claims Kovacevski (Channel 5)
• One million euros to Ukraine/ Marchenko: We are grateful to the government of Albania (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 4 August 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Thursday 4 August 2022


• Vucic, Stoltenberg discuss situation in north of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/Politika/Novosti/RTS/RTV)
• Serbia supports one-China policy; Continuation of outstanding overall relations between Serbia, China (Tanjug/RTV/Novosti)
• Serbia committed to strengthening cooperation with Latin American countries (Tanjug)
• Petkovic: Why hasn’t Germany done anything regarding ZSO? (Tanjug/RTS)
• Ukraine withdraws soldiers from KFOR (Beta/Novosti)
• Orlic: I’ll follow Vucic’s policy with all my heart and soul (TV Happy/Beta)
• Commissariat: Serbia remembers ethnic cleansing during Croatia’s Storm Operation (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Reactions to statements of Izetbegovic keep on coming; Reactions by Vucic, OHR, UK Embassy, Russian Embassy to B&H (ATV)
• Dodik welcomes signing of Fundamental Agreement between Montenegro and Serbian Orthodox Church (Nezavisne)
• Balakar explains which new provisions of Election Law imposed by Schmidt will be implemented in 2022 General Election process (Dnevni avaz)
• Cavara: HR threatens Croat people; Someone wants to enable Islamization of B&H (Glas Srpske)
• UK Embassy: UK remains strongly committed to security and stability of B&H and whole Western Balkans (N1)
• Bilde demands investigation of threats of Turkey towards B&H (FTV)
• Granic: Schmidt will be up to historic responsibility that guarantees protection of vital interest of Croat people in B&H (Vecernji list)
• Anti-War protest: Crimes in Storm Operation are responsibility of us all (Hina)
• Defense Minister won't attend President Milanovic's reception (Hina)
• Montenegro signs fundamental agreement with SPC without presence of media and without previous announcement; DPS, SDP, Liberal Party, Social Democrats and Democratic Union of Albanians announce no-confidence motion in Abazovic's government (Nova)
• Krivokapic: Act was authorized in Belgrade, that’s why we couldn’t change a thing; Abazovic: Prosecute – I won’t move an inch (CdM)
• PM: They want north Kosovo situation in Podgorica (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Arsovski: Intra-party consultations on referendum question still ongoing, as soon as a decision is made, we will present it publicly (Republika)
• VMRO-DPMNE: Kovacevski is ignoring the people by running away from the referendum (Republika)
• Kovacevski says a referendum would only be going backwards (TV Kanal 5)
• Zakharova: Skopje’s donation of tanks to Kiev a big mistake of Macedonian authorities; MFA and MoD: Macedonia makes decisions independently (Republika)